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Received: 6 May 2018 

  Accepted: 17 July 2018

DOI: 10.1111/ssm.12306


Teachers’ views on and preferences for meeting their professional

development needs in STEM

David C. Owens1   |  Troy D. Sadler2  |  Christopher D. Murakami3  |  Chia‐Lin Tsai4

Department of Middle Grades and
Secondary Education, Georgia Southern
University, Savannah, Georgia While much is known about the characteristics that researchers deem valuable for
School of Education, University of North professional development (PD), teachers’ perceptions of their PD needs are less un-
Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, North derstood. In this study, we sought to explore teachers’ perceptions of their PD needs,
including PD format, time frame, and topics covered, and how those perceptions
Falk School of Sustainability &
Environment, Chatham University, varied by teachers’ district size, grade level, subject area, and years of experience.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Participants included a statewide representative sample of 800 elementary and sec-
Applied Statistics and Research ondary STEM teachers with a wide range of teaching experience and from small to
Methods, University of Northern Colorado,
large school districts across Missouri. Each participant responded to the MO‐STEM
Greeley, Colorado
PD Needs Assessment, a 61- item Likert scale survey. We found teachers to be most
Correspondence interested in learning about real‐world issues and problem‐based learning to teach
David C. Owens, Department of Middle
Grades and Secondary Education, Georgia STEM content. Teachers’ participation in PD positively correlated with district size
Southern University, 11935 Abercorn St., and the manner in which PD is valued in their community of practice, while years of
Savannah, GA 31419.
teaching experience was negatively correlated with interest in virtually all categories
of the survey, including formats of PD delivery and the majority of PD topics. We
Funding information
Office of Integrative Activities, Grant/
conclude with a discussion of the ways in which teachers’ expressed preferences for
Award Number: 1355406 PD ran contrary to what the literature suggests as best practices for PD.

STEM professional development, teacher preferences, formats, topics, time frames, participation

The landscape of education is in a state of constant change. New to student success in formal education remains instrumental
standards and expectations for learning and assessment, as well (Chetty, Friedman, & Rockoff, 2014) and professional develop-
as changing student demographics and the availability of newer ment (PD) foundational in reforming their practice and enhanc-
technologies, suggest that much of what and how students are ing their performance (Capps, Crawford, & Constas, 2012).
expected to learn will change after teachers’ pre‐service prepara- While the literature is robust in terms of those character-
tion (National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, istics that researchers have found to be effective for PD (e.g.,
2010). Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Loucks‐Horsley, Love, Stiles, Mundry & Hewson, 2003),
(STEM) education is a particularly dynamic field, and teachers less is understood about teachers’ perceptions of what suc-
who once taught STEM subjects in isolation are now tasked with cessful PD looks like. In fact, teachers often feel that PD is
developing their students’ abilities to identify and build upon an irrelevant to the problems they experience in their everyday
overlap in disciplinary concepts and practices in order to prepare classroom practice and fails to account for their improvement
a workforce capable of meeting the societal needs of tomorrow needs (Rotherham, Mikuta, & Freeland, 2008). One high
(Zollman, 2012). In this sea of change, teachers’ contribution school teacher participating in a science PD indicated that

© 2018 School Science and Mathematics Association     1

School Science and Mathematics. 2018;1–15. |
2       OWENS et al.

