RCA Radio Service News 1936 11

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m~IDn® ~~mwn©~ ~~~~
Special Check-Up Supplement
November, 1936 Camden, N ew Jersey Vol. 2, No. 9


RED HATC~ET? __., .
~ - ..,, .~ nr;J-
,,,.- ~ \ \ ~
~~ ~-
~ ~
GO I c ~ 1 /JP -:-{)
,~\Jt_~_,-0 I" rA_Yp.s' ~ ~ &I(;
·-" ,tl_ .A~ t' I / • A1'
/.' ,,, ~t;. r/~
1A:". t°'~
"J.IE ~b8
001 --fO~ BETTER T'!1 \ ~
"Far difjerent from anything we've ever
!) ,;// '( cf>.S" {]
1-1 EAR M f(ltJG·~
seen before!
"Far better than anything you've ever
sent us !
"We'll go to town on this campaign!"
This is the brand of enthusiasm on the
loose when dealers meet up with the out-
standing new sales promotion material
which RCA Radiotron offers with the 1936-
37 Check-Up Campaign. No "ifs, buts or
maybes" about it-dealers tell us-RCA the big guns of t he new Ch eck-Up. They'll know field has been applied to the Check-Up program
Radiotron has prepared a sure-fire direct you're in business-they'll know you're a live in forceful, common-sen se style.
mail campaign no aggressive retailer will wire when they get the effects of your Check-Up Read in other pages of this issue of Service
pass up for a minute. It is different--it is better show. Your advertising will be the talk of the NEWS how an increasing number of aggressive
-in fact RCA Radiotron believes it is a new peak town for smartness, cleverness-people will get a radio dealers are capitalizing on t his merchandis-
in powerful, distinctive radio-dealer advertising. chuckle and a big kick out of your Check-Up ing scheme which leads to longer profit sales.
See the letter with the little card-board h atchet "hatch et" or "cotton" letters, not t o mention "The Dealer s who ar e looking for a simple, sound and
enclosure (direct mail material shown on next Listening Ear" stunt. organized scheme of selling radio merchandise
page), or the one with the tuft of cotton attach ed as well as other appliances and accessories, should
in the corner. Then there's the message from Gives Dealer Big Play lose no time in contacting their distributor for
"The Listening Ear" and a window display that Thousands of dollars (a larger sum than ever the details of t his n ew Radiotron Merchandising
expert display men call "absolutely t h e best yet!" spent before) have been put behind the new program.
People who "just don't seem to get around to Check-Up to make it a wow- the type of smart,
having the radio looked at" are knock-downs for fast-moving stuff which any dealer would be
proud to use as his own. And any dealer can have ''SAVE 'EM LA DY -
,, it as his own for a song.
The new material which is shown t hroughout
SUT l HAVE this special Check-Up edition of Service News RCA
9AL~SMAN S 1~~
is ready now. Dealer imprinting is planned for 1
TJ-\~EE nearly every piece. Don't regard t his new Check-
REASONS Up as just as another tube promotion. Look it
over and you'll be convinced that it is unselfishly \
WHY\ DONT designed to feature the dealer and servic2 man- \VE GOT
to advertise his business-to give him t h e big
WANT You play h e ought to have. ALL THE
. TO 61VE Behind this array of business-getting w2apons, ANSWERS!
'X Jr)MY RADIO t h e n ew Ch eck-Up offers a course of organized
thinking and planning which, if adopted by the Wl-lAT TIME ~

CHECl4- UP '
dealer, will give him ever y advantage in his use
of the Check-Up advertising material. For one of
t h e soundest merchandising practices in the retail
CALL? ''

