Clanbook Gargoyles (With Bookmarks) 12 - 26 - 2018

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Credits First Edition

Written by: Ben Allsop & Sam Myatt Storytellers Handbook

Editor: Sam Myatt & Ben Allsop V20 Dark Ages

Cover Art: Mark Jackson Dark Ages: Vampire

Proofreaders: Ash Brock, Ellen Trezise, Lewis Players Guide to the Low Clans , Storyteller’s
Wylie, Max Robinson Companion

Sources: Vampire: The Dark Ages

V20 Ashen Cults; Book of Storyteller Secrets; House of

Tremere; Libellus Sanguis II - Keepers of the Word
Anarchs Unbound; Beckett’s Jyhad Diary; Dread
Names, Red List; Hunters Hunted II; Lore of the Vampire: The Victorian Age
Bloodlines; Lore of the Clans; Rites of the Blood Victorian Age Companion
Revised Edition Other
Archons and Templars; Clanbook: Tremere Revised Blood-Dimmed Tides
Edition; Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy; Blood
Sacrifice: The Thaumaturgy Companion; Guide to
the Camarilla; Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom Special thanks to Chris ‘MrGone’ Leland for his
work on the character sheet!
Second Edition
Chicago by Night; Clanbook: Tremere; Montreal
by Night; The Kindred Most Wanted; Under a Blood
Red Moon

A Note on Language
It should be stated that Clanbook:
Gargoyles, unlike other V20 products, is
written in British English since that is the
form the authors are familiar with.

© 2017 White Wolf Entertainment AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The
Masquerade®, World of Darkness®, Storytelling System™, and Storytellers
Vault™ are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of White Wolf
Entertainment AB. All rights reserved.
For additional information on White Wolf and the World of Darkness,
please, visit:, and

2 Credits and Contents

C L A N B O O K :

A Gargoyle’s Diary 5 The Scout Mould 31 General Abhorrence
Introduction 8 The Sentinel Mould 31 Features 60
How to use this book 8 The Warrior Mould 32 Chapter Four:
Lexicon 9 Notable Eyries 33 Of Mingled Blood 66
Chapter One: Communal Eyries 36 A Bloodline’s Bloodlines 66
A Past Carved in Stone 12 Free Eyries 37 The Castings 67
An Audience with Mimesis 38 Scouts 68
Handsome Dan 12 Chapter Three: Sentinels 70
The First Grotesques 13 Hearts of Stone 40 Warriors 72
The First Revolt 14 Sired Gargoyles 40 Misbegotten Gargoyles 74
Centuries of Slavery 15 Character Creation 40 Calacas 74
The Gargoyle Revolt 16 Path of Service 44 Gorgons 78
Centuries of Freedom 18 Path of Freedom 46 Mariners 80
Discovering Mimesis 19 Wings 48 Minkisi 85
Ferox 19 Wing Types 48 Chapter Five:
The First Misbegotten 20 Aerial Combat Manoeuvres 51 Lithomancy 88
Gargoyles in London 20 Weaknesses 52 Disciplines 88
The Rock Lord 21 Abhorrence 52 Advanced
Chaundice’s Awakening 22 Amnesia 52 Visceratika Powers 88
Chaundice’s Children 23 Susceptibility to Advanced
Chapter Two: Mind Control 53 Flight Powers 91
Freedom and Dependence 24 Merits and Flaws 53 Combination Disciplines 92
Grotesque Culture 24 Merits 53 Humours 97
Gargoyles by Birth 24 Flaws 54 Misbegotten Humours 105
Gargoyles by Status 26 Abhorrence 56
Gargoyles by Sect 26 Synergy 57
Eyries and Grotesqueries 30 Abhorrence 6+ 57
Rock Lord or Lady 30 Gargoyle Specific Features 57

Clanbook: Gargoyles 3
Chapter Six: The Stone Beauty 135
The Slaves’ Retainers 110 Saxum,
Ghouls 110 The Master of Slaves 137
Life Stages 110 Ublo-Satha 137
The Standing Stones 112 Rocia,
1476 Revivalists 113 The Watcher Mould 140
Misbegotten Ghouls 113 Ch’iung Chi,
Gargoyle Animals 114 Rock Lord of Tianmu 141
Gargoyle Monstrosities 119 Ferox,
Chapter Seven: Servant of God 143
A Gallery of Grotesques 124 Erinyi, the Luminaire 144
Sample Characters 124 Filippo Sammarca,
Agitator 124 The Inquisitor 144
Supremacist 124 Babi 146
Mercenary 125
Scourge 125
Shaman 126
Keeper of the Shroud 126
Sentinel Caretaker 126
Gorgon Artist 127
Chantry Guardian 127
Demonic Host 128
Notable Gargoyles 128
Chaundice, Rock Lord of
the Grand Court 128
Ana, The Blood-Stained
Erinye 130
Gersella, Rock Lady
of the Stone Guardians 131
The Winged Wolf 132
Stonebones, Proprietor of
the Catacombs of Sorrow 133
The Shrunken Beast 134

4 Credits and Contents

Gargoyle’s Diar y

r 2017
12th of Decembe
co is
Dear diary, ov er an d ov er ag ain. I think Fal
I’ve asked
ve m e pa pe r, at last. It’s not like
They finally ga d he can’t!
jeal ou s be ca us e I can still write an
g is , I ca n ’t re member anything
range thin er is
fo r ar ou n d a m onth now. The st do es th at ev en m ean? Short answ
I’ve been here ade’. What bered’
ey ju st k ee p te lli ng me I was ‘unm ck . W hy do I k eep saying ‘remem
before then. Th nfidence ba atars
al l I ca n sa y is I’m getting my co S o th ey sa y w e are Gargoyles, av
I don’t know, after all. ania,
re m em be re d ho w to speak and write S om e sa y a w oman called Virst
and ‘back’? I’ve contention . one.
d ch ild re n of .. . well, that’s up for av e, so I’ ll ge t ba ck to you on that
of the earth an e and I le
ca lle d C ha un di ce, then they argu
some say a man
le ot he rs n ev er le ave. Rixatrix says
me and go whi but not all Gargoyl
es are
fa ir ly re la xe d though. Some co l sh e n ee ds n ow ,
It has been at we are al e she’s
as on to go ou ts id e anymore and th th an m e, bu t sh e’s different becaus
doesn’t see a re much older ys it’s
ua n is an ot he r n ew Gargoyle, not to ha ve co m e be tween us. She sa
like that. Sib th at means, but it do
esn’t seem
th rough the Eyrie -
n ot su re w ha t e w in d cr ee pi n g
‘sired’. I’m still n’t wait to join he
r. The gentl not allowed to go ou
t th er e, an d I ca so m e re as on I’ m
wonderful ou re, but for what
el s so di ffer en t to the stuffy air in he ha s ‘e n ch an te d’ me. I don’t know
our home - fe gs when he s made
at I w ill be fr ee to stretch my win e se em s ex ci te d about it. Falco ha
Falco said th d everyo n nsive
er , bu t it ’s ha pp ening tomorrow an th e en ch an tm en t. It’s not too inte
that means ei th aration fo r
fo r si x ho ur s every day in prep
me train wit h hi m blood’.
an d w ha t he ca lls ‘channeling the
though, just medit
sit from
w or th w ri ti n g do wn would be the vi
at’s really l pairs
in g th at ’s ha pp en ed to me so far th
he ha d qu it e la rg e wings and severa
The only th skin and all, and her
H e w as G ar go yle too with grey n n ih y to sp ea k to our Rock Lady
the big guy. to Derrycu ts every
te d ho rn s. H e sa id he had traveled , th ey ev en br oke into argumen
of long, twis e four of th em I went
w as he re al l n ight talking to th , th in gs go t te n se in the Eyrie, so
Moulds. H e ft. After that
en , bu t be fo re th e light came he le
now and th
ay from it all.
to sleep to get aw
13th of December 20
Dear diary, t am azing afterwards. I sta
th e tim e, bu t I fel
ange and unsettling at was up to, then I practic
The enchantment was str ixatrix ab ou t wh at ev ery on e
I awoke and spoke to R shaman most of the tim
out my night as usual. th Falco - he ca lls him sel f th e
ey want me to learn wi ushered me into the chur
the blood channeling th but be fo re we pa rte d F al co
day was drawing near, gathered. Obviously I wa
After my training the the en tir e Gr ote sq ue rie ha d
ndles had been lit and calmed me down alot. On
hall where numerous ca crowd sm ili ng at m e, wh ich
was at the front of the lly understand it. They
frightened, but Sibuan e, but I wa s too tired to rea
r event happened to m sheep. After that my
my first night a simila e dri nk th e blo od of a big
like tonight and had m w a pattern on my head
all gathered around just time ar ou nd he sim ply dre
me stiff like straw. This would, but I keep hear
dried and my hair beca do feel str on ge r, as he sa id I
allow a small stone. I
blood then made me sw
ng from nowhere.
a woman’s voice whisperi

20th of December 20
Dear diary, of all, I was allowed outsi
de! I
ha s ha pp en ed . B est
d since I wrote but a lot esn’t sound exciting for
A few nights have passe th e ste ep le. I kn ow it do
d did several laps around e lights all around me,
in the
flew for the first time an ag ai ns t m y fa ce an d th
sound of the air rushing e the world look so beau
a short distance but the behin d th e hil ls, th ey m ad
ows, off in the distance
sky, in the church wind
’re sim ila r to us an d act like us but they’re so
r the first time too. They take a bite to the neck
I fed from a human fo nt ai n sh ee p we rea r of ten
can’t even fly. The mou t have bitten so hard he
r neck
more delicate, and they fro m th e hu m an I m us
but somehow when I fed the entire room. I’ll ha
ve to be
manage to walk it off sp ew ed al l ov er m e an d
away, and... her blood e stress I had to go throu
gh just
snapped when I pulled e ta ste , it wa s wo rth th
but the taste, my God th lls it. The spirit of the B
more gentle next time, I ‘jo ur ne ye d’ - as F al co ca
nectar. After the taste e me feel angry and con
for a mouthful of that e fu n en tirely an d m ad
oments which ruined th
entered me for a few m
for the rest of the night.
r several times
I me nt ion ed he r in my last entry. I’ve heard he
The last thing is the woma
n’s voice, nts like: “The
lou der tha n the n too . She keeps making comme
ually much st her words were
a night since then and us d “I am the wa y to your salvation”. At fir
self of fea r”; an when she falls
Flock awaits”; “Free your nd see me d so ali en but now I come to miss it
voice in my mi e me! In fact
disturbing to me, another in g wa y of cou rse ) but Falco seems to believ
crazy (in a lov
silent. Sibaun tells me I’m other.
tel ls me to lis ten to he r, he says She is my M

26th of December 2017

Dear diary,
tel lin g me tha t S he is waiting for me south of the
of mine keeps lco agrees
Every night this Mother fee ls lik e S he rea lly wa nts me to see Her and Fa
are so soothing, it ually go
behind the hills. Her words to ign ore the voi ce, if I ignore Her, She will event
ibuan both tell me least once.
entirely. Rixatrix and S he sou nd s so ca rin g tha t I should go to see Her at
want Her to. S
away, but I don’t think I
en I take
ow , I’l l on ly be go ne for a few hours. I’ll set off wh
south tomorr to go far and
I think i’m going to travel alo ne wh en I fly so they won’t expect me
seem to let me be I don’t find
my midnight flight, they I see it, on e of tw o thi ngs will happen: Either
ow it. The way s Flock She
I’ll be back before they kn ve a lit tle fli gh t ar ou nd the village or I find thi
ary and simply ha nts of me.
anything out of the ordin las t we ek , an d fin d out what my Mother wa
that big guy fro m
mentioned, maybe even

27th of December 2017

Wish me luck.

The Gargoyles are emblematic of the bizarre This book is the result of a particular and long-
nature of the bloodlines as a group, and perhaps held fascination with this strange bloodline.
those to whom the label ‘vampire’ does the least Information about them, much like the Gargoyles
justice. Long have they been the underdogs, the themselves, is scattered and often contradictory.
oppressed, scarcely above Caitiff and thinbloods in Clanbook: Gargoyles seeks first to bring together
terms of social standing. But as a long-lost ancient the various scraps of lore to be found here and
awakens, this is changing. Even as they are preyed there and make them fit together more coherently,
upon by members of their own bloodline aiming and then to expand upon that information, giving
to bind them to an insane and tyrannical creator the Gargoyles the book-length coverage we feel
or enlist them in an apocalyptic crusade, the young they deserve and need. We are indebted to far too
Freemen are beginning to seek a new destiny and many people to realistically list here since we have
to carve out a true place for themselves. Some drawn on so many sources, from the very recent
wish to overturn the current order, to supplant to the very old. Of particular note are Lore of
an entire Clan or even to create their own sect the Bloodlines, which prompted this book to be
divorced from the dichotomy of Camarilla and written, and House of Tremere, without which it
Sabbat. Others simply wish to be treated as equals would not exist in anything like its current form
and to survive. (and possibly not at all).
As with any group of sufficient size - and the How To Use This Book
bloodline has grown significantly over the past few
decades - there are stark differences in opinion, but Clanbook: Gargoyles serves two purposes: to
one line of thought is held largely in common. No bring together information gathered from every
longer are the Gargoyles satisfied to be counted edition of Vampire: The Masquerade and its
as a mere bloodline; they wish instead to be historical spinoffs; and to expand upon existing
recognised as a Clan, and to be granted the status Gargoyle lore in appropriately bizarre and
that comes with it. After all, their progenitor has surprising ways. These purposes, in addition to the
returned and lives among them - how many of the sheer amount of content, has required us to split
vaunted Clans can say the same? the book into a fairly large number of chapters,
which are as follows:

8 Introduction
Chapter One: A Past Carved in Stone sees Lexicon
Handsome Dan, a veteran Gargoyle Anarch
of humble origins, relate the history of their Casting: The ‘type’ which a cast Gargoyle conforms
bloodline to a Grotesquerie of young Rockheads to, whether Scout, Sentinel, or Warrior.
- and offer a new way forward for them and the Ceoris: The Tremere chantry where Gargoyles were
Gargoyle race as a whole. first created and where the Revolt began, located
Chapter Two: Freedom and Dependence lays in the Carpathian mountains of eastern Europe. It
out the current social structures of the Gargoyles, was abandoned shortly after the Revolt, and serves
from the local to the global, as well as their as the base for Virstania and her Flock.
relationships with the various Clans and sects of Cenote: A pool of stagnant water believed to offer
the Kindred and other denizens of the World of a passageway between this world and the next in
Darkness besides. Mayan religion. They are used to Gestate new
Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone provides rules members of the Misbegotten known as Calacas,
and guidance for creating Gargoyle characters, with and also feature prominently in their rituals.
a particular emphasis on the Embraced Gargoyles Chaundice: The first Gargoyle and the original
provided in V20. Rock Lord, created by Virstania as her last
Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood focuses on significant act while still a mortal mage.
the rarer types of Gargoyles - the three ancient Apparently missing for centuries, he has recently
Castings (as depicted most recently in Lore of the re-emerged, and is the head of a new movement
Bloodlines) and the strange and new Misbegotten. within the bloodline.
Chapter Five: Lithomancy presents new Chaundice’s Children: The young, radical
Visceratika powers, powers for the higher levels of independence and emancipation movement within
Flight, and combination Disciplines (some of our the Gargoyle bloodline, which gains more and
own creation and others adapted from previous more traction each night, drawing its membership
editions). It also describes a range of humours, from every sect and around the world. Also
the Freemen’s inheritance of the ‘Gargoyle rituals’ called the ‘Chaundician movement’ or simply
practiced by their former masters, the Tremere. ‘Chaundicians’.
Duat: The Egyptian underworld, to which the
Chapter Six: The Slaves’ Retainers consists of
spirits of Gorgons (see Misbegotten) supposedly
a miscellany of Gargoyle-related creatures, from
travel during Gestation; once there, they are
their ghouls to the mutated animals and other
believed to commune with Set and bring his words
monstrosities which are as much a part of the
back to the physical world.
bloodline’s grotesque heritage as the vampiric
Gargoyles themselves. Eyrie: The communal haven of a Grotesquerie.
Ferox: Originally a ghoul Embraced for his
Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques
assistance in the Gargoyle Revolt, Ferox now leads
presents a number of character templates which
the cult called the Grigori, or Watchers. He views
can be picked up or tweaked to provide ready-
himself as one of the angels of the end times, and
to-use player characters, followed by profiles on
wishes to prepare the Earth for God’s judgement
some of the most notable Gargoyles to be found in
by destroying as many ‘demons’ (non-Gargoyle
tonight’s skies.
vampires, and especially Nosferatu) as possible.
The Flock: The Gargoyles still loyal to Virstania.
They view her as the Great Mother, the
unquestionable queen of their kind, and make
efforts to kidnap or convert Gargoyles and bring
them to live with her in the ruins of Ceoris.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 9
Gargoyle Revolt: The conflict in which the Rock Lord/Lady: An honorific denoting
majority of enslaved Gargoyles rose up against leadership of a Grotesquerie or otherwise
their masters, beginning in 1476 with Virstania’s significant authority. Chaundice and Ferox (see the
uprising in Ceoris, and ending shortly after the Watchers, below) both bear the title, though the
signing of the Montmartre Pact. latter is recognised by very few Gargoyles.
Gestation: 1) The process by which a cast Gargoyle Virstania: The ancient Tremere primarily
is made, which takes months. 2) The Embrace of a responsible for the creation of the original
sired Gargoyle. Gargoyles, including Chaundice, and for the
Great Mother: See Virstania. development of the bloodline until the end of the
Gargoyle Revolt. Known as the Great Mother, she
Grigori: See the Watchers. currently rules over the Flock.
Grotesquerie: A group of Gargoyles, equivalent to The Watchers: A growing and fanatically religious
a coterie or Sabbat pack, which gather in an Eyrie Gargoyle cult centred around the infamous Rock
for mutual company, protection, and development. Lord Ferox, who believe that they are fallen angels
Grotto: The underwater Eyrie of Mariner manifested on Earth to destroy the ‘demons’
Gargoyles, a type of Misbegotten. which inhabit it - other Kindred, and Nosferatu in
Humour: A specialised ritual, useable only on and particular. Also called the Grigori.
by Gargoyles, which applies a particular temporary
effect to the subject.
Mimesis: A mysterious process by which a
Gargoyle comes to resemble the architecture
(whether natural or artificial) of their haven.
Grotesqueries which share the same Eyrie also
undergo this effect, coming to resemble each other
as they each reflect the physical features of their
Misbegotten: Recently-emerging types of
Gargoyles, made from Clans and bloodlines
previously unused. They are unknown to most and
looked down upon by those aware of them, though
some are more wretched than others. Calacas,
Green Men, Gorgons, Mariner Gargoyles, Minkisi
are the five Misbegotten ‘Castings’ known to exist.
Montmartre Pact: The treaty signed in 1489,
requiring the Tremere to end the slavery of
Gargoyles as a condition for their joining the
Camarilla, which effectively ended the Gargoyle
Mould: 1) The original three cast Gargoyles:
Fidus, Luma, and Saxum. 2) The three most senior
figures in a Grotesquerie beneath the Rock Lord or
Lady, titled the Scout Mould, the Sentinel Mould,
and the Warrior Mould. These positions need not
be filled by cast Gargoyles, but if they are they will
always correspond to the Gargoyle’s Casting.

10 Introduction
Clanbook: Gargoyles 11
Chapter One:
A Past Carved in
An Audience with I should think you at least know that we’ve
always been slaves, one way or another. It’s been
Handsome Dan some time since any Warlock has owned one of
Evening lads and lasses. Easy now, I don’t us - openly, anyway - but it’s part of us, deep down.
mean you any harm. I’m not here to take you Some of us have tried to fight it, but it’s a story of
into Tremere or the Mother or anyone else. Lord false starts - a bit like my own story. As you may
knows there’s enough of them out there who’d like be able to tell I was born and raised in - no, not
nothing more than to put you in chains. I’m not bloody Australia! I come from old London town.
here to tell you to do anything or go anywhere, just And don’t interrupt unless you’ve got something
hear me out before you do something we’ll both useful to say.
regret. That’s better. Let’s talk like grown-ups. Anyway, back in my youth I went around with
My name’s Dan, ‘Handsome Dan’ to the ladies. the finest bunch of anarch miscreants you could
I’m sure I’ll find out yours in due time. I was hope for. The Sixpence Pinch we called ourselves.
just on my way over to DC, heard there might Rooker, my sire, saw us through many a tough
be a flock of us headed there. I noticed you lot time. We ruled that city for about a hundred years,
and thought I’d stop by for a chat. Before I start don’t let any Blue Blood tell you otherwise. But
rambling on, I’ve got a question for the lot of you. it all ended badly, sad to say - the Cammies got us
How much do you know about what you are? in the end, and I was the only one who got away. I
Where you come from and that? spent a few rough weeks on the continent feeling
Blimey… I’ve got my work cut out for me. I’m sorry for myself, living much like you are now.
not talking about your sires or where you got your Eventually I got the idea of heading to California
fangs, I mean metaphorically. I suppose what I to make my fortune in the Free State they’ve got
mean to ask is, what do you know about where going over there. What I found on the way there,
we come from? I see. You can’t be blamed really. though, was a miracle, a proper fresh start for me
There’s too many sires these nights who just aren’t - and for all of us. But I’ll get to all that later. First
up to the job. Doesn’t look like you’ve got much thing’s first: you all could do with an education.
going on, cooped up in here, so take a seat and
listen up, and I’ll impart some learning.

