Guidance and Couselling Methodology - Journal Article Review-1

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Jamaica Theological Seminary

Journal Review Article

Submitted to Mrs. Michelle Afflick-Edwards

In partial Fulfilment of the Required Course

Guidance Counselling Methodology

Submitted By: Garcianne Morrison and Vernon Broomfield

November 11, 2020

The article the Significance of Congruent Communication elaborates that the way in which

teachers communicate to their students determines the effectiveness. It also alludes that

adolescents stage is a challenging state as the emotional and social growth process among the

students at this state is not stable as they are faced with challenges on a daily basis. Some of the

challenges faced by these students are bullying, peer relationship struggles, parental struggles

and low self esteem that can cause stress and anxiety. Due to the fact that they are not mature

enough to understand the process they are going and what they are unable to properly articulate

what they are really feelings through students tend to blurt out comments and release their

emotions in front the teachers in most cases in a manner that may seem unacceptable to the

teacher but it is really out of know when and how to say what they are feeling or 

Teachers when experienced the comments and the response from students tend to respond with

punishment or in ways that may cause the student to feel embarrass which leads to the student

feeling worse.

Walsh (2004) provides information about cognitive developmental processes that explains why

young adolescents say these sorts of things. “One of the circuits involved in emotional regulation

is still being developed during adolescence. As a result teachers are recommended to expect

these social behaviours and outburst from adolescents as they search for their identity.

In all this the response of the teacher or facilitator will impact his/her relationship with the

students and can negatively affect the student’s willingness to cooperate in classes. It is

important for students to be able to trust their facilitator as it helps to promote a positive

relationship between the two. As stated in the article trust begins to develop when teachers

establish appropriate means of communicating with each student.

What is Congruent Communication?


Congruent Communication according to Ginott Congruent communication is a style of speaking

that does not attack others, but instead remains harmonious with feelings being experienced.

Using this mode of communication foster an environment for teachers to maintain a comfortable

classroom. Some ways in which middle school teachers can communicate with their students

congruently are by using active listening techniques that is giving eye contact to tstudent,

demonstrating body language and facial expressions that displays the verbal message

meaning face student when addressing them, rephrasing student’s comment and allowing

student to speak without cutting into their statement. Avoiding traditional communication

roadblocks that is ordering student to sit down when thwy have a concern or trying to tell

them how to feel or how to handle a given situation. Responding with empathy to student’s

anxiety and frustration and use culturally responsive communication process this measn to

teach students ways to express their feelings in a kind manner and offere help where

necessary one way to offer help that will benefit the child is to discuss solutions together for

the problem.

In conclusion managing students is not a difficult task though it may have its challenges.

However once teachers build a __ relationship with students starting from the first day of

school this will enhance the way in which students I turn communicates and react to their

struggles. Teachers should be cognisance of their expressions and statements when dealing

with students as they take note of every gesture and facial expression shown by teachers and

often uses this to determine their level of cooperation receive from each students.

What does the article mean in relation to you being a fledging facilitator/teacher of
Guidance and Counselling?

The article has steered a path for us as emerging counselors to follow as it relates to teaching in
the classroom. It is therefore the counselor’s responsibility to ensure we communicate
congruently to our student’s. This is important as it helps to steer student’s in a . The article

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