Service Profit 1
Check-Up of Merchandising Built Modern
Reports Trade' z· s . s s
Gaso ine tation, ays tan dard i :JJIJcia l
. . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - .•
o·z o-n; .
RCA Check-Up Leads To Life's Darkest Moment : : BY WEBSTER II R etailer Who Pushes Service Will Find Service
New Customers and Pushing Him, R . T. Haslam, Sales
Long Profits Manager Avers
The radio service depar tment }... By R. T. Haslam, Sales Manager, Standard Oil Co.
of one of the largest department "r- ~~ 'o-<r. In the radio field the R CA Radio Check-
stores in t he United States was I ( ~
'V,.!\,- ~,. ""' OJ.... I Up Campaign may be comparatively new,
converted from a non-profit op- • V~
eration into a thoroughly profit- S> 0-.. 15'~ ~ . "IS' but in our business we have seen the same
""'\ . T 0~ ~ ' ~ fundamental idea in operation for the past
able one-and that during the -q'V IS'~ ~ -~ . ,. ' 'IS' 10 years or more. And the results r ecom-
so-called off season for radio- 0 'S- 1 D-1';- << ..,
by the adoption of the RCA ~ '>- ; ""~ "Y""-~() ~ mend the Check-Up plan of "service-mer-
' ........
- ~ .... -s- "') "'~·~ C"\.....
, .. '-v ..,..,,
):. chandising" as a business builder which can
Check-Up plan.
The store (we are not per- -... <i:, ' S 'Q,,,,~~ "f I hardly be surpassed.
..... ' ......... ~J'~ ~ The evolution of a solitary gasoline pump
mitted to publish the name) had '.......... ....,. ·~· 'V which stood forlornly at the curbstone of a
put most of its service work out
on contract with outside service
'--..~~~ ~~ ~« R. T. Haslam,
Sales Manager,
grocery store to the present-day service
organizations. Most of the work ~~ Standard Oil Co. station replete with attractive equipment
consisted of ser vicing new sets is a success story, the main theme of which
at the time of delivery and
is a service program built on the same lines as the radio
emergency calls-jobs on which
check-up promotion. And while we're not thoroughly familiar
with the radio r etail field, we are certain t hat a merchan-
there was absolutely no return
to t he store except customer sat-
dising program pursued along
the lines of t h e RCA Check-
No Tube Order Needed Up plan has taken many a
Increased List For Check-Up Material small radio service man from
Soon after the inauguration his shop in the cellar to a
In a sin cer e e ffort to help the modern, complete s t o r e on
of the store's own service de-
radio retailer help h imself, R CA Main Street.
partment ·the Check-Up plan of
Radiotron waives all tube-purchase
direct mail was tried with a requirements on the part of the Service Brings Business
small list of store radio set cus- dealer to obtain his complete R CA Why? Because s e r vi c e,
tomers whose sets were over a Check-Up portfolio, OL" any por- whether it is in the radio, re-
year old. The response was so tion of it. frigerator or automobile field,
promising t he store increased its For the first Lime, the entire brings contact with the customer
mailings to cover all the store's Check-Up campaign or as much as no other customer~building
customers regardless of where of it as any dealer will use is program will. The retailer who
sets were bought. As high as made available to dealers without pushes service will ultimately
10 per cent returns resulted the necessity of purchasing a see service p ushing him into
from the mailings. Within a few stock of tubes. more and more profitable chan-
months the service department Clever novelty l etters which nels. A customer satisfied by a
operated at sufficient profit to promise to yield a new high in service job will never forget the
more than absorb the costs of "When a feller needs a check-up" returns, postal cards and more man who satisfied him. And it
servicing new sets and com- elaborate mailing pieces are ready is this relationship between cus-
plaint calls as well as earn a
profit every month of the year.
This and countless other testi-
Is Check-Up His Answer? now in fine assortment. A window
display servi ce which is more ex·
travagant than an ythin g yet pro-
tomer and dealer which builds
the solid foundation for a re-
tailer's business.
monials point to the increasing
emphasis placed on service work
by leading retail establishments
$1257.20Says'NuthinBut' duced b y RCA R adiotron is avail-
able under this liberal plan.
Check-up in both radio shop
and service station operation is
the means by which the cus-
as a trail blazer to profits in tomer is sold a bill of goods in-
sales of new merchandise and This is the story of one dealer 260 Radiotr ons sold .. $231.40
who took the R CA Check-Up radio service department. We stead of just one item which no
profits in t he sale of ser vice Adding up the Check-Up
idea seriously. It is typical of sheet: have also traced the sales. of many doubt was all he intended to buy.
parts and tubes. other major electrical appliances But more impor tant, a check-up
live-wire aggressive organiza-
"Paid For Itself" tions who know that service op- $289.06 Check-Up Calls to the confidence and good will plan, on automobiles or r adio,
erated on a thoroughly business- 568.85 Radio set sales gained by t he radio service de- brings yo u contact with the cus-
From Westwood Village, Cali-
fornia, the Village Radio and like merchandising basis not
387.00 Refrigerators sold partment. We also found it to tomer, keeps contact with him
E lectric Company writes : "RCA only bolsters t he profit margin 69.95 Washing Machine be much easier to sell a new and builds good will with him.
with service 'lffOfits but also sold radio to a customer, when he Results for Long Pull
Check-Up Campaign more than
231.40 Radiotron replace- realized that the service depart-
paid for itself and added many turns in new set business as well But there are two important
ments ment was capable of keeping his
potential customers to our list." as refrigerator and washing factors to remember in the case
set in good condition for him.
On four service calls t he radio machine leads. of a sales promotion program
Howard Zimmerman, Man- $1257.20 GRAND TOTAL "When RCA launched the
service shop at 206 West 4th such as Check-Up. First-it will
Check-Up campaign in this city,
Street, New York, two complete ager, Raber Hardware Co., Cin- FROM CHECK-UP not always bring results over-
we immediately took advantage
sets of tubes, transformer, new cinnati, organized a series of An average of $10.48 gross in- of it, knowing t hat it would help night even though many have
aerial and other equipment to- monthly mailings using material come merchandise per call. had success right from the
taling $30.56. from last season's RCA Check- our business. During the cam-
Here is what Mr. Zimmerman start. It is a plan for the busi-
paign our sale of radio tubes
The J enkins Music Company, Up campaign as well as store- has to say : ness man counting on t he long
increased materially. Some new
Kansas City, Mo., mailed out prepared bulletins. During the "Most of our radio set sales haul. Second-the service man
sets were sold and many new
3000 RCA duplex cards and in- campaign 120 "Check-Up" ser- come through the activity of the must be trained to some extent
creased their service business 20 vice calls were made of which customers were contacted."
in sales approach to the jobs he
per cent in addition to uncover- 40 were new customers. The di- ordinarily handles as a techni-
ing live leads for new merchan- rect return from labor and parts cian. The dealer, no doubt a
As the result of sending out
'1 alone was $289.06. BUT-
As a result of the Check-Up Dry Land Mermaid good salesman himself, must
look to his service man for sales
more than 10,000 RCA Check- activity five radios were sold to ability, because it is the service
Up package stuffers, the Boggs the tune of $568.85. And that man who not only makes the
and Buhl Department Store, isn't all- . But we'll let Mr. first impression, usually, with a
Pittsburgh, Pa., showed a 206 Zimmerman g ive his own fig- customer, but t he very nature of
per cent increase in service ac- ures, just as he sent them to us: his call makes a lasting impres-
t ivity. In one month the calls -x-120 calls }Receipts : $289.06 sion, good or bad. The way a
averaged better than $4.80 each. 40 new (parts and ser- service man handles this side of
As the r esult of Check-Up customers vice) his job will leave the door either
merchand ising efforts the Wal- • Does not include other service calls- open or closed to future sales
ton E lectric Co., Pittsburgh, in- on ly Check-Up calls. calls.
cr eased t ube sales 75 per cent Five radios sold : 1 . .. $199.50 F ew of us are not familiar
and secured six new set sales as 1 ... 149.50 with the operation of the modern
the r esult of leads turned by 2. . . 64.95 gasoline service station. We have
Check-Up activities. Wrote R. 1. .. 89.95 driven into h undreds of them
Langhoff, Manager : " Ideas like for service - t hey have im-
these are always welcomed by $568.85 pressed us as good, bad and in-
us. The manufacturer who de- 1 Washing Machine .. $69.95 different . But, on the whole, the
2 Refriger- { $217.50 improvement over the early gro-
velops plans that will serve to
ators. . . . 169.50 How would you . to check-up the new "swim
hke . co-ordmator,"
. . IcerY store ~ as p umP daYs has
uncover sales fo r the dealer de-
serves recognition." demonstrated by sigh.. tly CBS star, Bernice Claire? Miss Claire is heard Ibeen extensive. Instead of your
$387.00 - ...._~c_!t Sunday at 5:00 P. M., EST. (Continued on page 7, col. 4)



the finest selling aids f or

the Radio Dealer and Service
Engineer ever offered to the
Radio Industry · · · ·
Turn to pages 4, 5 and 6
and send in your order today.

