3-Week Root Canal Enterococcus Faecalis

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Basic Research—Technology

Evaluation of Cold Plasma Treatment and Safety in

Disinfecting 3-week Root Canal Enterococcus faecalis
Biofilm In Vitro
Yinglong Li, PhD,* Ke Sun, MDS,* Guopin Ye, MDS,* Yongdong Liang, PhD,† Hong Pan, MDS,*
Guomin Wang, MS,* Yijiao Zhao, MS,‡ Jie Pan, DDS,*§ Jue Zhang, PhD,*† and Jing Fang, PhD*†

Introduction: Although endodontic infection is caused
by multi-bacteria species, Enterococcus faecalis is
usually isolated in chronic apical periodontitis. The aim
G enerally, endodontic infection is a polymicrobial infection of dental root canal sys-
tem. When treating persistent root canal infection, the main task to increase success
rate is to effectively eradicate infection during the therapy. However, traditional treat-
of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and me- ments including mechanical instrumentation techniques and syringe or ultrasound irri-
chanical safety of cold plasma therapy in disinfecting gation cannot achieve a sufficient effect (1) because of the complex root canal system
3-week E. faecalis biofilms. Methods: Teeth with and the innate resistance capacity of biofilms (2, 3). Many studies have demonstrated
3-week E. faecalis biofilm were treated with AC that Enterococcus faecalis are commonly isolated bacteria associated with persistent
argon/oxygen (Ar/O2) cold plasma for various treatment periapical lesions and often exist in the form of biofilms (4–6). Biofilms are complex
times and compared with those treated with Ca(OH)2, microbial communities attached to an interface and typically embedded with
2% chlorhexidine gel, and Ca(OH)2/chlorhexidine for a extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) (7). Usually biofilms exhibit more resistance
week. Antimicrobial efficacy was assessed by colony- to phagocytosis, antibodies, and antimicrobials than planktonic bacteria (8, 9).
forming unit method. Scanning electron microscopy Interappointment intracanal medication strategy has been recommended to
was used to assess the morphologic changes of E. enhance disinfection after chemomechanical preparation. Ca(OH)2 paste has been
faecalis biofilm by plasma. Confocal laser scanning widely applied as an interappointment medication for its ability to produce extremely
microscopy was used to confirm the viability of the bio- alkaline environments. However, E. faecalis are resistant to Ca(OH)2 (10–12). The
film after the plasma treatment. Microhardness and 2% chlorhexidine (CHX) could maintain an antibacterial effect for a prolonged
roughness changes of root canal dentin caused by duration when adhered to the root canal walls with a better antimicrobial effect than
plasma were verified with Vickers Hardness Tester and Ca(OH)2, although it still cannot kill E. faecalis biofilm entirely (13, 14). The
3D Profile Measurement Laser Microscope, respectively. combinatorial usage of Ca(OH)2 and 2% CHX gel has shown better antimicrobial
Results: There were no detectable live bacteria after 12 properties than Ca(OH)2 alone (15), but this combination also is not completely
minutes of cold plasma treatment. This was further able to eliminate the E. faecalis biofilms (16).
confirmed by scanning electron microscopy and confocal Atmospheric pressure cold plasma, a partially ionized gas containing molecules,
laser scanning microscopy results. Microhardness and charged particles with negative ions, positive ions, electrons, photons, and free radicals,
roughness of root canal dentin showed no significant is a novel antimicrobial intervention. Cold plasma can be obtained at low pressure, and
difference after plasma treatment. Conclusions: Atmo- the temperature is at or near room temperature. Its applications in the biological and
spheric pressure cold plasma is an effective therapy in biomedical field such as tooth whitening (17), promoting blood clotting and wound
endodontics for its strong sterilization effect on fully healing (18), cell detachment and migration (19), and inducing apoptosis of tumor
matured biofilm within a few minutes. Meanwhile, it cells (20) have all been proved. Compared with regular antibiotic and intracanal dress-
has an accepted mechanical safety for its low tempera- ings to disinfect E. faecalis biofilm, cold plasma therapy has been increasingly high-
ture and not affecting the microhardness and roughness lighted in recent years. It has been witnessed that cold plasma technology has
of root canal dentin significantly. (J Endod 2015;-:1–6) outstanding sterilization effects in endodontic treatment in recent years (21, 22).
Although cold plasma is effective for young biofilms (23, 24), few studies have been
Key Words focused on mature E. faecalis biofilms, which have a more complex structure and
Cold plasma, Enterococcus faecalis biofilm, me- internal environment. To the best knowledge of the authors, the mechanical safety of
chanical safety, microhardness, roughness dentin has never been demonstrated in dental applications.

