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Republic of the Philippines CITY OF MANILA A OFFICE OF THE BARANGAY CHAIRMAN BARANGAY 905 — ZONE 100, DISTRICT VI J. Posadas Street, Punta, Sta. Ana, Manila NOTICE OF MEETING ATTENTION: BORRM Committee KAG. DARWIN. PEREGRIN. _ Kagawad on Disaster Preparedness AG. VERONICA G. VENEZUELA KAG.LIIAN C. RODRIGO AG, WINEFREDO 8, DE PEDRO AG. ARIEL. HIMAN AG. EDWIN M. ZAMBRONA AG. BABY LYN L. CORPUZ RUBEN 0. ALEGRADO Member (NGO Representative) JULITAC NARI _member (Congress Distt Representative) LIA. FRANDO Member (Home Owners Phase 1 Representative) IMERLYN P. BARON Member (Home Owners Phase 2 Representative) DATE: September 14, 2019 @ 6:00 PM VENUE: Barangay 905 Hall You are hereby reminded that the 3" quarter meeting of the Barangay 905 Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committee will be held on the September 14, 2019 at 6:00 PM, Barangay 905 Hall. Agenda are as follows: 1. Re-organization of Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction Management Committee (BDRRMC) 2. Report on the inventory of BORRM Equipment and Materials 3. Fire Extinguishers refill 4. Other Matters For your attendance and cooperation. Thank You very much. EMETERIO R. LERONA Barangay Secretary ATTESTED BY: P/B THEUMA B. ZAMBRONA Punony Barangay J. Posadas Street, Punta, Sta. Ana, Manila ae MINUTES OF THE QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE BARANGAY DISASTER RISK REDUCTION MANAGEMENT COUNCIL OF BARANGAY 905, ZONE 100, DISTRICT 6, MANILA HELD AT THE BARANGAY HALL ON SEPTEMBER 14, 2019. 1. P/B THELMA B. ZAMBRONA Chairperson 2. KAG, DARWIN V. PEREGRIN Vice Chairperson 3. _KAG. VERONICA G. VENEZUELA ‘Member 4. KAG. LILIAN C. RODRIGO Member 5. KAG. WINEFREDO B. DE PEDRO Member 6. KAG. ARIEL S. HIMAN Member 7. KAG. EDWIN M. ZAMBRONA Member 8. KAG, BABY LYN L. CORPUZ Member 9. RUBEN D. ALEGRADO ‘Member (NGO Representative) 10. JULITA C. NARIO Member (congress District Rep.) 11, LILIA. FRANDO ‘Member (Home Owners Pt Rep.) 12, MERLYN P. BARON ‘Member (Home Owners P2 Rep.) CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Punong Barangay Thelma B. Zambrona at about 6:00 PM. Roll Call has been done, determined and declared the presence of the quorum. AGENDA: 4. Reorganization of Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction Management Committee (BDRRMC) 2. Report on the inventory of BDRRM Equipment and Materials 3. Fire Extinguishers refill 4. Other Matters . BUSINESS FOR TODAY: 1. Punong Barangay Thelma B. Zambrona greets all the members and reported about the Executive Order she made concerning the Reorganization of Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction Management Committee (BDRRMC). Everything has been the same except some changes of the members specifically the NGO representative and the representative of from the office of the Congressman. Since there was a new leadership from the Office of the representative, Punong Barangay Thelma B. Zambrona appointed Miss Julita Nario to be part of the BDRRMC, like wise Dr. Ruben D. Alegrado as the NGO Representative. Republic of the Philippines CITY OF MANILA OFFICE OF THE BARANGAY CHAIRMAN BARANGAY 905 - ZONE 100, DISTRICT VI |. Posadas Street, Punta, Sta. Ana, Manila 2. The remaining agenda was discussed by the Kagawad on Disaster Darwin V. Peregrin. The first was the inventory of BDRRM Equipment and Materials. Kagawad Peregrin said that the Barangay is always ready as far as emergencies is concerned. All equipment and materials needed in case of flood, fire or earthquake is always there and in good condition whenever it is needed. 3. Other thing Kagawad Darwin Peregrin opened up on this meeting was the refill of our Fire Extinguishers. He reported that we have 27 newly refilled Fire Extinguishers that has been distributed already to each streets, roads where it was assigned. 