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Moning Tenkyu

Good morning Thank you

Gude Mi inap
Good day (lunch time) I'm able
Apinun Mi no save kaikai buai
Good Afternoon I don't usually chew buai
Gut nait Dispela kaikai em i swit tumas
Good night This food tastes great
Mi laik kisim save long Tok Pisin Ples bilong yu we?
I want to learn Tok Pisin Where is your village.
Mi no save gut long Tok Pisin Asples bilong mi Inglan.
I don't know Tok Pisin well My home country is England.
Yu tok gen. Wanem kain wok bilong yu?
Say it again. What kind of work do you do?
Yu tok isi isi Em i bilong husat?
Talk slowly Whose is it?
Em stret o nogat? Mi amamas.
Is that correct or no? I'm happy.
Mi save Mi hat.
I know I'm hot (weather wise)
Mi no save Mi sori.
I don't know I'm sorry
Mi klia Gaden bilong yu i stap we?
I understand Where is your garden?
Mi no klia Husat i tisa bilong yu?
I don't understand Who is your teacher?
Mi lusim tingting Tisa bilong yu em i husat?
I forget Who is your teacher?
Orait, yu stap. Mi go nau. Yu mekim wanem samting?
Alright, you stay. I'm going now. What are you doing?
Lukim yu tumora. Yu laik baim wanem bilum?
See you tomorrow Which bilum do you want to buy?
Nem bilong mi Jon. Yu tok wanem?
My name is John What are you saying?
Gutpela. Bai yu go long wanem taim?
Good What taim are you leaving?
Nogat. Yu wokim mat olsem wanem?
No How do you make the mat?
Em i wanem samting? Olsem wanem yu go long taun?
What is it? How are you going to town?
Wanem nem bilong dispela? Hamas spun i stap?
What is this called? How many spoons are there?
Yu mekim wanem? Man bilong yu i mekim wanem samting?
What are you doing? What is your husband doing?
Em i hamas? Hamas sia i stap?
How much does it cost? How many chairs are there?
Haus bilong yu stap we? Meri bilong yu i stap we?
Where is your house? Where is your wife?
Mi go long haus. Dok bilong husat i stap aninit long haus bilong yu?
I'm going to the house. Whose dog is underneath your house?
Mi go long haus kuk Asde yu bin baim wanem kain kaikai long maket?
I'm going to the kitchen. Yesterday you bought what kind of food at the market?
Sori mi no laik baim Yu wanem kain man?
Sorry, I don't want to buy (it). What kind of person are you?
Mi Ol wokman i malolo nau.
I The workmen are resting now.
yu Long Hailans i gat ol bikpela bikpela maunten.
you (singular) In the highlands, there are really big mauntens.
yupela Em bai wokim nupela haus klostu long bikpela wara.
y'all He will build a new house close to the large river.
mitupela Man nogut i save stap long ples tudak.
we two Evil men usually stay in the dark.
yumitupela Gaden bilong Dimat i bikpela liklik.
us two Dimat's garden is kind of big.
yutupela Dispela pik i bikpela tru.
you two This pig is really big.
tupela Lek bilong yu i solap bikpela tru.
two Your leg is very swollen.
mipela Haus bilong em i bikpela tumas.
we (exclusive of others) His house is really big.
yumi Haus bilong mi em i bikpela moa.
we (inclusive of all present) His house is really big.
ol Haus pasindia i stap klostu long klinik.
they The hotel is close to the clinic.
Meri bilong mi i gat kus Wanpela bisnisman i bin helpim mi.
My wife has a cough A businessman helped me.
Yu yet yu wokim dispela bilum, a? Papa bilong mi em i bikpela man.
You yourself made this bilum, eh? My Dad is a large man.
Mi go long taun wantaim man bilong mi. Papa bilong mi em i wanpela bikman bilong ples.
I'm going to town with my husband. My Dad is an importan person from the village.
Yutupela i lukim pik bilong Bat o nogat? Wasmama bilong mipela em i naispela meri.
Did you two see Bat's pig or not? Our wasmama is a nice lady.
Em i lukim ol. Planti taim em i bin givim saksak long mipela.
He sees them. He often gave sago to us
Ol i no laik go long gaden. Putim ol raunpela ston hia.
They do not want to go the the garden. Put the round stones here.
Mi yet mi save long wokim mat. Dispela kaikai i gutpela tru.
I myself know how to make a mat. This food is really good.
Sam tupela Saimon i wokim dispela gaden Papa bilong yu i sotpela o longpela?
Sam made this garden with Simon Is your dad short or tall?
Pik i no save kaikai skin bilong banana Dispela kain kaikai i gutpela liklik.
Pigs don't usually eat banana skins This kind of food is kind of good.
Mi go long bus na mi lukim wanpela pik Planti man tumas i kam na kaikai i pinis.
I went to the bush and saw a pig So many men came and already ate (it)
Dispela pik i bikpela tru na em i blakpela Olgeta klos i stap long san i drai liklik.