Dealer Advertising That Demands Customer Action

1'1-. lH<I

H e r e a r e a ce letter s t hat
will prove a ce pu ller s when
you m a il t he m t o a g ood
pros 1>ect lis t. ~g;a- P.t.Y TO TBS ACCeUNT OS'- -- -- - - - -- - ' - - - - - - ' - - - ---'_.·
T hese lett e r s com e fu ll y You can have s pe-
imprin t ed wit h your bus iness ONE WAY TO FIX cial ad ver t is ing m es-
name and add ress a t the to1> YOUR RADIO s a ges imprinted to OJll' A cbMPutT E iO-ftOIN T RADIO CHECl<4JP AS
of t he s tatione ry. s ell the T uning E ye 0£SCR18eo ON THE aAc;;K Off' THIS V OUCH.E R•• ·ce1GNATUAi). ~
Read t he one be low. It en- 1'11a111111 th!• hatchu t h• n u t tla1 7014 fH l llk1 o h oppU11.ip7011 r r adio
or A ll-Wave A n t en-
clos es a s mall wad of cotton 1orunat1l1711u oan ' t doauoh duag• • Ith It. Jo r1ft1 r1l l, a hatchet Nt.lly
l1n't the h • l 1 11.J' to tt:r; 701u· radio or U11 nght an111r to I U 1q111all and
na, wi th a ll t he pieces
wit h t he hum orous s ugges- 1q1oa1t11nd o raa kllng1p ell1U1d a . 1 .o.1.Yaoat1 on1
s hown he r e excep t
tn rut, the t r oubh 1 1lh7011r rad.to 11 probabl7nf7 ll•pl1. tthuJu.tbn,,
tion t hat a 1>ros pect use it in non n1n1 t oo long 1 \thout an1nllon. J'or altho11gh rad l o1 Hldo11 1 111r 011t, th17 the t wo governm ent
or un oonn1cllon•, • •ak t 11b11 , and • om paru-11117 one or 1hloh
his ears if his radio s ounds i;:• t 1 0 011
1nllllgh toaak1 thea mo1.1nct 1 11<1 a t h11nd1.-.ton at U11100 Tit aU or t hou
1>ostcards .
too t er r ible. Meanw hile it thing• IN ••'7
1a17 f o r an u;p1rt t o tlx
Bot h the Hatchet
So ln1t11d o r 11.tng a halohel on 7011r rad10-• hf not 111e 111t O..r engl- ••,.,.le•
urges im media t e conta ct with nHr •lll b1 glad toglu70.. r1ntl r • r adloa t horo11ghoheolr-11p, ••plo71ng t h1
•Oil lol ontlrlo ln1 tn.111e11U &Jtd the latllt lHllngeq11lpaien t . r o ra1horl tl•e
and Cotton letter
you. Form 1342-Price $1.00 •• ar. l o werlna the p r he o n thll cb1d:-11p, b1011111 1 1 are anxious to Intro-
duce lhl1 n11 11n toe lno11 r ooamu nit7.
(Form s No. 1341 and Thh check is a gi ft !
pe r h undred wit h en velo1Jes Jat11ral17 , lrlll\7 p1rt11111:1. replaolns, •• •Ill
u H 0"17 th• tlnut q11allt7
1342) are a vailable And y ou oan m&lre luiolc u ae ot i t if 7 ou'll do J uat one thi ns.
and s pecial cus tome r r e pl y roplao,•Qnto , 1uc b u RCAT~b11 1hlchhaT1111 the1tand1 rd orperto~o• ln
tb1 radio lndultry t or on r l~ 7 • a r1
wi t h a postscri pt of-
Co to your telepho1.e now a nd oa ll ua up f o r a Job we know 7 ou ' ·n
cards. W)n'17011'1gn t b11ncl o11dc 1 rd&Jtddropltlnth1-1l tocla1t fering a s pecial price b een wanting t o have dona t or a l ong t i me . I n o t her worda, ha ve
S l no1r1 1Jt , of $4.00 ( pl us in- t hat r adi o ot yours gone ove r now by e x pert engLnee r •. Tbe c os t?
Regularl y $2 . 50, but this ch.eek r or one dollar bring• ~ coa t down
stallation) f o r a to only .a dollsr a nd a halt. r o r the ohe ok pay1 a big part o f t he
combinat ion Check- b ill fo r you wh e n our enginee r f1 n1ahea the Job .
U 1> a nd T unin g Eye, Be r e ' • the ea sy way <to go about 1t . Go to y our t e l ephone and oall
or $6.00 ( plus ins tal- t he numbe r l isted b elow. The same day, unless we're jue t too buey to
b r oa tbe , we' ll be a t y ou r home t o go a l l ove r your r adio and give
HER E I S TH E JO B WE DO FO R $1.50- MAIL TH E EN CLOSE D CARD lation ) for a combi- i t our s peo1al 10· po1nt Check-Up. (You c a n See wha t that means by
1 a-~ o. _11 ,.. _ . _, '"' S....irMrv.
S.l.cti.11, ....d rio.1,,, 6 ~=~~~"=:::c:w~:,r.., r,. . nat ion Check-U p and r e ading the lLet o f ten points on the back o f y our oheok .) Pay t he
engineer w1 th t his endor sed obe ok pl ua only $1. 50.
2 Te.rWlobeloll r..i.... 7 Adi.... dloJ 10--i~11oc'fCt.MOCl;,,g. F o rm A ntenn a. S p e c i f y
Cl.tel ..,..,~.. .....tcoblne!J.....,nt.. 8 0-~··-of··-· -'- Think n. 1111nu t e , . . r e l!Ll.h:8 how i mpo rta nt t h1a 1a to your radi o
4 l~oftdrnroll po- c_.a"""- 9 ci- W..lor ol cobln.I.
134 1 F orm No. 1341- A or ent e r tn.1n111ent tonight - - every night. Haven' t you &nd your tam1l7
5 _ ,_
O..C~ round ....d I~ - -
10 Mo~. "" •. , i - . of . ., oddiro-1 - · ·
,_ ,..:
N o. 1342-A for An- t alked about " ge t ting tha t s e t l ooke d a t some day" ? Ot oourae , i t
i t needs a new t ube o r par te , they a re ex t r a .
SAVE YOUR EARS te nna offer. Form
WITH THIS COTTON ','J•lf:1 :tr•:•(•J,',l :H*'• m 1•• 1 • :llf:• :r:1 1n•• rn:l$.._ i h\'.'a1 : a11:u ~·••:tUi1 : i: No. 1341-B or N o. Her e'• the phone number

Ro1 '17011r radlo1011ndtoda,r• J 111 t onao

1342-B for T unin g
Let ' a ge t a t t h.at radio
1u1ootton r or7our 1 1 r 1 Eye 'offer. W here t ogether n ow!!
P1r h1p1 7011 hlT• b1 1n •ora tort11n1 te , 11111 •• 1 r1 u tonllh•d e t
neit he r of these mes-
th1 n1111be r o r p111pll 1ho11 rad loa bau 101t •o ra t han hal t th..
11 ee t ne11, olar lt7 , and ol ean r 1produ0U o n lb17h1d • h1n n1• T he letter above offer s sa~es are desired,
- -and • bo d o nothing about I t
Aotua.117 tb1 r 1 l •n ' t 1b1 1l lghU1t 1 1to111 1 r o r a nou7 r ad io
a li ttle r ed hat chet, which s 1>ecify F orm 1341 or
<N r long u:p1rltn01 In rep1l r l ng t ho111ho11 th•t 95~ or • ll is e nclosed, as one way t o
tro11bl11 art l ub11 o r o n1 o t lb1 l lri l.b lng1 l UUd I t t he bot•
to. or lhl • le tte r end noisy radio r ece1>tion. 1342.
Bo • 1 ' ud1el d e d todo1n•e t h l ng a bo11t1t . W1•lll p1 r t11 . . 1ll
U11 11nl o11 ll•hd h•ra-and • • ' ll do th. . !!ll r or U . 60 The
Its furt h e r humorous
t n1peot1on1 • Il l b1 aad1 and t h• adJu1 t 111n u hanOd bJ a
t reatmen t wi ll win cus -
tra i ned r a d u1ng1n11 r , 1nd • 1 p1raonall7 &11&r antn our e o r k.
Ir 7011r11tn11d1....,.p1r t1 , 11 l n1tallonl1 r 1n1-q"1llt7r1- to me r a d miration for your WE RECOMMEND RCA TUBES AND PARTS
plao1•1nt1, 111oh u RCA t11b1 1 . the 1tandard o r U11 r adio lndu1·
• try t o r on r U71 a r1 . advertiseme nt and custom-
.T111t 11.•ll 111 thl lttaoh•d p o e t o a rd
oo tlon t o r 1our ean agat 11
• • pro•111 70" • on ' t n11d
e r r es ponse for bus iness .
&lnureq, Form 1341 - $1.00 1>e r
h undred wi t h e nvelo pes A n eff ective way to quickly seil

