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Vlasis Bani

[Υπότιτλος εγγράφου]
Table of contents
1. When compared to fossil fuels, it is safe, abundant, and clean to utilize.............................2
2. Renewable energy comes in a variety of forms....................................................................2
3. It lays the groundwork for energy self-sufficiency................................................................2
4. Renewable energy is a reliable source of energy..................................................................3
5. Rather than being a fuel, it is a technology...........................................................................3
1. Not all renewable energy sources are commercially feasible...............................................3
2. Many types of renewable energy are exclusive to a particular place...................................3
3. Many sources of renewable energy need storage................................................................3
4. Pollution is still produced using renewable energy sources.................................................4
5. Subsidies are frequently required to make renewables economical....................................6
6. Some forms of renewable energy require a massive amount of space................................6
The following assignment will give you an overview of renewable energy and its advantages
and disadvantages in our daily usage. Myself being a high school student ,I do consider the
knowledge of advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy important since those
type of energies has changed our life .I will give some information about the benefits of
them and some information that are not beneficial

Renewable energy is derived from a non-depleting source. Solar power and wind power are
two examples of this form of energy. Additional sources of renewable energy that are now
producing power for our globe include geothermal power, hydropower, biomass, and tidal
power. The primary advantage of renewable energy is that fewer potentially harmful
emissions are released into the atmosphere. Although fossil fuels are used to create the
products that allow for this power to be produced, most forms of renewable energy can
become carbon neutral in 5 years or less. Renewable energy has the disadvantage of being
expensive. Although wind and solar power have become cost-competitive with coal-fired
power and nuclear power in particular places, when the cost per kilowatt hour is compared,
some types are still not cost-competitive globally. In 2015, conventional coal had a lifetime
cost per kilowatt hour of 9.5 cents, whereas offshore wind had a cost of 15.8 cents.

There are also additional benefits and drawbacks to renewable energy to consider.
What Benefits Does Renewable
Energy Have?
1. When compared to fossil fuels, it is safe, abundant, and clean
to utilize.
Even clean-burning natural gas pales in comparison to the benefits of renewable energy
sources. Every day, enough sunshine falls on our globe to power everything for an entire
year if we could capture it using solar panels and other means of collecting. Wind is almost
endless because it is formed by the sun's warmth. Because of how fossil fuels are produced,
they are theoretically a finite resource.

2. Renewable energy comes in a variety of forms.

Since the 1970s, the renewable energy sector has become increasingly diverse. We have
several techniques of generating power through the gathering of renewable energy, ranging
from hydroelectric dams to solar strips that are sturdy enough to support the weight of a car
and can be turned into roads. When opposed to fossil fuel resources, this sector offers more

3. It lays the groundwork for energy self-sufficiency.

Many countries rely on fossil fuels to keep their societies running in the "modern" sense.
These fuels come from a small number of countries that work together to keep cost and
availability under control. Countries can aim toward energy independence through
developing renewable energy resources and having a diverse portfolio of energy to access.
Although these resources take time to create, it's worth noting that the current fossil fuel
infrastructure has been in place for more than a century.

4. Renewable energy is a reliable source of energy.

When renewable energy is generated, the energy produced is stable and useable, just like
any other "conventional" power source. When an infrastructure is in place to support it, it is
a dependable resource. Jobs are also created inside the sector, resulting in economic
stability in the local economy. The energy generated can be distributed through existing
networks, which can help certain towns save money on installation.

5. Rather than being a fuel, it is a technology.

To make coal useful, it must be mined and refined. It is necessary to discharge and transport
natural gas. Natural resources are used to make fossil fuels, whereas technology is used to
make renewable energies. As a result, the cost of renewable energy will continue to fall as
technology advances. Price reductions in fossil fuels can be achieved by increased mining
and refining efficiency, but there will always be an underlying labor cost that affects pricing
and availability.
What Are Renewable Energy's
1. Not all renewable energy sources are commercially feasible.
Many types of renewable energy must be collected at a specific site, which necessitates the
establishment of distribution networks to take benefit of the electricity generated. These
networks necessitate a significant investment in fossil fuels, which will take generations to
offset with renewable energy. Many renewable energy resources, ranging from tidal power
to geothermal, are now commercially unviable.

2. Many types of renewable energy are exclusive to a particular

In some places, even solar energy has limitations. Only 71 days out of the year in Seattle,
Washington, are categorized as "sunny," or with less than 30% cloud cover. During the
winter, northern cities may experience extended periods of darkness. Renewable energy
may not be available in every town due to its location-specific nature.

3. Many sources of renewable energy need storage.

A house or company is connected to a local distribution system with traditional power
resources so that it may be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Back-up and
storage resources must be incorporated when employing a renewable energy resource for
power generation. At night, there is no sunlight. The wind does not always blow at the same
pace. The requisite storage capacities can increase the cost of a new renewable energy
system beyond the reach of the typical person or community.

4. Pollution is still produced using renewable energy sources.

Renewable energy is cleaner than most fossil fuels, although the phrases "cleaner" and
"clean" are not synonymous. Even with a resource like biomass, waste products are still
burned, releasing pollutants into the sky. Carbon and methane, both of which are
considered as greenhouse gases, are included. The technology and facilities needed to
create renewable energy resources, as well as the transportation and distribution networks,
all require fossil fuels. Renewable energy is frequently reliant on fossil fuels, but fossil fuels
are not reliant on renewables.

5. Subsidies are frequently required to make renewables

In the United States, a focus on biofuels and renewable energy sources resulted in the
development of ethanol as a crude oil substitute. Despite taxpayer-funded subsidies, just
430,000 barrels per day of corn-based gasoline were produced in 2007. While maize prices
increased as a result of the harvests being diverted into this renewable fuel, it was enough
to replace 2% of the oil consumed.
6. Some forms of renewable energy require a massive amount of
To product 20 megawatts of energy, current solar technologies require 100 acres of space. In
comparison, the footprint for a nuclear power plant is 1 square mile to produce 1,000
megawatts of energy. Solar is therefore 45 times less space efficient compared to nuclear
power. Solar is even worse, requiring up to 360 square miles to produce the same energy as
one nuclear power plant.

The benefits and drawbacks of renewable energy demonstrate that this technology has
enormous potential. However, due to some constraints that come with renewables, we have
yet to reach their full potential. Prices can be cut, jobs can be generated, and the shift to
using fewer fossil fuels can be made with increased investment in this technology.
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