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Unit 2: Speed Control of DC Motor Unit at a glance: 2.4 Types of speed control of OC motor The speed equation of de motors is, rion Ne 1, LR. From this equation it is é clear that speed of a motor depends on three factors. (i) Flux per pole ey piel circuit resistance and (iii) Supply voltage. Based on these factors the speed of a de mot ccan be controlled by the following methods. i) Field control method ii) Armature rheostatic control method iii) Variable supply voltage control method 2.2 Drive system 2.2.1 Single phase fully controlled Half Wave Converter with R-L load Circuit Diagram Figure below shows the circuit diagram of a half-controlled rectifier with resistive load. P R - Q Current ow when P + (AI) is te (for +ve half eycley N(A2) is. 514 3N =p Current flow when P (AU) sve (for -ve half cycle) “ fl N(A2)is He , Fig: Half-controlled bridge rectifier ‘Scanned with CamScanner Waveforms: reas eerie waned 2.2.2 Single phase fully controled Ful Wave Onnvertr with Rost Giri Diagram Geen DEP nonin Fig. below it spd fo siglephase assure nd Tae ee Ses Te Tatu and Te The pls TTsand Ty cond allem. sed Somnt ot D Maor veal Ea neato oe i Cast apna heall omee ‘Windia te arent came 0 wh te 0 nt sea (8 Se) i pong befor pr seed (etic cate ha dtc he iret my fal 02 eee ete al ‘ged (leeramcus caren. aa and Tbe tigre tata he ots alley inte, en held cuent thoghy snd Til amino condt eon = Sine platy often ins hs aay ae even as shown in Fig ehove, Bn saa apts uf Toand Tea rata wl turn thom on. The ln os fo ‘ea to of= +a ieregive bate od caret ieton Ain he Td ‘Miso: willbe reptve om er =2rt9 ot =2r + The coda of an. wil Taro andy eet, by reves ing a tela aren wile thom he pie tothe par Ty Te Alou tele een ‘rat om the ng wl fo inte vee ction, when Ts nd T cod Ths Strung age ve ofthe onde, the caret i wil be 8 ean 8 weve a shown i igre tiggring angle ean be ati om 0 Wis hs rat he puta of oe ncrng pir of SCRs vil ein ges hon a of te ‘erp pal of Sto, The ple eqancy ofthe cup van is ws the or ‘sniecon th ‘Scanned with CamScanner nig fequeny. Astuming the ting the oud ‘reg the average BC a Retering tthe shaded portions of no cent i en om te ‘elo though the ott volige ites sth a I INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS int be ese pcos voto: (wife pny Y,sinaeaar) ply sem Lei ene he waver in Fig blow, be vere that 0 dng te tewhelng Fig; Waves single as fa-vave lft ie ete sani ele eal ree tl 1 ee a a a be ton ap Bop Ter vine eget Be pss dd aay we oe CX ne ee a fe cans von maa np cod. TT Sexe Ber atte piles Tye Tam Oe mepine pon. The pet a emesis emer se rss comin That hen Fee caning ts fe cori ist oom yey ss ee ep. at Ores zed Fae ak eamcpning ere ole te we spt ues ck a penal Theo tao cals spe comer The nog ele a ee oy ieee fm era ten swede la ce ae mateo be ings fs tein ten le SSSUSUTRATG nt her cote luge sain matrom erive ae 2.9 Oual Converter ‘al convere, a the mane imple, comprises of wo fill conver, or called pie comet and ars pave omer and is ease of performing all ur [ncn operas stow ia Re Using tie converter, by proper aun Sequees, lad cuenta well load vlogs ry bemadepostieornegve. ie (9 Fe gute opentin . Use igh pone vale spend ves far motrin and baking of DC oto, ‘Scanned with CamScanner tense et in wi ep oie Soi ee ne Weiniemeerea tea tae oc cmearen rane mnt Pf ec toy NSN shee lar efi mga aE eh Folie Fie (i Eqn ci comer So, both the corners dive facet in opaiedtn, ‘Tendo Land, (gute (i) prone opto ete cane Operating Modes TDi converter witha cing ees mde 2. Dual comer wi crelsing eure mde 24 Quadrant Orive A.tave inte arse csi of e-epotty exciol moter, chopyr ca be iad for Se condoned the fc core sep conuane Sine te ses proprio {Die ot vlae bich val cn by ON ie To tne pred Ti