St. Cecilia's Public School : Inority

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Cecilia’s Public School(Minority)

(For Internal Students) Student’s
Code No. …………………… Photograph
CBSE Roll No. ……………………………….

The Principal,
Kindly allow my ward to opt for Subject Group …...……........……………….For Class XI. The required
particulars are given as under: (mention the Group)

NAME OF THE WARD ……………………….………….…………………...…………………..................

(In Block Letters)
DATE OF BIRTH ……………………………….. (MALE/ FEMALE)………………………….
CLASS X RESULT (2020-21)
Subject Marks Percentage
1. English ……… …………….
2. Mathematics ……… …………….
3. Science ……… …………….
4. Social Science ……… …………….
5. Hindi ……… ..…………..
6. French ……… …………….
7. Punjabi ……… ……………. .
Aggregate Percentage …………………….

A E ng l i s h P hy s i c s C he mi s t r y M at h e ma t i c s C o mp u t e r S c i e n c e
B E ng l i s h P hy s i c s C he mi s t r y M at h e ma t i c s B i ol og y
C E ng l i s h P hy s i c s C he mi s t r y M at h e ma t i c s P s y c h ol og y / P hy s i c al E d u c a t i o n
D E ng l i s h P hy s i c s C he mi s t r y B i ol og y P s y c h ol og y / P hy s i c al E d u c a t i o n
E E ng l i s h B us i n e s s S t u d i e s A c c o u nt a n c y M at h e ma t i c s E c o n o mi c s
F E ng l i s h B us i n e s s S t u d i e s A c c o u nt a n c y E c o n o mi c s P s y c h ol og y / P hy s i c al E d u c a t i o n
G E ng l i s h P s y c h ol og y E c o n o mi c s P ol i t i c al S c i e n c e P hy s i c al E d u c a t i o n

Allocation of Stream For Class XI – 2021-22

Subject & Subject Code Subject & Subject Code Taken

Subject Subject Subject Subject S. Subject taken Subject
Code Code No. Code
1. English Core 301 7. Economics 030 1.
2. Mathematics 041 8. Physical Education 048 2.
3. Physics 042 9. Business Studies 054 3.
4. Chemistry 043 10. Accountancy 055 4.
5. Biology 044 11. Computer Science 083 5.
6. Political Science 028 12. Psychology 037 Additional Subject (if any)

FATHER’S / GUARDIAN’S NAME ……………………………………………….....…………………..

(In Block Letters)
Educational Qualification ……….…………………………Salary/ Income Per Month ……………
Service / Business / Profession……………….. …………………………………………………….
(Office Name & Address)
………………………………………………………….… Designation……………………………
Tel./ Mobile No…………………………………………….Emergency Contact No………………

MOTHER’S NAME ……………………………………………………………………………….

Educational Qualification……………………………………Salary/ Income Per Month…………
Service / Business / Profession……………….. …………………………………………………….
(Office Name & Address)
………………………………………………………….…… Designation…………………………
Tel./ Mobile No…………………………………………….Emergency Contact No…………………

FULL RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS ……………………..…………………………………………

…………………………………………………………PHONE NO. ...……………………………

I/we agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the School as may be enforced from time to time.
Subjects once opted will not be changed. The fees will be paid by me regularly by the due date, failing
which the name of my ward would be struck off. I/we understand passing in all the Main subjects is
essential for promotion to Class XII.

Enclosures: 1) Photocopy of Class X Marksheet.

Yours faithfully,

Father/ Mother/ Guardian

Specimen Signature: Father / Guardian ……………….………….Mother …..……………………

Date …….……………



Student’s Name ……………………………….. Father’s Name ..……………………………………

Allowed in Group ………………Class XI Accept Fee as per norms.



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