From the *Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, Peking University; †College of Engineering, Peking University; ‡National Engineering Labo-
ratory for Digital and Material Technology of Stomatology; and §Department of General Dentistry, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology,
Beijing, China.
Address requests for reprints to Dr Jie Pan, 22 Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Department of General Dentistry, Peking University School and Hospital
of Stomatology, Beijing, China 100081. E-mail address: panjie72@sina.com
0099-2399/$ - see front matter
Copyright ª 2015 American Association of Endodontists.

JOE — Volume -, Number -, - 2015 Evaluation of Cold Plasma Treatment and Safety on E. faecalis 1
Basic Research—Technology
In this study, we investigated the disinfection effect of a cold plasma
jet for 3-week E. faecalis biofilm in root canals and compared the re-
sults with the effects of commonly adopted medications in root canal
treatment. Meanwhile, the microhardness and roughness changes
were tested.

Materials and Methods

Sample Preparation
One hundred human caries-free single-rooted teeth with mature
apices were used for cultivation of E. faecalis biofilm in the study.
The teeth were selected, cleaned, and stored in 0.1% thymol solution
at 4 C. The crown was removed at 2–3 mm below the cement-
enamel junction to obtain a standard length of 10 mm by using a dia-
mond bur. Then the pulp was extirpated with a barbed broach (Mani
Inc, Takanezawa, Japan). All canals were cleaned and shaped by rotary
nickel-titanium ProTaper instruments (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues,
Switzerland) until F3 with a special torque-testing device (rotational
speed, 250 rpm). The canals were irrigated with 1 mL 5.25% sodium
hypochlorite (NaOCl) after each instrument size (25). Subsequently,
the smear layer was removed by an ultrasonic bath of 17% EDTA, fol-
lowed by an ultrasonic bath of 5.25% NaOCl for 2 minutes, respectively.
Figure 1. Picture of cold plasma jet during root canal treatment in vitro, and
All root apical foramina were sealed with composite resin. Finally, the
(a) is a thermal imaging of temperature distribution.
root canals were autoclaved for 20 minutes at 121 C to ensure no bac-
teria contamination and kept at 4 C (23).

Assessment of Antibacterial Activity of AC

Cultivation of E. Faecalis Biofilm Cold Plasma and Intracanal Dressings
E. faecalis (ATCC 29212) was grown on brain-heart infusion agar
Fifty root canals were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the
(BHI) (Land Bridge Technology Co, Ltd, Beijing, China) plates in an
cold plasma disinfection of E. faecalis biofilms in root canals. After
aerobic environment at 37 C. A single colony was inoculated in 1 mL
incubation for 3 weeks, the biofilms were formed inside the pulpal
sterile BHI broth at 37 C. The root canals were placed into 1.5-mL Ep-
wall. The root canals were randomly divided into 5 groups of 10 teeth.
pendorf tubes with 1 mL BHI broth containing 108 colony-forming units
The root canals in group 1 (negative control group) did not receive
(CFU)/mL E. faecalis and then incubated anaerobically at 37 C for 3
any treatment. The groups 2–5 were treated by the cold plasma for
weeks. The sterile BHI broth was refreshed every other day to ensure
3, 6, 9, and 12 minutes, respectively (Table 1).
bacteria viability.
Another 30 root canals, the positive control groups (G6–G8),
were used to evaluate the effectiveness of endodontic medicaments
Cold Plasma Device including Ca(OH)2 paste (Meta Biomed Co, Ltd, Cheongju City,
A non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma device was used in Chungbuk, Korea), 2% CHX gluconate gel (Cerkamed Group, Nisko,
this study. Figure 1 shows a photograph of the in vitro plasma treatment Poland), and a combination of both (Ca(OH)2/CHX). Each root canal
of a single-root tooth. A detailed description of the device can be found in was completely filled with endodontic medicaments, with the orifices
our previous article (23). A quartz tube jet with inner and outer diam- sealed by Coltosol F (Coltene AG, Altst€atten, Switzerland), and incu-
eters of 7 mm and 10 mm was used in this study, which was different from bated for 7 days at 37 C (Table 1).
the previous study where a Teflon tube was used. The working gas in the The antimicrobial efficacy was determined by using the CFU
current study was Ar (98%) and O2 (2%) admixture, with a gas flow rate counting method. After cold plasma treatment, 15 mL sterile
of 5 L/min. During each treatment, the working distance from the tip of normal saline was injected into the root canal. The total biofilm
the plasma jet to the sample was 10 mm. To measure the temperature volume (TBV) was collected with a smooth broach and churned
values during the plasma processing, we used a thermal imaging camera for 1 minute, and then two #30 sterile paper points were inserted
(FLIR E50, Danderyd, Sweden), which can provide high-quality thermal into the canal to collect the bacteria for 1 minute. The paper points
imaging at 19,200 pixels (160  120) with a thermal sensitivity of were transferred into 1 mL normal saline, and the process was
0.07 C. The mean temperature of the cold plasma near the top of the repeated 3 times as described. The centrifuge tubes were shaken
root canal and the room temperature were 30.1 C and 27.6 C, respec- vigorously for 1 minute. The number of E. faecalis was determined
tively (Fig. 1A). The results indicate that the cold plasma treatments are by an EasySpiral instrument (Interscience, Saint Nom la Bret^eche,
performed at an acceptable biocompatible temperature range. France).

