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A Sourcebook for Vampire: The Masquerade ®
Fear and Loathing



Written by: Brad C. Hodson Bill Bridges, Phil Brucato, Jarred Kjack, Michael
Lee Underdown, Adam Slemon, Jared Logan,
Adam Logan


Originally from Tennessee, Brad C. Hodson is an award-winning author and screenwriter in Los Angeles. His
short fiction has appeared in anthologies alongside George RR Martin, Neil Gaiman, Chuck Palahniuk, Jim
Butcher, Charlaine Harris, and more of his literary heroes. Feature film adaptations of his first novel Darling
and stage-play A Year Without a Summer are both currently in production. As a lifelong fan of the World of
Darkness, he’s excited to be a part of the Storytellers Vault.

Click HERE for his Author Page at Amazon

Or HERE for his newest audio book at Audible
Or HERE for his bibliography at his website

Follow him on Twitter: @BradCHodson

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reserved. Vampire: The Masquerade®, World of
Darkness®, Storytelling System™, and Storytellers
Vault™ are trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of White Wolf Entertainment AB. All
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For additional information on White Wolf and
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Fear and Loathing




Buy the ticket, take the ride…

— Hunter S. Thompson

Harsh orange light cut through the blinds. The discount theme song or if it was simply in his head.
clothing store had installed the neon sign yesterday, complete “Yesterday.” Tomas returned to his chair. “After
with a massive blinking arrow, to lure tourists in. Tomas Sawyer vanished, Sister Carla felt we should strengthen our
thought he might rip the damned thing down if he survived bonds.”
the night.
“And who participated?”
“And when was the last time?” The Templar sat in a
kitchen chair, shadows obscuring his delicate features. Tomas closed his eyes. His skull felt like it would split
open any second and spill his memories across the floor.
Outside, the mangled chatter of tourists passing by
mingled with roaring engines and the occasional car horn. “It was me, Sister Carla, Carlos, Lucinda, Sawyer, and
Tijuana came to life when night fell. Tree.”
“The last time?” Tomas squinted against the neon. The Templar tapped a finger against the arm of the
Hadn’t that side of the room been brightly lit a moment chair. “Sawyer had been missing for two days then.”
before? “Yeah. Like I said, Sister Carla thought we should
“That you shared blood.” strengthen our bonds.”
He nodded and rubbed his hands together. His head “Yet you said he participated in the Vaulderie.”
throbbed and his palms sweat. He hadn’t felt like this since The pressure behind his eyes was unbearable. Tomas
his heart still beat. clenched his jaw and nodded. “Yeah. Of course he did.”
“Do you mind?” Tomas stood and closed the blinds. “How could he share blood when he had disappeared?”
The darkness did little to calm his nerves. “How…?”
The Templar sat, still and quiet. What was the Templar asking? Tomas couldn’t think.
A television in the next apartment audibly clicked on, a It was like trying to wade through thick mud.
brief rush of static followed by the opening piano chords of “The rest of your pack displayed similar…
Welcome Back Kotter. The volume turned slowly down inconsistencies in their memories.”
until Tomas could no longer be sure if he actually heard the
Talley stood, the shadows travelling with him as he
crossed the room. Cold, slender fingers took Tomas’s hand. throughout. The two biggest hurdles Storytellers may
“I do appreciate your willingness to cooperate.” encounter when changing the game for an existing
“Sure,” Tomas said. “Of course.” chronicle are the setting and the focus on the Sabbat.
“But I will need to dig deeper.” While the game is intended to capture the seedy
“Anything I can do to help.” excess of the seventies, it can be played as a modern-
day story with little trouble.
The Templar’s gleaming white smile cut through the
darkness. His hands slid up to Tomas’s face, cradling it like Groups playing characters that aren’t members of
a lover. the Sabbat may have more of a problem. Anarch or
“You want to be loyal, don’t you?” unaffiliated characters will have an easier time being
Tomas nodded. worked into the game, though even Camarilla
“It’s such a shame that choice was taken from you.” Kindred can run through the story with a bit of heavy
lifting on the Storyteller’s part.
The shadows drifted away from the Templar’s eyes.
Cold and piercing, they pressed into Tomas. It is recommended that, no matter how radically
A bloody tear fell down his face, rolling over Talley’s you change the story from what’s presented, you do
hand before dripping onto the floor. try to keep to the themes and moods outlined below.
“I hate to lose loyal soldiers, but I need what’s hidden The characters and events detailed in this book are all
in there. I’m sure you understand.” designed around these principles and, outside of this
The pain in his head exploded as those eyes filled his context, might appear too over-the-top. Imagine
vision. When his mind broke and his identity shattered, he dropping Johnny Depp’s portrayal of Hunter S.
found comfort in the fact that he would never feel such pain Thompson into Spotlight or Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
and you can see why.
Although that might be fun in a completely
HOW TO USE THIS BOOK different way…
“Fear and Loathing `77” is designed as a single
story to be played in two to five sessions. Yet, with a OVERVIEW
little tweaking, it could easily be placed into the At its core, “Fear & Loathing `77” is a road story.
middle of an existing chronicle or serve as a starting The characters are tasked with a mission that sees
point for an entirely new one. them drive from Los Angeles to Bakersfield, then on
The story takes a “toolbox” approach as it to Barstow and Las Vegas before being chased across
progresses, offering the Storyteller multiple options so the border to Tijuana.
as to avoid railroading the players in a way common That mission is to retrieve a spy. A Tremere who
to published scenarios. The players will drive the posed as a defector was somehow able to infiltrate the
action and the outcome rather than be simple ranks of the Sabbat, even partaking of the Vaulderie
witnesses to events unfolding around them. This while funneling information back to his handlers.
should provide everything experienced groups need The Sabbat began to suspect a traitor after a few key
to make this scenario their own. To avoid losses and the Tremere, fearing what would happen
overwhelming newer Storytellers, the “default” path is to him if caught, vanished.
also noted, allowing them to run a more linear game. The characters are tasked with a simple retrieval
Either way, it’s recommended that you read this book mission. Of course, few things are simple in the
through completely at least once, including the World of Darkness and their mission quickly takes a
appendices, before planning your first session. turn for the worse.
Ideas for changing the story, as well as alternate
encounters and story paths, are presented
THEME & MOOD bloated someone feels after eating too much, how
The theme of “Fear & Loathing `77” is Excess. they sweat and have a hard time thinking. Picture the
Like the seventies themselves, the story is filled with throbbing headache that follows a night of binge
greed, gluttony, and the indulgence of any and all drinking. Now imagine how that applies to Cainites.
vices, no matter how foul. Frenzy is indeed an ever-present threat, but the
The excess of the Sabbat has given them their characters can also find themselves sluggish when first
fearful reputation, but it’s also held them back. The waking in the evening, especially if the previous night
strength and diversity within the sect would allow it was wild. Worst of all, they can easily draw the wrong
to dominate their global struggle if they could only kind of attention and find the police, hunters, or
reign in their baser urges and learn a little discipline. even an Archon after them.
The Camarilla isn’t much more restrained; they The mood of the game is Frenetic. Everything
simply channel their excess in a different direction. should happen at a hundred miles an hour. Car
Where Sabbat Cainites revel in violence, Camarilla chases and combat make this obvious, as does the
Kindred overextend their influence, toying with ticking clock present over the entire mission. But
people’s lives and will in an effort to acquire more even scenes that might otherwise be considered
wealth and power than their peers. When the “downtime” should feel fast and wild. Music always
characters reach Las Vegas, they’ll be confronted with blares from somewhere nearby. A couple loudly
the Kindred’s glitzy sin on a scale they could hardly argues from a corner booth. Cops speed past with
imagine. sirens blaring as the characters use a payphone.
Both Storyteller and Player characters should Few moments of the game should feel quiet or
always err on the side of “too much.” People don’t relaxed. Even if the characters are holed up in a hotel
have a drink, they have five. They don’t drive a room to wait out the day, the television in the next
modest two-door car, they drive a fifteen-foot-long room may be cranked up too loud while firefighters
monster. Dinners are held at buffets. Jewelry is battle a blaze at the convenient store down the street.
massive and covers every wrist, ankle, and finger. The world should feel like it’s constantly moving,
Both cocaine and cash come in giant piles. even spinning out of control. The quick pace and
Use this as a way to explore the decline and constant noise can wreak havoc on vampires already
corruption of the American Dream. For many at the struggling to keep frenzy at bay.
time, the seventies were the Fall of Rome. Much like When the theme and mood collide, it should
the Roman nobility, people lost themselves in leave the characters questioning themselves and the
debauchery. Hint at the decay and degradation overall philosophies of the Sabbat. This doesn’t mean
buried within. The woman who seems to be able to that the characters should become disloyal or defect
hold her liquor has burst blood vessels around her (though they could!), but the story can easily serve as
eyes, the tell-tale sign of a hardcore alcoholic. The a crucible for them. They could come out the other
roaring engine of that massive car has a sick rattling side with wisdom and maturity as they decide to apply
sound when idling. A roach scurries beneath the a little discipline to their unlife. Or they could
counter at the giant buffet. embrace the lifestyle whole-hog, burning out rather
This excess is dangerous for anyone, but doubly so than fading away. Either way, they should be
for Cainites. The Beast is always lurking beneath the changed.
skin and no Path of Enlightenment can hold it at bay
for long in the face of such stimuli. The characters
should go from reveling in the insanity to feeling that The 1970s were a strange decade in American
they’re on the edge of the abyss. Think of how history. The Summer of Love had come and gone,
leaving the country with a cynical view of its own from a drug overdose while three members of Lynyrd
underbelly. The sixties ended with the Hell’s Angels Skynyrd perished in a plane crash. David Berkowitz,
unleashing violence at Altamont, a concert that the infamous “Son of Sam” serial killer, was arrested.
eclipsed Woodstock in the media until the rose- The first personal computer was released by
colored glasses of nostalgia took over years later. Dr. Commodore, though no one at the time could have
King had been killed in public, his murder symbolic predicted how much it would eventually change the
of the racism the Civil Rights movement could not world.
erase. And Charles Manson’s cult brutally stabbed a In 1977, Star Wars, Rocky, Smokey and the Bandit,
pregnant Sharon Tate and her friends to death before and Saturday Night Fever ruled the box office.
attempting an assassination of the President. By the Television saw the wild success of Roots, while shows
time the seventies roared into being, cynicism and like Starsky & Hutch, Charlie’s Angels, and Soul Train
nihilism had become the prevailing mood. were going strong. Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Wonder,
As the decade wore on, the Vietnam War and and the Bee Gees dominated the Billboard charts.
Watergate further stained what lingering optimism Muscle cars were en vogue with the younger crowd,
society may have had. People gave in to excess, while their more successful older siblings drove
enjoying life in a frenzied mania as only the damned gigantic Oldsmobiles and Lincolns.
can. Drug abuse climbed to its highest levels and All of this barely scratches the surface of the
violent crime reached epic proportions. Kidnappings, decade. Luckily, it’s an easy time to get a feel for. A
airplane hijackings, and hostage situations became little Google-Fu and you’ll be doing the Hustle while
regular fixtures of the nightly news. Journalists like whistling the theme to Shaft in no time.
Hunter S. Thompson and the legendary team of
Woodward and Bernstein changed the news
There’s a wealth of books, movies, TV, and music
landscape in very different ways.
both from and set in the seventies. Not everything
Pop culture transformed radically as a response to
will capture the feel of this book. Annie Hall, while a
the broader society. Music became louder and
great movie, will probably not be a go-to resource.
flashier, with David Bowie straining gender norms as
The list below provides a solid foundation.
KISS spit blood and breathed fire. Funk, Disco, and
“Fear & Loathing `77” is intended to be a
Punk music all came to life during the decade and the
cinematic game. While other mediums can provide
sex and drugs debauchery of Studio 54 set the party-
inspiration, the frenetic pace and larger than life
animal standard.
characters are more suited to movies. Many of the
Movies dove into topics traditionally taboo,
films below also hold a strong place in the public
introducing gay and transgender characters while
consciousness, so chances are most anyone reading
exploring the bloody realism of escalating violence.
this will recognize enough of these to instantly
From Taxi Driver to Texas Chainsaw Massacre, cinema-
understand the ride this game hopes to be.
goers routinely had their sensibilities tested and
And if not, there are worse ways to spend your
destroyed. Mainstream horror and crime films joined
Grindhouse and Black Exploitation at the box office.
Even pornographic movies became mainstream with MOVIES
the release of Deep Throat. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The year this story officially takes place, 1977, was Taxi Driver
a pivotal year marked by events and entertainment Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry
still talked about today. Jimmy Carter was sworn in as
Smokey and the Bandit
President of the United States. Elvis Presley died
The French Connection Don’t feel 100% constricted to the decade. Just be
Dirty Harry careful not to break the feel with something that
Dawn of the Dead (1978) forces the players to think of another time period.
Duran Duran, Wu-Tang, and Lady Gaga are all great,
Death Race 2000 (1975)
but not for this game.
Assault on Precinct 13 (1976)
Shaft (1971)
Reservoir Dogs A NOTE OF CAUTION
Black Belt Jones This story is designed to be wild and dirty, just like
Near Dark the films that inspired it. That being said, these films
Vanishing Point (1971) were rife with choices that are problematic today. Not
Superfly only are they ultra-violent, many deal with sexuality in
The Nice Guys
ways that might make us cringe here in the 21st
Jackie Brown
Dog Day Afternoon century. It would be difficult to imagine a movie
Casino made today with a 12-year-old Jodie Foster as a
Mad Max prostitute, for instance.
The Warriors This game skirts that line and so some of the
Scarface characters inside hold vile worldviews. These are
Race with the Devil deliberate choices and are meant to reflect both the
The Gauntlet
material that inspired it and the complicated decade
Donnie Brasco
it takes place in. In case it needs to be said, the
SOUNDTRACK feelings of the characters do not reflect the views of
Not all groups use music while playing and those the author.
that do tend toward orchestral scores and classical If you think your Players may not be comfortable
compositions. For this particular story, don’t with some of the material as written, or you as the
underestimate how much the right soundtrack can Storyteller are not comfortable, then please modify
add to the game. the game as you see fit. If you’re not sure how your
Artists like Boston, KISS, Led Zeppelin, Lynyrd Players might feel, talk to them about some of what
Skynyrd, Jim Croce, Sweet, Lou Reed, Bob Seger, and they may encounter before playing.
Stevie Wonder easily create the proper atmosphere. Vampire is a horror game and is at its best when it
The soundtracks to Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, pushes boundaries and forces uncomfortable choices.
Pulp Fiction, and both Guardians of the Galaxy movies But it’s still a game. Games should be fun. If you
are great choices, as is Curtis Mayfield’s Superfly. Jerry think anyone in your gaming group won’t have fun
Reed is another artist that Storytellers would do well with some of the material as presented, forcing it
to look at it, especially his work on the Vanishing Point onto them won’t make you edgy. It will just make you
soundtrack. a dick.
Each Act of the story has a slightly different tone, Don’t be a dick.
so you may find that Skynyrd or songs like “One
Toke Over the Line” work better for the characters’ A QUICK BACKGROUND…
misadventures up to Bakersfield, while Tom Jones This story doesn’t require an extensive knowledge
and Elvis might be better for the trip to Las Vegas. of the Vampire metaplot, but there are some points
Even music like the Dead Kennedy’s cover of “Viva the Storyteller and the Players may want to be aware
Las Vegas” or the Los Lobos Desperado soundtrack of to frame things in the proper context.
can be used to create the right feel for certain scenes.
California has been home to the Anarch Free Sabbat, after all, were the original Anarchs, even if
States since the 1940s. The history and structure of they’ve become something else over the centuries.
the Anarch Free States is too complex to summarize MacNeil and his right-hand man Crispus Attucks
here. If you’re unfamiliar, most Vampire core keep tabs on the Sabbat, but otherwise it’s a “live and
rulebooks, as well as supplements like Guide to the let live” situation.
Anarchs, Anarchs Unbound,, and Los Angeles By Night, A few areas of Sabbat influence provide a bit more
provide a thorough look. control for the sect. Places like the San Fernando
For the purposes of this story, here are the Valley and Inland Empire aren’t very appealing to the
relevant details: The Camarilla was ousted by the Anarchs, so the Sabbat has more sway here than they
Anarchs in spectacular fashion in 1943. Aside from do in Hollywood or Santa Monica.
the odd city like San Francisco, California holds no More than anything, the Sabbat presence serves as
sect allegiance. The Sabbat has long tried to make a beachhead. As long as packs maintain some
inroads in the state, but the Anarchs have resisted all territory, the sect can more easily funnel resources
attempts at dominance. (and Cainites) back and forth between their
The last major Sabbat assault on Anarch holdings traditional territories in Mexico and Camarilla
was in 1965. Led by Archbishop Carolina Valez, the strongholds in the US. The Tijuana to Los Angeles
attack was easily defeated by the Baron of Los corridor is an important route for the Sabbat and
Angeles, Jeremy MacNeil. No attack has taken place they’re more than willing to make whatever
since. concessions the Anarchs require to keep it open.
What this has meant for the Sabbat is that a few The Camarilla’s largest strongholds near Southern
scattered packs have laid claims to domains that they California are Las Vegas to the East and San
tenuously hold. While there is technically a Bishop of Francisco to the North. They hold iron grips on both
Los Angeles, for example, that Bishop (Mohammed cities and the resources within. Kindred in either one
Al-Muthlin of the Crypt’s Sons pack) knows that the could easily mobilize and destroy Sabbat packs
packs under them have a limited amount of power making their way up the coast or along Route 66 if
and so they bide their time, making what concessions they knew about them. And if the Camarilla ever
they can to the Anarchs in hopes to one-day strike decided to take the offensive against Sabbat or
again. Anarch holdings, those attacks would likely come
From the Anarch perspective, as long as the from these two cities.
Sabbat doesn’t attack their holdings, actively try to It’s in this Cold War-like backdrop of tenuous
recruit their members, or create trouble for them with borders and fragile alliances that the escape of a
mortal authorities, they don’t hold a grudge. The Camarilla spy gains such importance.


