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The Nun - the devils, at last, gets to the audience after all these years and makes everyone

look down.
Is the darkest chapter in the electrolyte of the Conjuring dark and haunting like a commercial?
The Nun will bring us along the foot of the Vatican corps sent down to Carta Abbey in Rumani to
investigate the mysterious murder here when Victoria was still hung by the murder. This team
includes Father Burke (Demixir) and the Philoso. (Taissa Farmiga role) with the ability to see visions
and visions of the future. With the help of the catcher Maurice Frenchie, the team found the ancient
monastery no one dared near because the air was too strong. In this place, they have to face the most
terrifying force ever and the origin of Valak will be revealed.
At the end of the story, The Nun was inspired by the viewer because he couldn't predict the next event
with Sister Irene and Father Burke when they were so desperate to spend their nights here as the
strength of Valak, Over and over again without a constant Scare in a story that makes you look lost in
this very large monastery embroidered itself.
The movie situation doesn't make the man happy and according to some information, the theatre
movies in Vietnam are cut off in the last two minutes and the movie doesn't have credit so the
connection between Nujuring and the universe would be a little bit hard to understand if you didn't.
The most important movie of the ability to scare and fear is the movie. To be honest, the Nun was
startled one time and the theaters were just screaming for one time, so it would be as it is, to begin
with, IT or Annabelle, the nun knows how to use a lot of majorly sentimental, making a long picture as
Valak cannot show up the air-conditioner.
Like all the other ghosts, to reduce the stress on the viewers, The Nun had a lot of great anticipation of
corn and a little bit of Frenchie. The film remains fundamental errors of this film are overdose
characters and a little less intelligence to see the devil run by itself or separate itself. Aside from the
logic of the film as the purposes of Valak, the potential for father Burke or why the Vatican chose
conventional matrimony, no experience of investigations or exorcism to the convent of Carta serious
It's like saying on top, movies use a lot of icky images that can create an obsession for the audience.
I'm sure that the movies are done seeing black clothes or white clothes, and you don't even get to
mention a lot of movies. Getting close to the face of the sculptures and the ancient blue snow like the
monastery color of the abbot makes the film appear to be haunted and full of air when the exorcism is
finished, the warmth of the sun.
Besides, the stitch of the film is also well invested when the image of the devil shows up in the real,
scary, and pretty diversity. Even so, there are still fake sightings and there's not a full look at the Valak
which makes the film less attractive.
This is the best part of The Nun. It’s because of the sound you're afraid of because the manufacturers
used sound to inform you that they're about to have a Scare. It's a good way to do this, but it can also
make you love these horrible, insecure factors. One point I prefer is the sound of the music when Valak
shows up in the direction of the pagan movie in Kim Dung and a half-half-breed when someone dies
or the unexpected events in the Youth feel kind of cool.
We think that the devil's success is part of the stage of the film. Everyone is beautiful, first to speak of
Father Burke due to the role of the Bichir. You look pretty cool with the introduction as the leading
exorcist of the Vatican, but it's extremely lame to see ghosts chasing, Scaring is a run, not impressive
or exiled by evil, and compared to the Valak, your power is just salt in the sea, so the word is the
invaluable judgment of this character.
The most beautiful part of the film is Sister Irene was Taissa Farmiga in charge of five 19994 who was
highlighted in a movie with big eyes, You know, a nice smile and a friendly face, maybe it's because
you've done so many horror movies like American Horror Story, so you've been chosen to send this
role in The Nun and in the true you've done well with your role of nature and the very own character.
The vision of your future or visions is not clear and yet to be exploited, so the one who has felt more
than courage, but sadly, you have nothing special to send the Vatican.
The most handsome is Jonas Bloquet as Maurice Frenchie. (The next one gets an exorcism from
Lorraine's family. This guy's a bit of a fixer-upper, but there's a lot of land in his face and he's pretty
naive to get all the love of girls. Mr. Valak, although she shows up in the movies, there's not much of
her yet, and even though she's more afraid of me than the devil's devil, there's just too, but there's not
a terrible ruse, except for the Valak sisters are the sisters as the Sisters and the Sisters of the Sisters of
the Sisters and the sisters are sisters, as sisters. Victoria should have seen the picture quite nicely.

Anyway, even though there's no good point on the wrong side, the devil's evil demons will still be able
to build a good record in the ticket sales because the demon character in Valak is one of the most loved
ones in Vietnam world for horror films. Although there's a lot more to the film that hasn't been cleared
and the connection to the Conjuring is a little lax if it's a big fan of this movie you can't ignore a private
film of Valak somewhere.

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