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Unit 3: AC Power Regulator Unit at a glance: 3.1 Concept of Automatic AC Regulator and phase control sand power stations, or on oil rigs, To control the output of generators (as seen in ship: ‘es and emergency power systems) automatic voltage regulators are used. This Brey active system. While the basic principle is the same, the system itself is more Complex. An automatic voltage regulator (or AVR for short) consists of several Gomponents such as diodes, capacitors, resistors and potentiometers or even crcrovontrollers, all placed on a circuit board. This is then mounted near the generator and connected with several wires to measure and adjust the generator. ¢ Fiow an AVR works: In the first place the AVR monitors the output voltage and controls the input voltage for the exciter of the generator. By increasing or decreasing the generator control voltage, the output voltage of the generator increases or decreases scordingly. The AVR calculates how much voltage has to be sent to the exciter umerous times a second, therefore stabilizing the output voltage to a predetermined set point. When two or more generators are powering the same system (parallel operation) the AVR receives information from more generators to match aj! output. greenhoust 3.2 Principle of operation of Phase. Control AC Regulator By connecting a reverse parallel pair of thyristors or Triac between ac. supply and load, the voltage applied to the load can be controlled. This type of power controller is known as an ac. voltage controller or a.c. regulators. Therefore, a.c. voltage regulators converts fixed mains voltage directly to variable alternating voltage without a change in the frequency. The important applications where a.c:'voltage controllers are widely used are: speed control of polyphase induction motors, domestic and industrial eating, light control, on-load transformer tap changing, static reactive power compensators, etc. 3.3 Principle of operation of CVT Acontinuously variable transmission (CVT) (also known as asingle-speed transmission, stepless transmission, variable pulley transmission, or, in case of motorcycles; a twist-and-go) is an automatic transmission that can change seamlessly through an indefinite number of effective gear ratios between maximum and minimum values, This contrasts with other mechanical transmissions that offer a fixed number of gear ratios. The flexibility of a CVT allows the input shaft to maintain a constant angular velocity. ‘Scanned with CamScanner ac Bower Restor age if pst pola fet tage i ee se rete sds ing et ies, 1 SPEIER Tia ig eee Fa ne de cp va on «Beng is ype feign, ey a be eos se INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. nx 3 operation Step Up Votage Reel Seo Uo Vln Reefs, cle bust switling rept, pois «Neher f See ai cota he aa lip le ig tr min up power ote ic Fa vn Sg! FEDS Sep up steigvoluge regio ed ~7 | Aanmelden) “Then Vo la = Vane low» 7 ua ; Pare) Frome net inset ‘ogee Core cos 2 Gghote beastie ‘Step Down (Buck Voltage Regulator owes the aptvlage tint power ie lo opt pone ten Py =P Vale Ves ln > Lely=VeNog= iD ‘Sp down conver seule to DC tanstemee wherein the turns to iin the sg of Si Up Down vst) Il called Vlage vert By ing hie ong itis posible rs lower ‘or inver the voltage as per the requirement. ne i “Short Answer Type Qu ‘A. 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