This pig was very big and black All the clothes in the sun are kind of dry
Tripela pik i stap aninit long haus. Ol pikinini i stap long skul.
Three pigs are underneath the house. The kids are at school
Pe bilong PMV i go long taun em i wan kina. Putim buk long tebol.
The price of a PMV to go to town is one kina. Put the book on the table
Namba tu pikinini bilong mi i no marit. Pulimapim taro long bilum.
My second child is not married Put the taro in the bilum.
Sampela talinga i gutpela long kaikai na sampela i no gutpela. Mi go lon bus nau.
Some mushrooms are okay to eat and others are not I'm going to the the bush now.
Mi lukim planti meri i stap long maket. Givim wanpela kulau long em.
I saw many women at the market Give a cocnout (to drink) to him.
Olgeta manmeri bilong Betip i go long taun. Meri bilong em i kam long gaden.
All the people from Betip are going to town. My wife came from the garden.
Yu save long plant samting. I no gat wara bilong dring long dispela hap
You know about many things. There isn't water to drink in this area.
Sampela man ol i kam long kanu. Bikpela susa bilong mi i stap long haus
Some men are coming by kanu. My big sister is at the house.
Mi sori long yu. Em i go bilong kisim wok
I feel sorry for you. He is going to get work.
Long nait em i kam. Papa bilong mi i katim paiawut long bus
At night he is coming. My father is cutting firewood in the bush.
Em i kam wantaim mi. Em i no man bilong giaman.
He is coming with me. He isn't a liar.
Em i paitim dok long stik. Wanpela man i kam bilong kisim mani.
He hits the dog with the stik. A man is coming in order to get money.
inap long Dispela bilas bilong singsing i naispela.
as far as, until These decorations for the singsing are beautiful.
longwe long Mi katim pinga bilong mi long naip.
far from I cut my finger on the knife.
namel long Jon i go long stua bilong baim rais.
in the middle of Jon went to the store in order to buy rice.
aninit long Asde, em i no bin helpim gut papa bilong em.
under Yesterday, he didn't help his Papa well.
ausait long Long siks klok stret.
outside of At six o'clock exactly
klostu long Long hapas et nabaut.
near to At half past eight about
antap long Long hapas et samting.
on top of around half past eight
bihain long Bipo long hapas seven.
after (in time) Before half past seven
insait long Bihain long tu klok.
inside of After two o'clock
long baksait bilong haus Mande
at the back of the house Monday
pikinini bilong mi Tunde
my child Tuesday
naip bilong em Trinde
his knife Wednesday
meri bilong toktok Fonde
a talkative woman Thursday
taim bilong ren Fraide
rainy season Friday
man bilong pait Sarere
a man who likes to fight Saturday
man bilong giaman Sande
a liar Sunday
man bilong nambis Ol de bilong wik
coastal man The days of the week
meri bilong Hailans Ol mun bilong yia
Highlands woman The months of the year
sik bilong ples Janueri
a village sickness January
tingting bilong bipo Februeri
old way of thinking February
Mi kam bilong skulim yu Mas
I'm coming in order to teach you. March
Epril Dispela kanu i no gutpela
April This canoe isn't good.
Me Mama i go long bus
May Mama is going to the bush
Jun Dok i kaikaim man
June The dog bit the man
Julai Em i ken i go
July He can go
Ogas I gat planti natnat long bus
August There are many mosquitoes in the bush
Septemba Bai yu go?
September Will you go?
Oktoba Em dok bilong mi.
October He is my dog.
Novemba Mipela (i) go.
November We are going.
Desemba Yumi (i) go
December we (inclusive of all present) are going
Hapasde Ol (i) inap
The day before yesterday They are able
Asde Em bai (i) go
Yesterday He will go
Tude Long moning mi no go long gaden
Today In the morning I am not going to the garden
Tumora Mi no bin paitim em
Tomorrow I did not hit him
Haptumora Asde mi no lukim yu long skul
The day after tomorrow Yesterday I did not see you at school
Long Tunde Mi go long taun
on Tuesday I am going to town
Long mun Julai Mi bin go long taun
in the month of July I went to town
Bihain long wan klok yu kam lukim em Mama bai kam long moning
After one o'clock you come see him Mom will kam in the morning.
Long hapas tri samting em i kam Galahid i bin kam long trinde
At about half past three he is coming Galahid came Wednesday.
Long ten klok stret paitim garamut Em i sanap antap long maunten
At ten o'clock exactly hit the garamut She stands on the mountain.
Mi kam long PNG long 1982 Em i kisim pinis
I came to PNG in 1982 He got it.
Em i kam long PNG long 1982 Yupela i wokim haus kuk pinis, o nogat?
He came to PNG in 1982 Have y'all made the house cook? O no?