12 Chapter One: A Past Carved in Stone

The First Grotesques mink with a sturgeon’s head. Basically a ferret with
the head of a fish, for those who don’t know. It got
We’ve not always been as most of us are now. free and started causing all sorts of havoc round
Matter of fact, far from it. The first of us weren’t the gaff. Tearing up books, knocking over pots,
even vampires as you’d think of them. What were running up people’s robes, that sort of thing. Yes
they, you ask? Good question. I haven’t quite there’s a point, and no I’m not pulling your leg. As
figured that out myself. In any event they weren’t I said, don’t interrupt with stupid bloody questions
bitten and fed blood, but made in labs by the or we’ll never be finished.
Tremere, almost a thousand years ago now. The
really scary bit is that we weren’t some sort of While the creature was running amok, it was
experiment gone wrong - we went right. After a noticed by one of the bigwigs in Ceoris, some
couple of attempts, at any rate. What it took to evil bastard called Goratrix, who was one of the
get it all started was the one we call the Mother. first Tremere to be a vampire. They all had funny
Yeah, the Great Mother, that’s the one. You know names, you’d better get used to it. The thing soon
something at least. Though how ‘great’ she is is died, but he must have seen some kind of potential
pretty up in the air. in it, and he took Virstania under his wing. He’d
had an idea for making living weapons, things to
Virstania fight off the Tzimisce, ad in her he saw what he
The one we owe our current state to is an needed to make it a reality.
ancient vampire called Virstania. From what I’ve Chaundice
heard - and I’ve got a pretty direct source - she was
born in a Tremere chantry itself, somewhere in Virstania, Goratrix, and his childe Malgorzata
Eastern Europe, round what’s Romania and that got to work. As I say I don’t really understand
tonight. This was back when most Tremere were such things, but from what I can gather Virstania
mortal, but they still had magic somehow. I don’t could work magic better because she was still
pretend to understand all that malarkey. She was human. Being a vampire limits magic, makes it so
something of a prodigy, bit of a teacher’s pet, you you have to work along certain lines, something
know the type. What she was best at was making like that. Whatever the reason, her first creation
things - living things, that is, usually cobbled was nothing like what came after. He was named
together from different animals. Chaundice, and he was incredibly strong even
from, er, ‘birth’. So strong that Goratrix feared
In short order her chantry, the only home him, and the woman who had made him.
she’d ever known, got taken over in 1105 by the
Tzimisce, who were enemies of the Tremere. You Owing to this, he had Virstania Embraced,
know, those dodgy bastards in the Sabbat who like which he presented as a reward for her work, and
messing around with people’s bodies. Yeah, them. had the acolytes who assisted her quietly done
Oh, well, that’s how I say it. Point is, this was just in. She would seem to have taken it gladly, not
the latest chantry to go. They’d been dropping one suspecting what he really meant to do. As for
by one for a while. As I understand it the Fiends Chaundice, Goratrix Embraced him personally,
saw the land as theirs, and the Tremere were crippling him and making it so that nothing like
unwelcome guests. I wouldn’t start taking sides too him could exist again. Had it not been for this,
soon though, they were as bad as each other at the our history - and all vampires’ history - would have
end of the day. been completely changed. As you might be able to
tell, I’m no fan of Goratrix. I’m not sure anyone
Anyway, Virstania got away and ran to another is, really. If they are, I’d much prefer not to meet
chantry, called Ceoris. Don’t worry about them.
remembering that name, you’re gonna hear it
plenty. Bear with me on this next bit. When she It wasn’t another ten years until Chaundice
got there she had one of her little creations - a was actually shown off to the rest of the chantry.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 13
Maybe Goratrix wanted to make sure he was their haven. She was able to warn them, but was
weakened permanently. During that time the three caught by Ublo-Satha, who tried to spare her sister
experimented with quickly making new Gargoyles punishment by convincing her to stay. Poor, poor
from the body parts of captured Kindred, but most girl...
were weak, stupid, and useless. They didn’t know In what some of us call the First Gargoyle Revolt,
then that, for whatever reason, only using Gangrel, the other four - Chaundice, Ana, Saxim and one
Nosferatu and Tzimisce works. now called Ch’iung Chi - got away, and went their
When Chaundice and his ‘children’ - five separate ways in the rush to escape. Brunavog,
pretty powerful Gargoyles, though none as strong Virstania’s sire, made the error of assuming that he
as him, and all made from those Clans - were spoke with the Mother’s voice, and as one of the
unveiled in 1121, Goratrix passed them off as his first Tremere to arrive at the Eyrie ordered them to
own work using the captured vampires, while the stand down. Chaundice gave him Final Death with
eight useless Gargoyles were quietly gotten rid of. a single blow before being forced to run.
Virstania and Chaundice were in no position to And for a long time, that was that. Virstania
kick up a fuss. would tell the Gargoyles that came later about
The First Revolt Chaundice, who she called the ‘Rock Lord’, living
in the nearby mountains with a colony of free
In short order, the five Gargoyles (led by Gargoyles. This was either a delusion of hers or
Chaundice, making six) were used to harass the just a story she told the young to put the idea of
Tzimisce, reclaiming whole chantries in complete freedom in their heads and keep them motivated.
surprise attacks. This exposed them to the wider It turned out to be true in the end, I suppose, but
world, and while they followed their masters’ hundreds of years later.
instructions, they were mostly left to go about
things as they decided while in the field. The Chaundice was recaptured some time later by
Warlocks never expected them to be capable of Goratrix.. Ana remained free and did what she
really thinking for themselves, so they didn’t keep could to liberate the Gargoyles which came after
too tight on a leash on them. That was their big her, and as you might have guessed Ch’iung Chi
mistake. fled all the way to China. Ublo-Satha stayed the
slave she wanted to be, and Alvusia, well… she was
Chaundice and his lot got to thinking about punished, whatever her sister wanted. I’ll get to her
independence. There was nothing really stopping shortly.
them from just flying off after being let loose from
Ceoris to do the Tremere’s dirty work. Chaundice Saxim seems not to have been able to properly
himself and another called Ana badly wanted to leave home. He stayed nearby, maybe hoping to
simply flee their masters’ control and set off to free others. Unfortunately this meant he was easy
make their own place in the world. for the Tremere to find again, with some sort of
magic I expect. Etrius, another right Berkshire
Others, like Alvusia - poor girl - and Ublo-Satha, hunt at the top of the Clan, got to him first and
were scared of the consequences and of what the enslaved him again, just a couple years later.
outside world might hold. On one particular night
in 1126, Chaundice got them together to finally He brought him back to Ceoris and started
hash it out. After hours and hours of whispered slagging off the Mother for all to hear, before
arguments, they swore on one another’s blood to punishing her by having Saxim sent to the chantry
leave together the next time they were sent out. in Vienna, even though he would have been more
useful at Ceoris. This was yet another thing that
Sadly, it didn’t last. Ublo-Satha must have came between him and Goratrix, who had wanted
broken, and grassed on the others. It was Alvusia to capture Saxim for himself. He was the first
who first saw Goratrix and his cronies heading Gargoyle to be given to another chantry, and as far
to the Eyrie, the place where the Gargoyles made as anyone knows he’s still there as Etrius’ pet.

14 Chapter One: A Past Carved in Stone

Centuries of Slavery The first three Gargoyles made this way are
called the Moulds, since the rest were made to
Finding themselves without Gargoyles, for the match up to their design. Watching over them
most part, the Tremere needed to act quickly all was Ublo-Satha, who remained in Ceoris for
or they’d be overtaken by the Tzimisce again. almost another hundred years. Together with her,
Vistania, Malgorzata, and Goratrix got to work the Moulds were known as Virstania’s Gargoyle
on improving the Gargoyles made from other apprentices, since they kept by her side most of the
vampires. They noticed that the best results came time.
from using Gangrel, Nosferatu, and Tzimisce -
especially together. However, they needed a new The first Mould of all was the Sentinel, Saxum -
way of combining the parts altogether... which is yeah, like Saxim, hang about, I was getting to that.
where Alvusia came in. He was named that way since Virstania missed
Saxim after he’d been brought back to her, only
The Next Generation to be sent away again. It’s said that she and Ublo-
Virstania, who by this point was nicely settled Satha kept mixing them up and eventually forgot
in Bedlam, decided to give her daughter not a there was an original at all. ‘The Master of Slaves’,
punishment but (in her mind) a gift, to show as he was called - that should tell you plenty - kept
that there were no hard feelings. That ‘gift’ was a close eye on the Eyrie and those in it, always
motherhood. Through some kind of horrendous, looking out for rebellion. The Sentinels who’ve
drawn-out ritual she transformed Alvusia from followed him carry that on, but tend to be softer
a Gargoyle much like you or I into something touches.
new and awful - the first of the womb-bearers. Second came Luma. She was the first Warrior,
The name is disgustingly literal; they chopped up and she set the standard for them in aggression
whatever Kindred they wanted to use, sewed the and killing power, though as the tales go she was
parts together, and opened up her belly and put beautiful, unlike the rest of us; ‘the Stone Beauty’,
them in before sealing her up again. She’d spend she was called. I can’t speak to that, I’ve not had
months in agony, all to produce a single Gargoyle. the chance to make her acquaintance, and as you
As far as anyone knows, she’s still suffering under can see nicknames can be ironic. Must have some
this treatment. I don’t get sick any more, o’course, truth to it though, since the Mother kept trying to
but it makes even my stomach turn. repeat her creation. She was rebellious as well; it
The Gargoyles that came out were a new breed. was largely Ublo-Satha’s a job to keep her in line.
To make sure they stayed loyal, Goratrix ordered Last of the three was Fidus, the Scout, called
that they should be split into three ‘Castings’. ‘the Shrunken Beast’. Where Saxum was large and
There were Scouts, Sentinels, and Warriors, strong, Fidus was small but fast, and a conniving
each one made to suit a different role and with a little welk. He was the Mother’s favourite, and
different way of ensuring total loyalty. A couple of rarely left her side; she even secretly taught
elders from back then seem to remember a fourth him magic, since he whispered everything that
Casting, but I wouldn’t know anything about happened in the Eyrie to her. Fidus was the first of
that. Might be worth looking into, but if they’re the three to learn to fly, and taught that skill to the
out there anywhere they aren’t making themselves Scouts who came after him.
Mass Production
There aren’t a whole lot of cast Gargoyles left
Not long later, in 1133, Goratrix got exiled
these nights, but some of you have probably met
from Ceoris - for what reason I don’t know or
one or two even if you didn’t know it. My own
care. What matters is that this left Virstania
sire, Rooker, was a Scout, but he wasn’t as old as
and Malgorzata unsupervised, and they got to
the ones I’m talking about. Or if he was, he never
behaving like two bickering sisters. This meant
let on.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 15
that Virstania was able to experiment more freely, Things just kept getting better for our lot. By a
while Malgorzata egged her on. She created all hundred years later we had a Discipline to call our
manner of strange creatures, which while they own, cobbled together by the Mother from some
were Gargoyles weren’t like us or even like the cast of the more useful rituals the Tremere liked to use
ones. There’s even fewer of those left, but some on us, letting us hide in plain sight, move through
Grotesqueries have them as pets. Most of them just walls - all that stuff you’re familiar with. Sadly only
give me the willies. I personally think Malgorzata the sired ones showed much of a knack for it, but
did it to see how far she’d go. there were so many of us by then that we may as
In only a few decades, the Tremere had well all have had it. Though they never knew it
themselves an army, not just a pack. None of them until it was far, far too late, it was the thing we
were the equal of Chaundice or even his children, needed to overthrow our masters. Couldn’t have
but their numbers more than made up for it. happened to nicer people.
From 1167, the year the cast Gargoyles were set on The Gargoyle Revolt
the Fiends, the Omen War - the conflict between
Tremere and Tzimisce - got kicked up a few gears. We couldn’t do it alone though. There’s plenty
Chantries fell and got taken back, and most of the to be said about her, but without Virstania we’d
killing and the dying was done by us. If you look in still be in chains. Maybe only someone as far
the right nooks and crannies of the right mountain gone as her could come up with something like
ranges in Eastern Europe, you’ll find the makeshift the Revolt and actually see it through to the end.
Eyries of those unlucky Gargoyles whose chantries She’d been preparing for decades, maybe even
got took out. Seems like they built effigies of their longer. Hard to say really, she didn’t even let on
former masters, so they’d have someone to serve. to her personal Gargoyles as far as anyone knows.
Doesn’t look like any of them lasted long; all those Some say it started as early as when Goratrix got
old Eyries are long abandoned. kicked out, a century and a half beforehand.
It was in the middle of all this that some of us The Mother might have been a few straws short,
started being able to Embrace, probably thanks but she was canny, and chose her opportunity
to Virstania’s meddling. Once there were enough well. In the few years before the Revolt, two
that other Tremere started noticing - sometimes important Tremere had left Ceoris, willingly or
patrols would come back with more than they set otherwise. The first was Etrius, who I mentioned
out with - it was swiftly banned, and any Embraced earlier, though the reason why I’m not sure about.
Gargoyles were destroyed. Some slipped under the Something about their Antediluvian who was
radar, though, and carried on their potential. switching bodies or asleep or fighting a giant
worm. Don’t ask me, sonny, I just repeat what
By this point, most Warlocks were vampires, and I’m told. Important thing is, without Etrius there,
in 1199 their dirty little secret came out among the the Mother had even less people looking over her
other wizards they knocked around with. Now they shoulder.
had two enemies to fight, and while they had some
help from the German Ventrue, they were pretty Malgorzata was one, but she was more concerned
hard-pressed. The production of cast Gargoyles with wheeling and dealing among her own Clan
became too slow to replace the losses, and as a than keeping an eye on us. There’s even rumours
result the ban on Embracing was lifted. Since that say despite being his childe, she wasn’t
about a third of all Gargoyles could do it by now, Goratrix’s favourite, that he shared more with
our numbers shot up, giving the Clan the support Virstania than with her. For example, one very
it needed to survive its various wars. By the mid- old Gargoyle told me that he’d developed some
14th century, sired Gargoyles were the majority, kind of artificial blood, said he tried it on him in
and had spread far beyond Ceoris, though always Paris, said it filled you up alright but didn’t satisfy
under Warlock control. the Beast, so you’d be on edge all night. As far as
he knew, only Virstania was told about this, not

16 Chapter One: A Past Carved in Stone

Malgorzata. However things were with her, they get signed. But I’m getting ahead of myself…
became pretty moot when she got captured by The Mother went to his chamber, supposedly to
the Tzimisce during their last big raid on Ceoris. speak to him about the counter-attack to the raid
There aren’t many of us about who were there at which had taken Malgorzata. Little did he suspect
the time, but there’s a story which goes that the that we were taking our places in the walls. At her
Mother let it happen. word we leapt out and held him down while the
Ceoris had lost two of its big hitters, its defences Mother listed every cruelty against us, to the last
had taken a nasty beating, and everyone was harsh word. For each one she had a single tiny
distracted. Esoara, basically the head of security, cut made in him. She counted each broken bone,
was off out hunting the anarchs who’d taken each night of solitary confinement, each petty
Malgorzata. With Etrius and Malgorzata out of punishment. It took most of the night, and by the
the picture, Virstania was left on her own, and end he’d been begging for Final Death for hours.
without Esoara, the chantry was weak - ripe for an To cap it off she leant down, bared her fangs, and
inside job. In 1476 - three hundred years before took his blood.
these United States kicked up their own stink - she Her deep frenzy spread to us, and we ran amok
used some massive spell to free all the Gargoyles in through the chantry, killing dozens of Tremere
Ceoris from Warlock control - magic, Dominate, and their ghouls in just an hour. Luma and her
blood bonds, the whole lot. It was a simple matter Warriors led the way, and she took down dozens
then for us to rise up. single-handedly. The walls were stained red, and
The Revolt in Ceoris barely any got out ‘alive’. We had ghouls of our
own, and they did more than their part both at
I’m told Ceoris was a slaughter. In less than a Ceoris and in the battles afterwards. Most notable
night it went from the jewel in the Tremere crown was one called Ferox - yes, that Ferox - who was
to a gutted ruin. The castellan - the boss, for the Embraced for his services. We’ll get to him later,
benefit of you lot - an old Warlock by the name of I’m sure.
Curaferrum, got himself disblerised by the Mother.
He the first casualty in a war that continues This wasn’t the last fight at Ceoris though.
tonight, no matter what kind of treaties and pacts Esoara was the childe of the late Curaferrum, and

Clanbook: Gargoyles 17
must have smarted something awful when his we actually had help from lots of our Gangrel,
sire got it. Enraged, and with some of the hardest Nosferatu and Tzimisce ‘relatives’ - and so they
Tremere around in tow, he turned up two nights were left to fend for themselves.
later, while we were still getting ourselves together
after the previous night’s celebrations. We were The Montmartre Pact
ready, we knew he was coming, but still we had The Anarch Revolt ended when the Camarilla
taken some losses. Once he worked out what got together, including the Tremere. One of the
had happened, he immediately executed all the conditions for them joining was for them to release
Gargoyles in his party. Poor bastards. any slaves they still had, give up any claim to the
The fighting was vicious, and in the end we free ones, and make no more Gargoyles, which
retreated. Virstania, not wanting to lose any more they agreed to in 1489 under the terms of the
of us, ordered us to abandon Ceoris. We fled in all Montmartre Pact.
directions, and Virstania relocated to her secret lab The Ventrue and Toreador and that will say this
in a cave not far away, taking her equipment with was out of concern for the cruelty of slavery and
her along with the three Moulds. The battle for because we were originally made from Gangrel
Ceoris was over in a hollow Tremere victory, but and Nosferatu, who they had to get on side (our
the chantry had to be abandoned - and the Revolt Tzimisce heritage being politely brushed over,
had just begun. of course). In reality, they saw the pasting the
Tremere were getting and didn’t want any of it.
The Revolt Spreads
For the Warlocks’ part, handing over the few
Since we could travel faster than the Tremere, slaves you’ve got left after you’ve already murdered
the first few chantries we hit were taken by most of them isn’t that big a price to pay, nor is
surprise. Virstania did rituals on us which allowed giving up ownership of rebellious ones. It’s not
us to spread her spell of liberation to others, so as though they really stick to it anyway. Every few
we started by infiltrating the chantries, freeing years they trot out a scapegoat who gets ‘caught’
the Gargoyles inside, and gutting the places from making a Gargoyle or keeping one a slave, but
within, just like Ceoris. It couldn’t last, of course, that’s just to keep up appearances and get rid of
and we were only able to hit a handful before some enemies. They’re all at it even tonight, mark my
Warlock must have gotten a magical message out words - but not for long. But back to the past for
to the others - probably that bugger Esoara. now; we can talk about the present and the future
By that point, though, we’d vastly increased our later.
numbers, and even then some of the arrogant
bastards didn’t pay attention. they must have Centuries of Freedom
thought it was a lie made up to weaken them By hiding in the Ivory Tower, the Tremere saved
by having them destroy their slaves, or they just themselves. The Gargoyle Revolt didn’t so much
thought that their control was too strong for it to end as it did peter out, but it was no less a victory
happen to them. Idiots. for us. The problem, though, was what to do next.
Of course, many did listen, and Lord knows Many of us returned to Virstania’s cave, having not
how many of us got executed right then, so they seen her in years (or ever), but who still felt a draw
couldn’t rise up. It’s tragic, but at least it meant to her. These became known as the Great Mother’s
they couldn’t be used against the free ones. Flock. Those from chantries further afield tended
Eventually it got so that it was just Gargoyles to try and make their own way in the world, setting
on the one side and Tremere on the other. For up Grotesqueries as far afield as Paris, India, the
another thirteen years we fought over Europe, Urals, and - of course - London.
even while the Anarch Revolt was ongoing. They Us and the Tremere both started picking up
couldn’t get assistance from the other Clans - the pieces, like most of the Kindred world. They

18 Chapter One: A Past Carved in Stone

returned to Ceoris and Virstania kept a good do it, but then it probably wouldn’t be much help
eye on them, deciding to leave them alone if in my line of work. And besides, why’d I want to
they left her children alone. She became more change this handsome mug?
obsessed with perfecting us, and right away began
experimenting. She’s there tonight from what little Ferox
I’ve heard. Who knows what she’s otten up to in Sadly not all Gargoyles of the time were credits
that time? to our name. You may remember I mentioned
The free Gargoyles - the really free ones, not Ferox before. He’s probably older than all of us put
Virstania’s Flock - spread their wings and took together, and he’s got a history to match. I shan’t
flight where they pleased. Many of them took up go into all that here, we’d be up well past dawn if
with the Camarilla, some with the Sabbat, both of I did. Suffice to say he was first made a ghoul two
which were just starting to get themselves together. thousand years ago before being bandied about
They both needed spies, scouts, assassins, enforcers between Clans, which eventually landed him in
- jobs we were uniquely suited for. We never earned Ceoris at the right time. Like the Mother, he’d
much in the way of proper rank or respect, but seen the abuse of our kind, and took our side even
we were valued. In London and Paris were set up though he was a Tremere ghoul rather than one
the first ‘official’, Camarilla-backed Grotesqueries, of ours. He might not have been Kindred then,
employed by the Princes of those cities, and the but his age more than made up for it. Of course, it
practice was taken up by others who had enough also meant that when he was cut off from Warlock
Gargoyles on hand. blood, time started catching up with him sharpish.
Since he’d helped us out so much and had
Discovering Mimesis become one of Virstania’s main advisors, he was
It was around this time that we first started really given the Embrace both to save him and as a
noticing Mimesis. Oh, Christ almighty… You know reward. He didn’t stick with the Mother for long,
how after you spend a while in a new haven you tough. Somehow, he remembered one thing after
start to look like it, and like each other? It’s that, the Embrace, which was his faith - and nothing
and it’s not something all vampires do - if you else. Flying off even before the battle outside the
choose to call us that. It’s just us. Don’t ask me chantry two nights later, taking his sire with him,
about the name, I didn’t come up with it. Seems he disappeared for decades.
fitting anyway. Point is, as we started roosting When he came out of hiding, Ferox began some
together in different Eyries we noticed this sort of crusade, killing Kindred left and right.
happening. Whether it was more pronounced after He had a particular dislike of Nosferatu, calling
we became free, it’s hard to say. Mimesis became them ‘demons’ while we were angels - and him the
something to unite us, to set us apart from other lead angel, naturally. From there he’s only gotten
Kindred and give us an identity. stronger, gathering larger a cult than you might
An unusual example were Pygmalion’s think, who call themselves the Watchers. They’re
Daughters, an all-women Grotesquerie who no direct threat to us, of course, but they shit on
became popular with the Toreador in Italy and our name in society, across all sects.
Greece. They toured Elysiums and put on shows, It’ll only be a matter of time before the other
singing and dancing, posing for portraits, all that Clans stop bothering to distinguish us from them
lark - you know how Toreador can be. While I’m when they retaliate. The fact he’s actively recruiting
not one to go in for all that, they did put us on us, and that a lot of young Gargoyles are desperate
the map, showed the Kindred that we aren’t just enough to belong somewhere - anywhere - hardly
monsters. The Daughters put Mimesis to good use helps matters.
and developed a way of making it happen faster
by combining a few disciplines, so they could look
different during each show. I’ve not been able to

Clanbook: Gargoyles 19
The First Misbegotten Gargoyles in London
Any good work produces imitators, and we were I was Embraced in 1885, or there abouts. The
no different. While the Tremere were supposed to one who sired me, as I mentioned, was named
have destroyed all records of the ritual for creating Rooker. He found me in the gutter suffering with
cast Gargoyles, of course they never quite got the cholera, sure to die, and must have taken pity.
around to finishing that particular job. Must have Quite where he came from I never found out, but I
been busy, I’ll bet. We watched them like hawks in know he was a cast Scout. He introduced me to his
case they broke the Montmartre Pact in a big way, gang, the Sixpence Pinch. You won’t find this out
but we weren’t so vigilant when it came to others from asking any of them, but we ran circles around
who might try the same stuff. We don’t know the Tremere and Ventrue of London. We made
how - maybe they tried to hide it and it got found, our Eyrie in St Pauls - you know, the cathedral -
maybe it was stolen, maybe the bastards just sold and from there we’d set out to cause all sorts of
it - but here and there the ritual got out. trouble for the Cammies.
Of course, not being properly trained in There was six of us: me, Rooker, Moll, Six-of-
performing it, those outside the Tremere who tried One and Half-a-Dozen-of-the-Other (one of them
never quite got it right, or had to change things gave me my nickname, not sure which), and Big
to make it work. The results are what we call the Sally. Couldn’t have asked for better chums, all
Misbegotten. They’re something I won’t blame you told. Rooker was an odd bird, now I think of it.
for not hearing about. If there’s few of us, there’s He never quite got his hands as dirty as ours, but
even fewer of them. he didn’t need to, and he appreciated what we did.
The earliest culprits we know about were the He was like our centre, the brains of the outfit.
Tremere antitribu, who included Goratrix and Moll was a sweet girl, but she was canny; I’ve met
Esoara - what a bloody pair - and who split off plenty of Toreador and Blue Bloods who couldn’t
from the main Clan in the 1700s. A particular hold a candle to her when it came to skullduggery.
sect of these split off again, and decided that Six-of-One and Half-a-Dozen, called that since
the best place to hide from their many enemies they were twins in life and by Embrace and always
was underwater. They built a chantry under the looked alike, were the smallest and quickest of
Atlantic, and since they needed servants down us. If you needed something nicked and a clean
there, adapted the creation ritual to produce getaway, it was them you went to. Big Sally was
Gargoyles suitable for life at sea. They used, and like the mother of the group; if we had a problem
still do use, Mariner Gangrel and those Nosferatu we went to her for advice even before Rooker,
and Tzimisce adapted to the water, somehow and she’d get involved if we got into a spat, as
combining them with sea creatures. happened from time to time.
They have three Castings just like our ancestors, As for me, I suppose I was the face of our gang.
but they’re even stranger. I’ve only met one Not the pleasing face, as you might have guessed -
‘Mariner Gargoyle’, and I can’t honestly say it’s an that was Moll - but the one shown when someone
experience I’d like to repeat. But they do deserve needed a bit of fear put in them. I knocked around
freedom as much as any of us. They might have with the Nossies in the Underground a fair bit,
been the first Misbegotten but they definitely kept my ear to the ground, that sort of thing. What
weren’t the last, and if you think it’s bizarre now, we mostly got up to was poking at the Traditions
just wait and listen. I’ll get to the others another while getting away with it, and making some
time. For now, I get to tell you where I fit in. money on the side. We gatecrashed Elysiums,
robbed chantries of their magical guff, and dealt
with interested parties in Gargoyle animals like the
ones I mentioned earlier. Most of those I kept away
from, they were Sally’s area of expertise.

