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TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
Analysis of HR policies and practices.........................................................................................1
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................3
2. Analysis of external forces and the effect of these forces on HRM strategic decisions within
the organisation............................................................................................................................3
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................5
Analysis of organisation of HR functions, delivery of HR policies and practices and challenges
faced by Line Managers...............................................................................................................5

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Strategic Human Resource Management is a practice which refers to effective
governance of organisations' biggest asset, which are its employees to achieve company's
objectives and goals. In this management, Human resources in this management act as a strategic
partner for firms during formulation of their policies (Paauwe and Boon, 2018). The following
assignment is based on The Landmark London and Royal Lancaster London, which are
recognised and respected hotels in the UK. The assignment covers analysis of company's HR
policies and practices and analysis of external forces and their effect on policies firm's strategic
decisions. It also covers organising of HR function and delivery of HR policies and practices
along with challenges faced by line managers in delivery of HRM.

Analysis of HR policies and practices
It is imperative for a company to effectively manage their human resources to maximise
competence in their businesses. Within the service industry, with such high pressure and
requirement of consistency each day, it is crucial for both the hotels to adopt HR policies and
practices which serve their agenda well. Following are the two theoretical concepts followed by
these hotels:
High Commitment HRM (HCHRM)
It refers to the HR practices implemented by an organisation which help them to enhance
its performance and its service quality along with improvement in attitude of employees,
reduction in absenteeism and increase in labour turnover (Kaufman, 2015). There are various
policies and practices covered under HCHRM that are covered by The Landmark London:
HR Policies:
 Equality Act: This act promotes equality within an organisation. This means that both
female and male employees receive equal working standards, equal opportunities as well
as equal pay scale. In The Landmark, these aspects are rightfully addressed and the
policies of the company ensure equal and effective treatment for all its employees
regardless of their gender. This aids the hotel in ensuring longer engagement and high
employee commitment.

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 Fair Labour Standards Act: This policy adopted by the hotel emphasizes on following
effective ethical standards set out for its employees. Human Resources within the hotel
receive regular pay as per the minimum wage standards set out in the UK as well as
overtime pay. Employees also receive frequent work breaks and the organisation focuses
on effective record-keeping of performances of their employees too (Cascio, 2015).
HR Practices:
 Selective Hiring: The most important practice that are taken by managers of The
Landmark is the process of selecting hiring. There is a very complex yet effective
selection procedure where the firm adopts methods to pick the most appropriate type of
personnels for the hotel.
 Employment Security: Another practice to ensure High Commitment HRM adopted by
the hotel is that it ensures proper employment security for its human resources. This is
achieved by giving proper training and clear role allocation within the hotel and their
policies consider effective accomplishment of employee's personal goals and maximum
effort to ensure workplace security for its human resources.
Best Fit HRM
This refers to the formulation of various HRM policies as per the business strategy of the
organisation. It involves effective planning of future objectives and creation of various policies
that are considered to be appropriate in order to achieve the set aims and goals. Royal Lancaster
effectively formulate HR practices and policies as per its organisational strategy. There are
various policies and practices followed by this hotel in order to achieve this purpose.
HR Policies:
 Capability Policy: This policy outlines that pay received by organisation's employees is
on the basis of their performance throughout various aspects and stages of the firm's
position. Within Royal Lancaster, employees are given challenging tasks in ways which
could even keep their performances consistent during the time of contingencies. They are
paid as per their performances on the set standards (Rees and Smith, 2017).
 Anti-Discrimination Act Policy: Within the hotel, each employee is protected from
various discriminatory practices regardless of their cast, culture, beliefs, etc. The policies
set by the firm promote equal and fair treatment and effective working standards set for

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company's employees. In addition, each employee is protected from any kind of
discrimination policy by the hotel's managers.
HR Practices:
 Extensive Training: For Best Fit HRM, Royal Lancaster subject each of its employee to
undergo extensive training sessions after being hired. And in addition to this, the hotel
requires its staff to perform at their maximum capabilities to achieve each organisational
 Performance Appraisals: The hotel evaluates the performance of each of its employees
and set various standards to observe them perform in different situations linked with
accomplishment of organisation's objectives (Kaufman, 2015).

2. Analysis of external forces and the effect of these forces on HRM strategic decisions within
the organisation
There are many factors that can influence the working of an organisation and its decision
making as well. It can be external as well as internal factor based on what kind of function or
activities a firm is performing. In relation with Landmark London and Royal Lancaster London,
both are affected with external factors and to understand this it has been explained below for
better understanding:
Government Regulations: Regulatory body is one of the external factor that plays an
important role in formulating rules and regulations so that activities can be performed in a better
manner. Therefore, certain kinds of regulations do put an impact on Human Resource and its
decision making. For instance: Landmark London, considering rules made by U.K. Government
they have set a criterion for hiring candidates such as they are selecting workers without
discriminating them on the basis of gender, caste, colour etc., In other context, Landmark
London, they are providing equal opportunities to its employees and welcoming new ideas and
concepts for operating business in an effective manner. As a result, for human resource
department they can have wide options of choosing option which will be best in order to attract
large number of customers. Whereas, in relation with Royal Lancaster London, their human
resource department for some instances is working under pressure because they have to perform
their activities confined within law. For example: as company has hired employees considering