teins hep cost in th cae hed suptd ona wansnor caper ithe Goue (LD) comer sons efi and igh cto th He aes neninous cent the ld eet tts ese the srr ele and wih ‘Son heogh te moto ae bth poset motoring eau act pe wth {eet atthe menor eae ia he foward cen In view of ts ae defor ae undone (cant 1) ony This eat so sed spe eel of Tere Homcies or operation gia fevse marine mst be carer tein reves dccton 1 the mate with the drton of eld cent care same nhs ese, sfnuus cent enact paety Sea onl ot tr wear ung OFF pt hentce f t raie mt acel e oppine (ih fhe cpp (2.4.2. eu quadrant Choppc end PETERS Sapte Eat en etn wo tn sng TAS aE tr on men ein Se Fg 0) Fontan eon tve Le erwo unt perso tata Qa ade Ds WD) tet gum Say, wan a nt qi te a fuego ref) my te rere wn etree oe Seema perce et SEG, aap ce ‘eh ce oun ret eect ON ue Des OF in SO nc nce ote hein ea arrange tans and Seer incane tows tea a ict mr, Ss utes Ors Od can tured ono tune. ‘Scanned with CamScanner na INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS tess {te curent pssng tough the diodes Ds an. Incas of quadeast V peas, ony St tarsistr cn be tae of ad then with te tain Oy ond Ot 2,8 Ditforent tynes of Thyristor ‘nis types iar drives employed ae i) Single phase alec tte ete 1) Sil ps fal sont dg etter iy The pe af comvoled dpe restr 8) Hece pase fll eoralled Wie ectifer ‘motors for diferent applications req sped canal in forward deton, {pags dson and eect bing ed reo enon 1 Sinte phase half contro bridge recifier ec tve'y pe of power crt with aad wll be cnsdete. Inthe fest yp ‘wots, and te dies af which ene safe whesing ioe (FWD) a ed od the wast diagram shown ia Fig. la) The Fie 1) is a second ype in hich ‘worst an two diodes have teen a ne wheshng mos = show elo he, on Fig: Power re nih de metro For ose quadrant operation, second type Issuable and in hs ease out pt voiage postive andthe eurent inthe Ugeste nition {The thyristors are fire ace in ech eel, Ty postive al and; ia neat with sly angle or. Two important points must be noted: = 1. "The eaten willbe continuous for high lead toque and low valu ofa". Fring lay angle 2. The came wl be dconinaus fr lw load toque an le vars of ay ‘Seted Cont ot DE Motor Wile the wage and cent wave fers re shown a Fig 2 blow, maybe bt sid at The thysneT condos rm a to, and then he fee when ation takes tiac fom ro (wa) th proceso be epee for te negative al wih TyinplsceoT q 1 The ope vokage with conimuous corent is expased by the ren, vy =09V(seosa) forx>a>0 ie 2 Vlg nd cares wef for coins een Sige phase fl comrade eter Fee estan cite sal fortwo qndan opto sce the opt veka tay pn and spine caret ihe erste en Wii pwe! ses hn owas shen 3) anne ae aver waveforms cna lod eens shown in Fe 30) igo Power cout wth de mtr nd ‘Scanned with CamScanner FXO tae denn a es isle ln isc, hou vous eatin wthcontnou cen Ye=03V one fr soa ‘ee ‘Tee floning pina be ns 9) <5, then he opt tig is psive i, tering ation in the fet ut 7 ») Western te Pee tars reve Le, regestve taking in fou ©) The cient will be dans bath i sg tie is ae Tater when te delay angle cri tare a Thelen ror oe de 19 Thee par hay conrteite reer ‘Th cw oes pa al eed tine ype Ue inn il ey nl fe ntl common nd ‘ke ea ately carmtdThe perce ig ey nee ay nites wth 4 orld towns ip) od Be Se sottraca showing atone ede eis nos theese of ewan” ast si wy ae I Fea base ee oe SESE tLe Fe ang 9 nm. 9 es Now fig 4) nd A arr it may be seen ha 3) The elage waveform fr he dade tte ee Ujstr bg Fg 4) for sO", whee he hyistor Ted @ =" wth yor Ty and ode Dy coducing Ty ging of fr 6D? when oman ser fam Deo Ds 1 At a=180 te myn Ts Coed wt Ty ging ef Ta =0", Ti fired ak '9-150", wih T and Dy condaing for O@=20"), wen ee whelng ‘ade (FD) tes over a he satntous wel gee nese Tf Bred ZZNP With nD, conding, Tie shown Fi (MD, ‘Scanned with CamScanner ‘Te expat volage faving continnes conent will be given by the equaon Py 138); (sco) frm >>. 