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17 types of female orgasm about which few people know

And all about them

Veronica Larsson
© Veronica Larsson, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4490-4652-9

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


Erroneous is the belief that the orgasm of both men and women is the same. Representatives
of the weaker sex can experience several types of orgasm, depending on which part of the
genitals or directly the body at the time of sex is stimulated and causes inexpressible sensations
of ecstasy. Much in this process depends on the man and his desire to diversify the palette of the
partner’s feelings.

Most of the special points and zones of the woman’s body require a long period of periodic
stimulation, some become more sensitive after going through certain periods of life: childbirth,
breast-feeding… However, one organ of the genital area, as a rule, reacts promptly to irritations
and almost always delivers to her mistress an orgasm is a clitoris.
Clitoral orgasm

The clitoral zone in comparative physiology of the sexes is considered as an analog of the penis.
A woman’s only useful function of this part of the external genitalia is to bring his mistress
pleasure. The clitoris, like the penis, has a skin fold (hood), and under it – the head, which at the
time of excitement is filled with blood. Children and teenage female masturbation, basically, is
based on stimulation of the clitoris.

That is why clitoral orgasm is the most common type of orgasm. It can occur due to active
influence on the given zone by petting, kunilingus or directly sexual intercourse. In some
women, the clitoris is physiologically located close to the entrance to the vagina, which allows
the male member to touch it during penetration into the cervix.

There are two types of clitoral orgasm: superficial and deep. The first type is characterized
by a clear localization of sensations in the clitoris zone at the time of the woman’s pleasure. The
second is accompanied by an intensive contraction of the muscles of the vagina, which creates
a feeling of an orgasm of this particular organ.

However, one must understand that a vaginal orgasm can not occur after stimulation of one zone
of the clitoris, and if it occurs at the level of pulsation of the muscles of the internal genital
organs, then this is a deep clitoral orgasm.
Vaginal orgasm

Vaginal orgasm is achieved by stimulating the muscles of the vagina and its individual zones and
is often unavailable to young girls. Making this “wake up” this area of the genitals is very often
helped by childbirth. At the time of passage of the fetus along the channel, a positive effect on
the nerve tissue of the cervical muscles takes place, which in the future gives the chance to its
owner to start experiencing this type of orgasm.

Another factor that contributes to increasing the sensitivity of the vaginal area is breastfeeding.
During this process, the hormone oxytocin is naturally produced in the woman’s body.
Breastfeeding is recommended not only because of its positive physical and psychological
effects on the baby. It is useful because in this way a woman will not need to additionally inject
hormones to reduce the muscles of the uterus and bring her into a prenatal state.

But the female vagina itself is a complex organ with a large accumulation of nerve endings and
nodes. Physiologists for several years of research and observations have identified several
“points”, special for the sensitivity of the zones, inside the vagina. Some of them are early
known and generally recognized, as, for example, point G, others – are controversial, but they
also have the right to claim an independent role in bringing a woman to orgasm in the process
of stimulation.

Orgasm of point G

The response of point G is achieved through the stimulation of the woman’s paraurethral glands.
They are often called the female prostate, because the impact on them and the result, ejaculation
or jet orgasm, is similar to the contraction of the prostate muscles in men during the release
of sperm.

Find this point in the vagina is easy – it is located on the front wall in 2—3 cm from the entrance.

Many men are disappointed that their first conscious contact with this zone and its stimulation do
not lead a woman to orgasm. In most women, this area on the wall of the muscles of the internal
genitalia is asleep.

Therefore, the repeated impact of the G point is necessary in order for a woman to begin
to experience pleasure and later – an orgasm. The search for this point in the partner will be more
effective if the man brings her condition to a strong arousal: all the erogenous zones will begin
to behave more actively and better succumb to stimulation from the outside.
Jet orgasm (squirt)

Quite a special and original by its own power and depth of the picture of feminine orgasm.
A peasant is often seen in porn as a woman checks him and at the given moment a strong stream
of water shoots from her. But they do not even expect to know what actually happens in the near
future and that more of what this orgasm depends on. And now, carefully, for example, as we
slightly open the curtain of this mystery!!)) Jet orgasm, or as it is still called squirt, in principle,
is still related to the specific technique of stimulating point G, and just paraurethral glands.