This story assumes the characters are not only If the Players are creating characters specifically for
Sabbat, but that they are on the Path of Humanity this scenario, feel free to lean hard into the tropes of
(albeit with low scores). This story runs especially well the era. While fleshed-out three-dimensional
with new recruits or “shovel heads” seeking to prove characters that bend expectations are a strength of the
themselves as True Sabbat, though it works even with World of Darkness, for “Fear and Loathing `77”
an established pack. The Paths of Enlightenment are there’s a lot of fun to be had with character concepts
still not as common as Humanity among rank and who might otherwise seem trite.
file Sabbat. A Ventrue antitribu who is a former Hollywood
If the characters do follow other Paths, think stuntman, a Brujah antitribu heroin dealer, a Tzimisce
about how the theme of excess can best get under special effects artist, a City Gangrel Vietnam Vet, a
their skins. A Sabbat on the Path of Honorable Malkavian narcotics officer, or a former soap opera
Accord will react differently to certain situations than actress Embraced by a Nosferatu antitribu can all be
a Cathari, after all. fun foundations for a character. You can then add
The Paths are too numerous and complex to the quirks that make them feel real, the little surprises
provide examples for each, but Players who have that create a truly great character. You’ll also be
taken the time to become familiar with them will surprised how easy it is to find those moments while
appreciate encounters that allow roleplaying what is playing.
an important part of a Cainite’s worldview.
You drive us wild, we’ll drive you crazy.

The boulevard is packed with restaurants, bars,

dance clubs, and shops, brightly lit signs illuminating
In Act One, the characters will be summoned by a the ten-mile stretch. Muscle cars, convertibles, and
Sabbat Bishop and tasked with retrieving the escaped hot rods cruise up and down the street blaring music
spy. This will put them on the road to Bakersfield, as their passengers hang out the windows and flirt
where an Anarch biker gang has offered to sell the spy with the car next to them. There’s a small police
back to them. presence on the boulevard, but they’re (mostly) lax
When they arrive, the biker gang double crosses with the cruisers thanks to the amount of money
them and the characters find their mission going spent here every weekend.
south – figuratively and literally.
This intro serves to introduce the players to the

SCENE ONE setting, as well as help establish the theme and mood.
The characters can also use the opportunity to feed or
A SUMMONS handle any other business (such as procuring
The characters’ pack has been summoned to meet supplies) that they may have.
the Bishop of the San Fernando Valley, Zeta. This introduction scene can also be a great way for
Bishop Zeta conducts business from a junkyard the players to ease into their characters and pack
deep in Van Nuys. To get there, the characters will dynamics. Let them have a little fun here before
need to drive north on Van Nuys Boulevard. In the getting into the story proper.
1970s, Van Nuys Boulevard was a popular “cruising” VALLEY SALVAGE
spot on weekends for teenagers and young adults. The characters eventually turn from the boulevard
and into a maze of side streets, the shops and
restaurants giving way to suburbs, the suburbs to
a small mound of cocaine on the desk in front of her.
She periodically takes a bump, rubbing a bit on her
If the player characters aren’t Sabbat, they
gums when finished. Another woman in a bikini sits
can still be summoned by Bishop Zeta.
in an adjoining room watching television as she
Are they Anarchs or unaligned? Since the paints her toenails.
Sabbat presence is weak in the area, Bishop
Zeta may be forced to turn to outsiders. He
Instead of Bishop Zeta, you could insert
could offer whatever payment would be most
Bishop McClaskie, a heavyset woman
enticing to the characters: cash, territory, the
who appears to be in her mid-fifties.
vitae of an Elder, etc.
McClaskie has tall, blonde hair and wears
Do the characters owe Zeta a favor? Or, a little too much makeup. She speaks
worse, have they transgressed against him and with a slight Texas drawl and eschews the
this is how they will “work off” that cocaine and women that Zeta is fond off.
If you choose to use McClaskie, think
Are they Camarilla? Maybe they’re spying on more Angie Dickinson in Big Bad Mama
Zeta and want to get the intelligence the spy than Benicio DelToro in Fear and
has for themselves. Such intelligence would Loathing in Las Vegas. The menace and
surely prove useful to any Prince. potential for violence is still there, but
McClaskie would tone the scene down a
Whatever the characters’ backgrounds, think little and get rid of what might be
about how it will affect their motivations for problematic elements for some groups.
each scene of the story and tweak the events
appropriately. If McClaskie isn’t your cup of vitae, then
feel free to insert a Bishop of your own
warehouses, and then finally empty lots filled with tall creation here as well.
Valley Salvage sits isolated in a small dip between Bishop Zeta thanks the characters for coming so
two tree lined hills. The road leading to its chain link quickly. He motions to the woman watching TV and
fence is dirt and gravel. When the characters pull in, asks the characters if they’ve eaten. If not, they’re
they drive between stacks of old cars and piles of tires, welcome to a snack. If they choose to feed from her,
ancient refrigerators, and other junk. the woman idly offers her wrist, never taking her eyes
They eventually come to a long, rusted white from the television.
trailer up on blocks. Five wooden steps lead to an If they ask, the woman sitting next to Zeta is off-
open door, music leaking out. limits.
Bishop Zeta sits at a cluttered desk inside, Zeta is cordial, if not friendly, but there’s a menace
Hawaiian shirt unbuttoned and a gut hanging over surrounding him, a sense that he could explode in
his waistband. The room is sweltering, a small violence at any moment. The way he stares at the
rotating fan clicking in the corner. Long strips of fly characters unblinking, the pause he takes when
paper hang from the doorframes, each dotted with considering anything they say, the complete stillness
twitching bodies. of his body juxtaposed with one hand tapping against
A mortal woman sits on a swiveling barstool next
to him wearing nothing but a pair of workout shorts,
the desk – all of it should help the characters feel like so, when they found him, they staked him and gave us a
one wrong move here would put them in danger. call. Figured we’d pay big to get him back.
The Bishop relates this story: Zeta stops and again tells the woman to take a hit.
For months now, we’ve been smuggling packs across the She shakes her head, saying she doesn’t feel good. He
border from TJ and into Camarilla cities. Their job has looks her in the eye and commands “Take a hit,” the
been to poke those fucks in the White Tower and see where full force of his Lasombra blood slamming into her.
their weaknesses are. A fire here, a murder there – whatever Her eyes go vacant and she leans over and snorts a
it took to stir the hornet’s nest. It worked like a fucking massive amount.
charm. That is until those stuck-up pricks got on to us. Then When she comes up, coke dusts her face and she
our packs stopped coming back. starts spasming. Sweat pours down her forehead and
Three days ago, one of the first packs we sent, the Blue she gasps for breath. That’s when Zeta grabs her, tears
Devils, lost one of their members. I mean literally lost him. into her throat, and drinks.
The fucker just up and vanished. So a Templar came in When he’s done, he slumps her body over his
and poked around and, what did he find? The Blue Devils desk. He dips two fingers into her blood and rubs it
all had their brains scrambled. And not recently, but from on his gums. “Fuck, that’s good quality shit right
the time they first Embraced this pack mate. there,” he says.
Zeta pauses here and tells the woman next to him If they haven’t guessed it before, the characters
to snort another line. She does. It’s obvious she’s should now realize that they’re dealing with a very
reached her limit. Pupils dilated, hands shaking, unhinged and dangerous Cainite. They may decide
constant sniffing and rubbing her arms – any that loyalty to the Sect isn’t worth the trouble and try
character with Medicine or Streetwise can see she’s to leave. If so, Zeta pulls the gun and goes into his
close to overdosing. roaring act. If necessary, his own pack could appear
If they say something, Zeta gives them a look like and block the door.
they’re idiots and continues. If they press the matter,
he backhands the woman, busting her lip. Then he
roars “How does she fucking look now?” at the
characters. He’ll calm after his explosion, apologizing
to them and blaming it on the stress he’s under, but
as he continues he pulls a 357 Magnum from his
drawer and cleans it – an obvious threat toward the
Zeta continues:
So this missing Cainite, he goes by the name of Sawyer,
the Templar thinks he’s a spy. That somehow he was able to
shrug off the Vinculum and had been feeding information
back to his leash-holders. He must have thought they were If push comes to shove and the characters aren’t
on to him soon and so split. cowed by Zeta’s position or his threats, then the
Lady Luck spread her legs for us, though. There’s a biker situation could escalate. The Bishop’s pack should be
gang up in Bakersfield. Call themselves the Raptors. in equal in number and strength to the characters,
Anarchs, but so’s every lick up here it seems. At least they’d with Zeta himself serving to tip the odds in his favor.
rather make a buck than a statement. Anyway, these He may also have blackmail on the characters, or
Raptors heard we were on the lookout for this asshole and threaten people or resources that would force them


back in line. If necessary, a good beating followed by
the Vaulderie and a little Dominate should do the
Any combination of a 250 lb Mexican and LSD-25 is a
potentially terminal menace for anything it can reach –
If the characters come out of this encounter hating but when the alleged Mexican is in fact a profoundly
Zeta and wanting to overthrow him, that’s ideal. That angry Chicano lawyer with no fear at all of anything that
type of seething bitterness will make completing the walks on less than three legs and a de facto suicidal
mission that much more urgent when things go conviction that he will die at the age of 33 – just like
wrong and could pay off in Act Five. Jesus Christ – you have a serious piece of work on your
hands. Especially if the bastard is already 33½ years old
Whatever happens, Zeta eventually slides a
with a head full of Sandoz acid, a loaded .357 Magnum
briefcase of cash to the characters. He wants them to in his belt, a hatchet-wielding Chicano bodyguard on his
head to Bakersfield and bring Sawyer back alive so elbow at all times, and a disconcerting habit of projectile
that he can be interrogated. vomiting geysers of pure blood off the front porch every 30
The briefcase holds $50,000 in cash. If he needs to or 40 minutes, or whenever his malignant ulcer can't
bribe the characters, he gives them an additional handle any more raw tequila.
duffel bag of cash for themselves. Zeta provides an —�Hunter S. Thompson, "The Banshee Screams For
Buffalo Meat," Rolling Stone #254, Dec 15, 1977
address (a biker bar the Raptors hang out at) and a
time for the exchange (10pm tomorrow night). Bishop Zeta isn’t definitely Oscar Zeta Acosta,
The Bishop lets them ask any questions they may but he is inspired by Thompson’s portrayal of him
have or voice any concerns, though the cocaine is as Dr. Gonzo (or, more specifically, Benicio
now hitting his system from the woman’s blood and DelToro’s performance of that version).
he’s getting twitchier. The sense that he could attack The real Acosta was a fascinating man. A
one of the characters grows the longer they stay in the brilliant attorney who fought for the Chicano
movement and a drug addict prone to ultra-violent
trailer. This is doubly-so if they have had any kind of
outbursts, Acosta vanished in 1974 while travelling
altercation with him. to Mexico. Just before he disappeared, he called his
When the characters leave, it’s around midnight. son to say that he was “about to board a boat full of
Bakersfield is about a two hour drive this time of white snow.”
night, so if they want to leave now and spend the day In the World of Darkness, it’s feasible that
in Bakersfield, they could. If they decide to wait until Acosta’s disappearance could have been due to his
Embrace by the Lasombra. If you do want to go this
tomorrow night to leave, they should know that
route, Acosta climbed through the Sabbat ranks
sunset isn’t until 7:30pm and so they would be very quickly (which makes sense for someone as
cutting it close. brilliant and violent as he was). This would be an
ascent that the characters would know about,
adding gravity to their summons and persuading
SCENE TWO them not to cross him. Acosta would also make a
great character for a longer chronicle.
BAKERSFIELD For more information about the real Acosta,
Whenever and however the characters get to you can read his Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo or
Bakersfield, they find a small city in the middle of Hunter S. Thompson’s investigation of his friend’s
disappearance in the 1977 Rolling Stone article
farming communities. They may have encountered
“The Banshee Screams For Buffalo Meat.”
problems on the road or wherever they spent the day,
but ultimately they should make it to the meet The address leads to a bar north of town. It’s a large
around the appointed time. place with a huge gravel parking lot. Motorcycles and
pick-up trucks dominate the front lot, while eighteen
wheelers are parked around back. The bar itself is If the characters ask him to go get Sawyer and
rough: an empty stage surrounded by chicken wire, bring him back here, Cyrus thinks it over, eventually
country music playing on the juke box, pool tables agreeing, and then never shows. Whenever the
and dart boards scattered about. It’s packed with characters give up and leave, he and his men try to
truckers, bikers, and locals. There are a handful of jump them on a dark country road.
bouncers in the place and three bartenders on duty. The truck drives down a bumpy road for a good
The bikers are wearing vests that say “Raptors” half an hour. If the characters have already handed
across the back, an eagle with bloody talons over the money to Cyrus, someone slaps a padlock
outstretched below it. The characters can either onto the outside of the truck’s doors when it stops at
approach or take a seat at a table and wait for one of a red light. Then the Raptors set the truck on fire and
the Raptors to come to them. Either way, after a tense roll it down a hill. It takes three turns to break the
moment of being sized up, they’re escorted out back doors open, though characters with Potence 2 or
by the Raptors. higher can do it in one.
There should be a number of Raptors equal to the Once free, they’ll need to check for Rotschrek (diff
number of player characters. If they check their auras 8) as the truck blazes.
or have some other way to determine it, half of the The Raptors speed off when the characters reach
Raptors are vampires and the other half ghouls. the top of the hill, though the characters should get
Out back, they meet Cyrus, the head of the gang. the opportunity to attack one or more of them and
Cyrus is tall and muscular, his head shaved and possibly steal a bike.
tattoos lining his arms. A swastika has been If the characters did not hand over the cash, then
prominently tattooed onto the back of his head. If they’re driven out to an old barn. Once inside the
any of the player characters are non-white, Cyrus is barn, the Raptors jump them.
openly condescending to them – though he stops just If the characters lose the Raptors at any point,
short of racial slurs. asking around the bar will eventually point them to
He stands with his back to a white delivery truck. the old barn in the middle of nowhere as a place
His goons pat the characters down, removing any where motorcycles are often heard revving at night.
weapons they may have. Then he asks to see the cash. No matter how this plays out, it looks like the
Once he’s satisfied that the cash is good, he tries to characters are in for a fight.
get them to hand over the money, patting the delivery Cyrus’s stats are found in the DRAMATIS
truck and saying he’ll “give them what they came for.” PERSONAE section at the back of this book. Here
If they hand over the money, he opens the delivery are quick stats for the others.
truck and tells them to step inside so that he can take
them to where he’s holding Sawyer. If they do as he
Domitor: Cyrus
asks, he shuts the doors behind them and starts the
Physical 3, Social 2, Mental 2
truck up.
Brawl 3, Melee 3, Firearms 3
If they won’t hand over the money without seeing
Disciplines: Potence 1
Sawyer, he tells them he respects that and asks them
Weapons: Pistol, Knives, Chains
to climb into the truck.
If they refuse to get in the truck, or want to drive
themselves, Cyrus will tell them that there’s no way in RAPTOR VAMPIRES
hell he’s letting some Sabbat know where the Raptors Clan: Brujah
keep their most important goods. They can get into Generation: 12
the back of the truck or the deal is off. Physical 4, Social 2, Mental 3
Brawl 3, Melee 3, Firearms 3 Cyrus that’s being interrogated, he knows that Gault
Disciplines: Potence 2, Presence 2, Celerity 1 is a fixer for the Camarilla machine in Las Vegas.
Willpower: 3 If none of the Raptors are left alive, the characters
Weapons: Pistol, Knives, Chains could find another Raptor at the bar or the barn who
If any of the Raptors are left alive after the fight, could provide this info or, if push comes to shove,
the characters can try to get information out of them. the address of the hotel in Barstow could even be in
The ghouls easily tell what they know, while the one of the Raptor’s pockets.
vampires must be successfully intimidated (or be The Raptors who left with Sawyer have a head
subjected to Disciplines). start and Barstow is nearly three hours away. If the
Cyrus, however, will either require strong characters try to call the Sabbat in Los Angeles,
Disciplines, being subjected to pain, or to be in fear they’re not able to reach anyone (remember that this
of his life to talk. is well before the age of cellphones or caller ID and
Whoever talks, they tell the characters that a that even answering machines are rare).
second offer came in for Sawyer. Another group of If they have any hope of catching up to the
Raptors are driving him down to Barstow now to Raptors, they’ll need to hurry to Barstow themselves.
hand him off to someone named Mr. Gault. Mr.
Gault offered them $200,000 for Sawyer to be
delivered to him, as well as an additional $50,000 for
the Raptors to kill the Sabbat who came for him.
If the person being interrogated is a vampire, they
also know that Mr. Gault is in the Camarilla. If it’s


