TDS Lec 3

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C3 -05 (5S3 NVQ 2045)

Eng. Y.A.P.M Yahampath

B Sc. Eng (Hons), Dip Highway & Traffic Eng, AMIESL, AMECSL
Lecture Hours Allocated
Lecture / Tutorial Practical Demonstrations/ Self Study Total
Industrial visits

72 Hrs 00 Hrs 38 Hrs 110 Hrs

Unit Title Time (Hrs)

Combined Direct & Bending stresses 10
Principle stresses & strain 06
Structural design principles 06
Designing of Reinforced concrete 26
Design of structural steel elements 18
Structural detailing 06
Total 72
To develop fundamental understanding of the behavior of structures with
particular reference to statically determinate civil engineering structures.

 To develop & understanding of the factors and constraints in determining

suitable structural components.
 To develop awareness of the economical, Engineering & esthetic aspect
in designing in selecting a particular structural component for given
 To introduce students to use codes of practice and design charts/ Tables
etc. for designing of structural elements.
Stresses on Various Planes in Structural Elements Under
the Action of Direct & Tensional stress
 Occurrence of stress ( Direct/ Tangential) on particular plane
 What is Principal planes / angles & principal Stress
 Stresses On Oblique/Inclined Plane
 Transforming coordinates of stresses
 Equations for Normal And Shear Stresses In New Coordinate System
 Equations for principal stresses and principal angles
 Equation for maximum shear & angle at maximum shear (45o principal
 Equation for normal stresses at maximum shear stress
 Relationship between principal stresses and maximum shear stress
 Relationship between angle at maximum shear stress and principal angle
 Mohr Circle Method
Types of Stress
• Stress can be categorized into two categories depending upon the direction of
the deforming forces acting on the body.
Normal Stress

• As the name suggests, Stress is said to be Normal stress when the direction of
the deforming force is perpendicular to the cross-sectional area of the body.

• Normal stress can be further classified into two types based on the dimension
of force-
Longitudinal stress
Bulk Stress or Volumetric stress
Longitudinal stress
• As the name suggests, when the body is under
longitudinal stress-
• The deforming force will be acting along the length of the body.
• Longitudinal stress results in the change in the length of the body. Hence,
thereby it affects slight change in diameter.
• The Longitudinal Stress either stretches the object or compresses the object
along its length.
• Thus, it can be further classified into two types
based on the direction of deforming force-
Tensile stress
Compressive stress
Tensile Stress / Tension
• If the deforming force or applied force results in the increase in the object’s length then
the resulting stress is termed as tensile stress.
• For example: When a rod or wire is stretched by pulling it with equal and opposite
forces (outwards) at both ends.
• Steel is ideally suited to resist tensile stresses and is used widely in construction for this
purpose, for example to reinforce concrete, or in the form of cables, wires and chains.

Compressive Stress / Compression

• If the deforming force or applied force results in the decrease in the object’s
length then the resulting stress is termed as compressive stress.
• For example: When a rod or wire is compressed/squeezed by pushing it with
equal and opposite forces (inwards) at both ends.
• Most materials can carry some compressive stresses ( Ex: Concrete, timber etc.)
other than cables, wires, chains and membranes.
Shearing Stress / Tangential Stress
• When the direction of the deforming force or external force is parallel to the
cross-sectional area, the stress experienced by the object is called shearing
stress or tangential stress.
• This results in the change in the shape of the body.
• Shear stresses make the particles of a material slide relative to each other and
usually result in deformation.
Principal planes & principal Stress
Principal Plane
It is that plane on which the principal stresses act and shear stress is zero.
The planes which carry only Direct stresses and no tangential stresses are called
principal planes.
Principal planes & principal Stress
Principal stresses
Principal stresses are maximum and minimum value of normal stresses on a plane
(when rotated through an angle) on which there is no shear stress.

