RCA Radio Service News 1936 09

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j R~A Business

NEW SERIES OF RCA SERVICE I Starts 20,000 Mile Test

MEETSSTARTSEPTEMBER14 -- -- ···--- ·--------- -- -~ Registers Big
Technical Features of 1937 RCA Victor Receivers to Gains In 1936
Be Discussed at Initial Gathering-High Fidelity
Reproduction of Records at Second New Models In Great De-
mand, Says RCA
With total attendance well over 100,000, RCA distributors
are inaugurating the third year of the famous RCA Service Executive
Meetings with two highly timely and interesting lectures. The
first series of lectures, which will run from September 14 to The radio set and phono-
October 2 3, in more than 15 0 cities, will cover the new 19 3 7 graph record buiness of RCA
RCA Victor Receivers and the most recent technical develop- Victor has been making spec-
ments in the radio art. A special feature will be a cathode-ray tacular advances with the intro-
demonstration of alignment stability. duction of a new line of radio

prizes, souvenirs and booklets.

the . first S";ries of me~tings,. each
In TraveI-Log Is
As in the past, there will be free·- - - -- - - - - - - - -- instrum ents featuring Magic
Brain, Magic Eye and the new
Magic Voice, and a more wide-
service engmeer attendmg will re-
ceive a free portfolio of RCA Vic-
t?r Service ~ates covering the new
NOW Ava1•1able spread appreciation of good
music, including the currently
!me of receivers . The second se-
ries of meetings, which will get un-
der way November 5, will cover all
T0 RCA DeaIers Lewis M. Clement, RCA Victor Vice-President in charge of research
popular fancy for "swing"
music, according to Thomas F.
phases of High Fidelity reproduc- and engineering, is shown handing shipping instructions to a hostess and Joyce, Advertising Manager of
tion, including recording, dynamic pilot of United Air Lines. This picture was taken at the start of a "me-
amplifiers, new pickups and spe-
the RCA Manufacturing Com-
c ialty loudspeakers.
New Log Book Has 36 Pages teorologic" demonstration of the ability of a new RCA Victor radio to
withstand drastic changes of heat, humidity and altitude in a flight from
Since 1934, RCA has held twelve Of Important Information Camden, N. J., to-JV.-:nila, in the Philippines, and return. F. X. Retten- Public acceptance of the new
series of meetings on a wide vari- meyer, Manager of RCA Victor receiver engineering, is at extreme left, "Magic" radios, plus the most spec-
ety ?f subje.cts of special interes.t to A n e w lo g book, called the Radio and Ovid Riso, Export Advertising Manager, is at the right. tacular low-priced line in RCA Vic-
service e n g m eers. Othe.r mee tmgs Travel-Log, h as just been made tor history, has more than doubled
have been h e ld for radio amateur available to all RCA dealers and your radio, characteristic calls of in the first seven months of 1936
organiz~tio~s, sch?ols, universities,
etc. With mcreasmg attendance at
each n ew sertes, T e d Ostman, ser-
vice manager, predicted that atten- _
Puu 114
service e n g i -
RADIO TRAVEL·LOli neers, accordin g
to a recent an-
nouncement by
foreign short-wave stations, com-
plete listing of all standard U. S.
broadcast stations and short-wave
s tations throughout the world.
20,000-MILE ove r last year, said Mr. Joyce. In
the month of July alone RCA Vic-
tor shipped more than three times
dance at the new Ma gic Voice and
High Fidelity S e ries will far sur-
pass all previous records.
While all dates for these m eetings
D. J. Finn, Man-
ager of Radio-
tron and RCA
Parts Advertis-
The center spread of the new
R CA Travel-Log is occupied by a
large time-zone chart which shows
the equivalent times in all foreign
FLIGHT TESTS as many radio sets to its distribu-
tors as in the same month last year,
he said. The company's factories
are working at near capacity to
have not been definitely set, RCA
Parts and R CA Victor Instrument
Distributors are prepared to an-
nounce the exact dates for particu·
ing. This book,
said Mr . Finn, is
fresh from the
press a nd in-
countrie s when it is noon at N ew
York. This permits one to quickly
compute t h e exact local time of
any broadcast, a n ecessity for enjoy-
NEW RCA SET produce enough radio instruments
(Continued on Page 2, Column 3)

lar localities as soon as possible.

Service engineers desiring to at·
eludes more use·
ful fea tures than
ment of sho rt-wave prog rams.
The Travel-log contains a strong Flight Made From Camden, Keeping C<;>ol
tend these mee tin gs should immedi- any other lo g Check-Up ad for helpin g the service
ately get in touc h with the ir dis- book ever offere d to the listening
tributor. Attendance at all meetings public. Features include special in-
e n gineer or the dealer's service de-
partment. Blank pages are pro-
N. J., to Manila
(Continued on Page 2, Column 5) formation on gettin g the most from ( Continned on Page 2, Column 1)
A demonstration of the ability of
one of the new RCA Vic tor radio
r eceivers to withstand drastic
THE STORE WITHOUT A LEADER-An Editorial c hanges in temperature, humidity
and altitude in a 20,000-mile air
flight between Camden, N. J., and
By F. B. Ostman, Manager of the RCA Service Division the Philippines, was begun with a
brief send-off ceremony at Camden
Central Airport recently.
Is your store "without a leader" ? L ewis M . C lement, Vice-Presi-
A study made by RCA Radiotron of various types of retail outlets dent in charge of RCA Victor re-
search and engineering; Tom Joyce,
shows the average radio dealer to be without a m eans for building a Advertising Mana ger, and officials
regular flow of business. Retailers in food products, drugs, h ardware, of R CA's International Division,
and others, build a successful trade largely through a group of common stood by as a sma ll table model RCA
products and necessary staples, the regular demand for which creates Victor instrument was turned over
to the hostess and pilot of a United
steady consumer traffic. Such retailers have a system-a plan of mer- Air Lines air express, for a swift
chandising-which almost automatically regulates sales and profits. journey to Alameda, California. At
• • • ¥ • ¥ Alameda, the set was transferred to
one of the famous China C lippers
One of the outstanding schemes employed by retail outlets of popular which fl ew it to Manila, in the Phil-
merchandise is the featuring of "leaders" or "specials"- not solely by ippines.
cutting price-to create a demand for other products. The grocer fea- Perfect at Manila

F. B. Oatman
tures nationally advertised staples such as soup, beans, etc., and thus A c h eck-up of th e radio in Ma-
leads his customers to purchases of fancy canned goods in which he reaps nila d etermined t h at the various
a long profit. The auto service station features a $1.00 (or less) grease radio c irc uits were still in perfect
alignment, with no apparent im -
job to lead to sales of spark plugs, accessories, and repairs, in which he maintains a long profit. pairment of sensitivity or selec tiv-
But the problem of the radio retailer is somewhat different. He must go to his customer be- ity. The instrument will be shipped
cause the cu stomer does not come periodically to him. And yet FEW RETAIL OUTLETS ARE ba ck by th e same route.
Radio instruments designed for
EMPLOYS A "LEADER," THAN THE RADIO RETAILER. ceive special cabinet and wiring
• • • • • • treatment to withstand the extremes
of heat and humidity, Mr. Clement
Jane Richardson, pretty NBC drama-
tic actress, finds it easy to keep cool
Radio dealers who frown on service scorn the most resourceful leader they can employ for explained. The use of "Magnetite" as long as she is in NBC headquarters
long-profit sales. A properly operated service department can greatly increase the sale of profit- core (intermediate-frequen cy ) trans- in Radio City, New York, which is
able items such as tubes, antennas, accessories and uncover many new customers for higher form ers, and of air trimmers of the s•w ept by the cooling breezes of one
plunge r type insure stable ope ration of the world's finest air-conditioning
priced items, radios, refrigerators, etc. The radio dealer's cue is to take his service department of the complex radio circuits under plants. Miss Richardson graduated
out of the "poor relation" class and make it the "helpful Henry"-make it .a real leader. a ll wea ther c onditions, h e said. to radio from the stage and films.
2 RCA RADIO SERVICE NEWS September, 1936

llRCA Business
so-called classical music h as never

Travel-Log Is 'j "Follies" Star b een more widespread, Mr. Joyce

said. Radio broadcasting of famous
artists and symphoni c orchestras
j Battery Model I
Now Available Registers Big
h a s stimulated this interest, and
records are satisfyin g it. The pop-
ular r ecord field, too, is benefiting
from the popularity of "swing"