Em i kam long yia i go pinis Man i slip. Slip pinis em i kaikai popo
He came last year The man is sleeping. When he is done sleeping, he eats popaya
Long tunde bai mi go long taun Mipela i toktok i stap na em i kam
On Tuesday I will go to town We were in the middle of talking and he came
Long mun Julai em i bin wokim nupela gaden Mipela i wok long toktok na em i kam
In the month of July, he made a new garden We were in the middle of talking and he came
Man i paitim dok Graun i wel. Klostu mi pundaun.
The man hit the dog. The ground his slippery. I almost fell down.
Dimat i tisa bilong mi Ol meri i stat long kukim kaikai nau.
Dimat is my teacher. The women are starting to cook the food now.
Wara i hat Moning mi save kirap long 6 klok.
The water is hot. In the morning, I usually wake up at six o'clock.
Mi save dring kopi long belo. Mi no kam long wanem mi gat kus.
I usually drink coffe at lunch. I am not coming because I have a cold
Mi save long wokim bilum. Mi gat kus olsem na mi no kam.
I know how to make bilums. I have a cold so I am not coming
Bai mi traim long wokim bilum. Papa i salim mi olsem mi salim yu.
I will attempt to make a bilum. Father sent me, as I am sending you
Yu mas rausim olgeta pipia i stap aninit long tebol. Em i laik i kam, tasol em i no inap
You must get rid of all of the little rubbish uner the table. He wants tokam, but he isn't able
Yu inap sanapim dispela pos? Yu laik kam o bai yu stap?
Are you able to stand this post up? Would you like to come? Or will you stay?
Ol sumatin i no ken slip long klas. Yu mas wokabaut isi isi. Nogut yu pundaun.
Students mustn't sleep in class You must walk very slowly. Lest you fall.
Mipela i go i go i go, i kamap long ples. Taim em i kam bek, mitupela bai go
We went and went and went and finally got to the village. When comes back, we two will go
Kisim dispela buk i kam long mi. Yu stap inap long mi kam bek
Bring the book to me. You are staying until I come back
Kisim dispela kaikai i go long haus bilong yu. Sapos em i bikpela tumas, maski.
Take this food to your house. If it is too big, forget it
Mi baim kaikai. Em i kam antap. Orait na em i paitim garamut strong na em i
I will eat. tok...
Em i holim stik. He came up. Then he hit the garamut strongly and said...
He is holding the stick. Maski rot i gutpela, yu no ken go.
giamanim So what if the road is good, you can't go
Lie to Yumi wok inap long san i go daun.
wetim Let's work until the sun goes down
wait for Dispela haus i stap long maunten, em i haus bilong mi.
Mi wok long haus This house that is on the mountain, it's my house.
I'm working at the house Sanap
Mi wokim haus Stand up
I am building a house Wokabaut.
Klostu pik i bagarapim olgeta gaden bilong mi Walk
The pig almost destroyed my garden Kam bek long sia.
Ol man i stat long mumuim tupela pik Come back to the chair.
The men are beginning to pressure cook the pig Sindaun.
Yu save lotu long wanem sios? Sit down
You usually worship at what kind of church? Sanap na wokabaut i go long tebol.
Jon bai traim long kam bek long Sarere. Stand up and walk to the table
John will try to come back on Saturday. Nau wokabaut i go long dua.
Yupela wokabaut hariap na go long Nagada. Now walk to the door.
Y'all walk fast and go to Nagada Opim dua
Ol pikinini i slip i stap. Yupela tok isi. Open the door.
The kids are sleeping presently. Y'all speak quietly Pasim dua.
Rot i go antap nau. Shut the door.
The road gets steep now Kam bek long sia na sindaun.
Yumi wokabaut isi isi. Come back to the chair and sit down.
Let's walk really slow Kisim pensil.
Taitim gut dispela skru. Nogut em i lus gen. Get the pencil.
Tighten this screw. Lest it become loose again. Putim pensil i go bek long tebol.
Mi kam na mitupela i toktok. Put the pensil back on the table.
I am coming and we two (will) talk Kisim pepa. Putim pepa i go bek long tebol.
Jon na Pita bai go. Get the paper. Put the paper back on the table.
John and Peter will go Kisim buk.
Jon tupela Pita bai go. Get the book
John and Peter will go
Opim buk. Makim bel bilong yu long pinga.
Open the book Point to your stomach with your finger
Pasim buk. Makim skru bilong lek bilong yu long pinga.
Shut the book Point to your knee with your finger
Putim buk i go bek long tebol. Makim skru bilong han bilong yu long pinga.
Put the book back on the table Point to your wrist with your finger
Kisim buk na givim long mi. Kisim buk na apim long han bilong yu.
Get the book and give it to me Get the book and lift up your hand
Kisim buk na givim long mama. Kisim pepa na putim namel long tupela buk.
Get the book and give it to mama Get a piece of paper and put it between the two books
Kisim buk na pepa na pensil Kisim tupela buk na apim long wanpela han bilong yu.
Get the book, paper, and pencil Get the two books and lift them up in one of your hands
Givim pensil long mi Kisim buk na putim antap long het bilong yu.
Give the pencil to me Get a book and put it on your head
Givim pepa long mama na putim buk i go bek long tebol Putim pensil antap long ia bilong yu.