One of the things that people who set up PD need opportunities for continued reflection and support that lasts
to think about is the teacher’s needs. And the well after the PD has ended (Ball, 1996). In fact, extended col-
only way for people to find out is to ask teach- laborations between teachers and the PD facilitator should con-
ers. What do you need, what do you want? What tinue at the school level and include further opportunities for
do you think would make you a more effective coaching, observation, and follow‐up (Abdal‐Haqq, 1995). The
teacher? (Park Rogers et al., 2007, p. 517) changes in teacher practice necessitated by current STEM goals
depend on such extended support (Borasi & Fonzi, 2002).
The purpose of this study was to do just that. We posed the
following research questions:
1.1.2  |  Formats of PD delivery/location
1. When and in what formats do teachers want their PD Though supported by early literature (Abdal‐Haqq, 1995),
to occur? school‐based PD has struggled to enhance teacher effec-
2. What topics do teachers want their PD to address? tiveness outside the schools’ current status quo, and techno-
3. What PD‐relevant support do teachers have access to in logical advancement has made it easier to conduct effective
their home institutions? PD off‐site. As a result, school‐based PD may not be not as
4. How do teacher PD preferences vary by district size, grade important as previously thought. Rather, “collaboration be-
level, subject area, and years of experience? tween site‐based educators, who are keenly aware of critical
contextual characteristics, and district‐level personnel, who
This study explores these questions through an analysis have broader perspectives on problems, [which] seems es-
of perspectives from a large, statewide sample of teachers. sential to optimize the effectiveness of professional develop-
This is significant, as few studies exist of teachers’ percep- ment” (Guskey, 2003, p. 749). Thus, it is not where the PD
tions of their PD needs, and of those that do, none have em- happens that is crucial to its effectiveness. Rather, effective
ployed statewide, representative sampling procedures. This PD needs to be well organized in whatever format or location
study also adds new insights by exploring how K‐12 STEM it is delivered.
teachers’ PD needs might be differentially affected by district
size. By including a statewide sample, we were able to ac- 1.1.3  |  Important aspects of PD design
count for the challenges that might differentially impact the
PD needs of teachers based on the size of their school district Effective PD situates teacher education in classroom prac-
which may include leadership, funding, logistical barriers to tice (Putnam & Borko, 1997) and serves as a clear model of
PD, and access to technology. This study sought to parse out what classroom teaching and learning looks like, including
grade‐level, subject‐level, and experience‐related differences the use of a constructivist approach to facilitation (Loucks‐
across teachers of STEM subjects from small, medium, and Horsley et al., 2003). As such, the PD should support
large school districts. teachers’ setting of goals that are in line with the stand-
ards‐based instruction and their development of strategies
to achieve those goals (Banilower, Heck, & Weiss, 2007).
1  |  LIT E R AT U R E R E V IE W This includes rooting PD in a knowledge base that informs
the content being taught and contributes to the teachers’
Our review of literature is directed at explicating the nature engagement in reformed teaching practices (Abdal‐Haqq,
of effective STEM PD and teacher ideas about PD. We first 1995), and designing it so that a high level of cognitive dis-
briefly review the literature documenting the characteristics sonance is created, resulting in a transformative learning
of effective PD. Then, we delve into teachers’ perceptions of experience (Thompson & Zeuli, 1999). As a result, the PD
their own PD needs. should enhance teachers’ content and pedagogical knowl-
edge in such a way that their instruction has been trans-
formed to include a new repertoire of practice (Guskey,
1.1  |  Research‐based characteristics of 2003; Loucks‐Horsley et al., 2003).
effective PD Additionally, PD should engage teachers as adult learners,
such that they are treated as professionals (Loucks‐Horsley
1.1.1  |  Timeframe of PD delivery/duration et al., 2003). Furthermore, because teachers generally arrive
PD should last long enough to provide teachers with sufficient at PD events having had experiences with teaching and learn-
time to practice reformed instruction and receive feedback ing (Abdal‐Haqq, 1995), PD should leverage their collective
(Guskey, 2003), including sustained support after they return to experience by promoting collaborative, collegial interactions
their schools to implement the PD objectives (Loucks‐Horsley around integral teacher practices (Guskey, 2003), including
et al., 2003). Thus, the PD should be ongoing and provide the evaluation of student work and receipt of feedback from
OWENS et al.   
peers and facilitators. Such PD mirrors the instruction that teaching experience, grade level, and gender. The teachers’
teachers are expected to provide their students (Putnam & greatest needs for improvement, which included improving
Borko, 1997) and would be expected to enhance the qual- students’ content knowledge by making science more rele-
ity of the instruction and the student learning outcomes that vant and engaging, addressing students’ misconceptions, and
result. teaching with inquiry or scientific reasoning, were signifi-
cantly related to their teaching experience. Veteran teachers
(>10 years) were more confident than their new (<3 years)
1.2  |  Teachers’ perceptions of their and somewhat seasoned (4–10 year) counterparts. In terms
PD needs of grade level, K–6 teachers indicated a significantly greater
Few studies have sought teachers’ perceptions as to what need for improving their own content understanding, devel-
they would hope or expect to see in effective PD. In one such oping effective assessments, and finding good resources on
study, Park Rodgers and colleagues (2007) compared science the Internet than did secondary teachers. The authors found
and mathematics teachers’ views regarding the characteris- no significant gender difference in teachers’ perceived needs.
tics of effective PD with those of the PD facilitators. In that A variety of factors have been found to influence teach-
study, teachers’ perceptions fell into three categories. First, ers’ perceptions of their PD needs. For example, newer teach-
teachers’ felt that effective PD should have direct an applica- ers may have a greater need for improving their pedagogical
tion to the classroom and apply to curricular needs that are knowledge than more experienced teachers (Davis, Petish,
specific to the subject and grade level taught. Second, the PD & Smithey, 2006). Elementary teachers might benefit more
should situate the teacher in the role of the learner so as to from PD directed at STEM content than secondary teachers;
experience the students’ perspective. Finally, the PD should however, it is not clear how district size affects teachers’ per-
provide opportunities for teachers to collaborate and develop ceived needs, and whether the extent to which they engage in
relationships that would contribute to the development of a teaching one or more STEM subjects affects their perceptions
support network, including access to resources. These per- of effective PD or the PD topics they find to be important.
ceptions mirrored those previously identified in the literature Therefore, we were interested in expanding the empirical
through teachers’ self‐report evaluations of PD. The PD fa- knowledge base on teacher perspectives on PD with a state-
cilitators who were surveyed in the study echoed the percep- wide representative sample.
tions of the teachers. They added that the PD should provide
ample opportunity for teachers to develop pedagogical con-
tent knowledge and time to reflect on their PD experience,
2  |  M ETHODS
neither of which was mentioned by teachers. Furthermore,
2.1  | Sample
PD facilitators added themselves as mentors to the collabora-
tive network of support that teachers should be encouraged to In order to generate a statewide representative sample of
build over the course of an effective PD. STEM teachers, a list of all elementary teachers, as well as
Chval and colleagues (2008) focused their research on secondary mathematics, science, technology, and engineer-
understanding the perceptions of 241 grade 6–12 science ing teachers in Missouri, was obtained from the Missouri
and mathematics teachers concerning previous experiences Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE)
with PD, aspects of PD that have constrained their partici- and filtered by district code to include only teachers from
pation in PD, and characteristics of effective PD that they traditional public schools (not charter schools or other special
would hope to see in the future. They found that teachers re- districts). Each teacher was assigned a code based on grade
ported attending minimal PD, a problem that was worse for level and subject area. From this group of 28,456 teachers,
rural teachers than for those teaching in urban or suburban a probability sample of 4,957 teachers was randomly se-
settings. The topic that mathematics and science teachers lected to participate in the survey. After Institutional Review
indicated as their greatest perceived need was developing Board (IRB) approval was obtained, an email recruitment let-
critical thinking in science or math, while involving girls ter was sent to those in the sample showing accurate email
or minorities in science or math and designing instruction addresses—66% of the elementary teachers and 69% of the
for English as a Second Language (ESL) students was per- secondary teachers. Because not all teachers had an email
ceived to be the lowest need. Teachers also implicated rel- address listed with DESE, both online and paper versions
evance and opportunities for networking as contributing to were made available so that the sample would not be biased
effective PD. toward teachers with email addresses. From the 4,957 teach-
Finally, in a study of 118 K–12 in‐service teachers from ers invited to participate, 800 responses were recorded for an
one Midwestern school district, Zhang, Parker, Koehler, and overall response rate of 16%. The manner in which these 800
Eberhardt (2015) sought to understand teachers’ perceived teachers were categorized by grade level, subject area, years
needs and determine whether they differed based on their of teaching experience, and district size is described below.
4       OWENS et al.

Teachers were characterized by the grade level and subject(s) relatively even distribution of teachers across years of expe-
they taught, as well as years of experience and the size of rience, though those with greater than 20 years of teaching
their school district (Table 1). experience composed the largest group (23%).