To RCA Dealers Gains In 1936

music. The leadin g exponents of
this type of musi c, as well as the
most famous classi cal artists, a r e all
und e r co ntra c t to r ecord for R CA
(Continued from Page 1, Column 3 ) Victor, Mr. Joyce said. "Hig h e r
vided for individual dial recordings . (Continued /mm Page 1, olumn 5) Fideli ty" m e thods of faithfully re-
The book is 6 x 9 inches and h as co rdin g sound-on-disks and repro-
to m ee t the r e quireme n ts of its I du cin g it in the home have also
a n unusually a ttractive three-color
retaile rs . b een r esponsible for the r etu rn of
cove r .
Orders for the n e w RCA R adio Public Prefers Magic Features the phonograph
Travel-Lo g s h o u Id b e placed Mr. Joyce attribute s th e gains m
t hrou gh R CA Radiotron distribu- R CA Victor sa les to a numb e r of
tors or direct from any RCA Radio-
tron ware hous e whe n accompanied
fa c tors. First, is that the public
h as s hown a prefe r e n ce for the
by a remittance. Prices are as fol-
In qua ntities up to I 000 copies-
"Magic" features of the R CA Vi c-
tor in s truments. Second, improve- NOW HAS SHIELD
$3 .00 p e r hundred.
In qua ntities of I 000 to 2500-
m e nt in business generally has had
its proportionate e ffect on the ra -
dio industry. Th e presidential
FOR CALIBRATION The new RCA Victor Model 5BT
will fi nd a ready market in the 2-volt
$2. 7 5 p e r hundred. e lection ca mpai g n , too, is h aving a battery field. This instrument, which
In qua ntiti es of 2500 or more - b e n eficial e ffect on radio sales. The famous R CA Cathode R ay has such features as a 530 to 1800
$2.50 p e r hundre d. Th e n, too, millions of old radio r e- Oscillo g raph is now fitt ed w ith a kc. tuning range, 2.2 watts output
All orde rs for the Travel-Lo g will ceive rs are b e in g replaced by new special tra n slu ce nt calibration shie ld and an exceptionally low battery
includ e a prominent three- line im- inst rume nts which embody all the that greatly in- drain, is being featured by RCA
print plus your c hoice of two con- n ewest conve nie n ce and p e rform - c r eases the use- Victor Dealers at the low Eastern
f; umer m essage s. Patti Chapin, young CBS sing- ance fea tures at small cost. fuln ess of this list price of $32.95 (less batteries) .
(9 I 3S) Ever since we started in ing star, who was recently chosen remarkable in -
the r a dio busin ess the customer's as one of the headliners for the new Record Sales Zoom, Too strume nt. The
satisfaction h as been our first co n -
side r a tion . That is why today
more people than eve r b e fore a r e
ca lling upon us to r emed y th e ir
"Ziegfeld F allies of the Air" series, As c onvincin g evid e n ce of the
broadcast over W ABC and the na- exte nt to which the phonograph
tionwide Columbia network each reco rd busin ess is stagin g a c ome-
Saturday, from 8:00 to 9:00 P. M. back in popular favor, Mr. Joy ce
n e w shield is fit-
ted between the
e nd of the Ca -
t hode R ay Tube
RCA Service
radio troubles. Won't you, too,
keep u s in mind whe n your radio
is not actin g properly? P erh a ps
disclose d that each year, for th e
when buyin g radio tubes for the ir past three years , sixty p e r cent
se ts. If it's a tube yo u n eed to more p eopl e have bought Vic tor
and the escutc h-
eon on the case.
The f o u r es-
Meets Start
it' s a loose co nnection ; mavbe a
weak tube- we ca rry RCA Radio
Tubes you know. Whatev er the
trouble may b e , w e are at your
make your old radio play like n ew, records of all classes with n ew
we ca rry R CA Radiotrons, stock- ga in s being r egistered monthly. In RCA Cathode
c u tch eon screws
a Is o hold the
ed and ready to sell in tampe r both May a nd June, of this year, Ray Oscillograph shield. Those e n -
proof sealed cartons for your pro- o r dina rily the quietest from a vol- l:'ineers who pur-
In September
service- and our prices will t·ec.t ion. Call on u s for proven ume sales standpoint, more r eco rds c h ased their R CA Oscillographs (Continued fr om Page 1, Column 1)
please you. lin es of m e r c h a ndise. we r e p urc hased than during a ny prio r to the inclusion of this shield, is n ecessary to gain eithe r an at-
(913) Today more p eople than (Specify Copy "9 I 3S" or "9 13" Decembe r , t h e hig h month of th e m ay purchase it from t he ir R CA tendan ce certificate or a seco nd
e ve r b e tore a r e specifying R CA whe n pla cin g orders.) year, since 1930 . Appreciation of I Parts Distributors at 25 cents , net. year seal.
Th e fo llowin g dates 'have b een set:
Ma gic High
Voice Fidelity
Series Series
Akron 9 / 18 I I I 12
Albany 10 / 2 12 / 2
Ba ltimore 10 / 20 12 / I I
Bosto n 9 / 22 II I I 7
Buffalo 10 / 15 12 / 1 1
Burlin g ton 9 / 30 11 / 30
Ca n ton 9 / 22 II I 13
C ha rlotte I 0 /7 12 / 2
Chicago 10 / 6 12 / 1
Cincinnati 9 / 16 1 1/ I 0
C levela n d 9/ 24 II I I 7
Co lu mbus 9 / 28 II I 19
Davenport 9 / 29 I I / 20
Dayton 9 / 14 II I 5
Detroit I 0 / 15 12 / 9
Elmira 10 / 8 12 /7
E rie 9 / 14 II / 5
G rand R apids 10 / 13 12 /7
Hartford 9 / 14 II I 5
Huntin g ton 10 / 2 11 / 27
lndianaoolis 9 / 22 II I 16
Louisville 9 / 18 II I 12
Milwaukee 10 / 1 I I/ 24
Ne w York
9/ 18 - -
10 / 13 12 /7
P eoria 9 / 24 II I 18
Philadelp h ia I 0 / 27 --
Pitteburg h 9 / 30 I I / 24
Portla nd 9 / 28 I I/ 24
(Above) RCA Cathode R ay Oscillograph, Providence 9/ 24 I I/ 19
magic trouble-find er, with tubes $ 8 4.5 0 Ri chmond 10 / 9 12 / 4
cash, or $ 10 dow n, $6.92 p e r month, 12 Roa noke 10 / 5 11 / 30
months to pay; n ewly d eveloped calibra- Ro c h este r 10 / 13 12 / 9
tion screen for making comparative image South Bend 10 / 8 12 / 3
m eas ur~ments now available. Springfi eld 9 / 16 II / 9
RCA Beat Frequency Oscillator, $64.50, or Syracuse 10 / 6 12 / 4
$ 10 down, $5.2 5 p er mo., 12 mos. to pay. Toledo 10 / 19 12 /1 1
RCA Universal AC Bridge, $49.65, or $ 10 Washin gton I 0 / 15 12 / 9
down, $ 5. 71 per month, 8 months to p ay. Worceste r 9 / 18 1 1/ 12
Youngstown 9 / 16 II / 9
RCA Regulated Power Unit, $39.50, or
$ 10 down, $5.02 per mo., 7 mos. to p ay.
RCA' s easy payment plan also applies to
Radio engineers can now own RCA's finest, a combination purc hase of two or more
t est equipments. RCA test instruments
New Cards
not listed h e r e includ e RCA Test Oscil-
most modern apparatus on new easy plan! lator, RCA Frequency Modulator, RCA
Vibra tion Pickup, RCA Piezo -Electric
Calibra tor. ~,...\~· RADIO "C/cedt-•"
ETTER servicing means more profitable business. And
.,............. -... ............
' lbing 1011rrodloroou••hop .,ndwo'll do1ho lollowlng

' ,.............. ,...,..,._... .

wor~ t n11fll'I' tree ol tho•t t:
there's no advertising that does a better job than the ;:~·::::·.:. ~:::
...........- • _._.....
J ::::.. : : : . . : : ..
. : : : . . - ·· '" · -

word-of-mouth praise of satisfied customers. ..........

J • ...., _ .._ . ....-
- ..· - - - , . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . .. _ ............. _

Give your customers a swell service job- and they tell ~01~ ~~:::..i?~-i:~::?:fi~:~::2!'~:~E:T~~:E
their friends how good you are. This increases your busi- 1936-1937 YOUR IMPRINT HERE

ness. The best way to do a praiseworthy job is to start

FORM 1320
off with the proper test equipment ... made by R adio's
Leader, RCA! -The Service Man's Sales Builder I.et us X-RAY Radio.
Lots of radio engineers h ave r ealized this-and have laid :;'J~"••w RCA CATHODE RAY
cash on the line for RCA T est Equipment. Lots of others BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER! OSCILLOGRAPH !i--
Thit lnJhumenl, called the X·ft.17 ol redio, per·

wanted it- but price stood in the way. So now, in order '::ii.~~~=~~:i~:~h:r~:,::~~ti!',:::~~ G ~
The 1936-1 93 7 Plan will getunderwaysoon.
' °''o A pho,. o• ll b."O' O" ,.,,_,loll••
that all may enjoy the benefits of this varied line of great A bigger, better, more profit-resultful plan
apparatus, RCA makes it available on easy time payments! than ever before. A plan backedJwith adver- YOUR IMPRINT HERE

The plan oucl;ned fa< the RCA Cathode Ray ( . tising even more aggressive, compelling and FORM 1321
O scillograph (in p anel) is a typical example. ' 9 • 1 comprehensive:than in the past.New mailing Either o f the above cards have the
punch n eeded to bring in n ew busi-
Do not wait a day longer! Orde r your ~z.! pieces, new window displays, new interior ness. Order direct from RCA Ra-
equipment now. Profit now. P ay later! ~ displays. Ask your distributor about them. diotron, Camden, N . J. Price $1.25
[ p er 100, imprinted on governmen t
.....................,.....................................................................................................................................................,..................................;...;,..;;..; ' stamped post cards.
September, 1936 RCA RADIO SERVICE NEWS 3


