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1. My friend´s daughter is a fantastic Singer. She no longer wants to perform. I don’t

like to see such a talent wasted.
- Why do you think that she such her talent wasted?
- How old is she?
- Does she like the music?
- When did she start to sing?
- What does your friend say?
- Is she studying at the moment?
- Has she got a group?
- What does she want to study?
- What do you think that she doesn’t want to perform?
If I were you I would talk with your friend for convince her daughter to continue in the music.
She is a good singer and she cans to study a music degree for have a good job in the future. She
can give away her one course in music and maybe she would motivate with this!

2. My nephew has been doing a lot of training for an international sport event. His
parents are very proud of him. I have mixed feelings.
- Why have you got mixed feelings?
- How old is he?
- Does he like sport?
- Is he studying a sport degree?
- Does he want to continue in the sport in the future?
- What do the parents say?
- Does he know anybody that practise sport?
- How long does he train on the day?
- When did he start to practise sport?
If I were you I wouldn’t have mixed feelings because if he is happy, you must to motivate more
him. All people would follow their dreams and people who are around must to help and

3. I lent my friend my camera for her birthday/holiday. She gave it back to me

yesterday. It seems to be broken.
- Is she your best friend?
- What did she say when she gave it back?
- Are you angry with her?
- Can you repair the camera?
- Have you ever lent her something before?
- It is expensive camera?
- Have you got another camera?
- Is the camera important for you?
- Do you need the camera for work?
If I were you I would talk with her and I would propose her to repair the camera and pay it
together, because it will be very expensive.

4. My wife is going on holiday with some friends but I don’t like them. I don’t know
what to do.
- Why don’t you know what to do?
- Are her friends bad friends?
- Do you talk with your wife about this?
- Doesn’t your wife prefer to go on holiday with you?
- Where do they go to go?
- How long do they go to travel?
- Have they ever travelled together before?
- What does another partner say?
If I were you I would propose to travel together, her friends and the partners because maybe it
will be a good experience and it will be cheaper. In this way your wife will be with you and with
her friends.

5. Some friends of mine have just told me that they are thinking about moving abroad/
to another country. I don’t think it´s a good idea.
- Why do you think that it isn’t a good idea?
- Where do they want to go?
- How long do they go to go?
- Have they ever travelled another country before?
- Do they know the language of this country?
- Have they bought the tickets already?
- Do you want to go with them?
If I were you I would go with them because from my point of view it will be a big experience
that you will remember later. The travels with friends are the best!

6. I have a friend who studying English. He thinks that the best way to learn is to watch
lots of films. Bus I am not sure.
- Why are you not sure?
- What another alternative do you prefer?
- Have you studied a language before?
- What method do you think that is better to study a new language?
- Does your friend go to an academy?
- Does he know another language?
- Why is he studying English?
If I were you I would propose your friend that goes to an academy because it is more
completely and if he hasn’t got time to go, another solution would be that he makes it online.

7. My nephew has been saving up for motorbike that he is planning to buy very soon.
His parents are very worried?
- Why are his parents worried?
- How old is he?
- Is he responsible person?
- Has he ever driven a motorbike before?
- Why does he want to buy a motorbike?

- Has he got a license for drive?

- Does he not prefer a car?
if I were you I would talk with your nephew and I would say that he should to hope more time
and save more money for buy a car because it is more safety and more comfortable. He isn’t
mature for get a motorbike yet.

8. I chose when I was fifteen to study English, French and German. I wonder how my
life would have been different.
- Do you like to study languages?
- Why did you decide study these languages?
- Do you need it for work?
- Will you study more languages in the future?
- Did you go an academy for study these languages?
- Do you think that it is very important study languages?
- Have you ever thought that you know a lot of languages nowadays?
If I were you I would continue to study more languages because nowadays it is very important
for to get a good job. You also can improve these languages and you could visit these countries
for know more about these. If you like it, it is perfect!

9. My friend who lives in a village told me that there´s nothing to do for teenagers.
- What do the teenagers do in their free time?
- What does the mayor say about this situation?
- What do the parents say about it?
- Are there any shop or coffee shop?
- Have they got good timetables for take a bus for go to the city?
If I were your friend I would talk with the mayor and I would propose to build a local for them
and in this way they can play, practise sport or meet with their friends. Also, I would put more
advantages for take busses for go to the city.

10. I was thinking about changing my job. I have been looking at various courses but I
don’t know which to do.
- Why are you thinking to change your job?
- Do you need courses for get a new job?
- Do you know any languages?
- Have you ever changed the job before?
- Where do you want to work now?
- Have you ever make any courses before?
- Did you need courses for to get your actuality job?
- Are the courses free or you must to pay for them?
If I were you I would study the most important courses that there are nowadays because in this
way you could to get a better job. Also, I would study languages because it helps for get a job

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