2.1.1  |  Grade level and subject area 2.1.3  |  District size

Using a 4×4 grid, teachers were asked to mark all options that Four criteria were used to determine the size of a teacher’s
applied to their teaching assignment concerning grade level district: (a) number of elementary teachers per district, (b)
(i.e., K–3, 4–6, 7–8, and/or 9–12) and subject area (i.e., mathe- number of science teachers per district, (c) number of math-
matics, science, technology, and/or engineering). Because they ematics teachers per district, and (d) total student enrollment
were asked to select all that applied, some teachers are included in the district (Table 2). To determine their district size, each
in more than one category. Teachers who indicated grades K–3 teacher was assigned a value of 1 (small), 2 (medium), or 3
or 4–6 were assigned to the elementary group and those that (large), for each of the four criteria. The sum of scores across
indicated teaching grades 7–8 or 9–12 were assigned to the sec- the four criteria was used to assign each teacher a district
ondary group. Of the 800 respondents, 27% were assigned to size of small, medium, or large using aggregate size scores of
the elementary group and 71% were assigned to the secondary 1–4, 5–8, and 9–12, respectively. The number of teachers in
group. Grade level was not reported by 2% of the participat- each district size is reported in Table 3.
ing teachers. Two teachers who indicated teaching grades 4–12
were included in the secondary group.
2.2  |  Survey development
Teachers also indicated what proportion of their teach-
ing was in each of the four STEM subject areas. At the el- Our research team developed the MO‐STEM PD Needs
ementary grade level, only a small number of respondents Assessment Survey using the following framework. The
indicated exclusively teaching mathematics (n = 25), sci- first section included two question clusters concerning
ence (n = 20), technology (n = 9), or engineering (n = 3). teacher demographics and PD participation: (a) three items
More secondary teachers exclusively taught mathematics regarding grade level, subject(s) taught, and years of teach-
(n = 171) or science (n = 244) as compared with respon- ing experience; and (b) two items regarding hours of PD
dents teaching at the elementary level. In this study, subject participation in the past 12 months and hours of partici-
area comparisons included only secondary mathematics and pation in STEM‐specific PD. The second section included
science teachers. five question clusters concerning teachers’ PD preferences:
(a) preferred timeframe of PD delivery (9 items, 3‐point
Likert scale from 1 = “Not interested” to 3 = “Definitely
2.1.2  |  Years of teaching experience
interested”); (b) preferred format of PD delivery (10
Teachers selected from six options to indicate the number items, 5‐point Likert scale from 1 = “Not important” to
of years they had taught at the K–12 level. There was a 5 = “Definitely interested”); (c) important aspects of PD
(8 items, 5‐point Likert scale from 1 = “Not important”
T A B L E 1   Grade levels, subjects taught, and years of experience to 5 = “Extremely important”); (d) the importance of PD
by respondents topic areas (22 items, 4‐point Likert scale from 1 = “Not
important” to 4 = “Very important”); and (e) interest in
% of respondents
Teacher characteristic Total responses (N = 800)
T A B L E 2   Criteria for scoring the subcomponents of district size
Grades K–3 140 17.5
Grades 4–6 89 11.1 District size

Grades 7–8 197 24.6 Criteria Small Medium Large

Grades 9–12 399 49.9 1. Number of 1–49 50–200 >200
Mathematics 444 55.5 Elementary Teachers
Science 499 62.4 2. Number of Science 1–9 10–40 >41
Technology 154 19.3 Teachers
0–5 years 145 18.2 3. Number of Math 1–90 10–40 >41
6–10 years 173 21.7
4. Total Number of <3000 3000‐10,000 >10,000
11–15 years 156 19.6
16–20 years 142 17.8
Note. The range of values for each criteria was established by creating a roughly
Over 20 years 181 22.7
even distribution of all Missouri teachers into three groups.
OWENS et al.   
T A B L E 3   Distribution of respondents by district size and grade level

Grade level

District size Elementary Secondary Unknown Total

Small 57 167 7 231 (28.9%)
Medium 88 226 3 317 (39.6%)
Large 75 161 2 238 (29.8%)
Unknown 1 12 1 14 (1.8%)
Total 221 566 13 800 (100.0%)

PD topic areas (22 items, 3‐point Likert scale from 1 = because the “importance of” item offered four response
“Not interested” to 3 = “Definitely interested”). The final choices while “interest in” only offered three (Appendix),
section included two question clusters regarding teachers’ the two middle response options for “importance of” (i.e.,
community of practice and school: (a) the availability of “slightly important” and “moderately important”) were col-
and support for PD in their community of practice (7 items, lapsed into a single column using the average of the two re-
5‐point Likert scale from 1 = “Strongly disagree” to 5 = sponses. With “importance of” and “interest in” each having
“Strongly agree”); and (b) the level of Internet access and three response options, they would be equally represented in
technology available at each teacher’s school building (5 the newly combined “importance of/interest in” category. An
items, 3‐point Likert scale (from 1 = “Never available” to inter‐item correlation analysis conducted between teachers’
3 = “Always available” with a fourth option of “I don’t paired responses to the 22 “importance of” and “interest in”
know”). These survey items were designed in alignment PD topic items yielded correlations ranging from 0.468 to
with Chval and colleagues (2008) where possible and were 0.691, suggesting that each pair of items assessed the same
reviewed by STEM educators, teacher educators, and pro- content and that collapsing the two into a single category was
fessional development providers from across Missouri. appropriate (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2005). As a result, paired
The survey was administered to a stratified random sample items were averaged into a single “importance of/interest in”
of STEM teachers from across Missouri as an online form data point for each teacher’s response concerning each of the
(via Qualtrics) or as a scannable paper survey. 22 PD topic areas and are hereafter referred to in terms of PD
topics teachers found to be the most valued (i.e., value associ-
ated with PD topics). Kruskal‐Wallis (KW) tests were used to
2.3  |  Data analysis
explore the differences in the ways in which elementary, sec-
Each response to individual items served as the unit of ondary mathematics, and secondary science teachers ranked√
analysis, so data were treated as nonparametric. Items were the PD topics. Effect size was indicated by Cohen’s w ( 𝜒N ).

analyzed individually for significant differences based on MWU tests were used for post hoc analyses. For these analy-
the grade level (i.e., elementary or secondary) and subject ses, Bonferroni adjustments reduced the significance level to
the secondary teachers taught (i.e., mathematics or sci- p < 0.017 to reduce the potential for Type I error.
ence) using Mann‐Whitney U tests (MWU), where effect
size was indicated by r (r = √z ). Spearman’s rank order
correlation was used to determine whether the number of
years of experience that a teacher had accrued (i.e., 0–2,
3–5, 6–10, 11–15, 16–20, or >20 years) and district size The results are organized in four sections. The first section
(i.e., small, medium, or large) were significantly correlated concerns teachers’ preferences for PD including preferred
with each item. Spearman’s rho (ρ) indicates the correla- timeframe of PD delivery, format of PD attendance, aspects
tion and serves as the effect size. Significance was set at of PD that teachers found to be important, and PD topic areas
p = 0.05 for all analyses. All effect sizes were interpreted that teachers found to be the most valued. The second section
using Cohen’s standard, where 0.1 represented a small as- regards teachers’ general perceptions of how PD is valued
sociation, 0.3 a medium association, and 0.5 a large asso- in their communities of practice. The third section entails
ciation (Cohen, 1988). teachers’ perceptions of the reliability of online access at
Teachers’ reported perceptions of the “importance of” their school. The final section includes participants’ reported
and their “interest in” 22 PD topic areas were combined into years of teaching experience with PD in general, as well as
a single “importance of/interest in” category in the interest STEM‐specific PD.
of saving space for this presentation. The response choices Comparisons of each question in all sections were made be-
for both categories were both on an ordinal scale. However, tween elementary and secondary teachers, as well as between
6       OWENS et al.

