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The given graphs show the electricity demand in England in a typical day of winter and
summer and also show how people used this electricity. According to the first line graph, we
can see that the electricity demand in winter is much higher than the demand in summer in

In a typical day, the electricity demand in winter season is around 35000 units and it is
around 18000 units in the summer season. Again the demand for the electricity varies on
several hours of the day and the demand from 6:00 to 9:00 am is lesser than the demand in
other hours of the day. During the winter the demand is highest from 21:00 to 23:00 and
during summer the demand is highest from 13:00 to 14:00 hours.

Based on the pie chart we can infer that the room heating and water heating is the main
purpose people consume the electricity in England. The demand for washing machine, kettle
and ovens consume around 18% of total electricity consumed and two other categories
consume 15% electricity each. These two other categories which consume 30% of total
electricity include light, TV, Radio, vacuum cleaner, food mixer and other electric told and


Everybody desires to be happy in life and interestingly the requirements to be cheerful vary
from person to person. This is the main reason why defining happiness is not that easy.
However, there are some common things that are regarded important to be delighted in life.

Defining happiness is quite challenging because the requirements to achieve it is not fixed.
While someone dreams that his economic freedom would make him happy, a very rich man
dreams about having a caring family to be happy. Similarly, a couple who do not have any
child think about having a baby all the time and would be ready to do anything for that. On
the contrary, many poor families, mostly in poor countries, find more children to be their
burden. The practical world is quite puzzling and the humankind wants more than they have.
When a person’s aim or expectation is fulfilled, he wants more and this is a never ending
process. This is why happiness is not a simple word that we can describe with a neat and
precise definition.

However, there are some vital factors that are commonly regarded as the main ingredients
to be happy in life. First of all, physical and psychological soundness is very important to be
happy and people can truly realise that when they get sick. Economic freedom - ability to
fulfil the needs in life, is the second most important factor to be happy, in my opinion. It is
often said that being happy with an empty stomach is not possible. Thirdly, having a happy
family where members love each other and care for them is considered important to be in
peace in life. It is usually rare to find a happy person who does not have a pleasant family.
Individual freedom is also considered a great influence to be happy in life. Someone without
personal freedom cannot feel the happiness. Most importantly, being contented in life is the
key to being happy. If someone can be contented with whatever little he has, he will be
happy in life.

In conclusion, though there is no easy and precise definition of happiness, common

attributes like sound health, caring family, freedom and personal contentment are regarded
to be key ingredients to be happy in life.

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