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Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc.

, McLean, VA 87-00

3-A® Sanitary Standards for Mechanical Strainers,

Number 87-00

Standards Developing Organizations

3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. (3-A SSI)
In Collaboration With
United States Public Health Service (USPHS)/
United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA)
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG)

Effective: November 19, 2007

Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 87-00


TITLE ................................................................................................................................. i
DISCLAIMERS ............................................................................................................... iii
FOREWORD.................................................................................................................... iii

A SCOPE .................................................................................................................. 1

B NORMATIVE REFERENCES........................................................................... 1

C DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................................... 1

D MATERIALS........................................................................................................ 2

E FABRICATION ................................................................................................... 3


F STAINLESS STEEL AND EQUIVALENT MATERIALS ............................ 10

G PRODUCT CONTACT SURFACE FINISH ................................................... 13

H SPECIAL CLEANING CONSIDERATIONS ................................................. 13


Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 87-00


3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. (3-A SSI) and collaborating organizations do not assume or undertake to discharge all
or any responsibilities of manufacturers or any other user of 3-A Sanitary Standards or 3-A Accepted Practices. 3-
A SSI is not responsible to any individual, organization or entity for the use of 3-A Standards and 3-A Accepted
Practices. It is the science-based opinions, professional findings of volunteer experts and consensus that provides
the sanitary (hygienic) criteria included in 3-A documents.

3-A Standards and 3-A Practices do not include provisions for mechanical and electrical safety. Mechanical and
electrical safety criteria are established by government regulations and other standards development organizations
(SDOs). Other SDO standards may be referenced.

3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., its employees and its volunteer committees shall not incur any obligation or liability
for damages, including consequential damages, arising out of or in connection with the development, use,
interpretation of, and reliance upon this 3-A Standard.

Drawings and illustrations contained herein are to assist in understanding the criteria in this 3-A Standard.
Drawings and illustrations are not intended to show all variations of the equipment or system nor are they (it) to
exclude alternate methods meeting this standard. Drawings and illustrations are non-normative.


This 3-A Standard is to establish minimum sanitary (hygienic) requirements for Mechanical Strainers. Standard
English is the official language of 3-A Sanitary Standards and 3-A Accepted Practices.

This 3-A Standard is for voluntary use by directly and materially affected organizations such as equipment and
machinery fabricators, processors, regulatory agencies and by 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. to assure adequate
public health protection exist for the devices and covered products. 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. use these
documents as the source for sanitary criteria as part of 3-A Symbol authorization.

This 3-A Standard was developed jointly by 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. (3-A SSI), the United States Public
Health Service (USPHS), the United States Department of Agriculture – Dairy Programs (USDA), and the
European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG).

It is our purpose to encourage inventive genius and provide a forum to discuss new developments. Suggestions for
improvement and new technology are welcome any time for consideration by the 3-A Sanitary Standards
Committees. Please forward comments to 3-A SSI, 6888 Elm Street, Suite 2D, McLean, VA 22101-3829, USA.
By fax: 703-761-6284. By e-mail to:

Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 87-00

A SCOPE C2 Bond: Adhesive or cohesive forces holding

materials together. This definition excludes press
Al This 3-A Sanitary Standard covers the sanitary and shrink fits.
aspects of mechanical strainers used for
processing a mixture of liquid milk, milk C3 Cleaning
products, and other liquid comestibles containing
particulates. The equipment receives the product C3.1 Clean-in-Place (CIP) Cleaning: (CIP—
into a chamber (i.e., housing) which contains the previously referred to as mechanical cleaning.):
components used for mechanically separating the The removal of soil from product contact surfaces
product into two or more streams. The equipment in their process position by circulating, spraying,
shall start at the point where the product in-feed or flowing chemical solutions and water rinses
piping is connected to the mechanical strainer and onto and over the surfaces to be cleaned.
ends at the points where the streams exit the Components of the equipment, which are not
mechanical strainer. designed to be cleaned in place are removed from
the equipment to be manually or COP cleaned.
A2 This standard does not apply to vibratory
screeners, belt-type screeners, centrifugal C3.1.1 Product contact surfaces shall be inspectable,
separators or decanters. except when the cleanability by CIP has been
documented and accepted by the regulatory
A3 In order to conform to these 3-A Sanitary agency. In such accepted equipment all product
Standards, mechanical straining equipment shall and solution contact surfaces do not have to be
comply with the following design, material, and readily accessible for inspection (for example:
fabrication criteria. permanently installed pipelines and silo tanks).
Such exceptions shall be noted in those specific
B1 The following listed 3-A Sanitary Standards, 3-A C3.2 Clean-Out-of-Place (COP): Removal of soil
Accepted Practices and other documents shall be
when the equipment is partially or totally
considered as Normative References and the disassembled. Soil removal is effected by
provisions of the referenced documents shall circulating chemical solutions and water rinses in
apply to this Standard.
a wash tank, which may be fitted with pump(s).
B2 3-A Sanitary Standards C3.3 Manual Cleaning: Removal of soil when the
equipment is partially or totally disassembled.
Doc. No. Title
Soil removal is effected with chemical solutions
18- Multiple-Use Rubber and Rubber-Like Materials and water rinses with the assistance of one or a
20- Multiple-Use Plastic Materials combination of brushes, nonmetallic scouring
33- Polished Metal Tubing pads and scrapers, and high or low pressure
hoses, with cleaning aids manipulated by hand.
63- Sanitary Fittings
65- Sight and/or Light Windows and Sight Indicators C4 Corrosion Resistant: A surface or material which
74- Sensors and Sensor Fittings and Connections has the property to retain its original surface
characteristics for its predicted service period,
78- Spray Devices to Remain in Place
when exposed to the conditions encountered in
the environment of intended use, including
C DEFINITIONS contact with product, cleaning and sanitizing
chemicals, steam, or sterilization compounds or
C1 Barrier: Element or elements with defined solutions.
openings to allow flow of liquid products while
preventing the passage of particulate materials. C5 Essential Functional Reason: A condition or
feature of design or fabrication that cannot be
modified and is required for the proper operation
of the equipment.