1 Murray's Marlyn I
Robert S. Kruse Reports Good Results With Unit for RCA Service
Amateur and Experimental Frequency Calibration More Than 300 Houses In
By ROBERT S. KRUSE, Consulting Engineer West Affected by
The use of a two-frequency crystal for experimental applications has been
greatly accelerated with th e introduction of the RCA Piezo-Electric Calibrator. The National Agency Cor-
The following article by Mr. Kruse describes a few of the many uses of this
remarkable device, now being featured by all R CA Parts Distributors at the p oration, h eaded by Spyros
low net price of $29.95, complete with crystal, acorn type tube and power supply. Skouras, President, has com -
pleted arrangements with the
Co11rtesy of (IRadio"
Photopho n e Division of the
Frankly, we were not at first very unfamilia r receiver is at the wanted R CA Manufacturing Company,
c ordial toward the RCA C rystal Cali - frequ e n cy or whether o n e has th e whereby t h e sound reproduc-
brator. It looke d like another ser- wron g h a rmonic. With t h e R CA
Crystal Calibrator this is simple. By
ing equipment in more than
vi ceman·s "gad get." But-after liv-
ing with the Ca librator, one gets an merely flippin g the switch to · ·Hi'. three hundred Fox-controlled
a ltogeth er different view of the de- we set up the other system of har- theatres in the Middlewest and
vice . monics, one of which is sure to b e at West will be serviced by RCA
The R C A Crystal Calibrator h as 4,000 kc. Lo catin g this, one Rips engin eers.
as its m ain distin c tion a trick cry'stal the switch back t o "Lo."' A sign a l
'fhe cont ract, whic h become s e f -
which ca n oscillate at e ithe r I 00 kc. is still heard, but this is the 4 0th
f ectiv e Octob e r I, ext e nds for a
or 1,000 kc., thus m a king available h armonic of the I 00-kc. osciDation .
p e riod of five years and will in-
two co mple t e fami lie s of h armonics. Now w e know w h ic h harmonic w e
clude the theatres w hic h are part of
One fa mily starts at I 00 k c. and is h ave a nd it is on ly n ecessary t ~ tune
the Fox W e st Coast Theatres Cor-
spaced I 00 k c. apart at 200, 300, in the direction o' lower frequencies
poration , The Fox lntermountain,
400, e t c., r igh t on up to 20,000 kc. until a n oth e r harmoni c is found-it
the Fox C olumbia, and the Wisc on-
or more. This g ives a fin e lot of cali- will, of co urse , be 3,900 . In a lmost
sin Amuse m e nt Enterprise g roups.
bratio n points . In fact they a re so a ny combina ti on th ese c ross-ch ecks
It is the first contract whic h RCA
close to gether that it is e asy to get are possible in one way or a nothe r .
Photophon e has thus far signed for
th e wrong one by the t a il when mak-
Ama teur Ba nd Spotting servi c in g a large g roup of motion
in g a firs t ca libration o r spottin g
picture houses u sing competitive
poin ts on a rece ive r dial. This is About I 7 frequen cy points will sound eq uipment. Unde r the new
whe r e the seco nd fr e que ncy com es outlin e a ll the a mate ur bands for G e ntlemen who prefer blondes will cast a vote for winsome Marlyn Stuart
a rrange m e nt R CA s ervice e n gineer s
in . By m e r e ly flippin g a switch to which this os c illa tor is directly avail - who's shown idling away h er time in the country between broadcasts. She's
will make p e riodic c h eck - up ca lls
"Hi" the oscillator jumps to 1, 000 abl e. Of these I 7 points it is pos- a featured vocalist in the CBS program "Laugh with Ken Murray,''
and b e availabl e for e m e rge n cy ser-
kc . and g ives a point there with s ible to h it three with both the " H i'• h eard Tuesdays at 8 :30 P. M ., EDST. Murray, who' s protege she is,
vi ce, without c h arge, w h e never
harmoni cs at 2,000, 3,000, 4 ,000, and "Lo" range, six with the "Lo" necessary. discovered her dancing in the chorus of Earl Carroll's "Sketch Book."
5,000, 6,000 and so on, right on up ran ge, fiv e with the "Hi" range. T his
to 50 , 000 k c. a nd b eyond. Another leaves b u t three which ca nnot b e Circuits Rearranged
spotted d irectly and all of them h a v e
values such that they are easily in-
terpolate d on either r eceive r o r osc il-
lator (monitor, that is) with con -
F . B . Ostman, R CA S e r vice Man -
a ge r, announce d that the Photo-
ph o n e s e rvi ce c ircuit, w h i c h e xtends
throu g hou t the co un try, is being NEW PRICE CARD PICK-UPS AND
s ide rable e ase and acceptable ac-
c uracy. The g u ara n teed accuracy of
the c rystal calibrator is two parts in
a million, a nd any acc idental drift
r ea rran ged t o include the n e w c on-
tract the atres. Twe nty additional
trai n ed sound t echnic ians are to b e
adde d to the technical staff, h e said .
Two new, attractive price
cards, one for attaching to
can r eadi ly be c h eck e d by g oing to
the neare st broadcast r eceiver, t u n -
in g in any sta tion operatin g on 600,
700, 800, 900, 1,000, I , I 00, 1, 200,
Spare r e placement parts for sound
r eprod u cin g
warehouse d
eq uip ment
at strate g i c
throug h out the count ry for imm e -
w ill be
the wall near your stock of
RCA Radio Tubes, and one
for carryin g in your pocket,
are now ready for RCA Ra-
1,300, 1,400 or 1,500 k c. S e v e r a l dia t e availability. The R CA service
s u ch stations are available e v ery
evenin g a nd if one is off the oth e rs
e n g ineers will b e eq uippe d with the
most a dva n ced t e st apparatus
dio Tube Dealers. These
cards are up to date ; include
High Impedance Units
will g ive the fa c t away . The c rysta l
oscillator h as a t ri mmer for adjust-
known to the e l ectrical art, includ-
in g t h e c athode ray osc illo graph,
the new "G" Types and are
a necessity for everyone sell-
Eliminate Input
ment to ze ro -beat t h e station w h ich an instrum e nt which p e rmits a di-
RCA Crystal Calibrator
is bein g rec eived. For this work d - c
(battery) plate supply is use d on the
agnosis of hidden trouble by mak-
in g it visibl e on a fluorescent
ing tubes. Your R CA Radio
Tube D istributor c an supply
oscillator. s c r een, in muc h the same way as you with either of these cards A complete regrouping of
nice feature is prov1s1on for u s ing an X -ray is u sed by the physician .
e ither a-c or d -c plate s upply for the Transmitter Adjustment Other e quipme nt include s Multi- or you may send your re- R CA Pick-Ups and Phono -
9 5 5 Aco rn Triode which serve s as Eve ry amate ur transmitte r s h oul d T e sters, Beat Osc illa tors a nd special quest direct to RCA Radio- g raph Modernization Kits, in-
th e oscilla tor. The re are three bind- b e operate d in c onjunction with some t est films, a ll of whi c h insures the tron, Camden, N. J. cluding the announcement o f
in g posts. Wh e n a c-w signa l is want- kind of calib rated monitor, a nd, if re nde rin g of the b est service pos-
e d, a 45-volt B battery is connected sible.
several new types, has just
you are usin g an R CA C rystal Cali-
b e tween the two outsid e posts. When brator, this monitor can be simple been made by J. A Milling, in
a modulate d signa l is wanted, the and chea p, b ecause it is always pos- charge of R CA Parts S a les.
battery is r e move d and the "+" sible to spot points on the monitor This regrouping not only sim-
post is conn ect e d to a center bind-
ing post, which c onn ects the a - c line
to t h e pla t e-supply l ead. The c om-
scale I 00 k c. apart, p e rmitting im-
mediate d e tection of any shifts on
th e p a rt of the monitor, whic h c an
I Operation, With Sound I plifies the line-up of R CA
Pick -Ups b ut also e liminates a
pactne ss du e to th e 955 tube is a lso the n b e simple and c h e ap. A t s ome numbe r of older ty p es.
a v e ry g r eat c onve ni e n ce . ope ratin g fr e q u e n c ies it is, of cou rse, S evera l new univer sa l and h igh
possible to h e ar a beat note in the impedan ce type s have b een added to
For Use with Receivers the line, while the a dvanced visc oloid
non-oscillating monitor whe n the
Anyone who has ever u sed a moni- calibrator is p laced r at h er near the
tor or othe r tuna ble osc illator to spo t monitor a nd across th e room from
freq u e n cy points on a r eceive r knows the transm itter. It is not n ece ssary
how e a s y it is to b ecom e unce rta in to work a t e xactly ze r o- b eat in most
w h e the r o n e h as the ri g ht h armo nic cases.
o r not. The doubl e s e t of harmonics A ll of the fore g oin g thin g s h ave
a t once r e move s t his doubt. For b een trie d h ere a nd w e r e don e more
ins tance, s upp ose w e are tryin g to r eadily with the R CA C rysta l Ca li-
l ocate the 3, 900- k c. e d ge of the " 80 brator than with a n y othe r d e vice
m e t e r·· amateur phon e b a nd. If we Stock No. 11080 Kit
pre viously u sed, largely b eca u se of
have only the I 00 - k c. oscilla tor it ,is the two-fr e que ncy f eature . It is ce r -
ty p e of c onstruction h as been
easy to b ecome un ce rtain w h e th e r ah tainly a nice gad get.
a dop ted for all pi c k -u ps except
t h ose of the Junio r typ e. This
means that the p e rformance of
olde r t ype machine s , produced
Window Display Brings Three prior to 19 32 , a r e d efinitely im-
proved by replac ing t h e pick-u p
h eads with the n ewe r visco loid type.
Calls First Week, Says Dealer Have High Impedance
The addition of two 8,500-ohm
That the qua rte r maile d for an I'm g oin g in for the whole C h eck - pic k - u ps with output vol ta ges of 1.2 I
R CA C h eck - Up Display was a qua r - Up Campaig n in a short time. " a t 400 cycle s, g ives s e rvice e n g inee rs
t e r w e ll invest e d, was ampl y prove n For those d eale rs and s ervice e n - a pi ck-up h e ad t hat may b e c on-
by the exp e rie n ce o f A lbe rt T. D ie t - g inee rs who didn't order their dis- n ect e d directly to t h e g rid of a first
r ic h, owner of th e A e tna R a dio p lay, just place a quarte r ( or 2 5 a udio s ta g e wit hout a tra n sformer .
E lectric Co., I 2 7 N . S utter St., cents in stamps) in a n e nve lope a nd While omittin g the transforme r e limi-
S toc kto n, Ca lif. Afte r insta lling mail to R CA R a diotron , Camden, nate s the use of a com pensated
the " C h eck -Up" Di s play i n his win- N . ]. Your display will b e promptly p h o n ograph v olume control, n ever-
dow, three se rvice calls w e r e ob- mailed. the less t here are m a n y applications
ta in ed b e fore th e first w eek h ad Distribution of this business-build- w h e r e su c h connections a r e n eces-
passed a nd the average price of each in g display is a nothe r example of sa ry .
was $5 . 00 . To quote Mr. Die tric h, R C A' s h e lp to s e rvice e n g ineers. Eastern Radio Company, of Boston, M ass., has installe d RCA Sound T h e comple t e listin g of the n ew
"The r e s ults from this attractive Your R C A R a diotron and Parts Dis - Equipment i n the ope r a ting room a nd obse rvation gallery of the pi c k -u ps and a r ms is contained in a
displ ay s ure s urpri sed m e. Truth- tributor w ill b e g lad to supp ly you Massachuse tts M emorial Hospital. Speaking through the microphone, the specia l d e s cript ive sheet now avail-
fully, I orde r e d it as an e xpe rime nt. with details of many other R CA surgeon p e rforming the operation can explain each step to the audience a ble from y our R CA Parts D istribu-
I am so w e ll p leas e d with it, that D ea le r and S e rvice En g ineer h e lps. o f medical stude n ts assembled on the othe r s.ide of a g lass partition. tor. Be s u r e to a sk for y our copy.
4 RCA RADIO SERVICE NEWS September, 1936

HIGH FIDELITY PHONOGRAPH I Uses Dynamic Amplifier I\ RCA Metal Tube

USES ALUMINUM VOICE COIL ~ -- -- Lighters O.K.'d
Frequency Range Extends from 50 to 7500 Cycles- By Servic·~ men
Has Volume Expander •
By C. M. Sinn ett, R CA E n gineer i n g D ept.
Orders for Premium
Durin g the past two years, steady que n cy c h a ra cteristic of the ampl i-
Swamp Factory
progress has been made in the re- fi e r alone, f eeding a speak e r load, is
Whe n RCA Radiotrdn Distribu-
co rdin g and processing of Victor rec- Rat within 5 db. from 40 to I 0 , 00 0
tors announced the novel RCA
ords. Better cycles . A p eak a pproximate ly 5 db.
Metal Tube L i g h t e rs, they felt t hat
tonal balance in h e ig ht at 8,000 cycles, and a d e-
service engi~
and lower sur- pression 3 db. d eep at 4,000 cycles,
neers would be
face noise are h ave b een in c orporated for r easons
interested in
the two out- to be explain e d later. Figure 2 s hows
t h i s ple asing
standing c har- t h e ove rall fr e qu e n cy c h a ra cteristic
acter is t i.cs item. However,
of t h e amplifier alone.
neither t hey
noted in a di-
rect c ompari- nor the fa c tory
R CA-6L7 Employed
son between w e re prepared
The first a udio stage e mploys an for the ava-
older and pres- R CA- 6L7 as a volume expander tube.
ent da y record- lanche of or-
Several c irc uit c h a n ges will b e noted ders that im-
C . M . Sin nett ings. Parallel- if comparis on is made w ith the cir -
ing this im- mediately
c uit of the D - 22, the major ones be- started pour-
provement in Victor records, the in g a lower value plate resistor R 9,
R CA Engineering D epa rtme nt h as ing in. Day
self bias for the No . I g rid b y means work, nig h t work, te legrams a nd
been aggressively engaged in devel- of resistor R6 , static bias adjusti n g
oping a phono graph that would do t e lephones all helpe d to speed up
resisto r R 20 for the N o. 3 g rid con- the job, but still the orders piled up.
justice to these record improvements. n ected in the R CA- 6L7 cat h ode re-
The R CA Victor R -9 9 Hig h Fidelity Howe ver, now the fa c tpry is begin-
turn , a nd series fee d to the screen ning to s ee daylight again, so all the
Phonograph is the result of this d e - through resistor RB . T h e r esult is a
velopme nt work. That it has been an readers of RCA Service News should
consid e r a ble r edu ction in the amo unt have their lig hters by rtow.
outstanding success is immediately of distortion in the t u be as an a udio
evident on liste nin g to this remark- O ne of the features of the new R CA Victor High Fidelity Phonograph, The li g hte r is one of the handiest
amplifier, to gether with a so m ewh at Model R -99, is an improved new R CA D ynamic Amplifier. Other important little items yet designe d for service
a ble i nstrume nt, the improvement less c ritica l a djustm ent of the expan-
being so g rea t as to be startling in the features are a new w ide-range p ick-u p , a special aluminum voice coil loud- e n gi nee rs. While appearin g as a
s io n s ta rtin g point or norma l gain spe aker and an extremely wid e-range high-output amplifier. This new in- miniature Metal Tube, actually it is
realism of its reproduced music. settin g. The R CA-6L7 is r es istance
To accomplish such an improve- strume nt is being featured at the low e aste rn list price of $149.50. a r eal "he man" lig hter-that
coupled to the n e xt tube, an, R CA- works-a nd will give lon g s e rvice.
ment in . tona l quality, it was deter- 6C5, which is transformer couple d t o
mined that frequencies up to at least Just what you n eed to impress your
the push-pull R CA- 2A3 output sta ge. As on th e R CA Victor D - 22 t h e Its response at the low fr e quency end c ustome rs and friends.
7 5 00 cycles must be reproduced. To The R CA- 6 C5 e mploys paralle l feed co ntrol a mplifier tube is a n R CA- is good down to about 4 5 c ycle s. In
s u ccessfully do this, three n ew units If you're one of the few who
in its plate circuit for the purpose o f 6C5 b ut is ope rated at high er gain respects o th er t h an the use of an didn't order one, you'd better see
we r e required; a n ew pick-up, a n ew mai ntainin g low frequency r espo n se than formerly, since less output is aluminum voice cone, the loudspeak- your RCA Radiotron Distributor at
amplifier and a n ew speaker. and at the same time insuring that available from the ma gnetic pick- up e r is of c onventional design. once.
New Pick-Up Required
Audio Frequency Discriminator Use d
The first problem in designing a
A f ew words regardin g the devel- fidelity c urve should be e ssentially
hi g h fidelity phonograph was t o d e-
opment of this partic ula r instrument Rat from 50 to 1,000 cycles, with a
velop a n ew pick-up. This necessi- + 101 I I I I I I+-----+ would probably b e of inte r est . In g radual dec rease in r e spo nse to
tated a r e design to u se sma lle r mov-
ing p a rts and to greatly increase the +S ·I I I I I I l::Ji-H order that the b est overall tona l b a l-
ance could be obtained, at a com-
4,000 cycles, at which point it
s hould b e dow n approxi~ately 8 db.

