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‫اللهم صلى على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله عدد كل شيء صاله تسخر لنا بها كل شيء يامن بيده ملكوت كل شيء‬


A very special sohbat of Sultan ul Awliya Moulana Sheikh Nazim (Qs) regarding spiritual connection with
ones Sheikh and spiritual opening of the heart. Subahan Allah.

“If Allah is willing (insha Allah), this is a technique which will be useful to all of you after I leave your
physical presence and go away. You will be in need of this technique,

In this life, our physical meetings with each other shall be from time to time. It is not possible for a
person to be always in the company of another person whether it be husband and wife, parents and
children, brothers and sisters or amongst the most beloved ones. A person may desire never to be far
away from his loved ones. However it

is written that it shouldn’t take place. Firaq means separation and everyone must meet and at sometime
or other separate. As far as our physical bodies are concerned it is written that we cannot be always
together. It is just not possible. However spiritually we have been given a power and technique through
which anyone may ask for such a


This is possible because our spiritualities have a possibility to be in connection. When we remember that
person our spiritual being is capable of being in connection with that person. These connections have so
many levels. Perfect Awliyas (Saints ) are always in connection with Rasoolullah (Sal). Anytime they
desire such a connection they should find themselves immediately in the Holy Presence of Rasoolullah
(Sal). They never leave
Rasoolullah’s Spiritual Presence. This technique is known as Huzur Ma’Rasool – that is connection with
the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sal). The people belonging to Tariqats are stepping in this direction in
order to obtain such a connection.

As we are yet beginners we should first practice an easy way. This easy way is Huzur us Sheikh, that is to
be in connection with your Sheikh. Anytime that you think of your Sheikh, you may say “I am in the Holy
Presence of my Grandsheikh”. At first you may not see him, but a feeling of his presence may be felt by
you. These feelings are of various

levels. A simple connection is to feel your Sheikh’s presence always. Then gradually, you may come to the
level of even feeling the breathing of your Sheikh. Then further on you may see your Sheikh in front of
you making the Zikr “Allah”, “Allah”, and thereby giving power to you, and you look at him and follow
him. Then you will be present with Sheikh for you entire life. Thereafter you should find yourself in the
presence of the whole circle

of the lovers of your Grandsheikh.

Then when that connection becomes perfect, you will be able to see your Sheikh sitting with you,
coming with you, going with you, being with you, being in you and surrounding you. Then Sheikh shall be
in you. You will then become changed through the personality of your Sheikh. This is known as Fana-u-
fis-Sheikh (annihilation in Sheikh). You will leave your being and the personality and power of your
Sheikh will appear through yourself. Then you become the representative of your Sheikh.

Then your Sheikh, through that personality will carry you to the Holy Presence of Rasoolullah (Sal). Then
Rasoolullah (Sal) will dress you with his Spiritual Body and then you will become the representative of
Rasoolullah (Sal). Rasoolullah is Zahir – he appears through yourself. Then Rasoolullah (Sal), will take you
to Huzur al Haq (the

Presence of Truth), to the Divine Presence of Lord Allah Almighty.

Almighty Allah will then dress you with Divine Lights and you then become annihilated in Allah (Fana ul
Filla). Then you will be leaving everything in your self, and Divine Lights will appear through yourself, and
you will become Khaliphatullah (Representative of Allah). You shall then represent Allah through the
Whole Universe and He shall give this power to you. Wa Saharalakum maa fi samawathi wa maa fil arli
jameeyah – Holy Quran,

tassaruf al tasliq – that is the power to be able to do everything throughout the whole of creation and
through all the Universes according to His Divine Will. This is Khaliphatulla (Representative of Allah). All
the laws and Shariat that have been sent down through the Prophets are to teach people and to guide
people to this station. When you reach to the

station of Khaliphatullah you would achieve the final aim of all Shariat and all Tariqats. But you are now
so far away.

We are here only saying, that when your Sheikh’s physical presence leaves you and if he is a Perfect
Master (Murshidun Kamil), he must connect with everyone’s spiritual being through himself and act as a
bodyguard and move with that person always. That Sheikh should never leave any one taking Bayyath
(initiation) with him without such a

spiritual connection. He gives a telephone connection to you with a code number. It may be a little
difficult for you to reach to that code number immediately, at first. He can reach to you anytime but for
you to reach and connect to him it may take a little bit of practice. When you use this code number you
can quickly communicate with him and make your connection.

Tariqats arrange this spiritual relationship among ourselves. Then gradually, with our spiritual guides and
then on to our Rasool (Sal) and then finally up to our relationship with the Divine Presence.

However, the people of present day do not understand this. They are fighting against Tariqats and
refusing to accept them. They say that this is “Shirk”(associating partners with Allah Almighty). They are
very foolish people. They never try to understand.

Therefore we may leave your presence but this connection that we gave to you when you took Bayyath
reaches to all those who have been given this Bayyath. In the terminology of Tassawwaf (the sufi way),
this connection is known as “Rabitah” or “Rabitat us Sheikh” You can use it anytime and you will always
find more power, more courage, more taste, more improvement and more development in your journey

the Divine Presence. The Hijaazath (permission) to use this technique is given to all of you.”

Title: Spiritual possibilities to be always together

Location where sohbat was given: Sri Lanka

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