Level 3 Module Plan Canadian Culture

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Module Plan

Lead Teacher Name: Date Submitted:

Background of learners: Rationale for selecting the module (based on needs assessment):


Module Topic(s): Hygiene, etiquette in conversation, school, society, famous Canadians

Skills Listening Speaking Reading Writing

CLB Level 3 3 3 3

Real-World Task Goal (s) Listen and understand both informal Discuss and/or describe activities in Read and understand a short Complete short messages/greeting
and formal introductions of a the past (eg. What you did last message from a familiar person or an cards according to Canadian custom
teacher, neighbour, or classmate; weekend) or some future plans invitation to a celebration or special in order to thank, congratulate, offer
listen to and understand someone’s while engaging in ‘small talk’ with a event; Understand the purpose, main assistance, invite, express sympathy,
description of their experience(s) in friend or neighbour; relay and idea, key information and some love, etc.; complete a standard form
Canada; listen to and understand a describe experiences in Canada to details in a text about a celebration, common to Service Canada
brief presentation regarding another person; sports event, or activity in the applications, hospitals, etc. requiring
Canadian customs, celebrations or neighbourhood up to 10 identification items
civic responsibilities


Interacting With Others (Understand Interacting With Others (Use a range of Interacting With Others (Understand Interacting With Others (Convey an
CLB Competency (-ies) courtesy formulas and greetings in very short, personal social messages); expanding range of goodwill messages)
simple social exchanges, including
1. Competency Area, styles of greetings, introductions and short, casual interactions); Sharing Comprehending Information (Understand via standard cards or guided notes;
Information (Give simple descriptions of the purpose, main idea, key information Getting Things Done (Complete short,
2. Competency leave-taking); Comprehending concrete objects, people or experiences – and some details in simple, short texts) simple or simplified forms that require
Information (Understand simple can sustain 4-5 sentences)
Statements, descriptive communication) familiar information – up to 10 items)

3. Indicators of Ability
Skills Listening Speaking Reading Writing

CLB Level 3 3 3 3
Language Focus
Understands grammar structures and Able to use grammar structures and vocabulary Understands grammar structures and vocabulary Use of vocabulary, basic sentence structures
Grammatical vocabulary in order to interpret conversation as they relate to personal needs and wants, eg. in print in order to properly interpret reading and memorized phrases in order to complete
Textual properly and some listening via media, eg.
** Vocabulary knowledge appropriate to level 3
material, eg. short notes, greeting cards, invitations or short
descriptions about a familiar person, topic,
Functional **Knowledge of verb tenses (simple and
continuous verb tenses, past tense) in order to
as it pertains to nouns, verbs and adjectives
related to leisure activities enjoyed in Canada,
**Vocabulary knowledge appropriate to level 3 as
it pertains to nouns, verbs and adjectives related
event, or situation

Sociolinguistic maintain an exchange of pleasantries, cultural diversity, celebrations and social issues to leisure activities enjoyed in Canada, cultural
understand information from a child’s teacher, (Canadian holidays, sports, basic issues related to diversity, celebrations and social issues (Canadian **Vocabulary knowledge appropriate to level 3
etc. politics and government, etc.) holidays, weather, sports, basic issues related to as it pertains to nouns, verbs and adjectives
politics and government insofar as they affect related to familiar, every-day circumstances,
**Knowledge of memorized courtesy family/familiar life, etiquette, etc.) grammatically correct phrases for opening and
expressions useful for introductions, meeting **Basic syntax such as knowing how to express a closing a letter, note, card, invitation
new people, apologies, greetings statement, a negative statement and a question **Knowledge of verb tenses (simple and
(Wh- questions and yes/no questions), eg. continuous verb tenses, past tense, future tense)
**Basic syntax (knowledge of word order that “The weather in Canada isn’t very nice!” in print – eg. a short description of Canadian
differentiates statements, negative statements dining etiquette in the past/present tense with TEXTUAL
and questions) to aid in conversation, discussion “What do you think of our MP?” familiar vocabulary
Beginning ability to use connective words and
of where one is from, shared values, etiquette
phrases as necessary (eg. to describe an event
etc. **Use of comparative/superlative
to a friend, or explain why one is unable to
adjectives/adverbs to describe differences in
**Able to identify the 5 Ws in a written text (eg. A attend a wedding/funeral/birthday party)
**Knowledge of Wh- questions and yes/no customs, attitudes, behaviours, conventions, eg.
questions (“What will you do for the Christmas “It is more important to be on time in Canada short story re-telling the exploits of a Canadian
hero) or a description of Canadian conventions, **and, but, because, so, etc.
break?”) than in my home country.”
manners or etiquette
“I’m sorry, we can’t come because on that day
**Recognition and comprehension of
TEXTUAL we will be on vacation.”
comparative and superlative adjectives/adverbs **Use of coordination and subordination
– “Do you think it’s colder here than in your (because, so, since, although, yet, for, whenever)
Recognizes connecting words and replacement **pronouns – it, they, we, you, us, them, he, she,
home country?” – eg. “I like living in Canada because…”
words in writing such as short stories, my, mine, his, her, our/ours, your/yours, that,
informational texts on here, there
“I want to help in my community, so….”
etiquette/behaviour/social conventions
**Vocabulary knowledge appropriate to level 3
as it pertains to nouns, verbs and adjectives TEXTUAL
related to leisure activities enjoyed in Canada,
Ability to use connective words and phrases in ** knowledge of pronoun references related to
cultural diversity, celebrations and social issues
order to manage conversation, eg. things and people – it, them/they, he, she, you,
(Canadian holidays, weather, sports, basic issues FUNCTIONAL
we, his, hers, theirs, our/ours, my mine
related to politics and government insofar as
they affect family/familiar life, etc.) **but, and, or, like, Beginning ability to use writing to communicate
**first, second, next, later, after, before, then, so **knowledge of pronoun references related to various purposes, common to Canadian
time and place – now, then, next, later, before, convention – to congratulate, inform, make
“My kids don’t like hockey, so….” after, this, that, here, there, first, second, next, requests, persuade
Recognizes connecting words and replacement
words in conversation, eg.
“So will they play a different sport?” **Writing a brief note (hand-written or on social
**Beginning recognition of the sorting of main media) to ask for a favour from a friend
** knowledge of pronoun references related to
“Yes, I think maybe soccer after hockey is over.” ideas into paragraphs
things and people – it, they, he, she, you, we,
his, hers, theirs, our/ours – (“Canada is a great **Writing an invitation to a casual birthday party
Able to make cohesion links in conversation FUNCTIONAL
country….it is famous for freedom, peace-making for a child
and polite citizens. They are ________ between sentences using pronouns
Able to understand the purpose of and recognize
the format of various written texts, eg. a poster **Writing to wish someone well, congratulate
**knowledge of pronoun references related to **pronouns – it, them, he, she, my, mine, that, them
promoting a Canadian holiday, celebration, or
time and place – now, then, before, after, this, here, there
sport; a promotional to visit a special Canadian
that, here, there, eg (“50 years ago the values in location, or everyday written correspondence in
Canada were more conservative; now, they have “I like Justin Trudeau. What do you think of
Canadian culture (invitations, greetings, etc.)
changed. Back then many stores were closed on him?”
Skills Listening Speaking Reading Writing