o.~ 15: B1 11111

flexibility of the armature suspension

I I 11 fH I
system. Furthermore, reducing the mercial scratch level, use was made a nd then again rise to within 2 db. of
size of the moving parts meant earl ier
saturation as well as a direct loss in
of a device called the audio-fre-
quency discriminator. This device
th e 1,00 0 cycle level at 7 ,000 cycles.
In this way the fundam e ntal fre quen-
output voltage. T his was overcome has a control system which p e rmits c ies of the various insttum ents were
by i n creasin g the gain in the ampli- quick alteration of its freque n cy not suppressed, the depre ssio n at
fi e r a nd u sin g a cobalt magnet in- c h aracteristic through a division of 4,000 cycles r,!'duced the bulk of t he
30 100 1000 10,000 the au_dio ra n ge (20- 10,000 cycles) n eedle s c r a tch and th e rise above t hat
s tea d of the conventiona l c hromi um
magnet in t h e pick- up. The r esult of into eleven bands, each essentially fr e qu e ncy provided reprodu ction of
Figure 2 - 0 v e rall amplifier response
this portion of the d evelopme nt is a one octave in width. The gain in the hi g h er freq u e n c ie s . r ecorded on
pick-up havin g a n essentia lly Rat each of the b a nds is individually con- the r ecord without appreciable in-
c haracteristic from 5 0 -6,0 00 cycles, trollable. In addition to this, it is pos- crease in s c ratch le vel. A further re-
with a bout a 4 db p eak at 7,000 sible to instantly switch the discrim- duction in su rface noise was ob-
cycles a nd a gradu a l tape rin g off in inator in a nd out to obtain a direct tained, amounting to db., by de-

- -
' comparison b etween t h e original and creasing the pick- u p pre ssure o n t h e
response above that fr e quency. A ~
a l tered fide lities. All the varia- record to 2 o unces instead of 4 Yz
viscoloid dampin g block is u sed, to
\ v I'..._ __,. ....... ...... /
" "r-..
j ..... ble controls are s u itably c alibrated
hold down the r esona n ce peak and at D.B. o ounce s as previously used. Th is r e-
the same time to push it out some-
what in frequ ency. -·
- ID
"r--.. . I/
to assist in making preliminary
adjustments. An input gain con-
trol is provided as a means of adjust-
du c tion in pressure placed a further
limitation on t he stiffness of the pic k -
up armature suspe nsionllsystem since
Exp ansion Required in g the overall gain through the dis- faulty tracking would !t:.ccur unless
H a vin g deve loped a pick-up capa- I c riminator for comparison with a n - this flexibility were obtaine d . It will
ble of reproducing the r equired fr e - othe r system as desired. Output from be noted that a spring balan ce device
30 100 1000 10 ,00(1
quency range, a nd knowing its im- the pick-up a nd input system was fed is employed in the tone'/rm to over-
pedance a nd output volta ge, th e next Figure 3 - 0ver all sound pressure curve to the disc riminator and its output c ome the und e sirable e ffl!ct of a large
s t ep involved the developme nt o f an in turn fed to the R 99 amplifier and c ounterwei ght. t'
amplifier h aving the desired c h arac- maximum voltage step- up to the n ext and input t ransformer system. A lso, speaker system. A considerable Fi g ure 2 shows the 6\rerall c urve
teristics. As n oted before, the out- stage is obta ine d. The leakage re- it will be n oted t h at the rectifier is amount of listening was then done of the amplifie r alon e and Fi g ure 3
put from the pic k-up was consider- acta n ce of transform e r T3 causes a now a 6 H6 , e mployin g a h igher value by a group of people selected from shows the overall sou.nd pressure
a bly lower tha n a n y previous t y p e, h igh fre que n cy p eak at about 9,000 diode resistor to make u p for this loss the R CA E n g inee ring and Sale s D e - c urves of the instrum~nt. I t will
with the r esult that it was n ecessary cycles. Since a peak at 8,000 is d e - in voltage. R esis tor RI 9 and conde n - partments a nd the controls of the be noted t ha t the sou rid curve is
to incorporate a b o ut twice the nor- s irable, the two shunt condensers se r C2 I serv e as a filt er to prevent discrimina to r adjusted to give the quite Rat for an instrument. of this
mal phonograph amplifier gain. In C 12 a nd C 13 s erve the double pur- h as h from the rectifier getting b ack preferred balance between hi g h and type employing a single speake r for
a ddition to this, app roximate ly 9 db. pose of reducing the frequency of to the N o. I g rid through the a djust- low freque n cies and surface noise. covering the frequency ran ge r e-
expa n s ion a nd at least I 0 watts out- t h e peak a nd at the same time pre- in g resisto r R 2 0 a n d g rid leak R S. T h e result indicated t h at the ove rall quired in this instrument.'
put w e r e desired. A comple te sch e - vent parasitic troubles i n the grid cir- T h e time delay constants R7 a nd C7
matic dia g ram (Figu re I) of th e in- c uits of th e 2A3 's. The primary are the same as were e mployed on
s trum en t is s h own to facilitat e a bet- s hunt c onde n ser C26 serves to d e- the D - 22. T h e rest of the amplifie r
t e r d escription of th e functions of the
various parts. In cid e nta lly, the fre -
press the c urve a h ead of the peak as is essentia lly conve ntional, but it
previously m e ntione d . shou ld b e note d that t h ro u g hout the Has Moving Meter Rack
desi g n of this unit special ca r e h as
been taken to insure the hum le v el
b ein g ve r y low. The arrangement of
parts o n the base, th e use of many
shielded lea d s a nd shie lded capaci-
tors have a ll contributed to a n am-
p l ifi e r h aving an exceptionally low
hum level for the amount of ampl i-
fication present.
Compen sation N etwork Shielded
··"'~ T h e input system employe d is q ui te
c onventio n al. Transformer T2 is a
4 0: I step- up ratio transforme r in its
own s h ieldin g ca n . The compe n sa-
tion n e twork is also complete ly
shie lde d in a specia l stee l con taine r
~ to prevent hum pic k - u p from stray
].'!... fie lds gen erat e d by the power trans-
i~/N ..
f ormer a nd motor. T h e fixe d com-
p e nsation c irc uit, composed of RI .
C2 and L 2, takes care of the a tte nua -
tion of low fr eq u e n c ies on t h e r ecord
durin g r ecordin g. Circuits c omposed The W a lton Radio Company of Sabetha, Kansas, knows how to
.. c::.~.:.J of R 2, C3, L 3 a n d R 3, C 4 a nd L4 are make a really convenient service b e nch. In the cente r m ay be seen t he
( l" CA ...-6(011'1(:
th e aural compensation c irr. uits u sed Oscillograph, O scillator a nd Modulator, a nd to the left the R -93. The
in connection with the control R4 . e ntire panel containing tools and test e quipment rid es on four rails; an
T h e loudspea k e r e mployed h as an e lectric motor moves it to any desired position on t h e bench. The left-
Figure I - Schematic Circuit Diagram a luminum voi ce coil which greatly hand portion of the panel proper c ontains a superheterodyne with vari-
increases its hi g h freq u e n cy r a n ge. ous circu it leads brought out to binding posts.
September, 1936

New"Check-Up" I I
~ Announced For

.. ~"
Now you can win your choice of a handsome RCA Service Engi-
neer's Pencil or any volume of RCA Victor Service Notes by send-
ing tips to RCA Radio Service News, Camden, New Jersey .. . Early October
Service Tips must be acceptable for either RCA Radio Service
News or the RCA Radio Service Tip File . ... All tips become the
property of RCA to be used as they see fit . . . . Service Tips are
our readers' ideas, not ours. While RCA Radio Service News be-
Powerful Sales Aids Feature
lieves they a re worthwhile, we cannot be responsible for results. Big Dealer Program
This attractive three - d imensional
A wealth of brand new sales flashing sign is just what all service
helps - direct mail, a lavish engineers and radio dealers need. It
RCA R adiola GO-Correction thing normal. Then the small fixed done commercially by a small capac- window display set, novel door- is now being featured by RCA Radio
condenser in series with the grid ity conden ser in series with the Tube Distributors at $4.00, net.
In the J~ly issue of R adio Service of the oscillator tube and the tunin g ground wire, so isolating the con- to-door circulars, a tried-and
N e ws the service tip of Mr. J . W . condenser (C50 in the RCA Service- verter from ground, except as re- proven telephone canvassing
C lark, Geyser Radio Shop, Calis- Notes) was replaced, and the oscil- gards radio frequ e n cy currents.
toga, Calif., indicated that the i-f
tuning condensers of this set are the
ones nea r the tubes and the n e u -
tralizin g ones are those n ear the
lator worked normal. After set was
aligned it worke d like new.
A ubre y G . Hathorn
Gordon Rosekilly
4037 26th Street
San Fra ncisc o, Cal.
instruction booklet-these and
other sales-pulling items are
wrapped up for radio dealers
Sound Catalog
623 Travis Stree t, D e pt. 3 and service men in the new
front of the set.
Mr. Harry Maurer of Hill Sound
S e rvice, 2004 N .E . Second Ave.,
Shreveport, La .

Installing N ew Cones
Tone Improvement on Small Sets,
Using Pentode Output
1936-37 RCA Check-Up cam-
paign, soon to be announced by
Announced For
Miami, Fla., has pointe d out that RCA Radiotron.
this is incorrect, the reverse being
true. To quote Mr. Maure r, "We
wonder w hat happened to that
You can be sure to get all the
dirt and metal particles out of the
air gap in a dynamic loudspeaker
This stunt can, of course, be
use d on larger sets also, but it is
more d esirable on midgets.
move present tone control, if any ;
More important, the new Check -
Up promotional activities have been
g ive n a n invincible sales the me ; one
P. A. Engineers
Radiola 60." by doing the following : Leave the
otherwise, follow directions as if of the soundest merchandising prac-
field c urrent turned on and wipe a

