All Clear Kl8 Unit4 Basic Test A

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Unit 4  Basic  Test A Imię i nazwisko:

Listening Vocabulary
1   Listen and choose the correct answers. 3 Choose the correct answers.

1 How much money does Jenny spend 1 Her new shoes are and fashionable.
on clothes? I love bright yellow!
a) A lot. b) £50 a month. a) formal b) colourful
2 What type of clothes with various logos does 2 I am not cool at all. I always wear
Jenny buy? clothes that are rather boring.
a) T-shirts. b) Jeans. a) conventional b) impractical
3 How much does Martin spend on clothes each 3 Staying up to date with the latest fashion
month? and being is easy and a lot of fun!
a) A bit more than £20. b) About £100. a) casual b) trendy
4 Martin’s work clothes are rather . 4 I hate shoes! They are so absurd
a) formal b) casual and usually difficult to wear.
5 Olivia buys lots of  . a) glamorous b) comfortable
a) tops b) shoes 5 She has to wear clothes to work as she
works in a bank on the High Street.
a) formal b) casual
6 I love this shop. It sells clothes
Functional language at affordable prices. It’s really great for teens.
2 Choose the correct sentences. a) old-fashioned b) trendy
7 We always wear clothes during our PE
1 X: 
lessons at school to be comfortable.
a) You look great!
a) sporty b) tight
b) You look happy today.
Y: Oh, thank you! I’m wearing my new dress. 7

2 X: You might need to buy some new shoes.

These look really old. 4 Choose the correct words.
Y: 1 My room was really untidy, so my mother told
a) Oh, thank you! me to put away / wear out all my clothes.
b) Do you really think so? 2 I’ve got so many clothes that I’ll have to give
3 X:  I love your new glasses! some away / put some on.
Y: 3 Does this top try on / go with these trousers?
a) Do you really think so? 4 It’s so hot. I’d better take my jumper off / throw
b) Thanks, I’m glad you like them. my jumper away.
4 X:  5 I can’t get into / pick out this shirt. It’s too
a) What a fantastic T-shirt! small!
b) They really suit you. 6 I’ve worn out / taken off these boots, so I’ll have
Y: Thanks, I really like it. to buy a new pair.
5 X:  So, you have a new car. It looks really great! 7 We always put away / throw away our broken
Y: toys because there’s no need to keep them.
a) Thanks, I’m really pleased with it. 8 You can pick up / take off some great bargains
b) Yes, it is new. at the local market.
5 8

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Unit 4  Basic  Test A Imię i nazwisko:

Grammar 7 Choose the correct answers.

5 Choose the correct words. 1 What this evening?

a) are you doing b) do you do
1 Kate Moss is a supermodel which / who became
2 I’m not sure, but it tonight.
famous in the 1990s.
a) might rain b) will rain
2 Paris is a city when / where a big number
3 I think my new dress at the party
of fashion designers live.
on Saturday.
3 I’m going to buy some shoes in the shop which
a) I’m wearing b) I will wear
/ where you bought your trendy boots.
4 I need less glamorous for tonight’s
4 Can you show me the photos that / who you
took at the party?
a) anything b) something
5 Have you got a picture of the girl who / which
5 What time your friends tomorrow
was wearing the glamorous red dress?
6 Do you remember the time which / when
a) are you meeting b) might you meet
we went shopping together in Milan?
6 Don’t worry, to send you a postcard
6 from Paris.
a) I’m not forgetting b) I won’t forget
6 Order the words to make sentences. 7 Be careful or you that window!
1 I’m / to / birthday / buy / a / him / today / a) won’t break b) will break
present / later / going / . 7

2 eat / need / less / something / I / fatty / today /
to / .

3 I / tonight / go / to / might / theatre / the / .

4 Ewa / than / Basia / has / fun / one / more /
and / No / .

5 any / shoes / Are / that / never / you / wear /
would / there / ?

6 book / texted / While / a / I / reading / someone /
me / was / .

7 my / bike / stolen / has / Somebody / .


Photocopiable All Clear klasa 8 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2016 and Macmillan Polska 2018
Unit 4  Basic  Test A Imię i nazwisko:

Reading Writing
Mary Quant is one of the best-known British fashion
designers. She was born in London in 1934. Her 9 Complete the comparison below.
parents were schoolteachers from Wales. After Emma is my twin sister, but we’re very different.
studying illustration at Goldsmith’s College in London, I enjoy studying languages, 1
she graduated in art education. She started work [napisz, że Twoja siostra woli
making designer hats and then, in 1955, she opened oglądać] TV. She’s never been interested in any
a boutique called ‘Bazaar’ in London. languages at all, whereas I’d love to learn with her.
In 1957, she married her business partner, Alexander 2

Plunkett-Green. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, [napisz, że ona woli chodzić do kina, podczas gdy Ty
she became famous for the miniskirt, which became wolisz uczyć się w] a language school. I never have
a worldwide sensation. Miniskirts were shorter than time to watch TV unless it’s in English or Italian, then
the skirts of previous generations. The story goes that I just sit down and watch it. 3
she named the skirt after her favourite car, the Mini, [napisz, że pomimo tego, że
which was the most popular British car of the 1960s. jesteście inni/inne], we enjoy spending time together.
In the late 1960s, she introduced hot pants and her We both like drinking fresh orange juice in a café next
success with this new type of clothing to our home. 4
and the miniskirt meant that she rapidly became [napisz, że nie chodzicie tam
a British fashion icon. bardzo często], because we don’t have much money.
In the 1970s and 1980s, she extended her business So, we usually stay at home and have some ice cream
to household items and make-up, and, in 1988, she and chat together.
designed the interior for the latest model of the Mini
car. She has now retired from the fashion business [napisz, że w przeciwieństwie do swojej siostry], I often
because of old age, but the name Mary Quant can still work during the summer to earn some money for my
be found on her website and in Japan, where a chain language school expenses.
of cosmetics shops is named after her. 10

Total score: 60
8 Read the text and circle T (true) or F (false).
1 Mary Quant was born in Wales. T/F
2 She graduated from a college in London. T/F
3 She married Alex in the 1950s. T/F
4 The miniskirt was a very popular car
in the 1960s. T/F
5 She has introduced some household
and make-up items. T/F

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