T A B L E 4   Statements regarding teachers’ interest in different timeframes of PD delivery by grade level, subject area, and years of teaching

Rank Timeframe of PD delivery Grade level, r Subject area, r Yrs. exp. (ρ)
1 One‐time, half‐day workshops E > S, 0.04 Sc>Mt , 0.13 –0.13***
2 One‐time, all‐day workshops S > E, 0.04 Sc>Mt, 0.08 –0.13***
3 Training or workshops during E > S , 0.12 Sc<Mt, 0.02 –0.13***
school hours
4 Ongoing support programs E > S, 0.01 Sc>Mt, 0.04 –0.10**
5 One‐time, short workshops (1–2 E > S*, 0.09 Sc>Mt**, 0.13 – 0.14***
6 Recurring sessions during E > S***, 0.16 Mt>Sc, 0.03 –0.07*
school hours
7 Recurring sessions outside of S > E*, 0.09 Sc>Mt, 0.02 –0.05
school hours
8 Intensive summer workshops S > E***, 0.19 Sc>Mt, 0.09 –0.06
*** **
9 Weekend trainings S > E , 0.18 Sc>Mt , 0.13 –0.00
Note. S = Secondary, E = Elementary, Mt =Mathematics, Sc =Science.
p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

secondary mathematics and science teachers. Additionally, sessions during school hours (p < 0.001, r = 0.16) than did
each item was analyzed for potential correlation with years secondary teachers. Secondary teachers were significantly
of teaching experience and district size. Due to the number more interested in PD that was scheduled outside of school
of items analyzed and space considerations, each significant hours as recurring sessions (p = 0.02, r = 0.09), intensive
result concerning every item is not addressed individually in summer workshops (p < 0.001, r = 0.19), or weekend train-
the results section; however, the results of all the analyses for ings (p < 0.001, r = 0.18). Science teachers were signifi-
each item can be found in the corresponding tables. cantly more interested in one‐time, half‐day workshops (p =
0.008, r = 0.13), one‐time, short workshops (p = 0.009, r =
0.013), and weekend trainings (p = 0.008, r = 0.013) than
3.1  |  PD preferences
were mathematics teachers. Teaching experience was con-
The following section includes teachers’ preferences for the sistently negatively correlated with teachers’ perceptions of
scheduling and attendance format of PD. Items were grouped PD for all the items, and for six of the nine items, that cor-
into four clusters: the preferred timeframe of PD delivery, relation was significant. No significant differences between
preferred format of PD attendance, aspects of PD program teachers of different district sizes were observed.
that teachers found to be important, and PD topic areas that
teachers found to be the most valued. Statements regarding
3.1.2  |  Preferred format of PD attendance
STEM PD preferences as they were ranked based on the re-
sponses of all participating teachers can be found in the table Teachers responded as to their interest in 10 different means
corresponding to each cluster. Comparisons of teachers by of attending PD that included on‐site, off‐site, and virtual at-
grade level, subject area, teaching experience, and district tendance. Teachers generally indicated more interest in at-
size were made where appropriate. tending face‐to‐face PD offered at their school site or within
the district or region and less interest in online, self‐paced
formats or using online communities and forums, such as
3.1.1  |  Preferred timeframe of PD delivery
discussion boards. Teachers’ interest in the different for-
Teachers responded with their level of interest to nine state- mats of PD delivery is ranked in Table 5. Secondary teach-
ments concerning their preferred timeframe for PD deliv- ers indicated a significantly greater interest in travelling to
ery. They generally preferred one‐time, half‐day, or all‐day participate in PD than did elementary teachers, whether that
workshops and expressed the least interest in weekend train- be within their district or region (p < 0.001, r = 0.12) or at
ings and intensive summer workshops. Ongoing support central locations in the state (p < 0.001, r = 0.17), as well as
programs ranked fourth (Table 4). Elementary teachers indi- participating in online PD, including hybrid models of PD (p
cated significantly greater interest in PD that occurred during = 0.003, r = 0.11) and online, self‐paced learning modules
school hours as workshops (p < 0.001, r = 0.12) or recurring (p = 0.05, r = 0.07). Elementary teachers were significantly
OWENS et al.   
T A B L E 5   Teachers’ interest in formats of PD delivery by grade level, subject area, and district size

Rank Interest in format of PD delivery Grade level, r Subject area, r District size, ρ
1 Attending face‐to‐face programs E > S, 0.05 Mt>Sc, 0.05 0.101**
offered at my school site
2 Traveling to face‐to‐face programs S > E***, 0.12 Sc>Mt, 0.06 0.052
offered in my district or region
3 Collaborating with other teachers in E > S, 0.01 Sc>Mt, 0.01 0.108**
my school/district in a Professional
Learning Community
4 Observing an expert teacher working E > S**, 0.11 Mt>Sc, 0.01 0.027
in his/her own classroom
5 Traveling to face‐to‐face programs S > E***, 0.17 Sc>Mt*, 0.10 0.055
offered at central locations (1–2 hr.
travel time)
6 Receiving mentorship from an expert E > S, 0.06 Mt>Sc, 0.03 –0.036
teacher in my subject area
7 Participating in the hybrid model that S > E**, 0.11 Sc>Mt, 0.02 0.029
incorporates some face‐to‐face time
with online follow‐up opportunities
8 Viewing virtual trainings and E > S, 0.03 Mt>Sc, 0.04 –0.043
9 Completing online, self‐paced S > E*, 0.07 Sc>Mt, 0.07 0.020
learning modules
10 Using online communities and forums S > E, 0.03 Mt>Sc, 0.02 –0.040
like discussion boards, wikis, and/or
Note. S = Secondary, E = Elementary, Mt =Mathematics, Sc =Science.
p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

