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Society of Economic Geologists

SP3, 2012, p. 061–069

Chapter IV
Geometry (Volume)

Introduction alogic contact. In many deposits, the economic contact may include
more than one mineralogical ore type, each of which has distinct
ALTHOUGH it may seem like belaboring the obvious, any reserve characteristics, and as previously discussed, must be estimated
estimate begins with an assessment of the size and shape of the separately. The position of an economic contact at any given instant
orebody. This step is self-evident, but gross errors in reserve obviously depends on both commodity prices and operating costs,
estimation can often be traced to an erroneous view of the size or and although fixed in space given a specific set of operational
shape of the deposit in question. parameters, will vary with time.
The overall volume of an orebody is defined by the outer limits of
economic mineralization—the contacts between ore and waste. As Figure IV-1, adapted from Ristorcelli and Prenn (1994) illustrates
discussed by Ristorcelli and Prenn (1994), there are essentially three the relationship of the three contact types within a single deposit. In
types of contact involved in resource and reserve estimation: many instances, the projectability of each contact surface between
geological, mineralogical, and economic, all of which must be any two known points (and hence the definition of the enclosed
considered in the evaluation of any given deposit. Depending on the volume) becomes increasingly difficult as one proceeds from
specific deposit, the three types may or may not coincide, and the geological to mining eralogic to economic boundaries.
nature and predictability of each may vary considerably.
With any of the three contact types, a critical feature in any reserve
estimate is an assessment of the continuity of that contact between
Types of Contacts known data points, and many of the most spectacular errors in
reserve estimation arise through mistaken assumptions regarding
Geologic contacts the continuity of mineralization, and hence a mistaken view of the
These contacts (the primary limits of Vallée, 1992) define rock geometry of the deposit. The type of interpretation indicated in Figure
types, and are the contacts normally depicted on geo logic maps. IV-2, taken from Noble (1992b) is, unfortunately, based on real life
They include lithologic and formation bound aries, fault surfaces and examples (eg, Ristorcelli and Prenn, 1994).
the like, and may or may not control or limit the mineralization of
interest. In general, geological contacts are fixed in space and do not A reserve estimate based on the geology as interpreted, would
change with time. not only be wildly optimistic, but would also lead to an inappropriate
mine plan. The interpreted deposit would be amenable to an open
mineralogic contacts pit operation. The actual deposit might not be economically mineable
A mineralogical contact, as the name implies, defines the limit of at all.
a mineral species or of a mineral domain consisting of a single, The above may be an extreme example, but significant changes
distinct population of some characteristic mineral assemblage (ie, an in the volume of ore can result from such relatively simple errors as
ore type), and in the context of resource and reserve estimation, an incorrect assumption regarding the attitude of the deposit. The
normally refers to the limit of the occurrence of significant volume, and hence the tonnage and the overall gold content of the
concentrations of the mineral(s) or metal(s) of interest. In general, Laurel Lake deposit was overestimated by a factor of 1.4 simply
mineralogical contacts define the limits of the geological resource, because the strike of the veins was 45° rather than 90° to the
rather than those of an economic reserve. Note that a mineralogical interpreted true thickness direction (Healey, 1992).
contact may or may not coincide with a geologic boundary, and may
or may not coincide with an economic cutoff. Min eralogic contacts
may be gradational, and the inferred position of a specific contact Geologic Control
may vary with different estimators. Again quoting from King et al. (1982, p. 13):

…it is the geological factor that has impressed itself on

Economic contacts
us more and more as being the key deficiency where
An economic cutoff represents the limit of economically profitable serious weaknesses in ore reserve estimation have
material, and thus constitutes the outer limits of the orebody sensu appeared.
stricto (the assay wall or sec ondary limit of Vallée, 1992). As such,
it may not run spond to either the geologic or mineralogical contacts In this context, the “geological factor” refers not to the subtleties
within the area of the deposit, and quite frequently includes only a of genesis, but rather to what is seemingly the simplest geological
portion of the volume of material defined by the miner question of all—where are the limits of the orebody?

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FIG. IV-1. Geologic, mineralogic, and economic contacts.

