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BSSW 1-A (P.E)

1. What is an Anaerobic exercise and explain briefly its differences between
Aerobic exercise.
- Anaerobic Exercises is a type of exercises that breaks down glucose
in the body without using oxygen; Anaerobic means “without
oxygen”. In practical terms, this means that anaerobic exercise is
more intense, but shorter in duration than aerobic exercises. aerobic
exercise use different energy systems of the body. While anaerobic
exercise uses energy from muscles, aerobic exercise uses the energy
stored in your body from carbs, proteins and fats in combination with
the oxygen we breath to make energy readily available to the muscles.
2. How is an Anaerobic exercises supports our physical and mental health?
- Improves Physical Performance an increase of fast twitch muscle
fibers as well as increase in strength, speed, and power. Regular
anaerobic exercises likewise increases the ability to withstand fatigue
and accelerates the recovery process.
- Fight Depression: While participating in regular physical activity is
known to improve mood, a 2018 meta-analysis supports resistance
exercise training acts as an alternative and/or adjuvant therapy for
depression symptoms.
3. Why is an Anaerobic exercises beneficial for our health across the lifespan
especially as the body ages?
- As we age, the beneficial of anaerobic to our body is strengthen our
bones, we burn fats, build a muscle mass, which is important to our
healthy body

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