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ur Teacher Mr. Brown + Leve.D + Nowricrion Recording Form Student Grade Date Teacher School Recording Form ‘Summary of Scores: Part One: Oral Reading feo Place the book in front of the student. Read the title and introduction. Fu Compreherson Introduction: Carl has a teacher named Mr. Brown, Carl tells all the things he and the other wing children in his class like to do with their teacher, Mr. Brown. Sours of omation sed E sc Page] Text (Our Teacher Me Brown Level D, RW: 113,12 E |SC| m[s[v[m[s[v 2|My name is Carl. | go to school. 1 like school This is my teacher. My teacher's name is Mr. Brown 4|Mr. Brown reads books to us. We like the books. 6 |Mr. Brown helps us write stories. Subtotal Founta & Pinel Benchmark Assessment Sytem 1 (Our Teacher Mr. Brown 1 : : £ a Recording Form (Our Teacher Mr. Brown + Leve..D + Nowricrion Part One: Oral Reading continued Sources of formation sed E sc m[s|v[m[s|v Page| Text E |sc} 6 |We like to write stories. cont We like to read the stories to him. 8 |Mr. Brown helps us read books We like to read books to him 10/We like to paint pictures. We like to draw pictures. Mr. Brown helps us. Subtotal 2 2 Our Teacher. Brown Fountos&P ur Teacher Mr. Brown + Leve.D + Nowricrion Part One: Oral Reading continued Recording Form Sources of formation sed Page| Text E sc m[s|v[m[s|v 12) Mr. Brown plays games with us. We like to play ball. 4|We like our school. We like to read books. 15|We like to write stories. We like to play ball. 16|We like our teacher, Mr. Brown! Subtotal Total Fouts &Pnmel Benchmark Assessment Stem (Our Teacher Mr. Brown 3 a : £ a Recording Form (Our Teacher Mr. Brown + Leve..D + Nowricrion Ror} in | wo | 9 8 1 6 | as] 3 2 1 0 more Baer | som | sis | 92% | sa | saw | 95% | a6 | sr | 9am | 955 | 10% Fluency Score | 0 1 2 3 Fluency Scoring Key (0 Reads primarily wordy word wth ocasionalbunfequeto inappropriate phasing no smaoth or expresv interpretation, regular pausing, and no attention to author's meaning oF puncuation no stressor inappropriate ses, and iow rae 1 Reads primarily in two word phrases with some thre- and fou-word groups and some wordy word reading; anos no smoot, expressive interpretation or pausing guided by author's meaning and punctuation; almost no stressor inappropriate ses, wh iow rate mos of he tine. 2 Reads primary in three or four word phrase groups some smooth, expresie interpretation and pausing guided by author's mearing and puncuation; msty appropriate ses and rate wth some slowdowns. 55 Reads primary in larger, meaningtl phases or word groups: mast smoot, expressive interpretation and pausing guided by authors meaning and punctuation; appropiate sites and rate with only afew slowdowns. 4 Our Teacher. Brown Fountos& ur Teacher Mr. Brown + Leve.D + Nowricrion Part Two: Comprehension Conversation Have a conversation withthe student, noting the key understandings the student expresses. Use prompts as needed to stimulate discussion of | understandings the student does not express. It is not necessary to use every prompt for each book. Score for evidence of all understandings expressed-with or without a prompt. Circle the number in the score column that reflects the level of understanding demonstrated. Recording Form ‘Comprehension Scoring Key © Refecsunsatistacory understanding ofthe text. Either doesnot respon or ‘als of he topic Feflectslmited understanding of the et. Menton few aor ideas but doesnot expres the important information o ies, 2 Refes satsactory understanding of the et aes important information and ideas bu neglects other key understandings. 3 Reflesexcellen understanding ofthe tt. nudes almost important infrmaton and main ideas. Teacher: Talk about what you learned in this book. Key Understandings Prompts Score Within the Text Carl ike everything he does at school with his teacher. Car and the other children tke alot of o1ras (Gives 2-3 examples, such as read books, write stories, listen things they do with their teacher at school, to stories, paint pictures, and play ball.) don't they? What were some of those things? Mr. Brown helps Carl andthe other children do things What does Mr. Brown doin this story? at schoo! Note any atonal understandings Beyond and About the Text Carl likes school because he likes to (gives 1-2 examples, Why do you think Carl likes school? co 12s such as read books, write stories, listen to stories, paint pictures play ball | think Cats favorite thing at schools (gives an example) because (any plausible reason) ‘Mr.Brown is a good teacher because (any plausible reason), They do some things like we do at school, such as (gives 1-2 examples). Note any addtional understandings: What does Car like most about school? Why do you think he likes that? What do you think about Mi.Brown? Was he 1 good teacher? Why? Did this story remind you of your teacher or class? Why? Guide to Total Score ‘Subtotal Score: 6-7 Excellent Comprehension F senecoryeercteren | A001 or any ational understandings 4 Limited Conpreension Total Score: 7 6-3 Unsatisfactory Comprehension Part Three: Writing About Reading (option) ‘Writing About Reading Scoring Key Read the writing/drawing prompt on the nest page tothe student. Specify the amount cof time for the student to complete the task. (See Assessment Guide fo information) (0 Refecs no understanding ofthe te. 1 Reflect very ited understand of the tet. 2 Refes pata understanding ofthe ter. 5 Refets excellent understanding ofthe tot. F more Fount & Pinel Benchmark Ase system 1 (Our Teacher Mr. Brown S Recording Form (Our Teacher Mr. Brown + Level.D + Noxricrion Student Date Write about three things Mr. Brown helps the children do at school. You can draw a picture to go with your writing. 6 Our Teacher. Brown Fountos & Pinel Benchmark Assessment System P

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