TABLE 1. Experimental Groups of Different Treating Methods

Treatment Treatment
Group 1 Cold plasma 0 min Group 5 Cold plasma 12 min
Group 2 Cold plasma 3 min Group 6 Ca(OH)2 7 days
Group 3 Cold plasma 6 min Group 7 2% CHX 7 days
Group 4 Cold plasma 9 min Group 8 Ca(OH)2/CHX 7 days

2 Li et al. JOE — Volume -, Number -, - 2015

Basic Research—Technology
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (S-4800; Hitachi, Tokyo,
Japan) was introduced to study structural changes of the biofilms before
and after cold plasma treatment. Ten of the processed root canals were
immersed with 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 mol/L sodium cacodylate
(pH = 7.4) for 2 days at 4 C and a gradient of dehydration in ethanol.
Subsequently, they were split longitudinally, dried naturally, fixed, and
sputter-coated with gold-palladium for examining.

Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy Analysis

The viability of the biofilms after plasma treatment was determined
by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) (A1R-si; Nikon, Tokyo,
Japan) with the excitation/emission wavelengths of argon ion laser
488/543 nm. Ten root canals were prepared for CLSM analysis, which
were split longitudinally into 2 parts. Both halves were infected with E.
faecalis for 3 weeks. Then, one of the halves received plasma treatment Figure 2. Disinfection results of Ar/O2 plasma and intracanal medicaments.
for 12 minutes; the other half served as a control without any treatment. E. faecalis biofilm was treated with Ca(OH)2, 2% CHX, and Ca(OH)2 plus 2%
According to the manufacturer’s instructions, the biofilms were stained CHX (CH/CHX) for 7 days and plasma treatment for 12 minutes (P < .05).
by using LIVE/DEAD BackLight Bacterial Viability Kit (Invitrogen, Carls- (a) In the plasma treatment groups, there is significant decrease of TBV
when prolonging the treatment time.
bad, CA) for 15 minutes and then rinsed slightly with phosphate-
buffered saline. The mounted samples were observed and imaged by
using 10 lens with the Nikon A1R-si confocal microscope system.
Effectiveness of Plasma Disinfection
Mechanical Safety Tests CFU counting method was adopted to evaluate the antimicrobial
effectiveness (Fig. 2). After 3-week incubation, the total bacteria vol-
Mechanical safety tests including microhardness and roughness
umes (TBV) of biofilms all reached 107–108 CFU/mL. After 7 days of
changes of pulpal dentin caused by plasma were tested. Ten single-
intracanal dressing and plasma therapy for 12 minutes, all groups ac-
root canals were split longitudinally, and the middle third of the pulpal
quired a CFU reduction compared with the control group, but only the
dentin area was chosen. Subsequently, the samples were cleaned in an
plasma group was able to kill E. faecalis biofilm completely. In all medi-
ultrasonic bath for 15 minutes and finally embedded and kept for 24
cation groups, the Ca(OH)2 group and CH/CHX group decreased about
hours in epoxy resin at room temperature. The pulpal wall of the
4 and 2 logs, respectively. The 2% CHX gel group behaved most effec-
root canal was ground and polished by wet grinding paper with a grain
tively in all intracanal dressing groups.
size of up to #4000. Afterwards, the samples were cleaned in an ultra-
For all groups of plasma treatment, the bactericidal effect
sonic bath for 15 minutes. All 20 samples were divided into 2 groups.