a pros pect is t o offer him a dollar's

~ """"";.;/ /.
a nd s pecial customer r e-
P.8 I r )'011r radio 111tt"l ra tro11 1 p oor a ntenna-arid • Oil r a d l u
d o-•• oan pro ..1d1 a t aao111 $5.00 a ll-1 u 1 ant111111 , &Jtd 1 lH 7 011 ply cards. wor th of cr edit in a dvance. The let-
1111r t\i.ll 10- polnl Cb.1ct -Up at the,. ., tl••-all to r l 6.00
t e r above wi t h t he check a t tached
BAliliY7 o ffers a dollar on t he r egular $2.50
TROUSERS• ' '"~,. t
FOR $1.50 W E DO THESE JOBS: Check-U p. This item comes fu lly
I. o-i.-11.., ~f.,.5-1.
11.~,. s.1«11.~,...,.. rid.11,.. ., Al'9n-. O..-•....d-m,,,...
cln:11ih...._occonolble. (All·- .....
impr in ted on both t he check and
:1.T1t1....dlob.loU 1..0... odd111-1.) 0 1couose not I Yo,"d coll '
letter head with your na me, address
7. Ad!....,dloho -l l llocyd....dlng,
a. CMt~!plt>lo:....... cnbl.tell... IOlllM. o tailor.
Fo r r.1
M~ a nd your 1>hone num be r a s well.
1. CMc1o-o1 ••- . . o 1....
4. lmp.ci....d-ollpo-.c~ •. ci-1..,..1... o1~-.
1342.'l Do the some with yo vr
•· ,O..C~ -lot, po...d, ond lightning -
,....,,_,i.,... 10. Molc1f...nti.-1 of CM1J oddirlCMMI
repol" ....chci. . .... ....
1od10. A 10-Point Check- ?, Form 1334. Only $1.25 1>er h undr ed
Up will d o os much 10 1 l..:.. ""-"l including en velo1>es.
~·''••:1 :1 :•·•:•(•T1',1 ~ •••••w••l• :llf:•:r:111r•••11:t$WB!m ,' fl\'.'•1: a11~1•~·••:~ :•••1 ~ i· yo ur radio os the ta ilor - -
d oe s for you1 lr o u f"'-- - - - ' = - - . . . _ _ -- - - - - - .


1 . Checlc 011cra ll \Cl pe1·
formonce fo1\en\1tr111ly ,I
,elechw1ty ond fid e lity
wUJ,. 4 /uuulU1e9 IHOUPi 1
Te'' and lobe I a ll 111be,.,
, ,~ /q

~~.~ I//
J. (hec:lc \peolcl' t o n d
cabrnel for 1otlle'
·,~~ --- ·
4. ln\pt:<I ond te \I otl
powe1 connec t ion\
S. (ho:clc o errol, groundl
ond hghlnmg orre\tc



Of co1u1e notl You'd have a 9ood mechanic pu.1
the old b11• In lune. Treal you.1 11.Uin9 radio lh•
•ame way. Get an RCA !().POINT check.up lot
St.SO, coverlnq 95% ol 01dinary radio trouble1.
l Check ourall o•I 119rlo1m·5 All111,. • ftl1 11n• . d1t• etor 1 11d
Inex pens ive gov-
ernment c a r d s
a 11cto lor t1t11LUwllp. Hlec· o oc lll • to r elro"l l• • h•,.
We can 't help but reel that you a re go ing to be more
u..n,, ...dUd1hr1
Z Teor andla lMI alll .. btoa.
a,,.,_1olbl• ( All · w••• H I
addLU011a l) w it h s na(Jpy ad-
than s urpr ised a t the results of a check-up of your J Cloec~ ooaa hr ...d e a b Lnel
7 AdJaol dl • l to1101111a l kUo-
eyel1 ou dln111 vertis ing m e s -
radio s e t . Our ten -point check- up service will bring
I Checkc1"Mo of H tra1110u
s age. Form ( up -

..· ..,.~c.'1-·\)'i
out of y ou r fa i r-to-mi ddling ,.., not-so-good , or useless 4 IHI aU pow •! . . . MO
9 Clu 11 b1t1rk""' c:obln.i.
radi o the r i che st, s weetest, c l eanest reception you ' ve 5 Cheek u rlal. o ro1111d • .,.d
;!';::!•o'!d:J. addl· 1>e r ) 1337 (lower)
../ had si n ce t h e day y ou bought i t Ten j obs i n one tha t
wi ll bri ng mo r e pleasur e into .1Qu r r a d io llst e ni ng hour s
:::~!11ln111 •H•fl•• c<>11•11C· 10 ~:.j
1338. W it h 3-line

\ne \~.~o\tl't
than any o t h e r t hi ng you c ould d o SPECIAL CHECK-UP $1.50 i m 1> r i n t and
·.············ ~u C.cl "'oil 1he co'cl obo'e Her e ' s why a rad io check-up makes f or i nc r eased listen-
i ng pl easure . Radio scientists have discovered tha t s tamped, $1.25 a
r ecepti on grows poorer and poorer as d irt collects,
(I MPRI N T ) h und re d . U nim-
\ i1 \S •O ·\ 'loll 1eo' o\\ o"
,,\y $1,J I oo••''"" '·~"\oll·••••'
""•'·•'' •_..••"'"'
ad justme nt s loosen and corrosion s ets in But when the
t e n-points t ha t are most likely t o cause t rouble are printed, no stam(J,
ser vi ced y our r~dio will have
35 cent s a hun-
•,,.,. 6 -:;:--· ..--•' ...- WE USE AJID ltECOMMUID CENUIME Rc.i. UDIOTROMS

···••" .•.r:.:.~:;·'"

1 ,..,... .... .. "' ..,,.. ··"·· Th1s 10-point oheck-up was developod by RCA Radiotron
e ngi n eer s who found that 95% of a ll radio troubles
"- & c•""' ,.,... •' ·•""' re sult f r om neglecting one or mo:re of the things we

'J. ,,,, •' ......

,.>''" I•' ••"10•• g Cl.. '"'"'~.•....... •' •''
' ..•"•' servi ce on every check - up job We consider the check - up
a complete overhaul except , of cour ae 1 for actual re-

~o ~=~:"~~·····
pl acemen t of parts and t ubes If the se are necessary,
1- o•"'' .... ' ·" ....«•''·"'"":....... you are charged special low pr ices
And h e re ' s a s urpri se fo r you ' \tt-\'llo"~o
A ,...." •'' ,.. ···•···' "•'""• To i n t r oduce this check-up in our comm.uni ty , we a re
maki ng a special , temporary, low pri ce of $1.50 Here's f~~\0 \t~c.~\'"l\0~
a clear saving of $1 00 It won ' t last long . We plan to
t!t ~:~.~\\01''° withdra w it as soon as our repair men a re busy. It must
be a ccep ted at once
Uai ling the attached addressed business reply card (no
pos t a ge needed) will bring you a real surprise

So '\\l \\\'l"'"'
l\\\\ • ••
tofO'\tl• t\\e<'t.·ll'
e_f\ ~~·:~h
\\ ,-,V at""""''~
and at a DOLLAR less than the regular price I to\ \' ll I~ "t
Gentlemen: Hove yovr service e ngineer give my rodio the com·
ple te JO. point check·vp described ir. thi1 folder. You ag ree to
reduce the price from $2.50 to $1.50 on rece iving thi' cord,
Form 1325

