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another: these were nearly demolished by an explosive eruption

succeeded to the throne on the deposition of his brother Murad

are the enclosures of the abuna and principal nobles, and the

be dismissed if found doing so. Milk might be adulterated

50,000. The defence of the coast is provided by the French navy.

(2nd Life Guards) two years later. He aided in suppressing

solution is dextrorotatory, but its salts are laevorotatory.

frankness, courage, &c., to the seven primary colours of

AMAKUSA, an island belonging to Japan, 26 1/2 m. long and 13 1/2

between Africa and southern Asia. East of Madagascar are

and they have practically retained their original form up to

the management of which he lost his fortune and was declared

editorship, and all who came in contact with him testified

of philosophy proper there is found a community rather of

Switzerland, and especially in the German-speaking mountain

series. Excellent sections showing the component strata

1902). The country into which he came was dominated by three

disorder, and Cesare, being himself ill, could not attend

history with elements taken from the Romance (edited by O.

ALYPIUS, a Greek writer on music whose works, with those of

on the upper part of the body, and European hats are becoming

a clearly marked orographic division. From Ras Kasar (18 deg.

C6H5C: (NH).OC2H5, a behaviour which points to the

over it are three elegant windows with arches and miniature

commentaries contained also commentaries of Ibn Ezra's on the

commission concluded the desired treaty of alliance, and soon

money at a moderate rate of interest. In religious matters

silence on the latter point might be taken to imply that

was ordained there on the 8th of August 1703. Here he did

who had been attacked by Abd-el-Kader, and there he left a

of the glacier of the Aar near the site of the old Hotel des

again made a British expedition necessary, under Sir James

March 1511, by Julius II. He was abbreviator under Leo X.,

only the exhausted soil must be copiously dressed with manure

Abbey now became closely identified with the art life of

its influence to form an enormous number of organic compounds;

where these centres were. A god Hadad who was a prominent

10. Queens Robing Room

stones, and of the power of herbs, and who introduced the

early Persian poet, Nizami, made the story specially his

a little boat-building and salt and sail-cloth manufacture.

very early times; and although since the middle of the 17th

gratification. But there was no end to the Vatican tragedies,

geometer Tschirnhausen and Sir Isaac Newton were made foreign

death. These have much liveliness of style and something of

them from being good farmers. In the lower regions a wide

Sylvester, who, in company with Arthur Cayley, expanded the

promise as a mathematician induced his parents to send him to

various topics of philosophy and politics with more

but more sparingly introduced on the mosque that forms

The discovery of the aberration of light in 1725, due to James

were valued respectively at L. 90,400 and L. 24,000. The lakes

the commander of the Yorkist archers, by inducing the enemy

colony. The trial resulted in an acquittal of the officer

an individual reviser,'' the revision in question was the

applied to the tidal phenomenon known as the ``bore.'' The

into Mongolia to obtain their yarluiki, or letters of

aldehyde. With sodium bisulphite they form the so-called

Corinth Halleck had suspended the Federal advance all along

new section to the Royal Society, but after long deliberation

in 1828 was secretary to the nuncio at Paris and was made

attempted a third Bull Run campaign on the same lines as the

``Monograph of the Acetabulariaceae,'' Trans. Linn. Soc.

pacificatory. He secured the truce with Poland and carefully

is the Canal d'Alaric, which follows the right bank for 36

papers in which his oddities and amiabilities are so admirably

approach each other by a knee-like bend, and the zygospore is

Malleson, History of Afghanistan (1879); Heusman, The

shown in fig. 7. These furnaces possess a large cylindrical

eye. Its obligations to other contemporary arts are many and

AKENSIDE, MARK (1721-1770), English poet and physician.

were hung round their necks like unto a Paternoster.''

but the genuineness of the Political Testament, published

centuries, at first strenuously opposing Acacius, patriarch

of advance from Kabul to Peshawar. From Kabul the old route

American states also have their own adjutant-general, with

slave from conquered Troy, reveals the murderous past of the

Theudis. In 522 the young Amalaric was proclaimed king,

This was the solitary gain of the whole operation. Meanwhile


of qualifications, and among these empowers the secretary of

style of an accomplished gentleman, with the power of soaring

of the Boer War of 1899-1902 Aliwal North was held by the

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