5-The Effect of Using Different Designs of Solar Stills On Water Distillation

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ELSEVIER Desalination 169 (2004) 121-127


The effect of using different designs of solar stills on water


Imad A1-Hayeka, Omar O. Badran b*

Al-Balqh Applied University, FET, "Basie Science Department, bMechanical Engineering Department,
Amman, Jordan
Tel. +962 (6) 5679773; Fax + 962 (6) 4613452; email: o badran@yahoo.com

Received 6 November 2002; accepted 22 December 2003

Solar distillation is one of the important methods of utilizing the solar energy for the supply of potable water to
small communities where the natural supply of fresh water is inadequate or of poor quality, and where sunshine is
abundant. Solar energy utilization in two different types of solar stills is considered, and factors that influence the
productivity of solar stills are discussed. The present investigation showed that the productivity of asymmetric
greenhouse type still (ASGHT) having mirrors on its inside walls was higher than that of the symmetric greenhouse
type still (SGHT) and more efficient. It was found that the distilled water output of the asymmetrical greenhouse
type was 20% higher than that of symmetric greenhouse type. Performance characteristics of the two stills showed
that the temperature at the water surface is closely related to the incident solar radiation, and the productivity &the
stills can be increased with decreasing water depth, and by the addition of dye.
Keywords: Solar energy; Solar still; Solar distillation; Distilled water; Jordan

I. Introduction ful organisms. In locations where there is plenty

The consumption of fresh water is increasing of solar energy and where sources of brackish
all over the world, mainly due to the population water are available, supplies of small amounts of
explosion and the rapid industrial growth. This fresh water can be produced at reasonable cost by
causes a serious leakage of fresh water. Fresh solar stills which are relatively inexpensive to
water is essential in domestic life and used in build and easy to maintain. Also solar distillation
agriculture as well as industry. But water is usually is used on a small commercial scale to supply small
contaminated with chemical impurities and harm- communities in isolated areas. The first known
use of stills dates back to 1551 when it was used
byArab alchemists. Other scientists and naturalists
*Corresponding author. used stills over the coming centuries including

0011-9164/04/$- See front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

doi: 10.1016/j.desal.2004.08.013
122 I. Al-Hayek. 0.0. Badran /Desalination 169 (2004) 121-127

Della Porta (1589), Lavoisier (1862), and Mauchot interval during the day. Considering that, Jordan
(1869) [1,2]. The first "conventional" solar still is a suitable place for making extensive researches
plant was built in 1872 by a Swedish engineer on solar distillation [14].
Charles Wilson in the mining community of Las The present solar stills are passive solar dis-
Salinas in what is now northern Chile. This still tillers that only need sunshine to operate. There
was a large basin-type still used for supplying are no moving parts to wear out. The distilled
fresh water with very high salinity (4-fold of water from the present solar stills does not acquire
seawater) of the nitrate mine effluents to supply the "flat" taste of commercially distilled water
with fresh water the workers of the mine and the since the water is not boiled (which lowers pH).
nearby inhabitants. The plant used wooden bays They use natural evaporation which is the rain-
which had blackened bottoms using logwood dye water process. But it is recommended to add small
and alum [3]. Many design variations exist, and a amounts of minerals or salts to the distilled water,
wide variety of construction materials are used since the minerals found in water may be healthy.
[4-8]. The amount of distilled water that can be Lost minerals can also be replaced by trickling
produced varies quite dramatically with the geo- the distilled water through a bed of marble chips.
graphical position, the sun's position, prevailing In this paper we have studied the productivity
meteorological conditions, solar still design, and of fresh water by distillation using two different
operational techniques [4]. Some researchers [9- designs of stills: first, asymmetrical greenhouse
13] found that other parameters such as water type (ASGHT) with mirrors, and the second
depth, salinity, black dye, wind speed and direc- symmetrical greenhouse type (SGHT), under the
tion have an effect on the output of the solar stills. climatic conditions of Jordan. The objective of
The basic principles of solar water distillation this paper is to improve the quality and increase
are simple, yet effective, as distillation replicates the quantity of drinking water for people living
the way nature purifies water. The sun's energy in remote desert areas in Jordan.
heats water to the point of evaporation. As the water
evaporates, water vapor rises, condensing on the
2. Experimental set-up
glass surface for collection. This process removes
impurities such as salts and heavy metals, as well Two different basin-type solar stills (Figs. 1
as destroys microbiological organisms. The end and 2) were designed from locally available
result is water cleaner than the purest rainwater. materials and locally manufactured components.
Heating saline water can be done using fossil fuels Both solar stills have 1 m 2 basin areas for com-
like oil. But fossil fuels are slowly declining with parison purposes, are made of 1.5 mm galvanized
time because of the rapid consump-tion used in stainless-steel sheets, and covered with 4 mm
technology development. Solar energy is the best transparent glass. The bases of the stills were
alternative heating energy source. It is inexhaust- blackened on their interior surfaces to enable
ible, clean and available in almost all parts of the maximum absorption of solar radiation. The
world. The use of solar energy is however more bottom and sides of the two solar stills were
economical than the use of fossil fuels in remote insulated from outside with 100 mm rock wool
areas having low population densities, low rainfall and enclosed in a wooden box to minimize the
and abundant available solar energy. Solar stills heat loss with the surrounding. Whole assemblies
can easily provide enough water for family drinking of both stills are made air tight with the help of a
and cooking needs. The productivity of fresh water rubber gasket and siliconized acrylic sealant.
by solar distillation depends drastically on the Thermocouples were fixed in different posi-
intensity of solar radiation and the sunshine time tions to measure inside and outside glass cover,
I. Al-Hayek, 0.0. Badran /Desalination 169 (2004) 121-127 123

cleanedis poured into the still to fill the basin.