1 accel he vhage wvelcon wil be eoninane a when a> x73, it wil be Sonim by Thee phe all cored blige reir Ths typeof nitric te wed for amature vag control with view to change sped of DC. snut motor nd the ld ft ff se bp, The twig cut ae sed fr high over eves and th vege curt inthe iro estan atl mnt earetbecase te Uniors cnt for shot ae hed fe cece The power ces having si ty ith erator load shown aig) te waveform Fig 0) ain Fi) power cent wi emt ee wits Fie $0) ae (a= 0" ia = ad cure (= 6") ‘nls tao nd eer tts ee, te rss oe din aun with ely ale wth ech Sy feng fr ape Two dts ons at ne estar Ti ee te tye rand at coking ih cer Ty ging ole ats Tra Tt condcing Sty when yt age seis GO fom rt tng, he ts aT tt ot. “Rtn Tego of Ts eqns eet at anneal 6 Now ifa-os/3 tice vote poste tha > afte cape weep {hes tage equlon ith conus coertan expres a: Vy =138/,c0ra for F>a>0. ‘Special feaare: cept fr lag delay tong mode, he cures mostly contin. a ey seen Sen tee en apn ee eer le ola heer ter eer te FE ce epee eee 3 serene eet 2 Eerie eres Special oatre of thyristor drive moors Lage sie mete) amature snl ares ples of raced weight. 2 Large sas conus to provide et an o wind apa api. ‘alse ostaos. ‘3. Lamia yoke a wll a the main and commiting poles to rece the ey core fee 4 Linea amature —to nro the responses, 5 Octagonal shaped fame t econmodte more materi and evel give x large rin orth same frame ses {6 Use et las olan Cs F material) tallow higher temperature risand site more ses fom a given fame ‘Scanned with CamScanner i Fou quit DC meter ve sings rr coms wi cng cent ‘Above fe shows a fly sti spe cata sci fran asl ped fo uaa dive using sent extied DC mao and se eae Sod cons overt brig. In hs fu, te amaze of te mr supe ens neo ua cdg wih culating cure Thee we to chang caret cin co fom cach side of the vues. The oupt teil ofthe dal iia, om whch Iotor armature is fd, ae the mpc af the 10 cling ures The motor fii fe oa tease semicon eae The epson oe cee may be deserted as follows Toe cman se son «Potent see oe ‘he sped reference a, The meal lsd Ts te send evr dene The ap of "isthe sped enor ay ~w. The cei Hck als 2s the sped enor apie The ‘ouput ofthe sped cor amplifier seve a the eure reference fo he di gover, Acre lini fue sitodueod bythe elaing cea 3. The Clamping cic iabeled' sees clamp te monan pte a nga aoe of ‘he Curent reference a asta ining vale, and hry tos te pose and begatve cue limi. If 7 pstve then it ennled dough te stein tne ‘tothe block lable 4, which is the earner. In ont te cane reference input, thes abo a foun pit this ah an pet Sots Cant te Meer teas ‘ois ak, ich se caaing cae refer, the heme of ie Sal DC caning care maladie cere: oe be AC cag ‘iro seo he ot tage wen he oes be upp see ee et ee es gee BE ‘euaing caren us be genera reo pak ro he AC ele Sr ian eA drew tt vce nn. “Tit, bth mers wl say be red ncn Fe teeing en etn, sold eas oghe san OC Cig re eu othe elites pk eo he AC pect tea! od Sra spent seal bebe seven espe eos Oa ren (0G supe byte putiecunet ever fhe ad caves glare ‘ening corr Te cove pat he ose ae conn nis gens Shemale wl be cae of the pnd alr pee ey ce, ‘cero A sane tne, he tl eee eae poe meet Cae ob td 3) ye ceang ee tec fe ae tuo oe ck is the Sd cane of he prvecue amer The x of te curet ere See Hock hee et Ly +1, -1Ths is te Ing wo he cet er amor Hock bl. The cup ofthe caret ee ‘pie isthe conto volage Ut determines te fng ange of e postive sure foment chang he ring age a, of he poivesient coments eine the caret er "ete seed ees emg at i the cal sped i igh han ihe waned ped, tien he cupt ofthe ped ame, hat oc 2, wl be negave. Ts me at ig becomes neve. Te Neate Ty i hams hoa the Sing ide Dy > 1 