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Name: Kyla Ambuyoc Date: January 12, 2022

1. Write a “pro” or a “con” stand on this topic, “Imposition of wearing uniform

in all State Universities.”

PRO: Wearing uniforms at school creates a feeling of oneness and belongin.It also
creates an identity for school and it is also an important part of being a
student..Students feel that they are belong to a particular group and uniforms are
worn for immediate identification.When they wear their uniforms they feel extra
confident in class and they also tend to become serious and to behave in their
class.When students wear their uniforms they look more polite and they look like a
more attentive students it also help the students to eliminate the pressure that they
feel when it comes to their clothes because if everyone is dressed the same
worrying about what they look is not that important.
CON:Sudents should be given the right to wear what ever they want because
they ain their legal age and they are totally grown up.Students shouldn’t need to
wear a uniform everyday, because it is their freedom to be who they want to be and
express themselves however they want.

2. Explain the statement, “You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the
message of your heart.” Start from, “This means that…”

-This means that you can speak well when you tell a message truthfully
or it came from your heart. Let your tongue speak what your heart
thinks.If you say it from your heart, you can say it freely and openly
and you can say a word without hesitation.

3.Write a persuasive speech related to the statement of Ralph Waldo Emerson,

“Speech is Power: Speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel.”
-To speak and to be heard is one of our most basic needs and it is indeed a
privilege to each and everyone to say what they want.In today's world, the power
of language and effective communication is very important. Language is power.
Language should be persuaded, converted and should be empowered.Speaking in
public places is indeed a privilege because it is an opportunity to take something
and share information to your audience.

It is very important that anyone who has a message should strive to share
it .The ability to speak is very important to everyone because through this they can
impart knowledge to everyone. The most important thing you need to know when
speaking in public is that it's about the people you're talking about. Themes, types
of approaches, layout structures, styles, etc. are all aimed at the audience. A
Spanish philosopher once said, "Speech is not a cook, but good food is like a feast
to please guests."It is no wonder that many books and articles on effective
presentations, writing, blogging, and speaking techniques always claim to know
the audience.Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert and to
compel.Speech is power and, therefore, powerful. But powerful need not mean

Always remember that do not afraid to speak infront of the big crowd because you
never know who you might inspire with your talk and also it will improve your
own communication skills.By speaking in public, you could be the one who
inspires next.


Think about it.

“It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.”
-According to the quote, the secret to become happy or to achieve the real
happiness is for us to enjoy what we have and to cherish and appreciate
everything that we have in our life given to us by the Lord.No matter how
blessed we are and how much money do we have if we are asking for more we
forget to appreciate the things that we have.Lets appreciate everything and
remember that satisfaction is the key to become happy.

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