The smell of death surrounds you.
— Lynyrd Skynyrd

SCENE ONE also a sharpened table leg stained with blood. This is
where the Raptors held Sawyer while transporting
Barstow is a small-town notable for the number of Let the characters search the eerily empty motel
highways, freeways, and rail lines that pass through it. for a few minutes until they see smoke. The smoke
The most famous of the roads cutting through leads them to a horrifying sight.
Barstow is Route 66, which, at this time, was still The bodies of six Raptors are scattered about a
operational. Even given the its small population room, weapons in hand. Blood streaks the walls and
(around 15,000 in 1977), the community was used to floors, lining their mouths and surrounding their
seeing throngs of strangers passing through town. eyes. Their eyes have been burned from their skulls
As a result of all this traffic through such a remote and their tongues are black and ashen. No other
area, the high desert around Barstow had also gained wounds are visible on any of the bodies.
infamy as a place where criminals, mobsters, and Characters familiar with Thaumaturgy may suspect
serial killers would bury bodies. The characters may that blood magic was used on the Raptors. What the
be familiar with it for this reason more than any characters don’t yet know is that Mr. Gault and his
other. coterie are powerful Tremere. When the deal went
However they came about the info pointing to south and the Raptors sprang on them, they
Barstow, the characters arrive at an abandoned motel responded with various attacks using the Path of
tucked away in a corner of town while semi-trucks Blood.
rumble by on the highway behind it. The smoke is coming from a fire in a metal
Six motorcycles and a blue van are parked out trashcan. The fire has caught the curtains aflame and
front. A search of the van reveals handcuffs in the it won’t be long now until the entire room goes up.
back. The handcuffs are oddly still locked. There’s The characters will need to check for Rotschrek if
they hope to put out the fire and investigate the Play up the mysterious terror of the Tremere. The
room. murder scene should be horribly frightening. Perhaps
From the faint scent of charred blood on the other strange occurrences are witnessed, such as a
bodies to the state of the blood on the walls, the leaky bathroom faucet that drips up onto the ceiling.
characters should be able to determine that they Or a “pack” of stray cats in the parking lot eating an
barely missed whatever happened here. injured coyote alive. Zeta himself could be a touch
Further investigation may reveal the following (at nervous to know that blood magic was used. The
Storyteller discretion): Sabbat definitely has its own blood magicians, and
even Tremere antitribu, but don’t discount the ability
• Auspex, Dementation, or other revelatory
to use the Tremere clan as a boogeyman for the sect.
Disciplines may reveal that Sawyer was held in
the van and that he was freed by Mr. Gault and Even the antitribu have been marked by their parent
his associates. Sawyer was happy to see and clan and likely share horrifying stories of why they
leave with them. They seemed very pleased with defected in the first place.
him as well. Once the characters have learned what they need
• Questioning workers at the diner reveals that a to precede, have three police cruisers arrive on the
black Lincoln Continental was seen speeding scene thanks to an anonymous tip (a phone call from
away from the motel and heading east on
Route 66 about ten minutes before the Mr. Gault, who wishes to complicate things for any
characters arrived at the motel. Raptors or Sabbat who may on Sawyer’s trail). If the
• The gas station attendant, if asked specifically fire is still burning, two fire engines join them. This
about the Lincoln, says the car came through may lead to a chase or other confrontation but, more
about an hour before the characters arrived at than likely, should just propel the characters to get
the motel. The windows were deeply tinted. the hell out of Barstow.
The driver, a young man with a long scar
running down the side of his face, gave him a
$100 bill to fill the tank, check the tires, and
top off the fluids. The car had Clark County,
Nevada plates.
• One of the bikers grabbed the jacket of Mr.
Gault’s associate just as the Tremere began to
boil the bikers’ blood. The breast pocket ripped
off and is still clutched in his hand. Part of an
address is sewn into the pocket. All that can be
read on the cloth fragment is “ahar” with “gas
Blv” beneath it. The full address inside would
have been for the tailor inside the Sahara
Casino on Las Vegas Boulevard. One of the
three Taj Mahal-esque domed spires of the
casino’s logo is faint behind the text.
If the characters call the Bishop now, have the (OPTIONAL)
Zeta answer and harshly tell them they need to find Depending on how long or short you want the
that Lincoln. If the characters haven’t been able to game to be (as well as your general level of sadism as a
piece things together yet, the Bishop can tell them the Storyteller), the characters could have a quick and
Templar who interrogated Sawyer’s pack suspects that easy ride to Vegas or they could hit a series of
Sawyer works for the Camarilla in Las Vegas. problems.


Here are some complications they could
encounter along the way: Feel free to combine several of these as well. The
characters could run out of gas, which then leads to
• AUTHORITIES – Whether an APB was
the Raptors catching up to them. Or a Tremere hex
flagged on their car in Bakersfield or Barstow,
or a State Trooper pulls them over for causes them to hallucinate, which leads to the car
speeding, they could have a run-in with police. running off the road, which leads to a passing State
That run-in could be resolved through social Trooper flicking on his sirens.
skills or could lead to a car chase or shoot-out. These are just some suggestions. If you want the
drive to be difficult, feel free to get creative. If not,
• CAR PROBLEMS – Have the Players not even
mentioned filling the car up or checking the then it can be smooth sailing and you can jump
oil? Then have them break-down. This could straight to Act Three.
even be in the middle of the desert with
nothing around for miles. Do they walk out or
hitchhike? Or maybe they broke down while
passing a lone trailer in the middle of a rocky
canyon. Who lives inside? Or did it occur while
going through a small town where they could
fix the problem or more easily steal another

• THE TREMERE – Do the Tremere somehow

know they’re being followed? What would they
do to stop the characters or slow them down?
Does a flock of birds mysteriously crash into
the car’s windshield? Do the tires pop as the car
speeds over a strange symbol painted on the
asphalt? Do the characters start sweating blood
while driving through the Mojave? Or is a
Dominated truck driver coming from the other
direction forced to play chicken with them?

• DAYLIGHT – Have the characters been

tracking their time? Barstow is about two and a
half hours from Vegas and, after all the
running around they’ve been doing, they may
find themselves needing shelter for the day.
Whether they come to that realization in the
middle of the desert or while passing through
the tiny roadside casino town of State-Line
(population 230 not counting casino patrons),
they may need to face the repercussions of
travelling non-stop.

• RAPTORS – It’s possible that some of the

Raptors still alive know of the characters and
have been following them. If this is the case,
they could cause all sorts of problems.
Especially if they’re mortal gang members who
come across the characters while sleeping
during the day.
In Las Vegas, nothing ends very well.
— Walter Wykes

Though they may try like hell, the characters won’t

be able to catch-up to the Lincoln on the road, even
without any complications. Not only does the car THE STRIP
have a head-start (perhaps a long one, depending on No matter what time of night it is, Las Vegas Blvd
how long the characters were in Barstow), but it’s in (which everyone simply calls “The Strip”) is crowded,
top condition with a full tank. At best, the characters a million lights shining so bright it almost seems like
may be able to glimpse the car as they approach day. The massive signs outside of every casino, no
Vegas, allowing them to follow it to the Sahara. matter how large or small, advertises the talent
What’s more likely is that the characters arrive in performing there. From the Rat Pack to Tom Jones to
Las Vegas with a few clues, maybe feeling hopeless Liberace, the characters will recognize the names. For
and riddled with anxiety. verisimilitude throw in some smaller names like
While the story so far has been rather linear, this Debbie Reynolds, Don Rickles, and Redd Foxx as
portion is more “open-world.” There are multiple well.
ways this part of the scenario can play out depending The big casinos in 1977 were Caesar’s Palace, the
on the characters’ actions and the Storyteller’s whims. Flamingo, the Tropicana, and the Sahara. The Desert
It can be a quick grab and run that’s over in an hour Inn and the Dunes were popular hotels. Restaurants,
of playtime, or an entire chronicle that springs out of strip clubs, and drug stores also dotted the boulevard.
the info presented. The “default” version would see The glitz and glam gave way the further one went
the characters go instantly to the Sahara, kidnap away from the strip, dwindling to smaller and trashier
Petree, and make a crazy escape, but many of the places like casinos packed with the elderly to dive bars
particulars will likely be decided during play. renowned for hookers and knife fights. On the
outskirts of town were flea-ridden motels, one room
“casinos” packed with penny slots, brothels, and truck Sheriff and Seneschal, the Nosferatu Montrose, as
stops. well as the powerful Tremere chantry in the city. It’s
If the characters don’t immediately have an idea of damned near impossible for a vampire to enter Vegas
where to go, they may need to cruise the strip for a and not be watched.
while asking questions and hunting for information. Given the number of tourists that pass-through
If so, let them see Las Vegas excess at its height. C-list every year, as well as the Anarchs that often come
celebrities drink way too much at a table filled with through from California, the Prince is relatively lax
showgirls whose cleavage bulges from feathered on newcomers to his city. So long as they obey the
outfits as their mascara runs. High-rollers slam ten Traditions, don’t cause trouble, and leave within a
thousand dollars in cash down onto a table to few days, he’s not opposed to their visits. The way he
exchange for chips while sexually harassing the sees it, it’s better not to give the Anarchs a reason to
waitresses who keep their booze coming. bring their “live free or die again” bullshit to his door
Cheaters are beaten and tossed out by security. by cracking down on them.
Prostitutes walk through the tables trying to drum up The one exception he makes to this is the Sabbat.
business. Newlyweds make-out in corner booths at If he has any reason to suspect the characters are
casino buffets as they laugh about how they only met Sabbat – whether from black veins in their auras or
a day earlier and wonder aloud if they’ll still be what have you – then he’ll send Montrose and a small
married when they sober up. In the bathrooms, force to bring them in. He’ll also do the same if they
people shoot up and snort whatever they can get their get too out of hand, whether committing egregious
hands on. Men who have gambled too much walk crimes or through sloppy feeding.
around desperate to sell the watches on their arms – If Montrose does need to corner them, he’ll try to
or even their wives and daughters for the night. do so in a place outside of the public eye, such as a
If the Camarilla truly do rule over the kine as they casino loading dock or parking lot. He may utilize his
claim, then Vegas is a prime example of how much influence over the police in addition to other
corrupting their rule is. Kindred and ghouls to get the characters to such a
place. It’s up to the characters once he does confront
THE EYE IN THE SKY them as to whether they’ll go with him to present
From the moment the characters arrive, they themselves to the Prince or put up a fight.
should get the sense that they’re being watched. If they fight and lose, they’ll be dragged to see
Security cameras in the casinos seem to always be Benedic anyway. If they win, a Blood Hunt will be
pointed at them. Security guards eye the characters called on them and the entire city will be after them.
from across the casino floor as they talk into their If they are taken before the Prince, the Storyteller
radios. Police cruisers drive slowly behind them for is free to play this out as they see fit. Can the
several blocks before finally passing. Even when characters convince the Prince that they’re not
alone, they should feel eyes on them. Sabbat? Can they convince him that they’re here for a
This should hopefully lead to mounting paranoia legitimate reason? Or will he decide they should be
on the characters’ parts, and for good reason. They banished or even killed? The players may find
are being watched. themselves needing to break out of whatever casino
The Camarilla in Vegas is a tight ship and has a vault the Prince decides to hold them in.
hold over the city that most Princes would be envious
of. Prince Benedic, a 200-year-old Ventrue, has THE GIOVANNI
helped Las Vegas grow since its inception and has The Rothstein branch of the Giovanni also have a
eyes and ears everywhere. Most of this is due to his very strong presence in Las Vegas. They maintain a
tenuous truce with Benedic, though Shlomo A PROBLEM WITH CANON
Rothstein (the head of the Giovanni in the city) is This scenario makes use of several official characters
always looking for ways to undermine the Prince. If and concepts from previously published Vampire
Rothstein comes across the characters first, it’s material. This is an attempt to make the story feel
possible that he might aid them. like it could happen in the “canon” World of
Although, if he were to discover that they’re Darkness to be usable for most groups. Of course,
Sabbat (or especially if he discovered why they’re in none of this needs to stay the same. Feel free to
Vegas), he may decide to stake them himself to bring change any or all canon details.
before the Primogen and show that he sniffed out a
danger Benedic couldn’t. One problem with canon is that the World of
Darkness has evolved quite a bit over its nearly
THE OTHERS thirty years of existence. Cliché and even racist
The Ravnos also maintain a strong presence in Las concepts have been revised and rewritten.
Vegas. They tend to stay out of city politics, but
would be more kind to the characters than members Which brings us to Shlomo Rothstein. While he’s
of the traditional Camarilla clans. loosely based on DeNiro’s character in CASINO
There’s also a rumor that the Followers of Set (itself a version of real life Vegas figure Frank
maintain a temple in the desert outside of the city. Rosenthal), the concept originates in an early
That may or may not be true, but there are several version of the Giovanni. That version assumed that
Setites posing as members of other clans in Vegas Italian-Americans were all either in the mob or
itself. The amoral decadence of the city is almost a related to it. Naturally a vampire clan with Italian
holy sacrament for them. If any Setites came across roots would be mobsters, then. And shouldn’t they
the characters, they might help or hinder them Embrace crime families from other ethnic groups?
depending on what they know and how they feel
Future versions added nuance, giving the Giovanni
about Benedic.
roots in the Venetian merchant class and focusing
THE TREMERE & SAWYER on their occult studies. But even with that, the anti-
OR THE STORY FROM THE OTHER SIDE Semitic stereotype of Rothstein as presented in
Though the characters may not know any of this, canon is still problematic.
it’s important that the Storyteller understand what
Given the mafia influence in Vegas, it’s reasonable
the Tremere have been up to.
to have Kindred with mafia ties. But why not
When the Sabbat sent the Blue Devils to Vegas,
strengthen his clan ties and make him more than a
their plan had been for the pack to embrace a
Jewish mafioso? Is there a ley line of death energies
handful of “shovel heads” and set them loose in the
that pulses through the desert? If so, does he
city. They would observe the Prince’s reaction to this
compete with the Tremere for it? Or try to hide its
and use that to determine in what sectors his
presence from them?
strengths – and possible weaknesses – lay.
The mission failed spectacularly. Their first victim Chances are the characters might not even hear of
for the mass embrace was taken near the hunting Rothstein, let alone encounter him or his plans.
ground of a Tremere initiate named Liz Malone. Liz But it’s always good to note how concepts that
saw what they were up to and followed them, sending seemed fine in another decade can be problematic
word to the chantry of what she thought she had today.
discovered. The chantry responded in force,