CLB Level 3 3 3 3
Sundays….) “Yes, he’s great!”
**Able to use textual and contextual clues,
understand the formatting, images and wording to
**Knowledge of cues that indicate it is the **Attempts to repeat and explain meaning to understand the purpose – to direct, inform, SOCIOLINGUISTIC
listener’s turn to speak, such as ellipsis – “So…..,” help a listener better understand persuade, etc.
“And….,” “But….” “And how about you?” Beginning ability to use common forms of
FUNCTIONAL address (formal and informal) and basic
FUNCTIONAL polite language used in cards, greetings,
Able to use common expressions properly for SOCIOLINGUISTIC invitations, letters, written requests
Recognizes purpose of vocabulary relating to a specific purposes like greetings, attracting appropriately according to Canadian
range of greetings, leave-takings, offers to help, attention, making inquiries eg. Recognition of common forms of address (formal culture and convention
attracting attention, making and informal) and basic polite language used in
introductions/inquiries, etc. “Excuse me, do you know….. cards, greetings, invitations, letters, written
requests and other correspondence in Canadian **Dear ______________
**”Hello, good morning, afternoon, how are you
today?” “Hello there, I want to ask you…. culture
**Congratulations on ____________

Recognizes language used for the purpose of “Hi! How is your family?” **Dear ____________
**Thank-you for _______
issuing recommendations, suggestions,
directions and instructions, eg. Able to use language to properly inform or ** If you could, ______ **I’m sorry for _________
comment on needs, feelings and facts related to
“Excuse me, please speak more quietly….” familiar circumstances **It would be helpful if you could_______ **I want to invite you to _____________
“Excuse me, please don’t….
“Excuse me, you can’t….” “Let me tell you about my weekend…..how was **You are welcome to join….
“Perhaps you could….” yours?”
“If you don’t mind, could you….” **_______ and _________welcome you to join
the celebration of _______
Recognizes language used for the purpose of
persuasion, observation and idea-sharing, eg. Able to convey purpose of speaking using **Thank-you so much for…..
(able to listen to someone describe a personal culturally accepted intonation, language, and
experience in Canada with the intent of proper body language, and comprehension of **Hey, I want to let you know that…..
persuading the listener or making observations inappropriate ways to attract attention
about something)
Knowledge of different registers, eg. using a
Recognition of different register when more formal register for receptionists, doctors,
addressed by someone in authority or someone nurses, unknown persons in public, and polite
unknown. language

**”Excuse me….Could I ask you

Able to identify roles and relationships based on something…..Could you help me….Would you be
introductions able to….”
**”Good morning, I’m your teacher today…
** “Hi, I’m here to connect your internet…” **Comprehension and practice of polite
** “Hi, are you looking for something?” language to communicate dissatisfaction,
frustration or anger – and comprehension of
Able to identify and reciprocate norms of inappropriate language to communicate
politeness in speech in conversation and during dissatisfaction, frustration or anger
a transaction, eg

“Did you find everything you needed today?”

“Yes, thank-you.”

Able to recognize a few Canadian idioms, eg.

“How’s it going? I have to fly now….it’s raining
Skills Listening Speaking Reading Writing

CLB Level 3 3 3 3
cats and dogs…..”

Able to recognize a request for repetition, Able to indicate comprehension and Beginning ability to use basic reading strategies,
Beginning ability to use resources such
Language and Learning clarification, or help understanding meaning: communication problems verbally: eg
as a dictionary, using internet search
Strategies= Strategic **”I’m sorry, what did you say your name is?”
**”I’m sorry, could you say that again?”
**”Did you say _________
**Skimming to understand the purpose of a text,
scanning, making inferences using contextual
skills and spell-check on a computer

Competence **”Do I need to sign_________ clues and illustrations

**”Can you spell your name for me?” ** “Please say that slower….”
**Asking for help when encountering unfamiliar
**”I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you mean words in bulletins/signs/pamphlets that are
to say.” important to the reader

Assessment Task

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