HW Assignment # 1 - A00835025

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Mathematical Thinking(Ma-1028)

Homework Assignment # 1
Lic. Andrés Guerrero Elizondo
Name: Estefano Pacheco

1.- A tank with the shape of a right circular cylinder, a faucet is filling it with water in such
a way that the water level in the tank is rising at a constant rate of 4 cm/min. If the initial
level of the water in the tank is h(0) = 20 centimeters, construct a function that describes
the level h(t), measured in centimeters.

h(0) = 20
Time (t) Water level
0 20
1 24
2 28
3 32
4 36
5 40
It increase at a constant rate of 4 per minute

ℎ(𝑡) = ℎ(0) + 𝑘 ∗ 𝑡
ℎ(𝑡) = 20 + 4𝑡

Answer: h(t )  20  4t

2.- The amount of trash generated each year in cities across the United States is
increasing. If the amount of garbage, in millions of tons, generated in 1960 was 82.3 and
138.3 in 1980, and if the rate at which it increases is constant, how many years must
elapse, starting in 1960, for the garbage generated by United States cities to be 259.82
million tons?
𝑄 = 𝑏 + 𝑚𝑡
(0 , 82.3)(20 , 138.3)
138.3 − 82.3
20 − 0
𝑚 = 2.8
𝑄 (𝑡) = 82.3 + 2.8𝑡
259.82 = 82.3 + 2.8𝑡
259.82 − 82.3
𝑡 = 63.4

Answer: 𝑡 = 63.4 years

3.- A balloon being inflated takes on a spherical shape. Its radius is increasing at a rate of
change with respect to time, given by the following formula:
Mathematical Thinking(Ma-1028)
Homework Assignment # 1
Lic. Andrés Guerrero Elizondo
3 𝑡+1
𝑟´(𝑡) = √𝑡 3 +2 cm/min

Taking into account that after t=2 minutes of starting to inflate the balloon, its radius is
r=1.65 cms. Estimate the value of the radius r, 3 minutes after starting to inflate it? To
obtain the estimate, use 10 time intervals of size ∆t= 0.1 min.
Answer: After 3 minutes, the radius is approximately equal to 2.244347 cms.

4.- When a soft drink is removed from the interior of a refrigerator, the rate at which its
temperature T increases t minutes after being removed is:

10 0
𝑇´(𝑡) = 𝐶 /min
1+ √𝑡 3
Compute approximately the increment in the temperature T(t) of the soft drink in the first
6 minutes after being removed from the refrigerator. Use one hundred time intervals of
the same size ∆t to obtain the estimate.
Answer: The increment in the temperature is approx. equal to 16.43 oC
Mathematical Thinking(Ma-1028)
Homework Assignment # 1
Lic. Andrés Guerrero Elizondo

5.- Consider a 100 cm long rod placed on an x-axis. The left end coincides with the point
x=0 and obviously the right end with x = 100. The mass density of the rod is:

𝜌(𝑥 ) = 𝑀´(𝑥 ) = 𝑔𝑟𝑠/𝑐𝑚

Approximate the accumulated mass M(x) in the section of rod comprised from x = 1 cm to
x = 4 cms. Take 6 intervals of size 0.5 centimeters.

Answer: The accumulated mass is approx. equal to 3.995635 grams.

6.- An object cools down until its temperature drops to 4o C. Immediately after, it is exposed
to the environment that is at a temperature of 30oC, and as expected, its temperature
begins to increase. Let T´(t)=0.1(30-T(t)) be the rate at which the temperature changes.
Compute, approximately, the temperature of the object 10 minutes after being exposed to
the environment. Take time intervals of size ∆t=0.5 minutes.
Mathematical Thinking(Ma-1028)
Homework Assignment # 1
Lic. Andrés Guerrero Elizondo
Answer: The approximate temperature of the object 10 minutes after
being exposed to the environment is 20.67937 oC

7.- A university student suffering from a contagious and incurable disease goes to a campus
daily where 2000 people attend. The interaction between infected and uninfected people
causes the number of infected to increase. Let C(t) be the number of patients at time t and
𝐶´(𝑡) = 0.001𝐶(2000 − 𝐶) Infectados/día
be the rate at which the disease spreads.
Estimate the total number of infected after 6 days. Take time intervals of size
∆𝑡 = 1/2 a day.
Answer: The total number of infected people after 6 days is
approximately equal to 1742.
Mathematical Thinking(Ma-1028)
Homework Assignment # 1
Lic. Andrés Guerrero Elizondo

8.- Modern buildings are built flexible. Faced with strong gusts of wind or earthquakes,
they tend to oscillate. To describe the oscillatory motion, let y(t) be a measure of how
much the building flexes, that is, the displacement (in meters) of the top of the building
with respect to y=0 corresponding to the vertical position. When y is not zero, the building
is flexed and the structure applies a huge restoring force toward the vertical. This reminds
us of the harmonic oscillator (like a spring) in the simplest model. If the rates of change of
the position y(t) and the velocity v(t) are equal to:

𝑦´(𝑡) = 𝑣(𝑡)

𝑣´(𝑡) = 0.4𝑦(𝑡) − 0.3𝑣(𝑡)

Also y(0)=0 and v(0)=0.5.Compute approximately the position of the

building for t=1 sec, that is y(1).
Use Euler's Method and take 10 time intervals of length ∆t=0.1 sec.

Answer: The position of the building after 1 second is equal to 0.459425 meters.
Mathematical Thinking(Ma-1028)
Homework Assignment # 1
Lic. Andrés Guerrero Elizondo

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