capturing the pack and taking them before the The extensive conditioning that the Blue Devils
Prince. went through included implanting false memories of
Benedic ordered the pack destroyed, something Sawyer’s Embrace by the Ventrue antitribu in the
that Tremere Regent Katherine Ahlborn assured pack. As the memory went, Sawyer was one of five
would be done in the most painful way their magics shovelheads Embraced and the only one to survive.
could manage. He proved himself to the pack and both the ductus
The Regent lied. and priest agreed he should be considered True
The Prince was distracted by other matters at the Sabbat. They inducted him and then returned with
time (not least of which the Giovanni’s growing him to Tijuana.
influence) and left the matter with the Tremere. To help keep Petree loyal, Ahlborn devised a two-
Rather than destroying the Sabbat pack, the Regent fold plan in regard to the Vaulderie. The pack was
saw an opportunity. She communicated back to her conditioned so that, any time they shared blood, they
sire in Chicago, who received an enthusiastic would remember Sawyer having done so as well, even
approval for her idea from his own mentors. if he had not been present at the time. As an added
The Regent spent the next month rewriting the precaution, Petree also had an amulet surgically
memories of each member of the pack. They created implanted. The amulet turns any vitae that Petree
false memories of the Blue Devils’ success, as well as might drink inert. By the time he swallows it, it’s
incorrect intelligence that they had “gathered.” simply old, dead blood with no mystical qualities
whatsoever. Through this dual strategy, Petree was
able to maintain his full allegiance to the clan while
under cover.
No one outside of the Tremere knew of the pack’s
survival. Petree left with the Blue Devils and
proceeded to send information back on a weekly
basis. The Regent’s plan was to compile as much info
on the Sabbat as possible and then present the
findings to her higher ups. Only then, given their
approval, would she show the information to the
What the Regent didn’t know was that her sire
had been commanded to pass the information along
to the Nosferatu Justicar Petrodon in exchange for
various favors. Petrodon had been looking for
evidence of Anathema in the Southwest and so sent
the Archon Mother Night to destroy the Sabbat packs
being sent across the border.
Then the Tremere delivered the final blow.
The mass slaughter of these packs alerted the
Sabbat to the possibility of a traitor in their ranks. A
Sawyer’s real name is Davis Petree. Petree is nearly
Lasombra Templar was sent to Tijuana to ascertain
a century old and had been a part of the Pinkerton
the truth. When Talley, the Hound of the Sabbat,
Investigative Agency before his Embrace. Given his arrived, Petree panicked and fled.
unique background, he was well suited for deep-cover


Petree got spooked after crossing the border when
he saw a pack that he recognized. Rather than head CAMARILLA INTRIGUE
straight to Las Vegas, he instead changed direction If you’d like to stretch this story out, there’s more
for San Francisco. He knew that if he could reach the than enough intrigue for the characters to get
Tremere Chantry there, he would be safe. And he involved in. Prince Benedic, Rothstein, the
assumed that hundreds of miles of Anarch territory Tremere Regent, and Mother Night all present
would give him a better safety zone than the empty opportunities for politics and betrayal. That
desert back to Vegas. doesn’t even touch on whatever plans the
Primogen or other Kindred may have, or
He stopped in Bakersfield to call Regent Ahlborn whatever the hell the Setites may be up to.
and that’s when he ran afoul of Cyrus and the
Raptors. While beyond the scope of this book, this Act
could be stretched into several sessions as the
Cyrus had heard rumors that the Sabbat were characters get pulled more and more into a
looking for someone, so when he eavesdropped on Byzantine web of Kindred politics. This could
Petree’s phone call he decided to grab the Kindred serve as a springboard for an entire chronicle.
and put word out to the Sabbat that he had
something they might want. Cyrus was surprised If you wish to go that route, you’ll need to work
when the Tremere Regent called the payphone out how and why the characters get pulled in.
outside of his bar shortly after that, but he’d heard This is easier if they aren’t Sabbat, though Sabbat
enough stories about Thaumaturgy to not question it. characters savvier than the Blue Devils may be
Especially with the money they offered him. able to ease themselves into the local Camarilla
Petrodon is aware that the Tremere are bringing
Petree back to Las Vegas and wants Mother Night There may be other reasons they need to stick
present at the spy’s debriefing. Ahlborn has been told around as well. Has Mother Night’s arrival been
what use her intelligence had been put to and, while delayed and so Petree is being kept under guard at
not happy, is still an obedient member of the the Tremere chantry until then? Does Rothstein
pyramid. Not wanting to bring the Archon back to ask the characters to kill the Prince, an offer that
their Chantry, she has arranged to debrief Petree in would be difficult to turn down? Can they turn all
an unused area of the Sahara, a casino that the these factions against one another to take the city?
Tremere have great influence over.

Mother Night has told Prince Benedic that she is

merely passing through, believing that the Prince has
no reason to be made aware of the matter at this THE SAHARA
time. For his part, Benedic has been cordial to Barring any major catastrophes, the characters
Mother Night but suspects the Archon has a much should eventually realize they need to head to the
larger motive for being in the city. He’s eager to find Sahara. That may be due to clues they’ve already
any information as to why one of the most powerful pieced together, someone else who works on the Strip
agents of the Inner Circle has come to Las Vegas – having seen the young man with the scarred face
and what this may mean for his reign. working there, or even driving by and seeing the
Lincoln Continental parked out front themselves.


The Sahara, like any casino, is a virtual fortress. guards could be bribed, threatened, or cajoled
Security guards are posted around the massive away from the door. Dominate and Presence
would be quite effective, as would creating
structure. Camera are everywhere. Alarms sounding
some kind of distraction on the casino floor.
drop metal gates in front of all entrances and exits.
• The characters could go through the door in
They should be intimidated by what they’re about to disguise, whether as additional prostitutes or
do. casino staff bringing drinks or food.
After several minutes inside, they notice the young • A service elevator travels from any floor to the
man with scarred face exiting from a thick fire door rear of the area.
in a back corner. This young man is Mr. Gault, right • The hallway behind the door ends at a loading
hand to the Regent. Two guards (both normal casino dock. The steel door is currently closed and
security) are positioned at the door. locked.
Gault returns with two prostitutes from the casino • Ventilation systems are everywhere in the
floor. He’s taking them into the back for “Sawyer” to casino and, while most are too small for an
adult to fit through, a shapeshifting vampire
feed from so that the spy can heal from his ordeal.
might have far less trouble.
A few minutes later, Gault opens the door again.
• Mr. Gault is currently by himself. If the
If the characters can eavesdrop (or read lips), they characters were to catch him before he left (or
catch him telling someone inside that he’s on his way before he reached the Regent), they might be
to pick up the Regent and the Archon and should be able to use him. He’s fiercely loyal to the
back within the hour. Then he leaves the casino. Tremere and quite accomplished (as the
characters know from Barstow), so this is by far
The characters may have guessed that they have a
the most difficult path.
small window here and so need to act rather quickly.
Creative players will no doubt come up with more
Luckily for them, the Tremere are overconfident
alternatives. Make whatever plan they decide on
about the safety of both Las Vegas and the casino
challenging, but doable.
here that they have not erected wards or other
mystical security. Their only concern seems to be THE BACKROOM
privacy. That is unless the characters have somehow The door opens onto a long hallway. As stated, the
tipped Gault off to their presence. hallway ends at a service elevator and a loading dock.
If the characters don’t act now, then Gault returns Boxes of toilet paper and napkins are stacked against
with the Regent, the Archon, and two other Tremere, the walls.
and a handful of guards travelling with Mother Night. There are three doors in this hallway. One is a
At that point it should become obvious that they’ve bathroom. Another is a storage room stacked with
missed their opportunity. They’ll need to come up more supplies. The third is a meeting room.
with a new plan. Whatever it is may require them to The room is large and contains a fridge, a vending
be in the city for much longer, as well as being more machine, two leather sofas, a card table, and a few
difficult and dangerous. chairs. This is usually a staff break room, though at
If they do act, let them get creative with how to get times it’s also used to rough up suspected cheaters or
in that back room. This could be a quick, violent other unsavory activities.
heist or it could be Ocean’s 11. Here are a few options Three Kindred are currently inside. Two of them
for they could get in: are Tremere acolytes who Gault left in case Petree
needed anything. They’re both playing cards to pass
• The guards are simple mortal security. All they
the time. The third vampire is Petree himself.
know is that wealthy and important people are
meeting behind that door and they’re supposed Petree looks like shit. His hair is filthy with specks
to keep the riff-raff out. Though difficult, the of debris. His clothes (blue jeans and a corduroy
shirt) are torn and covered in stains. The fabric right horribly wrong, they won’t need to take him back
over his heart has a massive hole rimmed in blood through the casino.
One of the prostitutes Gault brought is passed out
on a sofa. Petree drinks from the other one’s wrist as
she writhes and moans in pleasure.
The characters now need to get Petree back to Los
Neither Petree nor his handlers are expecting any
Angeles. This is easier said than done.
kind of attack, so if the characters don’t tip them off
If security was alerted at the casino, the characters
they’ll have a turn to act before anyone else does.
may now have the police after them. If police are on
As soon as the Tremere suspect the characters are
the scene at the casino, they immediately chase them
a threat, they’ll attack. Petree is still weak and he’ll try
when they leave. If not, the characters have about five
to flee through the loading dock if possible. He’ll
minutes before a cruiser spots their car and radios it
only attack if cornered.
Petree’s stats are in the back of the book if you do
They may be able to avoid this if they switch cars
need them. Here are quick stats for his Tremere
after leaving the Sahara.
Police or not, the Tremere will definitely learn
TREMERE ACOLYTES what they’ve done. If the Tremere handlers were left
Generation: 11 conscious, they will immediately call the chantry,
Physical 2, Social 3, Mental 4 giving the characters about ten minutes before the
Brawl 1, Melee 2, Firearms 2 warlocks locate them.
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Dominate 1, Thaumaturgy 2 If not, then the characters have more time. Gault
Thaumaturgy Paths: Path of Blood 2, Movement of returns with the Regent and Mother Night about
the Mind 2 forty-five minutes after he left. Within ten minutes of
Willpower: 3 returning and discovering what happened, he and the
Weapons: Pistol Regent are able to locate the characters through
mystical means. This roughly gives the characters an
The Tremere will likely be dispatched without too hour from when Gault left. If they acted quickly
much trouble, especially if Petree doesn’t get involved enough, that may be an hour head start they have on
in the fight. The biggest dangers with fighting the the Tremere.
acolytes are that they will slow the player characters If security and/or the police were alerted, then
down (remember that Gault is returning with some Montrose was as well. The Nosferatu not only knows
heavy hitters) and that they will alert security. the characters went to the Sahara, but he is also an
If a gunshot fires or the Tremere alert security in excellent tracker. He can have a force brought down
another manner, the two guards will immediately on the characters within fifteen minutes, though he
rush in while radioing that they have a situation. This will do everything within his power to maintain the
could lead to a horde of guards, the casino going on Masquerade while doing so.
lock down, and the police being called if the No matter what happens, the characters are now
characters aren't quick enough. being chased (whether they know it yet or not). The
If the characters can handle the situation quickly chase should be fast, loud, and violent. If they are
and secure Petree, they’ll still need to get him to their being chased within Las Vegas, this may involve
car. Luckily the loading dock door opens without a taking last minute turns, speeding through parking
key from the inside, so unless things have gone


lots, and ramming civilian automobiles into the path
of their pursuers.
If they’ve done everything right up to this point,
the pursuit may not begin in earnest until they’re
speeding through the desert. In this case, they’ll be
flanked by three or more cars as the Kindred try to
push them off the road. They may need to weave
around eighteen-wheelers speeding head on toward
them or go off-roading through the desert. They may
exchange gun fire or toss Molotov cocktails at their
Don’t be afraid to let this car chase get absolutely
crazy. Once they’re in the dark, empty desert, the
Camarilla Kindred can forget about the Masquerade.
This could result in vampires leaping from one
automobile to the next, Nosferatu ripping car doors
away, or Tremere flying through the air hurling
Whatever happens, the characters should
constantly feel like they can’t stop or slow down, that
one wrong move and they’re dead. It should be
difficult to get away, but eventually they should be
able to put some distance between them and their
Even if they wreck, they might still escape. They
could hop onto a passing big rig. Or their wreck
could start a pile-up. Or maybe they somehow escape
through the desert on foot (not likely, but stranger
things have happened in games).
If they are caught, they’ll be taken back to Las
Vegas for interrogation and eventual execution. That
could easily become another chapter ending in their
escape or a negotiation to free themselves. But the
default scenario is that they lose the Kindred in the
desert – though just barely.
One of the reasons they do escape is that Mother
Night is not present for the chase. She leaves that to
the local Kindred. It’s only when they fail that she
decides to take matters into her own hands.


There was only one road back to L.A., U.S. interstate 15. Just a flat-out high-speed burn through
Baker, and Barstow, and Berdoo. Then on to the Hollywood freeway straight into frantic oblivion.
Safety... obscurity... just another freak in the freak kingdom.
— Hunter S. Thompson, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

By the time the characters get back to Los and have whatever booze or drugs on hand to satisfy
Angeles, they probably need to rest and heal. This is them. At some point when the party is in full swing,
especially true if sunrise is near. Zeta takes the characters to an underground bomb
Unless they have come up with an alternate plan, shelter on the rear of the property. He has Petree
chances are they’re going to take “Sawyer” back to chained inside. The Tremere hangs by his wrists from
Zeta. the ceiling, a gas soaked rag duct-taped in his mouth.
The Bishop is ecstatic with their success. He He’s awake and in pain. A close inspection reveals
proposes they celebrate and suggests the pack try to that his fingers have been severed at the middle
pick up some juice bags on Van Nuys Blvd that they knuckles and the stumps cauterized.
can bring back to party. If asked about the torture inflicted on their
The characters shouldn’t have too difficult a time prisoner while they were gone, Zeta tells them he
finding a carload or two of people looking for a good wanted to make sure the bastard couldn’t pull any
time. After the stress of the last few encounters, let “hocus pocus” on anyone.
them roleplay it with minimal dice rolls. Petree looks pathetic and may elicit some
Whoever they bring back to the junkyard, Zeta sympathy in the characters, even if it’s just a “there
and his pack are welcoming. They crank up the music but for the grace of God go I” feeling.


