Martial Law Reflection

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During the Martial Law era, I

firmly believed that not to

mention the benefits that this
announcement provided us,
such as discipline, obedience,
and allegiance to the ruler. The
authorities have used the
declaration of martial law in
such a way that the citizens of
this country
will despise them, violating
their constitution, corrupting the
people's money, corrupting the
citizens' rights, and corrupting
the minds of the military whose
primary goal is to defend the
country, not to harm its citizens.
Martial law reawakened
patriotism and a desire for
rather than dictatorship by those
in control. Citizens' minds were
opened to move, join, and fight
due to martial law
During the Martial Law era, I
firmly believed that not to
mention the benefits that this
announcement provided us,
such as discipline, obedience,
and allegiance to the ruler. The
authorities have used the
declaration of martial law in
such a way that the citizens of
this country
will despise them, violating
their constitution, corrupting the
people's money, corrupting the
citizens' rights, and corrupting
the minds of the military whose
primary goal is to defend the
country, not to harm its citizens.
Martial law reawakened
patriotism and a desire for
rather than dictatorship by those
in control. Citizens' minds were
opened to move, join, and fight
due to martial law
I firmly believed that during the Martial Law era, not to mention the benefits that this announcement
provided us, such as discipline, obedience, and allegiance to the ruler. The authorities have used the
declaration of martial law in such a way that citizens will truly hate them, violating their constitution,
corrupting the people's money, corrupting citizens' rights, and corrupting the minds of the military,
whose primary goal is to defend the country, not to harm its citizens. Martial law reawakened patriotism
and a desire for democracy over dictatorship among those in power. Because of martial law, citizens'
minds were opened to move, join, and fight. And also, Human rights should not be put at risk in order to
achieve a common goal. To move forward, we must outline our goals and vision for citizens' rights and
our constitution.

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