Eqn. for principal Normal stresses are,

Principal planes & principal Stress
Principal Angle
The orientation of the principal plane with respect to the original axis is the
principal angle.
3D Stress & Plane stress
Stress Acting On A Plane
• The stress in one direction is really small compared with the other two. When
this is the case, it is convenient to neglect the small stress, and instead of
evaluating the stress acting on a cubic element within the material, we can
examine the stress acting on a plane.
• These two states of stress, the 3D stress and plane stress, are often discussed in a
matrix, or tensor, form. As we reduce the dimensionality of the tensor from 3D to
2D, we get rid of all the terms that contain a component in the z direction, such

Two Dimensional State of Stress and Strain
Plane Stress
• A plane state of stress is a 2 dimensional state of stress in a sense that
the stress components in one direction are all zero.
Stresses On Oblique/Inclined Plane
• Till now we have dealt with either pure normal direct stress or pure shear stress.
• In many instances, however both direct and shear stresses acts and the resultant
stress across any section will be neither normal nor tangential to the plane.

Why We want to find the stresses in terms of the rotated coordinate system x1y1?
A material may yield or fail at the maximum value of σ or τ.
This value may occur at some angle other than θ = 0.
Stresses on oblique plane
• Uni-axial system
• Material subjected to direct stress
• Material subjected to pure shear
• Material subjected to two mutually perpendicular direct stresses
• Material subjected to combined direct and shear stresses:
Uni- Axial System
Material Subjected To Direct Stress
• Examples of plane state of stress include plates and shells.
• Consider the general case of a bar under direct load F giving rise to a stress σy
• The stress acting at a point is represented by the stresses acting on the faces of
the element enclosing the point.
• The stresses change with the inclination of the planes passing through that point.
• The stress on the faces of the element vary as the angular position of the
element changes.
• Let the block be of unit depth now considering the equilibrium of forces on the
triangle portion ABC.
• Resolving forces perpendicular to BC, gives

• Substituting this value in the above equation, we get

Material Subjected To Pure Shear
• Consider the element shown to which shear stresses have been applied to the
sides AB and DC
• Complementary shear stresses of equal value but of opposite effect are then set
up on the sides AD and BC in order to prevent the rotation of the element.
• Since the applied and complementary shear stresses are of equal value on the x
and y planes. Therefore, they are both represented by the symbol
• Now consider the equilibrium of portion of PBC
Material Subjected To Two Mutually Perpendicular
Direct Stresses
• Now consider a rectangular element of unit depth, subjected to a system of two
direct stresses both tensile, σx and σy acting right angles to each other.
Material Subjected To Combined
Direct And Shear Stresses
Transforming coordinates of stresses
• Once we've rotated the coordinate system, we need to transform the forces acting
in the old coordinate frame to this new coordinate frame.
• That means, we must draw a detailed free body diagram.
• If we take the a differential element near the origin of the new coordinate system,
we can get the forces acting on each surface from the stress times the differential
Transforming coordinates of stresses
• Now that we've reduced our state of stress to two dimensions, we can learn how to
transform the coordinates along which these stress components act into any coordinate
frame we are interested in.
• Why would we want to do that? Well, take a look at the image below.

• Two pieces of wood, cut at an angle, and glued together. The wood is being pulled apart
by a tensile force P.
• How do we know if the glued joint can sustain the resultant stress that this force
• We need to calculate the normal and shear stresses perpendicular and parallel to the
Transforming coordinates of stresses
• Therefore, we need to rotate, or transform, the coordinates associated with the
force P to the direction associated with the angle of the glued joint.
• Then, we can evaluate the stresses along these new directions, x' and y'.
As you'll notice from the free body
diagram, most of the forces aren't
pointing in the directions we're
interested in, that is x' and y'.

So, we need to break these forces

into their components, and sum
the resulting forces in the
directions of our new coordinate

This results in a long, but

straightforward, calculation given
Normal And Shear Stresses In New Coordinate System
• Using these identities, we can get rid of all those squared sines and cosines. The
final result for the normal and shear stresses in our new coordinate system
(denoted by theta, which is a counterclockwise rotation from the x axis to
the x' axis) is given by
• We have just shown that the magnitude of the normal and shear stress will
depend on the coordinate system you choose.
• If you rotate the coordinate system by some angle, the magnitude of these
stresses will change.
• As you may suspect, certain angles will correspond to maximum and minimum
values of these stresses.
• One way to determine the extrema of a function is to differentiate it with
respect to the variable of interest, and set the resulting equation equal to zero.

The resulting equation contains the principal normal and shear stresses.
The principal normal stress will occur when the shear stress is zero,

which means principal shear stress is simply the square root term

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