Zeta goes on and on about what a fantastic job The Bishop and his pack have a monstrous
the characters did. The more things went wrong and amount of fun playing cat and mouse. For the
the crazier the entire episode was, the more excited he characters’ part, they can participate as they see fit,
is about their success. As he talks, he periodically whether this means hunting and feeding or helping
punches Petree in the torso, sending the man the victims escape (something Zeta will not be happy
swinging back and forth, the chain creaking from with).
where it’s attached to the ceiling. After a few of these, When everything is said and done, the Bishop’s
ribs audibly break and Petree begins to whimper. This blood is up. A ghastly, blood-stained smile spreads
seems to turn Zeta on. across his face and he tells his pack to go grab shovels.
If the characters don’t intervene, the Bishop will He feels so good about having Petree in custody that
torture the Tremere into torpor. He responds better he thinks things are turning around here. He wants
to arguments that Petree needs to be in shape to be the characters to Embrace the mortals, bury them,
questioned than he will any other tactic. and then send the resulting monstrosities that dig
As they all leave, Zeta blankets the bunker using themselves up out into the night to wreak havoc.
Obtenebration to keep it hidden from prying eyes. This isn’t a good idea. The Sabbat is not the
When they return to the party, Zeta shares dominant force in Los Angeles County and, all their
cocaine with the juice bags the characters brought bluster aside, exist at the sufferance of the Anarch
and then reveals his true nature to the users. High Baron Jeremy MacNeil. After the failed coup of 1965,
and scared, they take off through the junkyard. The MacNeil would not look kindly on any activity by the
Bishop has all the gates locked and his pack has Sabbat that could be seen as an attack on Anarch
sabotaged their cars, so escape will be difficult. He territory.
announces to the characters that the hunt is on.


The characters need to decide whether to talk
some sense into Zeta or go along with his idea and
Embrace the mortals. This is an either/or scenario
and what the characters decide will have
In the short term, if the characters decide to
Embrace the mortals, then the shovelheads are buried
in the hills. They take a couple of hours to dig
themselves out. Frenzying, they disappear into the
night looking for blood.
If the characters refuse, the Bishop gets angry and
tells them to fuck off, that he’s sick of their holier
than thou bullshit, and he and his pack Embrace the
If the characters are split on what to do, Zeta
chastises them for lacking pack unity. Then he
commands the characters that agreed to Embrace the
mortals to do so while chastising the others for being
However the scene ends, the characters are told
to come back tomorrow night to be part of Petree’s
escort to Tijuana. Any character that didn’t agree to
the Embrace, even if female, is told to “grow some
fucking cajones by then.”

SCENE TWO them panicking into the night. Either way, the Sabbat
will be so preoccupied with the fires that Mother
DISCO INFERNO Night and Gault will be able to find and rescue
The repercussions of the characters’ decision are Petree.
almost immediate. Those who participated in the The Bishop’s Obtenebration, coupled with the
mass Embrace find their havens set on fire around bunker’s thick concrete walls and the depth that it’s
two hours before sundown. They will need to make located, has made Gault’s attempts at finding him
the proper Humanity or Path checks to see if they through ritual more difficult. Gault will still succeed,
wake in time and can act, as well as checking for but it’s taking him longer than it normally would,
Rotschrek. something for which the characters would be
The characters that did not participate wake to thankful if they knew.
sirens and news reports. Fires have broken out across The characters may now need to save themselves
Los Angeles County, the Santa Ana winds causing and hide from the sun until nightfall. Use every detail
them to spread quickly. you can about the characters’ havens to make this as
What happened isn’t immediately apparent, but harrowing a situation as possible. This should be the
the characters will soon discover the frightening closest they’ve ever come to Final Death and they
truth. The Camarilla Archon Mother Night tracked should walk away physically scarred and emotionally
the characters to Los Angeles and quickly found the shaken.
shovelheads. Mr. Gault came with her and the two of If the Players fail their rolls or other calamity
them were able to use various Disciplines (Auspex, befalls the characters, have them on the verge of
Dominate, and Thaumaturgy) to trace the death before being saved at the last minute. This
shovelheads back to who sired them and find their saving grace could come from a rare Sabbat ghoul
havens. They have a small cadre of ghouls with them rescuing the character or even the building collapsing
who then set fire to Sabbat havens during the day. in way that shields them from fire and sunlight until
Mother Night’s plan is simple. She’ll either kill
any Sabbat involved in Petree’s abduction, or send


Whether they need to escape or not, the
characters likely regroup at the junkyard. Bishop Zeta
is panicking, pacing back and forth, barking strange
orders to his pack, and on the verge of frenzy.
If the characters refused to participate in the
Mass Embrace, the Bishop’s pack has gone missing
and he’s on his own, making him even more on edge.
He’s wearing nothing but a pair of white briefs
beneath an open bathrobe as he walks back and forth
with a shotgun in his hands.
Headlights shine on his trailer as the sound of
engines approach. Zeta rushes out, shotgun raised, as
two cars pull in.
Four vampires slowly exit each vehicle. The driver
of the first car is Crispus Attucks.
Zeta keeps his shotgun pointed at Attucks as the
Anarch slowly approaches. Attucks stops about five
feet away.
“What the fuck do you want, errand boy?” Zeta
“I want to know what you and your dogs here
have been up to.”
Zeta laughs. “You think we caused these fucking
fires? I’ve lost good lichs tonight.”
“No,” Attucks says. “I think you did something
stupid that brought a Camarilla Archon into Los
Zeta looks to the characters and then back to
“You didn’t know.” Attucks says. “She’s the one
setting the fires. Smoking you sons-of-bitches out your
“No no no no no.” Zeta wipes a thin sheen of
bloody sweat from his forehead, never lowering the
shotgun as he does. “What makes more sense to me is
that you Anarch fucks finally got your limp-dicks hard
enough to come after us.”
Zeta takes a step forward, shotgun pointed at
Attuck’s face. The other vampires all draw their guns.
Attucks sighs and looks to the characters, his
expression that of someone who wants their neighbor
to control his dog.
Tensions are escalating and, if the characters
can’t calm things, Zeta will eventually shoot Attucks.
If that happens, the Brujah’s head explodes in a fine
red mist and all Hell breaks loose.
If the characters can deescalate, Attucks says that
he lost three good men trying to negotiate with
Mother Night at her temporary base in North
Hollywood. The Archon told him that the Sabbat
had taken something of hers and, if she got it back,
nightfall. she would leave. If not, she would lay waste to every
Sabbat enclave until she found it. they need to do so quickly. Here are some options
All Baron MacNeil (and, by extension, Attucks) they could choose and how those might play out:
wants is for this sectarian bullshit to leave his city.
Fires aside, an Archon in the city could mean the THE SIEGE
Camarilla renewing their interests in Los Angeles. Bishop Zeta is of little use, wanting instead to
The Anarchs could try and kill Mother Night but, wait for Mother Night in the fatalistic hope that he
even if they succeeded, an attack on a major can take the legendary Archon out.
Camarilla officer would not go without retaliation, The characters could decide to throw their lot in
something that could see this cold war get very hot. with Zeta, in which case they’re about to have a siege
MacNeil asked that Attucks come here and try to scenario on their hands. They have roughly an hour
negotiate the return of whatever the Sabbat stole. No to prepare the junkyard for a full-on assault by a
one wants to see Los Angeles burn, but if the Sabbat Camarilla Archon, a powerful thaumaturge, and a
won’t play ball, he’ll have no choice but to tell the small army of Kindred and ghouls.
Archon where they’re hiding. If this is the path the characters take, let them
No matter what the characters want, Zeta refuses find all sorts of useful items around the junkyard to
to give Petree up. If the characters don’t calm things, use as barricades, make bombs or traps from, or even
this again could escalate to violence. use as impromptu weapons. The Bishop will give the
If the characters try to give Petree to Attucks, Zeta characters access to his small collection of shotguns
will turn the shotgun on them and fire at whoever and handguns, as well as a few melee weapons like
agreed to do so. machetes, chains, bats, and sledgehammers.
If violence erupts, the Anarchs will fight fiercely. Mother Night is a three-hundred-year-old master
If it looks like the Sabbat are gaining the upper hand, tactician of potent blood and so the characters will
they’ll flee. If they win, they’ll interrogate the Sabbat have their work cut out for them. She also plans to
(harshly if necessary) with the intention of taking slaughter them all in addition to rescuing Petree.
what was stolen back to the Archon. Then Attucks
will give them the ultimatum below.
If Zeta attacks the characters, Attucks will help
them incapacitate the Bishop and then negotiate The characters may decide to take the fight to the
directly with them. Archon. If they do, they’ll need to determine where
If Attucks is given Petree, he will take the she is. They could follow Attucks to the location,
Tremere to Mother Night and the Archon, true to though the Brujah might spot them or end up
her word, will leave the city. Attucks may not give the involuntarily involved in the confrontation. If any
characters his ultimatum, but they will have to answer characters have Contacts or Allies among the
for their actions to Zeta, Los Angeles Bishop Anarchs, they could reach out to them for
Mohammed Al-Muthlim, and Archbishop Valez. information.
They may see the characters’ actions as treason. Mother Night has rented out the entirety of a
The likely scenario is that Attucks leaves empty two-story budget motel. The motel is U-shaped,
handed. If so, he says he has no choice left but to tell providing a good defensive layout for repelling an
Mother Night the characters’ location. Zeta tells him attack.
to do what he has to do. The Archon will have her men dig in and fight,
He leaves, but not before giving Zeta an but Gault’s ritual succeeds during the attack. Armed
ultimatum: if they survive the night, they need to get with the knowledge of where Petree is, Mother Night
the hell out of LA for good. After tonight, any Sabbat and Gault both Obfuscate and slip away from the
still in the county will have a Blood Hunt called on motel to go retrieve the prisoner.
them. If guns are fired or the attack otherwise draws
The Anarchs get in their cars and drive off. attention, police arrive within ten minutes. Five
minutes after that, a television news crew shows.
Once the news shows up on the scene, a furious
SCENE THREE MacNeil calls a Blood Hunt on all Sabbat in the
The characters now must decide what to do and


RUN FOR THE BORDER They’ll need to make it through Los Angeles
The safest option might be to grab Petree and County, all of Orange County, and the city of San
make a beeline for Tijuana. Not only will the Diego before getting to the border crossing. This is
characters need to smuggle him across the border (see another two-and-a-half-hour drive or so, which gives
Act Five), but they’ll also need to convince Zeta to let ample opportunity for reckless driving and highway
them take him. violence to alert the police.
Zeta’s original plan was that he would accompany If they arrive at the border being pursued by the
the characters to Tijuana with the prisoner, but he’s authorities, they’ll have a very difficult time getting
now determined to stick around and face off with across. On the plus side, any police pursuit will end
Mother Night. He will not change his mind about the second they cross the border.
In order to get Petree, the characters will either
need to incapacitate Zeta or convince him to let them
leave with the prisoner while the Bishop remains
behind. Neither choice will be easy.
Zeta’s main goal right now is glory and he’s
paranoid the characters will steal that from him if
they take Petree to TJ. If he can be convinced that
holding off the Archon while the characters flee with
the prisoner would bring him greater recognition,
then he’ll let them leave with the spy. Otherwise he’ll
fight them for the right to present the prisoner
If they do flee with Petree, Gault’s ritual
completes about fifteen minutes after they leave. The
Archon’s force will chase the characters south,
though (unlike the car chase through the desert) the
Masquerade will be a concern for them. This may give
the characters something they can exploit.


I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I know it won’t be boring.
— David Bowie

All stories have an ending and all good endings

have one thing in common: they are built on what
came before. Every choice a character makes leads to
The first option for how to begin Act Five is the
the ending. This is true for short stories, for novels,
easiest: don’t. If Act Four ended with an epic
and for movies, but makes planning a game
incredibly difficult, however. showdown where the characters were able to defeat a
Camarilla Archon or escape with their prize across
As stated in the Introduction, the Players’ the border, then anything that comes after might just
characters should have driven the action throughout be anticlimactic. This is true more if using “Fear and
the scenario. While there is a default direction things Loathing `77” as a standalone game than if it’s part
could have gone, there were also dozens of branching of a longer chronicle.
paths, not to mention that uncanny ability Players
have of throwing wrenches into the most Such an epic ending to Act Four might be
meticulously crafted scenarios. planned or the Players may maneuver things
unexpectedly in that direction. Either way, if it plays
More so than any of the Acts that came before it, out like the perfect ending, then feel free to treat it
Act Five isn’t entirely a concrete ending and more of that way and move on to another game.
a toolbox of options and scenarios for how best to
bring this story to a close. As always, the default
scenario is marked and offers a more linear path for OPTION TWO
how Storytellers may end “Fear and Loathing `77.” FAILURE
SCENE ONE If the characters were to fail in Act Four, then the
story would branch off into an entirely different
OPTIONS direction.
If Mother Night manages to defeat the characters,
Act Five, Scene One will grow directly from how
she will either have them killed or brought back to
Act Four ended. The following are options on how to Las Vegas for interrogation. Either decision on her
make that happened. part may end in a harrowing escape by the characters.


Or, if the Storyteller is particularly sadistic, their the border could be backed up and slow moving.
deaths. Drug dogs could be sniffing around and agents with
A word of caution here: No one likes to have DEA or ATF on their jackets on-site.
their characters needlessly killed. Death is an ever- If the characters do anything to raise suspicion,
present consequence in the World of Darkness, but they will be asked to pull off to the side for a full
think long and hard over how Players might feel. If inspection of their vehicle. This would result in the
this is told as a contained story, it will be much easier discovery of what is probably a staked Petree, unless
to get away with killing characters than if part of a the characters were particularly ingenious in hiding
larger chronicle. him.
Some Players may love the idea of playing out To law enforcement, Petree would simply look
their deaths, especially if given the opportunity to like a corpse. He would appear to have been tortured
make a new character afterward. Make sure to talk to before being murdered by the implement still
your Players first, but if this is the case the Sabbat embedded in his torso.
pack dying at the hands of an Archon would serve to If this occurs, the characters will be in serious
illustrate how dangerous the Camarilla truly is. trouble. Both Mexican and US agents on-site are well-
This could be especially powerful if the story armed, and the characters will likely be driven into
serves as an aside for an established chronicle. If the torpor. They’ll awaken in a cold morgue nearby when
Players are currently running Camarilla characters, agents of the Tijuana Bishop come to retrieve them
they could play this story to get a glimpse into the and Petree. The Bishop will not be happy at needing
Sabbat, or to provide background on a character like to do so.
Zeta, Mother Night, Petree, or even Montrose that If the characters were still being chased by
they will be dealing with in their regular chronicle. Mother Night, they may need to cross at a different
Or maybe the entire Sabbat pack is destroyed but the point. This could require driving through the desert
pack priest escapes and disappears, only to come back or travelling by boat.
forty years later to bedevil the Players’ Camarilla Once across the border, the characters will come
characters in the present day. into Tijuana (see below).
Whatever you do, make sure that if character
death is chosen it serves a greater narrative purpose
and doesn’t drive your Players away.
Whether they handed him over to Attucks or
OPTION THREE Mother Night captured him while the characters were
ESCAPE TO TIJUANA otherwise pre-occupied, the characters may lose their
The default scenario assumes that the characters prisoner.
escape the Archon and make it across the border. If so, they’ll need to get him back. While this
In 1977, the United States-Mexico border at could be accomplished by following Mother Night
Tijuana was much easier to cross than it is today. into the desert or back to Las Vegas, that type of
Technology had not advanced to the point where backtracking could get redundant for the Players.
cameras could determine whether a car’s It’s completely reasonable that, after losing Petree
undercarriage held a hidden compartment and scales to the Sabbat before, the Archon may have lost all
didn’t do much to tell Border Patrol if people were confidence in the Kindred of Vegas when it comes to
being smuggled across. In the seventies, the primary keeping the spy safe. Other locations would seem
concern was for produce crossing the border. more secure.
Still, by the late seventies the drug trade was The most obvious choice would be San Francisco,
booming, and the Medellin Cartel had begun though that would put the Archon travelling several
smuggling drugs through Mexico into the US in hours through hostile territory. Booking passage on a
whatever way they could. ship or even a flight (less than an hour from Bob
So long as the characters play it cool and don’t Hope International Airport in Burbank to San
have any reason to create suspicion, they should be Francisco) would be her ideal modes of travel.
waved across the border with little more than a visual This could put the characters mounting a raid at
check of a driver’s license. the docks or the airport. Or even an aquatic raid on
If you want to up the tension here, traffic to cross the Pacific. They could follow her to San Francisco,
though that would be the toughest choice as the city beach community that people feel safe visiting,
is not only staunchly Camarilla but would be given though they know better than to walk down alleys by
advance word to lookout for the characters. themselves at night. The city owes much of this to the
Mother Night may also decide to leave the strong Sabbat presence there.
Southwest altogether. This could see her taking While a Mexican city with all that entails both
Petree and her entourage to Hawaii via ship or plane. culturally and politically, Tijuana is in many ways part
Or they could board a train or a flight for a Camarilla of one large metro area with San Diego, a single city
city like New Orleans, Chicago, Dallas, or even New divided by a border between two nations. While
York. Spanish is spoken between residents, most everyone
And, in case it needs to be said, it would be also speaks English and watches television from their
incredibly difficult for the characters to smuggle the neighbor to the north. The US dollar is not only
body of a torpid vampire onto an airplane, even with accepted but welcome.
the much simpler security of the seventies. Tijuana is a vibrant city with a rich history and
culture beyond the shopping malls, brothels, and
street side taco carts. If you wish to use Tijuana
beyond the very limited information presented here,
it’s highly recommended to research the city.

