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Answer the following questions:

1. How can you prove that human has no contentment based on history?
- I can prove that human has no contentment. In different ages such as Paleolithic, Neolithic,
and metal, we can depict that human has no contentment because they are not satisfied on
things that they have. That is why human are evolving, they become smarter and more
resourceful over time. For instance, from unpolished stone tools on Paleolithic age to use of
metals on metal age. Also, they don’t have permanent home, that’s why they are looking for a
new one time to time.

2. What is the relevance of metal in the metal age?

- There are three stages of metal, copper, bronze, and Iron age. These metals were used to
develop agricultural equipment such as plows and sickles during the Metal Age, which was a
period of significant technological improvement in human history. Even household goods like
jars, bowls, and cups, as well as military weaponry like swords, spears, and shields.
3. In the Mesopotamian civilization, how can you say that you are already in the middle of the
- In Mesopotamia there were 4 cities; Ur, Uruk, Kish, Lagesh. You will know if you are
already in the middle of the city when you see a massive, tiered, pyramid-shaped structure. It
is called Ziggurat; ziggurat is located at the center of every city and it served as
Mesopotamian’s temple.

4. Why is it important for every civilization to have river?

- It is incredibly significant since the river is their only mode of transportation, as they only
have Neolithic-era boats; the river is also the source of their food and daily necessities. In
addition, rivers have become vital in every civilization due to their fertile area, which is ideal
for cultivating crops and animal domestication.
5. In the three types of democracies mentioned in the video, what is/are the type/s of
democracy that we have in the Philippines?
- I believe we have two types of democracies here. The first one is representative democracy,
which is a form of governance in which individuals elect government representatives from
among themselves. Citizens are mobilizing for their preferred candidate to lead the country, just
as they are doing today. The second sort of democracy is constitutional democracy, in which the
majority's powers are exercised within a constitutional framework designed to protect the
majority's rights. The constitution specifies how the people are to be ruled and governed in this
sort of democracy. Furthermore, in a democratic system, citizens have control over the
government. It is significant because it preserves individual liberty as well as the fundamental
ideas that govern a country.

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