Use current revisions or editions of all referenced documents cited
Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 87-00

C6 Inspectable: Designed, fabricated and installed to C14.4 Solution Contact Surfaces: All interior surfaces of
make product contact surfaces available for close the equipment or system, including associated
visual observation. piping, that are used for supplying and
recirculating cleaning and/or sanitizing solutions,
C7 Nontoxic Materials: Substances, which under the except those used to supply concentrated cleaning
conditions of their use, are in compliance with and sanitizing chemicals from bulk storage to the
applicable requirements of the FDA. point of chemical addition.

C8 Product: Liquid milk, milk products and other C15 Surface Modifications2
comestibles containing particulates.
C15.1 Surface Treatments: Processes where chemical
C9 Readily Accessible: A location that can be safely composition or mechanical properties of the
reached by personnel from the floor, other existing surface are altered. There is no
permanent work area or stable platform appreciable removal of existing material.
(permanent or moveable).
C15.1.1 Surface treatments include:
C10 Readily Removable: Designed, fabricated, and 1. Mechanical (shot peening3, grinding,
installed to be quickly separated from the polishing)
equipment with or without the use of simple hand 2. Electropolishing
C11 Simple Hand Tools: A screwdriver, wrench,
mallet, or readily available dedicated tool(s) D1 Product, Solution, and Splash Contact
normally used by operating and cleaning Surfaces
D1.1 Metals
C12 Soil: Unwanted organic residue or inorganic
matter. D1.1.1 Product contact surfaces shall be of stainless steel
of the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI)
C13 Strainers: Equipment having one or more barrier 300 Series, excluding 301, 302, and 3034 or
elements with defined openings to separate and corresponding Alloy Cast Institute (ACI) 5 types
retain particulate material from liquid product or metal which under conditions of intended use
streams. is at least as corrosion resistant as 304 stainless
steel of the foregoing types, and is nontoxic and
C14 Surfaces nonabsorbent. (Refer to Appendix, Section F.)
Where welding is involved, the carbon content of
C14.1 Product Contact Surfaces: All surfaces which are the stainless steel shall not exceed 0.08%.
exposed to the product and surfaces from which
splashed product, liquids or material may drain,
drop, diffuse, or be drawn into the product or onto
product contact surfaces.

C14.2 Nonproduct Contact Surfaces: All exposed

surfaces from which splashed product, liquids, or
other materials cannot drain, drop, diffuse or be
drawn into or onto the product, product contact
surfaces. 2
Advanced Materials and Processes, Volume 137(1), “Coatings and
Coating Practices” by H. Herman, “Surface Modification” by F. A.
C14.3 Splash Contact Surfaces: Nonproduct contact Smidt. ASM International, Materials Park, OH 44073 (216) 338-
surfaces that during normal use are subject to 5151.
accumulation of soil and which require routine 3
AMS-S-13165 Shot Peening of Metal Parts. Society of Automotive
cleaning and from which the accumulated soil Engineers (AWS), 400 Commonwealth Dr., Warrendale, PA 15096-
cannot drain, drop, diffuse or be drawn into the 0001.
product or product contact surfaces. 4
AISI Steel Products Manual, Stainless & Heat Resisting Steels, Table 2-
1. American Iron and Steel Society, 410 Commonwealth Dr.,
Warrendale, PA 15086. Phone: 412-776-1535.
Steel Founders Society of America, Cast Metal Federation Building,
455 State Street, Des Plaines, IL 60016. Phone: 708-299-9160.

Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 87-00

D1.1.2 Solder, when used, shall be gold or silver D1.2.6.1 Title 21 CFR, Part 177- Indirect Food
containing solder and shall be corrosion resistant, Additives: Polymers;7
free of cadmium, lead and antimony,
nonabsorbent, and shall not impart any toxic D1.2.6.2 Title 21 CFR, Part 182- Substances Generally
substance to the product when exposed to the Recognized as Safe (GRAS);8
conditions encountered in the environment of
intended use, including cleaning and sanitization D1.2.6.3 Title 21 CFR, Part 186- Indirect Food
treatment. Substances Affirmed as Generally Recognized
as Safe;9
D1.2 Nonmetals
D1.2.6.4 Or, otherwise be accepted by the Food and
D1.2.1 Rubber and rubber-like materials may be used for Drug Administration for food contact.
O-rings, slingers, seals, and gaskets and when
used for the specified applications, shall conform D1.2.7 Cotton, linen, or rayon may be used for barrier
to the applicable provisions of the 3-A Sanitary material. When used, these materials shall be
Standard, Number 18-. single service, nontoxic, non-shedding,
relatively insoluble, and shall not impart a
D1.2.2 Plastic materials may be used for O-rings, seals, flavor to the product.
slingers, sight glasses, woven barriers, scrapers,
and gaskets and when used for the above- D2 Nonproduct Contact Surfaces
specified applications, shall conform to the
applicable provisions of the 3-A Sanitary D2.1 All nonproduct contact surfaces shall be of
Standard, Number 20-. corrosion-resistant material or material that is
rendered corrosion resistant. If the surfaces are
D1.2.3 Rubber and rubber-like materials or plastic coated, including painted surfaces, the coating
materials having product contact surfaces shall be shall adhere. All nonproduct contact surfaces
of such composition as to retain their surface and shall be relatively nonabsorbent, durable, and
conformational characteristics when exposed to cleanable. Parts removable for cleaning having
the conditions encountered in the environment of both product contact and nonproduct contact
intended use, including cleaning and sanitizing surfaces shall not be painted.
D1.2.4 Adhesive used for bonding rubber and rubber-like
materials and bonding plastic materials shall be E1 Product, Splash, and Solution Contact
nontoxic. Adhesives shall comply with 21 CFR Surfaces
175 - Indirect Food Additives: Adhesives and
Components of Coatings.6 E1.1 Surface Texture

D1.2.5 Carbon and ceramic materials (including tungsten E1.1.1 Surfaces, including fabricated, welded and
carbide), may be used for seals and, when used, soldered joints, shall be at least as smooth as a
shall be inert, nonporous, nontoxic, nonabsorbent, 32 µin. (0.8 µm) Ra finish and shall be free of
insoluble, resistant to scratching, scoring, and pits, folds, crevices, cracks, and misalignments
distortion when exposed to the conditions in the final fabricated form (Refer to Appendix,
encountered in the environment of intended use, Section G.), except that:
including cleaning and sanitizing treatment.
E1.1.1.1 Barrier elements are exempt from E1.1.1.
D1.2.6 Multi-use woven barrier material and stitching
shall be constructed of materials meeting one of
the following:
Title 21 CFR, Part 177- Indirect Food Additives: Polymers.
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, D.C. 20402.
Title 21 CFR, Part 182- Substances Generally Recognized as Safe
(GRAS). Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing
Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.
6 9
Title 21 CFR, Part 175- Indirect Food Additives: Adhesives and Title 21 CFR, Part 186- Indirect Food Substances Affirmed as
Components of Coatings. Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Generally Recognized as Safe. Superintendent of Documents, U.S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.

Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 87-00

E1.2 Permanent Joints E1.4.2.1 All CIP cleaned surfaces, including all non-
removed appurtenances, shall be readily
E1.2.1 All permanent joints in metallic surfaces shall accessible, and inspectable. All appurtenances
be continuously welded, except that: shall be readily removable.

E1.2.1.1 Press-fits or shrink-fits may be used to produce E1.4.3 Barrier elements and their support frames shall
crevice-free permanent joints only when neither be readily removable, inspectable, and COP
welding nor soldering is practical. Joints of cleaned. (See Appendix H.)
these types may only be used to assemble
metallic parts having circular cross sections, E1.5 Draining
free of shoulders or relieved areas. Press-
fitting, or shrink-fitting may be used for E1.5.1 Surfaces shall be self-draining except for
bushings and internal bearings.10 typical clingage or adherence.

E1.6 Fittings

E1.6.1 Rectangular flanges or round flange-type

fittings may be used as connectors to
mechanical strainer in-feed and exit
connections, hoppers or feeders.
E1.2.1.2 Gold or silver bearing solder may be used to fill
the joints where solid V-shaped wire profile E1.7 Gaskets, Gasket Retaining Grooves, O-rings
barrier is attached to the frame. The resulting and Seals
joint shall be completely flooded with solder.
E1.7.1 Gaskets shall be removable or bonded.
E1.3 Bonded Materials
E1.7.2 Grooves in gaskets, shall be no deeper than
E1.3.1 Rubber and rubber-like materials and plastic their width unless the gasket is readily
materials may be bonded. The bond shall be removable and reversible for cleaning.
continuous and mechanically sound. The
rubber and rubber-like material or the plastic E1.7.3 Gasket retaining grooves for removable gaskets
material shall not separate from the base shall not exceed 1/4 in. (6.35 mm) in depth or
material to which it is bonded when exposed to be less than 1/4 in. (6.35 mm) wide except
the conditions encountered in the environment those for standard circular cross section O-rings
of intended use, including cleaning and smaller than 1/4 in. (6.35 mm), square or
sanitizing treatment or sterilization. rectangular cross section O-rings with the
shorter dimension smaller than 1/4 in. (6.35
E1.4 Cleaning and Inspectability mm), and those provided for in the 3-A
Standards referenced in Section B, Normative
E1.4.1 Equipment intended for manual or COP References.
cleaning shall be designed and fabricated so all
product contact surfaces are readily accessible, E1.7.4 Gaskets between flat sealing surfaces shall be
and inspectable. Junctures between substantially flush with the product contact
components may or may not be gasketed or surfaces. The juncture shall create a crevice
sealed. All demountable appurtenances shall be free joint, without any unsupported gasket
readily removable. material.