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discrimination this is now leading to terminating workers. As a result, it is putting pressure on
Human resource department and its decision making whether to change their recruitment policies
or not (Bailey and et. al, 2018).
Economic Conditions: This is one of the crucial external factor that must be considered
by companies who are operating business at market area. This not only effect company but its
talented employees as well. For example: BREXIT, this action has downturn economic condition
of countries within Europe. Sector which was mostly affected by this was Hotel industry,
because company had to change its services. In relation to Landmark London, although their
company was having higher skilled employees but firm faced losses during this period, reason
behind this was that most of the travellers were not having sufficient amount of money which
gradually forced HR department in reducing cost of bookings and charges for the services they
are providing. Whereas, in relation with Royal Lancaster London because of poor economic
condition, company had to change HRM strategies and they started terminating employees
because of less revenue income.
Technological Advancement: With the change in course of time, technologies have
supported most of the companies in order to upgrade their business activities. In context with
Landmark London, superiors have to change their HRM strategies as they have decided to
implement new and latest technologies. Along with this, company can now connect with
customers in an effective manner and take appropriate decisions regarding what are the needs
and what will be beneficial for company in order to increase revenues. Whereas, in context with
Royal Lancaster London, it can effect decision of human resource in such a way that company,
now has to focus more on marketing strategies such as what kind of activities company can adopt
in order to attract large number of customers. Thus, human resource department while taking any
kind of decision first has to think about needs and wants of customers so that better services can
be provided (Marler, and Parry, 2016).
Employees: They are considered as valuable part of an organisation because of them,
company able to deliver goods and services to its customers. But there can be a possibility that
company have less skilled employees because of which performing activities become quite
difficult. For example: in relation with Landmark London, they have effective skilled workers
who try to delivering best possible services and facilities. As a result, HR department of this this
organisation will take strategic decision of taking risks in market. In addition to this, they hire

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employees who are experienced enough and know how to execute plans and action. As a result,
Human resource department is very effective in taking appropriate decision such as how to train
their employees for getting best from their performance. On the other hand, Royal Lancaster
London have low skilled employees because of which taking strategic decision of spending their
value on training programmes doesn't provide any kind of benefits to the company.

Analysis of organisation of HR functions, delivery of HR policies and practices and challenges
faced by Line Managers
It is a crucial practice of Strategic HRM to ensure effective organisation of HR functions
within the company. This directly impacts the performance and well-being of employees.
Various HR functions that are organised within the hotels are mentioned below:
 Recruitment and Selection: HR manager of the hotels The Landmark London are
involved in organising online test for recruitment as it helps them in evaluating huge
number of candidates. In this, HR manager also judge these candidates on the basis of
their skills, qualification and experience. Further for selection procedure, HR manager
uses interview method in order to analyse that whether have potential to work in the
renowned hotel or not (Beer, Boselie and Brewster, 2015). Whereas, in relation with
Royal Lancaster London, they publish advertisements on different channels and
according to candidates applied for the post they conduct further interview and selection
 Compensation: Human resource department of The Landmark London hotel takes care
of providing whole compensatory amount on predefined time period. It has been analysed
that compensation in hotel industry is mainly in the form of salary as well as overtime. In
context to the chosen hotels, it HR manager provides satisfactory salary to its employees
on the decided time period. This helps them in developing their positive brand image
among employees as well as market place. As a result, this reduces employee’s turnover
within the organisation. On the other hand, Royal Lancaster London believe in providing
non-monetary compensations and for a better performance they give appraisal and
applaud for better performance.

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 Training and Development: Training and development sessions plays crucial role in
Hotel industry. In context to The Landmark London, it has been analysed that its HR
manager conducts regular basis training session for its employees. Main type of training
and development session which are provided in these hotels includes orientation, actual
work training, practice training, special training and skill based training. It has been
evaluated that these training sessions helps company in improving skills of employees
and retaining them for longer period of time. Whereas, in comparison with Royal
Lancaster London, training and development is provided in a vocational form and doesn't
provide any practical training.
In order to understand the same in an effective manner, Ulrich model can be taken a
reference (Ulrich Model, 2018). This model was developed by David Ulrich focussing on
functions that are performed by HR department. Both the companies i.e. The Landmark London
and Royal Lancaster London uses Ulrich Model but delivering policies is quite different. Thus,
with the help of this model one can understand different roles that are important within the
organisation. In context with The Landmark London, For instance: HR business partners: they
are very helpful in communicating with “internal clients” and provides information regarding job
vacancies, overall productivity of the company etc., therefore, Line managers with the help of
them can know about the requirements within the firm and conduct activities so that to fulfil the
needs. Other than this, needs and requirements of employees can be identified so that better
training programmes can be provided. But this can create some kind of challenges as well for a
line manager, such as there might be a possibility of not sharing what exactly employees are
feeling and requirement of job vacancies. As a result, processing of function can be hampered.
On the other hand, Royal Lancaster London, they are also adopting Ulrich model but their
process of delivering policies is different. Line Managers of the firm are take help form change
agents who communicate what all internal changes are required by company so that they can
have an ideas regarding the same. For this, they make alterations in goals and objectives so that
employees can learn new skills in order to fulfil needs and wants of companies. But delivering
different policies and practices can become quite difficult because there might be a possibility
that in current situations changes are not required. As a result, this can further hamper business
operations of a company and can act as a biggest challenge.

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In this report, it has been concluded about Landmark London and Royal Lancaster
London that are hotel companies and provide various services to its customers. HR policies and
practices within the organisations are explained such as high commitment HRM and best fit
HRM. External forces that effect on HR strategic decisions within company are explained
including with lack of employee involvement low level of trust, repetitive work etc. and nature
of work are also defined. Ulrich model of HR practices and policies are described in the report
and the role of line manger are also maintained.

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Books and Journals
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Kaufman, B. E., 2015. Evolution of strategic HRM as seen through two founding books: A 30th
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Cascio, W. F., 2015. Strategic HRM: Too important for an insular approach. Human Resource
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Ulrich Model. 2018. [Online]. Available Through: <

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