Actually, what and how does it happen? In the process of exciting the ladies, these glands begin
to produce liquid and swell. With a specific stimulation technique and reaching a particular
degree of excitement, these glands begin to contract and squeeze out this fluid. As a result, we
can follow a stunning picture, when the lady ends up similarly to the peasant, shooting a stream
of water.

Almost everyone thinks that the given liquid fires from the urethra (the urethra of the woman),
that is, the woman urinates elementary, but no! This fluid is similar in its composition to the
seminal fluid of the muzhik and sprays from small holes that are on either side of the urethra, and
not from the urethra itself. As one not knowing these things, turn lucky young young women into
poor and unsound.

Why are they lucky? Yes, due to the fact that such an orgasm without a specific training has
every chance to experience only 2—3% of young women on the globe. And by his own power he
will not allow himself to be confused with anything. By the way, this orgasm also has healing
qualities. Feeling his ladies pretty well cleaned on a sensual level. Spraying this fluid, the lady
seems to be splattering all resentments, fears and all other negative impressions.

According to the texts of those young women who feel the jet orgasms, this he forces them
to test themselves even more simply as on a physiological example and on a sensual and spiritual

Jet orgasm (squirt, in the first with the English – “sprinkle”) is experienced by only 2—3% of the
weak half of humanity. This unique in depth and strength process manifests itself in the form
of ejection by a woman at the peak of the pleasure of a stream of liquid from the holes located on
both sides of the urethra. According to the chemical composition, these secretions resemble the
seminal fluid of men. Because the squirt area is next to the wipe, many think that the discharge
of the woman is urine, however, it is not.

Jet orgasm is directly related to the technique of stimulating the point G. In the process
of affecting the paraurethral glands in this zone, they begin to fill up with blood and swell. Inside
the process is started to produce a fluid that fires from the canals along the sides of the urethra
after an intense contraction of muscles, as if squeezing it outward.

The physiology of women is such that any of them can experience a jet orgasm. Interference
with this can be psychological confusion, inexperience of the partner and fear of involuntary
urination. Literal orgasm lasts from 1 to 5 seconds, while squirt can last more than a minute.

Scientists note the undoubted benefit of jet orgasm – in its process, hormones
dihydroepiandrosterone and oxytocin are produced. And the best way to achieve pleasure of this
type is to find a partner behind the woman on her side. In this case, his penis, upon penetration,
rests against the point G. Another posture is the position of the woman on her stomach with
a roller or pillow under her pelvis. In this case, her genitals seem to be directed upwards, which
gives the man the opportunity to better stimulate them.

Orgasm of point A

Orgasm of point A is another of the varieties of vaginal orgasm. This point is located directly
above the G zone, almost at the cervix, near the upper arch. Itself this point a woman can not
make out because of its location deep inside the vagina. Therefore, an attentive and sensitive
partner must come to her aid. To stimulate this area, a man should insert the middle finger of the
hand, turned with the palm of his hand up, across the whole din. Under the finger pad, and will
be the desired point A.

Unlike point G, this zone is not convex or rough to the touch, so it may be difficult for a partner
to detect it. Stimulate it is also recommended by pressing and massage, which activates a lot
of collected in this zone of nerve endings. This point also needs an awakening, like its
predecessor point G, and the partner will have to work hard for the woman to get a wavy orgasm
from the impact on this place.
Orgasm of the deep point

The orgasm of the “deep point” is another species, of which very little is known. This point is
located symmetrically to the point A on the other side of the cervix, on its lower arch. It is thanks
to her stimulation that a woman experiences an orgasm during anal sex, during which a pressure
on the “deep point” area flows through the thin wall of the muscles of the anus and vagina. Many
women who have experienced such an orgasm, note its relaxing effect.
Deep vaginal orgasm

Deep vaginal orgasm is the result of activation inside the vagina of points A, G and “deep point”.
Experienced from the impact on these zones, pleasure is layered one upon another, intensifying
each time from another sexual intercourse.

Gradually, all the areas on the walls of the vagina begin to actively work in the process
of excitation, their orgasms spread to neighboring areas like circles from a stone thrown into the
water. In the end, the entire inner zone of the genitals begins to pulsate synchronously from the
resulting pleasure, which leads to a deep vanilla orgasm. In contrast to the orgasm of points
A and G, where there are insignificant muscle contractions, in the case of deep vanilla orgasm
there are deep cuts that can last quite a long time, up to 30 minutes.