If the Bishop survived Act Four and the
characters are still on decent terms with him, then
he’ll likely be travelling with them. He and his pack
lead in a separate automobile (a cornflower blue
Cadillac Seville) and, when they arrive in Tijuana,
take them to the meeting spot.
If he’s not with them, whether that’s due to his
death or a falling out with the characters, then they

SCENE TWO will have heard the name of the meeting spot from
him at some point. It’s easy to find by asking around
TIJUANA or checking a phone book.
The Bishop’s presence or lack thereof will have a
The options for Scene One could spin off in
larger significance later in this act.
countless directions. Rather than detail every legal
entanglement the characters could find themselves in
or provide a detailed look at San Francisco, the
assumption moving forward will be that the An unnamed alley stretches off from Avenida
characters arrived in Tijuana (Scene One, Option Revolución, the busiest stretch of nightlife in
Three). Tijuana. This alley, tucked between a dance club and
In 1977, Tijuana was already a major tourist a restaurant specializing in Michoacán cuisine, is just
destination for US citizens looking for cheap or barely wide enough for a car to pass through. The
illegal goods and experiences. During the day, buildings on either side cast deep shadows onto the
families strolled through shop after shop as dancers path and keeping it in darkness. Most people park
trailed floats covered with multi-colored flowers down elsewhere and come by foot, eventually bursting from
the street. At night, gambling, prostitution, heroin, the darkness and into a large courtyard. A fountain
and whatever else you could imagine was on the bubbles in the center, a few cars and motorcycles
menu. parked and rough characters positioned strategically
Small neighborhoods gangs still run most of the around the area.
criminal enterprises, though many are now on the Behind the courtyard sits La Cola de Serpiente –
payroll of larger organizations from outside the city. the Serpent’s Tail – a three story Spanish colonial
The crime rate will continue to grow, eventually with its name emblazoned on a neon sign. US
giving birth to the Tijuana Cartel. At this point in Marines drink on the second-floor balcony and a
time, Tijuana has the image of an “anything goes” large man with stark Native features smokes a cigar at


the front door. He taps the handle of a hatchet boxes of liquor are stacked around.
dangling from his belt loop as the characters Two Mexican Wolfhounds stand guard in front
approach. of a door at the back. Massive creatures, they growl as
Whether Zeta is with them or they learned of the the characters approach. Carolina pulls a treat from
place before coming, the characters know that this is her pockets for each as she kneels and whispers to
a brothel owned by the Bishop of Tijuana, the them. Satisfied, they let her and the characters pass.
Nosferatu atitribu Cicatriz. The door leads to yet another staircase, this one
The doorman will pat them down, removing any stone and much older than anything else they’ve seen
weapons they may have. He doesn’t speak and instead in the building thus far. The passageway drills down
just motions with his hands. If the characters try to into the cold earth, light flickering from the
speak to them, he shows them a thick tangle of scar occasional candle on the wall, until they reach one
tissue running across his throat to explain why he final door. Carolina reveals a key and unlocks the
can’t answer. door.
Inside, the place is dimly lit. There’s a decent
sized crowed here tonight. They’re almost entirely THE CISTERN
men, locals and truck drivers interspersed with the On the other side of the door is an unused
US Marines and Navy sailors filling the place. A bar cistern. Arches and columns hold the ceiling aloft,
dominates one wall, two bartenders very busy tonight the dim light of candles illuminating the furniture:
behind it, and a dark, empty stage sits in one corner. few leather couches, a coffee table, and a record
The women who work here are scattered about as player leaking the scratchy sounds of an old Luis
they flirt and try to drum up business. Arcaraz album.
One woman stares at them intently from across The place is otherwise empty. The cistern
the room. Teased hair curls at the shoulders of a dark stretches on into the black, tunnels carved into the
red dress. Her eyes are fiery jade and bore into the walls branching out from it.
characters. This is Carolina Villanueva Escudero, the Then, suddenly, Bishop Cicatriz and the rest of
Bishop’s pack priest, and she’s hitting the characters his pack appears.
with the full force of her Toreador atitribu blood to If the characters left Petree anyway in Tijuana
enrapture them. Even heterosexual female characters (such as the trunk of a car) rather than bring him
will feel the tingle of attraction. with them, then they have Petree as well.
She saunters over to the characters and tells them If Zeta is present, he and Cicatriz exchange a
to sit. She introduces herself and tells them she will handshake and a strained greeting.
have refreshments prepared for them. She makes eye Two other Cainites are present and Cicatriz
contact with one of the bartenders, who nods and introduces them with all the deference due to their
disappears through a door behind him. titles. They are the Archbishop Alicia Barrows and
Carolina doesn’t say much about herself or the the Templar Talley. Neither speak at first, but their
Bishop, instead asking the characters about their presence should be intimidating to the characters.
journey and what troubles they had. She’s especially Cicatriz commends the characters on successfully
interested in whatever they have to say about Mother bringing Petree here. He’s not fond of Zeta and will
Night. be happy to dole out as much praise to the characters
The lights eventually come up on stage and the as he can. If Zeta is present, he attempts to steer as
men in the place erupt in cheers and catcalls. The much of that praise back onto himself as possible.
music changes to a slow Spanish guitar as the two The Archbishop eventually interrupts. She
women saunter out and begin to dance. explains how she has been with the sect since it’s
The bartender returns then. Carolina stands and beginning centuries earlier and she has never
asks the characters to follow her. She takes them to uncovered a spy who had so successfully ingrained
the second floor, where the sounds of sex drift out himself into the Sabbat. This is not only a dangerous
from behind two dozen closed doors. security breach, but embarrassing. She’s glad to see
The characters are lead down a hallway, where that “Sawyer” will be brought to justice and that they
Carolina shows each of them a room with one of her might learn something from him before he is.
women waiting inside. When the characters are done Before proceeding, she wants to ensure they do
feeding, she escorts them back down to the first floor, not make the same mistakes again. She asks that
behind the bar, and down into a cellar. Kegs and
everyone present participate in the Vaulderie. If the The characters’ Path or Humanity rating will
characters’ pack has a priest, she asks if they would do probably dictate the interrogation method they
the honors. If not, then Carolina conducts the ritual. choose. They could decide to conduct this like a
When completed, she offers the characters the police interrogation, offering threats and bribes as
opportunity to begin the Tremere’s interrogation. She they play Good Cop/Bad Cop. They could use
tells them that they’ve earned that right with Disciplines like Presence, Dominate, or Dementation
everything they’ve been through. to force the information out. Or they could resort to
If they decline, she’s more understanding than physical torture.
they may have suspected her of being. She asks them Talley will offer no input or even an indication of
to leave while the Templar begins his work. which avenue he’d prefer they take. He does,
If they accept, she asks the Bishops and their however, show his displeasure to indecisive packs or
packs to leave the cistern. packs that argue amongst themselves as to the tactics.
Then she turns to Talley, nods, and exits herself.
The Templar removes any stake from Petree or A HAIL MARY
unbinds him in whatever way needed. If he needs to The scenario assumes that Petree is
be revived, the Templar asks one of the characters to safely in Sabbat hands now. After all,
feed Petree his blood. Tijuana is well behind enemy lines.
Petree is surprised (and frightened) to find
If you wanted to complicate things
himself in the cistern. He looks to the characters first,
further, Mother Night could have tracked
asking why he’s not bound.
Petree here and launch an assault
“I don’t need you to be,” Talley says.
(perhaps under the guise of a joint DEA/
When he sees the Templar is present, Petree Mexican Police raid).
stumbles back a step, his knees going weak and
almost falling. Another possibility is that the
Talley motions for the characters to begin as he Camarilla would simply want to cut their
takes a seat on the sofa. losses and have Petree killed. If that’s the
case, the Tremere will attempt to ritually

SCENE THREE kill Petree from a distance. The amulet

inside of him that protected him from
the Vaulderie can also be activated to
THE INTERROGATION turn Petree’s blood inert as well,
Talley does not make suggestions or interfere in essentially robbing it of the ability to keep
the interrogation. He and the Archbishop have two his corpse reanimated and plunging him
reasons for giving this honor to the characters. instantly into Final Death.
(1) The characters have been to Las Vegas and
Dramatically, either scenario would
interacted with the same Kindred who had
be best used if it occurred at a point in
reprogrammed the Blue Devil pack. They
the interrogation where Petree is about to
want to make certain the characters have not
offer some important information.
also been sent back as moles.
(2) After what the characters have done, they are
rising stars in the Sabbat. Barrows hasn’t For his part, Petree is a tough nut to crack. While
been happy with the situation in Los Angeles the characters have only seen him at his weakest,
and may want to help competent Cainites Petree is a century old Warlock and was an
into positions of power. Additionally, after accomplished investigator in life. He was chosen by
the loss of so many packs, they’ll need to tag his Regent for this mission due to his strong will and
new packs who are willing and able to loyalty to the clan.
infiltrate Camarilla territory. The characters His loyalty, however, does not extend to Final
fit that bill. Death. While he could use his amulet as assort of
There should be a sense of danger to the cyanide pill (see the sidebar “A Hail Mary”), he wants
interrogation. The characters, after all, must now to find a way that he can get out of this ordeal alive.
perform in front of a Templar at the request of an He will do his damnedest not to provide any essential
Archbishop. information, but he does have a breaking point.
Unless Disciplines are successfully used, Petree’s information on the chantry and the Tremere in
initial response to questions or torture will be the Vegas, as well as the clan as a whole.
Tremere equivalent of name, rank, and serial • Thaumaturgy – He will protect the secrets of
number. He answers “Adeptus Davis Petree, House blood magic up to the point where he feels
Trismegistus, bani Tremere, childe of Katherine Final Death is certain, but if broken can teach
Ahlborn, childe of Rudolfo the Illuminated, childe of the first level of Path of Blood, Movement of
Harrold the Wise, childe of Meerlinda, childe of the Mind, and Lure of Flames. He could
Tremere.” possibly teach first level Rituals as well. This
would be very time consuming, as he would
Petree’s will is strong but can slowly be broken need to teach the characters the fundamentals
with any interrogation method. Again, his goal is too of Hermetic theory and how to master their
get out alive. Hope and fear can both be useful tools Will. It could be days or even weeks before they
to get him to break. could finally fling a coin across the room or
However, when he first deviates from repeating light a match through sheer Will. During that
his lineage, he will lie if able to. His lies stay close to time, Petree will use his freedom in performing
the truth, but he changes or omits key details. Talley Thaumaturgy to also attempt escape or to
may recognize that he’s lying, but the characters may psychically contact his sire. Characters who
not. He’s a very good liar, though he has no way to learn the fundamentals of blood magic in this
hide his lies from Disciplines like Auspex or way may still need to seek out Tremere antitribu
Dominate. If the characters don’t realize he’s lying to advance past the first level.
and Talley does, the Templar won’t inform the
characters of it. He’ll instead quietly judge them for • General Camarilla information – While Petree
it, which may impact later decisions. can’t offer specific intelligence on his sect
Once Petree breaks and moves past the lies, here outside of Las Vegas, he can provide general
are some of the information the characters may glean information. He knows what cities are under
from him. The Storyteller is free to add or change Camarilla control, what the general hierarchy
information. of power is like (Prince, Primogen, Sherrif, etc),
and other general info.
• The Amulet – The Amulet that turns ingested
vitae inert has been inserted into his atrophied Once it seems that the characters have gotten all
stomach. Petree will explain how it works (once the information that they can from Petree, Talley will
it’s been activated, it will protect any Kindred stand and thank them for their help (no matter how
who is in contact with it). It was created by his good or bad their performance). Then he will dismiss
sire, Regent Ahlborn, from incredibly rare them and begin his own interrogation of Petree.
materials that include metal collected from Carolina is waiting on them as they ascend the
meteorites, in turn making the amulet itself stairs. She offers them rooms for the day and tells
rare and difficult to create. them to be ready for tomorrow night. The brothel
• The Blue Devils – Petree can offer details on will be closed to the public as the Archbishop holds a
how the Blue Devils were captured and gathering.
programmed. See Act Three for this
information. SCENE FOUR
• Las Vegas Politics – The Tremere can provide THE GATHERING
detailed information on the Kindred power The next night, the characters wake to an empty
structures in Las Vegas, including the strengths building. Outside, however, the courtyard bustles
and weaknesses of the Camarilla structure, as with activity. Guards are posted everywhere as
well rivals to the Prince. He will try to distort as captured tourists, homeless, and others easily
much of this info as he can. disposed of are being strapped to tall wooden posts
• The Tremere Chantry – He will lie the most thrust into the ground. The humans all seem dazed as
about this, but if broken can provide vacant, Dominated into submission.