E1.4.2 Equipment intended for CIP cleaning shall be

designed and fabricated so all product contact
surfaces, including all non-removed
appurtenances, can be CIP cleaned.

Machinery’s Handbook, published by Industrial Press Inc., 200
Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10157, Phone (888) 528-7852.

Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 87-00

E1.8 Radii E1.8.1.4 Radii in gasket retaining grooves and seats for
seals with a nonstandard circular, square,
E1.8.1 All angles of less than 135° shall have radii of rectangular, or other shaped cross section
at least 1/8 in. (3.18 mm), except that: O-ring with the shorter dimension 1/4 in. (6.35
mm and smaller shall be those radii closest to a
E1.8.1.1 Smaller radii may be used for the cartridge standard circular cross section O-ring as
element, element bushings, cartridge assembly specified in E1.8.1.3.
rods, drive shaft, drive shaft bushings, wiper
blade attachment slots, barrier attachment E1.8.1.5 There is no radius requirement for press or
clamp assemblies, and adapter plates. Such shrink fits, barrier elements, and flat sealing
radii shall be at least 1/32 in. (0.794 mm). surfaces.

E1.8.1.2 The radii in grooves in gaskets or in retaining E1.8.1.6 The radii on internal angles of weldments on
grooves for removable gaskets shall be a solid V-shaped profile wire may be less than
minimum of 1/8 in. (3.18 mm), except for those 1/32 in. (0 .794 mm), but shall not have sharp
for standard circular cross section O-rings corners.
smaller than 1/4 in. (6.35 mm), square or
rectangular cross section O-rings with the
shorter dimension smaller than 1/4 in. (6.35
mm), and those provided for in the 3-A
Standards referenced in Section B, Normative

E1.8.1.3 Radii in retaining grooves for standard circular

cross section O-rings shall be as specified in the
Table below.11 12
O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring Minimum
Cross Cross Cross Groove
Section, Section, Section, Radius
Nominal Nominal Nominal
(AS 568)11 (AS 568)11 (ISO 3601-1)12

1.85 mm 0.016 in.

1/16 in. 0.073 in. (0.406 mm)
0.031 in.
3/32 in. 0.106 in. 2.69 mm (0.787 mm)
0.031 in.
1/8 in. 0.143 in. 3.63 mm (0.787 mm)
0.062 in.
3/16 in. 0.215 in. 5.46 mm (1.575 mm)

Aerospace Standard (AS) 568, published by SAE, 400 Commonwealth
Drive, Warrendale, PA 15086. Phone (412) 776-4970.
ISO 3601-1: The International Organization for Standardization (ISO),
1 Rue de Varembe, Case Postale 58, CH 1 1211, Geneva, Switzerland.
Phone -41-22-734-1240.

Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 87-00

E1.9 Threads

E1.9.1 Use of threads is not recommended and threads should not be used when other means of attachment is available.
When no acceptable alternative is available and threads are required for essential functional reasons, the
following criteria shall apply:

E1.9.1.1 Exposed Threads

E1. Where exposed threads are necessary for attaching the cartridge assembly rods to the adapter plate, the threads
shall be of sanitary design conforming to one of the following:

1. Dairy ACME Thread conforming to the following drawing.


Size Acme P Q Pitch Tolerance Size Acme P Q Pitch Tolerance
Threads Dia. P,Q & P.D. Threads Dia. P,Q & P.D.
per in. per in.
1 8 1.317 1.462 1.3995 +.000 / -.018 1 8 1.352 1.497 1.4145 +.018 / -.000
1½ 8 1.849 1.994 1.9315 +.000 / -.019 1 1/2 8 1.884 2.029 1.9465 +.019 / -.000
2 8 2.381 2.526 2.4635 +.000 / -.020 2 8 2.416 2.561 2.4785 +.020 / -.000
2½ 8 2.913 3.058 2.9955 +.000 / -.021 2 1/2 8 2.948 3.093 3.0105 +.021 / -.000
3 8 3.445 3.590 3.5275 +.000 / -.022 3 8 3.480 3.625 3.5425 +.022 / -.000
4 6 4.509 4.695 4.6120 +.000 / -.025 4 6 4.544 4.730 4.6270 +.025 / -.000

Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 87-00

2. The American Standard Stub Acme Thread conforming to the following drawing.

American Standard Stub Acme Thread

P = PITCH P = 1/T.P.I.

