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The Dilemma between “Nature” or “Nurture”

During the last 50 or 60 decades, numerous researchers have tried to solve the question about
what have more influence, the nature, or the nurture. Even though we have a long way to run, I
believe, that people experiences have the most important impact in personality development. A
clear example of that, are the differences between twins, the studies about epigenetic (Science
that study the impact of the environmental changes in genetics), and the multiple research
projects with adopted people.

The investigation with twins were popular among the 50’s and 80’s decades. During those years,
several projects appear for solving the dilemma between genetics and raising. As a result, we
know, that although the genes give a predisposition for developing some characteristics (Specially,
physical), is the interaction with the exterior (culture, experiences, even the weather) which will
determine how these characteristics will be expressed.

Furthermore, recent experiments and observations in different species, such as, rats, monkeys, or
quail, have shown that a change in the external conditions, could modify -in the next generations-
the genetics, and the way in which those characteristics are expressed. Consequently, the impact
of the experiences in animals, as well in humans, is sensitive to be altered by the environment.

Other significant experiments were carried out with people who were adopted during their early
childhood. Those studies evidenced small changes in the physical appearance of adopted people,
in which would seem, that they developed some characteristics (tall, weigh, skin tone) from
adoptive family.

To conclude, today we have several information about the influence of the context, and genes in
people personality The different research projects about twins, epigenetics, and adopted people,
allow me to confirm, that the nurture has a bigger impact on individual characteristics, while the
nurture just is a base which could be modified by the context.

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