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Mod 3 (strategies to avoid communication breakdown) PHYSIOLOGICAL BARRIERS - Physiological barriers may

emanate from the receiver's physical condition

COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWN – defined by Emily Rodgers
“is a failure to exchange information resulting in a lack of - having mental issue (daydreaming)
PHYSICAL BARRIER - refer to the geographic location
- communication has a great impact to a team. So if you between the communicators.
expect to have a successful class, a team, a group work -
- It is basically referring to the distance or proximity
it requires communication that is “well-oiled machine to
between the sender and receiver.
individual parts that simply cannot function without each
- As said, communication is easy when communicators
other” between you and the one you are communicating
are within short distances where there can be many
with or among members of the group.
options to use for communication.
COMMUNICATION BARRIERS - Now that technology is widely used for
communication, it is equally important to know the
1. LOST IN TRANSLATION – occurs across emails when
best and the most appropriate channel to use in
the receiver perceives the message differently
overcoming communication barriers
because of lack of tone.
- It could also be misinterpretation of a message ATTITUDINAL BARRIERS - Prejudices and other related biases
because of the presence of words that have double are examples of attitudinal barriers.
- These are behaviors or perceptions of any of the
- Is not necessarily referring to a language barrier but
communicators that hinder them from interacting
to how the receiver interprets the word, phrases or
sentences received
- Attitudinal barriers to communication may arise from
2. ATTENTION SPAN OF A GNAT – refers to human
personality conflicts, poor management, and
attention span which accordingly, can only listen for
reluctance to change, or no motivation.
8 seconds meaning we have less time to remain
- Effective listeners of messages should attempt to
engages to what we have just listened to before
hurdle their own attitudinal barriers to effect effective
switching off start thinking of other things, thus
missing important information
- Open-mindedness and willingness to learn new
- Means that information constantly has to be
things are vital in overcoming barriers.
repeated, which may be frustrating for the speaker,
not to forget how tiring it is to be repetitive USING GENERALIZATIONS AND STEREOTYPES - Speakers who
3. TOO MUCH INFORMATION - Too much information make unqualified generalizations undermine their own clarity
If there is no efficient communication flow plus the and credibility.
problem of sharing information to wrong people,
overload of information can result to chaos - Be cautious not to get holed in the habit of using
- there is a plethora of information around the world. stereotypes, or making generalizations about complex
We can only do so much by giving it to the right systems or situations.
people at the right time and at the right amount - Another form of generalization is "polarization" or
because too much of anything can be dangerous, so creating extremes.
to speak. - Try to be sensitive to the complexities of situations,
- Knowing a lot of things is good but when too much rather than viewing the world in black and white.
information is given and received and yet this
information is sent and received wrongly, it could lead
details with inferences is a common factor. Do not pretend
to tremendous problem.
you know the reasons behind events, or that certain facts
- Effective communication needs wisdom as to what,
necessarily have certain meanings
how much or how little, when and to whom
information is to be given. DYSFUNCTIONAL FEEDBACKS - Ignoring or not responding to
4. UNDER PRESSURE HIGH - stress jobs or tasks mean a suggestion or query quickly undermines effective
there’s often no time to communicate properly. communication. Interrupting others while they are talking
- If the stress in your jobs get in your way and you allow also creates a poor atmosphere for communication.
it to block communication
LACKING CONFIDENCE - can be a big barrier to effective
BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION communication. Being shy, difficulty being assertive or low
self-worth can block your ability to express your needs and
LANGUAGE BARRIERS - Language and linguistic differences
opinions known.
may become barriers to communication. But it is not also a
guarantee that when two people speak the same language, - Also, a lack of knowledge of your own rights and
they understand each other because if the receiver still does opportunities in a given situation can prevent you
not understand the words used in the message received, the from telling your needs openly.
words used may act as a barrier.
Mod 6
PSYCHOLOGICAL BARRIERS - The psychological condition of
the receiver affects his/her message reception of the SPEECH STYLE
message. INTIMATE CONVERSATION - level of intimacy (ilabyu)

- used for every close relationships

CASUAL CONVERSATION - everyday communication

- an informal communication between groups and peers who

have something to share and have share background
information but do not have close relations


- used in semi-formal and standard communication

FORMAL CONVERSATION - is a one way straight ward speech

FROZEN CONVERSATION – most formal communicative style

that is usually used during solemn ceremonies and events

Mod 7

ASSERTIVE - if you want to assert/control someone

- speaker expresses belief about truth of a proposition

DIRECTIVE - announcement/reminder

- speaker tries to make the address perform an action

COMMISSIVE - committing something

- commits the speaker to doing something in the future

EXPRESSIVE - level of intimacy *Declaration -there is assert

from person with authority

- speaker expresses his/her feelings or emotional reactions

DECLARATION - there is assert from person with authority

-brings a change in the external situation

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