S.D. = SINGLE DEPTH S.D = 0.433 x P

T.F. = TOP FLAT T.F. = 0.250 x P

B.F. = BOTTOM FLAT B.F. = 0.227 x P


The thread angles shall be not less than 60° and with not more than 8 threads to the inch (25.4 mm), nor less than
5/8 in. (15.9 mm) major basic diameter. (Refer to Appendix, Section I.)



Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 87-00

E1. The length of a nut, if used on any of E1.10 Shafts

threads described in E1., shall not
exceed 3/4 of the basic thread diameter. E1.10.1 Shafts that pass through a product contact
The nut shall be of the open type. surface below the product level shall have a
packless-type seal of sanitary design that is
E1. Equipment components with exposed readily accessible and inspectable.
threads as described above shall be
designed for manual or COP cleaning and E1.11 Bearings
shall provide for complete disassembly of
threaded connections. E1.11.1 Bearings having a product contact surface shall
be of a non-lubricated or product lubricated
E1.9.1.2 Enclosed Threads type.

E1. Where enclosed threads are necessary for E1.11.2 Lubricated bearings, including the permanently
attaching the cartridge assembly rods to the sealed type, when used, shall be located outside
adapter plate, the enclosed threads shall the product contact surface with at least 1 in.
conform to all of the following: (25.4 mm) of the shaft, exclusive of the seal
components and shaft sleeve, if used, open for
E1. The enclosed thread assembly shall be inspection between the bearing and the nearest
designed for CIP cleaning. product contact surface.

E1. The threads shall be sealed from the E1.12 Barriers

product by means of an O-ring, gasket or
similar type seal. E1.12.1 Barriers and clamp assemblies shall be readily
removable and inspectable.
E1. The seal shall have a controlled
compression by means of a positive stop. E1.12.2 Perforations in surfaces for barrier elements
E1. The tightness of the seal shall be validated may be round, square, or rectangular. If round,
to demonstrate that there is no migration the holes shall be at least 1/32 in. (0.794 mm)
past the seal under the intended conditions in diameter. If square or rectangular, the least
of use. This shall be accomplished using dimension shall be at least 0.02 in. (0.51 mm)
the European Hygienic Engineering & with corner radii of no less than 0.005 in. (0.13
Design Group (EHEDG) test for bacterial mm).
tightness titled “Test # 7: A method for the
assessment of bacteria tightness of food E1.12.3 All perforations shall be free of burrs.
processing equipment” or other equally
effective test(s). E1.12.4 Metal woven wire shall not be used.

E1. The manufacturer shall provide seal E1.12.5 In the case of solid V-shaped profile wire, the
replacement procedures and frequencies space between the wires shall be at least 0.005
that will ensure bacterial tightness. (See in. (0.13 mm) and the space between the wire
Appendix J.) supports shall be sufficient to maintain the
minimum wire opening.
E1. Enclosed threads shall be cleanable and
drainable. E1.12.6 Barriers made of solid V-shaped profile wire,
woven fabric material, or with perforations
E1. The manufacturer shall provide validated smaller than 1/32 in. (0.794 mm) shall be
cleaning procedures should the area behind readily accessible and be designed for COP
the seal become soiled. (See Appendix J.) cleaning.

E1.12.7 Worm gear-style hose clamps and hollow core

plastic tubing shall not be used to hold the
barrier material in place.

Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 87-00

E2 Non-Product Contact Surfaces E2.6 Threads

E2.1 Surfaces E2.6.1 Exposed threads shall be minimized. The

exposed threads shall not exceed ½ the nominal
E2.1.1 Exposed surfaces shall have a relatively smooth diameter of the thread, except that:
finish, and be relatively free of pockets and
crevices, and be cleanable. E2.6.1.1 Threads that are subject to routine product
splash during processing and cleaning shall be
E2.1.2 Knurled surfaces shall not be used. covered by an enclosed nut and suitable seal.
E2.2 Joints E2.7 Service Piping and Lines
E2.2.1 Permanent joints subject to product residue or E2.7.1 Exposed braided coverings of cables or hoses
splash shall be continuously welded. Welded shall not be used.
junctures do not require grinding or polishing,
except that:
E2.7.2 Electrical and utility connections shall be as
remote as practical from the product contact
E2.2.1.1 Where welding is not possible for functional or
safety reasons, bolted joints may be used. areas of the equipment.
When braces or frames are hollow, the integrity
of the braces or frames shall not be E2.8 Panels or Doors
compromised by drilling into the hollow
interiors. If bolting is required, welded studs to E2.8.1 Panels or doors shall be provided to allow easy
the exterior or fully welded sleeves shall be access to the interior of the equipment.
E2.8.2 Panels or doors shall be constructed in a
E2.2.1.2 Recessed socket head bolts shall not be used. manner that will prevent the entrance of
E2.2.1.3 Rivets shall not be used.
E2.8.3 Panels and doors having both a product contact
E2.3 Coatings surface and a non-product contact surface shall
meet the fabrication criteria of a product
contact surface.
E2.3.1 If the framework and exterior panels of the
equipment are not made of corrosion resistant
metal they shall be painted or coated. When E2.8.4 The use of hinges, wing nuts, latches, and
coatings are used, they shall be free from similar easy-opening fastening devices are
delamination, pitting, flaking, spalling, recommended to allow easy access without
blistering, or distortion when exposed to the special tools.
conditions encountered in the environment of
intended use, including cleaning and sanitizing E2.8.5 Any hinges, wing nuts, latches, and similar
treatment. easy-opening fastening devices used shall be
attached so as to minimize the use of fasteners
E2.4 Cleaning and Inspectability and the creation of cracks and crevices.