oc a, hihi he cont ror detector ofthe eave eae cone, Now the taal arent fence fo he epee oor wl Be Ly la he ‘cling caret ef. Theol eure refene fr the psec canter sl be ony the ccoling cute reference, For nave els’, e comet «sat op ofthe neave-curet aan fanny ike the funeoing ofthe ‘seen contl cet of he paiement conver fo postive vals of Ie ‘etree covet a i aes it that code he eck cen signal othe cen’ enor dec. The erent ere snl forte eps ae ‘eres abled 7 in gre intone nasa mame ote lek ‘Tosscheme shown in gue bo incrporates lees. The re oc aad 8 an asus, mining te epatve ign i ay. The ouput of eck 8, ih th abot ale of the seeds the fl weskening los whch labeled 9, Te oun ofthe el weaering mode ite felt eaent eee, Te fed-nakaning modules inthe flowing imatoer, Along ashe bolt aac ofthe pe below te tse sped Tl, up crn a te vl oesponing ‘Scanned with CamScanner ni ‘pUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS reas to he matimu fll caret of i mat, A rm he ha we of tego escn ce pt toutes aa ote ing ‘elweseang Tas suo sestly by de fmesonrepessien shown FERS Uo The ret aera ae yt eld ee erence ot ye el weeig module The ed et ar det ‘ase band el care ea apie ‘A choose the corect answer fom the given alematves in each ofthe fon: i cnet woscresa (pom ow sting ae (Qromstigharng ures {Chmc icc compresn AC tesa anes (Qseaaibletarvey ghee apie Anse) 2 The amare yolge DC macnn men of O9CTE 21 (AC be coos (Gyige cs wi ed gt Diner (Goulonene ansnee 3. DC dine a se ces mts re more advantageous nn tele ‘pete tr osu ey ite (woscte nt Ghia ang tres (Gy one sing {Seite eos Galerie 44 Theamataeyohige ofa demotorcan be conclledty mens of HBBERE A (ananener TGyanacaccomen Gtgcocamene (Ou cere none) | Conent ofa de mete fom tts power convene cna pT {net somstrcest ae ‘woscre so (Choma ema fe ote (Ghowerion cety ofthe mace {(Qifoue ety afte mar {Ghost sy ote set of he oe answer) « ‘Seen Contr of DC Moor ewer whieh method ate or te spel col ow nd sve the oral a aetna” weaore 2 Grice mato (eRe cnet matind (Boise oat mtd Gecorose nome 0 arama si wit fel wing of sh mor = . maa ee ‘DWOSCTE 2016, 2018) (thst eg tes (apt sed and argue deter (B) speed ines trque decrees (Spd Sees eau ees anne) ‘Amato vols cnt mato pied to DC metro ain — (Acommspst Gece etme es (Staton an te mal et wosere 20m ‘Anoee 0) ate nena engrau,he spend of eres and sa mtr wl Wascre 21m () Decree increase (dere cozere (opine, dese (hime eae noes) B. Answer the fl ons: woscre sem ete ta is Ths evr ens te rvs fr mince (RD pero ‘itech Ihe deves compra lace winds ese neg ed ating sin nie snd ange ln 1 Dram he circu aagram of armature volge conta method of sped ext de shent motor igs hyo dg ‘Asmner ee wor scream, Gre igen Fig show the et cngam ofa 1-4 fill wave fly cond ide rete of ‘emt yolge etl mtd of ped toma ofa de shar er, ‘Scanned with CamScanner tena Fi 14 ft wave contd bigger Operation In ordes to expin the operation, assume '\ Load is highly inductive so that load caren remains cont 8 i isthe inductance, whic opposes any cage in ere niall pale of SCs are consucting ‘Step 1: During postive half eye Stand Stare conducting when rd stage ‘Step 2: Commutation of already conducting SCRS (82 ad $3) bebe Be base of inductive property of the sour impedance, curent though eapiag SCR decoy gradually to 270 fom constant lod caret vav, ‘Step 3: Siistycumen through the icaming SCR (SI and $3) takes sone time to reach constant loa euent rom ts inal 2eo value (0+ n)~cos(x+a)) ‘Scanned with CamScanner eas alg fi ents Fors ld atte ne «el site '” Gc teers rove in fp GON 0 ae Te ea trast pe Pu peng ieee anne ea cen i wees Ey =0 7 # Zl wil shoe by the SCRS asunder thi coction ale SCRE wil be “ ermine 2 Allow te sped can econ ofa DCser mote? ascre ae 7 oF, Earn the speed control tcnigues of DC sre