The glasscover allows the solar radiation (short-
wave) to pass into the still, which is mostly
absorbedby theblackenedbase.The waterbegins
to heat up and the moisture content of the air is
trappedbetweenthe water surfaceand the glass
cover,thus the glass cover trapsthe solar energy
insidethe still (“greenhouse”effect).The basealso
radiates energy in the infrared region (long
wavelength), which is reflected back onto the
Black pa&ted I basin by the interior mirrors which concentrate
Rack wooi insulation
stainiess steel basin heat energyat the base.The heatedwater evapor-
atesfrom the basin and condenseson the inside
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the asymmetrical green- of the glass cover. In this processthe salts and
house type solar still.
microbes that were in the original water are left
behind. The condensedwater trickles dowu the
inclinedglasscoverto an interior collectiontrough
and is delivered to a storagebottle. The still is
filled eachmorning,andthetotal waterproduction
for the day is collected in the evening. Water is
addedto the stills via a supply fill port. Once the
still basin hasbeenfilled, excesswater will flow
out of an overflow port.

3. Results and discussion

Black p&ted insufarian
stainless steel basin The temperatureof thebasin water,inside and
outside surfaces of the glass cover, vapor and
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the symmetrical greenhouse
type solar still.
ambienttemperaturevs. time for the two stills are
shown in Figs. 3 and 4, for an experiment con-
ducted on the 6th day of August. It can be seen
solarbasin water,ambient air, andvapor tempera- from Figs. 3 and4 that similar trendswere noticed
tures.All experimentswere conductedduring the for the two stills, where the temperature rises
month of August. Data were usedto comparethe during the daytime up to the maximum value at
relative performancesof the two types of stills. 14:00h, andthen it decreases.Theseresultswere
The solar still glasscoverswere tilted at an angle similar to the findings of many investigators
of 35” [9], andthe depthofwater in the basinwas [5,7,9,12,15].It wasnoticed thatthe asymmetrical
maintained at 2 cm. The distillate yield was greenhousetype still operated at higher temp-
measuredby scaledflask everyhour.Daily collec- eraturethanthe symmetrical greenhousetype still
tion of fresh water can range from 3 to 5.5 l/m3. dueto the presenceof mirrors, which reducedthe
The presentASGHT hasatop covermadeof glass, heatenergyloss in a solar still. Fig. 5a shows the
with the interior surfaceof the walls of still made dependenceof theproduction rate on the ambient
of mirrors in order to reflect solar radiation temperature,solar radiation, and the hourly yield
incident on them onto the basin. Water to be produced on the 6th of August for both the
124 1. Al-Hayek, 0.0. Badran /Desalination 169 (2004) 121-127

-,,t-vapor temp (~)

= Waterletup {~) .~
c Innero:~ar~emp( ~ C ) ~.p~,=~'t~..~




8 9 I0 11 12 ~3 14 15 16 17 t8 |9
Time of day (hour)

Fig. 3. Hourly variation of temperatures for the asymmetric greenhousetype solar still.


~ 60 ......

~. 40. •

30" ~

20 .......•
8 § 1"0 il I"2 1"3 i"4 1"5 1"6 1"7 18 l i~
Time of day (hour)
Fig. 4. Hourly variation of temperatures for the symmetric greenhouse type solar still.

ASGHT and SGHT solar stills. In general, the the two types of stills for a six-day period is shown
productivity increases during the daytime as solar in Fig. 5b. The production of the asymmetrical
radiation intensity increases until it reaches the greenhouse type still is higher than that of the
maximum value at 14:00 h, after that the decrease symmetrical greenhouse type still. Fig. 5b shows
in temperature gradually reduces the production that the overall trend of the yield for both stills is
rate. The mirrors inside the solar still have a sig- consistent with the daily collection (Fig. 5a).
nificant effect on increasing the productivity of Figs. 6 and 7 represent hourly variation of
the distilled water, which is attributed to the productivity of the ASGHT and SGHT solar stills
concentration of the reflected solar radiation incident respectively, using different water depths (i.e. 1.5,
on them onto the water (Figs. 3 and 4). The com- 3, 4 cm). The production rate increases with the
parison of the productivity of fresh water between decrease in water depth, because of the increase
L Al-Hayek, 0.0. Badran /Desalination 169 (2004) 121-127 125

1400 ] .-.- ASGHT still

a,1200 -t ~ SGHTstill
/ -*- Solar J
[ 1000
[ 800
~ 600 400

0' 1

8 9 10 11 :12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Time (hour)
Ambient temperatures (°C)
Fig. 5a. Fresh water accumulated and the solar radition intensity during daytime on August 6.