A fire pit has been dug, torches lit around it. The True Sabbat, she would call a Wild Hunt on him. But
restaurant and dance club have been closed for the he does not deserve even that punishment. As a
night and the alley has been blocked off. servant of the Ancients, he will not be afforded even
a miniscule chance of escaping his fate.
If the characters have succeeded in impressing
Talley and the Archbishop, she then announces that
they have earned the right to claim his blood.
If she has not been impressed and instead feels
that Zeta was instrumental in returning Petree, she
will extend the offer to him.
If she feels that neither has earned the right, then
she offers Petree’s blood to Cicatriz for all he has lost
in fighting the Sword of Caine’s battles from here in
Whoever diablerizes Petree may pay the price. If
Carolina greets the characters and tells them to the amulet has not been removed, then their own
relax as final preparations are made. blood may be turned inert by the magics inside. This
Within the hour, every pack within the city has is one final act of defiance Petree has at his disposal
arrived. There are somewhere between 30 and 40 and, even if torpid, will use to try and make those
Cainites present. killing him suffer.
Archbishop Barrows steps out onto the second If Petree succeeds on a Willpower roll (diff 8),
story balcony and the crowd erupts in cheers. She’s every blood point of his consumed will actually cause
flanked on one side by Talley and on the other by the loss of a blood point in the character.
Cicatriz and (if he survived Los Angeles) Zeta. This is Additionally, they will suffer a level of Lethal Damage
also true if Zeta survived but did not accompany the per blood point consumed as the mystical properties
characters to Tijuana. They may be surprised to see of vitae that keeps them ambulatory are temporarily
him. It may also be possible that the characters only blunted.
thought the Bishop had been killed, adding to their
surprise in seeing him here.
When the crowd dies down, Barrows gives a
speech to the assembled Cainites. She delivers it in
English, though whispers of translation can be heard
rippling through some of the audience.
Cainites, I thank you for attending tonight’s festivities.
The Sword of Caine has much to celebrate. We have found
the traitor responsible for so many of our brethren meeting
the sun over the last few weeks. Thanks to the efforts of our
comrades up north-
At this, she either motions to Zeta or the
characters based on how well they’ve accomplished What’s worse is that a character drinking Petree’s
their goals to this stage. blood must succeed on a Perception + Awareness roll
-he will pay tonight for his crimes in service to the vile (diff 8) to realize this is happening to them before
Ancients! Petree’s diablerie has completed. If they Fail, they’ll
Petree is brought out the front doors and the only feel the effects after they pull away from him.
crowd erupts in jeers and taunts. Petree looks beaten Luckily, Petree doesn’t have much blood in his
and broken, barely able to stand. The fear in his eyes system after being captured and tortured. Unless the
is palpable. characters fed him at some point to keep his strength
Barrows announces that, if Petree had ever been up, Petree only has five blood points when the
diablerie commences.
Aside from these effects, the diablerie otherwise first, then Zeta calls for Monomacy.
works normally. The challenger will decide the particulars of the
When Petree is ash, everyone present applauds. duel. If this is Zeta, he calls for a fight with hatchets
Then Barrows announces, “Let the blood feast to Final Death. If another Cainite present, feel free to
commence!” and everyone begins feeding from the get creative (until first blood instead of Final Death,
mortals strung up around the courtyard. no Disciplines, participants must wear blindfolds,
participants must ride the wave of frenzy during the
THE FESTIVITIES duel, etc.).
Run the Sabbat gathering at full steam. If the characters issue the challenge, then they
Vaulderies, Sermons of Caine, Games of Instinct, can determine the details.
and the Fire Dance can (and should) all occur. This is Unless otherwise stated in the challenge, the duel
a major celebration for the Cainites of Tijuana after a takes place in the courtyard at that moment.
series of crushing defeats.
This is the climax of the story, the characters
If the characters were singled out for their role in offered a chance to claim a reward for everything
capturing Petree (and especially if they were given the they’ve done in the story. Make the duel interesting.
honor of diablerie), then all the other Cainites want Use the environment. Have Zeta or the other Cainite
to meet them. Some may be thrilled to meet them, fight dirty (“we never said my pack couldn’t join”).
others may treat the outsiders with disdain. They may Someone grabs a flaming torch or refills their blood
even be challenged to games like Base Jumping or by drinking from the mortals hanging about.
Rousing the Beast (using one of the mortals tied up
for feeding). Unless pulled into the fight, the other characters
may have little to do here. Try to give them
something. Have bets places on who will win all
THE BISHOPRIC around them. Other Cainites might try to interfere in
If Zeta is dead, then the Archbishop approaches the duel. Or the assembled packs, their blood already
the characters at some point in the evening. She tells up, may start fighting amongst themselves after
them that San Fernando is important to the sect and arguments over who should win escalate. Even if it’s
asks that their pack ductus lay claim to the title of simply trying to ingratiate themselves with Barrow or
Bishop. Talley as they watch the duel, don’t leave most of
If the Anarchs have called a Blood Hunt on the your Players twiddling their thumbs as the ductus gets
Sabbat in Act Four, then the characters may be a climactic fight.
concerned about the idea. The Archbishop tells them The fight should be long and brutal. Any Cainite
the sect needs strong war leaders and that they should willing to be Bishop will fight with ferocity.
force the Anarchs to accept them.
When the duel has completed, if it was to Final
They must announce their claim to the assembly, Death, the winner (unless otherwise stated in the
in which case another Cainite (preferably one of challenge) can diablerize the loser if they haven’t been
Zeta’s packmates if any survived) challenge them to fully killed.
Monomacy for the title.
If Zeta or another Cainite wins, they subject the
If Zeta is alive, Cicatriz approaches the characters. surviving characters to another Vaulderie. If the
He explains that Zeta has been a dangerous and characters win, then the Archbishop suggests they do
impulsive Bishop, something the characters likely the same.
agree with. He suggests that the characters publicly
Whoever wins, the Blood Bath is performed to
make their case to Barrows that Zeta should no
welcome them to their title. The story has changed
longer be Bishop, in which case a furious Zeta will
the characters unlives and new challenges will await
publicly ridicule the characters for every mistake they
have made in the course of the story.
If the characters can convince the Archbishop
The story can end here or, if you’d like to use it
that one of them would better be suited for the title
as part of a chronicle, continue on. The characters
of Bishop, then she says there is only one-way Zeta to
now run one of the Sabbat’s beachheads in Southern
be removed. If the characters don’t challenge him
California. They’ll need to work with the other
Bishops in Los Angeles County, as well as Cicatriz in landscape of Southern California’s undead may have
Tijuana, to further the sect’s goals. They may need to been shaped by them.
organize a War Party against the Anarchs or even in There are a thousand directions a chronicle could
retaliation against Las Vegas. Or they may decide it’s go from this point. The future is in your group’s
better to lay low and continue smuggling packs hands.
through to Camarilla territories as they grow their
Whatever they do, they more than likely have
targets on their backs. If Zeta is still alive, he is
definitely planning revenge. The same could be said
of his pack or any loyalists. The Tremere in Las Vegas
would love to see the characters dead. They’ve also
brought themselves to the attention of the Archon
Mother Night, and possibly other Archons and
Justicars as well. The other Bishops of Los Angeles
county may see an opportunity to oust the characters
and expand their territory. And all of that doesn’t
even touch on how MacNeil and Attucks may decide
to deal with the characters.
If continuing the chronicle, this would also be a
good place to jump forward in time a few decades.
Let the Players bluebook what their characters have
been up to, what threats they’ve faced, and how the


“Fear and Loathing `77” has a large and diverse in 1969. The Summer of Love saw Zeta butcher
cast. There are many new personalities, as well as his sire and drink the Lasombra’s soul. Since then,
canon characters from previous books. he’s felt there are few checks on his ambition – or his
The level of engagement the Player characters impulses.
have with the Storyteller characters will vary. Appearance: A stocky man with a beer gut, Zeta
Therefore, complete stats will only be provided for typically dresses as though he could give a shit. If he’s
those vampires the Players have the highest likelihood wearing anything more than his underwear and a
of dealing with. Characters like Las Vegas Prince robe, it will typically be an unbuttoned shirt and
Benedic or Anarch Baron Jeremy MacNeil who are swim trunks. His hair is dark and curly, falling to his
mentioned but not interacted with in the default shoulders, and a thick mustache hangs over his
scenario won’t be presented here. The Storyteller is mouth, bits of congealed blood often found in it.
encouraged to give any characters not outlined “Plot He’s fond of sunglasses, a carryover from his mortal
Stats:” whatever they need to be able to do for the days when they would hide his bloodshot eyes.
story to progress the way the Storyteller wants, those Roleplaying Hints: Life is a bitch, but one that you’re
are the stats these characters have. confident will spread her legs for you if you just keep
at it. You learned long ago that there’s nothing good
ARNAUD ZETA, BISHOP OF THE SAN or pure in the world. It’s simply a stinking shithole,
FERNANDO VALLEY but that’s okay with you. You know how a stinking
Arnaud Zeta lived a life of violence well before shithole operates. And you know what? Fuck
his Embrace. Growing up in poverty, he had a strong everyone else. They don’t like the way you do things,
desire to get out but his angry outbursts cost him they can say hello to the hatchet under your desk.
most respectable jobs. By the time he came to the This pressure you’ve felt bubbling up in you all night
attention of his sire, he had been in jail several times needs to be released somehow, so why not on some
for assault and had beaten a woman to death after a asshole’s face?
party. Her body was never found.
Clan: Lasombra
As a Cainite, his outbursts grew in ferocity and Sire: Don Federico Cortez
allowed him to climb the ranks of the Sabbat,
claiming the title of Bishop for San Fernando Valley Nature: Bravo
Demeanor: Sadist
Generation: 8th Mud people, foreigners, queers, and Catholics have
Embrace: 1956 driven it into the ground. What did you even fight
for over there? Those Germans, they had the right
Apparent Age: early 30s
idea. But fuck it. You have the power now to look
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4 after you and yours and to hell with everyone else.
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2 The Raptors are your only concern. Outside of them,
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 4 everybody else can rot.
Talents: Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Intimidation 4, Clan: Brujah
Leadership 3, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 2 Sire: Unknown
Skills: Drive 2, Firearms 3, Melee 3, Stealth 2, Nature: Barbarian
Medicine 1 Demeanor: Cavalier
Knowledges: Investigation 3, Law 2, Linguistics 2 Generation: 10th
(English, Spanish), Occult 3, Politics 3, Science 1 Embrace: 1949
Disciplines: Dominate 3, Obtenebration 4, Potence Apparent Age: early 40s
3, Fortitude 2 Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Influence 1, Resources 2, Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
Rituals 2, Sabbat Status 3 Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 2, Courage 5 Talents: Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Intimidation 4,
Morality: Humanity 4 Leadership 2, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 2
Willpower: 7 Skills: Drive 4, Firearms 3, Melee 3, Stealth 2
Knowledges: Investigation 2, Law 2, Politics 3,
Science 1
Disciplines: Celerity 3, Presence 2, Potence 3
Many of the soldiers coming back from World
War 2 had a difficult time finding their place. They Backgrounds: Contacts 4, Resources 3
instead took to the freedom of the open road, Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 3, Courage 4
struggling with their demons as they gave birth to the Morality: Humanity 5
motorcycle gangs that would come to dominate the Willpower: 4
California freeways.
Cyrus Whitsell joined up with the Outlaws, one
of the bigger gangs forming, until he had a falling out MONTROSE, SHERIFF OF LAS VEGAS
with the leadership. They beat him to death and Geoffrey Alan Montrose, or simply Montrose, is
dumped in a ditch in the middle of nowhere. He the sheriff of Las Vegas. In his life, he was a
woke to find himself changed. He doesn’t know who businessman from Chicago who focused on import
Embraced him or why, but he quickly found a small goods. After his Embrace, he traveled to Fort Baker,
group of Anarch bikers and, before long, took charge. hoping to secure feeding grounds within the Army
They became the Raptors and dipped their claws into base.
everything from gun smuggling to human trafficking.
When the Army moved on, he stayed and when
Still small time by law enforcement standards, the
the railroad brought travelers, he enjoyed the growing
Raptors are a growing threat who live by one rule: it’s
city. By the time Benedic arrived, he had insinuated
us or them.
himself deeply into the domain. He offered his
Appearance: Cyrus stands at 6’2”, well-muscled and service to the new prince and was made into Sheriff -
scars running all over him. His head is shaved to despite some claims that it is truly Montrose who
reveal the swastika tattoo he got right before his rules the city from Benedic's shadow.
Embrace. A red handlebar mustache and piercing
Both elders have great respect for each other and
blue eyes are what people usually remember after an
meet on occasion for a game of chess. Montrose
encounter with him.
knows the city like no other, and has people stationed
Roleplaying Hints: This country has gone to shit. everywhere. His main concerns are Sabbat incursions
and occasional Anarch uprisings (that he usually his induction into the Tremere, he continued on this
makes quick work of). track. He’s become a sort of fixer for Regent Ahlborn.
Appearance: Aside from the misshapen head and Other Kindred who know about him speak of him in
lopsided eyes typical of a Nosferatu, Montrose is whispers, their only consolation being that Mr. Gault
known for his impeccable and expensive fashion does not take an interest in you unless you’ve done
taste. It’s difficult to find him not dressed in something to require it.
thousand-dollar formal wear. Appearance: A young, handsome man with a single
Roleplaying Hints: Your second life has been good to scar running down the side of his face, the result of
you and you owe that fact entirely to Las Vegas. an angry widow attacking him in court while alive. He
Likewise, the city owes you for her fortune. You bear dresses in fine suits and carries himself with a quiet,
that responsibility willingly but never take the patrician stillness that many find disturbing.
relationship for granted. Neither of you would be Roleplaying Hints: The riff-raff are at it again, it
anything without the other. seems. This is good as you only feel purpose when
Clan: Nosferatu given a task. Whatever the Regent and clan want
from you, you’ll gladly do. Otherwise you might go
Sire: Oliver the Black made from the ennui.
Nature: Conformist
Clan: Tremere
Demeanor: Traditionalist
Sire: Demetrius Montague
Generation: 9th
Nature: Director
Embrace: 1843
Demeanor: Mercenary
Apparent Age: indeterminate
Generation: 9th
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
Embrace: 1873
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 0
Apparent Age: early 30’s
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
Talents: Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Intimidation 4,
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
Leadership 4, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 3
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
Skills: Animal Ken 4, Etiquette 3, Firearms 3, Melee
Talents: Alertness 3, Brawl 2, Empathy 3, Expression
3, Stealth 4
3, Intimidation 4, Leadership 4, Streetwise 2,
Knowledges: Academics 3, Investigation 4, Law 3,
Subterfuge 3
Politics 4, Science 2
Skills: Etiquette 4, Drive 2, Firearms 2, Melee 2,
Disciplines: Animalism 4, Obfuscate 4, Potence 3,
Security 3, Stealth 2
Fortitude 2, Dominate 2, Presence 2, Auspex 3
Knowledges: Academics 4, Investigation 3, Law 4,
Backgrounds: Contacts 4, Allies 3, Resources 5,
Occult 4, Politics 4
Status 3, Influence 4
Disciplines: Auspex 4, Dominate 4, Thaumaturgy 5,
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 5, Courage 4
Obfuscate 2, Presence 2
Morality: Humanity 7
Thaumaturgy Paths: Path of Blood 5, Movement of
Willpower: 8
the Mind 4, Lure of Flames 3, Neptune’s Might 2,
Conjuring 2
MR. GAULT, RIGHT-HAND TO THE TREMERE Thaumaturgy Rituals: Any up to Level 5 that he
REGENT might require for the story
Terrance Gault was an attorney for robber barons Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Allies 2, Resources 5,
in life, a job he excelled at. This was due to his
unique outlook on his work. He could separate Status 2, Influence 3, Rituals 5
himself from the task at hand, allowing him to Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 5, Courage 4
commit whatever underhanded or amoral tasks Morality: Humanity 6
required to succeed at the tasks assigned him. After Willpower: 9
Disciplines: Auspex 4, Dominate 3, Thaumaturgy 3,
Obfuscate 3, Presence 2, Fortitude 2
AKA DAVIS PETREE, TREMERE SPY Thaumaturgy Paths: Path of Blood 3, Movement of
An agent of the Pinkerton Agency in life, Davis the Mind 3, Lure of Flames 3, Weather Control 2,
Petree was an accomplished investigator when he was Conjuring 1
gunned down in the streets by the outlaw he’d been Thaumaturgy Rituals: Any up to Level 3 that he
trying to track down. might require for the story
Luckily for him, he had caught the eye of Backgrounds: Contacts 4, Allies 3, Resources 3,
Katherine Ahlborn. As he lay in bed facing an Status 1, Influence 1, Rituals 3
excruciating death, she gave him the gift of a second
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 4, Courage 5
life. He’s been a loyal member of Clan Tremere ever
since. Morality: Humanity 6
Petree has often assisted Mr. Gault in his work, Willpower: 9
displaying a unique knack for gathering intelligence.
When his sire and Regent asked him his thoughts for
her plan, he knew he was the only man for the job. MOTHER NIGHT, CAMARILLA ARCHON
Appearance: Tall and thin, Petree never fit the rough The Mino were an all-female military regiment of
and tumble stereotype of most Pinkerton men. A the Fon people of the Kingdom of Dahomey (the
weak chin, soft voice, and fey appearance make him present-day Republic of Benin in West Africa). While
easy to underestimate. European narratives refer to the women soldiers as
“Amazons” because of their similarity to the semi-
Roleplaying Hints: You are doing important work. mythical warrior women of Greek myth, they called
That work keeps you focused. You owe your sire and themselves Ahosi (king’s wives) or Mino (our
the clan everything. Without them, you’d be rotting mothers) in the Fon language.
away in a pine box on Boot Hill. You’ll play the part
assigned to do you and do everything you can to get The Mino were extremely well trained and
out alive and get the information you have back to inculcated with a very aggressive attitude. They were
the Regent. You just have to survive this. God, can ferocious fighters with a reputation for decapitating
you survive this? Shit. Shit, shit, shit! soldiers in the middle of battle, as well as those who
were unfortunate to become their captives.
Clan: Tremere
The warrior who would become known as
Sire: Katherine Ahlborn Mother Night was raised to be Mino. She decapitated
Nature: Chameleon her first man at the age of thirteen, earning the
Demeanor: Soldier attention of the mysterious old woman who often
Generation: 9th came at night to watch them train. Edenausegboye
was flanked by two lionesses whenever she appeared
Embrace: 1892
and asked the girl is she would like to become her
Apparent Age: late 20’s third. Edenausegboye ghouled the warrior, pushing
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4 her training into realms of pain she never thought
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3 possible. When she reached adulthood, she was
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 5 Embraced, finally becoming the lioness she had been
promised she would be. Edenausegboye renamed her
Talents: Alertness 4, Brawl 2, Empathy 3, Expression Mother Night and she forget whatever identity she’d
3, Intimidation 2, Leadership 2, Streetwise 4, had before that time.
Subterfuge 4 In the early 20th century, after nearly three
Skills: Etiquette 3, Drive 2, Firearms 3, Melee 2, centuries of nighttime battle on the African
Security 3, Stealth 3, Survival 4 continent, her sire went missing. Mother Night
Knowledges: Academics 3, Investigation 4, Law 3, followed her trail to Europe, where it had gone cold.
She made quite the impression on the Nosferatu
Occult 3, Politics 3 Justicar Petrodon when she helped defend against a