mote, sre zen meron Anener The seed col of fawn eds wrest by fd cn eke a eat! by te 1 1 MSs td inert: A vie ene is ome aes he si ld * SSG Se 0. By varying tists he comet heey eee {ete speeded Ty REove ) tig pa a peta SRS Sor sacar grime oor isreducd The speed canbe vray wang nets see {i Fil oping: The ses fi shown ny i ih ul Elster peal of Armature Rest! Cour Methods 7 ry A controller resistance is Connected in series i series with the armature as shown in fig. (cet ne ns meta or oe ea ean 7" se eet ELE all ue FeO Fro seed of he motrin wich showin (4, Feo Fe D 2.bupainhevariossshemesotde motarspcd contol” wascrEaete ‘Thespeed ofa moti gen by: ‘Scanned with CamScanner ———————— Where, x ‘Thus, the i Arms INDUSTRIAL, armature Vola ELECTRONICS 4 = armature conseny field Nx per pole lease oy Peed Of motor canbe con re olage cnt a ard ya 828 fo ie ly open te ester in the es led bythe folowing methods arate wl ante By changing the fring ang mr are: a eve by pat ah eile meld creating ng ae" elie sed oman a ‘rma tice hse ly wai oe ‘sm exer er thas comerd mse aha is not used very much because wespecn . Us antici met of conaing teat iis only used inthe places whee he spect contol tne toes ole Ser ‘he totaling ine uch wets (woscre em ir polity with the connected sup. Theo it camo be one by wing a single relay or sntch However by wing t cops of aye aage ‘prish, operation tesomes feslle for togsing. is, cannes, DO ee ‘oth drtins, The following cri sbvs he wing deisof he ey wih ote which is controled by" arisen driver sage On awihing poner OMe motor starts oan in er clockwise or alosinise denon deer pea ite polarity ofthe metoe. When SWI'ls pres the decsonsts asn ered Sd once tl SI lithe OFF, ‘2 5 Explain withthe help of lek dlagram, au el dul converter eit (Waser ate Aanoner Refer to Article No. 2.3 of Unita Glance ‘> 6 Eplnn ith the bp of Mock agra he ld control method for speed ile de hom moter: Esa econ few dnd ed iS ater vlage cnr ted of prd cnr oe ht ott ing gsr wescre ete $a eyiatsgce iene Co becca epraaoly eae Ray Wes veiaientne Sas ee et gr Ce tt Swingtown Connery ee ee eral aie ore Phoeebmarternamemnary ‘Scanned with CamScanner Now. te bck deme ofa demas Wy = Eb= Kd 22: fai nts Zon of pee morta iO at Teed natal info. eeepc con strode) ele Amaneecouel By contig ough aon old vg eld sins il ed coc, © 7 Belen wit the hl of cs dint he ped cone of singe fie eto rw ea a nance | {tod hes asped contol he ssl mid pe he opti Fee eiptee te alvlage sae Ths ned ate hoc meme ope ft erp ade re ng ee Re iitins pan ih ond gunn athe sar be pel The pet es en ome ier te Th cnaion cab cod PD, eee enage wits econ tem ren ome a eer atl of alle mes ly fr singe ase can eee yt allowing meta ver bow. sosed Conta ot 2 Motor ing oneal sian te eit Be ee By cingenAoeestre Bae yor sage ott 1 Shuinga Tae coma ere spf or vying te eae a in ator vag ont Norrie me ry. 0 Tins ae Fgwetoln ‘amid be © bck stow he “redone fin mor wich we si pase econ by singe pe Tie Weise Contra Sonne we lo yen controls bie by vain he eng anh fhe Ten. Ths act ae ‘Stn inten estore A te el se eats emer coon Scenes em temp oy a et Pat TreSingec Reene Crrnt Resking sere rials he ely platy eran Seep maewog ng se evens Thre PN ‘Song nnd ae a nt ok ‘Scanned with CamScanner y - INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS.11 Plugging or Reverse Current Brakin, isa highly j to the power Supplied b: oo resistance, \E456 ficient method because, i iti y the load, power Supplied by the ane Source is also wasted in Applications of Plugging The Plug: ging is commonly used for the following purposes listed below. © In controlling elevators Rolling Mills Printing Presses ° ° @ Machine tools, etc. ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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