20 Chapter One: A Past Carved in Stone

We even did our part for Blighty. When the we’d broken the Masquerade, and used that to
bombers came over London we took to the skies justify rooting us out. No one else batted an eye.
to defend our Eyrie. We wished we could have Bastards...
done more for the city, but even we knew the No, son, I’m fine. I’ll get through it. I was the
Masquerade had to be kept. Nonetheless we took only one who survived that night, and I just flew
out a decent few Jerry planes, and kept St Pauls away as fast as I could. Rooker told me to, first
standing strong. The people of London thought thing he’d said in weeks. I wanted to stay, but that
it was a miracle, never suspecting a thing - which ingrained obedience of ours saved my arse. I got
while it helped the Masquerade was a bit of a sore across the Channel - first time I’d left London,
point for us, since it became painful for us to stay let alone England - and shacked up with the
in any more. You know how some churches are. Gargoyles in Ironbridge for a month while I licked
No Nazi pilot who saw us got back across the my wounds, mourned my losses, and looked at my
Channel that night. We were seen in a new light options. Eventually I got it in my head to travel to
by the Kindred of London, and even the Warlocks California, join the Anarch Free State, build up
and Blue Bloods had to smile and applaud and again, and make the sacrifice of the Sixpence Pinch
pretend to approve. They agreed to peace between mean something. What I found was something far
us on the condition that we had our own feeding greater than I could have imagined.
grounds and weren’t going to be harassed by the
hounds or the sheriff. The Rock Lord
What we didn’t know then was that the bombing I never did get to California. Let me set the
had driven the Prince, an unimaginably old Blue scene. It’s the turn of the millennium, I’m flying
Blood called Mithras, into torpor. The other over Arizona, admiring the Grand Canyon, not
Ventrue were in disarray, which was why they were really thinking. Suddenly I see something moving,
so allowing with us. They tried to hide it as long something not a human and not an animal. I
as possible, but we found out in short order, and swoop down to get a closer look, and what do I
once we were sure there wasn’t a three- or four- see but another Gargoyle, but hunched over and
thousand-year-old Methuselah to worry about, twisted up, like some sort of goblin. Last thing I
we painted the town red like never before. For was expecting. He seemed lost and confused, so I
decades, the Ventrue and Tremere could only look came down to check on him. Thought I might get
on and scowl. myself some welcome company for the journey, get
my Grotesquerie started early.
As I said, it wasn’t to last. After St Pauls we got
complacent and lazy. Rooker kept to himself and As I say he was out of it, didn’t seem to
looked like he was going to slip into torpor any understand what I was saying. Since it was getting
night. The rise of surveillance in the city meant we fairly close to dawn and I wasn’t getting much out
couldn’t move about anywhere near as freely. We of him, I decided we should make our haven in
didn’t realise it at the time, but I now think that the canyon, which I managed to shepherd him
was put in by the Ventrue and Tremere just to put towards. I could tell he was no neonate; he had the
us on the back foot. Without Mithras - who never biggest set of wings you’ve ever scene, and I could
cared for Warlocks, to put it mildly - they were feel all this power coming off of him. He didn’t
able to get together and work out a way to get their seem to know how to sink into the rock, though,
own back. so I found us a shaded spot and we slept through
the day.
Over the years they forced us to keep moving
our Eyrie until we lost everything we’d gained in The next night he seemed to have collected
a single night. By the time they moved against himself, and he started talking. Mostly nonsense
us we’d been mostly forgotten, a curiosity from to begin with, lots of it in Spanish. He kept talking
the war. They doctored some photos, claimed about a mirror and an axe, that I did pick out. I

Clanbook: Gargoyles 21
thought he looked a bit peaky so I flew out and this was almost certainly Esoara. Like he’d done
snatched a bighorn for him. It took him a while with Brunavog almost a thousand years earlier,
to figure out what to do but eventually he sunk he batted him aside in order to get out, though
his fangs in and drained it. Now he was stronger, he didn’t think he’d killed him. His mind in a
we had something like a conversation. He spoke blur, he sometimes flew, sometimes walked north,
enough English for hand gestures to make up the repeating his escape from Ceoris. If I hadn’t
difference. He said he’d flown north, from a city. have found him when I did he’d have starved to
Something had gone very wrong, his ‘master’ had unconsciousness, and been left for the sun.
had something happen to him, he’d been in a
fight; the mirror and the axe came up again. He Chaundice’s Awakening
knew he was a Gargoyle, what that meant, but he I got around to asking him about him not being
seemed to know nothing about us, almost none of able to enter the stone, and he had no idea what
the history I’ve just spent half the night on. He was I was on about. I showed him Visceratika, and
curious about me, so I started there and worked it he immediately asked me - almost ordered me -
backwards. to teach him. So I did. He took to it completely
When I mentioned Virstania he perked right up, naturally, like he’d been made to use it. Thanks to
started asking me questions, then began telling me yours truly, plus this natural ability, he was able to
things I’d never heard - about her, about Goratrix, spend the next day resting in the stone.
about Ceoris and the first Gargoyles. Eventually The next night was another story again. He
he remembered his name: Chaundice. Rooker spoke calmly and confidently, where before he’d
had told me the legend of the Rock Lord once, seemed lost and unsure. He moved with this grace,
about a Gargoyle called Chaundice who escaped this controlled power, and looked every inch the
into the mountains to lead a Grotesquerie of free Rock Lord in the legend, no longer hunched over
Gargoyles. Not a true story, obviously, but the and mutated. He said he’d had strange dreams
name was right. I didn’t rightly know what to do of a spirit of the canyon calling out to him, as he
or what to say at this point. What do you say when put it. The spirit, which is called Massaw in local
you meet the ancestor of your entire people? Native legend, had somehow made him what he
Thankfully he did most of the talking from was before Goratrix Embraced him. Put simply, he
there. It all seemed to come flooding back. He told wasn’t a vampire any more.
me about fleeing Ceoris, how he’d flown north The next fifteen years were the strangest of my
and lived mostly alone for he couldn’t tell how life. From the moment he emerged, he had this
long, occasionally with animals, sometimes with grand vision in mind: a Rock Court unlike any
wandering Gangrel. Eventually he was rediscovered other, including not just Gargoyles but all pure
by Goratrix, his sire, and made a slave again. He creatures connected to the stone. As time passed,
was shocked when I told him how much time I flew to nearby cities contacting Gargoyles and
had passed; there seemed to be whole centuries telling them about this place. Not all of them came
he couldn’t recall. He’d lived as Goratrix’s slave at first, but over time it grew in power, and we
all that time, first in Europe, then travelling the started receiving guests I’d never even heard of, let
world, then in America and Mexico, where he’d alone invited. I even saw Lupines - which prefer to
been before wandering to the Grand Canyon. be called garou, apparently - and some sort of rock
Something, he didn’t understand what, had spirits in attendance.
happened to Goratrix, something involving a As you might have guessed by now, I’ve come
mirror. Whatever it was had freed Chaundice from from there to speak to you about joining. I’m sure
his control. During his escape he fought another you’re full of questions from what I’ve told you,
vampire, a Warlock wielding a battleaxe. From and I can answer them in time, but first let me say
what I’ve since heard from other elder Gargoyles, this: You don’t need to live like slaves any more.

22 Chapter One: A Past Carved in Stone

Chaundice’s Children
Ch’iung Chi: After fleeing during the First Revolt, Chi simply flew east as far as his wings could
carry him. He founded the Petrified Sanctum within Tianmu Mountain, allowing kine monks to
practice geomancy in a nearby temple. His Grotesquerie grew and expanded into the mountain, and
the catacombs beneath. In recent times he has made contact with Chaundice, becoming his figure
head in the east. He and his childer are hunted by the Tremere Thomas Wyncham, Inner Councilor
of the Far East.
Ana:- The Standing Stones took Ana east, guarding her within the forest and wild lands of central
Europe. After a short few decades they began a crusade against Tremere oppression. After her
mutation at the hands of Tremere experimentation, Ana took a stronger approach to liberating her
race, becoming a form of folk legend amongst European chantries. Tonight she relays information to
chaundice about potential Gargoyle subjugation and strives to battle slavery of all forms.
Saxim: Saxim was quickly recaptured by Etrius following his escape, which the Warlock noted to
himself (but admitted to no one else) was surprisingly easy to do - almost as though the Gargoyle
wanted to be found and reclaimed. He was publicly admonished at Ceoris before being sent to
Vienna, where he became the personal servant of Lotharius, Etrius’ childe. Etrius would join him
several centuries - later along with the torpid body of Tremere himself - to take over as Regent of
Vienna and Pontifex of Austria, narrowly avoiding the impending Revolt. To this very night he
exists in wretched servitude, watching over the founder’s twisted form, the very embodiment of the
Gargoyle drive towards service to others. Like his Mother, all but a small handful of individuals
- including Chaundice and his siblings - have quite forgotten his existence until recently, when
startlingly accurate but impossible to confirm rumours began to appear. Quite who or what is the
source of these whispers is unknown, and a cause of great interest to some (primarily Chaundice and
Ana) and grave concern to others (especially Etrius).
Ublo-Satha: Following the First Revolt, Ublo-satha was kept on as a well-treated slave for her loyalty
and her value; unlike many of the cast Gargoyles who followed her, she was highly intelligent and
capable of independent thought, though she never dreamed of betraying the Clan. Eventually she
was given to the Tremere called Grimgroth, as a reward for his betrayal of the Hermetic chantry
of Mistridge, resulting in its complete destruction. After centuries under Grimgroth’s service, she
suggested she be sent to Chicago when she overheard her master discussing the suspect loyalties
of Nicolai, the Regent there; the story put about among the Tremere of Chicago was that she was
there to provide extra security in the wake of a Lupine attack on the chantry. In coordination with
Meerlinda, the Councillor of North America, he had her transferred. In truth, neither Grimgroth
nor Meerlinda knew the true reason for her suggestion (see page 124).
Alvusia: Once the Mother had escaped the final battle of Ceoris, she had a contingent of her
closest acolytes place Alvusia into a state of torpor. She awoke in exactly the same conditions she had
found herself in following her siblings’ escape attempt - a perpetual cycle of pregnancy, birth, and
impregnation. On a yearly basis from the early 1500s she has had new foetal Gargoyles Gestating
inside her womb, a process which continues to this night.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 23
Chapter Two:
Freedom and
A Grotesque Culture mare’ nestled deep within a mountain, atop a
clutch of obsidian eggs. While there is some truth
When most Kindred think of Gargoyles in each myth, the commonly accepted means of
(assuming they know of and believe in their making a Gargoyle are by Embrace or birth.
existence at all), they think of dull monsters
entirely disconnected from humanity. These In the beginning, Gargoyles were only created
stereotypes are popularised by Tremere to cast by one ritual devised while Virstania was still a
their former slaves in the roles of boogeymen. This mortal witch, known as ‘At Our Command It
is aided by the fact that Gargoyles are typically Breathes’ (see Rites of the Blood, page 106). After
submissive and evasive around Kindred, even her Embrace, she continued to refine it, making
exclusively sticking to their Eyries rather than variations with which to ‘cast’ specific Gargoyles
making havens in common grounds as other built for specific duties. Gradually these cast
Kindred might. Gargoyles evolved to facilitate the Embrace, where
earlier on they had all been infertile. The number
These ideas form a cold, stony facade, which of Embraced Gargoyles soon outweighed their
hides the warmth and vibrancy to be found within more submissive cast kin, and so a bloodline was
Gargoyle culture. Gargoyles measure their worth born.
and status based on numerous factors within a
Grotesquerie (a family of Gargoyles within a city Embraced
similar to a Coterie, though often larger). From The Embrace of a Gargoyle is simultaneously
birth, status, political view, age, and generation a starkly beautiful event and a deeply disturbing
(not to mention the size and appearance of wings), horror. Gargoyle vitae is thicker and more abrasive
Gargoyles have developed quite intricate systems of than that of most Kindred. Where other vampires,
interaction and social bonding. especially Toreador, may have blood that feels
Gargoyles by Birth like silk as it creeps through the fledgling’s veins,
a Gargoyle’s feels like mortar. To make matters
Creating a Gargoyle is an involved and worse, the Kiss of a Gargoyle comes at a naturally
multifaceted practice which is shrouded in mystery. higher risk than others since many have large tusks
Some vampires still tell tales of a Gargoyle ‘brood in place of fangs. As the vitae settles in his flesh,

24 Chapter Two: Freedom and Dependence

the fledgling quickly feels the petrification that portion has been thoroughly analyzed. Various
comes from Construct blood, rigor mortis setting fluids, including blood, are extracted from the
in before he even gets to die. victims’ bodies while crystals are used to measure
Gargoyle childer relate that before they reawaken the quantities of magical essence flowing through
their minds are flooded with screams and visions them. After this analysis, the thaumaturge will
of sensations they will never feel again, like a write up alchemical charts and diagrams outlining
beautiful sunset or the warmth of a kiss. The the most appropriate course of dismemberment.
transformation from human to vampire is an even Next, the victims (on the brink of starvation
harder ordeal than usual, as they won’t be free following the draining process) are placed atop
to move until after their first night is through. operating tables by assistants and have every part
Instead, they are frozen in place to feel their flesh of their bodies weighed and measured with all
gradually contort and toughen into a thick layer of sorts of arcane and highly invasive instruments.
stone. They are then smeared with a thick mixture of
If the childe is lucky this will be all he faces, but ash, clay, and the thaumaturge’s blood to inscribe
the day after is likely worse. As he sleeps, his body specific incision markings and preservation
twists into whichever shape it will. On his second methods for each segment. During the testing
night his bones and tendons stretch to fit his period the specimens are fed tiny doses of the
eternal physique. His spine shatters and reforms, thaumaturge’s specially-treated blood, linking the
and his limbs elongate as the vitae swells within two as ‘sire’ and ‘childe’. After at least a month of
his very marrow. Finally, all organs aside from this testing, measuring, and preparation (though
the heart petrify into stone shards only vaguely often much longer), the assistants begin severing
reminiscent of the organs they once were. These each designated portion of the specimen’s bodies
shards are then expelled by the quickest possible and carve them off, separating them into useful
means, whether falling from orifices or painfully and unneeded.
piercing the flesh. The specimens are not allowed the gift of torpor
As joints regain their malleability and limbs at any point during these trials, as to disrupt
become flexible once more, the fledgling finally the emotional humours within them in this way
feels the first twitches of his inhuman wings, may result in a stillborn or non-viable Gargoyle.
marking him as a child of stone. When the Kindred’s bodies are reduced to
their constituent parts, they are each preserved
Cast in some particular way, be that encrusted with
A purer form of Gargoyle comes from the salt and quartz powders, immersed in a smog of
birthing chambers as a product of At Our alchemical smoke, or bathed in balms of honey
Command It Breathes. Despite the involved and and oil. After a long period of treatment, the
time-consuming nature of this method, not to duration and nature of which is determined by
mention its grotesque and revolting reputation, the thaumaturge’s own previous examination, the
many Gargoyle shamans (see page 31) still pieces are ready to be reconstituted.
remember the procedure and see it as the most Once the months of preservation have passed,
divine transition. the pieces are realigned and bound with rough
Firstly, Kindred specimens must be selected from twine to loosely resemble a humanoid shape, then
those collected by assistants; only the strongest placed inside a gestation cask or sac. If a cask is
and most powerful will survive the transition. The used, the lid will be sealed by copious amounts of
specimens selected must be from at least two Clans wax with a small pipe to feed ingredients through
who share some degree of physical malleability - over the gestation period. If a sac is used, a cow’s
Nosferatu, Gangrel and Tzimisce. Their bodies hide is stretched to cover the specimen and sewn
must be scribed with ritualistic symbols after each up, forming a foetal ‘package’, which is promptly

Clanbook: Gargoyles 25
placed inside the abdominal cavity of a womb- The Enslaved
bearer. The womb-bearer screams and begs for Little is left to be said about enslaved Gargoyles
death, but at the samr time is proud to bare the that isn’t common knowledge. Within this
Gargoyle infant to term. Once this agonising category consist two mindsets that most Gargoyles
ordeal is over, the Gargoyle claws through the wax wish never to fall into; the currently subservient
of the chamber or the wall of the birth canal. Rockheads and those who actively chose to stay by
Misbegotten their masters’ side after the Revolt. The currently
enslaved Gargoyles know nothing of freedom and
Not all Gargoyles are made equal. Those more than likely know nothing of the Revolt or
relatively young creatures created by thieves of our salvation. The discovery and liberation of
Virstania’s work live in the shadows of not only these individuals is what many Gargoyles strive
Kindred society, but the society of Gargoyles for nightly. Those who are granted freedom by
themselves. These ‘Misbegotten’ vary across the Chaundice only to turn their back on his ways and
world depending on the Clans or bloodlines return to their masters are not considered true
used to create them. Followers of Set are buried Gargoyles, but merely obstacles to remove on the
in gestation sarcophagi to form living idols called path to freedom.
Gorgons, Mariner Gargoyles are cast in the wombs
of whales to mutate in the isolated void of the The Free
deep ocean, Samedi are vivisected and heaved During the 20-year Revolt, Virstania traveled
into a flooded sinkhole to become Calacas, and to chantries across Europe, freeing her children
in recent times even some Kindred of Africa and returning them to her Carpathian Eyrie to
have been forced to undergo the punishment be free with their siblings. During this time many
of petrification. On the rare occasion that a Gargoyles sought their own form of independence
Misbegotten reaches a free Grotesquerie, it is by breaking off from the Flock and created their
unusual for them to be rejected (though they are own Grotesqueries.
unlikely to be truly loved).
As a rule, free Gargoyles are confident and
Gargoyles by Status caring for one another, always looking out for
Surprising to most Kindred is the fact that their own and seeking more ways to liberate
status means as much to Gargoyles as it does the downtrodden. They have made numerous
to Ventrue, Toreador, or Brujah. After all, the allegiances with anarchs in the New World and
bloodline as a whole went from being nothing in erect community Havens wherever they settle for
the eyes of vampiric society to having a distinct themselves and any kindred seeking salvation.
identity, leading many to wish to develop their Increasing numbers of free Gargoyles walk the
independence further. Within a Grotesquerie, Path of Freedom (see page 45). Some settle with
a loose but complex social order is maintained, Humanity or take up the Paths of the Feral Heart
based around ideals of mutual freedom and or Honourable Accord.
individual rights. Gargoyles by Sect
Most are directed by four distinguished On the whole Gargoyles don’t care much
individuals: the Rock Lord (or Lady), and the about Kindred society in the way that Ventrue,
three ‘Moulds’ (named so since they are supposed Brujah, Toreador or Tremere do. They will pay
to serve as paragons of each Casting, though they their local Kindred authorities any due respect
may be cast or Embraced). A Grotesquerie elects as is customary, but more often than not keep to
these representatives as a community, with every a solitary Eyrie. Within the bloodline, however,
member having a vote and an equal say. there are two minor ‘Sects’ - one very old, one
virtually new - which lead to schisms in an
otherwise strong family.

26 Chapter Two: Freedom and Dependence

These schisms have arisen due to the dispute Chaundice’s Children
over the bloodline’s true progenitor and leader. Kindred could be excused for seeing no
Virstania, the Great Mother, has traditionally difference between Chaundice’s Children (or,
been seen as the creator and rightful mistress of more commonly, ‘Chaundicians’) and unaffiliated
those that fled during her Revolt. Chaundice, Gargoyle anarchs. In truth, the majority of free
on the other hand, is now seen by many Gargoyles are not strongly opposed to rule by age,
independent Gargoyles as their true sire, akin to as they see that personal wisdom and strength
an Antediluvian in some regards. come from age - qualities they value highly in their
Chaundice’s unexpected discovery in the leaders as figures to be looked up to and emulated.
Arizona desert sent a wave of renewal and self- They also don’t believe in dissolving power
realization through the Grotesque world, with structures as long as those structures aren’t built
many Grotesqueries instinctively heading to the around imposed (and thus illegitimate) authority.
Grand Canyon to meet the Rock Lord in his new All this said, more of Chaundice’s Children (an
Court. organisation that crosses Sects and sees much
ideological diversity) are found among the Anarch
The Great Mother’s Flock Movement than in either of the major Sects, as the
The Gargoyles who still live with Virstania, objectives of the two groups often align.
collectively known as the Great Mother’s Flock, are Gargoyles who fall into this ‘Sect’ keep free
outnumbered now by those Constructs who see Grotesqueries with a devotion to releasing any
domination by their Mother as much the same as subjugated Kindred (primarily other Gargoyles)
any other kind. Nonetheless, a number of autarkis and following the example of their progenitor and
Eyries still follow the rule of the Great Mother. messiah Chaundice, the first and greatest Rock
Their main goals are to indoctrinate (or Lord. Very few of Chaundice’s Children follow
‘enlighten’) Gargoyles to Virstania’s love and breed paths other than that of the Path of Freedom;
their race to its fullest potential. They abduct they believe that they can become as powerful and
(‘rescue’) young Gargoyles and pass them along perfect as Chaundice himself if they follow his
secret networks of Eyries stretching back all the way Path.
to Virstania’s own in the caves near old Ceoris.
The Watchers
To the Flock, the Camarilla, Sabbat, anarchs,
and various other vampiric communities are The place on the Red List of the ancient
meaningless roadblocks to their aims of elevating Gargoyle known as Ferox is possibly the biggest
their Mother and themselves to new heights of obstacle holding Gargoyles back from earning
power. Many branches of the Flock will create legitimate respect in the Camarilla. A mass
Gargoyles by themselves to bolster their numbers murderer of Kindred and especially Nosferatu, he
and share the Mother’s boundless love with ever is convinced that Gargoyles are embodied angels,
more children. and that all other vampires are demons incarnate.
The main enemy of Gargoyles committed to The Gargoyle cult which has formed around
their own freedom, the Great Mothe’s Flock is him, which go by the name Grigori (meaning
known and feared as a dangerous and shadowy ‘Watchers’), prosecute a bloody crusade against the
force that seeks to undermine their hard-earned Kindred world, and are a particular threat to Clan
independence. It is a struggle made yet more Nosferatu. Many of them have True Faith - Ferox’s
difficult by the fact that many Gargoyles, despite own is reputed to exceed that of many of the most
what they may know of Virstania and her slaves, pious inquisitors - and they often point the Society
feel an instinctive and childlike admiration for of Leopold in the direction of other vampires.
her; it is this that often causes them to fall into the When it comes to their fellow Gargoyles,
Flock’s clutches, no kidnapping being necessary. meanwhile, the Watchers actively attempt to

Clanbook: Gargoyles 27
Free Forms Radio
‘Ride the Airways to Freedom!’
In 2013, Chaundice approved of a more modern method of contacting young Gargoyles stranded
across the world. Broadcast from high up within the Canyon, Free Forms Radio appears to the
unsuspecting ears of kine and most Kindred to be simply a poor-quality pirate radio station with no
clear purpose. To frightened and isolated Gargoyles, however, its presenters quite blatantly litter their
broadcast with hidden references to the Gargoyle condition, the potential for freedom, Chaundice,
and the Grand Rock Court itself.
Free Forms Radio is hosted by two charismatic Gargoyle presenters, Sean and Samantha, aided
by their various Nosferatu and ghoul technicians. Commonly-played tracks during music segments,
hosted by Samantha, include: ‘Come Fly With Me’, ‘I Believe I Can Fly’, ‘Free Bird’, ‘Made of Stone’,
‘Heart of Stone’, ‘Steppin’ Stone’, ‘Poor Slave’, ‘You Don’t Own Me’, and ‘Happiness in Slavery’.
Sean also makes as many off the cuff comments as possible, usually about ‘letting go of ancient
constructs in society’, ‘the downtrodden having to spread their wings’, and ‘how free the Grand
Canyon makes you feel’. All the while referring to their viewers almost exclusively as ‘You Rockheads
out there’.

convert and recruit, which they have only become Revolt occurring at the same time as their own
more successful at. The powerful message of rebellion, and not only approved but joined in.
the Watchers carries much that appeals to the These Gargoyles blended their own campaign with
Gargoyle mindset: the elevation from the bottom that of the anarchs quite naturally, though few
wrung to the highest level of creation, a place to joined the Sabbat once the Revolts had concluded.
belong, a cause to follow - and the possibility of When the Second Anarch Revolt came about at
transcendence. the tail-end of WWII, a number of Gargoyles did
The Watchers are ruled by a council of seven more than their fair share of fighting, and became
fanatical Gargoyles with Ferox as its head. These major contenders in Jeremy MacNeil’s new Free
are mostly very old Gargoyles, many veterans of States. Though the brief glory of that time is now
the Revolt. Ferox’s own sire, Rocia, stands at his long past, no small number of Gargoyles (most of
side, having converted to his religious worldview them now ancillae) look back fondly on the short-
shortly after Embracing him. That Ferox has been lived revolution in California.
a vampire for less time than most of his council Whether they care about anarch beliefs or
is no obstacle for the Watchers, since they follow simply want to fight and rock the foundations of
him out of worship and religious devotion. They power structures across the world is down to each
identify themselves as the seven angels who will individual, but no group of anarchs would be blind
break the seals in the final nights and bring on a enough to turn down the help of a capable and
glorious, world-purifying Gehenna. deadly Grotesque. Since Chaundice’s discovery
Anarchs became widely known, the focus of Gargoyle
In contradiction to the autarkis way, the Anarch anarchs has shifted dramatically towards furthering
Movement attracts a great many gargoyles to it, the cause of Chaundice’s Children, due to which
for obvious reasons. Many Gargoyles freed from the number of Gargoyles in the Movement has
chantries across Europe heard of the Anarch increased several times over in just fifteen years.

