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Robotics Requirements

Online 2022

Technical Issues

Any issues you made encounter in this unit, email Mr. Shaikh ( who is the
Head of the Tech Dept at Castlebrooke and CC (copy) Mr. Elsie as well.

In the email:
- explain in words the best you can your issue (ie: what is not working)
- provide a visual of the issue (screenshot, photo, video etc.)

Electronics/Wiring Assembly - (APP - Level 1-4)

Using the parts in the robotics kit provided OR use TinkerCAD software to fully assemble all
parts exactly as shown below in the schematic.

Submit: take a clear photograph or screenshot of your completed “Wiz Robotics Schematic”
Electronics/Wiring Assembly and submit it to the Google Classroom inbox

Theory, Tasks and Quizzes - (K/U - Level 1-4)

Completion for Knowledge and Understanding marks (once assembly above is completed
correctly, you can skip over the assembly lessons in each unit)

Daily Period Goal: Completion of a minimum of 1 unit

Core: Technology

Subject: Arduino

Level 11: Disco Bot

Unit # # of Quizzes # of Codes to Write # of Screenshots to submit

of Codes

1 - Assemble Wizbot 6 0 0

2 - The First Light 4 1 1

3 - Multiple LEDs 3 1 1

4 - Advanced LEDs 2 1 1

5 - Loops 5 1 1

6 - Making Sounds 5 1 1

7 - Making Music 2 3 3

8 - Motor Mania 4 0 0

9 - Giving Disco Bot Life 6 2 2

10 - Disco Bot Pivot Turning 3 2 + 1 (spin challenge) 3

11 - Disco Bot Turning 5 2 2

12 - Functional Music 4 1 1

13 - Create your Dance 3 1 1

14 - Disco Bot Concert 1 1 1

TOTALS 53 17 17

Demonstration of Programming/Coding - (APP - Level 1-4)

Within the Wiz Robotics study portal, complete all of the programs/codes (also shown in the
chart above)

Reminder: You must submit a screenshot of each of the verified programs/codes to the inbox

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