E2.4.1 Surfaces shall be designed and fabricated to E2.8.6 Hinges shall be of a sanitary design that can be
facilitate cleaning and inspectability, and they readily disassembled. Continuous or piano-
type hinges shall not be used on the equipment
shall be relatively free of areas where liquids or
product residues can accumulate and not be or its control cabinets unless such hinges are
cleaned out. located at least 18 in. (457 mm) from any
product or splash contact surface.
E2.5 Draining

E2.5.1 Surfaces shall be designed to prevent the

pooling of liquids.

Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 87-00

E2.9 Guards and Other Safety Devices E2.11 Name and Information Plates

E2.9.1 Guards required by a personnel safety standard E2.11.1 Name and information plates shall be
shall be removable for cleaning and inspection continuously welded or effectively sealed to the
of the equipment. Guards shall be designed to equipment.
prevent the accumulation of debris and liquids.
E2.11.2 Non-metallic, adhesive name and information
E2.10 Supports plates are also acceptable.

E2.10.1 Supports made of hollow stock shall be sealed. E2.11.3 An information plate shall be attached in
juxtaposition to the nameplate when necessary
E2.10.2 Leg ends or foot shall be smooth with rounded to convey special information. Alternatively,
ends or, if flat, suitable for sealing to the floor. the information may appear on the nameplate:

E2.10.3 Adjustable feet shall have no exposed threads APPENDIX

and may have a gap between the adjustable
components, provided the gap is the minimum F STAINLESS STEEL AND EQUIVALENT
size necessary to provide movement, and is MATERIALS
oriented downward so that liquids may drain
out. Feet shall be easily cleanable and durable F1 Stainless steel conforming to the applicable
under conditions of intended use, including composition ranges established by AISI for
cleaning and sanitizing. wrought products, or by ACI for cast products,
should be considered in compliance with the
E2.10.4 Legs, including feet, shall provide a minimum requirements of Section D1.1 herein. Cast
clearance between the lowest part of the base grades of stainless steel corresponding to types
and the floor of at least 4 in. (102 mm) when 304, and 316 are designated, CF-8, and CF-8M,
the equipment base outlines an area in which no respectively. The chemical compositions of
point is more than 12.5 in. (318 mm) from the these cast grades are covered by ASTM
nearest edge of the base, or a clearance of at specifications A351/A351M, A743/A743M and
least 6 in. (152 mm) when any point is more A744/A744M.13
than 12.5 in. (318 mm) from the nearest edge.
Fabrication of stainless steel equipment and
E2.10.5 Casters, if provided, shall be of sufficient size components, including cutting, grinding, and
to provide a clearance between the lowest part finishing, should be performed with materials
of the base and the floor of at least 4.00 in. (102 and tools properly segregated for such purposes
mm). Casters shall be easily cleanable, durable and not previously used on other metals. This
under conditions of intended use, including is to prevent cross-contamination of the
cleaning and sanitizing and of a size that will stainless steel with other metal contaminants.
permit easy movement of the equipment.

E2.10.6 If mounted directly on a wall or column, the

area of attachment of the equipment to its
mounting surface shall be designed for sealing
to the wall or column. If the design of the
equipment is to be mounted off-set from a wall
or column it shall provide at least a 4.00 in.
(102 mm) clearance between the outside of the
equipment and the wall or column.

ASTM specifications for Cast Grades A351/A351M, A743/A743M
and A744/A744M. Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive,
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. Phone: (610) 832-9500.

Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 87-00

UNS # ASTM14 AISI/SAE15 Properties ASTM
Grade designation Material Std Grade Grade designation
Pub# designation
S30400 304 Austenitic S.S. 304
A276 Low Carbon
S30403 304L 304L
A666 Austenitic S.S.
A276 Austenitic S.S.
S31600 316 316
A666 plus Mo*
A276 Low Carbon
S31603 A666 316L Austenitic S.S. 316L
plus Mo*

UNS # ASTM16 ACI17 Common
Grade designation Material Std Grade Names
Pub# designation
J92500 A743 CF-3 Cast 304L
J92800 A743 CF-3M Cast 316L
J92600 A743 CF-8 Cast 304
J92900 A743 CF-8M Cast 316
J92180 A747 CB7 Cu – 1 Cast 17-4 PH
J92110 A747 CB7 Cu –2 Cast 15-5 PH
N26055 A494 CY5Sn BiM Alloy 88
Free Machining
J92701 A743 CF-16F
Austenitic S.S.

