IE1204 Exercise 2 P1 HT2022

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IE1204 P1 Exercise 2, Due 10 AM 19/9, 2022

Upload your solutions as pdf in Canvas by 10 AM.

You must attempt to solve more than 50% of the problems to get a Bonus Point for all the Exercises.
Solutions will be presented in a Classroom and in Canvas.

1. Compare SOP and POS

Swedish: Skriv den Boolska funktionen för Y på SoP- och PoS-form.
Utnyttja x = don’t care.
Visa med Boolsk algebra och K-map att de två uttrycken är ekvivalenta.
Rita kretsen med enbart NOR-grindar.

English: Write the Boolean function Y in SoP and PoS format.

Use x = don’t care.
Show with Boolean algebra and K-map that the two expressions are the same.
Draw the circuit diagram using only NOR gates.

IE1204 Exercise 2, 2022

2. From Boolean Algebra to K-Map (only 0 and 1)

Swedish: Rita Karnaugh-diagram för det Boolska uttrycket.
Kan det förenklas?
Rita kretsen med valfria grinder.

English: Draw the K-Map for the Boolean expression.

Is it possible to simplify?
Draw the circuit diagram using any gates.


IE1204 Exercise 2, 2022

3. From Truth Table to K-Map (with Don’t Cares X)

Swedish: Rita Karnaugh-diagram för sanningstabellen.
Utnyttja x = don’t care.
Ta fram enklaste logiska uttryck på SoP format (ettor) och PoS format (nollor).
Notera vilka värden X antar i sanningstabrellen.
Rita kretsen med enbart NAND-grindar.

English: Draw the K-Map for the truth table.

Use x = don’t care.
Find the simplest logical expression in SoP form (ones) and PoS form (zeroes).
Note the values of X in the truth table.
Draw the circuit diagram using only NAND gates.

IE1204 Exercise 2, 2022

Task from a previous exam

Del 2/Part 2

Swedish: Ta fram booleskt uttryck för kretsen nedan. (1 p)
Rita Karnaughdiagram för kretsen (variabelordning som i figuren, rita om i din lösning). (1 p)
Förenkla om möjligt uttrycket mha Karnaughdiagram och rita ny krets. (1 p)

English: Derive the boolean expression for the circuit below. (1 p)

Draw a K-map for the circuit (variables as in the figure, redraw on your answer sheet). (1 p)
Simplify if possible the expression using the K-map and draw a new circuit. (1 p)

CD =
00 01 11 10

AB = 00




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