more interested in observing an expert teacher working in school or district were the least important. Elementary teach-
their own classroom (p = 0.004, r = 0.11). Teachers’ interest ers indicated a significantly greater importance on improving
in attending face‐to‐face programs offered at their school site their teaching practice than did secondary teachers in terms
(ρ = 0.101, p = 0.01) and collaborating with other teachers of learning about new and innovative teaching strategies (p <
in their school/district in a professional learning community 0.001, r = 0.17), learning from experts in the field (p = 0.009,
(ρ = 0.108, p < 0.001) significantly correlated with district r = 0.09), and receiving feedback on teaching practices (p =
size. Teaching experience was negatively correlated with the 0.004, r = 0.10). Science teachers found learning about new
perceptions of PD in all formats, and that correlation was sig- ideas emerging from STEM fields to be a significantly more
nificant for all the 10 items. important aspect of PD than did mathematics teachers (p = 0.04,
r = 0.10), while mathematics teachers found receiving feedback
on teaching practices to be significantly more important than
3.1.3  |  Important aspects of PD
science teachers (p = 0.02, r = 0.12). As district size increased,
Teachers reported their perceptions of the importance of eight meeting PD requirements from their school or district became
aspects of PD: (a) accessing ready‐to‐use materials, (b) learn- significantly less important (ρ = −0.094, p = 0.01). Again,
ing from other teachers, (c) learning about new and innovative years of teaching experience was consistently negatively cor-
teaching strategies, (d) learning from experts in the field, (e) related with teachers’ perceptions of PD for all the items.
learning about new ideas emerging from STEM fields, (f) net-
working with other teaching professionals, (g) receiving feed-
3.1.4  |  Value associated with PD topics
back on teaching practices, and (h) meeting PD requirements
from my school or district. Accessing ready‐to‐use materials Teachers shared their designations of value for 22 PD
and learning from other teachers were identified as the most topic areas. Teachers generally indicated the value of using
important aspects of a PD program, while receiving feedback real‐world issues, using educational technologies to sup-
on teaching practices and meeting PD requirements from their port learning, and problem‐based learning as PD topics
8       OWENS et al.

T A B L E 6   Value associated with PD topics as compared between elementary, secondary mathematics, and secondary science teachers

Rank Comparisons

Item All E M S χ2 E.M, r E.S, r M.S, r

*** b
Using real‐world issues in the 1 5 2 1 23.893 M > E, 0.11 S>E , 0.24 S>Mb, 0.13
Use of educational technologies 1 1 3 6 1.214 E > M, 0.03 E > S, 0.05 M > S, 0.03
to support learning
Problem‐based learning 3 7 5 3 11.693** M > E, 0.00 S>Eb, 0.15 S>Mb, 0.14
Strategies for student use of 3 2 6 7 0.849 E > M, 0.05 E > S, 0.02 S > M, 0.03
mobile technologies
Integrating science, technology, 5 9 4 4 2.782 M > E, 0.01 S > E, 0.07 M > S, 0.00
engineering, and math
Instructional strategies for 5 3 7 9 5.004 E > M, 0.07 E > S, 0.11 M > S, 0.04
meeting the needs of diverse
Mathematical practices 7 6 1 21 169.844*** M>Eb, 0.21 E>Sb, 0.46 M>Sb, 0.61
*** b
Inquiry‐based laboratory 7 11 15 2 81.98 E > M, 0.12 S>E , 0.32 S>Mb, 0.45
Integrating authentic STEM 9 13 11 5 21.086*** E > M, 0.01 S>Eb, 0.19 S>Mb, 0.21
research into the classroom
Aligning instruction and 9 4 10 16 20.929*** E>Mb, 0.19 E>Sb, 0.21 M > S, 0.04
curriculum with standards
New Missouri learning 11 10 8 15 10.097** E > M, 0.05 E>Sb, 0.15 M > S, 0.10
Integrating literacy practices 12 8 18 11 33.728*** E>Mb, 0.30 E>Sb, 0.15 S>Mb, 0.17
with STEM learning
Formative assessment for 13 14 12 12 2.368 M > E, 0.03 S > E, 0.07 S > M, 0.04
STEM learning
Interdisciplinary STEM 13 12 13 14 2.221 E > M, 0.08 E > S, 0.04 S > M, 0.04
Supporting girls and minorities 15 17 16 10 9.064* M > E, 0.04 S>Eb, 0.14 S>Mb, 0.11
Scientific practices (e.g., 16 16 21 8 63.316*** E > M, 0.12 S>Eb, 0.28 S>Mb, 0.39
modeling and argumentation)
Common Core State Standards 16 15 9 22 105.499*** M > E, 0.07 E>Sb, 0.39 M>Sb, 0.48
for Mathematics
Preparing students for 18 19 14 20 3.428 M > E, 0.10 S > E, 0.03 M > S, 0.06
achievement tests
Next Generation Science 18 18 22 13 101.013*** E>Mb, 0.38 S>Eb, 0.12 S>Mb, 0.51
Supporting classroom discourse 18 20 17 18 15.752*** M>Eb, 0.17 S>Eb, 0.18 S > M, 0.01
*** b b
Analysis of "big data" 21 22 19 17 26.196 M>E , 0.19 S>E , 0.24 S > M, 0.05
Engineering design practices 22 21 20 19 12.885** M > E, 0.11 S>Eb, 0.17 S > M, 0.07
Note. S = Secondary, E = Elementary, M = Mathematics, S = Science.
For “Comparisons,” Bonferroni adjustments set the alpha value at 0.017, significance denoted byb.
p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