improved enormously as exposure time prolonged. When exposure
Ten samples were used for roughness (mm) test by 3D Profile Measure-
time extended from 3 minutes to 12 minutes, CFU reduced from 5 to
ment Laser Microscope VK-X200 (Keyence Corp, Osaka, Japan) with its
0, which had a significant reduction compared with the control.
software at an interval of 3 minutes. Another 10 samples were prepared
for microhardness test with Vickers Hardness Tester (Shimadzu Corp,
Tokyo, Japan). The indentations were made on the cut surface of each SEM
sample. Three different areas of each sample were measured by using a SEM images were taken at the apical one third of the split root ca-
300-g load and a dwell time of 20 seconds. The mean value of 3 areas nals (white box area) with different magnifications. In the control group
represents the hardness value for each sample. (without cold plasma), a thick, matured biofilm embedded through EPS
and covered the entire pulpal canal surface (Fig. 3A). A highly organized
biofilm structure consisting of E. faecalis within the EPS was observed
Measurement of Major Reactive Species (Fig. 3C–E). However, after plasma treatment for 12 minutes, the 3-
Generated by Plasma dimensional (3D) biofilm architectures were destroyed, and the biofilm
To measure the major reactive species generated by the Ar/O2 was separated from the pulpal dentin wall (Fig. 3B) and replaced with
plasma equipment, conventional optical emission spectroscopy ruptured bacteria (Fig. 3F–H).
(OES) was applied with the Fibre Optic Spectrometer (Avantes, Broom-
field, CO). The dispersed emission spectra were recorded by a 2048- CLSM Analysis
pixel charge-coupled device detector array. To acquire the light signals, The CLSM 3D and 2-dimensional (2D) images show the efficacy of
a fiberoptics cable was used at the bottom of the plasma jet. Detailed cold plasma treatment (Fig. 4). For one half of the root canal after 3
OES detection method of the cold plasma can be found in our earlier weeks of incubation, nearly the whole layer exhibited green fluores-
article (26). cence, which indicated that all bacteria were alive (Fig. 4A). The other
half of the root canals was treated with plasma for the duration of 12
minutes, which resulted in almost all of the bacteria being killed by
Statistical Analysis plasma (red fluorescence, Fig. 4C). The thickness of the biofilm of
The statistical analysis was determined by using one-way analysis both groups was similar (as shown in Fig. 4B and Fig. 4D), which indi-
of variance, followed by Duncan multiple range post hoc tests. Statistical cated that cold plasma could even kill the bacteria located at the bottom
significance was considered when P < .05. of the biofilm.

JOE — Volume -, Number -, - 2015 Evaluation of Cold Plasma Treatment and Safety on E. faecalis 3
Basic Research—Technology

Figure 3. SEM images of control group and plasma-treated group at low resolution and high resolution. (A) Biofilms adhered to the pulpal wall. (B) Biofilms are
separated from the pulpal wall after 12-minute plasma treatment. The arrow shows the E. faecalis biofilm before and after plasma treatment. (C–E) The 3D biofilm
architectures are embedded with EPS and linked with each other (as the arrow shows in E). (F–H) The architectures are destroyed after plasma treatment for 12
minutes, with debris and fused cell bodies left (as the arrow shows in H).