Ore Zone

drill hole
Pray Intercept


Ore Zone
(Current) drill hole
Pray Intercept

FIG.. IV-2. Interpreted ore zones based on drill hole contacts (above); actual ore zones have less tonnage and less con
tinuous shapes (below).

The shape and size of an orebody are largely controlled ably well defined with drill holes a thousand feet or more
by the geological factors associated with the mineralizing apart, while a saddle reef gold quartz deposit, a roll-front
process, and these factors, in turn, dictate the amount of uranium occurrence, or a disseminated deposit with multiple
data that may be required to establish the size and shape of ore types and varying intensities of mineralization may
the deposit. Obviously, the overall size of an orebody with a require hole spacings on the order of a few tens of feet to
strong geological continuity is easier to estimate than are establish size and shape with the same degree of reliability.
the size and shape of a highly variable deposit with obscure
geological control. Because the geological, mineralogical and Continuity of Mineralization
economic contacts largely match, the size and shape of a The size and shape problem is essentially one of continuity
sedimentary taconite-type iron deposit can often be reason and projectability of geological, mineralogical, or eco
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nomic zones between data points, and the assumption of m hole spacing, two holes 100 meters apart correctly predict
continuity is probably the single most important assumption the existence (or nonexistence) of ore at the midpoint
in the entire estimation process. Although the Securi ties 56 percent of the time. Of the 85 possible pairs, 26, or 31
Exchange Commission requires that proven and probable percent of the projections, are indeterminate at the mid point:
reserves demonstrate a degree of assurance adequate one of the pair is ore and the other waste. The exercise could
to assume continuity between points of observation (SEC be repeated using diagonal pairs (± 140-m spacing) and in
Guide no. 7), this assumption is frequently one of the least that instance, the incidence of correct
questioned. The geologist too often simply connects the predictions drops to 49 percent, and the incidence of
top and bottom of the mineralized zone or economic con tact indeterminate predictions rises to 38 percent. Needless to say,
in each of the holes on a given cross section, and the same technique can be used to evaluate the relative
accepts the result as the probable position of the outlines of reliability of projections of grade, position of contacts, thickness
the orebody on that section without further geological analysis. of ore zone, and the like.
The contacts may be transferred to intersecting sections
or to plan maps in order to reconcile differences in projection Geometric Analysis
between the sections, but the continuity or projectability of the At the Society of Mining Engineers meeting in Denver in
contacts themselves is seldom verified. March 1995, Alan Noble presented a simple geometric
Quite clearly, an assessment of the continuity of any of method of directly analyzing the probable degree of continuity
the three types of contact mentioned above carries with it of mineralization (or any other geological parameter)
the assumption that the continuity of the material defined from the drilling or sampling data. Noble's technique is
by that contact (rock type, mineralogical population, ore simple and easy to understand, and permits examination of
zone, etc.) is likewise under review. Figure IV-3, modified the continuity of mineralization as a function of both cutoff
from Lee (1989), illustrates the general relationship grade and sample (or drill hole) spacing. Unfortunately,
between predictability (ie, continuity) and the lateral persistence This work has not yet been published, but Noble has kindly
of mineralization (or any other geologic variable) allowed us to incorporate his ideas into this discussion.
as measured by the range of the variogram, and the internal As pointed out by Noble (1992a), use of the variogram to
uniformity of the mineralization as measured by the predict continuity of mineralization encounters several pit falls:
ratio between the nugget and the sill of the variogram. the variogram is independent of cutoff grade, the var iogram
Although such an analysis may provide a qualitative is an average which ignores local nonstationarities,
measure of the predictability, and hence the reliability of an and a variogram may not reveal complex trends. fourth
assumption of continuity for a given deposit, it is far more “problem” is that the subtleties and implications of variog
difficult to assign a quantitative degree of assurance to the raphy analysis are not readily explainable to management
Fundamental assumptions regarding continuity. A preliminary personnel who may have little or no technical training.
evaluation of the continuity of mineralization (and the Noble's approach to a quantitative analysis of continuity
reliability of projection) may be made by simply comparing consists in subdividing the drilling (or sampling) data into
the projections between alternate holes in the drill pattern a series of triangles, with the sample points at the apices,
(for example A1-C1 in Fig. IV-4) with the known situation and subsequently determining the proportions or tonnages
in the intermediate hole (B1 in this instance). Given the 50- of material represented by triangles whose apices consist of
varying mixtures of ore and waste, however defined (Fig.
IV-5); i.e., the overall proportion and spatial relationship of
triangles all three of whose apices consist of ore-grade (or
minimum grade and thickness) intersections, the proportion
with two ore and one waste intersection, etc. That portion of
the reserve consisting of “continuous” and “very
continuous” triangles can be considered as proven ore; tri
angles containing isolated intersections of waste should be
considered as containing a proportion of probable ore,
PREDICTABILITY especially if bordering an area of proven ore. Similarly, tri

