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Objective: Improve the listening skills and identify the regular and irregular verbs.

Yesterday, I _________ to the store because I needed to buy a few things for
lunch. I really didn’t have much time because I ________ in a hurry to get home.

My friend was going to be meeting me at my house at noon. I rushed around the

store and ________ up some bread, some chicken, and some lettuce. I was
already feeling a bit hungry. I set my things down and was getting ready to pay.
There was a little old lady in front of me who ________ staring at me. At first, it
made me feel quite uncomfortable, but later, she smiled at me with a very sweet
look on her face.

She ________ hello and I greeted her in return. She told me that I ________ like
her granddaughter, whose name was Shelley. She told me that Shelley tragically
passed away last year in a car accident. I told her that I was very sorry for her
loss. She then ________ me a favor. She said, “when I walk away, can you please
say: Goodbye Grandma, I love you?”

As awkward as this felt, I didn’t ________ to disappoint this sweet old lady, so I
reluctantly agreed. She ________ a lot of food in her cart and it was already put
in bags. She started to push the cart away and I waved at her and said,
“Goodbye Grandma. I love you”. She ________ out the door as the cashier was
scanning my food.

The cashier then told me that my total was $102.52. I told her that she must be
mistaken, that I only had bread, chicken, and lettuce which should be only about
$10 - $12. She then told me that my “grandma” said that I would pay for her
food as well.

I couldn’t ________ that the old lady did that to me. I ________ for the food
because I didn’t want any trouble with the police. I ________ outside and
________ the little old lady drive away. She waved at me through the back
window of her car. I couldn’t believe that I was just ________ by a little old lady.

Oh well, lesson learned!

Teacher: Ruth Berdugo López.

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