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Borderline Personality disorder

McLean Screening Instrument (MSI-BPD)

The McLean Screening Instrument for Borderline Personality Disorder comprises of 10 items
for the assessment of BPD. It is a very brief paper and pencil test to detect possible BPD in
people who are seeking treatment or have a history of treatment.
Each item is rated as a "1" if it is present and a "0" if it is absent. The items are totalled for
possible scores ranging from 0 to 10. A score of 7 or higher indicates that you are likely to
meet criteria for borderline personality disorder. (Salters, 2020)

Schizotypal personality disorder

Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ)
The Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ) is a 74-item self-report questionnaire
designed for the screening of schizotypal personality disorder. (Lam, Raine, & Lee)
Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire-Brief (SPQ-B)
The Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire-Brief (SPQ-B) is a brief version of Schizotypal
Personality Questionnaire (SPQ). It is a 22-item self-repost questionnaire for the diagnosis of
schizotypal personality disorder (SPD). 
Histrionic personality disorder
The brief histrionic personality scale
The brief histrionic personality scale is used to measure the symptoms of histrionic
personality disorder. There are 36 items for this scale.
The score between 11 to 29 is considered normal. The score from 30 to 40 comprises of
noticeable histrionic features but not at clinical level. The score between 35 to 45 indicates
clinically significant histrionic features. (Ferguson & Negy, 2014)
Dependent Personality Disorder
Dependent Personality Questionnaire (DPQ)
The Dependent Personality Questionnaire (DPQ) comprises of 8 items. It is used to identify
individuals that may be at risk of dependent personality disorder or may be suffering from it.
Dependent Personality Questionnaire Revised version (DPQ-R)
The Dependent Personality Questionnaire Revised (DPQ-R) is the revision of DPQ. It
comprises of 120 items for a detailed examination for the presence of dependent personality
Narcissistic personality disorder
Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI)
The Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) comprises of 40 items that measure the
characteristics of narcissism including feelings of superiority and willingness to exploit
General personality tests
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Personality Disorders (SCID-5-PD)
The mental health professional can help in diagnosing the disorder by conducting a structured
clinical interview. The questions are directed related to the diagnostic criteria mentioned
against each disorder listed in the DSM-5. (First, Williams, Benjamin, & Spitzer, 2016)
The Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire 4th Edition (PDQ-4) is a screening test that consists
of 99 true or false statements that help in the assessment for different personality disorders.
NEO Personality Inventory
The NEO Personality Inventory is a 240-item measurement that is designed to assess
personality in the domains of neuroticism, extraversion, openness, conscientiousness, and
agreeableness. These domains are also referred to as the “Big Five Personality Factors”.
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2)
The MMPI-2 consists of 567 true/false questions for the assessment of personality.
It contains ten clinical subscales that assess four validity scales (which assess whether the test
is taken seriously and whether the answers are accurate) and ten major categories of abnormal
human behavior personality assessments.
The ten medical subscales comprise social introversion, major depression, megalomania,
neurosis, psychopathy, panic attacks, gender, hallucinosis, and psychasthenia personality
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is a type of assessment that involves describing
ambiguous scenes. This evaluation method is known as the picture interpretation technique.
A TAT is used to learn about a person, analyze psychological conditions, and help people
express their feelings in personality assessments.
Rorschach Inkblot test
This test consists of ten inkblot images. The images are white, grey, black, or colored.
The cards are given to the subject by a mental health professional. The subject is then asked
to depict what they think the card looks like. The participants are free to interpret the
ambiguous image; however, they like to. The reactions of the participants are recorded. The
results are scored and compiled at the end. (Lesser, 2021)
Medication-induced movement disorders and other adverse effects of medication
Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS)
AIMS is a scale that is used to measure the symptoms of drug-induced disorders and measure
the involuntary movements. The individuals taking antipsychotic drugs need to be monitored
for movement disorders. It is used in the detection and the level of severity of various
diseases including Parkinsonism, tardive dyskinesia, and tardive akathisia. (AIMS Abnormal
Involuntary Movement Scale, 2019)
Other medication-induced Parkinsonism
Simpson Angus Scale
The Simpson Angus Scale is a performance scale that measures the symptoms of drug-
induced Parkinsonism. The rater asks the patient to perform 10 tasks and rates responses on a
scale of 0-4 that ranges from normal to severe. (Baldwin, 2009)
Relational Problems
Parent Child Relational Problem
Parent-Child Relationship Inventory (PCRI)
The Parent-Child Relationship Inventory (PCRI) is a parent self-report measure of parenting
skills and attitudes toward parenting and towards their children.
The measure yields scores on 7 content scales including parental support, satisfaction with
parenting, involvement, communication, limit setting, autonomy, and role orientation.
High scores indicate positive parenting. (Anthony, 1994)
Sibling Relational Problem
Sibling Relationship Questionnaire (SRQ)
The Sibling Relationship Questionnaire (SRQ) is a self-report questionnaire to assess
dimensions of sibling relationships. These instruments provide assessments of parental
affection, conflict/hostility, and sibling rivalry. (Factorial and Construct Validity of the
Sibling Relationship Questionnaire, 2010)
Neurocognitive disorders
Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)
MMSE is a set of questions that are asked by the mental health and other health professionals
to check if there is any impairment in cognitions including problems in thinking,
understanding, communication, and short and long- term memory.
The statements are regarding time and place orientation, repetition of words, arithmetic test,
understanding and comprehension of language, and motor skills.
A score of 25 or higher is graded as normal.
A score below 25 is considered abnormal.
Score between 21 to 24 indicates mild cognitive impairment.
Score between 10 to 20 indicates moderate cognitive impairment.
Score less than 10 indicates severe cognitive impairment. (Mini-Mental State Examination
(MMSE), 2019)
Clock Drawing Test (CDT)
The clock-drawing test is a standard cognitive screening tool. It helps detect early brain
changes to assess the presence of dementia or Alzheimer’s. The individual is asked to draw a
clock. This test measures the multiple cognitive functions including visual-spatial ability,
numerical sequencing, and planning abilities. (Shulman, 2014)
The Mini-Cog is a test used to detect cognitive impairments in older adults.
It consists of two components that include a 3-item recall test for memory and a clock
drawing test. (Quick Screening for Early Dementia Detection, 2021)
Seven Minute Screen (7MS)
The seven-minute screen (7MS) is a set of temporal orientation test, enhanced cued recall,
clock drawing, and verbal fluency. (Meulen , et al., 2004)
Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS)
The RBANS is a brief test that measures attention, language, visuospatial/constructional
abilities, and immediate and delayed memory.
The score of 70 or above indicates average or mild impairment, 55-69 indicates moderate
impairment, and score less than 54 indicates severe impairment. (Duff, Hobson, Beglinger, &
O'Bryant, 2010)
The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is used to measure mild cognitive dysfunction.
It assesses different cognitive domains including attention and concentration, executive
functions, memory, language, visuo-constructional skills, conceptual thinking, calculations,
and orientation. It can help detect Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s disease, and
front-temporal dementia.
A score of 26 or higher is considered normal. A score of 18 to 25 can indicate mild cognitive
impairment, and 10 to 17 can indicate moderate impairment. A score of less than 10 indicates
severe impairment. (MoCA, 2021)