Give the paper to mama and put the book back on the table Put the pencil on top of your ear
Putim pepa antap long tebol Holim pensil long han olsem spia.
put the paper on top of the table Hold the pensil in your hand like a spear
Putim pepa insait long buk Putim pensil long maus olsem smok.
put the paper in the book Put the pencil in your mouth like a cigarette
Yu kisim muli Kisim pepa na raitim nem bilong yu.
Get the muli Get a piece of paper and write your nem
Yu tromoi muli long mi Givim dispela pepa long mi.
Throw the muli to me Give this paper to me
Yu kisim muli Kisim bek dispela pepa.
You get the muli Take back this paper.
Yu tromoi muli long dispela meri Soim nem bilong yu long mi.
You throw the muli to this lady Show me your name.
Yu putim muli i go bek long tebol Kisim namba wan na tu
yu put the muli back on the table Get number one and two.
Apim han bilong yu Kisim namba tri na foa
raise your hand Get number three and four.
Daunim han bilong yu Givim namba faiv na siks long mi
put down your hand Give number five and six to me
Apim tupela han bilong yu givim namba seven na et long mi
raise your two hands Give number seven and eight to me
Daunim wanpela han bilong yu Putim namba nain na ten insait long buk
put down one of your hands Put number nine and ten in the book
Tromoi narapela han bilong yu Putim namba eleven aninit long sia bilong yu
Wave your other hand Put number eleven underneath your chair
Putim han bilong yu antap long het bilong yu Yumi putim olgeta namba i go bek long tebol
Put your hand on top of your head Let's all put all the numbers back on the table
Holim ia bilong yu. Yu wokabaut hariap
Hold your ear You are walking quickly
Holim tupela ia bilong yu Yu wokabaut isi isi
Hold your two ears You are walking very slowly
Holim nus bilong yu. Yu raitim nem bilong yu hariap
Hold your nose Write your name quickly
Holim gras bilong yu. Yu raitim nem bilong yu isi
Hold your hair Write your name slowly
Makim ai bilong yu long pinga. Yu putim buk antap long tebol
Point to your eye with your finger Put the book on the table
Makim maus bilong yu long pinga. Yu putim pensil klostu long buk
Point to your mouth with your finger. Put the pencil close to the book
Yu putim pensil longwe long buk Yutupela putim pensil antap long ia bilong yutupela
put the pencil far away from the book You two put the pencil on your ears
Yu putim pepa longwe long buk Moning nau.
put the paper far away from the book Morning now
Yu putim pepa klostu long buk Moning. Nem bilong mi Josi.
put the paper close to the book Morning, My name is Josi
Yu kisim banana Asples bilong mi Amerika.
Get the banana My home country is America.
Yu rausim skin bilong banana Yu bilong wanem hap?
Take off the skin of the banana Where are you from?
Yu kaikai banana Mi bilong PNG.
Eat the banana I am from PNG.
Yu kisim narpela banana Mi laik kisim save long Tok Pisin.
Get another banana I want to learn Tok Pisin
Yu rausim skin bilong banana Inap long yu lainim mi?
Peel the banana Are you able to teach me?
Yu katim banana long naip Oraitim, mi ken lainim yu.
Cut the banana with the knife Alright, I can teach you.
Yu tilim haphap long ol sumatin Sapos tok bilong yu em i kranki, orait mi ken stretim yu.
Give pieces to the students. If you speak incorrectly, I can correct you.
Yupela kaikai banana Gutpela. Tumora bai mi lukim yu gen.
Y'all eat the banana Good, tomorrow I will see you again.
Yu kisim kap Mi go nau.
Get the cup I'm going now
Yu pulimapim wara long kap Orait, lukim yu.
Fill the cup up with water Alright, see you
Yu kapsaitim wara i go bek Yu man bilong Madang?
Pour water back Are you from madang?
Yu pulimapim wara gen long kap Yu gat pikinini man?
Fill up the cup again with water Do you have a son?
Yu kapsaitim hap tasol i go bek Yu save long Tok Pisin?
Pour out only half back Do you know Tok Pisin?
Yu kapsaitim olgeta i go bek Yu winim 40 Krismas?
Pour out all of back Are you older than 40?
Yu pulimapim wara long kap na yu dringim Yu laik go bek long asples bilong yu?
Fill the cup up with water and drink Do you want to go back to your home country?
Yu kisim stik Yu laik kaikai kokonas?
Get the stick Do you like to eat coconuts?
Yu kisim dok Yu gat pikinini meri?
Get the dog Do you have a daughter?
Yu paitim dok long stik Yu pret long ol snek?
You hit the dog with the stick Are you afraid of snakes?
Yu kisim pukpuk Yu laik kisim save long Tok Pisin?
You get the crocodile Do you want to learn Tok Pisin?
Yu paitim pukpuk long stik Yu laik lukim pukpuk?
You hit the crocodile with the stick Do you want to see a crocodile?