28 Chapter Two: Freedom and Dependence

Autarkis Prince for a Primogen member to represent the
Independent Gargoyles not associated with rights of all bloodline members. So far only a small
the Sects or the three major Gargoyle factions are handful of Princes have deigned to even formally
very rare, and include the highest proportion of consider such requests, and fewer still have acted
wight-turned Grotesques. Many of these lonely on them.
Constructs simply let themselves fall into a bestial Sabbat
mindset, surrounding themselves with animals for
company and sustenance. Very few Gargoyles willingly align themselves
with the Sabbat as they will more often than
Camarilla not be dominated by a member of the Tremere
After the signing of the Montmartre Pact and antitribu, who couldn’t give a shit for any pact
Convention of Thorns, Gargoyles have (officially, made centuries ago by self-important elders.
at least) been openly accepted by the Camarilla, At best, they can expect to receive abuse and
though they have received little else from the mistreatment by ignorant shovelheads and Cainite
Ivory Tower. They do not gain the Primogen purists alike - at least until they respond with
representation many feel they deserve, and are violence, as often happens.
rarely granted the wide-ranging domains these Some, however, actively seek out the Sabbat
creatures need in order to truly stretch their wings. as a means to regain their dominators. A life
Aside from this second-class status and (at best) of domination, no matter how inhumane, is
cold relations with Clan Tremere, unlife inside the preferable in the eyes of any Gargoyle over eternal
Camarilla can be relatively kind to more desperate isolation - a sentiment which Sabbat elders are all
Gargoyles, with limited risk presented to their own too ready to take advantage of.
safety. Camarilla Gargoyles generally exist in a state Black Hand
of relative comfort, though not much esteem.
Gargoyles, like most bloodlines, are not
One of the most popular positions for a acknowledged by the Black Hand despite their
Gargoyle active in a Camarilla domain, aside from obvious combat and reconnaissance applications.
Scourge, is that of a political activist with the aim This has caused a lot of resentment among Sabbat
of achieving more extensive Gargoyle rights. Some Constructs, many of whom would like nothing
take this activism further by petitioning their more than to prove themselves to the Sword of
Caine by joining its elite assassins.

Gargoyle Archons & Alastors Inquisition

With a potential combination of Those Gargoyles that do try to make it in the
Disciplines including Auspex, Visceratika, Flight, Sabbat can do so with great success. Being a
and Protean, Gargoyles are some of the undead bloodline suited to dedication and the endurance
world’s greatest trackers and hunters, making of hardship, they adapt better than most to the
them useful Archons (or at least assistants to focus of a military mindset, and can stand up to
Archons) - not to mention expendable Alastors the worst inhuman foe. A former Ceoris Gargoyle
(see Dread Names, Red List). is likely to seek membership in the Inquisition
Though it is kept a close secret (mostly due (which unlike the Black Hand has no qualms
to Tremere influence and the apathy towards on about admitting so-called ‘impure’ Cainites) due to
the matter on the part of other Clans), several its mandate to stamp out infernalism.
elder Gargoyles are kept on permanent retainer When Etrius opened a gate to Hell in the
for Blood Hunts and Anathema sightings. dungeons of Ceoris to harness its infernal powers,
swathes of Gargoyles were sent to hold off the
demons that poured forth while Etrius magically

Clanbook: Gargoyles 29
sealed the area. Those few that survived returned though only privately practised in many Eyries
traumatized, inspired with a devotion to keeping using the bodies of Gangrel, Nosferatu, and
Hell sealed which they have passed down to their Tzimisce who have breached the Traditions,
childer. A tiny handful of Gargoyles aligned to the Code of Milan, or other appropriate body
the fanatically anti-infernal Ferox are found in the of vampiric law (depending on which Sect the
Inquisition, but they are very closely monitored Grotesquerie belongs to, if any). Gargoyles are
by Nosferatu antitribu, and find their genocidal noted for frequently petitioning for custody of
intentions curbed at every turn. such criminals, especially diablerists (since their
usually lowered Generation can produce more
Eyries and Grotesqueries powerful Gargoyles).
Home and hearth are central concerns to the Common activities in a Grotesquerie include
majority of Gargoyles. They need somewhere to cave painting, carving, group combat (both
belong, valuing highly the strength of a family practice and play fighting), and patrols, all of
and the structure of a domain to call their own. A which serve to promote group cohesion. Among
Gargoyle naturally seeks out a group unless he has Sabbat Grotesqueries, the ritae are naturally co-
been traumatised by past experiences to the point opted for this purpose; Grotesquerie-packs often
where a life in solitude seems the safest. Most have especially idiosyncratic Ignobilis Ritae.
Gargoyles choose to set up roost in an abandoned
building or cave system, as they are the most secure Most Gargoyle Grotesqueries think of themselves
locations made mostly of stone. This new home as families, and claim an almost tribal connection
becomes their Eyrie and the family of Gargoyles with their fellow Grotesquerie members. Often,
living within forms their Grotesquerie. if there is more than one Grotesque living in easy
This leadership structure is derived from flying distance (rarely are Grotesqueries found
Virstania and her three apprentices and still any closer together), they have frequent meetings
survives to this night. Despite the general lack of and exchanges, some even swapping members in
cast Gargoyles in free Grotesqueries, individuals mock marriage ceremonies to gain the strength of
are still be identified as possessing qualities worthy a union between Grotesqueries. The vast majority
of each Mould. Free Grotesqueries have retained of other Kindred, caring little for the affairs of
these titles as a mockery of the old ways; by placing Gargoyles, would be taken aback to discover the
an Embraced Gargoyle in one of these positions, secret networks of inter-Grotesquerie politics
they defy the archaic social construct of cast playing out quite literally above their heads.
Gargoyles being bound to their station. The Rock Lord or Lady
In the modern nights, the phrase ‘breaking the The leader of a Grotesquerie is called the Rock
Mould’ is used to refer to a younger Gargoyle Lord (an honorific dating back to the first nights
challenging the Mould he serves under. More of the bloodline; tonight, Rock Lady is also used).
often than not, the Mould serves his Grotesquerie The Rock Lord serves as the overall decision maker
almost permanently. Occasionally an up-and- for the Grotesquerie, presides over regularly-held
coming soldier defeats a faltering Warrior Mould ‘Rock Courts’ (where members of a Grotesquerie
in single combat, or a Shaman devises a ritual can bring forward grievances to be resolved and
so groundbreaking that the Grotesquerie must important matters to discuss), gives audience to
acknowledge that he has exceeded the Scout outside visitors, and is the first in line to defend
Mould’s expertise and place him in the position his Eyrie.
It is emphasised at all times that the Rock Lord
Grotesqueries maintain customs and rituals serves the Grotesquerie, and not the other way
designed to keep them as close as possible. At Our around. For instance, he is usually obligated to
Command It Breathes is still culturally prominent, feed last, after all others in his charge are sated

30 Chapter Two: Freedom and Dependence

(unless he is hungry to the point of risking frenzy, of Thaumaturgy (even rituals of his own devising)
of course). as if they were acolytes of his own Clan. In the
A typical Rock Lord will possess great strength modern nights, some free Gargoyles continue
and cunning, and will usually have the greatest to uphold this tradition, serving as shamans
control over Visceratika and Flight within the of a Grotesquerie. These shamans are strange
Grotesquerie as well. Naturally, a corrupt few use in appearance and eerie to be around, having
this to dominate and abuse those under their extensively warped their bodies and minds with
charge, but as a whole Gargoyles on the Path blood magic. They care for the Eyrie in their
of Freedom (see page 46) are quick to depose own twisted way, often performing rituals and
unworthy leadership. experiments in seclusion.

The Scout Mould Spies

Any Construct who demonstrates sufficient Not all Gargoyles who choose to swear
skill in stealth, deception, and espionage can themselves to the service of the Scout Mould
become the Scout Mould of his Grotesquerie. As wish to follow an unlife of isolated magical study
masters of magic and intrigue, these leaders often and experimentation, rather seeing infiltration
learn Thaumaturgy over common disciplines. To and investigation as the tasks they are best suited
a Scout, the secrets of Kindred politics and of towards. They might keep tabs on the local
blood sorcery are equivalent, and he must know Camarilla or Sabbat (or both) groups for the
everything there is to know about everything. sake of the Grotesquerie’s security, audaciously
steal arcane knowledge from nearby Tremere
The typical Scout Mould is highly intelligent chantries or even assassinate the enemies of their
and familiar with a vast multitude of Thaumaturgy Grotesquerie or its allies.
paths and rituals, as well as Humours - special
rituals conducted only by the Gargoyle bloodline. The Sentinel Mould
Hwe Subterfuge, Stealth, Occult, Politics and The overall defender of a Grotesquerie on
Academics ratings will be not only above those of both the individual and structural level, the
they who share his Eyrie, but will surpass those of Sentinel Mould is responsible for the welfare of
most other Kindred in a given domain. all Gargoyles under her protection. No Sentinel
Shamans Mould leaves the Eyrie for significant periods of
time, avoiding conflict or political engagement in
During their confinement within Ceoris, lieu of tending her Eyrie and her ‘children’.
Virstania kept her own select group of Gargoyle
apprentices. She trained these Gargoyles in the arts A successful Sentinel Mould possesses strong
Social Attributes as she keeps the peace between
the violent Warriors and egotistic Scouts, not to
mention indomitable Stamina for when that peace
collapses. Their ratings in Athletics, Alertness,
and Brawl are matched only by their Performance,
Animal and Gargoyle Ken (see page 114), and
Empathy. Sentinel Moulds often have strong levels
of Visceratika as a matter of course, as well as
(unusually for Gargoyle-kind) notably high levels of
Presence. The combination Discipline Ambience
(see page 92) is a powerful tool in the Sentinel
Mould’s arsenal for maintaining internal harmony
and security.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 31
Gargoyle Animals their Eyrie against invading foes and some on the
Once a Grotesquerie has ghouled a specific rearing of infants.
animal for long enough and wish to bring it more The Warrior Mould
fully into their family, they may undertake a ritual
Embrace. They are fed a mixture of components A Warrior Mould is the greatest combatant
for a week in place of Gargoyle vitae and then within the Grotesquerie, a master of the battles
drained of their blood, after which the Embrace both outside the Eyrie and within his own heart.
is performed as it would be on a human. The He keeps the Grotesquerie in a state of permanent
resulting half-living, half-dead animal is considered war-preparedness, by drilling fledglings in useful
a Gargoyle creature and takes its place alongside its Disciplines, ensuring that hunts take place
Kindred family for eternity. regularly, and providing moral guidance, typically
on the Path of Freedom, so that Gargoyles do not
Gargoyle Monstrosities fall prey to their Beasts and compromise security.
Mindless Gargoyles created from a mixture of The Warrior Mould takes on the role of somthing
human and animal ‘parents’ can still be made like a drill sergeant, keeping his soldiers prepared
tonight by those few Eyries equipped (and willing) in mind, body, and soul, and will be the first to kill
to do so. They require a vast array of ingredients or be killed in the Eyrie’s defence.
and equipment, not to mention a Gargoyle Warrior Moulds undoubtedly excel in Physical
endowed with a womb for gestation. Non-Kindred Attributes, with terrifying Strength and Dexterity
beings are put through Gestation (or similar (more often than not complemented by Celerity
procedures) become childlike and horrendously and Potence). They bolster their naturally-high
mutated, but are kept by a loving Sentinel Mould Brawl with Athletics and Intimidation.
all the same. A Warrior Mould’s pride is exposed when
Ghouls teaching his soldiers aerial combat, a tactic
mastered only by the Gargoyle bloodline. Many
Ghouls are a much-loved feature of any elder Tzimisce claim that the Chiropteran
Grotesquerie. Often ‘adopted’ at incredibly young Marauder (see V20, pp. 242-243) is as effective
ages (as young as six in some instances), they bring in aerial combat as any Gargoyle can be, but this
fresh life into a dusty Eyrie. Ghouls are usually claim is immediately disproven when a fleet of
raised as a Sentinel’s own biological children and Gargoyle Warriors devastate and scatter advancing
taught all manner of Kindred lore, including forces in a single coordinated swoop.
the Gargoyles’ fragmented history and the use of
Disciplines. Since Gargoyle ghouls are denied the Soldiers
immortality of regular ghouls due to the mutations Gargoyles find martial prowess to be almost
they manifest as the decades and centuries pass, if second nature to them. With their Fortitude,
a Grotesquerie chooses to ‘adopt’ a child into their Flight, and Potence, they become a true force
Eyrie it will almost certainly receive the Embrace at to be reckoned with. Many Constructs choose
some point later in its life. to channel their rage and raw power into useful
Guards channels, hunting for food for their Grotesquerie,
The final jurisdiction of a Sentinel Mould are and killing off any encroaching Kindred, kine, or
the guards, whether they be Sentinel-cast Gargoyles even Lupine threats.
or simply Embraced ones with a firm grasp of Teachers
and commitment to maintaining the security
and welfare of the Grotesquerie. Only Gargoyles Gargoyles with a more introspective outlook on
with compassion and rigid willpower will become their conditions focus their military training and
guards, some focusing on the fortification of discipline on caging their Beasts and maintaining
a clear picture of the goals and ambitions for

32 Chapter Two: Freedom and Dependence

themselves and their Grotesquerie mates to a methuselah Gangrel, they venture out into the
follow. These teachers direct their efforts towards world under her leadership to harvest anything
educating their kin in Discipline use and guiding deemed worthy of use. In complete disregard
them along their Paths on a nightly basis. of any Masquerade, she also orders them to
dominate local populations of rural kine, who
Notable Eyries serve as Embracing stock for their enslaved
Many Grotesqueries are formed throughout Gangrel, Nosferatu and Tzimisce ‘breeders’. Her
the world by free Gargoyles that are dedicated to influence also stretches across and beyond the
only allowing members the Gargoyle ‘Clan’ to Western world, as the Flock hunt free Gargoyles to
reside within their Eyrie. These Eyries, the true rehabilitate into the Ceoris Grotesquerie.
strongholds of the bloodline, are found the world Fidus has spent the centuries since the Revolt
over, but most are quite limited in influence working tirelessly at mastering each and every
simply due to the small number of Gargoyles living element of blood magic he and his Mother
within them. Some, however, manage to make a have access to, and puts them into practice by
significant footing in the vampiric world to the furthering his Mother’s own programme of
point where they are acknowledged by most Sects, creation and refinement. A new Gargoyle is cast
even if only as worthwhile targets. Outlined below per week, with the ritual slightly adjusted each
are several Eyries of interest. time by his own clawed hand. He and his many
Ceoris Scout-cast Gargoyles keep watch of the gestation
chambers and continue to refine the creation
Deep within the foreboding woodlands on the process, bit by tiny bit.
Carpathian slopes rest the barest trace of forgotten
stone ruins, hidden by the shade of a bloated oak No area of the Eyrie is well lit or cleaned, with
tree and yet undiscovered by mortals. Beneath ash and vitae at all times staining the ground. In
these ruins weave an extensive system of catacombs truth, the Gargoyles found here are as submissive
- some a few decades old, some centuries more as they were before the chantry fell, the only
ancient. This network is home to Virstania’s ‘free’ difference being that rather than follow Clan
brood, the Flock, and their unending spawn. Tremere as a whole they are bound to one mistress.
The palce is replete with innumerable alchemical Any newborn Gargoyle which survives its first few
laboratories and libraries holding untold tomes nights of starvation and brutally violent treatment
of formulae and Tremere lore, and at its heart will either flee realising the true horror of the
rests a vast mausoleum housing Virstania herself, Gargoyle ‘factory’ (after which they will likely be
whiling away her torpor within a stone casket. caught out during the day), or fall into the mindset
This monument to Gargoyle kind has become of a submissive drone for the rest of eternity - or
like a factory, churning out malformed, cretinous until something is done to liberate the Gargoyles
versions of Virstania’s original creations, a process of Ceoris. This night is surely a long way off yet.
overseen by her paragons - Luma, Fidus, and The Hidden Heart
Before Virstania fell into torpor for the latest
Saxum, by tradition titled Master of Slaves, time, she had decided to branch out deeper into
enforces the rule that no one but the three of them the Carpathian mountains, hunting for a bigger
are allowed into Virstania’s personal bedchamber, and better catacomb system, where she wished to
and that no non-Gargoyle is to walk within a mile establish new laboratories away from Ceoris. She
of their fortress. He keeps a tight regime of patrol sent out a small gathering of Warriors and sired
and guard duties over all the Flock’s Sentinels. Gargoyles to survey the surrounding area from
Luma and her Warriors bring raw materials to above, looking for natural caves to exploit.
the chantry for Fidus to process in his alchemical Several nights into their explorations, they
experiments. Whether they be a foxglove root or

Clanbook: Gargoyles 33
discovered a strange grove, surrounded on all sides mysterious powers of eastern vampires, and has
by tall rocky crags, making the area inaccessible managed to maintain a Grotesquerie in absolute
except from the air. Unusual plants grew here, isolation and under the very noses of the local
most numerously a blood-red flower. Chief ‘hungry dead’. The children of Ch’iung have
amongst this flora was the vastly overgrown tree learned to manipulate the earth in a more subtle
at the grove’s centre. Curious - and driven on by way than their western brethren, causing the very
instincts not their own - the pack settled within earth itself to regard them as welcome guests of its
this glen, some melding within the stone walls catacombs, and their enemies as intruders within
of the crags and some burrowing (via Protean) them.
beneath the central tree. The Eternally Petrified Sanctum is linked to
After a night of troubled rest which restored nearby monastery of Akashic Brotherhood monks
none of their vitality, the pack awoke to see half of devoted to Ch’iung, but not ghouled to him or his
their number missing and what they saw to be the children. They respect the earth and bring regular
figure of Virstania herself standing before them, animal sacrifices and willing blood offerings
beside the tree. Every remaining Gargoyle flocked to the gates of the Eyrie, occasionally catching
to her, their packmates quite forgotten, and each glimpses of the guardians within. Ch’iung is one
one was given a gift she seemed eager to bestow - a of Chaundice’s childer and still remembers their
taste of her own vitae. Upon drinking, their flesh noble Revolt so long past. He encourages his
suddenly became soft, as it was in their first lives, charges to connect with Chaundice’s Children
but soon began to fall away like wet mud. Maggots and walk the Path of Freedom, and to take regular
and flies perforated their earthen flesh as they felt spiritual journeys deep within the ‘Endless Chasm’
their souls drain into the roots below. Before long, they call home; not all return, something which
they were all part of the dark power of which the doesn’t seem to bother the Ominous One.
glen was only one small tendril. Within the Endless Chasm lives a pride of
These monstrosities exist to this day, ritually guardian lions (see page 116), Ch’iung, and his
Embracing animals and mutating them into peculiar Grotesquerie, who naturally take on
horrific clay mounds, which they then graft specific forms dependent on their gender as a side
onto themselves, growing only larger and more effect of their Mimesis, due to the magical nature
deadly with each addition. This protean army of the mountain. When Ch’iung Chi Embraces
continuously throw themselves at Virstania’s female Gargoyles, they become known as shisa
stronghold, providing more than ample cause for (‘dragons’) and when he embraces males they are
Fidus to rapidly churn out new, scarcely-conscious known as komainu (‘dogs’).
Gargoyles simply to die in the line of battle. No
matter what measures the Flock takes, it can’t seem The Grand Rock Court
to find the root of this spawning site. (The Grand Canyon, Arizona)
The Eternally Petrified Sanctum Chaundice, the ‘True Rock Lord’, lives to this
day, and unlike most Clan founders he takes a
(Tianmushan, China) personal approach to his cause, making his voice
One of the few branches of Kindred living in heard by each and every Kindred who will listen
Asia are the noble Gargoyle children of Ch’iung - and many who would rather not. He lives in a
Chi, called the Ominous One. Ch’iung, who has Rock Court dug deeply within the Grand Canyon,
assumed his name and title from the gargoyle a magnificent subterranean cathedral made from
of Chinese myth, is the Rock Lord of an Eyrie dozens of types of stone to create a truly impressive
nestled deep within the side of Tianmushan structure.
(‘Heavenly Eye Mountain’). He is a master of many Inside this temple can be found examples of
Disciplines and, it is rumoured, a novice of the every type of Gargoyle in existence tonight, living

34 Chapter Two: Freedom and Dependence

free. As well as a few ambassadors of other Clans Rockhead world - that its members have managed
brought in by Chaundice to reach out to the to adapt Visceratika to merge not only with the
Kindred race, namely Nosferatu, Ravnos and stone of the gorge but with the Iron Bridge itself,
Toreador. Whole tribes of ghouled humans live though whether they can apply it to other metal
within the mile deep canyon breeding flocks structures is a matter of pure conjecture. When
of ritualy Embraced mountain sheep, entirely asked on this matter, Handsome Dan replies with
disconnected from mortal society. This ghouled a wink and says he won’t ‘give away trade secrets’.
community live in close cohabitation with the
Kindred around them. The Catacombs of Sorrow
The Court has endless chambers used for (Quito, Ecuador)
meetings, libraries, training rooms, various living The Metropolitan of Quito was built in the
quarters, a radio booth, and great reception mid-1500s and has since undergone many
hall. The entire installation is an architectural additions, renovations and re imaginings. The site
masterpiece designed by Chaundice with the itself was built atop a vast gorge which hindered
help of a consortium of Toreador artists. A small many such efforts throughout the years, but
contingent of other supernatural species also live after an earthquake hit in 1797 an artist known
within the Court, including spirits, human mages as Caspicara was brought in to renovate the art
and even the occasional sympathetic Lupine. The installments throughout the roofing and choir
location is a monument to free will and a bastion pits.
dedicated to its protection. Caspicara performed his task well, but could not
Freehold of Ironbridge bring himself to leave the cathedral because of its
monumental beauty. In his later years he spent
(Ironbridge Gorge, United Kingdom) many nights in the catacombs of ‘la Catedral’,
Located in a large gorge in the English county of marvelling at the carvings of angels, saints, and
Shropshire, the tiny town of Ironbridge is touted heroes and adding to their number with his own
as the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, for hand.
it was there that a cheap method for iron-smelting His Embrace came just before the turn of the
was discovered. The eponymous bridge, which still 19th century, when his mind had completely
stands, was the world’s first major bridge built of detached itself from ordinary life in favour of the
cast iron. It is during this era of innovation that a tranquil stillness and solemnity of the growing
Grotesquerie, seeking refuge from persecution in population of dead in the underground necropolis
Tremere-heavy cities such as Durham and London, of mausoleums. A wandering Calaca (a Samedi-
made its Eyrie in the local gorge. turned-Gargoyle; see Chapter Four: Of Mingled
Led by the unusually charismatic and well- Blood) calling himself Stonebones had chosen
spoken Malachai, the Gargoyles of Ironbridge the location to create more of his kind, due to the
essentially became autarkis, too far from centres ample ‘raw materials’ left over from the genocide
of the sects to be a concern. The Eyrie served as a of the local Inca people centuries earlier. As a final
safe haven and stopping-off point for free British attempt to repel the Spanish forces they destroyed
Gargoyles, as it did for Handsome Dan when he their entire city and committed mass suicide in
was forced to abandon London (see Chapter One). underground rivers running through the gorge,
In recent years it has fallen under the auspices of now integrated into the catacombs.
Chaundice’s Children, and remains the group’s He set up his new domain in these catacombs,
only significant outpost in the British Isles. In his entered by a door behind the altar of Nuestra
capacity as an envoy, Dan makes great use of it. Señora de los Dolores (‘Our Lady of Sorrows’),
A strange rumour has emerged surrounding the through which only Kindred or ghouls could
Freehold following this engagement with the wider physically pass due to magical wardings laid upon