angles indicating isolated ore intersections in areas consisting
predominantly of waste, can only be considered as con taining
possible ore of uncertain location.
Difficult Figure IV-6 illustrates the results of applying this type of
analysis to a portion of the Cerro Matoso deposit at
progressively higher cutoff grades. Several features are
immediately obvious.
(100 X LAG) (0)
Continuity (Range) 1. At the 1.5 percent Ni cutoff, 28 of the 68 triangles in
FIG. IV-3. Generalized relationship between deposit continuity and
the drilling grid are of Type 3, and furthermore these tri angles
predictability. form a generally continuous band trending north
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Pair Top Bottom Thick %Ni Hole Top Bottom Thick %Ni
AC 110.9 63.1 47.8 1.35 B. 114.9 72.7 42.2 1.38
DB --- --- --- --- C. --- --- ---


Top Bottom Thick %Ni Top Bottom Thick %Ni

4.0 9.6 5.6 0.03 -4.0 -9.6 5.6 0.03
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

MEAN 5.2 8.8 11.5 0.13


FIG. IV-4. Drill hole analysis.

west-southeast across the sample area. At this cutoff, it is One of the most important aspects of this type of analysis
therefore safe to assume that this area probably represents is well illustrated by this last feature. As the cutoff grade is
an area of continuous (and hence mineable) mineralization. raised, the proportion of proven ore drops dramatically,
2. The area characterized by Type 3 triangles is bordered and at some point the deposit disintegrates into scattered
by a halo of Type 2 triangles. In other words, all of the patches of discontinuous mineralization that in all likely hood
area beyond the last known ore intersections can only be will prove to be unminable. By providing a visual display of
considered as probable; ie, no projection of ore beyond the cutoff grade at which this disintegration occurs,
this point can be considered as proven. Since most of the the method avoids the misconceptions engendered by the
standard definitions of proven or imply the existence of usual simplistic grade-tonnage curve. Figure IV-7 is a
ore “beyond reasonable doubt”, and may include a specific conventional grade-tonnage curve for this test area. Notice that
mining plan for any given area, it seems logical not to the curve alone suggests that roughly a quarter of the total
include a subjective projection beyond the last known point tonnage above a 1.5 percent Ni cutoff is comprised of
at which ore actually occurs, and to classify any such material containing more that 3.5 percent Ni, but ignores the
projection as probable (or even possible). fact that at a 3.5 percent Ni cutoff, the deposit is essentially
3. At the 2.5 percent Ni cutoff, the area of contiguous unminable.
Type 3 triangles is essentially confined to the NW corner of Similarly, given a deposit of finite size, the proportion of
the sample area. The isolated type 3 triangles in the east “Proven” triangles will decrease as the drill hole (or sample)
central portion of the drill pattern may represent local patches spacing increases, and that relatively more of the sampled
of mineralization that may or may not be recoverable. area will consist of triangles at least one of whose
4. At the 3.5 percent Ni cutoff, the deposit has fragmented apices consists of waste. Again, it seems logical that an
into a series of isolated intersections that in all probability do increase in drilling or sampling density will result in
not form a continuous (and hence mineable) orebody. progressively higher percentages of “proven” ore.
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3 3 3 two two 3
two 3 3 3 two two 3 two

3 3 two 3 two
3 two

3 3 3 two two
continuous waste Isolated Waste two 2 3 3 3 3 two

23 two 22 3 3 3 3 two

3 two two 3 two 2
2 3 two two


Cutoff = 1.5% Ni
Isolated Ore Continually Pray Very Continuous Pray

Waste pray
3 3 3 two two

FIG. IV-5. Triangles showing various proportions of gold and waste. two 3 3 3 two two two