Yu kisim stik na yu brukim Yu laik holim snek?
You get the stick and break it Would you like to hold a snake?
Yu kisim stik na yu katim long naip Yu laik kaikai kakaruk?
You get the stick and cut it with the knife Do you want to eat a chicken?
Yutupela putim pepa antap long tebol Yu laik lukim pikinini bilong mi?
You two put the paper on the table Do you want to see my child?
Yutupela putim pepa insait long buk Yu laik go slip?
You two put the paper in the book Would you like to go to sleep?
Yu save pukpuk em i wanem samting? Inap yu kisim sampela taro i kam long narapela de?
Do know know what a pukpuk is? Are you able to bring some taro on another day?
Yu save mausgras em i wanem samting? Yu kam insait.
Do you know what mausgras (facial hair) is? You come inside.
Yu save nem bilong mi? Meri i putim kaikai long tebol.
Do you know my name? The woman places food on the table.
Yu save long draivim ka, o nogat? Em 40 toea.
Do you know how to drive a car, or no? It is 40 toea.
Yu save long wokim basket? Olsem na mipela inap baim liklik tasol.
Do you know how to make a basket? So we are able to buy a little, that's it.
Yu save husat i stap long haus bilong mi? Ating tupela bai inap.
Do you know who is staying at my house? Maybe two will be enough.
Yu save husat i bosim kantri bilong yu? Nau em i de namba 7 mi skul long Tok Pisin.
Do you know who is the leader of your country? Today is the seventh day I've been learning Tok Pisin.
Gude wantok. Yu go we? Inap long yu lainim mi long pasin bilong wokim gaden?
Good day, friend, where are you going? Are you able to teach me your customs of making a garden?
Mi go long taun. Pastaim yu mas makim wanpela hap graun.
I am going to town First you must choose a piece of land.
Bai yu go mekim wanem samting long taun? Bihain, yu katim bus.
What will you do in town? Then you cut down the bush.
Bai mi go long maket na baim kaikai. Katim bus pinis mi mekim wanem samting?
I will go to the market and buy food. After cutting down the bush, what do I do?
Bai yu go long maket olsem wanem? Taim ol lip i drai pinis, orait yu kukim bus.
How will you go to the market? When ol the leaves are dry, you burn the bush.
Bai mi go long PMV. Pe bilong PMV em i hamas? Bihain yu brukim graun long stik diwai, na planim ol samting
I will go by PMV. How much does a PMV ride cost? Afterward you dig into the ground with a stick and plant all the
Pe bilong PMV i go long taun, em i wan kina. things.
A PMV ride costs one kina. Gaden bilong yu em i stap klostu long hia?
Orait, mi inap long baim. Is your garden close to here?
Alright, I am able to afford it. Gaden bilong yu i stap longwe liklik?
Yu laik kam wantaim mi? Is your garden a long way from here?
Do you want to come with me? Gaden bilong mi i stap klostu tasol.
Nogat. Wok i pasim mi. My garden is close to here.
No, work is holding me up. Yu laik lukim gaden nau?
Tumora bai mi lukim yu long Pat. Do you want to see the garden now?
Tomorrow, I will see you at Pat Yes mi laik, na mi laik wok wantaim yu.
Orait lukim yu tomora. Yes I want to, and I want to work with you
Alright, see you tomorrow Orait. Yumi ken stretim wanpela hap banis ol pik i bin brukim.
Yu kam bilong salim kaikai, a? Alright, we (inclusive) can fix a fence that the pigs broke.
You came to sell food, eh? Yumi kisim tupela bikpela naip na go.
Hamas long banana? Let's get (inclusive) two big knives and go.
How much is a banana? Yu save wok long gaden?
Banana, em i 40 toea. Do you usually work in the garden?
A banana costs 40 toea. Yes, mi save wok long gaden.
Ol tomato i 10 toea, a? Yes, I usually work in the garden.
Tomatoes cost 10 toea, eh? Yu save long olgeta wok bilong gaden?
Ananas, em i hamas? Do you know how to do all of the garden work?
Pineapple, how much is it? Nogat, mi save long planim kon tasol.
Mipela gat planti bin. No, I only know how to plant corn.
We have many beans. Yu save wok hariap?
Bihain long narpela wik bai mipela inap baim moa. Do you usually work quickly?
After next week, we will buy more Yes, mi save wok hariap.
Mipela i sot long taro. Yes, I usually work fast
We are short of taro
Yu save long wok bilong mekenik? Toro i stap long wanem hap?
Do you know how to be a mechanic? Where does Toro live?
Nogat mi longlong long wok bilong mekenik. Wanem nem bilong meri bilong en?
No, I'm crazy when it comes to being a mechanic What is the name of his wife?
Yu save lukautim pik? Em i mekim wanem kain wok?
Do you usually look after pigs? What kind of work does he do?
Yes mi save lukautim pik Em i gat hamas pikinini?
Yes, I usually look after pigs. How many kids does he have?
Yu save pasin bilong wel pik? Pikinini man i gat hamas Krismas?