and the least for the analysis of “big data” and engineer- problem‐based learning, and integrating authentic stem
ing design practices (Table 6). Science teachers assigned research into the classroom than did both elementary and
a higher value to using real‐world issues in the classroom, secondary mathematics teachers. Perceptions of the value
OWENS et al.   
of strategies for student use of mobile technologies signifi- valued at their school and its potential to aid their teaching
cantly increased with district size (ρ = 0.077, p = 0.04), and student learning. Teachers generally indicated the most
while aligning instruction and curriculum with standards (ρ agreement with their attending PD for STEM teaching and
= –0.084, p = 0.02) and preparing students for achievement learning to improve their instructional practices, believing
tests (ρ = –0.173, p < 0.001) significantly decreased with that participation in STEM PD would improve their teach-
district size. Years of teaching experience was consistently ing and benefit students. Teachers least frequently agreed
negatively correlated with teachers’ reported perceptions with items concerning their ability to incorporate strate-
of the value of PD topics, with 19 of those correlations gies learned during STEM PD into their teaching practice
being significant. and that quality PD for STEM teaching and learning was
One theme that consistently appeared across comparisons readily available. Statements are ranked by teachers’ level
and correlations was the value assigned to supporting girls of agreement in Table 7.
and minorities in STEM. Secondary science teachers val- One theme that stood out was support for STEM PD
ued this topic significantly more than elementary teachers within each teacher’s school. Secondary science teachers
(r = 0.14, p = 0.005) and secondary mathematics teachers felt STEM PD would be received more positively at their
(r = 0.11, p = 0.04). The value assigned to supporting girls schools than did mathematics teachers (r = 0.10, p = 0.04),
and minorities in STEM also increased significantly with dis- and teacher perception that STEM PD would be positively re-
trict size (ρ = 0.121, p < 0.001) but decreased with years of ceived at their school significantly increased with district size
experience (ρ = −0.104, p = 0.005). (ρ = 0.104, p < 0.001) and decreased with teacher experience
(ρ = −0.086, p = 0.02). Similar concerns were exhibited at
the grade level, where elementary teachers felt significantly
3.2  |  General perceptions of the value of PD
less supported by their principals to pursue PD for STEM
in the teacher’s community of practice
teaching and learning than did their secondary counterparts
Teachers indicated their level of agreement with seven (p = 0.04, r = 0.07). Interestingly, teachers’ reported partic-
statements concerning their perceptions of how PD is ipation in PD was significantly correlated with all the seven

T A B L E 7   Comparison of teachers’ perceptions of the value of PD by grade level and subject area, and correlations with years of teaching
experience, district size, and participation in PD over the past 12 months

Statements regarding STEM District size Participation

Rank PD Grade level (r) Subject area (r) Yrs exp. (ρ) (ρ) in PD (ρ)
1 I would like to attend PD for S > E, 0.05 Sc>Mt, 0.08 –0.12*** 0.028 .112**
STEM teaching and learning
to improve my instructional
2 My participation in STEM PD E > S, 0.00 Sc>Mt, 0.09 –0.16*** 0.038 .117**
would help to improve my
3 The students in my school S > E, 0.05 Sc>Mt**, 0.13 –0.10** ‐0.07 .111**
stand to benefit from STEM
PD available to our teachers.
4 STEM PD would be received S > E, 0.04 Sc>Mt*, 0.10 –0.09* 0.104** .085*
positively within my school.
5 I have support from my S > E*, 0.07 Sc>Mt, 0.05 –0.09** ‐0.028 .123**
principal to pursue PD for
STEM teaching and learning.
6 I am able to adopt or adapt S > E***, 0.13 Sc>Mt***, 0.16 –0.04 0.067 .158**
strategies learned from
STEM PD programs into my
teaching practice.
7 Quality PD programs for E > S, 0.02 Sc>Mt, 0.09 –0.05 0.058 .205**
STEM teaching and learning
are readily available to me.
Note. S = Secondary, E = Elementary, Mt =Mathematics, Sc =Science.
p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.
10       OWENS et al.

items concerning teachers’ perceptions of the value of PD in secondary science teachers than for secondary mathematics
their community of practice. teachers (p = 0.08, r = 0.09), and significantly increased with
Additionally, a few correlations with responses and years district size (ρ = 0.147, p < 0.001).
of teaching experience were of interest. Years of teaching
experience significantly negatively correlated with teachers’
perception of having support from their principal to pursue 4  |  DISCUSSION
PD for STEM teaching and learning (p = 0.01, ρ = –0.09),
that STEM professional would be received positively within The purpose of this study was to gain a better understand-
their school (p = 0.02, ρ = –0.09), that the students in their ing of STEM teachers’ perceived needs and preferences for
school would stand to benefit from the STEM PD available PD. In the following discussion, we address those findings
to teachers (p = 0.01, ρ = –0.10), that their participation in that stood out. First, we discuss the factors affecting teach-
STEM PD would help improve their teaching (p < 0.001, ρ = ers’ participation in PD, including district size and the value
–0.16), and that they would attend PD for STEM teaching and placed on PD in the teachers’ community of practice. Next,
learning to improve their instructional practices (p < 0.001, we address the conundrums in PD facilitation including dis-
ρ = –0.119). interest in PD reported by veteran teachers; district‐, grade‐,
subject‐, and experience‐related discrepancies in the signifi-
cance of providing support girls and minorities in stem; and
3.3  |  Reliability of Internet access at school
grade‐ and subject‐level differences in the perceived impor-
Teachers responded to five items concerning the reliability tance of using relevant issues to teach STEM content as a
of online access at their school. The items highlighted ac- PD topic. Finally, we discuss moving forward with what we
cess to the following online resources or tools: (a) email and have learned to enhance future STEM PD including how to
web browsing, (b) high-speed Internet, (c) learning manage- address the discrepancies that arise between when teachers’
ment systems, (d) lesson portals, and (e) social media sites. preferences for PD run contrary to what researchers say is
Online access was positively correlated with district size for best.
all the five items. Four of the five items were significant (p
< 0.01), and the remaining item, “access to lesson portals at
4.1  |  Factors affecting teachers’
my school,” approached statistical significance (ρ = 0.074,
participation in PD
p = 0.08). Only access to online learning management sys-
tems was found to be significantly different at the grade
4.1.1  |  District size
level, with secondary teachers indicating greater access than
elementary teachers (p = 0.05, r = 0.08). No significant dif- We found that teachers’ participation in PD over the past year
ferences in online access between mathematics and science significantly correlated with district size, mirroring Chval and
teachers were observed, nor were there any significant cor- colleagues’ (2008) findings and suggesting that teachers from
relations between years of teaching experience and any of smaller districts are not getting sufficient PD. A number of fac-
the items concerning online access. No significant correla- tors may mediate this relationship. For one, teachers’ percep-
tion was found between teachers’ participation in PD over the tions that PD would be received positively within their school
previous 12 months and the level of Internet access at their decreased with decreasing district size, suggesting that a lack
school. of support for attending PD may account, in part, for the medi-
ocre PD attendance reported by teachers from smaller districts.
Additionally, teachers in smaller districts reported significantly
3.4  |  Teachers’ participation in PD
less reliable online access, suggesting that the scheduling of
Participants selected from nine time ranges the number PD, as well as the means by which PD content can be accessed,
of hours of PD they participated in during the previous may restrict their access to PD and thus may account to some
12 months. The largest number of teachers (just over 30%) degree for the infrequent PD attendance of teachers from small
indicated participating in 21–40 hr of PD during the previous districts. That small districts are unable to support teacher PD
year. However, nearly 30% of the teachers indicated that they should not come as a surprise—district size has been found to
did not participate in any STEM PD at all. Teachers’ reported affect the ability of school districts to support teacher growth
participation in PD significantly increased with district size and promote reformation (Dutro, Fisk, Koch, Roop, & Wixson,
(ρ = 0.07, p = 0.04) and decreased with years of experi- 2002), and smaller school districts spend far less on teacher
ence (p = 0.04, ρ = 0.07). Furthermore, teachers’ reported PD than do larger ones (Killeen, Monk, & Plecki, 2002). This
participation in STEM PD, specifically, was significantly suggests that while PD facilitators from small districts need to
greater for secondary teachers than for elementary teachers be creative in addressing the PD needs of teachers reported in
(p < 0.001, r = 0.16), was nearly significantly greater for this study, there appear to be underlying, systemic issues that
OWENS et al.   