AIMS Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale. (2019, April 1). Retrieved from Psychiatric Times:

Anthony, G. B. (1994). PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP INVENTORY. Retrieved from

Baldwin, D. (2009, July). The use of the Simpson Angus Scale for the assessment of movement
disorder: A training guide. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 7(4).
Retrieved from
Duff, K., Hobson, V. L., Beglinger, L. J., & O'Bryant, S. E. (2010, August). Diagnostic Accuracy of the
RBANS in Mild Cognitive Impairment: Limitations on Assessing Milder Impairments. Archives
of Neuropsychology, 25(5), 429–441. Retrieved from Diagnostic Accuracy of the RBANS in
Mild Cognitive Impairment: Limitations on Assessing Milder Impairments

Factorial and Construct Validity of the Sibling Relationship Questionnaire. (2010, January). European
Journal of Psychological Assessment, 26(4), 277-283. Retrieved from

Ferguson, C. J., & Negy, C. (2014, August). Development of a brief screening questionnaire for
histrionic personality symptoms. Personality and Individual Differences, 66, 124-127.

First, M. B., Williams, J. B., Benjamin, L. S., & Spitzer, R. L. (2016). Structured Clinical Interview for
DSM-5® Personality Disorders (SCID-5-PD). Retrieved from American Psychiatric Association

Kirchner, S. K., Roeh, A., Nolden, J., & Hasan , A. (2018). Diagnosis and treatment of schizotypal
personality disorder: evidence from a systematic review. npj Schizophrenia. Retrieved from

Lam, B. Y., Raine, A., & Lee, T. M. (n.d.). Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ). Encyclopedia of
Personality and Individual Differences. Springer. Retrieved from

Lesser, B. (2021, March 16). The Personality Assessment. Retrieved from

M. E., S. B., v. J., P. R., S. P., V. F., & d. S. (2004, May). The seven minute screen: a neurocognitive
screening test highly sensitive to various types of dementia. Journal of Neurology,
Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 75(5), 700-705. doi:10.1136/jnnp.2003.021055

Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). (2019, Novemeber). Retrieved from healthdirect:

MoCA. (2021). Retrieved from MoCA Cognitive Assessment:

Quick Screening for Early Dementia Detection. (2021). Retrieved from Mini-Cog: https://mini-

Salters, K. (2020, August 28). Screening for Borderline Personality Disorder. Retrieved from

Samuel, D. B., & Widiger, T. A. (2010, May). A Comparison of Obsessive–Compulsive Personality

Disorder Scales. Journal of Personality Assessment, 92(3), 232-240. Retrieved from

Schizoid Personality Disorder. (n.d.). Retrieved from lumen:
Shulman, D. (2014, December 6). The clock-drawing test: a cognitive screening tool. Retrieved from

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