P ~ ~t .. ..h
$$" ·
You' ll agree that T he
PLEASE DOO ' T BE AOliRY · · · BUT Lis t ening E ar ( Form N o.
1325) will attract a tten -
1·.,c bee n l111cnm9 10 you1 rodoo Aod mo y an expcro·
cnced old rod 11) car p0.~ o n o hp? I fco1 you1 'ct is nor
t ion. It's one of t he m ost
pe1/01m1n9 with 11.111 range o f fme 1o n11 Rodoos con lo,e a novel pieces ever offe red.
Form 13358 101 of q 1.1ol11v befo re yo u nohco •I b111 1ho1', my b u, 1neu Circula te it in your neigh-
THE ll 5TE n 1R Ii ERR e .!7 .,1.;,. • « mpl""'" '·•p. borhood. Comes with you r
Al.y .!7? imprint on back as s hown
l .(f.Nk o•c:1oll oe1 1)111for"'o11celo1 >C"11·
" '"'''l',wlc:cr. .. ry ond /,d,rl,rv
• . A l1911 on1e nno, d \lt11<:10< ond 01<11·
10101 cuc,..t, whoool occe,.,blo ( AU
above, or wit h a combina -
' · Tiu o nd lobel oll rulM-1 wo•ow1 odd111onol
7 , Ad1uud.olron.o"nol~ ,f0<J<lc:.-d1n9
t ion Check -U p and Tuning
3 . ci..,,~ ~~e1ond<ob1n•tlot 1011lc:.
T his D uplex card a lwa ys brings res ults. 4 .Jn<Qt'Ct ond1c:>1olloo..t'1COnn1<h0<1• • · ( hcdcou1e.ol e•11011eo111n.o1.c:1 Eye offer at $4.00 ( 1Jlus
A 2-color self-ma ile r wit h a self-addressed .S. Ch.cl. ,...,,.f 9•011...f. o nd l1ghtn1n9
0 111•">1<'•Conn<'<hon1
9. Cleon 1nll!'t•O• ol cob•nt11
10. ""°I.' c:"""<>'• of onv odd1110<1ol re. install ation ), Form No .
bus iness re ply card a nd your name is im- oou1 11ff<lc:d
1325-A. A co m bination
prin: ed in 3 d iffe r en t places . F orm N o. 1335-B. $1.50 1>er 100 ( m inimum orde r 200) ; $0.75 pe r .JI wJnl!y c!t•tf " 1 2.50 Joi tlelJ j~/,
Check-U p a nd A n tenna of-
100 in lots of 1000 or more. If des ired, IJOrtion of ca rd featu r ing- t he Check- U p a nd Antenn a I W ill DO IT
fer a t $6.00 ( plus installa -
offe r can be r e1>laced by copy stating wh y R CA Tubes are used on a ll Check- Up jobs ( Form N o.
1335) or a combination Check-U 1> a nd Tu ning E ye offer for $4.00 plus installation (Fonn
1335-A ) .
o:l.50 ti on) , Form No. 1325-B.


Here's a wealth of sales items designed for you by RCA Radiotron to help you sell service, merchandise. Also available are stationery, business forms, etc. Look them over
and order yours now. Order by the number given on each item. Order from your jobber or send cash or check to the Warehouse nearest you:

Atlanta, Georgia Chicago, Illinois San Francisco, Cal. Dallas, Texas Camden, New Jersey
490 Peachtree St., N. E. 589 East Illinois Street 170 Ninth Street 221 I Commerce St. 20 I North Front St.


&I PI A-~
ST, P'Ollf QIUTl l.MY· IJI04111 a/o- ....nal
wo111. n~
k•kio • 1< 0 MI '11")1

"·-·-- -1·
_ ::::.::
........ _ ..._ _ .j ·
,,,,.....,__, __ 1
- ..,.-•c11•-·....,

~ 11 ~- ()-{) - - -
T•,... tl , ......_ ,) •
.._.&.I C I ..... T........ ~ I J - - + - ---t-- --
~a.... 1' °""'!-.._ •...._! )_ --· - - -
..,.....r:wt.a.lo l ) ............ ~ ( 1 _ • --+----
.,,...._u.MC ' '~---
- - - - --1· - -- I·
1 _1"_.....fl... ( )
. . . , . . _.._ ! )
N o. 1401- Mirror flas h s ign for window,
counter. Has n o vel t h ird dimensional effecL
w h ich lights up t h r ough mi rror. N on- r a diu
inte rfering flas he r. Price $4 .00.

nQn»10.•utH>1nQl No. 622- lllumin uted Clock. B eautiful. two-

lf•TUI U.*
colo r j o b. H am m ond m oto r- 20 inc h diam-
~ eter. Lighted with two t hir ty- watt lamps .
- - _ .....::.......-...----:"";;*'.:=..::.<:= $5.00.

(I). <imQlQ'.lt'f'

No. 319- Service Order P a d. Systematizes

No. 629- lll u -

~fil®~® $)~~~~[
a ll orders. Imprinted, 50 sets of trip licate
forms to a pad. Sl.25 for 3 pads. minated Car-
ton ; for coun-
ter, w i ndow.
H e i ght. 12
....... •tc•••
• IXO.:.!t..l?..:s°TO
- - - -- TEL.ASTORIA 8·6838
i n c h es. Wit h
c o rd and lamp,

~-rm •
- -.~
- N o. 665- M e tal Flange Sig-n : four colo r
- enamel job on heavy durable m etal. Your
n ame on both s ides of bottom pa n el. Yours


for $1.00. No. 669- Dummy Car-
t o n.
disp lay
Ideal for m ass
in window,
No. 69 11- Decal.; two-color
identificatio"' marker for
store. Lots of 26 free. store. Free.
No. 696- R e-
pair Tic ket for
No. 318--Bill H ead. An
inexpens ive and necessary
item. Imprinte d , $1.00 for
itemizing re-
pair charges.
l mpr i nte d,
No. 693
500. $0.75 for 300
- $1.50 f o r No. 692

.. -- ·-- -- .._,... ,,,_



...._ _ _ 1q)_

w.•...... .._,, .._ _ ,..M.

J.t. .. -m.,_..

11::x: .......c _ ::t:::. ...;trL-i...r.; .. .. 1~ YOUtt sn
918 ·~~

No. 3 17- N ot-at-Home- No. 664 -·-··-·--··----1••-~·-·""·--·-··-~-----. . . No. 662

Card. Carries your i m -
print for $0.25 per 100.
No. 651 - Ca I I i n g
Cards. Y o u r o w n L eaflets. Item 700
lists co mmon set P ost c ard s . Go vernment
business cnrcl printed penny pos t cards d es igned in
in two colors for al- ~..~ faults a nd r e m e dies.
No. 913- Radio Log: new- fascinating - 701 features dea le r two colo rs t o sell you a"'d
mos t less than the more helpful radio travel-log. Better t han your ser v ices to t he cus-
price of t he blank as R ad io Headquar-
ever. Lis t s all local, fore ign s tatio n s . ters. Both in two tomer- with im print, $1.00
ca rd. Imprinted, Sl.00
for 500. ii Contains pictures, .map. In ord~r~ng Lanter n Slides . Colored s.lid es colo r s, w ith imprin t p e r h und r e d. De sure t o
s pec ify w h e ther service or merch and1s1ng fo r u se in your local mov1es- at $0. 75 per 200: give cal'd numbe r .
T...-w,.... 1u~w copy is des ired for bnck cover. . $3.00 per imprinted. S0.30 each. $2. 50 per 1000.
hu ndre d : $2.75 per hund r e d m lots of
lOOO: $2. 50 per hundred i n lots of 2500 or
BERNARD L COOK more. No. 701 No. 700


No. 624- Ship-
p i 1> g Label
with i n s urance
s pace - $1.85 GUAJl.ANTEE CJ!llTH1,£i!.!f.
per 1000. .-'-'"·-:-·- - --
No. 625---P lain ~tf~~~~g ·

label - $1.60 :---~ --- ~ -
per 1000. Both - - ~-
im- ::........::.::::=.. ····-· ·- ..::::="-~-=:. ..=..!

No. 732- R eco rd Card.

No. 699- Guarantee Certifi- Car ry a file of e ach
cate : 90-day guaran tee re- c u:.;tomer's work. $0.25
ce ipt for servi ce work clone. f o l' 50.
-~- Free.