ASTM specifications for Wrought Grades A-276, A-582, and A-666. Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken,
PA 19428-2959. Phone: (610) 832-9500.
AISI Steel Products Manual, Stainless & Heat Resisting Steels, Table 2-1. Available from the American Iron and Steel Society, 410
Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15086 (412) 776-1535.
ASTM specifications for Cast Grades A351/A351M, A743/A743M and A744/A744M. Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West
Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, Phone: (610) 832-9500.
Steel Founders Society of America, Cast Metal Federation Building, 455 State Street, Des Plaines, IL 60016. Phone: (708) 299-9160.

Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 87-00


Optional metal alloys having the following compositions are examples considered in compliance with Section C
herein. (Percentages are maximums unless range is given.)

N08367 S21800 S20161 N26055 N26455 S17400 S15500 S32900 R20500 R50400
A743 A743 A494 A494 A747 A747 A560 B67

Mat’l Std Mat’l Std Mat’l Std Mat’l Std Mat’l Std Mat’l Std Mat’l Std Mat’l Std

CN-3MN CF-10 CY5SnBi CW-2M Nb7Cu-1 Nb7Cu-2 50Cr-50Ni C-2

Name Alloy 88 Titanium
C 0.03 0.10 0.15 0.05 0.02 0.07 0.07 0.20 0.10 0.10
Mn 2.00 7.00-9.00 4.00-6.00 1.50 1.00 0.70 0.70 1.00 0.30
Si 1.00 3.50-4.50 3.00-4.00 0.50 0.80 1.00 1.00 0.75 1.00
P 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 .035 0.035 0.040 0.02
S 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.030 0.02
Cr 20.0-22.0 16.0-18.0 15.0-18.0 11.0-14.0 15.0-17.5 15.5-17.5 14.0-15.50 23.0-28.0 48.0-52.0
Ni 23.5-25.5 8.00-9.00 4.00-6.00 Balance Balance 3.60-4.60 3.50-5.50 2.50-5.00 Balance
Mo 6.0-7.0 2.0-3.5 15.0-17.5 1.00-2.00
Nb 0.15-0.35 0.15-0.35
Cu 0.75 2.50-3.20 2.50-3.20
N 0.18-0.26 0.08-0.18 0.08-0.20 0.05 0.05 0.30 0.03
Fe Balance Balance Balance 2.00 2.00 Balance Balance Balance 1.00 0.30
Sn 3.0-5.0
Bi 3.0-5.0
W 1.0
Ti 0.50 Balance
Al 0.25
Other H = 0.015
O = 0.25

F3 Metal alloys or metals other than the above may be as corrosion resistant as 300 Series Stainless Steel.
This may be shown when metal alloys or metals are tested in accordance with ASTM G31 Laboratory
Immersion Corrosion Testing of Metals and have a corrosion rate of less than 10.0 mil per year. The
test parameters, including the type of chemical(s), their concentration(s), and temperature(s), should be
representative of cleaning and sanitizing conditions used in dairy equipment. Alloys containing lead,
leachable copper, or other toxic metals are not to be used.

Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 87-00


G1 Surface finish equivalent to 150 grit or better as I1.1 To establish and document the material,
obtained by mechanical polishing with silicon fabrication, and installation (where appropriate)
carbide (aluminum oxide, or other standard requirements for the engineering design and
approved abrasives), properly applied on stainless technical construction files for all products,
steel sheets, is considered in compliance with the assemblies, and sub-assemblies supplied by the
requirements of Section E1.1.1 herein. manufacturer thereof to be in compliance with the
Representative areas of the finished surfaces sanitary criteria found in 3-A Sanitary Standards
should be tested to verify that the end finish is at or 3-A Accepted Practices.
least as smooth as Ra 32 µin. (0.8 µm).
I2 Scope
G2 Surface finish on sheets (less than 3/16 in (4.76
mm) thickness) of 2B (cold rolled) stainless steel, I2.1 This EDTCF applies to equipment specified by:
inspected and selected to be free of pits, folds and
crevices are generally found to be as smooth or I2.1.1 3-A Sanitary Standards for Mechanical Strainers,
smoother than stainless steel sheets with an Ra ≤ Number 87-00.
32 µin. or ≤ 0.8 µm finish and are acceptable for
the fabrication of equipment if free of I2.1.2 List all applicable 3-A Sanitary Standards and
imperfections. 3-A Accepted Practices.


H1 Solid V-shaped profile wire and woven (fabric) I3.1 The EDTCF is maintained by {Name and Title
synthetic barrier elements should be provided of Responsible Official} who is responsible for
with an appropriate cage or basket, or separate maintaining, publishing, and distributing the
dedicated vat, to protect it during COP cleaning. EDTCF.

