E4PP Course Introduction Workshop March 2022

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Education for Positive Peace

Course Launch
Cluster Meetings: March 2022
1. Arrival and COVID19 testing
2. Welcome and Introductions
3. M&E explained
4. Education for Positive Peace course summary
5. Look at the E4PP course online
6. Unit 1 - Creating Classroom Contracts
7. Unit 2 - Behaviour Triangles and House Points
8. Unit 3 - Circle meetings
9. Unit 4 - Social skills
10. Next steps at your schools/TTCs
11. Questions & Answer/Feedback form
12. Administrative activities
Get to Know Each Other!
2 truths and a lie!

Write down three ‘facts’ about yourself. 2 should be real and true; 1 should be a
lie! In pairs you will try to work out which of your partner’s 2 ‘facts’ are true and
which 1 is the lie!!
1. I have visited New York for a shopping spree.
2. I have climbed to the top of an active volcano.
3. My favourite genre of music is reggae.
Who is 'A Partner in Education'?


● Education-focused iNGO founded in Rwanda in 2009.

● Brooks Newmark and Kitty Llewellyn responded to a request for help to build a school.
● They founded A Partner in Education (APIE) and built Umubano Academy.
● APIE developed its vision beyond just providing access to schooling, to providing quality, inclusive education
informed by best practice; creating a model of excellence to be shared across the educational profession in
● Successfully created and delivered EQUIP ECE course for teachers, promoting play-based learning and the
creation of no-cost or low-cost
● Launching Education for Positive Peace course nationally.
● Active participants and partners in education in Rwanda, contributing to technical working groups and other
think-tanks and work shops.
APIE Team in Rwanda
CEO - Amy Barnecutt
Executive Director of Education - Irene Connelly
Project Officer - Emilie Munyakazi
Data and IT Officer - Segolene Numukobwa
M&E Consultant - Chandra Almony

What Do You Know Already About E4PP?
Before you start on the learning in the course, we will be gathering
some information from you. We will ask you to complete a
Pre-Course Test and Pre-Course Evaluation. We will share the links
with you and we would greatly appreciate it if you would encourage
all of your colleagues to complete these activities. We wish to gather
baseline information from our participants to enable us to measure
the impact of the course, after you have studied it.
Please answer the questions as openly as possible. We value your
What is Education for Positive Peace?
● A school-wide, collaborative and consistent approach to building positive relationships
and developing social and emotional skills, to support excellent behaviour for learning
● E4PP has three key concepts: Well-being; Inclusion, and Citizenship.
● Being deliberate about strengthening and improving your mindset; how and what you think
● Being aware of how we behave with and around other people, and especially learners
● Teaching learners the skills they need to contribute to sustainable peace in Rwanda and
● Understanding causes of conflict, violence, aggression and peacelessness, to avoid these
● Understanding how education can build the values, mindsets and behaviours that will
contribute to peaceful families, communities, societies and ultimately to a peaceful world!

What is the Opposite of E4PP?
Think about the following questions:
1. How were you 'corrected' as a child at school? At home?
2. Can you remember a specific incident when you were 'disciplined'? Why did this
happen and how were you 'disciplined'?
3. How did this kind of 'discipline' and correction affect you then?
4. Have there been any long-lasting impacts on your mindset and your own
behaviour/beliefs? Explain why you say yes or no.
5. Which practices in schools might get in the way and stop learners from meeting their
maximum potential?
6. Which practices in schools might lead to conflicts and negative outcomes for
learners and even teachers?

Why do we need Education for Positive Peace?
Reflect on the following questions:
● Do we need education strategies to bring about lasting
positive peace, in our schools?
● Why do you think this way?
● How could E4PP strategies, mindsets and approaches in
schools benefit teachers?
● How could E4PP strategies, mindsets and approaches in
schools benefit learners?
Why do we need Education for Positive Peace?
● E4PP promotes social cohesion; a society that lives well and works well together, with strong bonds
● It promotes positive values that guide members of the society to do the right things
● It teaches teachers and learners to be inclusive and to live well with everyone
● It emphasises personal responsibility which supports everyone to make the best choices
● Emotional Intelligence competencies are deliberately developed, including EMPATHY
● E4PP actively promotes and supports the development of critical thinking skills and growth mindsets to
develop RESILIENCE and to think deeply to solve challenges
● Through E4PP we learn to act with purpose to build a peaceful society
● We already see gaps in what teachers and learners say is happening in classrooms; we must close
these gaps
● E4PP is an integral part of the competence based curriculum - Peace and Values Education

We learn to live in harmony with ourselves, our families, our wider communities and with our world.

How do you build a peaceful learning environment
in your school currently?
You have 360 seconds

List all the ways that you and your team members already build a safe and peaceful
learning environment where all children can develop the right knowledge, skills
and behaviours that they need to be successful learners, creative problem-solvers
and good citizens throughout their lives.

