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TEXT BASED CAPTCHA USIN @ Blovety IBIROFESSIONAL GNiversity Trane Frog ‘eat ot Compe Sines nd snore ‘ey rants Pagar Pons nae) TEXT BASED CAPTCHA USING PYTHON ‘Meroe tite pri tine tte regsrman rth Submited By ‘nour a a a Page 1 of 13, TEXT BASED CAPTCHA USIN TABLE OF CONTENT Chapter 1. Intreduction 2 11 What is a Captcha? 3 1.2 Why is Captcha needed? 3 113 What is Captcha type? 3 14Whatis a Text Representation Captcha? 4,5 1.5 What was reCAPTCHA created? 6 Chapter 2. Methodology 7 2.1 Methodology Used 7 22 Flow Chart of our Project a Chapter 3. Technologies used 9 Chapter 4. Work Division 910 Chapter 5. Implementation 10-13 Page 2 of 13, CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 4.4) What is @ Captcha? [ACAPICHA compietly Automate Publ Tring test. {otellComputers an Humans Apart) type of colenge response test 12)Why is Captcha Needed? CCAPTCHA’s used to prevent bots rom automatically submitting forma wth SPAM oathor unwanted content Goose andather ‘companies ure tt provent bottom cresting mutipa Gall Seen sa amet heh put on mebpoge erty ‘sutemated program-browsig. 113) What are Captcha Types? ‘hore are many CAPTCHA examples but the most widely used are mentioned belo + Word solving Audio *Pleture Identtcation (mage Base) 130 + rag and Drop + JQuery lider TEXT BASED CAPTCHA USIN Page 3 of 13, TEXT BASED CAPTCHA USIN 14) What is a Toxt Representation Captcha (Text Baso Captcha)? “Text-based peture-ted, and soune- ‘three types of CAPTCHA aalble ody. {use prominent ortclations or explanations. silat as uncomman ite ‘torent kinds of aptaiation characters are shou in an adv by the CAPTCHA, requing ation Charters thot ee seeing incensed or turned would all have tha tin a be coord elevates Ky eromvar ‘itble segments Ike tne, oundaton wobbles, ines, winds rote inate covering character, Dept the way that nay be etc to ‘bstance offemationcomputetions. Swati formating text-based CAPTCHAE neudet ‘The gimpy selects a hanatulof emotionally charged words from & rundown of 850 words and conveye thom In Page 4 0f 13 TEXT BASED CAPTCHA USIN ean assortment of Gimpy that just uiizes angle word, nwye nwye Page 5 of 13 TEXT BASED CAPTCHA USIN This method picks alphabets nd numer 15) What are reCAPTCHA created? + reCAPTCHA is built for security. Armed with state-of-the-art technology, {CAPTCHA Is always atthe forefront of spam and abuse fighting trends cot ean provide you an unparalolod vie into abusive trafic on your = Purpossfully designed. And actively aware, reCAPTCHA knows when tbe 1 on people and hard on bots. *sTeCAPTCHA makes positive use ofthis human effort by channting the time spent solving CAPTCHAs into annotating images and balding ‘machine learning datasets. This in turn helps improve maps and solve hard Al problems Page 6 of 13 CHAPTER 2 METHODOLOGY ‘something that is having 2ome privacy. So, wo generated a code thet vert basicaly a Human or Robot. Besicaly, when this GU opens, It tals us to select / Type the ‘toxt that should contain the (Alphabts& Numbers) that tie ‘ching for we select/type only the Aiphabets & Number that ‘contains the mentioned objector Words, thenit gets verified thatthe useris shuman,if not i confiems thatthe useris 3 Robot. Witvertes that user is» Human then it permits to get through the wobpage, Wievertos that us ‘suthorization to {go towebpage So, nour GUL when you wil have to select /type Alphat Number of given objector word if you do right, and click ‘the "Vorty” Button, thon it sieplays “Captcha Verified, that implis the user is « Human. " ‘you dot wrong, thon t splays "Captcha Mismatch’, that implios the user is a Robot. For Building this GUL We have used Various Modules ike ‘Teinter, Random, Pi(python imaging Library) ete. whether the users 2's Robot then itcancels the TEXT BASED CAPTCHA USIN Page 7 of 13 Flow Chart: TEXT BASED CAPTCHA USIN Page 8 of 13 TEXT BASED CAPTCHA USIN CHAPTER 3. TECHNOLOGIES USED white bret description about the technologies used in your Project We have used the “DLE (Python 3.10 64-8it) forthe Ganeration ofeode CHAPTER 4 WORK DIVISION + Gathering information about eur project: zarding our project fom various websites (Mentioned in References) Also, bout the Modules like Captcha, Tkinter, random thet are used in generating our Cod + creating Code for ou projec: We crested the Code withthe hep of Titer, random, CAPTCHA Mods, whet “writing the Fina Ropor: We have added al the Contents of our ‘work dono (i, Report Format that ising uploaded), Page 9 of 13 TEXT BASED CAPTCHA USIN Part of Every Person in above mentioned Modules: + Abhinav Singh - Helped In Gathering Information, Done the verification part in the Code (ie, Created a function to verity whether the selected modules of eapteha are ‘matching or not). + Kunal Krishnan ~ Helped in Gathering Information, Done the Thintor module part in Coding, Typed the Code. )h- Helped in Gathering information, Typed the Tkinter and random module part in the Code CHAPTERS IMPLEMENTATION. Screenshots of our webpages (Text Base Captcha): Vmmore = 0 x Inthis GULiis showing to ype ‘Tox tht contain Page 10 of 13 CODE TEXT BASED CAPTCHA USIN Page 11 of 13 TEXT BASED CAPTCHA USIN Page 12 of 13, THANK YOU ( TEXT BASED CAPTCHA USIN Page 13 of 13,

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