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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

(University of the City of Manila)

Intramuros, Manila

College of Education
Department of Teacher Education
1st Semester, AY 2022-2023

Teaching Profession
Self-Rate Philosophy of Education

Name: Jemar H. Apilado

Course: BSED-Filipino 3-1
Prof. Paulyne Joanne R. Pascual, MAEd

What Is Your Philosophy of Education?

Each of us has a philosophy of education, or a set of fundamental beliefs regarding how we think
schools should be run. What is your philosophy of education? To find out, read each of the
following statements about the nature of education. Decide whether you agree or disagree with
each statement. Use the following numbers to express your response:

  5 Agree strongly
  4 Agree
  3 Neutral
  2 Disagree
  1 Disagree Strongly

__5__ 1. The curriculum of the schools should be subject centered. In particular, student learning
               should be centered around basic subjects such as reading, writing, history, math, and

__3__ 2. The curriculum of the schools should focus on the great thinkers of the past.

__4__ 3. Many students learn best by engaging in real-world activities rather than reading.

__4___ 4. The students should be permitted to determine their own curriculum.

__4__ 5. Material is taught effectively when it is broken down into small parts.

__5__ 6. The curriculum of a school should be determined by information that is essential for all
               students to know.

__4__ 7. Schools, above all, should develop students' abilities to think deeply, analytically, and
               creatively; this is more important than developing their social skills or providing themwith
               a useful body of knowledge about our ever-changing world.
__4__ 8. Schools should prepare students for analyzing and solving the types of problems they
               will face outside the classroom.

___3_ 9. Reality is determined by each individual's perceptions. There is no objective and

               universal reality.

___3__10. People are shaped much more by their environment than by their genetic dispositions or
                the exercise of their free will.

___4_11. Students should not be promoted from one grade to the next until they have read and
                mastered certain key material.

__5__12. An effective education is not aimed at the immediate needs of the students or society.

__4__13. The curriculum of a school should be built around the personal experiences and needs
                of the students.

__2_14. Students who do not want to study much should not be required to do so.

__4___15. Programmed learning is an effective method of teaching information.

___4__16. Academic rigor is an essential component of education.           I

___4__17. All students, regardless of ability, should study more or less the same curriculum.

___2__18. Art classes should focus primarily on individual expression and creativity.

___2__19. Effective learning is unstructured and informal.

___3__20. Students learn best through reinforcement.

___4__21. Effective schools assign a substantial amount of homework.

___2__22. Education should focus on the discussion of tuneless questions such as "What is
                beauty?" or "What is truth?"

___3__23. Since students learn effectively through social interaction, schools should plan for
                substantial social interaction in their curricula.

__4___24. The purpose of school is to help students understand and find the meaning of their

___3__25. Frequent objective testing is the best way to determine what students know.

___3__26. America must become more competitive economically with countries such as Japan, and
                schools have an affirmative obligation to bolster their academic requirements in order to
                facilitate such competition.
___4__27. Students must be taught to appreciate learning primarily for its own sake, rather than
                because it will help them in their careers.

___4__28. Schools must place more emphasis on teaching about the concerns of minorities and

__4___29. Each person has free will to develop as he or she sees fit.

___4__30. Reward students well for learning and they will remember and be able to apply what
                they learned, even if they were not led to understand why the information is worth

___3__31. American schools should attempt to instill traditional American values in students.

___4__32. Teacher-guided discovery of profound truths is a key method of teaching students.

___5__33. Students should be active participants in the learning process.

___4__34. There are no external standards of beauty. Beauty is what an individual decides it to be.

___3__35. We can place a lot of faith in our schools and teachers to determine which student
                behaviors are acceptable and which are not.

__4___36. Schools must provide students with a firm grasp of basic facts regarding the books,
                people, and events that have shaped the American heritage.

__3___37. Philosophy is ultimately at least as practical a subject to study as is computer science.

___5__38. Teachers must stress for students the relevance of what they are learning to their lives
                outside, as well as inside, the classroom.

____5_39. It is more important for a student to develop a positive self-concept than to learn
                specific subject matter.

___5__40. Learning is more effective when students are given frequent tests to determine what
                they have learned.

Now that you have responded to all 40 items, write the number of your response to each
statement in the spaces below. Add the numbers in each column to determine your attitudes
toward key educational philosophies.

Essentialism Perennialism Progressivism Existentialism Behaviorism
1. 5 2. 3 3. 4 4. 4 5. 4
6. 5 7. 4 8. 4 9. 3 10. 3
11. 4 12. 5 13. 4 14. 2 15. 4
16. 5 17. 4 18. 2 19. 2 20. 3
21. 4 22. 2 23. 3 24. 4 25. 3
26. 3 27. 4 28. 4 29. 4 30. 4
31. 3 32. 4 33. 5 34. 4 35. 3
36. 4 37. 3 38. 5 39. 5 40. 5

These scores, in columns A through E respectively, represent how much you agree or disagree
with the beliefs of five major educational philosophies: essentialism, perennialism, progressivism,
existentialism, and behaviorism.  The higher your score, the more you agree with philosophers
who represent that viewpoint. The highest possible score in any one area is 40, and the lowest
possible score is 8.  Scores in the mid to high 30s indicate strong agreement, and scores below 20
indicate disagreement with the tenets of a particular philosophy. Compare your five scores. What
is your highest?  What is your lowest?

- Among these five major educational philosophies after answering all the questions and
adding all the scores the highest score that I got is 35 which is letter C. Progressivism and
the lowest score is 29 for B. Perennialism and E. Behaviorism.

A. TOTAL: 33
B. TOTAL: 29
C. TOTAL: 35
D. TOTAL: 32
E. TOTAL: 29

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