How will you build E4PP in your school?
Here are some of the ways that we will approach embedding E4PP in our schools:
● Weave E4PP through everything that you do throughout the school, at all times, and
it will become integral to your school culture
● Use the tools, strategies and approaches we will share with you, throughout the
school, in every classroom, consistently to promote a Positive and Peaceful approach
to teaching and learning
● Use learner-centred approaches in all areas of the curriculum and co-curriculum
● Every teacher will be a peaceful facilitator of learners’ learning
● Every teacher will be a peace-builder role model for their peers and learners, actively
and deliberately bringing to life the strategies, approaches and behaviours that lead
to peaceful, strong and positive life-long learning

E4PP Course Summary
The Education for Positive Peace Course is made up of an Introduction, eight Units and a Conclusion. The
eight units are as follows:
1. Behaviour Management - Classroom Contracts
2. Behaviour Management - Rewards and Consequences
3. Behaviour Management - Citizenship, School and Parent Engagement
4. Social Skills
5. Growth Mindset and Critical Thinking
6. Group Work and Collaborative Learning
7. Special Needs and Inclusive Education
8. Gender
Each unit has a combination of information, videos and/or pictures, tasks and activities to support
your understanding of the topic and the concepts.
E4PP Online

E4PP is an online course and we hope that you will be able to

complete it at your schools and TTCs using SMART classrooms or
your own internet enabled devices.
To provide an alternative way to study the course, we will give you
an E4PP course printed copy and a flash drive to work through
offline if necessary.

Let's take a look at the course…

Unit 1 - Classroom Contracts
● Set of rules and expectations for the classroom
● Collaboratively created
● Owned by everyone - the teacher and the students
● Shared understanding of what is expected in the classroom and why
these behaviours and attitudes are expected
● Displayed as a visible reminder of what's expected at all times
● Signed by all members of the class
● No surprises when you get it wrong!

Let's look at an example…Then, you can draft one

for your class.

Unit 2 - Behaviour Triangles and House Points
Unit 2 focuses on REWARDS and CONSEQUENCES.

How do you REWARD your learners at your school? Turn and talk…

List the CONSEQUENCES that your learners face when they fail to meet your

Consequences - You will learn how to make and use BEHAVIOUR TRIANGLES to
clearly communicate what will happen if a learner behaves inappropriately.

Rewards - you will learn about the HOUSE POINTS system, which can be used to
reward good behaviour.

Let's see examples…

Unit 3 - Circle Meetings

● Weekly meetings to build community,

team-work and a learner-centred school
● The teacher and learners all sit, or stand, in a
circle so that everyone is included
● Great for open communication and shared
responsibility for solving the school's challenges;
choose an interesting and relevant topic to
discuss. Implement the learners' ideas :)
● Everyone can see and hear each other; everyone
can contribute
Unit 4 - Social Skills

● Focusing on social skill development in the classroom is essential for PVE

● It nurtures active citizenship in our learners
● Choose a 'Social Skill of the Week' for each class. The list of Social Skills for each
class should be created by the school leadership and teachers in collaboration.
Then, the class teacher can choose one from the list, each week, and plan activities
and opportunities to teach the skill and to reward it when a learner demonstrates it.

In pairs think of the

Social Skills you will

teach at your school.

The Impacts We Will Achieve Through E4PP
● Changes to the way we teach (using learner-centred and peace-promoting
● Changes to our attitudes towards relationship-building and positive peace in our
classrooms and throughout our schools
● Changes to how we think; growth mindset and critical thinking
● Changes to how we behave; positive behaviour management, teamwork,
encouraging errors to lead to problem-solving…
● Building positively peaceful classrooms, schools, communities and spreading this
Positive Peace throughout the world

What others can you think of?

Next steps at the schools and TTCs…
● We will send the links to the Pre-Course Test and Pre-Course Evaluation;
please make sure every teacher and school leader complete the two activities.
Thank you!
● We will send the link to the online course; encourage your team to start on
this immediately.
● We will invite you to a WhatsApp forum; we would love to see you active there,
discussing our strategies!
● Share the ideas and information you received today, with your team at your
school/TTC and support them to understand the first 4 units.
● Use the CPD time to cover some of the course content as a team.
● Create all of the charts in the E4PP course and display them in your
classrooms; use them to improve behaviour management and relationships.
● Try all of the activities such as Circle Meetings and add them to your school
norms and practices.
Please complete our session evaluation now.
We will only do better with your feedback; thank you in advance!

APIE contacts:
Emilie Munyakazi - Project Officer 0782029655
Segolene Numukobwa - ICT/Data Officer 0783430978
Irene Connelly - Executive Director of Education 0784132762
Please ensure you take your hard copy of the course and your USB

See Emilie for your transport refund.

Enjoy the course and engage on the WhatsApp forums please!

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