preclude smaller districts from providing their teachers with Considering that senior teachers bring a great deal of experi-
adequate PD. ence to environments of teacher learning, but also need contin-
ued reform of their practices, future research might be directed
at how PD facilitators can best take advantage of experienced
4.1.2  |  Value of PD in the teacher’s
teachers as a resource in PD while aiding them in reforming
community of practice
their teaching practices so as to rejuvenate their motivation as
The results from this study indicated that the manner in a lifetime learner and enhance their ability to deliver reform‐
which PD is valued in a teacher’s community of practice is oriented instruction.
correlated with the amount of PD in which those teachers
participate. That is, teachers’ perceptions of their principals’
4.2.2  |  Supporting girls and minorities
support for their pursuing PD, whether STEM PD would be
received positively within their school, whether there was
quality STEM PD available to them, whether they could Women represent a greater proportion of the U.S. popula-
incorporate strategies learned during STEM PD into their tion than men and minorities are projected to comprise more
teaching practice, and whether they felt STEM PD would than half of the population by 2050. Together, these groups
improve their teaching or their students’ learning, all signifi- represent a significant pool of untapped talent, and “failing to
cantly correlated with their participation over the previous cultivate these pools of potential STEM expertise is a waste
year. In this study, participation in STEM PD was positively of our domestic resources and … imposes an opportunity
correlated with the value placed on PD by the teacher and by cost on national security interests, the U.S. economy, and our
their community of practice, which suggests that if sustained quality of life” (Rodriguez et al., 2012, p. iv). Yet, despite an
development of teachers’ content knowledge and teaching increased focus on supporting girls and minorities in STEM,
skills is to be a viable objectives, the teachers and their ad- disparity persists along gender and ethnic lines (National
ministrations must first deem it to be valuable. Science Foundation, 2013). In general, the STEM education
community including major professional organizations (such
as the Society for School Science and Mathematics) and
4.2  |  Conundrums in PD facilitation
funding agencies (e.g., NSF) recognize this issue as a critical
problem that deserves attention and resources. Therefore, the
4.2.1  |  Years of teaching experience
relatively limited interest demonstrated by the teachers in this
Years of teaching experience was negatively correlated with study is cause for concern.
interest in virtually all categories of the survey, including In this study, supporting girls and minorities in STEM
each of the 7 formats of PD delivery and 20 of the 22 PD ranked 15 out of the 22 PD topics, slightly better than a sec-
topics. More experienced teachers also indicated that attend- ond to last place finish in Chval and colleagues’ (2008) study.
ing PD would be less valuable to their teaching and students’ Furthermore, the value teachers placed on supporting girls
learning, and would be less supported by their administration and minorities in STEM decreased with years of experience
than did less experienced teachers. While more experienced and increased with district size, and science teachers per-
teachers have reported greater confidence in teaching with ceived supporting girls and minorities in STEM to be more
reformed practices, including inquiry and addressing stu- important than did elementary and secondary mathematics
dents’ reasoning and misconceptions than less experienced teachers, even as inequity of representation is a persistent
teachers (Zhang et al., 2015), those practices are not neces- problem in settings of mathematics (American Association
sarily showing up in the classroom (Wee, Shepardson, Fast, of University Women, 2010). We recognize that increasing
& Harbor, 2007). Thompson and Zeuli assert the representation and persistence of women and minorities
in STEM is a complex, challenging phenomenon requiring
It is widely accepted that, in order to realize re- nuanced approaches to instruction and a commitment from
cently proposed reforms in what is taught and a range of stakeholders (Syed & Chemers, 2011). Teachers’
how it is taught [as described in the standards recognition of the value in supporting women and minorities
document]…, teachers will have to unlearn across disciplines, grade levels, and school districts would be
much of what they believe, know, and know a significant step toward doing so.
how to do (Ball, 1988) while also forming new
beliefs, developing new knowledge, and master-
4.2.3  |  Relevant issues to contextualize
ing new skills. (1999, p. 1)
STEM instruction
This represents a stance more recently reiterated by the National Teachers reported being most interested in using real‐world
Governors Association Center for Best Practices (2010). issues and problem‐based learning to teach STEM content.
12       OWENS et al.