Tunable Hum
pie ce of ordinary fri ction tape
there was one. R e place with 20,-
000 ohm uniform taper volume con-
tices in the retail fie ld has been ap-
plied to the program in forceful,
New Catalog Released by
around in the opening, just before
1 have eliminated tunable hum by
connecting two .0 I MFD con-
you are ready to put the new cone
in . The adhesive qualities of the
trol. Connect as shown afte r first
removing original tone control
common-sense style. Radio dealers
who have rega rded the service RCA Distributors
wires and condenser, and cutting phase of their business as a losing
d e nsers across the primary of the tape will overc ome the magnetic
scree n wire to power tube right at proposition will welcome the RCA A n e w comprehe nsive catalog,
power transformer and grounding pull of the field coil, and the mag-
socket. If more than one wire is Check-Up campai g n as a n ew ap- fully illustra ted and includin g all
netism makes the metal particles
on this terminal, keep wires to- plication to service which will yield important tec hnica l data, has just
stand out so the y can be picked up
t\O VOLT LINE by the tape . bi gger profits on a syst ematic basis. b een r e leased for distribution by all
---------- R CA C ommercial Sound Distribu-
Bob Shafer
Radio Servicelabs. VOIClCOU..
Uses New Theme tors, according to a recent an-
900 First Avenue ~~ ~ The new sales theme of the RCA nouncement by W. L. Rothen-
Dodge City, Kansas Check-Up program will show radio ber ger, Manager of the RCA Com-
.05 8•250 d ealers how other r etail establish- mercial Sound Division. This new
New Use for Magic Eye m e nts capitalize on a m e rchandis-
By hooking up your 6E5 Ma g ic ing s c heme which leads to longer-
the c e nte r connection as shown in the Eye tube to an external voltage gethe r when r e movin g. Action is profit sale s a nd how this sa m e plan
illustration. This is very e ffective in supply a nd bringing out t est leads as follows: One low s e ttin g , screen can be put into operation by radio
from the tube, I am able to follow is closer to plate t e rminal, and tube r e tailers.
cheap radios a nd mail orde r house
the R. F. si g n a l throug h each stage acts similar to a triode, with im- D ealers w h o h ave looke d for a
of a radio set by connecting it prove ment in tone. In c rease of simple, sound and organized s c h e m e
Herman E. Schmidt,
Baldwin & Quentins Roads, across the secondary of any of the lows is further noticed when tone of selling radio merchandise, as w ell
is at extreme right and tied to plate as the sale of other appliances and
Palatine, Ill. R.F. or l.F. transformers.
I feel that this would b e a great du e to action of .05 condenser. At
accessorie s, should lose no time in
h e lp to any service departme nt for hi gh s e ttin g of tone, the pentode
contactin g their distributors for this
Modernization of Majestic Model isolating trouble quickly and trac- action is back to normal, and the
n ew R CA Check-Up m e r c h a ndising
130-A ing R.F. signals. .05 condenser is shorted out. Re- prog r am. Th_e e ditorial b y Mr. Ost-
Sam In g ram m e mber, howe v er, that volume c on-
The Maj e stic Mode l 13 0 -A is a man, on pa ge 1, briefly outlines the
S e rvice D e partment trol will have to b e shifted to com -
fin e r eceive r with good quality in radio d eale r's problem and the solu-
Southe rn Wholesale rs, In c . p e nsate for c h a n ge between hig h
a n exp e n sive cabine t . The im- a nd low settin gs, as triode action tion whic h the b e st sale s a nd m er-
Baltimore, Md. c handisin g brains in the country
provements consist of super control will improve the tone but r e duce
R.F. tubes and a tone control. the volume somewhat. have prove n to be successful.
The thrl'e type 24 tubes towards Beac on R adio Service, catalog, said Rothenb e rger, include s
Ground on Dodge Car New Sales Aids a ll the important eq uipme nt manu -
the r ear of the chassis are the R .F . I 4 2 East 4th Street,
tubes. Remove the m and insert I have notice d the many radio factured b y R CA for the Commer-
men who do an occ asional car radio St. Paul, Minn. The d e mands by outstanding
three R CA 3 5 tubes. The forward c ia l Sound fi e ld and is complet e
installation a r e not a ware of the radio dealers throu ghout the c oun-
tube s hould b e a n R CA 24. On with the n ecessary t echnical data
fact that the Dod ge car has a very try who have gained n ew business
the r esistor pane l. the 7900 ohm Wooden N eedle for inte lli gent s el ection of e quip-
small hole drilled in the c owlin g a nd new profits as a r e sult of the
resistor is c h a n ged to a 6000 ohm m e nt.
unde r th e hood on the driver's side. Some se rvice m e n may have e x - R CA C h eck -Up pro g ram, for an Equipment d escribe d in the ca ta-
If a self-tapping s c rew is used in perie n ced difficulty in placing eve n bi1rne r and bette r prog ram this lo g carries a ll r e quirements of a
CLO this hole to ground the antenna lead braide d shielding on an antenna season, le d RCA to produc e a P .A . installation from the small c all
s hie lding, more noise will be r e- lead -in. I took a birc h dowel about smashing portfolio of advertising system to the most e laborate hote l

r[::::·· m,--------: moved than by gro unding at any eighteen inches lon g and about a
other place on the car. 1 under- quarter of an inc h thi c k a nd made
lite rature a nd sales aids. These in- or a udi torium job. All types o f mi-
clude nove lties to attract attention crophones (magn e tic , veloc ity, c ar-
. '"'"lH
! stand that this point has less cir- a nd put over the story. For the man bon), a comp le t e line of amplifier s

- .r--
' who uses newspape r a dve rtising, a nd speak ers, a nd auxiliary equip-
•• .:::· •• .L •·--~ :.. -- - · 0002 c ulatin g c urrent t h an any other spot
on the c owling. ii specia l mats are available. And for m e nt s u c h as turntables for r ecord
1I ...h John M . Hopwood
45 20 North 27th Stree t
trimming the window, one of the r eproduc tion , a r e d escribed in de -
most e ffective window displays yet tail.

l"" l"'" ,;:r

Milwa ukee, Wisconsin

Eliminating Static Collector Squeaks

devise d is ready to pull the c rowds. R C A Sound Distributors are fea-
Suppleme nting these ite ms will be turing the e quipment d e s c ribed in
a n attractive three - dime nsional this n e w catalog whic h they will
flashin g sign sho_;n at the top of gla dly g ive you upon r e quest. Be
I watt. The volume control is I h ave found that static collectors this pa ge, a n aggressive advertisin g sure to get your c opy or if more co n -
c h a nge d to a 5000 ohm wire wound in the rear wheels of ca rs with radios WIRE ca mpai g n and the n a tional support ve nie nt, write to D e pt. S .N ., R C A
with ri ght · h and tape r. The cath- in them ofte n deve lop squeaks or whic h R C A h as placed b e h ind this Mfg . Co., Camde n, N . ]., and you r
ode of the third R.F. is disc on- dra ggin g noises. If a small hole is campaign . copy will b e promptly mailed.
n ecte d from the 154 ohm resistor drilled in the Static C ollector brush
a nd connect e d to the arm of the that r ides on the brake drum and
volume c ontrol. The s e c h a n ges fille d with graphite , the squeak will
c orrect the volta ges for the n ew
tubes. Realig n gang conde nser.
be e limina t e d . a hu ge n eedle out of it.
Bob Wunce
w as bore d into one e nd a nd the
A hole Among the Boys
The local dista n ce swi tc h is now 42 3 1 Hopkins Street
othe r e nd rounde d off. The wire , to
not n eed e d<; r e move it a nd install a Oakland, California
b e passe d throu g h the s hie ldin g, is
2 m egohm ca rbon le ft- h a nd t a?t)r • thread e d throug h the hole bore d in
in its place. The cente r c ontact 1s one e nd a nd s olde r e d to gether so
g rounded ~o the c h assis, the le ft Ship Installation
tha t it will not s lip off. It is the n
co ntact g oes to a 0 .00 2 mfd. mica On a n ins t a lla tion of a t e n - tube
pushe d throug h t h e s hie lding with-
capacito r a nd the n t o p la t e of the R CA se t aboard s hip, u sin g a rotary
a udio trans form e r. The I m egohm c onve rte r, D C to A C I I 0 volts , a o ut diffi c ulty .
g r e at d e a l of power line noise, ap-
K. W . Oinone n,
resistor mounted on the adjacent Be nts R a dio Servi c e,
ca n is cut off enti rely. The con - parently on the D C side, m a d e the
Gardner, M ass.
v e ntional tone control in the g rid s hort wave part of the s e t a lmost
of the powe r tubes is not satisfac - u seless. No c ombina tion of c hokes
tory. This c ontrol is in the de- or c onde n se rs, a nd no c omme r c ia l
Wells-Gardner Mode l No. 24
t ector p la t e c irc uit. filte r wo uld m a k e any improve m e nt.
R aymond C. Wyman, T h e conve rte r w as g rounde d both b y W e found tha t this set would
5 1 Centra l Ave nue , wire to the fram e a nd throu g h one dis tort a t low volume, a nd play nor-
Me dford, Mass. s ide of the D C m a ins. It was in a m a l whe n turne d on n e a rly full .
lead c ove r e d s t eel loc k e r, g rounde d, T h e trouble w as found in the bias
and cable was use d to supply the s e t . r e sistor of the first A .F . (whic h is a
RCA Victor Cl 1 -1 It was found that by p lacin g the 3 0) a nd output tube whi c h is a 19 .
The complaint w as " set d e ad on h a nd close to one e nd o f the c on- This r esistor is found in t h e gen e -
s hort wave bands a nd a ll but the v e rte r, the noise w as e ntire ly e lim- m o tor and is a nd t e sts 2 00 ohms .
hi g h fr e que n cy e nd of the s ta ndard inate d, but whe n tou c hin g the fram e C h a n ge th e r esistor to a 100 ohm,
broa d cast b a nd ." itself, the noise continue d ; in fact, o n e or two watt . The s e t clears up
A c h eck wi th the R CA Osc illo- a se.con.c:l. %Youncl c onnec tion to th.e a nd p lays clear, e ven at whispe r
g r apn sbowea tbe osc\\\ator in the top of the fram e, m a de it worse . volume. Permission "Radiolab News" (Radio Laboratories, Kansas City, Mo.)
set would only work b e tween I I 00 The noise c ould b e e limina t ed e n - J e rry D a vidson ,
a nd 1600 k .c. A c omple te c h eck of tire ly by a m e t a l pla t e , grounded 408 West Walnut S treet, Sometimes I wish I'd rescued that Blond
osc illa tor c ircuits s h ow e d every- h e ld close to the D C e nd, and was Gree n Bay, Wis. 'stead of my Analyzer
6 RCA RADIO SERVICE NEWS September, 1936

Likes Ice Cream Best ., [ZWORYKIN TO II Direct From Radio City

To Demonstrate New RCA
Electronic Tube
Dr. V. K. Zworykin, noted
RCA Victor television and elec-
tronics scientist, and his labo-
ratory assistant, Dr. G. A. Mor-
ton, will demonstrate the prin-
ciple of th e Electron Multiplier,
and the Electron Image tubes,
for the benefit of New York Carrying a complete display of all RCA Products including an operating
RCA Ultra-high-frequency transmitter, the new RCA Show Coach recent-
radio service engineers, at the ly left Radio City, New York. This beautiful coach, which is one
Pennsylvania Hotel, on Sep- of the finest ever produced, will tour the entire United States this Fall and
tember 18. Winter. Be sure and and see it, when it arrives in your city.
This meeting, which is sponsored
by the RCA radio and parts dis-
tributors of N e w York, is being h e ld
in conjunc tion with the conve ntion
of the Institute of R adio Service
M e n . Charles H erbst, RCA Victor
RCA Show-Coach Has Operating
service e nginee r, will d escrib e the
outstanding technica l advances in
the newest radio receivers. These
include a "Magic Voice"' system for
High-Frequency Transmitter
improving tone quality, a "bea m"
powe r am plifie r tube for grea t e r
undistorted power output, a "dy-
Broadcasts From Coach to Demonstrate Police
Annadell ~iger is the petite five-foot blonde who plays the part of
Isabell Ricks on Oxydol's Ma Perkins, heard from Chicago over an NBC -
namic"' vo lume expander, a nd a
n ew, stabilized oscillator system
Transmitter-Includes Complete Exhibit
WEAF network daily, except Saturday and Sunday, at 3:15 p.m., E .S.T. which gua rds against station fading
Only 22, she has been in seven stage productions and in three movie and insures fix e d dial settings. Two gigantic, streamlined show-coaches, t h eir more than
shorts. Radio is the most fun of all, she says, except, of course, fishing,
swimming and ice cream.
J.mportant to Television 35,000 cubic feet of space packed with an almost unbeliev-
The E lectron Multipli e r tube able variety of radio and allied products, are rolling out of
which Drs. Zworykin and Morton
will describe and demonstrate is ex-
R adio City, N. Y., to bring the story of RCA and its many

Battery Radio I About Books I

pected to b e of g r eat importance in
television, facsimile and photo- elec-
tric development. It makes use of
services to communities in a ll parts of the country.
Costing well over the $25,000
mark, each, accordi n g to Thomas F.
corded Music; the famous cathode
ray oscillograph w hi c h makes sound


