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I. Write a dialogue illustrating how you are going to apply the different
registers in language: Assume that you are Character “A” in the dialog,
and your companion is character “B”.

A.Static Register
A: Let us Bow our head and Let us pray.In the Name of the Father,the Son, and the Holy
B:Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

B.Formal Register
A: Good morning this is Mr.Anas, Can I ask speak to Ms.Shon?
B: Yes speaking, How can I help you?
A: I would like to ask if you can attend the party next week?
B:Ofcourse I can.
A: So see you next week.Goodbye!

C.Consultative Register

A:Good morning Ms.Kim, I would like to ask what are the requirements in your subject?
B: Well, you just need to make a Five minute speech and solve the problems in Math then
that’s it.

A: Okay Ma'am thank you!

B:You're Welcome!

D.Casual Register
A: Hey Guys! what's up?
I've heard that theres a newly opened cafe near at our school.What dont we try, what do you
think guys?
B:OMG!Sounds great.
A: I'll just set the date and tell you the details later.See yah!

E.Informal Register
A:Hey Bro! How are you?
B: Hey Dude!Im good.C'mon lets play a game.
A: Okay lets go.

II. Explain the following including their characteristics. (

1. Geographical Dialect
These are the speech varieties that are spoken in a specific geographical
area. They used this dialect to communicate with those around them,
particularly those in their immediate vicinity. Differences in their
pronunciations, word choices, word formations, and sentence structures
can be notice in this type of speech variety.

2. Sociolect
These are speech varieties that indicate social status and educational
background. A sociolect is a language spoken by a particular social group.
These are formed based on social levels, such as whether they belong to a
higher or lower class. It refers to how a specific society or social class uses
language, as well as how they use or express a word based on their social

3. Styles
It refers to a language variety that is divided into formal and informal
styles based on speech or speaking situation. The use of styles is
determined by the circumstances or situations. It is the manner in which a
speaker speaks to a specific person; for example, if a person speaks to
their professor, they will use formal style, whereas when they speak to
their friends or a close member of their family, they can use informal style.
Our style preferences are always influenced by the circumstances.

4. Speech Levels
These are language varieties in which the differences between them are
determined by their social background, the speaker’s relationship with his
listeners, and their socioeconomic status.
5. Lingua Franca
A language that is used as a common language by speakers whose native
languages are not the same. It is used by a lot of people who speak
different languages in order to communicate effectively with others.


1.A language itself can be viewed as a variety of the human languages.

- In order for us to communicate with each other we use language and there are so many
languages around the world.There are people who speak different from us and they have their
own ways on how to expressed what they want to say.When we communicate we use different
styles, we think about the situations and in that way we know what to use or say in
communicating with people

2.We use different language registers for different types of writing just as we speak

-It is true that we should used the appropriate language registers when we talk to different
people. We must find out what our relationship is with the person we are talking to so that we
know what correct language register we will use in communicating.We can't talk to our
professors like we're talking to our friends, we have to use the right language register.Our use of
different language registers still depends on who the person we are talking to.

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