Service Garments. All garments available in g ray or N o. 11 94- Large t ube p r ice
white herringbone. S e rv ice coat, $2.20. Give c h est, ca rd for s t o r e. No. 1193-
height. weight. Counter coat, $ 1.65. Give ch est and pocket s ize. Free.
..... ,..,(M .. ,,..... bac k and under-arm le n gth . Shirt , 51.50. Give collar
s ize and arm length .
N o. 698 - OK
No. 676 No. 674 Tag; 11 hnn<ly
Attractive letterheads as you want them. way to kee p
in two colors. Imprinted. $2. 75 for 500: c heck on jobs.
fo r 1000, including envelopes . Free.
Add rtu
Cltf and St•l•
11. .. o~~~::a·~ei
. .tc.Scxo. _________ _
0. r. Pierce
?I North Pond St.
Jriltol# Conn.
No. 1402- N ew Tube T est Stic ker for metnl
or g lass types . $1.00 per roll imprinted.
O..rt Tnrto ···-·-··--·
~ 0 fA1RO Goco0
o.m:Soi.o. _________ ..
J"!"'~ 1ac.....rltMM

I No. 604 - Tube T est

Sticker. A c heck on
w .
Mc.rl~-. M-.
..... s.i....... ,_,... .

• Fi«·• I.I.ii.!. ffllM·ft!f.1 M each tube sold or N o. 623- Package Tape : 11/,, No. 41 2- Packagc Tape M achine. An asset
t ested . Roll of 2000 in c h es wide. Imprinted, No. 697- Price T ag. No vel, to any l'etai ler f o r quick , c lea n wrapping job.
No. 472 No. 474 imprinted, $1.00. $3.50 p e r ten rolls. convenient fo r pric ing. Free. Durab le . Reaso n able at $2.00.


Easy-find index. Brand name of
SPECIAL PRICE OF receiver in this column corre-
and a deposit of 75 cents to be re- sponds to tabbed index card be-
hind which the card is filed.
funded by the distributor upon com-
pletion of the purchase of 200 tubes.
Model number in this column, in
numerical order. This makes it
easy to find the desired model.

Name of trouble in this column.

Many unusual troubles are in-
cluded in RCA Service Tips. Service Sales
The variable-wi re-wound reaistanee
is adjusted until the heater voltaee is
Carefully selected Tips. Actual
experiences of men in the busi-
ness. Written by men working
25, at the highest line voltage where on sets every day.
set is used. The resistor in series with
the field was SP1ected as that. . . . .
which placed • .. uout 90
The handsome steel M.A. on the lube. Suffi cient field ex·
filing case is built to citation is secured to opera l e the
D i a gr am s whenever needed.
last. Has return- •l"Jcaker sntieractorily. 'rhe hum level These greatly facilitate the un-
flange front w i t h 18 - slight, and larger filter ea· derstanding of all tips.
spot-welded corners pacity ... ~,,... anv. A ,.,...... ! .
for strength and (Continued on ac1e1
rigidity, a positive-
action locking fol- Tho RCA Cethoclo Rey Oscillog11ph leb you see the trouble. Have your
lower-block to hold RCA Perb Distributor demonstrate It to you.
cards in place, slide While RCA bdif\'CI tbi1"Tip"to be uselul, RCA cannot be re1oon1ible in a~7 way for result• obtained.
101 Service Sales Ideas
rails for easy action.
Olive finish. H olds Just what the name implies
1200 cards, s ize 3" ... proven ideas for increas-
x 5".
ing service sales. 48 pages.
The RCA Service-Tip File consists of 200 The RCA Service-Tip File indirectly cuts the Get this now from your Dis-
separate service-tip cards, compiled from time of servicing a call to a minimum. No tributor. 75c. value. FREE
"short cut" suggestions sent in by service men more will the service man have to spend with purchase of RCA tubes.
during the past year. Each "tip" is printed hours trying to fathom out the difficulties en-
on a separate card and covers the more com- countered in servicing some sets. With the
mon ailments of the principal makes of radio Service-Tip File, he knows in many cases
sets now in use. just what to expect before he starts to work.

P A e K I T N o.
for your
RCA~ Sewiu 14'- 'fik
This envelope contoins twenty The more RCA Perts Cind
time.1ovW,g service ideas, each Service Specialties (not includ·
printed on a separate cord and ing RCA Test Instruments) you Radio Service Business Methods
lnd&Ked so that you can eo.sify buy, the more Tip Cords you
file them in your RCA Rodia Ser· earn, and the more useful your
Two experts collaborated on this
vice Tip File •• , When you hove Tip File becomes. Send your
earned your next pocket of Tips, ·Own service ideas to RCA Radio book to show the proper way to op-
ask for Pocket No.. 4. Service News, Camden, N. J. erate a retail radio service business.
USE RCA PARTS By John F. Rider and J. Van New-
enhizen. A $3.00 value for 75c. and
purchase of RCA tubes.
RCA Service Tip Packets
If you have the RCA Service Tip File be sure you
keep it up to the millute with extra packets of service
tips. RCA Tube Distributors will furnish the RCA
Service-Tip Packets beginning with packet No. 1 to Socket Layout Guide
all owners of the RCA Tip File on a deal requiring
the purchase of $10.00 worth of tubes for each packet.
One of the most in-
dispensable and pop-
ular books for over-
111111111 Sf t
counter and service !i1Jt1111 L/11111111

work. Shows com-
plete complement of
tubes for every radio
RCA Metal Tube Lighter -old and new. See
your distributor for
Light up with the new RCA your copy. Free with
RCA Service Engineer's Pencil metal tube lighter. One of the purchase of RCA
As useful as it is beautiful . . . it automatically tells you the value of most popular novelties ever of- Radio Tubes.
resistors. All you do is align the colors on the bands with the colors on the fered. Highly durable and ser- 111!
resistor. The value of the resistor in ohms is shown down to the last decimal. viceable. Get yours from your
Get this handy, beautiful pencil from your Distributor now with purchase of distributor free with purchase ISz1
RCA tubes. of RCA Radio Tubes.
Reg R11111or
o1 tbe "'" "'"1111!011 llt fl1s1011

-::~~~·S· 'lltr11111111; to.111l

---=---= :::;:::::::,;; --,....;;:""""'

i. I

All -Metal 464 -Amateur Amateur

Radio Tube Transmitting Transmitting

,._ "/t.f.'t\S\~G
Manual 10¢ Types 15¢ Supplement 15¢

t-<\OIS • $\e(eo•


a ,..o,o 1u\\t ot,..\.t"-"'
y.C.,.. ..

RC - 12 TS2 HB -3 Tube
Cunningham Cathode Handbook
Radiotron Ray Tube All Types
Manual 25¢ Manual 25¢ (Sold by Subscription )
If Y?ll: plan. newspaper ad-
Here are six RCA Publications invaluable to radio engineers, technicians and others. Describe electrical FREE vertismg m your local
paper write for this free
and functional characteristics of tubes. Order them from your jobber or write RCA Radiotron, Cam- advertising mat catalogue. Shows spar-
kling variety of advertising mats selling
den, N. J. Order Handbook (HB-3) by writing RCA Radiotron , Harrison, N. J. service and repairs.