H2 Any component having exposed threads should I3.2 Implementation: All divisions, specifically
be fully disassembled before manual or COP development engineering, standards engineering,
cleaning. sales engineering, and product departments are
responsible for implementing the EDTCF.

The following is an example of an Engineering I4.1 The 3-A Sanitary Standards and 3-A Accepted
Design and Technical Construction File (EDTCF) Practices are voluntarily applied as suitable
to be maintained by the fabricator as evidence of sanitary criteria for dairy and food processing
conforming to 3-A Sanitary Standards or 3-A equipment. 3-A Sanitary Standards are
Accepted Practices. (The file may contain more referenced in the Grade A PMO, which provides
or less information as applicable to the equipment that equipment manufactured in conformity to
or system.) 3-A Sanitary Standards complies with the sanitary
design and construction standards of this
The maintenance of this file is required for an Ordinance, and the USDA General Specifications
application for Authorization to Display the 3- of the Approval of Dairy Processing Plants.
A Symbol and will be evaluated during the
required Third Party Verification (TPV)
evaluation of the equipment.

Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 87-00

I5 References k. engineering reports;

l. laboratory reports;
I5.1 List any additional regulations that apply to the m. bills of material;
equipment or system covered by this EDTCF. n. wiring diagrams, if applicable;
o. purchase order engineering files;
I5.2 The date of conformity or 3-A Symbol p. hazard evaluation committee reports, if
Authorization and certificate number, if executed;
authorized. q. change records;
r. customer specifications;
I6 EDTCF s. any notified body technical reports and
certification tests;
I6.1 The Engineering Design and Technical t. copy of the 3-A Symbol authorization, if
Construction File may consist of the following: applicable.

a. an overall drawing of the subject I6.2 The EDTCF file does not have to include detailed
equipment; plans or any other specific information regarding
b. full detailed drawings, accompanied by any the sub-assemblies, tooling, or fixtures used for
calculations, notes, test results, etc. the manufacture of the product unless knowledge
required to check the conformity of the of them is essential for the verification of
equipment with the 3-A Sanitary Standards conformity to the basic sanitary requirements
or 3-A Accepted Practices; found in 3-A documents.
c. a list of:
(1) the essential requirements of the I6.3 The documentation referred to in I6.1 above need
standards or practices; not permanently exist in a material manner in the
(2) other technical specifications, which EDTCF, but it must be possible to assemble them
were used when the equipment was and make them available within a period of time
designed; commensurate with its importance (one week is
d. a description of methods adopted; considered reasonable time). As a minimum,
e. if essential, any technical report or each product EDTCF must physically contain an
certificate obtained from a competent index of the applicable document of I6.1 above.
testing body or laboratory;
f. any technical report giving the results of I6.4 The EDTCF may be in hard copy or software
tests carried out internally by Engineering form.
or others;
g. documentation and test reports on any I7 Confidentiality
research or tests on components,
assemblies and/or the complete product to I7.1 The EDTCF is the property of the manufacturer
determine and demonstrate that by its and is shown at their discretion, except that all or
design and construction the product is part of this file will be available to 3-A SSI or a
capable of being installed, put into service, regulatory Agency for cause and upon request.
and operated in a sanitary manner
(optional); I8 File Location
h. a determination of the foreseeable lifetime
of the product (optional); I8.1 The EDTCF is maintained at {Location}.
i. a copy of the instructions for the product
(Instruction Manuals/Instruction Books); I9 File Retention
j. for serial manufacturing, the internal
measures that will be implemented to I9.1 The EDTCF (including all documentation
insure that the equipment will continue to referred to in I6.1) shall be retained and kept
be manufactured in conformity to the available for 12 years following the date of
provisions of the 3-A Sanitary Standards or placing the equipment in use or from the last unit
3-A Accepted Practices; produced in the case of series manufacture.

Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 87-00


J1 Instruction Handbook

The instruction handbook includes the following


J1.1 Installation of the Equipment and Associated


Information is provided so that, after the

equipment is installed, it maintains its hygienic
integrity (e.g., drainability and inspectability).

J1.2 Instructions for Use

Measures are described on the use of the

equipment so that when used correctly the
product is not exposed to factors that can lead to

J2 Maintenance and Cleaning

J2.1 Maintenance

A system of measures are recommended to ensure

that the hygienic integrity of the equipment is
maintained during the intended lifetime. This
information should include specific gasket, seal or
o-ring materials where they are used because of
product characteristics (e.g. high fat or high acid)
or operational characteristics (e.g. vacuum or
steam applications or when used to create a
bacterial tight seal between product contact
surfaces and non-sanitary threads).

J2.2 Cleaning

The instructions specify typical routine

procedures for cleaning, sanitizing, rinsing, and
inspection for cleanliness and, where appropriate,
sterilization. Recommended cleaning and
sanitizing procedures, materials, implements, and
agents should be specified. Recommended
cleaning and sanitizing procedures, materials,
implements, and agents shall be compatible with
the materials of construction. Where dismantling
is required, specific instructions should be


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