3 two two 3 two

3 two

3 two two two two


Projectability of Contacts 2 two 3 3 two


Unfortunately, mine planning depends on the premise that two 22 two 3 3 two

a block of ground developed with the expectation that it 2 two 2

contains a certain tonnage of ore of a given grade will, in fact, 2
contain that tonnage. Clearly, there is a certain amount of
leeway built into most mining methods, and the grade control
program envisioned for the operation is designed to compensate Cutoff = 2.5% Ni
for minor changes in the position of the ore body as
development data becomes available, but it is virtu ally
impossible for any operation to overcome the effects of gross
3 two
errors in the assumed size, shape, or position of the deposit two

two two two

without additional capital investment. Quite obviously, no
amount of additional capital can “fix” the basic geology. two

two two two two

A large, uniform deposit will obviously lend itself better to two 3 two

low cost mining than will a narrow erratic one. Development two two two 2 two

drilling and sampling, mine development, and operational

grade control will all be more difficult and costly in the latter 2
instance. In addition, the amount of waste rock (dilution) sent
to the processing facility depends in large measure on the
predictability of the ore/waste contact, a subject that will be Cutoff = 3.5% Ni
more fully explored in a later chapter.
One approach to the verification of the projectability of the FIG. IV-6. Triangle grids showing three grades of gold. a. Cutoff = 1.5% Ni.
contacts is the construction of structure contour plans of the b. Cutoff = 2.5% Ni. c. Cutoff = 3.5% Ni.
various surfaces in question. The process is particularly helpful
when the deposit has been tested by angle holes drilled at
Phantom Drill Holes
various orientations, or when many of the vertical drill holes
are some distance away from the plane of a section. The
technique is somewhat more difficult to use with folded bedded In many instances, the projectability (or predictability) of any
deposits. Structure contours are probably best suited for the of the three types of contact can be checked by preparing sets
display of geologic contacts, but in some instances can be of intersecting sections between drill holes (especially vertical
used to help define mineralogical or economic contacts as holes drilled on a regular pattern). Such sections should not
well. Major fault offsets (or the lack thereof) are usually intersect at a drill hole, but rather serve to create a “phantom”
detectable. However, even minor dis placement along small hole based solely on projections from known data (Fig. IV-8).
faults can seriously disrupt mining operations in bedded Clearly, if the contacts of the deposit are, in fact, reasonably
deposits, and with widely spaced data points, the technique predictable over distances equal to the drill hole spacing, and
may give a false sense of continuity (see Fig. IV-2). If at all if the geometry of the deposit is correctly understood, the two
possible, structure contour plans should be checked by other sections will agree fairly well at the point of mutual intersection.
means. Similarly, it
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0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

Percent Nickel

FIG. IV-7. Test area grade-tonnage curve.

may be instructive to draw intersecting sections between a

series of regular drill sections. For example, if a series of two

north-south drill sections are spaced 100 ft apart, northeast

and northwest sections could be drawn, connecting the
contact positions on adjacent sections, and intersecting 1 4
between the drill sections. As before, if the geometry of the
deposit is correctly understood, the two projections should
agree at the point of intersection. For purposes of this type of 3
analysis, the contact between known points should be drawn
as a straight line. Because the actual shape of the contact in
the unknown region between these points is unknown, a 1 4
straight line representation will result in the least average
error in interpolation. hole

The same technique can be used to evaluate the

applicability of interpolation techniques for the projection of
degrees or other types of data. As before, projections based
on each of the two sections should agree at the point of
mutual intersection, a procedure that might be termed
"phantom jackknifing."
With the availability of computer technology, machine
drawn sections have come into widespread use. Typically, “phantom