~- aooo.
~ 2000.
~ t000,

8 9 10 I"I I"2 t3 14 1'5 1'6 17 18 19

' J f • • • • '~1

TimeOfday (hour)
Fig. 5b. Fresh water accumulated for 6 days during the month of August.

of the solar radiation absorbed by the bases, which of black dye to the water in the stills. This may be
decreases the thermal capacity of the stills. From attributed to the increase of the absorbency of the
Figs. 6 and 7, it can be concluded that while the solar energy entering the stills by the water itself.
water depth is not a critical parameter it should Thus, the water temperature in the presence of
be as small as possible. dye is much higher than that in the absence of the
The effect of a dye on the performance of solar dye. The experimental work carded out by A1-
stills is shown in Fig. 8. It can be seen that the Tamimi [13] indicated that the black dye addition
productivity has been increased by the addition enhanced the still productivity.
126 I. Al-Hayek, 0.0. Badran /Desalination 169 (2004) 121-127


1000" /

--..,,41-~3 em


o ....... ~, ~ 1"o ~'1 1'2 1"3 1:~ 1~ ~'6 1~ i~ i~

Time (hour)
Fig. 6. The effect of water depth of the productivity of fresh water for the asymmetrical greenhouse type solar still.



8 9 t0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Time (hour)

Fig. 7. The effect of water depth of the productivity of fresh water for the symmetrical greenhouse type solar still.

1100~ ASGHT

~ 900

~ 700-

~ 300,
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Time (hour)
Fig. 8. The effect of dye on the production rate.
I. Al-Hayek, 0.0. Badran /Desalination 169 (2004) 121-127 127

The calculated efficiency of the ASGHT is from the still basin and by the proper utilization
about 56% and for the SGHT is about 45%. The of the incident sun radiations on the still. Also the
efficiencies were calculated by the following decrease of water depth and the addition of dye
equations: improved the productivity of both stills.
It can be concluded that the use of solar water
h (%) = Qe/Q, distillation promises to enhance the quality of life
and to improve health standards in arid areas in
Qe=me .L
where Qe is the amount of energy utilized in
vaporizing water in the still (MJ/mVd), Q, is the
incident solar energy on the still (MJ/m2/d) - - the
typical value for Jordan is 21 MJ/m 2, m e is the
daily distilled water output (kg/m2/d), and L is the [1] J.A. Eibling, S.G. Talbert and G.O.G. L6f, Solar
latent heat of vaporization of water (MJ/kg). Energy, 13 (1971) 263.
The overall efficiency for the asymmetrical [2] A. Eggers-lura, Solar Energy in Developing Coun-
tries. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1979.
greenhouse type still is nearly 11% higher than
[3] G~Frick and J. Hirschmann, Solar Energy, 14 (1973)
that o f the symmetrical greenhouse type still, 405.
while the production rate increased by 20%. The [4] M.A.S. Malik, G.N. Tiwari, A. Kumar and M.S.
difference caused by the increase in the net solar Sodha, Solar Distillation. Pergamon Press, Oxford,
radiation received by water in the basin, that is 1982.
due to the high rate of reflections from the mirrors [5] A. El-Bahi and D. Inan, Desalination, 123 (1999)
which minimized the heat energy loss. 79.
[6] S. Kalogirou, Energy, 22(1) (1997) 69.
[7] A. Delyannis and E. Piperoglou, Solar distillation
4. Conclusion in Greece, 1st Int. Syrnp. Water Desalination,
Washington, D.C., 1965.
Solar energy is the best alternative heating [8] M. Farid and F. Hamad, Renewable Energy, 3 (1993)
energy source. It is inexhaustible, clean and avail- 75.
able in almost all parts of the world. Solar stills' [9] B. Akash, M.S. Mohsen and W. Nayfeh, Energy
inherent simplicity, ability to supply fresh water Convers. Mgmt., 41 (2000) 883.
to remote areas where no fresh water is available, [10] A. Annaev, R. Bairamov and E. Rybakova, Applied
and its environmental friendliness makes it a tech- Solar Energy (Geliotecknika), 7 (1971) 33.
nology that is ripe for much wider use. [11] P.I. Cooper, Solar Energy, 13 (1972) 373.
[12] G. Tiwari, Desalination, 61 (1987) 67.
The findings in the present study indicated that
[13] A. Tamimi, Int. J. Solar Energy, 5 (1987) 229-235.
adoption of mirrors on the inside walls of the [ 14] M.A. Hamdan, A.M. Musa and B.A. Jubran, Energy
ASGHT still enhanced the production of distilled Convers. Mgmt., 40 (1998) 495.
water more than the SGHT, which improved the [ 15] S.M.A. Moustafa, C~H.Brusewitz and D.M. Farmer,
efficiency through controlling the radiation losses Solar Energy, 22 (1979) 141.

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