Reviewed by John H . Cose
th e "secondary emission" phenome-
non ; the impa ct of a stream of
e lectrons emitted by a photo-elec-
tric cathode is mad e to r e lease other
Joyce, R CA Victor Advertising Man -
ager, the n ew traveling show-
coaches are outstanding in design as
well as size. John B. Sanger, na-
"visible" so that engineers may
study it; a complete radio tube dis-
play including the largest and small-
est tubes made; a nd many types of
electrons from a series of succeeding tionally-known architect and indus- test and measuring equipment of

Output Stage· Instructor, Electrical Physics,

RCA Institutes, Inc.
T e le vision to this reviewer, is
e lectrodes, in ever -increasing vol-
ume, so t hat amplification on the
order of millions of times may be
trial d esigner, has made every inch
of their imposing dimensions, both
interior and exterior, count for eye-
partic ular value to the radio tech-
nic ian and ser vice e n gineer. The
decorative scheme in the interior is
the most complete work of its kind built up within a single tub e. It also fillin g appeal and the utmost utility. pattern ed after a hom e interior, with
permits a greater signal-to- noise Made by the Aero-ca r Company, t h e b e ige colored panels and . stripings
Low "A" Battery Drain to date. The volume of 452 pages,
with mo r e than 3 00 illustrations and ratio than is possible wit h a photo-
e lectric cell and amplifier.
maj estic lines of the coaches bear a of co ral and blue. The ceiling is
drawin gs, is a compilation of re- close r esembla n ce to a dirigible air- acoustically treated against rever-
Only 0.54 Amperes ce ntly publishe d papers discussing
television from its varied angles.
Sees Through Haze
ship, even to their finely shaped
prows, which fit into the tow car.
b e ration.
According to Mr. Joyce , the new
As a r e ference work it should prove The Ima ge Tube is another im- Boastin g an ove r a ll length of 3 7 Yz traveling show-coaches will operate
invaluable to radio m e n of all portant deve lopment from the RCA feet, with seve n f eet of head room in in th e East and the South for t h e
Announcement of a remarkable c lasses. Television mi g ht be u sed laboratories which for the first time the interior and as much room in present. R CA Victor distributors in
n ew RCA Vic tor l:Satte ry R eceive r, as a tex t book, covering, as it does, e nables man to see by invisible the width, there is ample space for these territories a r e already booking
to be known as the Model 5BT, has not only th e c irc uits employe d, but light and to pene trate haze. The the display and d emonstration of the both coaches heavily for fairs, spe-
just bee n made by L. H. Sullivan, th e proble ms e n countered that tube functions eith e r in the infra- many ingenious d e vices and prod- c ial exhibits and d e monstrations, he
manager of the R CA Victor Farm necessitated the development of r ed or the · ultra-viole t lig ht spec- u cts which it houses. Provision has said. The coach es are also expected
Radio Division. This new instrument, such c ircuits and devices now being trum, below and above visibility, been made for a continuous strea m to take part in many outdoor activi-
which has such f eatures as an auto- incorporated in experime ntal equip- and makes e lectrons b ehave exactly of visitors to enter at one door and ties such as outstanding sports
matic volume control, eight- inch per·· m e nt . like li ght rays. Images to be ob- l eave throu g h another at the e x- events and parades.
manent ma g n e t dynamic loudspeaker While the general tenor of the served through this tube are foc used treme end.
and over two watts output, will
carry the low Eastern list price of
only $32.95 ( less batteries). Ac-
cording to Mr . Sullivan, such a price
will insure its immediate dominance
book is quite technical, with gen-
erous portions of mathematical
formula e, there is muc h interesting
material that may be unde rstood by
a nyon e with a gen era l knowle d ge
by electro-static instead of optical
means . An interestin g application
in the field of mi c roscopy is fore-
shadowed for the Image Tube, b e-
cause it permits th e examination of
Uses High Power Coupe
The coaches, includin g the high-
powered Hudson coupes which draw
th e m, are strikingly d ecorated on
l so-10,000 Cycles [
of th e m ar k et in this pri ce c lass. of radio. minute livin g organisms which mi g ht the outsid e in bright yellow, black
otherwise be d estroyed by intense and white. Cleverly conceale d in t h e
Gives High Sensitivity Pictures Present Status li g ht. The Image Tube may also back and sides are eight hig h -quality
find application as an e lectron tel e- loudspeakers, with two additional
The Model 5BT is characterize<! A rticles by David Sarnoff g ive an scope, to penetrate atmospheric haze seven-foot horns of the High Fidelity
with an unusually high degree of a uthorita tive picture of the present which seriously handi caps visible theatre type bu ilt into the roof and
sensitivity and selectivity, and with status of television with an e nlight- light, but does not imp ose the same directed towa rd the front. The
its wide tunin g ran ge of from 530 e nin g di scussion of th e prob lems to limitation on infra- r ed li g h t waves. most powerful public address system
kcs. to 1800 kcs., it adequately be solved, particularly those havin g L ectures such as that delivered by ever to be put on wheels, comparab le
covers the standard broadcast band to do with the business s ide of Dr. Zworkin are anot h er example of both in power and quality to the
and one police band. The low "A" visual broadcasting. The kinescope, R CA's effo rts to improve the status system in use at the R adio City
batte ry drain of 0 .5 4 amperes and use .~ for im age reproduction , and of se rvice e n gi n eers . Be sure a nd Music H all theatre, in New York,
the "B" battery drain of 18 milli- th e ico noscope, to gether with their attend the R CA Service Meetings assures reaching out to an audience
amperes insure lon g and ca refree associated c ircuits, are disc ussed by to b e h e ld in you r co mmunity. of more than 25.000 persons on a n
life from both "A"' and "B"' bat- Dr. V. K . Zworykin. Unusually d e- open fair ground, if desired . Built
teries. The full-vision, illuminat~d. tailed information on wave propa -
transluce nt dial is fitt e d with a clear
c rystal to protect the pointer. Ma g-
netite co r e i-f transforme r s for in-
gation and field strength, especially
below t e n m e t e rs, is presented com -
plete with severa l pages of grap h s
I RCA To Arctic I into the rear of the trailer coach is
a n e lectr ically shielded compartment
for the massive motor gen erator,
which provides th e e lectric c urre nt
suring permanent a li gnment, cables and c urves. Scanning sequence a nd
for th e operation of the apparatus
for p lu g- in batteries and a phono- r e petition r a te of images are ex-
on display. V e ntilatio n is assured by
graph terminal board a r e features p laine d in an instructive article
four silent, high -spee d e xhaust fans.
w h ich will appeal to the disc riminat- r eplete with drawings.
The book Television, just off the Has School System
ing purchase r. The permanent mag-
press, co nstitutes th e first volume
netic dynamic loudsp eak e r u zes a Inside , are displayed practically
of a series of t echni ca l publi ca tions
ma g n e t of n ew material which a ll of the diverse produ cts which
scheduled by the R CA Institutes
g r eatly improves its performance R CA Victor mak es in Camden-all
Technical Press . A copy is b e in g Having a frequency range substan-
over ea rlie r type permanent magnet ready for actual opera tion . They
sent free to each subscriber of the tially flat from 50 to 10,000 cycles,
loudspeakers. include a co mple t e two-way police
n ew quarterly journal, RCA Review. the n ew RCA Ml-4010A Microphone
co mmunications system, operating
Brings Line to Ni ne Mode ls on ultra h igh freq u e ncy waves; the is fast becoming acknowledged as
master console of a school sound the fi n est low price velocity micro·
The n e w RCA Victor Model 5BT distribution system which furnishes phone in the P.A. and amateur
joins e ig ht other outstandin P, bat- DON'T FORGET Captain Bartlett, Arctic explorer,
whose ship Effie Morrissey is no
a c hoice of radio or speakin g pro·
g ra ms to ind ividually controlled
fields. Its impedance is either 250
ohms or 16,000 ohms, and it has an
tery operated instrume nts in the
R CA Victor Farm Radio line. Two To ask your R CA tube stranger to the regions of the far loudspeakers in the class rooms ; a average operating level of - 68 db .
eight- tube consoles, two six-tube distributor about the new north, knows how RCA Radiotrons bell-less electric chimes system, for List Price $43.50. Subject to an
co nsoles, two eight- tube tables and RCA ch eck-ups. They are behave in sub-zer o weather. Mr. playin g cari llon tun e s and striking unusually attractive discount. Desk
two six- tube tables complete the line , Pannill, president of Radiomarine, the hours; radio rece iving sets rang- Stand as shown - MI-4069 - Gun-
your way to bigger a nd bet- presented the Captain with a full set in g from th e t iniest table model to a metal finish. List Price $1.60. Ad-
a line which is meeting with excel -
l e nt accep tance in the farm radio ter service jobs. of transmitting and receiving tubes d e luxe c ombination radio- phono- justable banquet and floor stands
field. for his last voyage. g r aph; the Victory Library of Re- also available at low prices.
September, 1936 RCA RADIO SERVICE NEWS 7

New G-Series I Calling All Tug-Boats I SHOP NOTES

Announced By To keep the read.e rs of RCA Service N ews posted on the latest
changes in and additions to RCA Products and t echnical literat ure,
the RCA Service Division will r e port change s a pplicable to RCA V ictor
Service Note s in this column from time to time.