Do you know how wild pigs act? The son is how old?
Yes mi save. Ol i save bagarapim gaden tasol. Meri bilong Toro i save mekim wanem samting?
Yes, I know. They usually only destroy gardens. What does Toro's wife do?
Nau em i wanem de? Husat i save wok wantaim meri bilong Toro?
Today is what day? Who usually works with Toro's wife?
Nau em i Tunde. Yu go we?
Today is Tuesday. Where are you going?
Tumora em i Trinde. Mi go long ples bilong susa bilong mi.
Tomorrow is Wednesday. I'm going to my sister's village
Haptumora em i Fonde. Bau yu go mekim wanem samting?
The day after tomorrow is Thursday. What will you go to do?
Haptumora bihain em i Fraide. Ol i wokim nupela haus. Olsem na, mi go helpim ol.
The day after the day after tomorrow is Friday. They are building a new house. So, I am going to help them.
Asde em i Mande. Yupela i save wokim nupela haus olsem wanem?
Yesterday was Monday. How do y'all usually build a new house?
Hapasde em i Sande. Pastaim mipela i kisim pos bilong haus.
The day before yesterday was Sunday. First, we get the posts for the house
Hapasde bipo em i Sarere. Bihain mipela i samapim morota.
The day before the day before yesterday was Saturday. After we sew together the morota
Nau em i wanem de bilong mun? Wanem wok i kamap bihain long samapim morota?
Today is what day of the month? What work happens after sewing together the morota?
Nau em i de namba 23? Mipela i kisim bun bilong haus.
Today's date is the twenty-third. We get the pieces of the frame of the house?
Nau em i mun Me. Bihain long dispela yupela i mekim wanem wok moa?
Now it is the month of May. After this, y'all do what kind of other work?
Bai mi go long ples long mun i kam bihain. Olgeta samting i redi pinis, orait mipela i sanapim haus
I will go to the village next month. When everything is ready, we put up the house.
Mi Toro. Oloman! Em i bikpela wok tru.
I'm Toro. Wow! It is a lot of work.
Nem bilong meri bilong mi: Hunai. Tru, em i bikpela wok.
My wife's name is Hunai. Tru, it is a lot of work.
Mi stap long Madang. Yu karim pos i kam na sanapim long hul
I live in Madang. Bring the posts and stand it up in the hole.
Mi wok long haus sik. Yu karim pos i go na putim long kanu
I work at the hospital. You bring the post and put it in the canoe.
Mi gat tupela pikinini. Yu kisim mani i go na baim sampela nil
I have two kids. You get money and go buy some nails
Wanpela pikinini man na wanpela pikinini meri. Yu salim mani i kam long mi
One boy and one girl. You send man to me
Pikinini man i gat faivpela Krismas. Em i wokim kanu i stap
My son is five years old. He is in the middle of making a canoe
Meri bilong mi i save wok long gaden planti taim. Yu larim pikinini i stap long haus
My wife often works in the garden. You let the kid stay in the house
Na tumbuna bilong en i save wok wantaim. Yu lusim wok i stap
And his grandchild usually works with him. You have left your work
Yu tromoi dispela samting i go daun long graun Bai mi ken givim narpela sut long yu na sampela marasin moa
Throw this thing down on the ground I will give you another injection and some more medicine.
Wanem taim bai yu go long taun? Orait, bai mi kam bek
What time will you go to town? Ok, I will come back.
Mi no save, ating long et kilok samting bai mi go Nek bilong mi em i pen
I don't know, maybe at around eight o'clock I will go My neck hurts.
ka bilong mi i no i stap. Ai bilong mi em i raun
My car is not here I'm dizzy.
Tupela meri i klinim gaden Skin bilong mi em i hat tumas
The two women are cleaning out the garden I have a strong fever.
Klinim pinis, tupela i planim kaukau Yes, mi amamas tasol.
When the cleaning is finished, those two will plant sweet potato Yes, I'm happy, no problems.
O mi sik nogut tru. Yu olsem wanem? Yu orait?
Oh I'm so sick. How are you? Are you alright?
Klostu mi laik i dai. mi no amamas, mi kros.
I almost died. I'm not happy, I'm cross
Yu gat wanem sik Mi no amamas, mi les long wok nau.
What kind of sickness do you have? I'm not happy, I don't feel like working today
Mi gat kus. Mi orait, tasol ai bilong mi hevi na mi laik slip.
I have a cold. I'm alright, but I'm sleepy, and I want to sleep
Pastaim em i bikpela liklik, tasol nau em i kamap bikpela moa Mi hangre nogut tru
First he was a little big, now he is so big I'm super hungry
Het bilong yu i pen o nogat? Nek bilong mi i drai
Does your head heart or no? I'm thirsty
Yes, het bilong mi em i pen Mi dai long wara
Yes, I have a headache. I'm thirsty
skin em i guria Mi les long ol pikinini, ol i hambak tasol
I'm shaking from the cold (or I am afraid) I'm tired of kids, they're just so stubborn
Em tasol o yu gat narapela pen Mi laik lainim pasin bilong yupela long taim yupela i lotu.