"Ten Points'' Are You Scheduled To Receive Display Service? Distributors

of Checli.-up Announce New
Are Revised Tube Display
Gr eater Consumer Appeal, Novel Pieces For Window
More Profits for Service And Store Now
E n gineer, Are R esults Ready
A wealth of new display ma-
In the new 1937 Ch eck-Up terial, an unusual window dis-
Campaign the "Ten Points" 59~-f"f~ play, counter pieces and per-
of the Check-Up have been • T.6.l(ill fRO~ R.6.0IOS
manent pieces, are all a part of
revised to make the service ~~·"9 .. the n ew Check-Up material n ow
more attractive to prospects 11.llHI
.~ being distributed by RCA Radio
without involving additional Tube Distributors. The display
time or cost on the part of the i& so arranged that it may be
service man. used either by dealers who have
The Check-Up is not intended a service department or those
to be more than a thorough in- that do not.
spection service, including only Three displays go to make up
s uch minor repairs and adjust- the complete window display
ments as can be readily made service, one unit of the display
during the course of inspection. being made up of miscellaneous
The usual customer, however, pieces which are intended for
does not realize the work in- the store interior, but can be
volved in this type of service.
This brand new window dis play consisting of one Ja r ge centerpiece a nd seven side cards is one way to used in the window as side
Accordingly, the ten points for attract profitable service business. This display together with t he t wo others shown come t o you throug h pieces. Another unit of the dis-
the New Check-Up are more your distribu tor or dir ect from RCA Radiot r on , Camden, N. J . Order yours now. play is material that is of in-
specific, impressing the prospect
2 t 0 5 p er cent
terest to t he public and is espe-
with the scope of the service I
greatly improve any weakness in perience has shown that the
and reassuring him as to the ex-
power or tone.) average Check-Up return is :
cellent value to be received from
2. Test and label all tubes. about $5.00, so the price deter-
so small an investment.
A second advantage of the
new "Ten Points" is to call at-
3. Check speaker and cabinet mined upon should normally be
for rattles. (This tells t he pros- only enough to cover the costs of
Good Return
common set faults vyhich rriay be
pect that you are the doctor for the Check-Up call plus a small
tention specifically to certain such an ailment.)
margin of safety. The lower the
4. Inspect and test all power cost, naturally, the more calls
on Direct Mail
remedied completely by addi-
connections. you will make.
tional service not included in the 5. Check aerial, ground and New Check-Up Material
Check-Up charge. As an ex- lightning arrester connections. Insures High Returns Thesewindow pieces may be used either in
ample, Point No. 7 reads: "Ad- or on t he counter.
just dial to normal kilocycle
reading." This does not r epre-
6. Align antenna, detector and
oscillator circuits when accessi- Chinese Radio What is a dealer to expect cially valuable to the service
sent an alignment job, but mere-
ble (all-wave sets additional) -
(The adjustment of three
Shop Is 100 % from his direct mail advertis- man. Included with both dis-
ing? plays is a quantity of hand-out
ly a re-setting of the dial if it
has slipped. Every 1 i st en er
screws, and the improvement in
reception resulting therefrom, is
RCA Equipped The question arises from a leaflets on " How to Get the
quantity of communications Most Out of Your Radio" and
would like to have a dial that
the basis of selling the customer "Tommy" Tong is the best which come from dealers disap- "The Check That Counts."
reads "right on the nose," and The third u nit of the display
a complete alignment job.) known Chinese in the radio busi- pointed in direct mail results.
since most dials don't, this point
7. Adjust dial to normal kilo- ness in San Francisco's "Ch ina Dealers who mail out 500 post features a centerpiece entitled
opens the way to a selling talk
cycle reading. ( Explained Town." His radio shop is the cards or letters are frequently "Squawks and Squeals Taken
on an alignment job. from Radios," an unusually at-
above.) largest (owned by a Chinese) dissatisfied with 10 to 20 calls tractive piece, finish ed in eight
P roduces More Jobs 8. Check causes of extraneous in the country. Tong is pr om- for service, repairs, etc. Yet
noises. (While you can only inent in Chinese-American so- when the average department
The net result of the new ten- check the causes which are very
cieties, an outstanding athlete, store gets a similar return, it
point lineup should be more jobs obvious, nevertheless the opera- promptly increases its mailings
for the service engineer, with tion may pave the way for sales and efficient enough musician to to get more of the same percent-
more profit from each. The new of filters, noise-reducing anten- play in two of the largest Chi-
line-up, with explanations, fol- nas and other devices which cor- nese brass bands. Res ults as low as 2 per cent
lows: Tong has co m p 1e t e d two
rect s uch ch ronic conditions.) courses in radio engineering, ar e considered worthwhile by
1. Check over-all set perform- 9. Clean interior of cabinet. communications, etc. He holds many retailers. Five per cent is
ance for sensitivity, selectivity 10. Make free estimate of any a second-class commercial oper- excellent. Anything above is
and fidelity. (This is mainly a additional repairs needed. ator's license and is a well- generally considered a landslide.
listening test. It serves to re- While RCA believes t hat t h is known amateur. Yet many returns have run as A display t hat attracts attention
mind the customer of the in- offer can be made for $1.50, the high as 15 per cent. everywhere
ability of his set to separate sta- same as last year's Check-Up, R CA Equipped The new Check-Up material
colors and accompanied by
tions ; and brings to his atten- the price is optional for the His shop is 100 per cent RCA is designed to give you the high- seven smaller cut-outs. Each of
tion that yo u can correct or dealer or service engineer. Ex- equipped with test equipment est possible returns. But it will
t h e cut-out fig ures remind the
I and he also has a 100 per cent be defeated if you use poor mail- public of things that they can
RCA Radiotr on stock. H e keeps ing lists-ones which are not up
do to their set to make it per-
abreast of everything that's to date. The removal of families form better, s uch as moderniza-
new, believes in dressing up his from house to house is so great
that a mailing list should be tion, alignmen t, etc. A new fea-
store with all the new display
checked at least once a year. Be t ure of this centerpiece is that
material he can lay hands on.
sure when you use direct mail the price may be varied either
Tong just finished hooking-up that your lists are up to date. from $1.50 to $2.00, depending
equipment for a prominent Chi- on the particular locality.
nese doctor for t he amplification All of this material is avail-
of the human heart beat. Check-Up Built able through RCA Radio Tube
Tong uses direct mail adver- Distributors, and t he complete
tising reg ularly, e mp 1 o ye d
Service Statio n , service costs the dealer only
Check-Up material profitably. Says S. 0. Official $1.50. The three kits are shipped
While Tommy hasn't yet seen (Continued from page 2, col. 5) at one time.
the new RCA check-·up material
we feel s ure he will put it to grocer selling you a tankful of tion of t ransmission, differen-
good use in his shop. questionable fuel, your present- tial, water pump, radiator, bat-
day service station salesman tery, lights, change of lubri-
asks you about most of the needs cants, fuel and accessories.
I Vse Ph one . ? I of your car and he is prepared
to service them.
Our service station Check-Vii
RCA has written campaign is pushed in t he
I House ToHouse? I
an~ 1> r i n t e d a spring and fall when the auto- DOOR to-DOOR RCA is prepared
Gmde fo r a tele- mobile, as we all know, should to make helpful

iJ~ lfl
phone ap1>ri;iach t o be put in readiness for warm s uggestions f o r
th e question of . . sales talks to any
• Check -D i>. If you and cold weather dnvrng respec- dealer who wants

want to do t his tively. As in radio, there are to go out and sell
Tommy Tong, owner of t he largest Cllin ese radio s hop in the country, profita ble kind of selling, complete specific points for t he gasoline
is a firm believer in good test equipment. The R CA Beat F requen cy ma nua l will be forwarded F REE Ch eck-Up. Fu 11
· . · information upon
Oscillator may be seen in t he foreg r ound while t he RCA Test Oscillator, on t he request of your t ube dis - service station at ten d ant to
Frequency Modulator a nd Oscillogr a ph are to t he r ig ht . t ributor. cover. These include the inspec- request.