Clanbook: Gargoyles 35
it. One of Stonebones’ Samedi followers Embraced Gangrel
Caspicara to then be immediately gestated in the The Gangrel above all else value independence,
old Inca cenotes stagnating below, to become one of and admire the common Gargoyle dedication to
the dead he so loved. cast off a past of oppression and seek personal
The two of them transformed the catacombs freedom. This, combined with the simple fact that
into a magnificent display of death’s beauty, with many of their Clan have been transformed into
sculpture and furnishings the like a prince would Gargoyles in centuries past, creates a solemn bond
envy. At the end of the Ecuadorian-Peruvian War between these two groups.
in 1942, they opened their doors of the Catacomb This connection becomes clear when vampiric
of Sorrows to any and all Kindred looking for researchers and wanderers happen upon wild
revelation in death. mountainscapes owned by a pack of Gangrel
Many more Calacas had been created over this living alongside Gargoyles, who have joined the
time to make their work easier and to prepare Clan as honorary members. The affinity with the
for the moment they received their guests. The earth Gargoyles possess, and the distinct parallels
site to this day is still functioning as intended, a between their two signature Disciplines, leads to a
place for Kindred of more morbid temperaments, much stronger pack when this occurs.
particularly Central and South American
Giovanni, to associate and indulge their unusual Nosferatu
interests. Nosferatu share in one another’s vitriol as
Many venues proliferate the catacombs that lie much as they do blood, being social rejects of the
beyond the lady’s altar, offering blood infused lowest order. Deep revulsion directed towards
with an array of different substances resulting both Nosferatu and Gargoyles is a characteristic
in a cornucopia of pleasures and sensations, shared by Princes and fledglings alike. In
music and dancing from a consortium of undead grim solidarity, these two groups (along with
carcophanists, and thaumaturgical fetishes able to members of the Samedi) find safety together in
rekindle, for a time, the sensation of being mortal. mausoleums, catacombs, and subway systems.
The parties never cease, and the only cost is to feed Paris’s underground is supposedly secretly ruled by
the hosts. The Day of the Dead is celebrated every a contingency of Nosferatu and Gargoyles of both
night beneath la Catedral, and every Kindred is old stock and new, all pulling strings in the city’s
welcome to attend. Simply place blood on the altar sewers and catacombs.
of sorrow to enter into the night of your death. Tzimisce
Communal Eyries Tzimisce do not share or seek companionship as
Not all Gargoyles seek the sole company of Gargoyles naturally do, so any mingling between
themselves in protest against their treatment by these estranged relatives is more than likely a
other Kindred. Some seek to assimilate within shadow of the Gargoyles’ enslavement, for they
vampiric society and become truly equal in the eyes find ready masters among the Fiends, who are
of Kindred in the modern nights. Others simply bound by no paltry pact which determines who
revert back to the shattered memories of their they can and cannot take as servants There are
former Clans, held since before the Revolt. multiple reasons why a Tzimisce would want a
Gargoyle present in their haven:
In either case, such Gargoyles seek communal
havens with members of their parent Clans, Because of the Gargoyles’ already magical
despite their in-built instincts to attack them, so as existence, the uniqueness of their blending of
to retain the individual personality they remember flesh and stone, and their typically great capacities
having before the blanket of servitude smothered for enduring punishment, many Tzimisce find
them. Gargoyles to be exciting ‘test dummies’ for their

36 Chapter Two: Freedom and Dependence

more experimental procedures. keep as guards or immortal companions. They find
A traditionalist elder Tzimisce’s preferred home particular fascination in Gargoyle rituals and the
is deep within a lofty castle, from which to lord suitability for Gargoyle flesh to act as a conduit for
over the masses of kine and Kindred beneath him, spells and rituals performed by others. That they
especially among the Old Clan. In such a setting, can rub their ancient enemies’ faces in the loss
the voivode requires security - and who better than a of their servitors by appropriating them is just an
Gargoyle, who can see every room simultaneously, added bonus.
and travel swiftly between wings at the drop of a The more scientifically minded ‘technomancers’
hat? also admire Constructs, their fascination revolving
The final and maybe the strongest reasoning around Mimesis. A number of these mages have
would come down to sheer pettiness. A Tzimisce of granted asylum to free Gargoyles, permitting them
great enough age will surely remember the nights to haven within their laboratories with the goal
of bloodshed and fury as the Omen Wars raged of studying their transmutable bodies and other
between the Tremere and their own kin. In the supernatural qualities.
modern nights, it seems only natural to these elder Earth Spirits
Fiends to keep the former slaves of their ancestral
enemies as servitors, while they themselves are Disciplines such as Auspex and Spiritus have
restrained from doing so. shown kindred the multitude of spiritual beings
living beyond the veil of human perception.
Free Eyries Those most frequently encountered by Gargoyles
The free Eyrie isn’t acknowledged by many are, naturally, earth elementals and (more
vampires, for most truly don’t know with any rarely) the spirits of important buildings. These
certainty that other supernatural species exist. incarnations of living stone have been known to
The term is used to refer to a home for Gargoyles make themselves apparent to mountain-dwelling
where supernatural beings other than vampires are Grotesqueries in order to make allies of them
permitted to reside. and keep themselves protected. Yet stranger fae
entities hailing from the land of dreams sometimes
No member of the Flock would survive in a pass through to our side of reality and make their
free heaven before falling to the ravages of their homes inside stone and rock.
Beast, due to the lack of master-slave relationships,
but Chaundician Gargoyles thrive in these Disciplines like Mytheceria, Chimeristry, and
environments of liberty and voluntary mutual Dementation can draw these beings to the fore; it
assistance (the Grand Rock Court itself is possibly is only because of the lack of availability of these
the biggest example of such an Eyrie). Disciplines to most Gargoyles that encounters
with these beings are so rare, for they rejoice in
If anything, Gargoyles are better off living with one another’s company. Some of these mysterious
a sorceress in her sanctum or a nature spirit in creatures are simultaneously more timid and more
a grotto, as these beings are outside of the petty sentient while in the real world, able to create
disputes which arise among Kindred and so are temporary, vaguely-humanoid bodies to better
often unbiased in their opinions of Constructs. interact with their Gargoyle companions.
Mage Chantries
The mortal wizards of mankind hold a
fascination with magical phenomena such as the
Gargoyles are examples of. This is particularly true
of two magical schools. Hermetic mages, from
whom the Tremere originated, find Gargoyles to
be interesting familiars to test spells upon and

Clanbook: Gargoyles 37
Mimesis Grotesquerie leaves the Eyrie but evolving after
about a century into sharing the strong emotions
As with other Kindred, Gargoyles have a semi- of other Grotesquerie members.
mystical connection with their havens after
spending a substantial period of time therein (see After around 200 years, they will even be able to
the forthcoming The Endless Death). However, talk for one another and find it hard to perform
through the years of horrendous ritualistic harmful actions against other members of their
treatment, Gargoyles have had this bizarre effect Grotesque, irrespective of the action (requiring
inverted upon themselves. Rather than an area a Willpower roll, beginning at difficulty 6 but
subtly changing to reflect their inner selves (as with increasing by +1 for each century of Mimesis spent
normal vampires), Gargoyles come to physically with the Gargoyle in question beyond 200, to a
resemble the aesthetics of their surroundings maximum of 9).
through an effect they call Mimesis (if they call it Notable Mimetic Grotesqueries
anything at all).
The Cologne Grotesquerie
After many years together in the same location,
each Gargoyle in a Grotesquerie come to look This family prides itself on their ‘true Gargoyle’
uncannily similar, though not identical. This helps appearance, which they claim to be identical to
to distinguish which Grotesquerie a Construct that of Chaundice himself. They consciously adapt
is from on the occasions when Gargoyles gather themselves to what humans typically envision
in large groups, and more importantly to further when picturing a Gargoyle: horned and winged,
cement group identity and loyalty. with monstrous (but not utterly horrific) visages
and red brick skin. They all have long, slender
Cavedwelling Gargoyles develop smooth, curved
digits and colossal bat wings. Whenever they meet
skin with a faint wet shimmer. Cracks may develop
with other local Gargoyle Grotesqueries they
across their backs and miniature stalagmites
attempt to lord their ‘Chaundician physique’ for
may descend from their chins and noses. Those
all to see.
residing in manmade structures (typically churches
and other fine works of architecture) will appear The Bakers Hotel Grotesquerie
robust and hardened, their skin becoming
Being the largest abandoned building in the
segmented to mimic brickwork. Some have
U.S., Bakers Hotel in Mineral Wells, Texas has
displayed wings with narrow layers of slate snaking
become a popular nest for Gargoyles. The ‘Bakers’,
across their membranes.
as the local Groesquerie’s members are called,
Gargoyles who nest in churches are typically possess art deco features such as smooth, brightly-
well-proportioned and adorned with incongruous polished skin, exaggerated curves accentuating
ornamentation, including miniature spires their generally rounded physiques, and sharp
sprouting from their backs and even the faces angles at their joints.
of grotesques leering out from their chests and
Members of this Grotesquerie love to ‘joke’
shoulders. By contrast, Gargoyles who make
with mortals who visit the hotel (whether youths
Eyries in sewers are squat and especially ugly
looking for a place to hang out or sightseers on
in appearance, with mostly desiccated (though
ghost walks), playing tricks and hauntings on
functional) wings and a coating of translucent
them. They have even been known to adopt very
soapstone for their flesh.
young kine and rear them in long-forgotten attic
Moreover, Mimesis imparts a unity of mind rooms.
almost indescribable to those outside of its
influence. As with changes to appearance, this
happens gradually over time, beginning with a
vague sense of detachment when a member of the

38 Chapter Two: Freedom and Dependence

The Birmingham Grotesquerie
Seemingly modern marvels of Mimetic
construction, the Gargoyles living in the mostly
abandoned iron works of Birmingham, England
have a vast array of architectural periods rendered
upon their flesh. Their faces are ugly, bestial
caricatures (stemming from the multiple ornate
chapels of the city), their limbs long but with signs
of erosion, and their wings coated in smooth and
angular scales of varying stone composites.
The Derrycunnihy Grotesquerie
A large family of free Gargoyles make their
Eyrie in the abandoned Derrycunnihy Church
located in County Kerry, Ireland. They keep a
peaceful existence, preying solely on local herds
for sustenance and forgoing human blood on
religious principle. The family have dried, cracked
textures to their splinter-riddled skin out of
which occasionally pokes exposed bone. Most of
them have squat bodies and long, gnarled fangs
resembling rusted wrought iron.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 39
Chapter Three:
Hearts of Stone
Sired Gargoyles much more functional successors to their cast
counterparts. Furthermore, as Virstania devised
Within decades of their creation, a peculiarity and released the Discipline of Visceratika, it was
developed amongst the Gargoyles to replace those found that only Embraced Gargoyles could grasp
that died on the battlefields of the Omen War: its use with natural ease. This was the final nail in
the capacity for reproduction. This reproduction the coffin of the Castings’ primacy, though cast
was not as natural and organic as Virstania had Gargoyles continue to exist in small numbers,
dreamed, but simply the Embrace which Kindred primarily among the Virstanians.
know all too well.
At first there was but a small handful born with Character Creation
this mutation, though each Embrace - combined Gargoyles are a multifaceted bloodline whose
with over three centuries of refinement on characteristics vary more than those of any other
Virstania’s part - tilted the population until there Kindred lineage, not to mention those lesser
were two roughly equally-sized classes of Gargoyle constructs of low intelligence or limited use not
living in the Eyrie: cast and sired. listed here (since they are entirely inappropriate
To begin with, cast Gargoyles would bully the for player characters). Generally a Gargoyle is
Embraced ones, what with their greater numbers both strong and stealthy, opting to steer clear of
and connection to Virstania, but over time the the limelight out of fear of persecution but able
sired few became many and the Mother’s favour to fight back when this strategy fails. Within a
shifted to their more organic creation in preference single Grotesquerie, the variations of personalities,
from the casting process. During the Revolt, duties, and forms are seemingly endless, as it is
Embraced Gargoyles made up two thirds of all rare that a Grotesquerie turns down any Gargoyle,
constructs ripping and tearing their way through whether sired, cast, or Misbegotten.
the halls of Ceoris. Attributes
Sired Gargoyles simply revert to the original According to their original design, Gargoyles
design for Gargoyles whereby they suffer ‘only’ were given stunted intellect, so as to reduce the risk
an inhuman appearance, total amnesia, and a of rebellion. This has sadly continued through the
susceptibility to mind control, making them

40 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

ages, becoming a fact of unlife for many. Gargoyles’ has weathered many of them into humble and
Attributes reflect this frailty, with their focus penitent beings, if it has not worn away their
being usually on Physical Attributes rather than humanity entirely; for these reasons and their own
Social or Mental. Strength, Dexterity, Stamina and animalistic natures, it is estimated that a larger
Perception are often much more developed than proportion of Gargoyles have become completely
Charisma, Manipulation, Intelligence or Wits. lost to the Beast than other vampires.
Owing to their weakness, Gargoyles always have an Their Conscience (or Conviction) tends to
Appearance of 0 which can never be raised. unless be high, as does their Self-Control (or Instinct).
the Abhorrence rule is used (see page 56). Courage varies widely; some Gargoyles are
Abilities galvanised by their lot in unlife and the treatment
they are subjected to nightly, whereas others have
Gargoyles in slavery are rarely, if ever, trained been broken by it.
to perform complex or intricate tasks. Creation
and thought are not jobs given to slaves, but Disciplines
manual labour, patrolling, and general violence Gargoyles can trace their lineages to at least one
are expected. As such, Gargoyles naturally excel in Clan out of Gangrel, Nosferatu and Tzimisce,
Animal Ken, Intimidation, Alertness, Athletics, and a few carry remnants of their past heritage,
and Brawl. Stealth and Survival are common dormant within their blood. Every now and then
among free Gargoyles, stemming from desperate a Gargoyle will be Embraced with enough of
unlives spent in woodlands or subways. this blood to learn and master the Disciplines of
Backgrounds their former Clan or Clans. On average, however,
most Embraced Gargoyles are able to use Flight,
Whether free or enslaved, whether Camarilla Fortitude, Potence, and Visceratika.
Hounds, Black Hand assassins or infamous
Autarkis, Gargoyles will have very few Animalism
Backgrounds. It is exceedingly hard for these In the early nights of Gargoyle creation, those
poor creatures to make Allies, retain Resources Tremere skilled in the creation ritual were forced
or keep Retainers, simply due to their abhorent to produce constructs with the intellect of animals
appearance. Even Nosferatu have easier unlives in an attempt to keep them in their place. After
than most Gargoyles, since they might in a pinch the Gargoyle castings came about, their minds
pass through cities as disfigured humans, or make became more focused and sentient once again.
use of Obsfuscate, but the Gargoyles are entirely That deep connection to the animal mind never
alien. went away entirely, however, in no small thanks
There are a few Backgrounds which free to the fact that each of their former clans had an
Gargoyles hold dear, however, such as Humours affinity for Animalism.
(see page 99), Domain, and Status; being both free This was a connection that Goratrix, Malgorzata
and frequently socially rejected, Gargoyles latch and (to a lesser extent) Virstania made deliberate
onto their positions and their Havens even more efforts to sever, not wanting to provide their slaves
strongly than most Kindred. Indeed, Domains and with the ability to make servants of their own.
havens become a spiritual part of a Gargoyle, to Nonetheless, several embraced Gargoyles have
the point that they become distressed if they are developed the discipline through circumstance.
away for too long. This is relatively often seen in free Sentinels, who
Virtues use Animalism to befriend flocks of bats, swarms
of rats or packs of feral dogs to earn themselves a
Many Gargoyles are highly virtuous; unlives place within their family.
spent as both horrific destroyers and some of
the most oppressed within Kindred society

Clanbook: Gargoyles 41
Auspex particular Sentinels and sired Gargoyles, to
Scouts use Auspex for their work as a matter of whom it comes naturally) will develop Fortitude
course; improved senses and aura perception all organically, without giving it much thought. A
aid in watching an enemy’s movements. Those Gargoyle with Fortitude can be an unstoppable
who take the role of shamans value it even more flying juggernaut in a fight. Fortitude has been
highly, using astral protection and telepathy to used by Gargoyles for centuries to withstand the
advance their spiritual pursuits. Quite how any master’s whip, resist the blows of inhumanly strong
Gargoyles managed to develop this discipline is enemies, and survive their own supernatural
debated, but it was more than likely given to them condition. Though it is a separate Discipline,
during gestation by Virstania so that her children Fortitude certainly at once stems from and is
could better serve their masters and thus suffer anathema to the petrified flesh so quintessential of
less; the Tzimisce heritage present to at least a their race.
small degree in most Gargoyles no doubt makes its Obfuscate
spontaneous development more likely than most
Disciplines. Scout-cast Gargoyles possess this discipline
naturally, and it serves great and obvious utility
Flight in their duties, but the legacy of Clan Nosferatu
Even more important than Visceratika, Flight is is found throughout the bloodline, Obfuscate
the foremost Discipline of the Gargoyles, in some being no exception. Enslaved Gargoyles with this
ways the essence of their existence. Most Gargoyles discipline can find ready use in it, whether by
develop Flight, if not from the very moment of blending into the background and never having
the Embrace (or gestation), then at some point their presence impose upon the master’s day or
in their unlives. This is purely because their kind escaping the sting of whip (at least for a short
are born with wings, and for no other reason. The time). Free gargoyles can use this expertly to hide
wings give gargoyles the belief that they were meant Grotesqueries from Tremere slavers and other
to soar through the night sky and from that belief threats, or to breach chantries without violence in
may stem the Discipline. order to secretly free its ‘domestic help’.
Regardless of early failures and frustrations, they Potence
keep trying, and eventually their vitae responds, Potence is Discipline which comes naturally to
supernaturally reducing their normally immense the children of the mountain. Since a popular
weight. The weight reduction is only half of this focus for Gargoyles is on physical prowess in
power, though; to increase their ability they must combat, it is no surprise that Potence is the second
force their wings to grow through constant practice most common Discipline besides Flight, with only
in order to facilitate greater flight. Wings for Scouts not naturally possessing it. Preternatural
Gargoyle also become a status symbol, those with strength was gifted to the Sentinels and Warriors
the largest wings tending to be the most esteemed to ensure they were viable weapons against the
within a Grotesquerie. Gargoyles will often Tzimisce, and ever since Gargoyles developed
instinctively tear each other’s wings off during to the point that disciplines could be taught to
struggles for dominance, so as to humiliate their them in great numbers, Potence has always been
opponent as much as to cripple them. a reliable one. The combination of Potence and
Fortitude Flight can make an aerial attack feel like being hit
by a small tornado.
Gargoyles are beings of stone made flesh and
have endured abuse and punishment on the Protean
battlefield, in Tremere chantries and in the wider Though rare outside of the casting, Gargoyle
world. They know suffering and desensitization Warriors could shift their form in a similar fashion
better than any Kindred, and as such many (in

42 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

to the signature mark of the Gangrel; thanks their former slaves as the Revolt progressed and
to their Gangrel and Tzimisce heritage, it was expanded. The discipline spread with it, until
quite easy for Virstania to instil Protean in them. the vast majority of the bloodline at least had the
Though they may be able to alter their eyes into capacity to learn it. Since then, it has become an
those of the beast or shift into the form of a dire ability as well-known and as key to the nightly
wolf they can never escape their curse. Any form existence of most Gargoyles as Flight.
they do take will appear as if they were carved It is rare to find a Kindred outside of the
into that mold from their original stone, and may bloodline with any skill in Visceratika, for several
continue to use Visceratika. Furthermore, when reasons: no other vampires share the Gargoyle’s
assuming their combat forms they retain their affinity for stone, Gargoyles often close ranks
characteristic wings and remain capable of Flight against outsiders, and most Kindred are simply
at their usual speed (unless, at the Storyteller’s too afraid to approach a Gargoyle to ask for
discretion, the animal form is especially large). training in the discipline. However, it is perfectly
Gargoyles rarely adopt literal flight forms, but possible in theory, but should a non-Gargoyle
rather the shapes of burrowing animals such as learn Visceratika he will develop symptoms of the
moles, rabbits, and rats (in which case they do bloodline’s weakness, his body petrifying more and
not have wings at all). These oddities don’t put more as his skill in the discipline develops. In the
Gargoyles off from enjoying the vast array of beginning, his flesh will simply become dry and
shapes and sizes permitted by Protean. cracked, but if the kindred learns more advanced
Visceratika levels of Visceratika (generally 3 dots and above)
they will develop stony protrusions akin to a true
Virstania’s progress with her children’s evolution Gargoyle.
was stunted soon after she developed the creation
ritual. She passed off their developing ability Paths
to Embrace as her own work even though this Though most Gargoyles of the modern
was a ‘natural’ emergence. Taking advantage nights still cling to Humanity (even if they
of the emergence of sired Gargoyles, she began struggle woefully under it), many Gargoyles
working towards a tool that would allow them to who reach some level of prestige adopt a Path
perform the duties of the castings: a discipline of Enlightenment, such as Honourable Accord.
derived from several Gargoyle rituals, which she Amongst those Gargoyles who decide to embrace
named Visceratika. The cast Gargoyles showed no their outwardly demonic and bestial natures,
particular capacity to learn this new gift, but the the Paths of Cathari and the Feral Heart are not
Gargoyles born of the Embrace grasped it with unknown. The Path of Service instilled in enslaved
open claws and developed it to its full potential. Gargoyles by their Tremere masters still exists, and
In time, as Virstania’s resentment of her own the Path of Freedom is currently thriving.
clan festered and grew, she came to see another,
greater use for Visceratika: as a weapon against
Ceoris, with which the Gargoyles might overthrow
their abusive masters. When the Revolt came
to a head, her children’s use of it exceeded even
her expectations. She cackled with joy to watch
them flow through the walls of Ceoris, using the
scrying granted by the discipline to locate terrified
Tremere and emerging from the stone to tear them
apart in bursts of savage violence.
Following the Gargoyle exodus from the
ruined Ceoris, further chantries felt the wrath of

Clanbook: Gargoyles 43
Path of Service Tremere were doing was paramount to life itself.
Gradually, belief in the word of Virstania as
Nickname: Slaves though it were tantamount to God’s edict spread
Virtues: Conviction and Instinct. throughout the Gargoyle broods, bringing them all
in line with the will of their Mother.
Bearing: ‘Servitude’. The Slaves’ very existences
revolve around the wishes and commands of their Current Practices
masters. The bearing modifier applies to rolls Gargoyles following this Path perform any and
made to impress a master or carry out one of their every task set to them by their masters, ranging
commands to the letter (though not necessarily to from domiciliary duties to open warfare with the
its intent). Clan’s (or the master’s) enemies. Revering the
Basic Beliefs: The masters gave you life, your life masters and performing duties even before they
is the masters to do with as they see fit. Gargoyles arise is the best practice for a loyal Slave.
under the Path of Service believe unequivocally
that the tremere deserve their unending loyalty. Description of Followers
Any master placed above a Gargoyle can expect Those Virstania Gargoyles still in Ceoris are all
them to walk into fire upon their command. subservient to Luma, Saxum, Fidus and (of course)
the Great Mother through the Path of Service.
The Ethics of the Path Gargoyles who were never freed or who were
• Serve the masters absolutely, without question illegally created after 1489 remain on the bottom
or complaint. wrung of the Tremere Pyramid, elevating their
• Do not let the Beast’s selfish desire for masters to almost as high a position in their minds
independence endanger the masters. as Virstania herself. Slaves vary between those
who freely enter onto it and commit themselves
• Punish anyone or anything that commits an body and mind to the Virstanian cause, to those
affront against the masters or their work. indoctrinated in it from the moment of their illicit
History Gestation in the heart of a Chantry, leaving them
basically mindless and automatic.
The masters of Ceoris and the other Chantries
forced Gargoyles to perform menial and dangerous Following the Path
tasks in place of themselves whenever the risks ‘Service before self’ is the motto of a Gargoyle
were too high or the Tremere believed themselves high on the Path, and they wear it like proud
too important for such trivialities. In order to keep armour. They have managed to eschew their own
their slaves in line they developed a Path suited base desires to become a valuable tool in their
specifically to that purpose. master’s hands, whether that master is a Tremere
The Path of Service represses a Gargoyles’ mind Regent or the Great Mother herself. Those who
in such a way that they come to believe that they slip down to the lower levels of the Path are
are worth less than any Tremere, and enforces browbeaten into obedience, and destroyed if they
utter, abject loyalty to the clan - and especially to do not come to heel.
Virstania herself. After Chaundice and his misfit Common Abilities: Etiquette, Performance, Law
kin fled Ceoris, Virstania set about righting her and Stealth all help keep a Slave from offending
mistakes. She created the Castings and the Path of the Tremere while performing his duties.
Service along with them, each new Gargoyle being
placed upon the Path of Service to make sure they Preferred Disciplines: Slaves make use of
were still loyal to Virstania and Clan Tremere. whichever Disciplines their master permits them
She taught them (while equally convincing herself to learn and employ; this is typically limited to
and her few apprentices) that what they and the the Disciplines inherent to the bloodline (or their

44 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

casting). Some masters see the value of a Gargoyle
capable of commanding animals or even ghoul
servants with Animalism or Presence, respectively.