Mechanical Safety Evaluation Ca(OH)2 has the property of a high pH value to disinfect infection, it
The values of pulpal dentin microhardness (HV) and roughness has been used in clinical applications for a long time (28, 29).
(Ra, mm) are shown in Figure 5. The plasma treatment does not signif- However, it has limited effect on E. faecalis in the biofilms because
icantly change the microhardness and roughness of pulpal dentin after E. faecalis are resistant to Ca(OH)2 (30). Therefore, 2% CHX has
plasma treatment with different durations (P > .05), indicating that cold been suggested as an irrigation solution and intracanal medication
plasma treatment did not change the mechanical properties of pulpal (31). When used as intracanal medicament, 2% CHX has a better effect
dentin. than Ca(OH)2 in disinfecting E. faecalis and has a wide antibacterial
spectrum to eliminate microorganisms associated with persistent infec-
tions (13). High concentrations of CHX (2%) cause precipitation of
OES Analysis intracellular constituents, especially phosphate entities such as adeno-
As shown in Figure 6, the emission spectra are dominated by Ar sine triphosphate and nucleic acids, which leads to the precipitation of
emission lines, because Ar is the major component (98%) of the work- the cytoplasmic contents and results in cell death. The combination of
ing gas. Strong atomic oxygen emission at 777 nm and 844 nm can also 2% CHX gel and Ca(OH)2 seems to have a similar bactericidal effect as
be identified. However, the OH emission at 308 nm was not detected in with Ca(OH)2 (32). In other words, 2% CHX gel is the most effective
this study. intracanal dressing in killing E. faecalis biofilm, which is in accordance
with our present research. A possible explanation is that optimal anti-
Discussion microbial activity of CHX occurs at pH of 5.5–7.0 (33). Additional
Bacteria are a common cause of root canal infection and endodon- Ca(OH)2 might change pH value for both CHX and Ca(OH)2, which
tic treatment failure. Thus, efforts in treatment/retreatment should be leads to a relatively poor antimicrobial effect. However, results showed
focused on maximal bacterial elimination from the root canal systems. that 2% CHX gel still could not completely disinfect biofilms. Because of
However, chemomechanical procedures and even intracanal medica- the complex anatomy of the root canal system, medications in the forms
tion strategies cannot achieve this goal because of the complexity of of liquid, gel, or paste are difficult to penetrate into the whole root canal
the root canal system and the antibiotic resistance of biofilms (1–3). system; thus the disinfection effect is limited. One of the advantages in
Although monospecies infection is unlikely to happen in real life, the cold plasma is being able to reach these areas more easily than tradi-
E. faecalis species is closely related to persistent periapical infection tional methods, which is more likely to achieve a better disinfection ef-
(2, 6), and the E. faecalis biofilm is a commonly adopted model to ficacy.
investigate the disinfection methods (5). One of the reasons for this In our study, non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma equip-
is that the antibacterial effects of biofilm can be up to 1000-fold higher ment was used to kill E. faecalis biofilm incubated for 3 weeks. No
than planktonic bacteria (8). Moreover, 3-week E. faecalis biofilms cultured bacteria were recovered from the BHI agar plate after 12 mi-
become more resistant than the young biofilms less than a week nutes of treatment, which indicates that the E. faecalis biofilm was killed
(27), which is hard to eliminate with traditional treatment (1, 13). completely. SEM analysis showed that the normal spherical structure of
Thus, we used 3-week E. faecalis biofilm in this study. E. faecalis disappeared, and the 3D structure of biofilm was destroyed.
Although TBV has been reduced by traditional intracanal dress- The vitality of E. faecalis in the biofilm was further confirmed by CLSM
ings, it is not as effective and stable as plasma therapy. Because analysis; the whole layer of biofilm was inactivated. Before plasma

4 Li et al. JOE — Volume -, Number -, - 2015

Basic Research—Technology

Figure 4. CSLM 3D images of E. faecalis biofilm before and after plasma treatment for 12 minutes. (A) Living bacteria (green fluorescence). (C) Dead bacteria
(red fluorescence). (B and D) The space between 2 arrows shows the thickness of biofilm.

treatment, bacteria of biofilms were almost green, but after 12 minutes plasma treatment (34). The results of OES indicated that the reactive
of plasma treatment, biofilm expressed red fluorescence, which means oxygen species, especially oxygen, was generated and led to oxidative
almost all of the bacteria had died, which is in accordance with CFU stress and cell damage, which are the key inactivation agents in cold
counting and SEM results. Meanwhile, there is no significant change plasma (35). Other possible mechanisms of reactive oxygen species,
of microhardness and roughness of the dentin after 12-minute expo- including damage to the redox state of antioxidants, damage to the
sure to plasma. structure of the cell membrane, and degradation of DNA, have been re-
To investigate the major inactivation mechanisms of cold plasma, vealed in our previous study (36). Nevertheless, the current study has
OES was used in this study. Plasma induced UV intensities and thermal some limitations. For example, it is unknown whether the remnants of
impact on the bacteria can be neglected. Thus, the major cause of cell bacteria on the root canal wall are a possible promoter of inflammatory
death in this study is due to the membrane damage induced by cold processes, and further studies will be carried out.

Figure 5. Microhardness (HV) and roughness (Ra, mm) analysis. There are
no significant changes before and after plasma treatment with different treat- Figure 6. Optical emission spectra of Ar/O2 cold plasma. (A) O (777 nm)
ment times (P > .05). and (B) O (844 nm) emission intensities of cold plasma.

JOE — Volume -, Number -, - 2015 Evaluation of Cold Plasma Treatment and Safety on E. faecalis 5
Basic Research—Technology
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