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Before participating in this intervention you have to agree to this consent form.
Please read the information carefully before accepting to participate.

Design & aim of the intervention

The maximum number of trainers available is 6, and all of them will have an active part in the training.
Their proficiency is not on highest level, as they are not experts in the field, all of the information was
learned specifically for this intervention. They all have the same knowledge on all the topics, which
ensures that the interventions will be alike. Each intervention will have at least 2 trainers assigned.
The trainers will be protecting your rights and are responsible for respecting and treating you well.
You will be asked to fill 3 validated questionnaires, one before and two after the intervention, in order
to contribute in measuring the effectiveness of the interventions.

Aim of the intervention

The purpose of the intervention is to increase self leadership capabilities of the participants by
increasing the self-connection, and self-efficacy through trainings, homework’s and coaching
sessions. We will also aim to directly increase self-leadership skills of the participants by several
strategies. The main goal of this intervention is to increase the task performance.

Psychosocial training for self-efficacy

The training will consist of a 3 hour module. The workshop will include group work, discussions as
well as exercises that will be explained by trainers. You will be given the opportunity to ask questions
about all the activities during the workshop.

One-to-one coaching

You will have a 1h one-to-one workplace coaching session every week. You will be asked to fill the
SOAR model for the coaches to understand you and adjust each session to fit your needs. The main
methods used tackling blockers, strengthening resilience, shifting mindsets, developing self-
connection and the skills and tools to progress.
Workshop for behaviour focused strategies for self-leadership

A workshop will be organised to explain for behaviour focused strategies you and the other
participants, and then you will also have to implement these methods in your daily life, as
You will be asked to fill 3 validated questionnaires, one before and two after the intervention,
in order to contribute in measuring the effectiveness of the interventions.
Confidentiality & Privacy
All the sessions will be done in conference rooms to keep the privacy between participants
and to keep the attention. Any information gathered can remain confidential under request,
but it may be shared among staff members for purposes of delivering better services to the
participant. All questionnaires can be answered anonymously if you wish.
Participation & Withdrawal
Participation in this intervention is completely voluntarily. You are also able to withdraw at any time
during the intervention without experiencing any consequences.
If you have any questions regarding the procedure please contact Giorgos Skoulidas
- The procedures of this intervention were clearly described to me.
- Any questions I had were fully answered.
- I understand that I can withdraw from the intervention at any given time.
- I understand that my participation is voluntarily.
- I agree to participate in this study.

Name of the participant:


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