Path of Service Hierarchy of Sins

Rating Moral Guideline Rationale
10 Disobeying the direct order of The Mother gave you every
the Great Mother. thing, so you must give it back.
9 Disobeying the direct order of The Creators aided the Mother,
another Creator. you must aid them in kind.
8 Disobeying the direct order of a You were made for duty, refusal
Tremere Master. to serve makes you redundant.
7 Thwarting the intent of an order You cannot concieve of the in-
given to you. tricacies involved in the Masters’
6 Disobeying any Master. You serve the Masters in the
Mothers name, do not fail her as
you fail them.
5 Failing to punish an insult An insult to the Masters is an
against the Masters. insult to the Mother.
4 Failing to avenge a crime against The Mother’s enemies are our
the Masters. enemies.
3 Remarking on the fallibility of The Masters are above reproach,
the Masters. why else would they be your
2 Shirking an opportunity to suffer You were made for duty, faliure
injury in place of the Masters. makes you redundant.
1 Shirking an opportunity to die The Mother gave you life, you
gloriously in place of the Mas- must return it when needed.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 45
Path of Freedom unlives and to choose their own leaders.
He first walked the Path of Freedom as a show
Nicknames: Runaways. that Tremere authority did not need to be the
Virtues: Conscience and Self-Control defining influence over the unlives of Gargoyles.
Bearing: ‘Freedom’. Runaways seek at every His success convinced the rest of his Grotesquerie
instance to tear down imposed authority and within the eyrie of Ceoris to stand up and be
dismantle systems of oppression. The bearing counted by choosing a better master to follow;
modifier applies to direct efforts made to perhaps unsurprisingly, they chose him, and the
accomplish these goals. next time they were sent from Ceoris, they likewise
chose unanimously not to return. After fleeing
Basic Beliefs: Gargoyles are generally grouped the chantry they set themselves on this Path to
among the underclass of Kindred society, along liberation, dedicating themselves to shattering the
with the Caitiff and the Ravnos. Throughout their chains of imposed rule wherever they found it.
history they have been subjugated and oppressed,
by Sect leaders as well as vengeful Tremere. This Current Practices
has given many of their number a certain sympathy Most walkers on the Path will use any excuse
with the downtrodden, kine as well as Kindred. to seek out and destroy imposed rule. This is
The Path of Freedom offers a philosophy to exemplified in their opposition to blood bonds
unlife for these Gargoyles, according to which and the creation of unwilling ghouls, which brings
they strive to end the imposition of authority. them to blows with all Clans, particularly the
However, the Path is not solely externally-focused; Ventrue who rarely impede Gargoyle development.
its proponents teach that only by changing yourself Outside of insurgency against these institutions
can you change your community, only by changing of Kindred society, Runaways thrive on teaching
the community can you ensure the extinction of young Gargoyles, Anarchs, and even Caitiff of
tyranny. independence and helping them achieve it.
The Ethics of the Path Description of Followers
• Stick to your own ideals in all things. Runaways are a mix of firebrand rebels and
• Choose your own leader but never settle for libertarian philosophers who fight for their own
one. liberty above all else, create free havens, and teach
others to do the same. Most truly free Gargoyles
• Free any subjugated being as you would wish to who do not cling desperately to Humanity wind
be freed. up on the Path of Freedom. Other Kindred
• Never impose your beliefs on the lives of with strong sympathies for the Gargoyle cause
others. (particularly Grangel, Nosferatu, and young
Tzimisce) sometimes take up the torch.
In the years leading up to the First Gargoyle Following the Path
Revolt, Chaundice was dismayed at the horror Gargoyles on this Path are encouraged to be
befalling his children. They were being created their own people unto themselves, free to do
grotesque and malformed with little concern for as they see fit. Within that there are obvious
their wellbeing besides Virstania’s cloying motherly limitations in that they are expected to keep to
‘love’, which exacerbated the degeneration and the libertarian principle of protecting one’s own
suffering more than it helped. These children freedom while not impeding that of others’. The
were so mindless that they did not even have the academic followers seek to educate the young
capacity to fear their masters, so Chaundice used and have a significant voice in their local vampire
his position to convince them to lead their own society, while the more militant followers assault

46 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

Elysia, Cathedrals, and Tremere Chantries where Preferred Disciplines: Visceratika, Auspex,
injustices are frequently committed to free any Obfuscate, Flight and Presence are all employed by
subjected Kindred, kine, or ghouls. Gargoyles to liberate the Kindred community from
Common Abilities: Survival, Leadership, tyranny. Visceratika, though given by the mother,
Academics and Law are useful for those Runaways has been adopted by Chaundice as both his
of a philosophical disposition, while militant weapon of choice and an ideological symbol, and
liberators favour Brawl, Intimidation, Stealth and as a result any Gargoyles (or indeed other kindred)
Athletics. on this Path will have at least a base level of this

Path of Freedom Hierarchy of Sins

Rating Moral Guideline Rationale
10 Tolerating the existence of any To accept undue authority is to
imposed authority partake in it.
9 Using any form of coercion Any authority should be earned
through virtue.
8 Neglecting to free anyone from Do unto others as you would
imposed authority have others do unto you.
7 Imposing authority on another All beings suffer equally under
6 Neglecting to seek out a worthy You must have a purpose, but let
master or cause to serve it be of your own choosing,
5 Neglecting to free any enslaved The Revolt will continue until all
Gargoyles Gargoyles are free.
4 Acknowledging any Tremere The Warlocks have proven them-
authority selves unworthy
3 Neglecting to free Gargoyles Even Virstania subjected us out
from Tremere slavery of love; no Tremere is above us.
2 Imposing authority on other We are all brothers and sisters,
Gargoyles. equal in the eyes of Chaundice.
1 Accepting imposed authority We have spent centuries trying
to escape our past of slavery. Do
not capitulate to tyranny now.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 47
Wings extremely rare Simulacra (see page 120) - rarely
cultivate the Discipline since they scarcely benefit
All Gargoyles - whether born from Gestation from it.
or the Embrace - grow wings without exception,
though they are not necessarily very flight-worthy. Wing Types
Cast Gargoyles’ wings are crafted out of bone and A Gargoyle without wings is without question
flesh gathered from the Kindred they used to be, the lowest in Gargoyle society, all else being equal,
whereas those of the Embraced grow ‘organically’ since wings are the most fundamental aspect of
along with added muscle mass and a reformed Gargoyle physiology. Constructs will even go so
bone structure. far as to shred or outright destroy other Gargoyle’s
Why Gargoyles always possess wings is a mystery wings during acts of dominance, especially during
which has been much debated by many ancient frenzy. It is not only the size of one’s wings which
Constructs as they while away the years. It remains confers social currency, but the aesthetic quality
a matter of interest to Gargoyles themselves as and novelty of their appearance. Different types
well as some Tremere, who both conventionally of wing are said to embody certain tendencies
believe that it was a Thaumaturgical process in and character traits, much like star signs in
itself, carried out so as to create soldiers who could mortal astrology; Gargoyles who put stock in such
rival the mighty chiropteran forms of Ceoris’s things may have their views of other Gargoyles
Tzimisce aggressors. Others hold different theories significantly swayed, whether positively or
to be true, such as the proposal that the Gargoyles’ negatively.
connection to the earth and their ability to fly System: During character creation, the player
are inexorably linked, and that Virstania crafted may wish to change the type of wings her Gargoyle
her children to possess wings to ease the learning is born with or develops during the Becoming,
process. paying in freebie points for unusual and beneficial
The Discipline of Flight (though recognised types as though they were Merits. This can only
as such by very few Gargoyles) is not merely a be done during character creation and will not
matter of wings catching pockets of air to generate change at any other time in their unlife unless
lift, nor of travelling fast enough to do so using Vicissitude is extensively used upon them; as with
outstretched wings, as it is with natural flying the appearances of the Nosferatu and other in-
capabilities. It confers no skill with flight as such, born characteristics, such changes are healed as
only the capacity for it to be possible in the first damage. The cost in Freebie points is listed below
place, through a Rockhead’s manipulation of the the effects of each type of wing.
earth itself. He can, through an exercise of will, Furthermore, some wings are only ever
greatly lessen the gravity applied upon him by the detrimental, similar to Flaws, these and provide
earth below, effectively lowering his considerable the character additional freebie points when they
mass enough to glide and eventually fly - quite a are chosen rather than applying a cost; these
feat, considering that he is made of solid stone. extra points do not count towards the maximum
Nonetheless, the growth of wings is tied number of freebie points which may be gained
to command over Flight, since the two are from Flaws.
inextricably linked by the original magic of A character may take only one type of wing,
Goratrix, Virstania, and Malgorzata; without beneficial or detrimental, even if he has the
them, a Gargoyle would be able to reduce his mass Additional Wings Merit (see page 54); all wings are
but unable to effectively control his movement of the same type.
or travel with any great speed. These means that
Gargoyles created without wings - of which there
are very few, primarily the widely-despised and

48 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

Positive with membranous wings are distrusted by many
Chiropteran Gargoyles, for they slice through the air like knives,
silent and exact, with a precision which stirs
The default wings grown by Gargoyles are similar fear in others. This is especially true of the Cast;
to those of a colossal. They are thick appendages none of the ingredients used to create Constructs
with a leathery stone webbing stretched between include insect elements, and as such few members
five narrow fingers. The tip of each wing ends of the Castings see the membranous-winged as
in a vestigial hand, immobile and ineffective as sufficiently ‘pure’.
an actual claw, simply flapping lifelessly with the
wing’s beats. Chiropteran-winged vampires are as Freebie point cost: 4
run-of-the-mill as Gargoyles can be, overlooked and System: All Athletics rolls made in Flight gain a
plain in Grotesqueries. -2 difficulty bonus.
Freebie point cost: None; this is the default wing Avian
type for a Gargoyle.
Avian wings are large and overbearing, often
System: Chiropteran wings provide no special thicker than other wings. Large stone shards
modifiers, positive or negative. resembling feathers are embedded in the flesh of
Frilled the appendage, which reflect light in a striking way
as they move; with frantic enough movement they
Like the lustrous fins of an angel fish, the may dislodge, creating a shower of flickering lights
Gargoyle’s wings are long and frilled, with webbing - at least until they decompose.
almost twice as long as that of other Gargoyles.
The frills appear only scarcely petrified and take Freebie point cost: 4
on vivid mineral colours of blues and reds. The System: Feathered wings create an almost
appendages of the wings additionally become mystical effect out of the Gargoyle’s Abhorrence.
flexible, allowing him to cocoon himself in the When seen from a distance, and especially while
frilled wings. airborne, the vampire inspires awe rather than
Freebie point cost: 2. horror in ignorant mortals as the moonlight
dances across his stone shard feathers, negating the
System: In the right lighting and setting, effects of Abhorrence. Should humans recognise
by enveloping himself in the frilled wings the the Gargoyle for what he truly is, however, the full
Gargoyle may remove one level of Abhorrence effects return. Additionally, if the vampire twists
as he appears to be cloaked rather than winged, his wings with a Strength + Brawl roll (difficulty
which may also serve to cover over some of his 8) he may dislodge the feathers, projecting them
Abhorrence features. towards an enemy within three times his Flight in
Membranous feet/his Flight in metres. If he is successful and his
enemy does not dodge, the feathers cause Strength
The flesh of membranous wings is stretched +1 lethal damage. This may only be attempted
taut between thin arms. No chiropteran fingers once per night, as the plumage requires slumber to
run through the webbing; rather, it takes the form regenerate.
of one large sheet of wafer-thin, featureless skin,
like those of an insect. Rather than making single, Draconic
large wing beats, the Gargoyle creates a continuous The dragon is the most adaptable beast in
hum from the vibration of the wings’ membranes. mythology, gods in their own right, which is
Translucent and often brightly coloured, they why many Tzimisce hold the creature dear to
are sometimes compared to ice or crystal, and their hearts, especially those walking the Path of
Gargoyles who bear them are said to be of artistic Metamorphosis. The membranes of these wings
and romantic character. On the other hand, those are voluminous, flexible, and highly adaptable;

Clanbook: Gargoyles 49
with little effort, the Gargoyle may alter their wing end in blunt rounded edges more prevalent
size, even retracting them entirely so that he in architecture or natural rock formations, lacking
appears not to have them. Power is distributed the more common vestigial claw.
proportionally to the size of the wings, meaning Freebie point refund: 4
that there is no loss in flying ability from having
smaller wings, creating a false sense of awed System: To retract his wings, the Gargoyle must
inferiority amongst other Gargoyles. They may roll Strength (difficulty 7), failure leaving them
likewise be grown larger than normal, causing the extended for the remainder of the scene; he must
Gargoyle to appear naturally regal and dominant. make the same roll whenever he wishes to perform
a vertical takeoff.
Freebie point cost: 6
System: When his wings are below half their Flaps
usual size, the Gargoyle may fly with almost no These ‘wings’, little more than flaps of skin,
sound made, granting a -2 difficulty bonus to extend from the Gargoyle in triangular shapes and
Stealth dice pools while flying, and enabling him appear thick and fleshy, with no clear muscular
to fit through gaps no wider than his chest. When outline. They are not only unretractable, but
his wings are spread wide, reaching one and a half constantly writhe and undulate as if by their own
times their base size, they create huge blasts of impulse.
sound with every beat, reducing the difficulty of Freebie point refund: 6
Intimidation rolls by 2.
System: These wings prevent a Gargoyle from
Negative making a vertical take off at all (though his flight
Reformed speed remains unhindered) and add an extra point
of Abhorrence, counting as an Abhorrence feature
These wings look exactly the same as those in themselves.
possessed by the ‘foetus’ placed inside a womb
bearer: roughly hewn from parts of human flesh
and barely functional. The webbing is swollen,
the main arm of the wings bears more than three
joints (where others only possess one central
bend in the wing), and the whole wing is netted
with incision scars. These vampires are thought
of as second only to those vampires whose wings
shriveled away during Gestation or never grew
in the first place. They are the unfinished, the
malformed, and somehow untouchable for their
Frankenstein’s monster-like formation.
Freebie point refund: 2
System: These wings are not as structurally
sound as naturally formed ones, due to the scarred
flesh and cracked, weakened bones. Any attempt
to soak damage inflicted specifically against them
increases by 2.
The Gargoyle’s wings are thin and brittle, with
the quintessential petrification advanced to such
a degree that they are inflexible. The tips of each

50 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

Aerial Combat Manoeuvres Traits: Dexterity + Brawl.
Mortals and vampires alike have the capacity to Difficulty: +2.
learn the intricate manoeuvers of martial arts or Accuracy: +2.
the sink-or-swim violence of underground fight
Damage: Strength +2; knockdown.
rings, but very few experience or even comprehend
the complexity of three-dimensional aerial combat. • Dive: By plummeting from much higher
The Warrior Gargoyles of Ceoris, however, altitudes towards an enemy on the ground, the
managed to devise a vicious combat style which Gargoyle may strike or abduct an opponent,
exploited their capacity for flight, based on the grasping or lashing out against her before making
movements of the golden eagles of their native an immediate escape back into the sky. The
Carpathians. Involving raking talons, plucking manoeuvre involves the Gargoyle spreading his
unexpectant prey up from where they stand, wings just metres above the ground as he falls
and evasive aerobatics, the style has since passed to cancel his momentum, making his attack,
through the bloodline, while equivalent styles have then climbing back into the air all in one swift
sprung up separately in many places. movement. Simply diving towards an enemy
without canceling the momentum with his wings
Note: The below manoeuvres are all unarmed in
deals massive amounts of falling damage to the
nature, since Gargoyles rarely fight with weapons;
Gargoyle himself.
accounts of lance-armed flights of Slaves using
their incredible momentum to impale Tzimisce This manoeuvre takes two actions to perform,
war ghouls and Ventrue knights - mount and one for each roll. The first roll is used to cancel
rider simultaneously - certainly exist, but this has his momentum before he reaches the floor, then
naturally fallen out of practice in the modern again to quickly climb higher into the air, while
nights. When a Gargoyle does use a melee weapon the second roll is to make the actual attack. If the
while flying, he may add no more Melee dice to first roll is successful, the difficulty to dodge the
his pool than his Flight rating. In the rare case that subsequent attack is increased by +2. If it is failed,
a Gargoyle uses a gun from the air, the same rule the Gargoyle receives falling damage equivalent to
applies to Firearms. the distance dived (see V20 page 296), but may still
attack his target; if it is botched, the Gargoyle takes
• Backdraft: If the Gargoyle is knocked over or
the damage but is unable to make an attack.
backwards on land, he may use his wings to return
himself to his feet, creating a backdraft to push Traits: Strength + Potence + the lower of
him forwards. This can be performed as a reflexive Athletics or Flight, followed by Dexterity + the
action as he falls. If he successfully carries out the lower of Brawl or Flight.
manoeuvre, he may choose to immediately charge Difficulty: +2.
the enemy who knocked him down or back as part
Accuracy: Normal.
of the same action.
Damage: Strength +2.
Traits: Strength + lower of Athletics and Flight.
• Rake: Many Gargoyles possess taloned feet
Difficulty: +1.
due to mutations gained in Gestation, by regularly
• Crouching Spin: While surrounded by using Gargoyle Humours, or through the mastery
enemies on land, the Gargoyle may attempt to of Protean. They use them to best advantage when
spread his wings and spin around on the spot, flying low and fast over a battlefield, catching
swiping all those within reach of his wings in an unsuspecting enemies at foot’s reach. Unlike other
attempt to knock them flying. This manoeuvre manoeuvres, this one is based solely on Flight, as
requires only one action, but strikes every potential the Gargoyle directs his flightpath to intersect the
target within a number of feet/50cm equal to the opponent’s head using his talons.
Gargoyle’s Flight rating.
Traits: Dexterity + Flight.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 51
Difficulty: Normal. After the second generation of Gargoyle
Accuracy: Normal. prototypes fled with their original progenitor, a
third generation - the Castings were created out
Damage: Strength + talon damage + Flight. of a need for specifically designed workers. Each
• Reversal: To escape aerial pursuits the casting was granted it’s own weakness to keep them
Gargoyle may retract his wings, causing him to performing their duty at peak efficiency.
instantly plummet downwards. He may then rotate
in the air, spread his wings once again, and fly Abhorrence
in the exact reverse direction as his pursuers pass All non-sired Gargoyles are created in a similar
overhead. method of destruction and reconstitution
Traits: Dexterity + lower of Athletics and Flight. facilitated by arcane forces. As the Gargoyles body
is reconstituted, it warps and distorts in a hundred
Difficulty: +1. ways. During Gestation, the compounds and and
Weaknesses unguents used to preserve the flesh cause the skin
of the Gargoyle to petrify. This was originally a
Though Gargoyles are possessed of great side effect which came about from disastrously
personal power, they also bear multiple severe unsuccessful attempts to recreate Chaundice’s
weaknesses. These weaknesses can be traced back original state, but Goratrix demanded it be kept in
to specific decisions made by Goratrix, Malgorzata order to prevent the Slaves from rejoining human
and Virstania during the creation process in order civilisation. Mechanically, this weakness simply
to keep their slaves in line. Chaundice, the first means that no Gargoyle can have an Appearance
of their kind, is believed to have been a cut above rating.
all those who followed after him, a vastly superior
prototype. Created by Virstania while she was still Amnesia
a human sorceress of House Tremere (her last All Gargoyles, whether sired or cast, have their
significant act before her Embrace), he was made minds utterly remade by the trauma of their
perfectly formed, without a flaw or impediment to creation, making them into blank slates. They
be seen, the impurity of the vampiric blood used remember nothing of their mortal life (nor any
in his creation somehow washed away. of the experiences of their constituent Kindred
He is said to have looked more like an angel in the case of cast Gargoyles) except perhaps in
than any Gargoyle - until he was cruelly Embraced brief flashes of recall, scattered images which cause
by Goratrix, at which point his beatific features them great anguish though they do not understand
inverted, becoming twisted and demonic. With them. Gargoyle characters of all types begin play
Virstania’s talent in high magic lost from her with the Amnesia Flaw (V20 page 486), receiving
‘reward’ of the Embrace, Chaundice’s ideal no points in exchange.
(whatever its true nature) could not be reached This amnesia comes about during their first
again, and since he served as the mould for all night of unlife where in they are trapped in
Gargoyles to come after him, his ‘descendants’ their immobilized shell. As they feel the physical
were cursed to resemble him. corruption take place, they also have the sense of
This tragic tale is not held to be true by their memories gradually bleeding out, piece by
most Gargoyles, and only the most committed tiny piece. For a Gargoyle Embraced at sunset,
Chaundicians believe it wholly. Those few who remembering his wife after the first hour will be
have met with Chaundice and dared ask what easy; by midnight he won’t remember her name
really happened have received curt deflections or or their first date, and by sunup even her smile -
even wounds in place of answers. It is clear that along with all other details of his life - will have left
whatever occurred is a source of great pain to the his mind forever, never to return.
Great Father.

