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Unit 3  Extra  Test A Imię i nazwisko:

Listening Vocabulary
1   Listen and complete the sentences. 3 Read the definitions and write the words.

1 Charlie is calling Nikki because he has 1  – to get rid

a(n) . of something and get a new thing in place of it
2 Charlie needs to think of ways he can 2  – to give something
save . to someone in exchange for something else
3 Nikki advises Charlie not to  from him/her
. 3  – to have an effect
4 By making his showers a minute shorter, Charlie on someone’s decisions, opinions or behaviour
can save a year. 4  – things such as coal,
5 Charlie doesn’t . trees, and oil that exist in nature and can be
His mum drives him to school. used by people
5  – to put something
in the wrong place or lose it, especially
Functional language 6  – to stop using
2 Write sentences using the ideas below. electricity or water by moving a switch
7  – to think that
1 Kolega pyta o Twoje zdanie na temat korzystania
someting is of less importance than it really is
z transportu publicznego.

2 Wyraź swoje zdanie na temat dzielenia się 4 Complete the sentences with the missing words.
kosztami podróży. 1 I have my glasses.
I can’t find them anywhere.
2 I  in the evening
3 Koleżanka pyta Cię, co – Twoim zdaniem – jest and that’s why I put on a lot of weight.
ważniejsze, oszczędzanie wody, czy energii. 3 The workers at this company complain that
they are . They never
get enough money for their work.
4 Wyraź przekonanie, że dla Ciebie najważniejszą 4 I’m sorry, but I think you
rzeczą jest jeżdżenie do szkoły rowerem. the instructions. That’s why you’re not sure
what to do now.
5 I need to  my desk
because it’s a real mess!
5 Powiedz, że wolałbyś/wolałabyś naprawiać swoje 6 There were too many people on the train. It was
stare ubrania niż je wyrzucać. really .
7 Public transport is  .
People should use it more because there is too
5 much traffic on the roads nowadays.
8 I think you have been .
The entrance to the concert isn’t free. You need
to buy a ticket.

Photocopiable All Clear klasa 8 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2016 and Macmillan Polska 2018
Unit 3  Extra  Test A Imię i nazwisko:

Grammar 7 Use the words to make sentences. You may

have to change the form of the words given
5 Translate the parts in brackets into English. and to add any other necessary words. Do not
Use a maximum of 4 words for each gap. change the order of the words given.
1 I  1 I / not be / new / restaurant / yet /.
[uczę się angielskiego] for seven years.
2 I have known Ann 2 I / already / finish / my / homework /.
[od jej urodzenia].
3 3 We / not see / new / Brad Pitt / film / yet /.
[czy naprawiłaś/naprawiłeś] your old shoes yet?
4 I have 4 It / very / late / she / still / not phone /.
[mieszkam w Warszawie od] May.
5 She 5 I / know / him / 2008 /.
[zawsze chciała] to live in Paris.
6 We have lived in this city 6 He / just / leave / house /.
[od dwunastu lat].
7 I haven’t 7 They / still / not do / their / homework /.
[nie znalazłam jeszcze rozwiązania].
7 7

6 Write questions about the underlined

My father has worked for his company for more
than 20 years now.
We have been at work since 8 am today.
No, I still haven’t mended my old shoes.
We have studied Spanish for a month now.
Sarah has had her teddy bear for 8 years now.
It’s her favourite toy.
No, the new museum has not opened yet.

Photocopiable All Clear klasa 8 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2016 and Macmillan Polska 2018
Unit 3  Extra  Test A Imię i nazwisko:

Reading 8 Read the text and complete the gaps (1–5) with

the sentences (a–f). There is one extra sentence
People in the UK recycle about 27% of their domestic
that you do not need to use.
waste. 1 In fact, the UK produces so much
rubbish that it would take only eight months a) Indeed, the act of recycling paper uses 70% less
to completely fill the largest lake in the UK with it! energy than making paper from raw materials.
People produce a lot of waste because the use b) Fifteen million plastic bottles are used
of packaging is very high nowadays. However, there in the UK every day.
is still a lot of waste which could be recycled. Most c) This is still quite low compared to some other
people neither realise that as much as 50% of their European countries which recycle over 50%
waste could be recycled and 50% decomposed, nor of their waste.
do they recognise the importance of it. But why don’t d) Millions of pieces of paper and bottles are
they do these things? 2 The biggest trouble used in Europe every day.
with rubbish is caused by the fact that our cities are e) Well, research shows that people don’t recycle
overcrowded. Therefore, it would be a good idea if things because they are too lazy.
people exchanged things free of charge, instead f) Indeed, one recycled glass bottle can save
of simply throwing them away. enough energy to power a computer
Most basic materials including plastic, paper, for 25 minutes!
aluminium and glass can be recycled. Indeed, if you
recycle a plastic bottle, you can save enough energy Writing
to power a light bulb for three hours! 3 So
just imagine how much energy people could save 9 Write an opinion essay about different ways
of saving environmental resources in the world
if these bottles were recycled! (150–180 words).
The average person in the UK uses nearly 40 kilos
of newspaper each year which also badly affects
the environment. Since it takes 24 trees to produce
one tonne of paper, it means that every regular buyer
of a newspaper uses one tree each year just for this
purpose. This is really devastating for our forests but
this situation could be changed if we took recycling
paper more seriously. 4 Therefore, doing this
is really worth the effort.
What’s more, people in the UK throw away more than
£35 million worth of aluminium each year. So perhaps
it would be beneficial for them to reconsider how
they do their everyday shopping. For example,
recycling aluminium packaging could save millions
of pounds as just one recycled can saves enough
energy to power a television for three hours!
Finally, the average UK family uses 500 glass bottles
a year. In landfill, glass never decomposes but it can
be recycled several times, saving both money
and the environment. 5 However, if you throw
a glass bottle away in a landfill site, it can take up
to one million years to decompose. Thus, the message 10
is clear. Recycling is a must in today’s world and it
Total score: 60
should be compulsory in all European countries.

Photocopiable All Clear klasa 8 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2016 and Macmillan Polska 2018

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