Safety Equipment

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Preparation for safety equipment ( SEQ ) survey

 Following are the preparations need to carried out on board a ship before safety equipment survey

 LSA ( Life saving appliance )

1.       Muster list updated and posted in conspicuous position.

2.       Life jacket donning instructions posted in conspicuous positions.

3.       Emergency stations directed by arrows.

4.       Lifeboats and associated equipment s are maintained and in good condition.

5.       Life raft serviced annually and marked as per SOLAS.

6.       Launching instructions of all survival crafts are displayed near the craft.

7.       No. of lifebuoys are as per SOLAS. Their markings, symbols, life lines, light , smoke signals are
in good condition

8.       Bridge pyrotechnics are adequate and in good condition as per SOLAS

9.       Emergency lights and general alarms are in good condition.

10. Inventory of lifeboat and all LSA item should be updated and no item should be expired.

FFA ( Fire Fighting appliance )

1.       Fire control plans displayed in conspicuous places, and should be updated as required.

2.       Copies of fire plans are available in fire wallet / plan .

3.       Fire detection system in good condition.

4.       Main and emergency fire pumps in good condition.

5.       Fire hoses, nozzles, fire hose boxes in good condition and stowed properly.

6.       International shore connection in proper place and location marked properly.

7.       Fixed fire extinguishing system in good condition.

8.       Portable fire extinguishers in good condition, properly maintained, marked and uses appropriate
colors as per SOLAS.

9.       Fire main system, isolating valves, hydrants in good and operational condition

10.   Location of fireman’s outfit marked. All associated equipment are adequate as per SOLAS and in
good condition

11.   No. of fireman’s outfits, BA sets, air bottles are adequate as per SOLAS and in good condition.


1.       Navigation lights, shapes, sound signaling appliances in good condition

2.       Magnetic compass in good condition, and deviation curve, compass error book are properly

3.       Radar, arpa, echo sounder, gyro compass, position fixing instruments, log, ROTI in good

4.       Adequate and up to date charts and publications are onboard

5.       Pilot ladder in good conditio.

6.    Drill records are up to date and in presentable condition.

7.    Service record for all LSA/FFA Items are up to date.

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