52 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

Susceptibility to Mind Control Nosferatu as well as their own unique mutations;
this applies equally to the Misbegotten, who may
After the First Revolt, Virstania was forced to
take Merits and Flaws appropriate to their parent
create her Gargoyles with limited independence
legacies, at the Storyteller’s discretion.
and self-will, resulting in creatures with an
increased susceptibility to mind control. The Merits
original second generation were little more
Most Gargoyle merits go towards strengthening a
than pack animals, constantly fighting amongst
Grotesque against adversity, granting him a helpful
themselves for dominance and ever eager to
tool to help him survive or keep his community
burst forth from the eyrie on their next mission.
strong, or a pitiful but benign debilitation which
Gradually, Virstania granted more and more of
helps inculcate sympathy in others.
a human mind to her creations until they were
once again of full capacity but her formulae never Statuesque Beauty (2pt Physical Merit)
went back entirely to their original basis, so the
Every now and then a Gargoyle will emerge
weakness remains in the Gargoyles’ blood to this
with a beauty mimicking the picturesque form of
ancient Greek and Roman statuary. These rare
Any power which focuses on controlling a individuals have the chance to slip through even
Gargoyle’s mind (typically Dominate, though kine society with little need to avoid attention.
not Presence, which influences the emotions) is In Kindred circles, however, this blessing really
much more effective; the Gargoyle’s Willpower comes to the fore, with only the most sheltered
is counted as being two lower when used to resist and fledgling vampires being perturbed for long
mind control of any kind. by the metre fact of that a Gargoyle possesses
stone skin when it is shaped with an artistic touch;
Merits and Flaws perhaps needless to say, Toreador are especially
Back when Gargoyle kind could only come to appreciative.
be from a glass urn or womb-bearing host, they
You can have an Appearance rating irrespective
gained many unusual traits. These mutations
of your inherent weakness that comes into
were believed to come from the various strains of
effect for appropriate individuals and groups,
Kindred vitae mixed within their gestalt bodies.
in particular other Gargoyles and Toreador of
Most Gargoyles believed that these were the
the correct tastes. All mortals other than those
unique blessings given to them by their Mother
ghouled to You who witnesses Your movement
according to the intricacies of her design. After
will react in an even more horrified manner than
living amongst other vampires they realised the
usual to see something simultaneously so close to
truth that this is not actually the case, and that
humanity and truly alien.
every Kindred runs the risk of mutation.
Many Kindred seem to gain unusual personal Leader of the Pack (2pt Social Merit)
characteristics, be they vital to their way of life In most Grotesqueries, the leader is determined
or horrific imperfections. Gargoyles, due to their by her Charisma and Strength when faced with
blood being such a volatile mix of physically-cursed situations endangering the whole group. Many
Clans, simply have a greater chance to manifest trials end with the weaker combatant having
such strange phenomena than other Kindred, as his wings shredded as a mark of disgrace. This
well as a greater variety. These mutations may be Merit outlines your personal stance in the face
beneficial or harmful, and may be sources of pride of Grotesque politics and grants you a natural air
or shame (or some ambivalent mix of the two) of superiority over those you keep as company.
depending on the outlook of the Gargoyle. Gargoyles of a higher generation or significantly
Gargoyles can take unique merits and flaws lower age will submit to your command within
at will from the clans of Gangrel, Tzimisce and a Grotesquerie almost instinctively. This Merit

Clanbook: Gargoyles 53
grants you +2 dice to any social rolls affecting these sprouting from new joints located on the pelvis.
gargoyles. Ironically, unlike Gargoyles with two pairs of
wings - who are occasionally seen as mutants or
Holy Relic (3pt Mental Merit) even insect like - you are revered by some due
You generally come from a pious and highly to the likeness you share with ancient angelic
theological background. As such, the you have iconography, specifically by the Grigori. The
retained such an overpowering resonance of experience cost modifier of increasing the Flight
faith that while you reside within a holy place Discipline with three pairs of wings is decreased by
appropriate to you beliefs, you will gain much 2, making it 3× the current level.
greater succor and reassurance than another
Gargoyle cowering within a breeze block. This Flaws
merit will provide a temporary Willpower point All Gargoyles are born different, and this is
every night you spend resting in such a place (a most evident in the mutations they gain during
Christian within a church, a Muslim inside a Gestation or as a result of the Embrace. These
mosque, a neopagan resting inside a standing mutations can be considered Flaws due to their
stone, and so on). This additional Willpower will debilitating effects, though they can come with the
never exceed your permanent Willpower rating but minor perk of providing a Gargoyle with a greater
simply bolster Your temporary rating. sense of individuality among its kin. Some of these
Flaws relegate a Gargoyle to a position of weakness
Claws (1pt/3 pt Physical Merit) within an Eyrie, rare is the Grotesquerie which will
This mutation is commented upon by Virstania not nurture those with Flaws that hinder unlife.
in the earlier records of her research in that
most of the specimens emerged from Gestation Erosion (5pt Physical Flaw)
manifesting talons of one form or another (those You were born wrong. Your flesh does not
of a wolf, eagle or rat, for example). Creatures with have the bonded crystalline indestructibility like
this heritage are believed to instinctively possess your brothers. Every night is a harrowing process
rudimentary knowledge of Protean, though all of physical dissolution, as your skin, flesh, and
Castings as well as sired Gargoyles were observed bone gradually dry and fall off. Every physically,
to possess them in roughly equal proportion. mentally, or emotionally stressful ordeal you
You have claws protruding from your extremities, undergo causes a portion of your flesh to crumble
which provide you with unarmed attacks which away to nothing. Any significant activity causes
deal Strength +1 lethal damage. This Merit costs 1 your body to slowly erode away. Erosion inflicts
point for Gargoyles, but may also be taken by non- one level of un-soakable bashing damage each
Gargoyles (usually Gangrel, Nosferatu, Nagaraja, time you either perform a reflexive action (such as
and similar) for 3 points. blocking or dodging) or perform multiple actions
in one turn.
Additional Wings (4 or 6pt Physical Merit)
Alongside this horrific malady comes the social
For 4 points, rather than a single pair of wings, disgrace. Most Gargoyles with this Flaw will
you possess four, he dorsal pair shared by all have been a Sedimus ghoul before Embrace or
Gargoyles being growing from your shoulder gestation, which means they were not worthy of
blades. The ventral wings, meanwhile, sprout from the Embrace in early life. Though a Grotesquerie
unique joints grown across the back of your rib will not look down upon one, though they will
cage. The experience cost modifier of increasing choose others for important missions or to place
the Flight Discipline with two pairs of wings is their trust in. Irrespective of whether this is
decreased by 1, making it 4× current level. how you got this Flaw, others will automatically
For 6 points, alongside the dorsal and ventral presume it is and treat you in kind, imposing a +1
sets wings, you have a third, paranotal pair penalty to Social rolls with other Gargoyles at the

54 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

Storyteller’s discretion. the process or incompetence on the part of their
The to and fro of discussion between Cordwood creator. The portion is entirely missing rather
and Virstania led to a remark over Alvusia’s than damaged or withered, leaving behind it not
physique. Though Alvusia’s form did not need a stump or a scar but a flat, ‘cauterised’ section
to be so grossly and excruciatingly expanded, of stone as if the portion had been neatly carved
her presentation was made to invoke imagery of away.
the goddess Venus and the traditional fertility For 2 points, the you have a small feature like
statues in her likeness. This was gleefully added to a nose, an ear, or a finger. The loss can actually
Alvusia’s design - Virstania saw it as a fitting gift to look fairly interesting, like a battle scar, though
one of her daughters, whereas Cordwood thought its impact will impose a +1 difficulty on your rolls
it more than sufficient punishment - and the pair relating to it, be they manual Dexterity or specific
continued without much further thought on the sensory Perception.
matter. For 4 points, a larger body part like a foot, a
Medusa’s Stare (5pt Supernatural Flaw) jaw or a pectoral muscle. The hindrance of this
You seem to bestow the mark of Visceratika on loss is much greater as it actively inhibits nightly
every being you see. After being in your gaze for function. Difficulty will be increased by +2 for any
the majority of one night, the victim’s skin will rolls involving its use.
begin to dry and their hair to stiffen. After three For 7 points, a truly drastic loss like a pelvis,
nights their skin will become mottled and grey, the entire abdominal region (leaving a spine
after five nights their flesh will calcify, and after connecting pelvis to torso), or half of the your
a full week in your presence, an individual’s body head.
will become rigid with stoney flesh, like the your This Flaw, as well as increasing the difficulty of
own. rolls using your afflicted Attribute by +2, reduces
This effect is a shadow of the your Mimesis that Attribute permanently to 1 dot and prevents
being inflicted upon the world around her. If any it from being increased. Your Intelligence would
Kindred suffering from this effect manage to flee be limited if you lost half of your brain, your
before the week is out, remain away from your Dexterity reduced if your pelvis was lost, and your
presence for even a single night and day, they will Stamina would be crippled if you existed with an
revert to their former undead state, but once their exposed chest cavity and spine.
bodies fully take on the your curse, the effect is
irreversible. Any mortal affected your Flaw will Still Image (5pt/7pt Supernatural Flaw)
never recover regardless of how long they had been Though this mutation may be regarded as both a
in contact with you. Human doctors will presume gift and a curse it is certainly a spectacle to behold.
that this effect is the result of a debilitating skin While most Gargoyles exist for the company
condition which, to its fullest, will leave them void they keep there are some that take a horrific
of function and mobility. turn during Gestation and develop a completely
opposite nature. Usually possessed by Simulacra,
Missing Piece (2pt/4pt/7 pt Physical Flaw) this defect completely cuts the Gargoyle off
After the Embrace, the you undergo a traumatic from any social or community based interaction
loss in addition to the harrowing experience of whatsoever.
immobility, as a portion of your body becomes Every time you are seen by a sapient being, you
weaker over the course of the first night, until freeze on the spot, turning into a solid statue made
finally it crumbles away like a dead leaf before your from an incongruous stone material. You will be
eyes. If you are playing as a Cast Gargoyles with unidentifiable as a life form and will be considered
this Flaw, you simply emerge from Gestation with a true statute by any who see you, in the correct
part of your body missing due to the vagaries of setting. This means that the you will know only

Clanbook: Gargoyles 55
an abnormal and strained existence, and find it down to their very smallest warts and stalactites
impossible to fit in within any Grotesquerie due cannot prevent at least minor deviations from the
to this crippling physical limitation. (Obviously, intended result. This also carries in Gargoyle vitae
this Flaw is especially crippling for Sentinel-cast and grants their Embraces a wildly mutagenic
Gargoyles, for whom this Flaw is worth 7 points). quality.
As per the Visceratika power Dark Statue (see Rather than the player simply not being allowed
page 51), whenever a player has become a solid to place points in Appearance when playing a
statue, they cannot use any Disciplines (even purely Gargoyle, this optional rule grants Gargoyles access
mental ones) until they regain animation. Despite to a new Attribute called Abhorrence, which has a
this. they are still aware in their petrified state and base value of 1 dot and may be increased like any
experience everything around them. other Attribute. A Gargoyle’s Abhorrence rating
can only provide dice to rolls made to inspire
Withered Wings (3pt Physical Flaw) fear or anger towards the character in others; in
Your wings should be points of pride, a social the case of Social rolls made to engender positive
statement, and useful foci for Disciplines. After emotions, it increases the difficulty by a number
your Gestation, however, you have suffered an equal to the rating (to a maximum of 10).
embarrassing mutation whereby your wings are Each point of Abhorrence will make the
stunted or simply undeveloped. With this flaw you Gargoyle more horrific in the eyes of others. The
will never be able to increase your Flight above player chooses features to ‘enhance’ the physical
level one, and you will be seen as generally weak by appearance of the character, selecting one feature
your superiors, both Gargoyle and Kindred alike for each level of the Gargoyle’s Abhorrence
(which may impose increased difficulties on Social attribute. Each feature is gained at the same level
rolls according to Storyteller’s discretion). as the level of Abhorrence it was chosen for.
Abhorrence Doing this can help the player engage with her
Gargoyle more in play and create engaging stories
No Gargoyle comes out of Gestation identical - the Toreador likes your translucent crystal skin
to another, with the exception of only a few and takes you as her ward; the inquisitor (mortal
notable ases where some have been deliberately or Sabbat) sees your horns as a sign of demonic
moulded to be. They will always vary in ways often influence or allegiance and seeks to kill you; your
overlooked by all bar their sire. The ritual to create animal features are similar to that of another
them itself is open to so many variables that even Gargoyle which creates envy and competition, and
a shaman trained enough to design a Gargoyle so on.
When using these rules, the player of a Gargoyle
must choose one Abhorrent feature, for each level
Wingspans of Abhorrence her character has. The severity of
The wings of a Gargoyle demonstrate his each feature depends on the level of of Abhorrence
mastery over the Flight Discipline to all, a it was chosen for. Each Gargoyle’s base dot of
fact of his physiology that he is incapable of Abhorrence must be used to purchase the Petrified
hiding from others. Unfortunately, wing sizes Flesh feature, unless the player wishes to use that
do not change to fit the Gargoyle’s natural point for another feature and take Petrified Flesh
height, meaning that tall Gargoyles with low to a higher rank (after spending Attribute points
ratings in Flight have disproportionately small or Freebie points to increase Abhorrence). The
wings, while diminutive Gargoyles with high highest level of each Abhorrence feature grants
Flight ratings have overbearingly large wings the character unique benefits in exchange for his
for their stature. extreme malformation.

56 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

Handsome Dan’s Abhorrence Features
Handsome Dan (the narrator of Chapter One) serves as a good example of reasonably advanced
Abhorrence. Dan’s twisted, 6-foot frame is truly horrific. Almost all of his bones jut out like large
Tudor-style crossbeams, with browning red-brick skin padding the flesh between each beam.
Rounded ‘cables’ of flesh hang from his back, apparently reeled around his joints like those of an
abandoned ocean liner. His eyes stretch grotesquely down his face like large translucent ‘windows’
flecked with red, devoid of pupils. Dan simply views these as adding character, hence his nickname
(which he insists is not ironic). He is rarely seen without a brown flat cap atop his gnarled head. He
even owns a tailor made frock coat which he gleefully displayed at a ‘Bloodlines ball’ in recent nights.
Abhorrence features: Accentuation 1, Architecture Growths 2, Petrified Flesh 3

Example: Max is creating his Gargoyle, who has Gargoyle-Specific Features

three dots in Abhorrence. Wanting his character to
Those features listed below are those specific to
appear as a classic church grotesque, Max chooses
Gargoyle appearance. Almost no vampire outside
to distribute the levels as follows: Horns, Talons
of the Gargoyle bloodline will be able to manifest
and Tusks at level one (granting the character
any of these features. As with Mimesis, Gargoyles
small, stubby horns), Petrified Flesh at level two
Embraced by the same sire or Gestated within
(creating a thin but distinct layer of rough stone
the same Womb-Bearer will often possess similar
over the character’s body) and withering at level
features as a result of their creation.
three (leaving the character only three feet tall or
so). Petrified Flesh
Synergy The hallmark of their bloodline, each and every
Gargoyle - cast, Embraced, or Misbegotten - has
It is suggested that you blend the features for
Petrified Flesh. It is unknown quite what part of
each level of Abhorrence in order to give your
the creation ritual unerringly endows mutilated
Gargoyle a unique appearance. Hunch 4 and
Kindred flesh this mineral composition, but no
Architecture 3, for example, might result in a
Gargoyle on earth is without it. Petrified Flesh is
Roman pillar growing from the back; Spines
also the only feature tied to a Discipline; as non-
2 and Animal Features 1 could provide longer
Gargoyle Kindred improve their understanding of
but thinner quills like those of a porcupine; or
Visceratika, they also develop this Abhorrence to a
Shrinkage 3 and Elongation 2 can produce a
limited degree.
creature with shriveled legs and elongated arms
who must bound along for movement on the • Your skin has become more of a mineral
ground. coating, with rough chunks visible across every
part of your skin.
Abhorrence 6+ •• The roughened chunks become inflexible
Any low-generation Construct with a physical and rigid, even sharp in some places. This grainy
form so repulsive as to have reached Abhorrence exterior will have a notably inhuman colouration,
6 will present a spectacle seemingly in violation changing from the Gargoyles original skin to a
of universal law. Any mortal or ghoul (other mottled grey or similar colour.
than his own) who witnesses such a Gargoyle will
••• Your body is so thoroughly coated in thick,
automatically enter a blind frenzy, fleeing to at
rock-like skin that you grind faintly as you move,
least a distance of 100 feet.
creating a subtle crunching noise and depositing

Clanbook: Gargoyles 57
small amounts of inorganic rock dust behind you. ••• You might possess sloped frills at every
•••• You appear to be a mobile rock formation, joint like a pagoda roof; small deep slits might be
with no easily recognizable human characteristics. aligned all across your skin like embrasures, and
Your arms and legs may even blend in with even your brow ridge might sport ornamentation.
your skin when folded. Small depressions and •••• Your eyes might be completely clear, square
protrusions might give your body ‘caves’ of panes of crystal glass. Inch-thick brickwork might
missing flesh and overhanging ‘crags’ of tissue. coat your entire skin. Your skull might become
These marks can become points of pride to elder pointed and almost twice as tall as normal, with
Gargoyles to flaunt amongst their Grotesquerie. miniature steeple protrusions running the length
••••• No features, facial or otherwise, may be of your collar bone. You resemble a walking
discerned within the cracks and coves of your rigid church, castle, skyscraper, or other building in
mantle. Moreover, another Gargoyle may try to use miniature.
you to perform the third level of Visceratika, since ••••• Your flesh may simulate apparently non-
the top three inches of your flesh have transmuted mineral features. Functional miniature wooden
into entirely inorganic stone. shutters might serve for your eyelids (on drawstring
Variations: The player can choose and variety of tendons), plastic guttering transports blood
stone or stone like substance they find appealing. around your body, and a cranial chimney stack
Suggestions include marble, granite, obsidian, might perpetually emits smoke. You may even
quartz, hematite, tarmac, and brick. possess miniature gargoyles fixed to your shoulders
resembling Grotesquerie mates. This is arguably
Architecture the most disturbing of the Gargoyle features and
Gargoyles have an innate connection to may cause an increase in the difficulty of courage
structure, home, and hearth, to the point that tests while at this level.
many constructs seem to be just that - constructed. Variations: The above are simply examples of
Elements of architecture will appear in their flesh, physical features, any form of architecture can be
from small rivet indentations to tiles inlaid along used; postmodern, art deco, gothic, baroque, as
their wing membranes. This feature emerges as an well as any region of the world at the storyteller’s
accentuation of the Gargoyle’s Mimesis and only discretion.
manifests in Gargoyles which have a history with Engravings
man-made structures, whether they underwent
Gestation in one and/or have made their Eyries in Due to the mysterious nature of the Gargoyles’
one long enough to develop substantial Mimesis. creation, no scholar truly knows each and every
procedure Virstania undertook while devising her
All elements of this feature will match the famous ritual. Every now and then, a Gargoyle
architectural style of the building which the emerges with evidence of her magnificent
Gargoyle is Mimetically linked to, as well as its work scrawled into his flesh like a forgotten
level of maintenance and repair. As such, the memorandum to herself.
precise effects of this feature are for the Storyteller
and the player to mutually determine. • Your flesh is indented with rows of arcane script.
• Pronounced, square-edged edges might run •• The quantity of text stretching across your skin
down your legs and arms. Your ears might be multiplies. Each symbol may be carved around half
squared and inflexible. a centimeter deep into your flesh.
•• Your eyes might be angular, resembling ••• The hundreds of inch-deep inscriptions may
stained-glass windows. Your skin might bear make wild courses across your body. Your eyes
distinct brickwork patterning which changes for could even be ladened with sigils running down
each area of your body. every vein, as well as every millimeter of your skin.

58 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

•••• Many thousands of runes might appear pieces.
across your flesh and could occasionally glow with •••• The ridges are now so distinct and
arcane power, or seem to be carved so deep that pronounced that they possess a three inch
only darkness can be seen within their grooves. overhang on every layer. This effect of separation
••••• Rather than static markings across your makes it look as if they are clearly falling apart.
flesh, the pictographs may continuously rewrite ••••• The layers become entirely separated,
themselves as they continually scrawl across your meaning that the Kindred can physically detach
body. The sound of stone being carefully chiseled each layer while only suffering one level of Lethal
might often be heard from you as new symbols damage per layer removed, rather than suffering
form every second of the night. Anyone with an aggravated damage or even final death. This
Occult rating of five may even use you to learn damage may be healed normally once the layers are
new metaphysical knowledge. reattached.
Variations: Any form of arcane calligraphy Variations: The player can have their layers
can be used along with symbols of any school vertically or diagonally if desired.
of magical thought, though there exists an
unsurprising tendency towards the hermetic. Weathering
Those manifested by modern Gargoyles are cave This feature mimics the natural decay, erosion,
imagery, alchemical symbols, and hieroglyphs and weathering of stone when exposed to the
depicting key moments in Tremere and Gargoyle elements.
history, though descending Sanskrit text and
primal glyphs are all possible. • Most of your skin may have crumbled away,
leaving sections of musculature exposed. What
Layers flesh remains may be covered in small cracks or
Like the very earth from which the Gargoyles even worn away to a smooth finish.
derive their resilient mantle, the flesh of many •• Your fingers may be weathered to the extreme,
Rockheads separates like sediment to form exposing the thin tips of bone. Some parts of your
numerous layers. skin, like the forehead, might have crumbled away,
•Your body is split into a handful of horizontal displaying a brittle and worn skull. Even portions
layers, the number of which increase exponentially of your wing membrane may be missing, though
according to age, generation, and Visceratika not to a degree that affects your ability to fly.
rating. The older you are, the lower your ••• Most of your flesh is a matted, granite-laden
generation, and the higher your Visceratika, the sludge coating your bones; significant patches
more layers you have. Skin texture will subtly of your body are reduced to eroded depressions.
change between the layers from smooth to rough Many appendages have been stripped of their
to grainy, and so on. The layers are clearly visible flesh, exposing significant portions of bone.
from a moderate distance, like looking at a cliff •••• You may be worn as thin as a lampost. Your
face. face may be nothing more than a fractured old
•• The differences in layer colour may become skull and you might have fist-sized holes passing
quite startling. They might take on the appearance straight through your entire body. Bones and
of any mineral: black obsidian, white marble, organs might protrude, resembling slate shards.
yellow sand, or red ruby for example. Your wings might be almost completely skeletal
••• The layers now produce overhangs, inch-wide only thin sludge veins keeping the bones together.
ridges that appear as if the layers are somehow ••••• You might have been reduced to nothing
detaching. The overhang will be in a different but a dried mud skeleton, in which case even
direction for each layer. This effect makes it appear projectiles can pass through you, having no flesh
as if the Gargoyle has been sliced into numerous to collide with. Blood seems to be stored inside

Clanbook: Gargoyles 59
your marrow, as only small capillaries can be found the only visible part of your face, your head might
matted in the sludge around your bones. be is five times its natural size, or your palms might
Alternatively you may have an inverted form of span two square feet when spread out.
weathering, causing intact portions of your body - ••••• Any mortal who sees you will be struck
your head; your chest; your forearms; or your shins with pure terror, as your body parts may have
- to be connected to one another by only one string expanded to more than five times their natural
of thin sinew, held up by unknown and unnatural size. Your cheeks might be as big as tires, your
forces. shoulders may jut out to three feet either side of
your body, or your tongue might loll from your jaw
General Abhorrence Features like a loose neck tie.
Though they reflect the Gargoyle condition just
as well as any other feature, some features can be Animal Characteristics
found in other Kindred cursed with inhuman This feature is most often brought about when
ugliness. At the Storyteller’s discretion, Nosferatu a Gargoyle is Gestated using Gangrel ‘ingredients;
and bloodlines with Appearance 0 as a weakness, the results of the Outlanders’ Clan weakness is
as well as characters with the Monstrous Flaw (see sometimes carried over to the new Gargoyle foetus,
V20 page 482), may make use of the Abhorrence and the descendants of these cast Gargoyles may
rules and use the features listed below. (For a more carry on this bestial legacy.
in-depth treatment of Abhorrence and specific • You have numerous small features: A vestigial
features for other types of Kindred, amongst many beak on your top lip; scales running across an area
other things, see the upcoming Storytellers Vault of your skin; or slightly pointed ears like a fennec
book The Endless Death). fox.
Accentuation •• You have one major feature such as: A
A strange emergence similar to a feature of large turtle shell spanning the length of your
grotesques found on some small churches in back; a long giraffe neck (similar to the effects
Western Europe, Accentuation represents the of elongation but with fur patterning); or thick
enlargement of a particular part of the Gargoyles feathery down coating your skin.
body, leading to unwieldy and impractical ••• You have two major features twisting your
forms. Only one particular body part should be already inhuman frame: The entire head of an
accentuated rather than a number of them to give eagle; two bear forelegs disproportionate to the
a more dramatic and grotesque effect, although rest of your body replacing your arms; or two long
any part can be effected. snake tails in place of your legs.
• Your most naturally prominent feature has •••• You are entirely inhuman with half of your
grown to double its original size: a nose, your body taken up by an array of animal features, all
buttocks, or your hands for example. from misfit animals. For example, you may bear
•• Multiple body parts may expand up to three the long chitinous legs of a cricket (increased
times as large as normal: Feet will begin to look in size to human proportions), the striped tail
more like large flippers; breasts balloon out; eyes of a lemur, and the abdomen of an electric eel.
bulge like those of a fish. Alternatively you can be entirely composed of one
animal’s features and appear as a perfect replica of
••• Many features may have grown to more than that animal, with no human features to be seen,
three times their natural size. Abdomens become but still with petrified flesh.
large and rotund, thighs expand like tree trunks,
and ears stand a foot from the skull. ••••• The highest level of this Abhorrence
brings about more supernatural aspects of the
•••• You now have certain features which make Beast into your body. Your vocal cords might adapt
you unidentifiable as human. Your lips might be