Developed muscles of the small pelvis will help to get the type of orgasm in question, which is
also true for the orgasm of the uterus. Exercises of the Keg for strengthening the muscles of the
vagina are very well suited to achieve this goal.

Powerful and flexible walls of the internal genital organs will help her mistress both in her
personal enjoyment during sex and in delivering it to her partner by squeezing his penis with the
internal muscles of the vagina.
Orgasm of the uterus

The uterus itself is also considered a muscle, and as a result, if it is specifically reduced, it is
possible to achieve the advent of orgasm. Orgasm of the uterus can be experienced, sitting on the
back. Your companion puts his hand on the area of the uterus and, with a little pressure, prepares
vibrating movements, and the woman at this reduces the muscles of the small pelvis with the
support of Kegel exercises.

In this way, the stimulation of these muscles happens. Do not wait, in fact, that this orgasm will
be similarly catchy and bottomless as for example clitoral or vaginal. He is more light-weight,
gentle and slightly visible.

The uterus, which is located in the depth of the abdominal cavity, is also a muscle. Her
contractions can also bring pleasure orgasmic type. To facilitate the way to get an orgasm of the
uterus, the woman lies on her back, and the partner puts her hand on the area of that part of the
abdomen, where the inside is roughly located the zone of the uterus. At the same time, the man
produces rhythmic vibrating movements by hand, while the woman tries to contract the muscles
of the small pelvis. Under the similar bilateral pressure, the onset of orgasm of the uterus
becomes possible.

Next, consider a kind of orgasm not by the location of the zone of its origin, but by the way the
physical manifestation of this pleasure.

Orgasm of the M point is one of their types of enjoyment through the impact on the area between
the anise and the entrance to the vagina. Not all women are delighted with the stimulation of this
zone, but still try using alternating rhythmic pressure and light circular movements around the
point M.
Orgasm of the U point (urethra)

Orgasm of the U point – stimulation and the following fountain of pleasant sensations in the
urethra. This zone is located between the clitoris and the entrance to the vagina. Note that the
strength of pleasure, such an orgasm is comparable with the clitoral. Point U is recommended
to stroke and periodically press on it with the help of fingers.

To activate and more gentle influence on this area of the external genital organs, cunnilingus can
be used. In the process of the sexual intercourse, this point is also amenable to stimulation: the
woman needs to spread her legs widely and make active movements of the pelvis in the hip
of the man, trying to get as close as possible to the penis of the partner.

A man can also try to press or rub his pubis on this area, which will also contribute to an
offensive partner’s orgasm of this type.
Anal orgasm

Anal orgasm is characterized by contraction of the uterus muscles through their indirect
stimulation through the sphincter. The anus has many nerve endings, both in its outer part and

When pressure on the walls of the rectum and its muscles with the penis occurs an unavoidable
effect on the “deep point”, located at the entrance to the cervix. This is followed by a relaxation
of the woman and the onset of orgasm through the penetration of the partner’s penis into the
Orgasm of the breast

Above we have already mentioned the connection of stimulation of the woman’s nipples with the
development of the hormone of love and the trust of oxytocin. A man working on the halos and
breasts of a partner, involuntarily evokes these feelings, which contributes to the relaxation
of a woman and the reception of her breast orgasm.

The mechanism of this orgasm is that in the process of caress and stimulation of the nipples, the
partner’s muscles begin to contract involuntarily in the muscles of the uterus, and this leads,
according to the observations of sexologists, to the “floating” from the bottom of the abdomen
to the chest and back to orgasm. The hormone of happiness and pleasure oxytocin also actively
begins to be developed in the process of breastfeeding, stimulating the flow of milk to it.
Therefore, some women may experience arousal from breastfeeding, without realizing why this
is happening.
Tactile orgasm

Tactile orgasm is considered a fairly rare species, but this is not entirely true. In the case
of trusting and intimate relationships with a partner, a woman can “get” from stimulating any
part of the body where the nerve endings are from the auricle to the wrist and get an orgasm. Not
always the process of friction and pressure on the internal and external female genitalia is
necessary to achieve relaxation and pleasure.

