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29/9/2019 Unit 2 │ Week 2

Unit 2 │ Week 2

Unit 2 │ Week 2

English Level 5 :: Unit 2 :: Week 2

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1. Writing: Promises and Resolutions


1. Promises and Resolutions

:: Let's share!

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[!] 1.1 Let's share: Forum I

[!] Forum I
1.1 Let's talk about New Year's resolutions! Do you know what they are? Here's the definition.

A New Year's resolutions is a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good
or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year:

E.g. "Have you made any New Year's resolutions?" "Yes, I'm going to eat more healthily and

give up smoking."
Now go to the platform and let's share your experience!

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2. Grammar: Uses of will


2. Will
:: Different uses

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2.1 Let's study: Promises

All my loving
2.1.a Listen to this famous song by The Beatles, and do the exercise that follows.

All My Loving (Remastered 2009)

Cloze Activity

2.1.b Listen to the song and fill in the missing words.

Close your eyes and I' you

tomorrow I' you
remember I' true
and then while I'm away
I' home every day
and I' all my loving to you
I' that I'm kissing
the lips I am missing
and hope that my dreams true
and then while I'm away

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I' home every day

and I' all my loving to you

All my loving I to you

all my loving, darling I' true

Close your eyes and I you

tomorrow I' you
remember I true
and then while I'm away
I home every day
and I' all my loving to you

All my loving I to you

all my loving, darling I true
all my loving, all my loving ooh
all my loving I to you


[!] After having listened to the song, and having done the exercise, let's study these sentences:

I'll write home every day, and I'll send all my loving to you.

Why does the singer use will in these cases and all throughout the song? In this case, we use will to
make promises.

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2.2 Let's study: Spontaneous Decisions

Cloze Activity

2.2 Look at these pictures and complete the gaps with a suitable word or phrase.

Oh no, Henry has fallen! I'll him clean his shirt and tie!
(At the moment you see him fall, you decide to help.)


Cloze Activity

My dog, Rusty, is chasing the mail carrier! I' him off!

(When you see the dog chasing the mail carrier, you decided to call him off.)

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Cloze Activity

Goodness, Cheryl, are you sick? I' you some chicken soup.
(When you see how sick she is, you decide to make her some soup.)


[!] In these three examples, we also use will but with a different use. Here, will is used to make
spontaneous decisions.
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2.3 Let's watch & study: Will / Won't

Other uses for will

2.3 Watch the Grammar Presentation that follows and learn other uses for will.

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Let's read the teory!

When do we use Will / Won’t ?


We often use will / won’t + verb infinitive for:

a) making spontaneous decisions.

b) offering. BUT when the offer is a question, we use Shall I…? or Shall we…?
c) making a promise.

Some Examples


I won’t stay for dinner. I think I’ll go home early.



I ’ll help you with your homework. Shall I open the window?


I’ll always love you.

I won’t tell anyone!

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2.4 Let's practise: Will, Shall & Going to

Will, Shall & Going to

2.4 Read and choose.

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[!] 2.5 Let's practise: Will & Won't

[!] Let's practise

2.5 Let's continue practising! Go to the platform and do the quiz. You have to complete the gaps with
will or going to.

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3. Reading & Writing: Letters


3. 'I will never forget you'

:: Letters

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3.1 Let´s read: 'I will never forget you'

Reading Activity

3.1 Read the following article and then do the activity that follows.

'I will never forget you' - Old man leaves love letters for his late
wife on mantelpiece for her to read.

John Skelton's wife passed away four years ago - but he still talks to her
every single day, and leaves letters on the mantelpiece for her to read.

Meet John Skelton - a 91-year-old author who can give us all a lesson in love and loss.

John's wife Peggy passed away four years ago, and he's been missing her ever since, so he writes
letters to his wife and leaves them on the mantelpiece for her to read.

The couple met when they were paired together for ballroom dancing, and John describes how "the
touch of a hand, and a whisper in the ear" and "being in each other's arms" led them to fall in love.

John writes beautiful letters for Peggy

"I still remember all those very many wonderful years together, you can be sure that I will never
ever forget you. Her photograph's up there, and when I sit there I talk to her," John told BBC Three
Counties Radio. "Unfortunately I have the belief that I won't see her again, I'll only see her here.
I'm still in love, without a doubt. She's always on my mind. You'll notice in every room there are
photographs of her there. They're all over the place. Every morning and every night, I give her a

John, from Hemel Hempstead, has written a book about his 66 years of marriage, called Peggy &
John - A Wonderful Life.

His love for Peggy shines through

"I don't think there were many days that we didn't tell each other that we loved each other. She
knew just exactly how I loved her, and I knew just exactly how she loved me."

John dearly misses Peggy, and his love for his wife is a reminder to us all that we should treasure
our time with our loved ones.

"You're just numb... you begin to realise it's not you who was the life and soul of everything, it was
us together. Because when she went, I lost all that. She died on the 28th, at 11:45, and at 11:45
on every 28th of the month I have a candle, and I light that candle for a quarter of an hour and talk
to her."

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[!] 3.2 Let´s write: A letter

[!] Let's write

3.2 Now that you have read John's story, go to the platform and do the writing task based on his story.

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4. Pronunciation: Stress


4. Stress
:: Words and two-syllable nouns

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4.1 Let's practise: Word Stress

Word Stress
4.1 This time we are going to focus on Word Stress. Watch this video and learn how words are stressed.

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Word Stress and Three Syllable Words - A…


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4.2 Let's practise: Two-syllable nouns

Two-syllable nouns
4.2 Now watch this video and practise the pronunciations of two-syllable nouns.

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stress pattern: 2-syllable nouns

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5. Vocabulary: Particle 'back'


5. Verbs + back
:: Main meanings

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5.1 Let´s practise: Verb + back

Verbs + back
5.1.a Look at these to sentences:

I'm going to work. (= I'm on the way to work)

I'm going back to work. (= I'm returning to work)

When we use certain verbs + back, the particle back means:

towards a previous place or condition, or an earlier time.

in return

in reply

In order to practise this vocabulary section, do the exercise that follows.

Cloze Activity

5.1. b Complete the sentences with these words.

call come give pay send take

1. A Jack phoned while you were out.

B Thanks. I'll him back in a minute.

2. A Do you want to borrow some money?

B Yes, please. I'll you back next week.

3. A The person you want to see isn't here. She's at lunch.

B That's OK. I'll back later.

4. A It's a really nice top, but it doesn't fit me.

B Don't worry. I'll it back to the shop and change it.

5. A Have you finished that book I lent you?

B Yes. I'll it back to you tomorrow.

6. A That toy car you bought on the internet doesn't work.

B Doesn't it? I'll it back, then.


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6. Speaking: Questions & Answers


6. Questions & Answers

:: Let's share your experiences

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[!] 6.1 Let's speak: Answers

[!]Questions & Answers

6.1 Listen to the questions and give an answer using verbs + back.

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