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Let's take care of the

environment today for our

children of the future, through

Name: Monserrat Gacitúa.

Course: 8th Level.
Subject: English.
Miss: Ximena Aburto.
Date: June, 17th.
School: Sagrado Corazón de Jesús.

• To carry out this project, I talked with my family

about how I can help the environment, and we
decided that we should make a compost bin,
which aims to transform biodegradable organic
matter such as fruit peels, vegetables, egg shells.
and tree leaves, and thus we could prevent
organic waste from ending up in a landfill
causing damage to our planet by mixing with
other waste, to be used positively in composting
and help the production of organic fertilizer for
flowers and trees of our homes.
What materials did I use to make
my compost bin?

The materials they used to make my

compost bin were:
• A crate of tomatoes.
• A nylon.
• Water.
• Land.
• Organic waste, such as potato
peels, tomato peels, carrot peels,
onion peels, egg shells, leaves, etc.
• Gloves.
Step by step of how I
made my compost bin

Step 1: I take a box of

tomatoes and a piece of
nylon, which I place
inside the box.

Step 2: After inserting the nylon

into the tomato box, insert the
soil into the box.
Step 3: After placing a layer of
soil inside the box, I add a layer
of household waste, such as:
vegetable peelings, egg shells,
fruit peels and tree leaves.

Step 4: Next, I add a

new layer of soil to
cover organic debris
such as: shells and
Step 5: After covering the
organic waste with a layer
of soil, I turn the compost
bin over

Step 6: after stirring the compost

bin, the organic fertilizer for
flowers and trees in my house
would be ready

1.- Ecology: It is the science 5.- Environment: The concept can be used to
that studies the relationships name the air in the atmosphere.
of organisms with each other 6.- Environmental Protection: Environmental
and their environment. protection activities are those whose primary
2.- Reuse: Reuse something, objective is the prevention, reduction and
generally with a different elimination of pollution, as well as any other
function than the one it degradation of the environment.
originally had. 7.- Quality of life: It is a concept that alludes to
3.- Recycling: It is a process various levels of generality, from social or
of collecting and transforming community welfare to certain specific aspects of
materials to turn them into an individual or group nature.
new products.
4.- Greenhouse Effect: It is a
process in which the thermal
radiation emitted by the
planetary surface is absorbed
by the gases.
- It can be said that composting is a very good way
to reuse and recycle household waste such as: fruit
peels, vegetable peels and egg shells, to make a
compost bin since it can be converted into organic
soil. One of the most important advantages of
composting is helping the environment and
reducing the garbage that accumulates in landfills.

- The importance of having a compost bin in our

• If we all make a compost bin in our homes, it
would improve the physical, chemical and
biological properties of the earth.
• If we all make a compost bin in our homes, it
would improve the growth of plants and trees.
• If we all make a compost bin in our homes, it
would improve the water retention of plants,
trees and crops.
• If we all make a compost bin in our homes, it
would help improve the development of plants
with organic fertilizer.

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