In this sense it is appropriate to recall the reception of women by an orgasm in a dream, which is
achieved only because of a certain emotional mood, without any external stimulation.
Oral orgasm

Many women experience oral orgasm during the way they do blowjob to a man. On the one
hand, this is explained by observations of eastern reflexology about the connection of the
genitals with the chest, lips and throat. On the other hand, sexologists, pointing at the subtle
psychological structure of women in comparison with men, note that the sensation of having
a full partner in the process of oral sex can enhance the stimulation of the woman’s sensitive
throat and help her get an orgasm of this type.

Constantly practiced oral sex raises the threshold of sensitivity in women, so even those who did
not initially have an orgasm of this kind, in time can come to him. In this case, the partner’s
imagination in the process of blowjob can help, which will stimulate the metabolism of the
peripheral nervous system and lead to her getting pleasure.
Combined orgasm

A combined (multifocal) orgasm is possible after simultaneous stimulation by a man of several

erogenous zones of the partner. With a mono-fatal orgasm, an effect occurs and focuses on one
area of the female body and its genital organs.

When combined, there are many options for diversifying the stimulation of zones or points,
which leads to the achievement of discharge.

Sexologists advise men to experiment more boldly with simultaneous pressure on the clitoral
zone and the G point or stimulation of the anus in parallel with the caresses of the urethra. All
this is able to significantly diversify the sexual sensations of a woman and to give her pleasure.
Multiple orgasms

Orgasm is also divided into one-time and multiple. In the second case, the woman experiences
discharge several times in a row at short intervals. Vaginal orgasms have the property
of increasing excitement and provide the possibility of a wave-like onset of pleasure. One third
of women can receive multiple orgasms, which distinguishes the weak half of humanity from the
strong one.

In the body of a man after ejaculation, all processes, including hormonal ones, are on a decline.
The body needs a certain time period for rest. And the older the man, the longer the pause: the
period of hypersexuality of the young years, when the man did not practically need time
to restore the body’s strength, is replaced by a period of decline in excitement and hormonal
adjustment in adulthood.

There comes a time when the number of sexual acts goes into their quality. In women, after the
onset of detente, the body begins to demand sex and pleasure with redoubled force, the body
activates all its reserves in order to receive more and more pleasure, which is what happens with
multiple orgasms.
Orgasm of the whole body

This is the kind of female orgasm through which a woman can very deeply connect at all levels
with her beloved man. This orgasm is inherent in both men and women. It is often called tantric
orgasm, as it occurs on the verge of spiritual and sexual and affects both the mind and the body.

It lasts maybe even 1 minute or 2, but lasts for hours. It is also worth noting that this orgasm is
very dependent on the man. The fact is that with traditional sex, a man very quickly loses energy
through ejaculation, that is, when he cums. But not all men know that orgasm and ejaculation are
2 different processes in the body of a man and they are responsible for 2 different areas of the
brain. And if a man learns to share these processes and control them, he will be able
to accumulate sexual energy during sexual intercourse and move it through completely different
channels and she will cease to go along with ejaculation.

This skill will enable a man to experience multiple long orgasms without ejaculation. That is,
a man can come to an end when he is satisfied with the partner and satisfied himself. There are
certain tantric practices and exercises that allow you to take sexual energy out of the genital area.
And this energy will help the orgasm of the whole body.

All these techniques are well described in Mantak Chia’s book “Taoist secrets of love that every
man should know.” The orgasm of the whole body is easier for a woman to get, since she does
not need to control anything and her ogasic rolls can flow one into another, that is, the clitoral
vaginal or orgasm of point A at points G, etc. The excitement energy of a woman does not
disappear anywhere, but only grows.

The girl in order to get an orgasm of the whole body, should just follow the inner sensations. The
orgasm of the whole body for both partners is a complete gamut of sensations, as it really spreads
throughout the body, that is, not in any localized zone contracted or shudders, and pleasant
tingling occur from the toes to the crown. It can even be accompanied by such vivid visions and
shifts in consciousness.

It was during this orgasm that he began to turn on those inactive areas of the brain that began
to give a command to produce a large number of substances such as melatonin, serotonin,
endorphins, etc., for a long time. That is, this state can be called a state of nirvana in which the
body can come for a long time. He also develops, heals and rejuvenates. The most interesting
thing about this kind of orgasm is that it does not end even after the sexual intercourse itself.
This condition in the body and head may last for several hours and even days.