Sabbat raid and he offered her the position of Disciplines: Animalism 6, Fortitude 5, Protean 5,
Archon. She saw something promising in this Auspex 4, Dominate 4, Obfuscate 4, Presence 3,
Camarilla, something that gave her hope there might
Potence 3, Celerity 3
be more to eternity than endless bloodshed for
bloodshed’s sake. She accepted his offer. Backgrounds: Contacts 5, Allies 4, Resources 5,
Since then, Mother Night has served mostly in Status 4, Influence 4
Europe and the United States, reveling in hunting Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 3, Courage 5
down the sect’s enemies. She’s often spoken of in the Morality: Humanity 5
same breath as Kindred like Theo Bell or Lucita, apex Willpower: 8
predators among the damned. It’s often said that, if
Mother Night is coming for you, better to just greet
Appearance: Mother Night has a unique knack Attucks was born a slave in the 18th century to
for adopting the current styles, something that other an Indigenous mother and African father. He was
Kindred her age struggle with. She finds the disco shot down while leading a mob against British
inspired style she’s currently adopted to be a little soldiers in the Boston Massacre and subsequently
loud and tacky, but it allows her to blend in with kine embraced by Marguerite Foccart - who left him to be
in the areas she typically operates. She’s tall with an a pupil of none other than Jeremy MacNeil himself.
athletic build. Her hair is short from her mortal days Crispus traveled to France to be with his sire and
and the makeup around her eyes almost hides her lost the taste for revolution after the Terror and the
golden feline stare. Her preferred animal form is a bloody Napoleonic reign that followed. After
massive dark furred lioness. Napoleon's defeat, Attucks returned to America
Roleplaying Hints: You are the supreme hunter. where he aided the Underground Railroad. Attucks
No prey ever escapes you and you take great pride in worked as a spy for the North only to watch in horror
that fact. While the Camarilla represents a greater as the post-war era reconstruction gave way to
ideal, something you completely agree with, you must retribution.
be honest with yourself: you might do this job It was only in 1945 that Attucks heard of the
anyway. The hunt is what has driven you since you Anarch uprising in Los Angeles led by his erstwhile
were mortal. Anyone that gets in between you and companion Jeremy MacNeil. Attucks rushed to L.A.
your prey will find out how true this is. to find his sire already there and MacNeil planning
Clan: Gangrel out the lay of the post-coup Los Angeles.
Sire: Edenausegboye Since then, he has helped consolidate the Anarch
Nature: Survivor Free States and has served as one of its staunchest
Demeanor: Judge defenders.
Generation: 7th Appearance: Attucks is a stout, handsome man
with a kind face. He dresses in unassuming fashion
Embrace: 1638
and, unless he needs to, tries not to stand out in the
Apparent Age: early 20’s crowd.
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 6 Roleplaying Hints: You died for the idea of
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3 freedom and have spent your life since fighting for
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 4 that idea. The Anarch Free States represent the best
Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Empathy 4, of what vampires can achieve, warts and all. You’d
gladly lay down your life to defend that. Hopefully
Expression 3, Intimidation 4, Leadership 4,
you can talk some reason into folks instead. Once
Streetwise 4, Subterfuge 2 people hear what you have to say, they more often
Skills: Animal Ken 4, Etiquette 3, Drive 2, Firearms than come following along.
2, Melee 4, Security 4, Stealth 4, Survival 4 Clan: Brujah
Knowledges: Academics 2, Investigation 4, Law 4, Sire: Marguerite Foccart
Occult 2, Politics 3, Science 2
Nature: Survivor Clan: Toreador antitribu
Demeanor: Caregiver Sire: Rodrigo del Fuego
Generation: 10th Nature: Avant Garde
Embrace: 1770 Demeanor: Capitalist
Apparent Age: late 30’s Generation: 10th
Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5 Embrace: 1857
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3 Apparent Age: 17
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 2 Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Talents: Acting 2, Athletics 4, Brawl 5, Dodge 3, Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 4
Empathy 4, Intimidation 4, Leadership 3, Streetwise Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
3, Subterfuge 3 Talents: Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Intimidation 2,
Skills: Drive 2, Firearms 3, Melee 3, Music 2, Security Leadership 3, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 4
3, Stealth 2 Skills: Drive 2, Firearms 1, Melee 2, Stealth 2,
Knowledges: Law 3, Linguistics 3, Medicine 1, Medicine 2
Politics 2 Knowledges: Investigation 2, Law 2, Linguistics 2
Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 4, Dominate 2, (English, Spanish), Occult 3, Politics 3, Science 1
Fortitude 3, Potence 3, Presence 3, Quietus 2 Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 2, Presence 4,
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Contacts 3, Influence 1, Dominate 2, Obtenebration 1
Status 3 Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Influence 1, Resources 3,
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 4 Rituals 4, Sabbat Status 2
Morality: Humanity 9 Virtues: Conviction 4, Instinct 3, Courage 3
Willpower: 8 Morality: Path of Caine 7
Willpower: 6


Born into a noble family, Escodero travelled with CICATRIZ, BISHOP OF TIJUANA
her father to the New World only to contract Born as one of the lowest among the low within
tuberculosis before she could even marry. Her father’s Mexico City, Cicatriz quickly came to hate the world
mysterious business partner saw to it that she never he lived in. Filled with a powerful survival-instinct, he
passed from this world. killed his own brother for the need of sustenance.
Her sire was too taken with her and, after decades When he was Embraced as a simple shovelhead
of abuse at his hands, she finally had enough. She during a Sabbat raid across the border, he quickly
drank his soul and escaped into the night, eventually proved his worth when, despite the agonies of the
running into Cicatriz. Once she was formally transformation into a hideous monster, he managed
inducted into the Sabbat, she knew she had finally to kill and drain one of his brethren.
found her home. Although his position within the Sabbat was
Appearance: Carolina is stunning and remakes again at the bottom, Cicatriz dedicated himself to
herself into the height of sexual desire for each gaining personal power by any means necessary.
generation. Dark flowing hair, green eyes, and olive When his pack had reached Oaxatl, they turned to
skin create quite the impression. finding native vampires and artifacts from the time of
Roleplaying Hints: Men have always wanted one the Mayas. After five years of studying and challenges,
thing from you. That is as true among the dead as it is Cicatriz came to believe that a Methuselah from the
the living. You learned long ago how to bend that to earliest pre-Columbian cultures must rest in the
jungles of South America.
your advantage. As far as your concerned, anyone
who willingly subjects themselves to you deserves Only he himself and two of his pack members
what they have coming. returned from the expedition. After that, the pack
parted ways and Cicatriz returned to Mexico City. TALLEY, TEMPLAR AND HOUND OF THE
One night, however, he gathered all his belongings SABBAT
and turned to Tijuana, where his ruthlessness and Talley is a Templar under the orders of the
knowledge earned him the title of Bishop. Changed, Cardinal Monçada, who has commanded him in
he began to direct the struggles of the Sabbat more in several assignments. His reputation has grown over
the realms of Jyhad. the decades thanks to successful Lupine hunts and
his many battles with Moncada’s wayward childe
Cicatriz believes that the region from Tijuana to
Lucita. It is well known that he was educated by his
Los Angeles is the key to some great move in the
great-grand sire, the Methuselah Boukephos, and this
Jyhad and must be taken by the Sabbat.
alone should be enough to strike fear in the average
Appearance: Cicatriz is hunched over from a Cainite’s dead heart.
twisted spine, his brow and ears abnormally large. His Appearance: He is bony and angular, with a face
eyes are deep pools of black. like a hound that has just seen the fox vanish once
Roleplaying Hints: You are destined for greatness, and for all. His hair white even though his features
thanks to Caine. You will press his will on this land make him seem no older than thirty. His hands are
his most remarkable feature: they are long and
and these Cainites, stopping the plans of the slender.
Ancients in their tracks. Anyone who stands in the
Roleplaying Hints: What do we have here? Shhh,
way must be a servant of the old ones and should pay it’s all right little one. As long as you tell me what I
accordingly. need to know, then you’ll be fine. If not, then we’ll
Clan: Nosferatu antitribu need to make a decision as to what I break first: your
Sire: Humo ribs or your mind.
Nature: Survivor Clan: Lasombra
Demeanor: Sadist Nature: Architect
Generation: 9th Demeanor: Sadist
Embrace: 1944 Generation: 7th
Apparent Age: Indeterminate Embrace: sometime in the 14th century
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4 Apparent Age: early 30s
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 0 Physical: Strength 6, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 3 Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
Talents: Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 4, Intimidation Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
3, Subterfuge 4 Talents: Athletics 4, Brawl 4, Intimidation 5,
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 2, Drive 1, Firearms 2, Leadership 4, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 4
Melee 2, Stealth 2, Survival 5 Skills: Drive 1, Firearms 2, Melee 6, Stealth 5,
Knowledges: Academics 1, Investigation 4, Medicine 4
Linguistics 3 (English, Spanish, Mayan), Occult 5, Knowledges: Investigation 5, Law 4, Linguistics 5,
Politics 3, Science 1 Occult 4, Politics 4, Science 3
Disciplines: Animalism 3, Fortitude 1, Necromancy Disciplines: Dominate 6, Obtenebration 6, Potence
1, Obfuscate 2, Potence 3 6, Presence 5, Auspex 5, Celerity 4, Fortitude 4,
Necromantic Paths: Sepulchre Path 1 Protean 3, Obfuscate 3, Vicissitude 2
Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Influence 1, Resources 2, Backgrounds: Contacts 5, Influence 4, Resources 5,
Rituals 4, Sabbat Status 3 Rituals 5, Sabbat Status 5
Virtues: Conviction 3, Instinct 4, Courage 4 Virtues: Conviction 4, Instinct 4, Courage 5
Morality: Path of Caine 6 Morality: Path of Night 7
Willpower: 7 Willpower: 8
Derangements: Gluttony
ARCHBISHOP BARROWS Knowledges: Bureaucracy 5, Computer 4, Finance 4,
When she was a mortal fortune teller, her cards Investigation 3, Law 3, Linguistics 5, Medicine 3,
told her the End was coming and the Old Ones Politics 5, Sabbat Lore 5
would rise up to devour us all. She told her master
this and he forced the Embrace upon her so that he Disciplines: Auspex 7, Celerity 4, Dementation 7,
would not die alone. Alicia killed him in the first Fortitude 4, Potence 7, Presence 5, Obfuscate 5
Anarch Revolt. Backgrounds: Allies 3, Contacts 3, Resources 5,
Her fear of the Antediluvians drove her into the Retainers 5
Sabbat and she has continually worked at unifying Virtues: Conscience/Conviction 3, Self-
the sect so might survive Gehenna. As an Archbishop Control/Instinct 4, Courage 5
of Mexico City, she has substantial influence over the
unlives of those around her. Morality: Various 4
Willpower: 10
She is smart enough not to flaunt her power and
has remained alive all these centuries because of her Derangements: The Archbishop has a unique type of
precaution. She insulates herself with Bishops who personality disorder. On the surface, it seems like she
she can trust to give the orders, thus keeping them in may be manic depressive or perhaps even have
her enemies’ crosshairs and not herself. multiple personality disorder. What’s occurring is
Appearance: Alicia looks to be a teenager, her that, while she remains Alicia Barrows every night,
pale skin and baby face at odds with the cold malice
her core sense of purpose and definition is constantly
in her eyes. She’s short (just under five feet tall) and
petite, with bright red hair. She typically dresses in in flux. This has her essentially following a different
white, though she’s long since forgotten why. Path of Enlightenment every night. One night she
Roleplaying Hints: You have survived for this might weep for the suffering of an old man with
long by reaching a level of power that keeps a horde cancer while the next night sees her hunting children
of backstabbing, ambitious Bishops at each other’s’ for sport.
throats. You have a quiet command and, if necessary,
will assert your will over others. But you would rather
be underestimated. That is, if you cannot be invisible.
Clan: Malkavian antitribu
Sire: Andre Milano
Nature: Fanatic
Demeanor: Deviant
Generation: 6th
Embrace: 1401
Apparent Age: 18
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 7, Appearance 4
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 6
Talents: Alertness 4, Brawl 3, Dodge 5, Empathy 5,
Fortune-Telling 5, Intimidation 3, Leadership 5,
Streetwise 4, Subterfuge 3
Skills: Blind Fighting 3, Body Crafts 2, Crafts
(Repair) 4, Drive 5, Firearms 3, Melee 5, Performance
(Music) 4, Survival 3


Fear and Loathing `77


Fear and Loathing `77


Fear and Loathing `77


Fear and Loathing `77


Sex, Blood, and Rock `n Roll  
It’s 1977 and a Camarilla spy has infiltrated the Sabbat.
Hit the road in your pack’s Hemi `Cuda, crank up Cheap
Trick, and raise some Hell as you hunt the bastard down.
Just know that no matter how crazy you are, the decade
will still have you beat.
Fear and Loathing `77 includes: 
• A ready-made adventure for Sabbat characters
• An exploration of the excess and decadence of the 1970s
• Advice for updating the setting or using non-Sabbat characters
• Characters and story seeds to spin-off into an entire chronicle

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