RCA Radiotron To get the most bene fit from this c olu m n it is recomme nded tha t t h e
reade rs of RCA Radio S e rvice News transfer the s e c hanges and addi-
tions directly to their S e rvice Notes on the part icular model. By doing
this, you are assured of alway s having the lat est info r mation handy.
Total of 24 Tubes Added to
RCA Radiotron Line From the RCA Service D ivision removed from the R -93-S and the 0.1
Publication Section mfd . condenser s h orted out. No
Announ cement of a compl e t e c h anges are r equired on the R- 93 or
Model 4T the R -93-2 .
n ew series of G-typ e tubes to-
gether with additio ns to the reg- R e fer to t h e sc h ematic circu it
dia g ram, Page 4 , and cha n ge the Models T S -l S, C S -19, a nd C S-2 0
ular lines of R CA G lass a n d valu e of t h e oscillator tuning con- Add stock No. I I 6 13 Drive-
M etal Tubes was recen tly m a d e den s e r (C-7) f rom I S-405 mmf. t o Va riable Tuning Condenser Drive
b y E. N . Deacon, Man ager of 16-200 mmf. $1.00.
t h e RCA Radiotro n D ivision. Change s tock No . S073 Resistor
Model ST to stock No. SO 7 2 R esistor-same
These additions now rou n d o u t C h ange stock N o . I 123 7 to read: d escription and price.
the R CA lin e so that th e d ealer "stock No. 13 144 Volum e Control
I, Models 9 T a n d 9K2
a n d service engineer h andling ( R S) $1.00.""
R CA T ubes is in a positio n to Refer to page I 3 -R a d i o t r o n
Models 5X, 5X3, a nd 5X4 Cathode current readings- t ube 9
m ake renewals w ith gen u ine -RCA-5Z4 R ectifier. This cathode
Omit '"stock N o. 13 150 Coil-R e-
R CA Tubes in receivers of produce r neutralizin g coil (L 13 ) curren t cannot be measured at the
p r actically all types a nd man - $ 0 .2 5." Under stock No . 13 1 49 soc k et and sho uld be measured at
Coil-R eproduce r Field Coil, c han ge the filt e r input.
u facture. Stock No. I I 29S should read
T h e new tubes have t h e octa l ( L 1 .5) to ( L 1 3, L 1 5) .
''packa ge of one" ' instead of "'pack-
base of metal tubes although in all Models GT and GK a ge of five." ($ 0.22).
oth e r r espects their co n s truction is
of t h e glass varie ty. W h ile thei r gen - Change stock No. 12649 Coil to
Model T 9-S
e r a l c h aracteristics are s imilar to read "less Shield " instead of "with
certain meta l a nd glass t ype t u b e s, s hie ld ." Later productio n mode ls of this
they should b e used only in receiv- Chan ge price o f stock No . I 1 19S instrumen t have a 0.25 mfd. capaci-
ers specifically d esigned for t hem. Socket t o $0 . 15 instead of $0.2S. tor (CS 7) co nnected from the junc-
An unusual installation of RCA Sound Equipment is that of the Boston Change price of stock No. 11 196 tion of RI 5 and RI 6 to the common
The fo ll owing tabula t io n cove r s Towboat Company, which operates a fleet of tug-boats out of Boston.
t h e important characterist ics of the Orders spoken into a microphone in the company offices are reproduced S ocket to $0. 15 in stead of $0 .22. ground connectio n . This is in the
new tubes. In the G-Series type it b y a n outside loudspeake r with s ufficient volume for n e arby tugs to hear C h ange price of stock No. 1 13 49 a u dio plate circuit.
w ill be note d t h at the nearest t hem. The weather proof speaker picks up the tug-boat captain ' s voice in sp r ing to $0.2 5 in stead of $0. 15 . Change stock No. 5 1 70 Capacitor
equivalent in both g lass and m e t a l r e ply, a nd it is rep r oduced in the office, the r e by giving two-way conversa- to read (C4, C2 5 , C57) instead of
Models GT2 and GK2 (C4, C25).
are l isted. Whil e a number a r e exact t ion without either party leaving his post. This is anothe r installation
equiva lent, others are not, and t h e made b y Easte rn Radio Company of Boston, a n RCA Commercial Sound Change desc r ip tion of stock No.
individual characteristics s h o uld b e 5237 to read '"Variable Tuning From t he R CA S e r vice D ivisio n
Distributor. Factory Contact S ect ion
checked b efore s u bstitu tions are Conde n ser Mo untin g Bush ing As-
m ade. sembly" instea d of "Variable Turn- T 7 -5, C7-G, D7-7
in g Condenser Mo u nting Bushin g. "
N E W G L ASS T Y PES ""Change stock N o. 1 1235 Cone to R eceiver goes dead at low fre-
L ist
Typ e P rice
15 $2.00
D e s c ription
R. F . Amplifier Pentode . . . . . .. ... . . Heater
Cathode Volts
2. 0
RCA Sonotone r ead "package of one, $1.00" in-
stead of "'pac k age of five, $3.50."
C h ange stock No . 1 I 25S Cone
t o read "'package of one, $ 1. 00"
quency end of Band "'C," due to
6AS oscillator section stopping.
This condition may be r emedied by
makin g sure tha t R - 19 ( osc. grid
1A 4 1.50 Super-control R. F. Amplifi e r Tetrode .. Filament 2. 0
Power Amplifier P e ntode ... ... . . . . . .
Duplex Diode P e ntode . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
E lect ron-ray tube ( indicator type) . . . .
Fi lament
Aids Connect in stead of "package of five, $3.SS."
Change price of stock No . 11349
Sp ri ng to $0.25 instead -of- $0.·15.
leak) is I 00,000 ohms.
Instabili ty of operation or inop-
eration on all bands may occa-
sionally be due to erratic 6AS .
Change pri ce of stock No . 49S2

Fu ll-wave Rectifier . . . . . . ... .. ... .. .
Full-wave Rectifie r . . .. .. ... . . . . . . . .
To Voice Coil Sprin g to $0.50 instead of $0 . 26 .

Mode ls 7 T, 7K, S T and SK

Greate r stability ca n be assured by
checking to see t h at R -5 ( s creen
series resistor) is 33,000 ohms.
C h ange price of stock No . 5 I 70 Mod e l T 4-10
Lis t
Eq u iva-
Earphone Adapter Has Capacitor to $ 0 .25 instead of $0.20.
C h ange description of stoc k No. R.F. interfere n ce from supply
Type Price
5V4G $1.75
Description Cathod e
Full - Wave Hi g h -Va c uum R ectifie r ... Heater
8 3 -V
Meta l
Three Operating 13 144 to read "'Volume Con trol line modulating in co min g broadcast
( R 1 1) •• inste ad of "Volume Co n - si g nal causing a ppare nt distortion
5X4C 1.25 Full- Wave Hi gh -Vacuum R ectifier .. . Filament 5.0 t r o l -Control a n d Operating Switch of tone quality. The condition may
5Y3C 1.00 Full- \Vave Hig h -Vacuum Rectifier ... Filament 5.0
80 5Z4 Positions ( R 1 1) ." b e eliminated by installin g a .006
6A8G 1.50 Pentag rid Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H eater 6.3 6A7 6A8 Change price o f stock No. 49S2 mmfd capacitor from the rectifier
6C5G 1.00 De t ector Amplifier Triode .... ... .. Heate r 6.3 6C5 S p r ing to $0.50 in stead of $0.26. ( R CA- 7 6) plate connec tion to t h e
6F5 C 1.00 High-Mu Triode .. .. . .. . ....••... Heater 6.3 6F5 One of the o u tsta nding feat ures C h ange price of stock No . I 13 49 chassis.
6F6C 1.25 Powe r Amp. Pentode .... . ..... ... H eater 6.3 6F6 of t h e R CA So n o t one Hearing A ids, S pring to $0.25 inst ead of $0.15. Mod e l T9-7
6 H6C 1.00 Twin Diode ...... .. ............. H eater 6.3 6H6 w hi c h are n ow being feature d b y R efer to t h e sch ematic circu i t
6J7C 1.2 5 Triple-Grid D etector Amplifier .. ... H eater 6.3 77 6J7 a ll R CA Pa rts D istributors, is the dia g ram Pa ge 4 a n d c h ange the re- It is very essential that "'C" Band
6 K 7C 1.25 Triple- Grid Super-Contro l Amplifier. H eater 6.3 78 6K7 ease with w h ich t h ey may be con - sistance of L6 Oscillator Coil to b e properly aligned in order to ob-
6L7C 1.50 P e ntagrid Mixer Amplifier . .. ...... H eater 6.3 6L7 n ec t e d . T h e Earph one Adapte r , by " . 09 ohms tota l" instead of "5 . 1 tain the maximum sensitivity on
6N7G 1.50 Class B Twin Amplifier ............ H eater 6.3 6A6 6N7 mea n s of w hic h connections a r e o h m total"'; also c h ange value from this instrument. Especial care
6Q7C 1.25 Duplex- Diode Hi g h - Mu Triode ...... H eater 6.3 6Q7 m a d e, is faste n ed to the sid e of t h e tap to ground o n L 6 to .0 4 ohms s h ould be exercised to certify t h at
6 R 7G 1.2 5 Duplex - Diode Triode . .. . ... ....... H eater 6.3 6R7 cabinet, an d th e three wire cable is instead of I . 6 o hms . the oscillator stage is ahgned 460
6X5C 1.25 Full-Wave Hig h -Vacuum R ectifie r .. H eater 6.3 84 6X5 easily attach e d to t h e voice c oil. C h an ge r e s is t a n ce of L S Oscilla- k.c. below the signal freq u ency on
25A6C 1.25 Power Amplifier Pentacle .... .... .. Heate r 25.0 43 25A6 Plu ggin g in th e Son oton e unit g ives to r Coil to "5 .1 o h m total" instead t h. is band . in accordance . with ser-
25Z6G 1.2 j H ig h -Vacuum R ectifier- D o ubler .... H eater 25 .0 25Z5 25Z6 a choice o f t hree typ e s of opera- of ••. 09 ohm t o ta l" "; also change vice note mstru ct10ns.
tion-ope ratio n of radio a lone,
value from tap to ground on LS to St k N GG05 0 t t T
Sonotone a lo n e or both simulta - I 6 0 h · d f OS h oc o. u pu ran s-
neously. . ms mstea 0 · . 0 ~.s. . form er for RCA 140 S eries
R e fer to the c h assis w1rmg dia-
Adapter Easy To Connect In promo tin g the sale of R CA g ram Pa ge 5 and c han ge t h e re-
Sono tone un its for r adio, se rvice sistance value on t h e Oscillator Coil
R epla cement tra nsformers de-
signed particlarly for tropical use
e n gineers have a n excellent opp o r - ( L ower r igh t co rne r ) to 5.1 ohms are now available from R CA Parts
tunity to cash in on a n entirely n ew fo r LS instead of .09 ohms; and Distributors. This latest type is
market. S u rveys indicate tha t at L6 to .09 ohms in s t ead of 5.1 ohms. mounte d in a can and is potted by
least one o ut of every ten people When using the R CA Victor R ec- a special preheating process. Its
t h roughout the coun try is h ard -o f- ord P layer, Mod e l R -93-S, with the se mounting is identical with the orig-
h earing. T his vast a u dience her e- instruments, t h e bottom should be
tofore has been able to listen t o 1 inal type.
radio pro g rams only by advan cing
the volume of the r eceive r exces-
sively , to t h e a n noyance of t h ose

The ease
with n orma l h earin g.
new RCA Son otone H earing A ids ,
With th e[ Service Par Excellence [
rad io pro g rams may be h eard b y
with which
~~ .a~v1C:f.r. ~
thou sands w ho previously h ad been
d e n ied t h is p leas u re . S e lling eq u ip-
RCA Ear-
"· ~DID_JE
ment to help t h e h a r d -of- h ea r in g
overcom e t h eir handicap usu a lly ;,,w
phone Adap- j u st r eq uires a demonstration . Sales
resista n ce is n egli g ible, a n d pro fits
ter IS con- a r e hi g h.

nected t!o a E ither Bone or Air Conduction
ADAPTER The units are made for either air
radio set is at conduction or bon e co n duc tion o p -
eration and function on the most
once appar- adva n ced scie nti fic princ iples ever
d esig n ed to a id the hard-of- h ea rin g.
e nt from this Th e air condu c t ion u nit is for t hose
with merely s u b - normal h ear in g,
SP[AK[R illustration. w h ile t h e bone condu ction unit is
fo r t h ose h aving defective ear
--RED dru ms, tra n sm issio n bein g made v ia
bon e condu ction to the audito r y
n erves. T h ese Sonoton e Hearin g
Aids are t h e same units that a r e
s u ccessfully employed for hard-o f- Ideal R a dio S e rvice of 220 Ideal S t reet , Buffalo, N ew York, should
TRANSFORMER h earing patrons in leadin g mot io n m a k e othe r service engi neers really e n v ious with their s hip-sh ape shop.
picture thea t r es t h rou g hout t h e R C A Ra d io Service N ews extends it s c o ngratu lations on such a n excellent
co untry . example of mod e rn service facilities.
8 RCA RADIO SERVICE NEWS September, 1936