This state of mind and body after sexual intercourse is also called the valley of orgasm. During it
you can fully look into yourself and feel how much there is deep. Such orgasms will strengthen
your relationship and your love for each other. And the children that you will have, they will also
be born in this state of love and will be beautiful and healthy.
Emotional orgasm (mental)

There are cases when a woman experienced an orgasm only from one type of undressing man.
As in the case of tactile orgasm, the emotional (mental) is not associated with the stimulation
of the genital organs and erogenous zones.

Some sexologists note that during sexual foreplay, a woman can suddenly react emotionally
to partner’s actions, cry or laugh, which leads to psychological relaxation, emotional orgasm.
And this is a classic feature of female sexual sexuality.

If both partners are seriously practicing Eastern philosophy, then it becomes available to the
orgasm of the whole body, achieved in the process of tactical sex. In this case, there is a merging
of not only physical, but also “subtle” bodies – spiritual and mental. Of course, this kind
of pleasure requires long preparation, the work of both men and women, and above all, their
attunement to each other. This orgasm can last from a minute to several hours.

In the process of tantric sex, much of the success of this process depends on the man. It is known
that ejaculation and male orgasm are two different things for which different areas of the brain
respond. If the partner can learn to separate these two processes and control them, he will be able
to make sexual intercourse as long as desired. The main and most of his energy a man loses
in the process of ejaculation. Having stopped him and subordinated his own desires, he begins
to dispose of his own sexual energy in a different way. Thus, it is possible to achieve multiple
prolonged orgasms without ejaculation, which significantly increases the duration of sexual

There are many practices that are capable of leading sexual energy from the genital area and
directing it in a different direction. It should be understood that the ideal spiritual development
of man in the eastern and some European religions implies a complete rejection of the carnal
needs. One such practice is the raising of kunadalini. This process contributes to the
harmonization of all seven subtle human bodies, the opening of the chakras with complete
rejection of sex.

Released in the course of this practice, sexual energy is expended on the spiritual development
of man, the expansion of his consciousness.

However, tantric sex as a way of self-giving and self-sacrifice can have a beneficial effect on the
spiritual development of both partners. Even the ancient Taoists claimed that it is easier for
a woman to get an orgasm of the whole body because she does not need to control ejaculation.

It’s enough just to follow the internal sensations, because a wave of pleasure spreads throughout
the body, which can be accompanied by hallucinations, shifts of consciousness and the state
of complete nirvana. The brain also eventually becomes involved in the process of tantric orgasm
and commands the organs to produce hormones of endorphin, serotonin and melatonin.

A man experiences similar feelings, experiencing with the partner a period of complete
dissolution in each other and almost cosmic love. Having mastered the ideas and practice
of tantra, a man and a woman go beyond the usual physical experiences. Any touch of a partner
can bring maximum pleasure and lead to ecstasy.

There comes a complete merger with the world and the realization of oneself as a part of the
whole. Obviously, tantric sex requires a lot of preparation from both partners, and therefore is
not a common type of orgasm.
Imitated orgasm or simulated

It’s sad, but the orgasms are also simulated (simulated). In the event that a woman can not
experience any of the above types of pleasure, she resorts to an imitation of orgasm. Very often
the cause is the partner’s sexual illiteracy and his selfishness.

When a man is only aimed at getting his own pleasure and does not listen in the process of sex
to a woman and her wishes, she is forced to feign signs of an orgasm that has come. For the sake
of love and satisfaction partner, a woman is ready to have sex, whereas a man is willing to love
for sex – this is the big difference between the psychology of the two sexes.

The average orgasm of a man lasts from three to eight seconds, the woman – 43 seconds. When
using respiratory practices such as qigong or yoga, a man is able to increase the duration of his
orgasm up to 10 seconds. The maximum amount of his ejaculation can reach 16 in an hour, while
the registered number for this period of orgasms in a woman is 163.

A huge number of ways to achieve orgasm by the weak half of humanity gives women greater,
in comparison with men, privileges.

Therefore, knowledge about the possibilities and reserves of the organism of the fair sex
in obtaining physical satisfaction, orgasm, can facilitate the ways to achieve it.

As life experience and observations of sexologists show, in the modern world there is every
opportunity for sexual partners to disclose themselves, their sexual needs and help in this, if
necessary, their second half.

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