Is that it or do you have another pain? I want to learn your church customs
Bel bilong mi em i tanim tanim, na mi laik traut Lotu i save kirap long wanem taim?
My stomach is feeling nauseated, I want to vomit What time does church usually start?
Dispela sik i bikpela moa Lotu save kirap long namba tri belo.
This is a major illness Church usually starts on the third gong.
Mi wari tru long dispela sik bilong mi Namba wan belo em i makim wanem samting?
I am so worried about my illness What does the first gong mean?
Yu no ken wari tumas. Namba wan belo em i makim taim bilong yumi mas redi.
Don't worry so much. The first gong means is time to get ready.
Dispela kain marasin em inap long winim dispela sik. Namba tu belo em i makim wanem samting?
This kind of medicine can cure this illness. What does the second gong mean?
Yu daunim marasin. Namba tu belo em i makim taim bilong wokabaut i go long
Take the medicine. haus lotu.
Mi tingting long kisim sut tu. The second gong means it is time to walk to church.
I'm thinking about getting an injection too. Na namba tri belo?
Bai yu inap givim wanpela sut long mi o nogat? And the third gong?
Are you able to give me an injection or no? Namba tri belo em i taim bilong lotu i kirap.
Bai mi givim sut long yu nau. The third gong means that it is time for church to start.
I will now give you an injection. Yupela i save singsing long lotu?
Nau mi ken go wantaim bel isi. Do y'all usually sing at church?
Now I can go in peace. Yes mipela i save singsing na ritim tok bilong God.
Tasol, yu mas i kam bek tumora na haptumora. Yes we usually sing and read God's word.
But, you must come back tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Bihain long singsing, wanem samting i save kamap?
Bilong wanem mi mas kam bek gen? After singing, what happens?
Why must I come back again?
Bihain wanpela man i save autim tok bilong God. kros
Afterward, a man usually preaches God's word. emotionally cross
Mipela i save beten tu. bilipim tok bilong em
We usually beten too. have faith in him
Lotu bilong mipela i wankain. bilip long em
Our church is the same. believe it
Em i orait sapos mi kam wantaim yu lon dispela Sande? blesim
Is it alright if I come with you this Sunday? to bless
Em i orait. kamap nupela gen
It's alright. born again
Bai mi lukim yu long Sande. lukautim
I will see you on Sunday. to look after
Mi amamas long dispela kaikai. autim sin
I'm happy about this food. confess sin
Mi amamas long dispela gutpela de. sutim bel
I'm happy for this good day. conviction
Mi amamas long yu lukautim mipela. mi autim sin long yu
I'm happy to look after you. I confess sin to you
Mi amamas long helpim bilong yu. dispela tok i sutim bel bilong mi
I'm happy to help you. These words shoot my stomach (convict me)
Mi amamas long gutpela kaikai yu givim long mipela. diwai kros
I'm happy for this good food you are giving us. cross
Mi amamas long ol kain kain gutpela samting. Jisas i dai long diwai kros
I happy about all kinds of good things. Jisas dies on the wooden cross
Papa bilong mipela, yu stap long heven. Kristen
Our father, you are in heaven Christian
Nem bilong yu i mas i stap holi. kongrigesen
Your name must be holy Congregation
Kingdom bilong yu i mas i kam long ol. sios
Your kingdom must come Church
Maus bilong yu ol i bihainim long heven haus lotu
Your words they follow in heven building of the church
olsem tasol, mipela olgeta i mas bihainim long graun tu God i bin wokim mi, na mi bilong en
thus, we all must follow on earth too God made me, and I am his
Kaikai bilong mipela bilong de, nau yu givim mipela Long planti taim mi givim baksait long God na mekim pasin
Our food for this day, today you give to us nogut
Lusim sin bilong mipela Often I turned my back on God and did evil
Forgive us our sins Tasol Jisas Krais, em pikinini bilong God
Mipela tu i lusim sin ol i mekim long mipela But Jesus Christ, son of God
We too forgive sins they commit against us Jisis i bin kisim asua bilong mi
Yu no bringim mipela long samting bilong traim mipela Jisas took my fault
You don't bring us into something that tries us Jisas i karim pen na i dai pinis
Tekewe mipela long olgeta samting nogut Jesus carried my pain and died
Keep up from every evil thing Jisas i tekewe mi long han bilong Seten
Kingdom na strong na biknem i bilong yu tasol oltaim oltaim Jesus took me out of Satan's hand
The kingdom and power and glory are yours alone, forever and ever Long pen a blut bilong Jisas, God i baim bek mi pinis
I tru through Jesus' pain and blood, God bought me back
It's tru. Mi wokman bilong God tasol
belhat I'm a workman of God, nothing more