Section 1 - 4
drill holes lying in a zone on either side of the section are
projected perpendicularly onto the plane of the section by the
computer, and the projected contacts connected to define two 3
the area to be measured (Fig. IV-9a). Unfortunately, unless
the section is perpendicular to the strike of the projected
contact, the position of the contact determined in this way will
be in error, with the result that the shape and volume of the
ore body will also be in error. Furthermore, mine workings
laid out on the basis of these sections may be in the wrong
places to find the expected ore. Fig. IV-9b illustrates the
effect that a true strike direction 30° to the section will have
on the computer-drawn interpretation.
Again, the preferred technique is to create short sections
between holes on either side of the primary section, and to Section 2-3
plot the projected ore contacts on the primary section at the
point of intersection. An obvious requirement of such an FIG. IV-8. Phantom drill hole at the intersection of two cross sections -
analysis is the necessity of drawing a great many short sec (1-4 and 2-3).
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tions, many of which may only contain two drill holes. Given hole
coordinates and elevations of the contact in question, the task Assuming the geometry of the deposit is established, the
can be alleviated by a simple computer program, but even in the volume of mineralization can be measured from either plans or
absence of such technology, there is simply no excuse for not sections, either manually or by use of any of the various computer
carefully evaluating the projectability of each of the three types of programs on the market. Although constituting a separate step in
contact in any given situation. the estimation procedure, the measurement of volume is usually
A further value of this type of analysis is to elucidate possible done in conjunction with projections of grade or other data, and
geological constraints on mining and metallurgical pro cessing many of the same procedures apply. The various techniques are
schemes proposed for the orebody in question. If, for example, covered in detail by Popoff (1966).
the proposed metallurgical treatment process requires the clean
separation of ore type A from ore type B, and a phantom hole
analysis indicates that the contact between the ore types is Measurements in plan
predictable to within a few feet, it is likely that a mining plan can Area of influence: The thickness of ore in a given drill hole is
be developed that will effect the required separation. If, however, considered to extend half way to adjacent holes or for some
the location of the contact cannot be reliably predicted in advance, reasonable distance beyond the last hole in the pattern.
and especially if it cannot be readily identified or followed in the
field, the required degree of separation may be impossible to Average thickness: In some types of deposit (Ni laterites,
achieve in practice. Under such a scenario, a revision in the bauxites, some gold placers), the thickness of the orebody may
proposed metallurgical process may be in order. be so erratic that the thickness of ore in any given drill hole is
virtually meaningless, and the thicknesses in a group of holes
are averaged together to establish the volume of ore to be
expected in the block containing the holes. In principle, this
approach is identical to the triangular block method of grade
projection. Although this technique will average out over the
a entire orebody, the method will probably not be appropriate to
predict the thickness of ore to be expected in any given smaller
1 4 unit of a large block.

Contouring: An isopach map of the deposit is prepared and

the areas between isopach lines measured and multiplied by the
average of the two isopachs. Such maps can be drawn in the
plane of a vein deposit, and may be useful in determining the
existence of possible relationships between thickness and some
1 two 3 4 other variable (grade, etc.).
Since an isopach map is essentially the product of two structure
contour plans, the use of this technique may, as previously
mentioned, impart a false sense of continuity between data
points, and should be used only if a phantom hole analysis
indicates that both Hanging wall and footwall with tacts are in
fact predictable within fairly narrow limits. Similarly, the grade-
thickness maps frequently used to define geological anomalies
and to guide exploration drilling may be misleading for the
purposes of reserve calculation, particularly if the orebody is
erratic in detail.
Measurement in section
1=2 3=4
Areas of mineralization on a cross section can be mea sured
and projected half way to the adjacent section, or for some
reasonable distance beyond the last section in the set (assuming
that ore is indicated on this section). The process seems straight
forward, but is critically dependent on the projection of data
between holes on a given section, and, as discussed above, on
the projection of data from holes that may lie some distance off
A variation of this technique is to measure the areas on two
FIG. IV-9. Computer-drawn cross section 1-4: a. drill holes projected
adjacent sections, average the two, and multiply the average by
perpendicularly onto the plane of the section; b. drill holes projected at true the distance between sections. Again, this is in effect a rolling
strike (N 60° E) onto the plane of the section. mean approach, since the area of any one
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section will figure in the volume calculations of the two ously include both ore and waste samples. It may be argued
blocks on either side of the section. that such an approach tends to build into the estimate a
certain safety factor that takes mining dilution and ore
block models
losses into account. Unfortunately, this “safety factor” is virtually
As previously mentioned, with the availability of com puter impossible to quantify, and may or may not reflect
technology, it is common practice to create a model mining reality.
of the orebody consisting of numerous small blocks to Although convenient, such an approach will probably
which grades are assigned by the use of any one of the avail able not reflect the way in which the deposit will be mined. In
procedures previously discussed. The volumes (or ton nages) of particular, mining operations will follow the ore/waste with tact if
blocks above the cutoff grade are then summed. at all possible, regardless of where it may fall in a
Block size is usually uniform, block boundaries are usually given block, and mining panels normally consist of several
set to correspond with uniform coordinates and elevations, individual reserve blocks (or portions thereof). Further more, as
(regardless of the position of the ore contacts), and individual previously discussed, the grade-tonnage curves typically produced
assays are composited mathematically to give average ages for as part of such an exercise may be dangerously misleading.
each block. If the ore/waste contact falls within the
boundaries of a given block, the composite value will obvi
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exercise #two