However, more experienced teachers were significantly less PD researchers, such as Guskey and Yoon, have deemed as
interested in using real‐world issues in the classroom as a PD “wasteful” (2009, p. 496). Additionally, teachers indicated
topic when compared with less experienced teachers, as were the least interest in receiving feedback on their teaching,
elementary and mathematics teachers when compared with which also ran contrary to the literature, which indicates
teachers of science. This is surprising, as definitions for lit- that sustained support, including observation and feedback,
eracy in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics is a requisite for the effectiveness of PD (Abdal‐Haqq, 1995;
each position the issue or problem component as a vital con- Ball, 1996). In cases, such as these, where the literature runs
text through which concepts should be understood (Zollman, contrary to teachers’ expressed needs, it is important that
2012). Having conducted STEM research and professional PD facilitators bridge this gap by transparently developing
development, including the observation of 43 teachers, learning environments that make clear to the teacher par-
Quigley, Herro, and Jamil (2017) agree that the most effec- ticipants what they are doing and the value of a particu-
tive practitioners foregrounded problem‐solving scenarios lar approach, particularly if that approach likely conflicts
whose solutions required creativity and collaborative use of with teacher preferences. This might be one way to include
skills that encompassed STEM disciplines. Making the issue characteristics, such as the idea of transformative learn-
or problem the focal point of instruction is further supported ing experiences and use of student data to inform teaching
by both the Science‐Technology‐Society (Yager, 1987) and practice—characteristics identified as effective by research
Socio‐Scientific Issues (Sadler,Foulk, & Friedrichsen, 2017) (e.g., Park Rodgers et al., 2007; Thomspson & Zeuli, 1999)
frameworks for teaching and learning, which are well recog- but absent from teachers’ reported preferences.
nized for their potential for enhancing functional scientific
literacy (Roberts & Bybee, 2014).

4.3  |  Do we give teachers what they want or David C. Owens

what research says is best?
STEM education researchers suggest that teachers’ expressed R E F E R E NC E S
needs should be taken into account in the design of PD (e.g.,
Abdal‐Haqq, I. (1995). Making time for teacher professional devel-
Rotherham et al., 2008). The findings herein provide a myr- opment. ERIC digest. Washington, DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on
iad of ways in which teachers’ expressed needs can be met. Teaching and Teacher.
For example, elementary teachers indicated less interest in American Association of University Women. (2010). Why so few?
travelling to participate in PD or participating in online for- Women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
mats and preferred to attend PD during school hours, while Washington, DC: Author.
secondary teachers preferred PD to be scheduled outside Ball, D. L. (1988). Unlearning to teach mathematics. For the Learning
of Mathematics, 8, 40–48.
of school hours. Additionally, teachers identified accessing
Ball, D. L. (1996). Teacher learning and the mathematics reforms: What
ready‐to‐use materials and learning from other teachers as
do we think we know and what do we need to learn? Phi Delta
the most important aspects of a PD program, mirroring previ- Kappan, 77, 500–508.
ous studies (Park Rodgers et al., 2007). By scheduling and Banilower, E. R., Heck, D. J., & Weiss, I. R. (2007). Can professional
formatting PD in a manner that matches what the specific development make the vision of the standards a reality? The impact
teachers who will be attending prefer, including the provi- of the national science foundation’s local systemic change through
sion of desired resources, facilitators are likely to increase teacher enhancement initiative. Journal of Research in Science
the teachers’ willingness to attend and engage in PD, as well Teaching, 44, 375–395.
Borasi, R., & Fonzi, J. (2002). Professional development that supports
as their perception of its value and the overall quality of PD
school mathematics reform. Foundations series of monographs for
in general. professionals in science, mathematics and technology education.
In regard to some characteristics of effective PD, how- Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation.
ever, those designing and facilitating PD may have to Capps, D. K., Crawford, B. A., & Constas, M. A. (2012). A review of
choose between what the literature suggests is effective empirical literature on inquiry professional development: Alignment
and what teachers have indicated as being preferable. For with best practices and a critique of the findings. Journal of Science
example, researchers suggest that sustained support for Teacher Education, 23, 291–318.
Chetty, R., Friedman, J. N., & Rockoff, J. E. (2014). Measuring the im-
teachers that continues long after a particular workshop
pacts of teachers II: Teacher value‐added and student outcomes in
has concluded is a requisite for the effectiveness of the PD
adulthood. American Economic Review, 104, 2633–2679.
in terms of enhanced teacher practice and student learning Chval, K., Abell, S., Pareja, E., Musikul, K., & Ritzka, G. (2008).
outcomes (Yoon, Duncan, Lee, Scarloss, & Shapley, 2007). Science and mathematics teachers’ experiences, needs, and expec-
Yet, teachers indicated their greatest preference for one‐ tations regarding professional development. Eurasia Journal of
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Handbook of research on science education (Vol. II, pp. 545–558). ssm.12306
New York, NY: Routledge.
14       OWENS et al.

Based on your current teaching assignment, how important are the following teaching and learning topics?

Not Important (1) Slightly Important (2) Moderately Important (3) Very Important (4)
Use of educational technologies to
support learning (1)
Integrating literacy practices with STEM
learning (2)
Formative assessment for STEM
learning (3)
Problem‐based learning (4)
Interdisciplinary STEM teaching (5)
Scientific practices (e.g., modeling and
argumentation) (6)
Engineering design practices (7)
Mathematical practices (8)
Inquiry‐based laboratory activities (9)
Supporting girls and minorities in
STEM (10)
Preparing students for achievement tests
Using real‐world issues in the classroom
Analysis of "big data" (13)
Supporting classroom discourse (14)
Integrating authentic STEM research
into the classroom (15)
Next Generation Science Standards (16)
Common Core State Standards for
Mathematics (17)
New Missouri learning standards (18)
Instructional strategies for meeting the
needs of diverse learners (19)
Aligning instruction and curriculum
with standards (20)
Strategies for student use of mobile
technologies (e.g., iPads,
Chromebooks, smart phones) (21)
Integrating science, technology,
engineering, and math (22)

Based on your current teaching assignment, how interested would you be in participating in professional development about
these topics?
Not Interested (1) Possibly Interested (2) Interested (3)
Using real‐world issues in the classroom (1)
Analysis of "big data" (2)
Supporting classroom discourse (3)
Integrating authentic STEM research into the
classroom (4)
OWENS et al.   

APPENDIX   (Continued)

Not Interested (1) Possibly Interested (2) Interested (3)
Next Generation Science Standards (5)
Common Core State Standards for Mathematics
New Missouri learning standards (7)
Instructional strategies for meeting the needs of
diverse learners (8)
Aligning instruction and curriculum with
standards (9)
Strategies for student use of mobile technologies
(e.g., iPads, Chromebooks, smart phones) (10)
Integrating science, technology, engineering,
and math (11)
Use of educational technologies to support
learning (12)
Integrating literacy practices with STEM
learning (13)
Formative assessment for STEM learning (14)
Problem‐based learning (15)
Interdisciplinary STEM teaching (16)
Scientific practices (e.g., modeling and
argumentation) (17)
Engineering design practices (18)
Mathematical practices (19)
Inquiry‐based laboratory activities (20)
Supporting girls and minorities in STEM (21)
Preparing students for achievement tests (22)

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