anger tok/maus bilong bel
belhat nogut tru conscience
rage, fury mangal long
bel gut covet
mangalim lainim
covet teach
Seten grisim
Satan tempt
spirit nogut, spirit doit traim
demon tempt
evil pulim
pasin nogut tru tempt
bilip tok tru
faith truth
hevi save
fault wisdom
asua rong
fault wrong
lusim skin i kol
forgive chill
bel nogut kus
hate cough
asua pekpek wara
guilt diarreaha
pas wantaim Krais i dai
in Christ faint
giaman pilim pen
lie feel pain
love skin i hat
givim bel long fever
mercy fiva
marimari fever
mekim prea sotwin
pray gasping
beten sua i sting
pray infection
autim tok i sikirap
preach itch
hambak susu bilong sua
pride pus
bekim pe nogut guria
punish tremble
baim bek traut
redeem vomit
tanim bel sut
repent injection
stretpela pasin APO
righteous aid post orderly
pasin i stret haus sik
righteousness hospital
Kisim bek glasman
save seer and healer
sin posin
sin sorcery
Spirit sanguma
Spirit kill people with sorcery
bikhet Ai
stubborn eye
maus bel i malumalu
mouth gentle, weak-willed
han bel i pas
hand sad
het bel i sori
head sad
ia bel isi
ear peaceful
yau bel klin
ear sincere
nus bel tru
nose faithful
gras bel nogut
hair sad, uneasy, disappointed
pinga givim bel
finger to love (Madang area)
lek givim bel (2)
leg make pregnant outside of marriage
bel tubel
stomach wavering, doubting
skru bilong... wanbel
joint agreement, unity
aipas askim bel
blind consult one's conscience
mauspas kisim bel
mute conceive
pasim maus rausim bel
be quiet abort a baby
mauswara brukim bel
talk alot abort a baby
bikmaus kukim long aven
talk loudly bake
ai bilong mi i raun kukim long paia
I am dizzy roast or BBQ
ai bilong mi i slip boilim wara
My eyes are sleepy boil wara
ai bilong mi i hevi brukim
My eyes are heavy (sleepy) break
sanap long ai bilong ol klinim
stand in front of people clean
mi maus bilong ol mekim drai
I am their spokesperson dry
bihainim maus pulapim glas long wara
repeat after speaker fill up a glass with water
belgut laitim paia
love light the fire
bel hat mekim dai paia
anger put out the fire
bel i hat praim
angry fry
bel i hevi hatim wara
sad heat water
bel i kirap slekim masis
become interested in, aroused light a match
sikarapim Mi no gat rot bilong kamapim mani.
scrape, grate I don't have a way to make money
brumim Kamapim nating.
sweep create from scratch
mumuim Bilong mi, maski.
pressure cook by steaming in ground oven It doesn't matter.
bros Maski ren, bai yumi go.
brush It doesn't matter if it rains, we (incl) will go
pipia Maski long krai.
dirt don't bother crying
i gat pipia Maskim long kukim planti kaikai
dirty Don't worry about cooking a lot of food
das Planti pik i stap nabaut
dust Many pigs are about, in various directions
laplap bilong rausim das Sut nabaut
dust cloth shoot aimlessly
pulimapim kaikai nabaut
pour eat aimlessly
kapsaitim mi wokabaut lek nating
pour I am walking barefoot
rausim haus bilong spaida Ol mangi i ran nabaut as nating
remove cobwebs The boys are running around naked
wasim klos Em i kros nating
wash clothes He is cross without cause
brumim ples Mi wok nating
sweep/clean the village I work without cause or aim
Ating em i go pinis Mekim olsem
Maybe he left thus
Mi brukim stik diwai olsem dispela
I broke the stick similar to
Em i brukim tambu Mi no gat rong olsem na mi no pret
He broke a taboo I didn't do anything wrong so I'm not scared
Brukim na tilim wanwan Husat i mekim? Em tasol.
Break it a part and give some to each person Who did this? That's it.
Mi brukim bet I gat wanpela God tasol.
I folded the bed There is only one God.
Mi brukim wara Gogol Em tasol, no gat moa.
I crossed over the Gogol river That's it, there isn't more.
Em i wokim banis hap hap tasol Mi laik kam, tasol mi no ken.
He did a half-way job of making the fence I want to come, but I can't
Mi no inap long wokim kanu Em laik dring, tasol i no gat wara.
I am not able to build a canoe He laiks to drink but he doesn't have water
Dispela siot i inap long mi wokim banis
This shirt fits me. make a fence
Mi slip inap long tulait. Em mekim mi go.
I sleep until daybreak He made me go
I gat planti pik long ples. Mi makim kumul long pepa.
There are a lot of pigs in the village I am pointing to a bird of paradise.
Ol i kamap long ples long belo. Bos em i makim mi bilong kisim dispela wok.
They got to the village at lunch time The boss appointed me to have this work.
Kunai i kamap bikpela nau. Makim long pinga.
There is a lot of long kunai grass now Point at.
Dispela trabel i kamap nau tasol. Makim gutpela pasin.
This trouble came up today Imitate good customs.

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