I The Check-Up Market Is Right In Your Neighborhood I

- ·- ~ ~lli:o

The check-up market for radio service is everywhere-in your neighborhood, in your contact. Experience has shown t hat the average income from check-up contacts is sev-
city, wherever radio receivers are located. The way to make sales is to get contact with eral times that of the basic $1.50 charge and, in many cases, sales of new sets, re-
the owners of sets, and the RCA Check-U1> Cam1>aign is the ideal method of getting frigerators and other items are directly traced to this contact.

have." Do you make use of it as I market. And RCA Tubes have

Radiotron Check -Up Ideal a leader ? And the answer is, in everything to make them a
most cases, "NO." leader.
Sticker For
Leader For Increasing Sales And let's consider your win- Demand- Everybody's radio
dow for a minute. What do you will need new tubes sooner or
Metal Tubes
have in it that's going to make later, and 80 % need 'em now.
Tubes And Service Make Possible Sale Of everybody say, "Gee, that's cheap Nationally Advertised - RCA
enough- I'll t r y it"- not much, does that, and no mistake.
ls Now Ready
Large Dollar Volume Items- have you? You've got radios
The increasing replacement
Right Price- 59c - everyone market on R CA Metal Tubes
Market Easily Reached there, refrigerators, washing can afford t h at-this leader is created a demand for metal tube
machines- and you're just sit- talking right down to the change stickers-a demand which pre-
By D. J . F inn, Assistant Manager, Radiotron Adv. and ting back waiting for the public purse while he keeps his eye on sented many problems to RCA
Sales Promotion to make up its own mind to buy the big bill fold. Radiotron in the manufacture of
What does a radio dealer have in his store to attract peo- hi gh-priced merchandise. Now Now let's just t hink about one a metal tu be sticker of proper
ple? What does he p ut in his window to make them stop and understand what I'm getting at. point for a minute. When you size and with an adhesive which
think about radio, and come into the store to do some radio I know yo u're out digging for start to advertise and sell a 59c would stand up against the con-
buying? A new set with a $79 price tag hanging on it? They chances to sell merchandise-but tube to a prospect who has bitten cent rated heat of the metal tube
know all about that! They simply my point is your window can on the low price hook-you're without becoming loose.
mumble "Too much money" and go back give you a big push on this if not out to only sell the tube. In After nearly a year of experi-
home to their old set and think it's not selling you'll get it in shape for a real plain words, it's bait and the mentation, RCA Radiotron gives
and advertising job. pond is full of fish for it. And its dealers another first-a tube
so bad after all.
Keen dealers know that appliances w· d D" l you've got to keep them t hink- test sticker designed in the lab-
m ow isp ay ing in terms of a 59c t ube for a- oratories and made to m eet t he
like refrigerators, washing machines, Just suppose you had a win- minute until you tell 'em about specifications of the metal t ube.
radios, etc., aren't impulse purchases dow that told th e public, "We this big special check-up job Radically different in appear-
nor are these appliances sold over the can make your old set sound like you'll do fo r him at his home fo r ance, the new metal tube sticker
counter. People don't say, "Well, I think new- let us look it over, clean it, only $1.50. And h e goes for t hat is 1; by 3 %" in size, will not
I'll go and buy a new radio today," t hen test it, adj ust it, and it'll only -8 times out of IO-still think-
trot around to the radio store to buy one cost yo u a dollar and a half." ing that you're just an expert cover type number of tube when
by the pound. More than half the good That will stop them. Why, they bent on saving him money. You used, and by virtue of self-stick-
D. J . Finn set prospects don't even know they need can have that job done to the know now when you start out on ing features wi ll adhere perma-
and want a good radio until some one n ently. Low cost advertising is
puts the idea in their heads. And that's what this "leader" old wheeze box at home. Maybe this sale that the ante h e's provided by the dealer imprint.
idea is all about. it will cu re it. That's the line pushed in is at least t he price of
Look at your neighbors' stores. You know where they make their thinking will take almost a couple of tubes plus $1.50 fo r Made of Special Paper
their money? In items on the shelf which you don't see advertised very time. Then you get into th e check-up. And remember, it's Made of a specia lly prepared
the home and find that it needs only the ante. paper and adhesive, tests proved
r so frequently. But look at their
a lot more attention than a mere that the paper would show prac-
windows- soap, 6c; soup, 5c- checking over. One of t hree Find Opportunity

popular brands, everyday neces- things is going to happen every tically no discoloration in 1000
Your Market! s iti es. And those poor so-and-sos time with ever y lead like this.
don't stand to make a fraction
Now you're in his house and hours of normal usage. Price of
what do you find- well, ther e's the new sticker is the same as
First, they'll want you to put it
Of every TEN homes in of a cent profit out of the items in first-class working order, and just so many wide-open sales the glass type- $1.00 a roll car-
your neighborhood there they feature w ith a great big the set is not so old that you opportunities there I don't know r ying dealer 's three-line imprint.
are: mark-down. But the p e op 1e can't do it. That can mean a job where to begin-
6 Without Electric ' 1 I crowd in. And in the grocery which runs into a nice ten dollar First-the set's a 1927 Or-
Refrigerators store they just don't come bill. Or, second, they'll want a phanola wit h a case of asthma
5 Without Washing out with three cakes of soap. new set, if you get that idea that only the grave will cure.
Machines They've bought cans of vegeta- working in their minds. And Now do I have to tell you how
6 Without MODERN bles, fru it, sauces, etc., and in you're right on the spot to sell it. to act on this cue?
RADIO SETS · these items the grocer has taken Or, third, th ey're not going to do Second- t he set's a fai rly mod-
60 % of your neighbors a nice profit. That's the way the anything at all simply because ern one that's got the growls.
haven't a M 0 DERN big chains work it. Why, in som e th ey don't have t he money. You You've sounded out on the idea
RADIO. cases, as hig h as forty per cent wouldn't have made a sale no of a new radio- and the answer
35 % of yo ur n eighbors of chai n stor e merchandise is matter what you did. Now is a definite "nothing doing ."
want a SECOND RADIO. marked down to no-profit levels. j ust figure this happening ten, You start working on the set and
66 % of yo ur neighbors But, boy, on th e other sixty they twenty, thirty times a week with find a couple of condensers out
have no Electric Refriger- make up. r esults in cold turkey terms of of whack- the same for three
a tor. Now RCA does n't ask you to $5 to $150 a call. For what? you tubes- then you wind up by
51 % of your n eigh hors I
do that. But you can borrow ask! I j ust told you-from a ser- telling him what an aerial would
have no Washing Machine. the genera l idea, make a profit vice job, to the sale of new mer- do for him. The potential sale
58 % of yo ur neighbors out of everything yo u do or cha naise. there would squeeze a ten dollar
have no E lectric Clock. se ll, a nd go to town on the big bill for all it's got.
50 % of yo ur neighbors profit merchandise b e c au s e Everybody Needs Tubes But I'm not going to go
have no Electric Toaster. you're opening up the oppor- 1 Now just study the ch a rt through all these possibilities . .
52 % of yo ur neighbors tunity wide. Have you g ot a n y- at the left of this page a min- you already know about. All I I Make sure your ~1str1butor sale~-
have no Vac uum Cleaner. . . man shows you this booklet on his
thing like a leader in your ute, will yo u please- because want to pomt out is- you started next visit. It shows the way to a
store? Th e a nswer is "you , th is isn't baloney. Here's your the ball rolling with a 59c tube. 1 bigger and better business.

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