4, After the last agenda, Punong Barangay Thelma Zambrona ask the team if there were any other concern they wanted to talk with, and since no one raise any motion, that meeting has been adjourned. ADJOURNMENT: Since there was no other topic to be discussed, the BDRRM Chairperson P/B Thelma B. Zambrona adjourned the meeting. Meeting ended at 8:30 PM. J hereby certify to the correctness of the foregoing. EMETERIO R. LERONA Barangay Secretary ATTESTED BY: P/B THEUMA B. ZAMBRONA Punong Barangay Republic of the Philippines 4 CITY OF MANILA OFFICE OF THE BARANGAY CHAIRMAN BARANGAY 905 — ZONE 100, DISTRICT VI J. Posadas Street, Punta, Sta. Ana, Manila NOTICE OF MEETING ATTENTION: BDRRM Committee AG. DARWIN. PEREGRIN. _ Kagawad on Disaster Preparedness AG. VERONICA, VENEZUELA, AG. LILIAN C. RODRIGO AG. WINEFREDO 8. D€ PEDRO AG. ARIEL S.HIMAN AG. EDWIN M. ZAMBRONA, AG, BABY LYN L CORPUZ RUBEN D. ALEGRADO Member (NGO Representative) SULA NARIO Member (Congress District Representative) UUAC FRANDO "Member Home Owners Phase 1 Representative) IMERLYN P. BARON Member (Home Owners Phase 2 Representative) DATE: December 14, 2019 @ 4:00 PM VENUE: Barangay 905 Hall, You are hereby reminded that the 3" quarter meeting of the Barangay 905 Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committee will be held on the September 14, 2019 at 6:00 PM, Barangay 905 Hall. Agenda are as follows: 1. Creation of Barangay Health Emergency Response Team (BHERT) 2.4 quarter Synchronized Earthquake Drill 3. Other Matters For your attendance and cooperation. Thank You very much EMETERIO R. LERONA Barangay Secretary ATTESTED BY: Punong Barangay Republic of the Philippines CITY OF MANILA OFFICE OF THE BARANGAY CHAIRMAN BARANGAY 905 - ZONE 100, DISTRICT VI J. Posadas Street, Punta, Sta. Ana, Manila MINUTES OF THE QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE BARANGAY DISASTER RISK REDUCTION MANAGEMENT COUNCIL OF BARANGAY 905, ZONE 100, DISTRICT 6, MANILA HELD AT THE BARANGAY HALL ON DECEMBER 14, 2019. PRESENT: P/B THELMA B. ZAMBRONA KAG, DARWIN V. PEREGRIN KAG. VERONICA G. VENEZUELA KAG. LILIAN C. RODRIGO KAG. WINEFREDO B. DE PEDRO KAG. ARIEL S. HIMAN KAG. EDWIN M. ZAMBRONA. KAG. BABY LYN L. CORPUZ RUBEN D. ALEGRADO . JULITA C. NARIO LILIA C. FRANDO- . MERLYN P. BARON BPsywevavaewee CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Vice Chairperson Member Member Member Member Member Member ‘Member (NGO Representative) Member (Congress District Rep.) ‘Member (Home Owners Pr Rep.) ‘Member (Home Owners P2 Rep.) The meeting was called to order by Punong Barangay Thelma B. Zambrona at about 4:00 PM. Roll Call has been done, determined and declared the presence of the quorum. AGENDA: 1. Creation of Barangay Health Emergency Response Team (BHERT) ‘ 2. 4" quarter Synchronized Earthquake Drill 3. Other Matters BUSINESS FOR TODAY: 1. Punong Barangay Thelma 8. Zambrona greets all the members and reported about the Creation of Barangay Health Emergency Response Team, (BHERT). It will be composed of The Kagawad on Health, the Ex-O Tanod, the Barangay Health Worker and a volunteer medical person. This only means that this Team will be headed by Kagawad on Health Edwin M. Zambrona, Ex-Tanod Elpidio Viado, BHW Violeta B. Madamba and one nurse volunteer which P/B Thelma B. Zambrona is actually thinking of whom to be appointed. BARANGAY 905 - ZONE 100, DISTRICT VI Republic of the Philippines CITY OF MANILA OFFICE OF THE BARANGAY CHAIRMAN 4 J. Posadas Street, Punta, Sta. Ana, Manila 1. After the last agenda, Punong Barangay Thelma Zambrona ask the team if there were any other concer they wanted to talk with, and since no one raise any motion, that meeting has been adjourned. ‘ADJOURNMENT: Since there was no other topic to be discussed, the BDRRM Chairperson P/B Thelma 8. Zambrona adjourned the meeting. Meeting ended at 6:00 PM. Ihereby certify to the correctness of the foregoing. EMETERIO R. LERONA Barangay Secretary ATTESTED BY: P/B TH Punon, A B. ZAMBRONA Barangay

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