SPIDER-WEB In Old New England j/

' r-~~~~~~~-
AERIAL "HOT" Selling Tips are our readers' contributions for sell-
ing their services or products. All readers of RCA
Radio Service News are invited to submit their ideas
SAY OWNERS for increasing business. All Selling Tips printed will
win one of the new RCA Service Engineer's Pencils.
Let's have yours.
Far Ahead Of Others, Is S elling Antenna Foreign Market
Unanimous Comment R ecently I installed an R CA De
Luxe Antenna Syste m in my shop
One of the stations that I am
c onnected wi th has car ried an edu-
Of Listeners a few feet from an old antenna that
I had been usin g. By demonstrat·
catio nal program for the Japanese
speaking people for several years .
in g t h e difference in performance R ecently the station's mails were
While RCA made sure that the between the c ustomer's set on the swamped with requests to change
new Spider-Web Antenna was far n ew antenna and the old, I have the program to an ea rlier hour. On
ahead of anything in use, manu- greatl y i ncreased my antenna busi· investi gation we discovered that
factured either by itself or others, n ess. hundreds of these people had pur-
before announcing it to its dealers A lexander Saberski, c h ased all wave receivers and were
a nd service engin eers, nevertheless 428 Wilson Avenue, listening to s tations from their
it has remained for actual users to Brooklyn, N . Y . homeland. The stations in the Ori-
say just how good the new Spider- e nt are very s t rong and consistent,
Web Antenna pulls in s hort wave with g ood pro g rams and the Japan-
ese listeners here in California
From sunny California, Mr. L ee Metal Tube Label didn't want to miss either of the
0 . Fassett, R CA Victor Dealer of programs.
Purchase a roll of Scotch Cellu · This appears to offer an excellent
3945 Balboa S t reet, San Francisco, lose Tape (a clear g ummed cello- outlet for all wav e receivers as the
tells about one insta llation : phane tape) a bout Y4 inch wide. forei g n market has hardly been
" The installation of an RK-40 Place a s mall strip of this right over
Antenna was made recently for op- touched here on the coast. The Jap-
eration with the C- 13-2 R CA Vic- a nese truck- garden farmers in Cali-
tor. T his combin a tion, in the mind 'J';.,:;,'"°'WM'
ff' ~~::::·;:. ""
'' ' '""
,,"" "'#""
, '
" ~·~·'j'~
o fornia number in the thousands and
being a thrifty race they usually pay
of the customer, gave very satisfac-
tory results. When I say satis- I
cash for merchandise.
l/"' " "'>DI
factory, I mean practically all ma- Maurice E. K e nnedy
jor short-wave stations could be Technical Director
lJerm 1ss1011 Ne w York W orld T elegram a nd Unircd Feature Syndicate W6KQ-W6BGC

brought in clearly with a minimum
of noise. At the time the Spider- " Wall yes, I did keep radio-bulbs fer a while, but there was so many Los Angeles, Calif.
Web was announ ced to th e trade, calls fer 'em that I hid 'em away an' I ferget where I put 'em."
however, a personal le tter was sent
to the c u stomer, accompanied by a
pamphlet of same. I knew h e was tric g uns a nd a c omplete d escrip· Removing Creases from D isplays
desirous of gettin g the g r eat est effi-
ciency from his radio, and as I ex-
pecte d, he instructed me to install
Free Book Is tion of an operating Television
System. While this book is prima·
rily written for engineers, never-
Might I suggest that service e n-
the label and so on around the tube. g ineers receiving R CA sales h elps
Your label is attached to the tube or aids in the fo rm of w i n do w
theless the pro gressive service en- just like a picture in a fram e. The streamers and pos ters remove t h e
the Spider-W eb.
"The results from this antenna
proved b eyond any question of a
doubt that it does all that is claimed
Given 'Review' gin eer will find a wealth of mat e rial
fully within his understanding. The
a rticles are of a basic c h aracter,
illustration shows the way it's done. creases that occur from being folded
A. S . C ooke,
139 North Euclid Avenue,
by the slightly d a m p e n i n g t h e
creases with w ater and the n iron-
a nd include complete desc riptions

for it, and is the r eason I, as w e ll as W estfield, N. J . ing over those dampened folds with
my c ustomer, Mr. Satchell, want to of finished e quipment. The book a not-too-hot iron on the wrong or
co ngra tula~~ R CA Victor for its de- is w e ll printed, h as 452 pages a nd bac k side of the poster, b eing sure
vel opment. is a h and some addition to a ny that the face o f t h e poster lies on a
se rvice e n g ineer's library. clean, dry and hard surface. P ost-
Virginia Reports "Television," by RCA Engi- D istribution of this book is made
to subscribers of the n ew RCA R e-
Tube Display
e rs and streamers Aatten ed o u t in
l have made a chart that has this manner have a better appear-
Not to b e outdone by the W est
Coast, a proud owner from Falls neers, Covers All Late view. The first issue of this pub-
li cation-th e J u!y issue-may still
proved very helpful in selling both ance and advertising appeal than
new tubes a nd n ew sets. It is those that r emain full of folds and
Church, Virginia, reports as fol- be obtained with a ll n ew subscrip- much more convincin g than just c r e ase s.
lows :
"My antenna was installed last
Developments tions . Four issues are published a
year, and the subscription price is
tellin g the customer the d ifferen c e
between new a nd old tubes. On
Franklin L. Miller
I 0 1 0 N. 13th Street
Saturday a nd I had an excell e nt op- $1.50. To i n sure gettin g the first one half of the chart I have a type R eading, Penn a.
portunity yesterday to give it a A new a uthoritative book, writ- issue and t h e n ew free book on Tele- 26 tube taken apart, with each of
thorou g h workout. The results on ten by R CA Engineers , containing vision, s u bscriptions should be sent the parts labele d . On the other
all waves cove r ed by my radio pape r s on a ll important Television promptly to the R CA Institutes half of the c hart I have a recent
were so satisfactory and really developme,nts, Technical P r ess, D ept. S. N., 75 Var- glass tube taken apart and labeled. Improving Appearance of Sets
asto undin g that I am c ompelle d to has just b een ick St., N ew York City. On the bottom I have a metal tube
TELEVISION Before replac ing chassis in con-
send to you my con gratulations on distrib ut ed cut open a nd taken apart. This sole or cabinet of several sets tha t
your really wonderful engineering free to a ll R CA shows at a g lance the differenc e in I have service d late ly, I su ggested
feat r e Aect e d by yo ur n ew an te nna . R eview s ub - the construction and explains why painting the inte rior of the c hassis
It was amazing to m e. Foreign scribe r s, ac-
c ording to a n
Engineers Explode " new tube will do many times the compartme nt wit h a g ood g rade o f
programs came i n remarkably clear @ work of an o lde r tube . This h as aluminum paint . I pointe d out to
a nd distinc t, and the same quality annou nce m e nt Myth Of Lightning been helpful in closin g d eals with the c ustome r that the price is small
of the programs was maintaine d on by W . S. Fitz- sets of 8 tubes and less . I have and t h e advantage of doing so
t h e standard broadcast and other patrick, Secre-
t ary of th e
Damaging Radios found that the inside of a tube cre- large. With t he c ustom er's ap-
bands of the radio where the use of ) <lY, 1?1•
rates a g reat interest with the cus- proval, I paint t h e entire interio r
an efficient a ntenna is nee d ed. Board of Edi- tomer and makes him r ealize that of the compartment, includin g the
K eeping pace with t h e modern
tors of th e h e cannot expect to get proper re- rear of the pane l with aluminum.
R CA trend debunking popular supersti-
R eview.
Principles 100% Correct ception with his old set. The advantage s of paintin g with
tions, engin eers of the National
This new book, Alan Olin,
452 Pages Broadcasting Company cam e forth
aluminum are:
"Th e principle of yo ur Spider- accordin g t o Utah Music Company. N eat e r, cleaner ape aran ce.
W eb Antenna seems to me to be Mr. Fitzpatrick, is the first com- today with th e r e port t h at T h or, Salt L ake City, Utah, Adds to shieldin g of a s et.
I 00 per cent corr ect and efficie n t plete boo k that has bee n published the g od of lig htning, has no deep-
K eeps moisture, dampness fro m
and the antenna is so far ahead o f by a ny organization on the hig hly seated g rudge against radio.
set .
all othe r antennas I have use d that interesting a nd timely subject of The report on li g htnin g is the
Easi e r to s ee inside .
there is no comparison." Television. by -product of a survey made by
B ecause of R CA lead ·
Newspaper Ad Frank H . Perry,
And so quote Mr. Howard Waitt, ership in t h e Television field, the e n gin eers on radio r eception condi-
13 9 Lily Street,
of 30 46 La Salle Avenue, Bronx, book is hi g h ly authoritative in c h a r - tions in major cities of the U nite d The following copy made up i n
States. T h e statement was issued a n ad inserted in your local news- Paterson, N . J.
N ew York, "After installing the acter a nd covers every phase of this
R CA Spider-We b Antenna, I h ave hi g hly t echnic al subject. by R. M . Morris, NBC d e velopment paper will brin g in no end of n e w
found that I am able to get a num- engin eer, w h ose own house was business:
The eighteen au thors of the book "REWARD. $10.00. I
ber of stations I was never able to - all world-famous e n g ineers-in struck a few y ea rs ago and who, will pay anyone the sum of $I 0 .0 0 Service Card
get b e fore. therefore, was working against a for any set manufacture d since
As to short w a ve, I a series of twenty- fo ur articles, cov-
grudge of his own. 1928 by a reputable manufacturer A Service Card that we have
am able to hold several European er the e ntire T e levision field , trans- b een using for t he past two years
stations .. without fading or loss in mitters, receivers, wave propaga- that I cannot r epair ."
Do Not Attract Lightning with very good r e sults is shown in
volume. tion, iconoscopes, radio relays, e l ec- By inserting an ad of the above
'1 the illustration. The body o f the
"Contrary to popular belief," description I h ave found that I
Morris said , "ra dios in the home do have been swamped with work. It
lt.l? ti .. 1~:)6

not attra c t li g htnin g, nor do r adio makes people who h ave been dis-
;~.. " 0
A-C Operated Capacity Relay a nte nnas. In fact, a properly in· g usted with sets they have taken
stalle d radio a nte nna, with g ood e ls e where to h ave r e paire d, bring
li g htning arr e ste rs, serve s as a mea- them to me. It a lso g ives people
N'! 109G j
lil', ft.• '* JQlraft,
•ez #{tb S\ • •. cii:-
s ure of prot ection to a house during c onfidence in you, b ecause the y J. ..P.Cl .HO 2. bO
a thunderstorm. The lightning ar· know that one would not inse rt 2llc.A2$l "00
10 - 50 MMFD. resters, found on most antennas, such an ad if h e were not able to
serve to lessen the force of the back it up. It is my advice to t he AU!l.NlW:T
I lightning, d e Aecting the dan ge rous radio profe ssion that on e b e well ( ncA ·a.o !!!of.'l'Ai'M. eo· !
C01L SPEC.- I c urrent into the ground where it versed in the s ubject of radio tec h - •• io
L'OIAMETEll: I wi ll do no harm. nique and be well e quipped, such as B~1e>l• «:~ 61 Co&t:i
LINE N0.20WIRE. I "The c han ces durin g one y e ar the R CA oscillograph, oscillator,
/ : that your house will b e struc k by sweep unit, bridge, etc ., be cause
I 20MEC.: li g htnin g ," said th e NBC e n g ineer, J' OU will h ave sets brou g ht to yo u
"are about on e in I 000, as proven that will make yo u wond e r if they
I by statistic s on the subject. Radio can really be fixed . Another thing,
' I
w ill not pre vent a house from being is that it will be to your advanta g e
hit by an e lectrical bolt during a to have subscribed to R CA' s 3 point card is fille d out and filed away for
I storm, but if it is properly installe d, system, as it w ill save you many reference and the stub is marked
I a radio ant e nna may prevent the hours of labor in testin g sets, as no with the amount on the back and
---t=-- lightning from doin g any damage. amount of you r work is a lready laid g ive n to the customer, servin g as a
Of course, if you live in a building out if you know the pec uliarity of a receipt and also as a business card
The above diagram s hows a simple a-c operated capacity relay designe d with a steel frame, s u c h as the Man· radio . for future refe rence.
by F. H. Sheperd, Jr., of the RCA Manufacturing Co. In operation, this hattan skyscr apers, you n eed h ave R . A. Bromley, R adio S e rvice Company,
r e lay is similar to that of the r e lay described in the March issue of RCA no f ear of li g htnin g . The stee l Box 123, 3 66 South Street,
R adio Service N ews. It operates from a-c onl•y but is easier to build. frame s erves to g round the c urrent." Hamlin, W. Va. Tracy, Minn esot a.

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