Given the adjacent plan map (Fig. IV-10) and the sum mary
logs of the four Casa Grande drill holes listed in Table
IV-A, prepare cross sections 1-3 and 2-4 (Fig. IV-11).

TABLE IV-A. Summary Drill Logs, Casa Grande West

#1 #3
Hole # From To % Cu Description

#1 0 1310 Tertiary gravels

1310 1680 Leached cap (granite)
1680 1780 0.02 Leached cap
1780 1840 1.25 Chalcocite
1840 1910 1.32 Cu oxides w/ minor cc
1910 2020 1.19cc
2020 2200 0.81 Cpy + minor cc
2200 2400 0.68 Cpy w/ trace cc
2400 3240 0.92 Cpy (bottom of
pray 3240)
3240 3698 0.12 Cpy (trace)
500 feet
# two 0 tertiary 1423
1423 1472 0.23 Leached cap (granite)
FIG. IV-10. Big House plan map.
1472 1566 2.69 Cu oxides
1566 1807 0.01 Leached - don't pray
1807 1947 1.94 Cu oxides
1947 2084 0.63 Cu oxides + cc
#3 #two #4
2084 2143 0.57 Cc + cpy
#1 1000' 1000´
2143 2277 0.59 Cpy + cc
2277 2510 0.64 Cpy
2510 2908 0.95 Cpy (hole
bottomed in ear)
– 1310
#3 0 1776 Tertiary gravels
1776 1815 Leached cap (granite) – 1423
1815 1917 0.06 Leached cap (granite) – 1472
1917 2144 1.81 Cu oxides + minor cc – 1566
2144 2291 2.21 Cu oxides – 1585
2291 2357 0.31 Cu oxides + minor cc – 1680
2357 2571 0.80 Cc + Cu oxides – 1780 – 1776
2571 2733 0.99 Cpy + cc – 1815 – 1807 – 1816
– 1840
2733 3092 0.68 Cpy (bottom of – 1867
– 1910 – 1917
– 1947 – 1925
pray 3092) 2000´ 2000´
3092 3576 0.22 Cpy (trace) – 2020
– 2050
– 2084
#4 0 1585 Tertiary gravels – 2144 – 2143
– 2200 – 2173
1585 1816 0.10 Leached cap (granite)
1816 1867 0.55 Cu oxides – 2291 – 2277 – 2284
1867 1925 1.22 Cu oxides + cc – 2357 – 2355
– 2400
1925 2050 0.61 Cc + Cu oxides
2050 2173 0.75 Cc + minor cpy – 2510
2173 2284 1.06 Cc + Cu oxides – 2571
2284 2355 0.75 Cc + cpy
2355 3147 0.94 Cpy (hole – 2733
bottomed in ear)

– 2908
3000´ 3000´

– 3092
– 3147
– 3240

– 3698 – 3576

FIG. IV-11. Casa Grande cross section.

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plus chalcocite are not predictable to within a hundred feet
The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate differ ences or so, given data points 500 ft apart.
in the predictability of geological, mineralogical and economic Either additional drilling must be done to better define
contacts. The geologic contact at the base of the Tertiary these contacts in advance of mining, or any metallurgical
gravel, for example, is predictable to within a few feet, processing scheme proposed for this deposit will have to be
while the mineralogical contacts separating oxides from sul able to handle varying (and probably unpredictable) proportions
fide copper, or unaltered chalcopyrite from chalcopyrite of these minerals.

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