What Is Philosophy

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Elisa Esguerra Campus

Gen. Luna St., Cor. Esguerra St., Brgy. Bayan-Bayanan, Malabon City
Senior High School Department
First Semester
S.Y. 2020 – 2021

I. TOPIC: I. Doing Philosophy

A. What is Philosophy?
 Define the meaning of philosophy in etymologically.
 Identify the difference between wisdom and knowledge.
 Realize the value of philosophy in obtaining a broad perspective in life.

Activity No. 1
Direction: Read the situation.

A murderer is sentenced into death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first room is full of
furious flame. The second room is full of murderers with loaded guns. And there are lions in the third
room who had not been fed for a year. Which room is safest? – the third room is the safest
because the lion might be dead already.

Activity No. 2
Direction: Write an essay reflection about the quotation below at least 5 – 10 sentences.

“You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor” – Aristotle

Based on my understanding about the quote, courage is important for us to stand up and speak on what we
believe and what we think is right. For us to chase our dreams and what makes us happy. To boost our confidence, self-
esteem, and strength to conquer our fears, emotions, and ourselves because sometimes your opponent is no longer someone
else but yourself. Don't let other people control your life have the courage to follow your heart and your dreams because
letting other people know your thoughts and opinions can avoid misunderstanding and conflict between you and your family.
Courage is keeping us to chase our dreams and telling us to never stop until you achieve the dreams you want.

Activity No. 3
Read and analyze the following conversation between a teacher and her student in class.

Teacher: Juan, what would you like to become when you

grow up?
Juan: Ma’am, I want to be happy!
Teacher: Juan, you did not understand my question.
Juan: Ma’am, you do not understand what life is all about!

1. Do you think that Juan’s answer was appropriate for his teacher’s question?
For me, yes but the teacher is talking or referring about the dream job that Juan’s want when he grew up.
But Juan has a different understanding towards the question given by his teacher and his answer has a
deeper answer which you can think or analyze if the question might have deeper explanation.
2. What do you think was Juan’s interpretation of his teacher’s question?
Elisa Esguerra Campus
Gen. Luna St., Cor. Esguerra St., Brgy. Bayan-Bayanan, Malabon City
Senior High School Department
First Semester
S.Y. 2020 – 2021
For me Juan's interpretation of his teacher's question is he wants to be happy and enjoy being a child,
because children have different unique ways of expressing themselves.

3. Based on his responses, what kind of student do you imagine Juan to be?
I think he’s a kind of student that gives deeper meaning to every word you say to him because he
grew physically and mentally socializing or interacting with the people around him and desire to grow where they can show
their talent, ability and many more.
4. If you were Juan’s teacher, how would you respond to him?
I agree with him in a way that we all want to be happy but I will repeat the question in a way that I
know he can understand better and he can answer correctly and I can get the answer I want to know or hear from him.

5. How is philosophy related to this situation?

It is related to philosophy because philosophy is the study of the fundamental question and John answer
the teacher with one word but have a different or deeper meaning for him that nobody can’t understand
except him.

Concept Note No. 1

I. Doing Philosophy
A. What is Philosophy?
 Philosophy is the study of everything.
 Philosophy comes from the Greek words philos or phileim meaning to love, to desire and Sophia meaning
wisdom. It is a science where reason and logic are used to understand reality and answer questions of knowledge,
morality, and human nature. It can be described as either a body of knowledge or intellectual activity.
 Philosophy develops critical thinking and creative skills.
 There are only three (3) basic questions: (1) What’s there? (2) How did you find out? (3) What is its importance?
 Those are the three branches of philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology, and axiology.

Activity No. 4
Essential Questions:

1. What comes on your mind when you encounter the word philosophy?
The first thing that comes in my mind when I see or encounter the word philosophy is the study of everything. And also, the
study and creation of existence. And the reality, knowledge and thought of people on how they think about the future and on
how they should live for every day. And also, it develops our critical thinking and creative skills.
2. What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom?
The difference between the knowledge and wisdom. The knowledge is something we learned from our experience, reading
books or studying while wisdom is something, we learned from knowledge it is also deeper than knowledge.

Activity No. 5
Describe through poster or slogan the importance of philosophy in our life.

Relevance to the Theme 30%
Creativity 30%
Overall Presentation 30%
Neatness 10%
Total 100%

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