60 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

to naturally communicate with animals; your aura these nests with flowers and thicker foliage coating
might resemble that of a Gargoyle animal and not it. The fruit of this ecosystem can be used to ghoul
a true vampire; or your blood may taste only as anything that consumes it.
sweet to other vampires as that of a natural animal. Variations: The flora used can be of any
In addition, your entire body is composed of particular region or even an eclectic mix -
between six and eight major animal features, all of coniferous forests, rainforests, kelp forests, and
different animals, making you look like a horrific deciduous forests, to give a few examples. The
chimaera. Storyteller may even allow a dedicated fungal
Biome biome, unnaturally tall mushrooms burrowing into
the Gargoyles flesh - which can even mutate into
Kindred vitae is stored beneath their skin, sitting cave caps (see page 119).
statically and radiating regenerative energy into
the surrounding dead cells. In some particularly Elongation
freakish vampires, this energy can be picked This feature represents the elongation of
up by the spores of nearby flora who root into specific areas of the body, usually the neck,
this hidden ‘water table’ of blood and make a arms, and abdomen. It is considered something
permanent residence. Some poor Kindred gather of a ‘high society’ feature amongst Gargoyle
more than simple mold patches through this Grotesqueries, and is proudly sported by the
process, becoming home to an ecosystem of floral subterranean Gargoyle residents of the Parisian
life and giving them the appearance of the fabled catacombs, resulting from their Mimesis with the
Green Man or Leshy. Notre Dame Cathedral. As with Accentuation,
• The stone flesh endemic of your bloodline is it is advisable to only make one element of the
coated with lichen patches that cover your whole Gargoyle’s body elongated. This will provide more
body, interspersed with numerous mounds of moss impact than their entire body being contorted
and algae. and dysfunctional, and prevent characters from
•• Thin leafy vines are permanently entangled becoming too difficult to play by virtue of their
around your flesh, roping in and out like veins. mutations. The height restrictions of some
The leaves of these vines are a deep and vibrant buildings will give Gargoyles with the highest levels
red, depending on how recently you - and in turn of this feature some hurdles to overcome.
they - have fed. • Your limbs and neck can gain an extra six inches
••• Your floral parasites are unmissable due to in length. Your fingers each extend by an inch or
the thickened red and black foliage and barked you can gain a foot in length to your abdominal
saplings growing from your skin. Your features region.
become hidden by the thick overgrowth around •• Your already gangly limbs, along with your
your body and the growths begin to significantly neck and abdomen grow by around two feet,
increase your overall size. becoming disturbing even to most Kindred. Your
•••• Multiple thick bushes, three foot tall trees, digits extend by four inches each.
and fungi as wide as dinner plates may sprout from ••• You have features that have managed to
your flesh, creating a perversely natural-looking stretch to four times their natural size, making you
buildup of undergrowth and canopy. You have seem nauseating to behold. Your limbs have grown
become entirely obscured by the blood red leaves by well over three feet; your neck is now two feet
of the vines mummifying your body. long; your abdomen is six and a half feet long,
••••• Your flesh has gone beyond supporting a causing you resemble a snake, worm, or eel.
small floral ecosystem; now even termites and ants •••• Your disproportionate body has limbs of
have invaded, carving your back and shoulders around five feet in length, and each digit reaches
into a colossal nest. Readily fruiting trees feed to nearly a foot. Your neck, now almost three feet

Clanbook: Gargoyles 61
long, can flex and stretch around corners. Horns, Talons & Tusks
••••• Your limbs finally extend to illogical There are very few Gargoyles throughout
proportions, each being six and a half feet long, history that did not emerge from their creation
making you resemble a colossal spider. Your torso - whichever form that may have taken - without
now stretches to nine feet in length, and can horns and claws. As with a lack of wings, or having
contract to provide greater flexibility. particularly small or atrophied wings, not having
horns or claws was usually seen as a statement
Growths of weakness during the days of the Revolt. This
This provides the Gargoyle with a classic ‘troll social construct is largely absent in free Gargoyle
under the brigde’ appearance, with stalactites society, however, though it persists within the
dripping from their jaw line and numerous Flock. Until the fifth level, the ‘weapons’ provided
unusual bulges across their body. These growths by this feature are impressive but blunt, and as
simply manifest as alterations to the Petrified Flesh such provide no change in the bashing damage of
covering the Gargoyle’s body. unarmed attacks.
• Many hard warts span the length of the • Small natural armaments grow from your head,
Kindred’s body with an angular tip to them, hands, and/or mouth. These bone blades are
making them protrude around an inch from the obvious from even cursory inspection.
skin. •• The natural weapons grow to almost a foot
•• These spikes are as long as human fingers, and in length from your body, making you look like a
individual examples are longer than the others: prehistoric beast.
Those running down your back; those hanging ••• Your weapons have reached the length of
from your chin; or those stalagmites pointing up a man’s forearm, twisting and contorting as they
from your shoulders, head and feet. will. Even tusks and talons can grow this long,
••• The spines stretch as far as a foot from becoming much more of a power statement than
your body. Now looming more like an unusual actual weaponry.
rock formation than a natural ailment, they have •••• Your tusks stretch down like short swords
become a highly disconcerting feature of your body as far as your chest, your horns grow like spears
for any Kindred observer. for a four foot above your head resembling skeletal
•••• The spines are now two-foot-long columns tree branches, and your talons grow like daggers
bursting out of your flesh and stretching as long between every knuckle.
as your forearm. They point in every possible ••••• Extravagant scrimshaw-like patterns
direction, with no logical patterning. decorate your thick horns, talons, or tusks as they
••••• Your body is entirely coated in spikes and weave around your head, hands, and jaw. At this
growths, each almost three feet in length, making point in the features evolution the armaments
you look like a humanoid sea urchin. Anyone become sharp enough to deal harm, providing
touching you with any force will receive two dice of Strength +2 lethal damage on unarmed attacks.
lethal damage from these. Alternatively stalactites Variations: Any natural horns, antlers, talons,
descend from your body, reaching down as far as claws, tusks, or teeth can be used. Potential
the floor. examples include: longhorn sheep or narwhal for
Variations: These growths can appear as horns; sabre-toothed cat or beaver for tusks or
stalagmites and stalactites, slate shards, and even teeth; hawk or bear for impressive talons or claws.
‘beautiful’ crystal columns (all emerging from your
skin at different points and in different directions)
irrespective of whichever mineral you have chosen
your Petrified Flesh to consist of.

62 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

Hunch and other irregularities become entirely smoothed
As well as Gargoyles, many Nosferatu suffer with out and standardised.
this feature, almost to the point of it being a cliche. •• Your eyebrow ridge and jaw line recede to
It gradually swells the flesh around the Gargoyles make your head resemble a smooth egglike dome;
spine creating a hunch which, given time, re-molds your nose and ears shrink to a quarter of their
their body into a quadrupedal position under its usual size, looking more like spots than sensory
sheer indomitable size. organs; and every last growth on your skin is made
• Your shoulders have swollen up to your jawline completely level.
and around the base of your skull, forcing your ••• Your fingers become smooth rods with
head to permanently point forwards. no nails or joint creases; your eye sockets come
•• The now colossal hump on your back has forward to become level with your face, resembling
swollen, pushing your shoulder up to around a simple patterning on a flat surface; and any hair
foot high. This hunch makes your head point on the body is entirely lost.
downward almost permanently and significantly •••• Your body is finally that of a mannequin;
arches your back. you are a smooth and undefined mass with
••• You are constantly bent forward under the nothing but a slit for a mouth and pin holes for
weight of your hunch, it has expanded to almost your eyes, nostrils and ears. This makes it difficult
two feet high, now towering above your head. This for anyone to get any emotional reading from you,
forces you to walk with a pronounced hobble to deliberate or otherwise.
your step. ••••• This level of Minimalism goes beyond
•••• The hunch is so overbearing you must walk the physical with other elements of your self being
by bounding along on all fours for most of the ‘sanitised’. Your aura may become bleached,
night. It is now a clear three feet high and wide. leaving a clear haze surrounding you; it may be
that no sound results from your footsteps or wing
••••• The hunch has grown to the point that beats; or your vitae may become as tasteless as
you have become quadrupedal. your head will even water (though still beneficial).
have melded up into the hump removing any trace
of a neck. You look more like a crab than anything Tails
close to a human being. However, this does mean Commonly possessed by all three Clans
that your organs have rearranged as well; your associated with the Gargoyle bloodlines and
heart and brain now reside deep within this tower the Constructs themselves - Gangrel, Nosferatu,
of flesh. Any lethal damage you receive is also and Tzimisce. Tails seem to crop up in the flesh
halved as bashing damage is. from all mutagenic vitae. This feature may seem
Minimalism synonymous with Animal Features (alongside
which it often appears), it instead provides
A particularly disturbing feature stemming solely additional tails for every level taken rather than a
from the alien vitae of the Tzimisce, it inverts single increasingly unusual tail.
everything that members of that Clan hold dear
about mutation and evolution, stripping them of • You have grown a tail, around half the normal
their unique and empowering visages. Gargoyles size of one of your legs. The tail is coated in
cursed by this abhorrence are labeled with the bare skin with an arrow head point at its tip and
derogatory nickname ‘mannequins’, and are cannot act as an independent appendage due to its
usually shunned by every sane Kindred the world thinness and pointed tip.
over. •• Another tail joins the first one; both are now
• Every physical characteristic of your being such as long as your legs. The movement of each tail is
as warts, wrinkles, lesions, boils, colour variation, erratic and unpredictable creating a continuous

Clanbook: Gargoyles 63
writhing effect behind you. •••• You are proportionally four feet shorter
••• Three substantially long tails grow from your than normal. Human witnesses will likely either
back. They are constantly in motion and seem to flee in terror or attempt to record you and post it
possess rudimentary independent thought, lashing the footage online.
out at passers by, knocking items off of shelves ••••• You are proportionally only one foot
and generally causing havoc when you are angry, tall. Though you cannot possibly be mistaken
agitated, hungry, or otherwise disturbed. for a natural human being, you can be easily
•••• Your body is now endowed with four tails, overlooked. Stealth and Flight are easier to you (at
each double the length of your spine. They are a -2 difficulty) due to your diminutive stature.
still capable of movement, but you can exercise a Variations: You can modify this Abhorrence by
greater degree of control over them. either reducing your overall size by a foot each level
••••• Like a nest of vipers emerging from the or significantly whither a single body part per level
base of your spine, five tails writhe in your wake. (in a similar but reverse way to Accentuation).
They are capable of twist above your head and
attempt to grapple passers-by when your Beast
is roused. These tails are so developed and well-
connected to your nervous system that by spending
a temporary Willpower point you can control
all five for one turn, each of which can deal one
attack as a single action for all five. Each tail may
strike a different or the same target, though they
only deal Strength-1 bashing damage.
Withering is famous in Gargoyle culture due to
its appearance on the Scout Mould, Fidus; it is
from it that he gained his moniker ‘the Shrunken
Beast’. It simply reduces a Gargoyle’s overall
stature and build.
•You are proportionally a foot shorter than you
normally would be. Though this only makes
you look smaller than average, it still creates the
uncanny feeling that you have been shrunken,
both in yourself and in others.
•• You are proportionally two feet shorter than
normal. This significantly outlines you as not an
average person, it will appear as if you suffer from
some form of dwarfism. You must take the Short
Flaw (V20 page 481).
••• You are proportionally three feet shorter
than normal. You are now very clearly inhuman,
more closely resembling a stunted imp or
homunculus than a human being due to your
wings and other abhorrent features.

64 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

Clanbook: Gargoyles 65
Chapter Four:
Of Mingled Blood
A Bloodline’s Bloodlines
The majority of Gargoyles in existence tonight
are sired, meaning that they have been Embraced
by a Gargoyle capable of the act (which are also
now in the majority), in much the same way as
other Kindred. One night they were human,
the next they began the traumatic process of
Gestation, their bodies warp and their minds are
wiped blank as they are reanimated by the power
of the sire’s blood.
Nonetheless, there still exist a notable number
of Gargoyles who were already vampires before
their Gestation. In these cases their previous
bodies (often along with those of other Kindred)
have been used in various rituals designed to bring
forth new Gargoyles.
There are two broad groups of non-sired
Gargoyles: the Cast (who are considered by some
to be the most ‘pure’) and the Misbegotten (widely
recognised by those who know of them at all as
the least). Rare though members of these ‘sub-
bloodlines’ of Gargoyles may be, they are not so
few in number as to be completely discounted.
The cast represent the grisly origins of Gargoyle-
kind, while its strange and unpredictable future
can be seen in the Misbegotten.

66 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood

The Castings their bodies do not heal correctly - an inheritance
of the vile legacy of Vicissitude. Ultimately it
Of the ‘pure’ breed of Gargoyles, those grown
would seem that the Clan or Clans of the victims
within a womb-bearer or Gestation chamber
did not matter nearly so much as the methods
rather than having been Embraced, there are
three recognized ‘Castings’, each suited to a
different duty or set of duties. The number of In the eyes of Goratrix and their Mother, the
Cast Gargoyles produced every year - which has Castings were cutting edge magical innovations,
been low for many centuries - has plummeted wrought according to a refined art. Gradually,
even further since Virstania parted violently with however, these beings became redundant compared
the Clan, taking with her much of the original to the next big thing - the sired Gargoyles. Thanks
materials and formulae, and the creation of new to Virstania’s constant improvements to her
Gargoyles was outlawed by the signing of the formula, it eventually became more economic to
Montmartre Pact. have Gargoyles sire naturally than to source the
obscure ingredients required to merely create one
After Chaundice and most of his immediate
creature, never mind the months-long Gestation
‘children’ abandoned Ceoris, taking with him the
periods (almost a year in the case of Sentinels).
knowledge of true Gargoyle creation in his blood,
The Casting of a Gargoyle, however, did not pass
it was decreed by Goratrix that nothing like the
down to a Gargoyle’s childer; while this left them
escape of Chaundice and his progeny could be
free of the Casting’s imposed weaknesses, it also
allowed to happen again. As such, he instructed
left them bereft of their powers.
Virstania to amend At Our Command It Breathes
so that it could be used to create new, specialised As Virstania noticed the decline in her cast
Gargoyles, their loyalty ensured not only by children’s numbers, she created the Discipline of
inclination but by their very essences and bodies. Visceratika from the Gargoyle rituals she deemed
most useful for her children. Her hope was that
As Virstania added and subtracted various
the sired Gargoyles would become versatile enough
arcane and alchemical elements of her formulae
that each individual could perform any or all of
in order to give her children more specific forms
the Casting’s duties as necessary, though not as
and natures, the three Castings came to be. The
effectively as a cast Gargoyle would perform its
powders of additional, stronger types of rock were
specific role.
added and a longer Gestation period allowed
in order to provide the Sentinels with greater The Cast Gargoyles were maintained as
stamina. specialist units, while their sired counterparts
came to form the rank-and-file of the bloodline.
Virstania’s own vitae, filtered through the smoke
This combination of generalist and specialized
of incense derived from the roots of the strange
Gargoyles served very well during the Revolt, and
‘fire-flowers’ found throughout the Carpathians,
the cast still hold positions of respect in the minds
granted Scouts their keen senses and natural
of most Gargoyles, albeit often tinged with a
stealth. Kindred ash ground up with a drop of
certain pity.
Lupine blood imparted feral rage to the Warriors.
In the modern nights, no one truly knows the
original provenance of the Castings. For example,
some argue that Gangrel must have lent form to
the Scouts because of their survival instincts and
their drive to explore; others the Nosferatu, for
their possession of Obfuscate and their furtive
natures; and yet others the Tzimisce for their
manifestation of Auspex and the way in which

Clanbook: Gargoyles 67
Scouts Anarchs value both sides of the Scout Casting,
using the stealth provided by Visceratika for their
Quick, nimble and created to delve deep into various missions against the Camarilla and Sabbat.
the heart of enemy strongholds to extract sensitive Their shamanic sides are favoured by Ravnos and
information (or simply to turn its defenders to ash Gangrel anarchs to the point of wonder and awe.
while they rest), Scout-Cast Gargoyles have powers
and instincts designed to make them an unseen Appearance: Scouts more often than not take
force of ruin. The Scouts are seen as conniving on attributes of utter inhumanity with sunken
and mischievous as well as intelligent and quick. features, elongated limbs, and shrunken bodies.
As lone hunters it would be rare for a pack of Fidus was the first of his kind, and serves as an
Scouts to be sent out rather than one individual, example of the horror they can embody. Scouts
they greatly value their privacy and their ability will frequently opt to learn Vicissitude at some
to carry out tasks single handedly. Rituals of point in their unlives. Using this Discipline not
invisibility and stone melding made them nearly only has the potential of making them more
undetectable. outwardly hideous but allows them to adopt a new
form for each mission.
In the event they were found and attacked,
a failsafe was built into their makeup to resist If you choose to use the Abhorrence rule
divulging Tremere secrets, as physical harm would (see page 56) Scouts suffer from an additional
cause their flesh to solidify until it became wholly Abhorrence feature, meaning they have two
calcified. As a result, they are the only Gargoyle automatic dots in Abhorrence rather the one
or even Kindred on earth whose bodies remain that Embraced Gargoyles have. Their additional
after death, in the form of a frozen statuesque Abhorrence is Withering.
effigy. The Scout-cast have developed a deep love Eyries: An exclusively Scout Grotesquerie will
of sorcery. Their role was to learn secrets, and choose a more natural setting for their Eyrie. Cave
what better secrets could there be than those systems and mountain crags provide them nesting
of the mystic arts? Starting with Fidus, many grounds for most of their unlives. This oneness
young Scouts took on the position of Gargoyle with nature and their environment provides
apprentices under Virstania, feeding their own more adaptive camouflage and a greater force
egos by believing they were a step above the other behind their animistic rituals. In Eyries with other
Slaves, being taught the Mother’s own magic. Gargoyles they will tend to only pay fleeting visits
Tonight, those Scouts shunning a life of espionage rather than a permanent stay. Scouts often find it
and secrecy will adopt the shaman’s way, becoming hard to keep close ties with their family members,
the spiritual leader of their Eyrie and practicing preferring a more secluded and independent
many rituals uniquely developed by Gargoyles, for approach to their duties.
Gargoyles. Gestation: A Scout is often made small, with less
Nicknames: Shadows parts used in its design. Muscles, bones, and some
Sect: The Flock is home to a vast number of cast organs will be sacrificed to give the Scout a more
Scouts, most of which keep to their ‘natural’ role lithe shape (many of these rejected parts are fed
as spies. They trawl the earth for escaped, freed or to the womb-bearer so as to circulate the foetus’s
sired Gargoyles, which Warriors may then abduct natural humours within their amniotic fluid or
and to adopt back into the Flock. added to the gestation chamber).

Children of Chaundice value the more shamanic After their birth they will flee from their
Scouts, for their values are solely focused around mewling brethren to seek isolation and time to
the evolutin and elevation of Gargoyle kind. come to terms with their existence. For their
Chaundice himself encourages close bonds with second night, they are suckled on the womb-
the spirits of each Grotesquerie’s Eyrie. bearer’s necrotic bosom. Amongst the Flock, the
vitae they drink from Alvusia is carefully infused

68 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood

with the incense of the strange ‘fire flower’, which
burns hot as it passes through her lactiferous duct.
This infancy awakens the Scout’s inhuman senses The View from Without
and leaves them detached from their Grotesquerie.
Character creation: Intelligence, Perception, Sired
and Dexterity are fundamental to this band of “Their shifty ways are an antiquated strategy,
Constructs. They will be focused on Stealth, from back when we didn’t have cameras,
Survival, Athletics and Empathy to give them the drones, and microphones. The sooner all of
means to collect any information required. them turn to sorcery the better.”
Disciplines: Auspex, Flight, Obfuscate.
Weaknesses: Stealth and silence are all-important Warriors
to those Kindred cast in the guise of the Shrunken “I have no time for underhanded trickery.
Beast, their duties including the infiltration of Our kind have too much potential to while
enemy strongholds and discovering the secrets it away reading and scheming.”
hidden therein.
Their weakness to them makes them more likely Sentinels
to stick to an approach of secrecy and subtlety, as
their bodies react to physical harm with immediate “Our brothers are masters of misdirection,
and painful petrification of the wounded area. but they suspect the same of others. We
Scouts have their wound penalties doubled from want to trust them but they don’t trust us.”
the intense discomfort and disabling nature of this
affliction. Due to this feature of their form, it is Calacas
impossible to torture a Scout-cast Gargoyle without “All the time ya spent spreadin’ lies is a waste
it becoming incapacitated long before it would of time better spent drinkin’ the rumblood.
give over its secrets. The Storyteller may also elect Take a sip an’ say I’m wrong.”
to entirely disable the use of a damaged limb after
aggravated damage has been sustained. Gorgons
Grotesqueries: Scouts rarely meld into ‘family
“Their vile looks speak to chaos and discord.
life’, but rather sardonically berate each other, and
Sre they spawns of the dark one?”
punish those whom they see as failing. The less
stealthy and more intellectual of Scouts become
shamans of the Eyrie, in which position they will
judge the failures of their kin and practice rituals “They’re so different to our own Scouts.
on them. How do they sit still so long?”

“Our Magaji keep many spy masters in their
domains. They could never reach the Scout’s
potential, however.”

Clanbook: Gargoyles 69
Sentinels Appearance: Sentinels possess swollen and
overbearing features with little in the way of
Overview and History: Large and imposing, fearsome weaponry or inhuman parts. They may
the Sentinels were cast to defend chantries possess denominations such as boils, twisted limbs,
from the Tremere’s enemies, in particular from or unusual scarring, but their true horror comes
the forces of the Tzimisce, such as the Vozhd from their sheer mass.
that frequently attempted to break through the
Warlocks’ defences. To their foes, these beasts If you choose to use the Abhorrence rule (see
seem formidable, but they primarily serve defensive page 56) Sentinels suffer from an additional
roles in their Grotesqueries, drawing satisfaction Abhorrence feature, meaning they have two
from nurturing fledglings and protecting the weak. automatic dots in Abhorrence rather the one
To keep the Sentinels from wandering from their that Embraced Gargoyles have. Their additional
posts, Virstania was forced at Goratrix’s insistence Abhorrence feature is Accentuation, specifically in
to endow them with a weakness whereby if they the abdomen.
ever abandoned their proper place in Ceoris, they Eyries: Sentinels free of domination tend to make
would become disorientated and confused. their domains beneath cities - not because they
These Grotesques tend to stay with the value the dank and the cold, but because they feel
adolescent members or the infirm to keep the sewers and subways to be accessible to all and more
‘family unit’ together (possibly through deep-seated easily fortifiable.
fears of losing their family and falling to a bestial Sentinels take great care in how their Eyrie is
mindset). In addition to these duties, Sentinels kept and presented, choosing locations that suit
rear Gargoyle beasts and ghouls from childhood, their personalities. Curmudgeonly Constructs will
teaching them who to respect and how to behave. choose foreboding dens while excitable Gargoyles
Nicknames: Stonewalls. choose the unused areas of busy subways,
perilously close to unsuspecting mortals.
Sect: Sabbat Sentinels are an odd but common
group of gargoyles in the kindred world. Gargoyles Gestation: In many ways, Sentinels endure the
will often join a coven rather than a nomadic pack, opposite creative process to Scouts. Their bodies
shunning the wandering lifestyle and choosing to are padded out to give them greater mass than
settle in a city. It is rare that a Sentinel will take a they can necessarily support. This padding is often
title within the Sabbat, other than possibly pack sourced from rotting clumps of leftover Kindred
priest if they are particularly committed Noddists. flesh (refuse which can also be used for iecur
production; see page 97).
The Camarilla Embrace Sentinels readily, due
to their devotion to their company and incredible This meat is encrusted in quartz dust before
resilience. With a Sentinel as seneschal (a greatly being sewn into the foetus’s body. A Sentinel’s
unusual occurrence) a Prince may ensure they their Gestation is quite drawn out, and makes for an
primogen will be duly cared for and no party will especially agonizing experience for the womb
be mistreated or harmed. bearer; the foetus is barely small enough to
fit within her womb, meaning ribs and spinal
Particular Sentinels (especially those converted to columns will easily become splintered, unable to
womb-bearers) choose to detach themselves from heal for the extended ten-month Gestation period.
humanity altogether and settle Grotesqueries in In Gestation chambers, often the waxen seals will
mountainsides with a few Gargoyle acolytes. There crack and burst from the growing pressure within.
they are likely to breed massive nests of childer,
ignoring the local Kindred and kine in equal When the infant lumbers its titanic body
measure. through the womb-bearer’s cervix they will (while
accompanied by other sentinels) consume the
surrounding placental matter rich with Vitae.

70 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood

Character creation: Sentinels often have a close
understanding (for Gargoyles, at any rate) of
Crafts, Empathy, Expression, and Performance, The View from Without
being able to educate and entertain the young of
their Grotesquerie. Brawl comes naturally to them, Sired
though aggression is always a last resort in lieu of
steadfast resistance. “You were the only Kindred who cared for
Disciplines: Flight, Fortitude, Potence. our sires and grandsires. You loved them as
if they were cast. This kindness is not forgot-
Weaknesses: All Sentinels experience a complete ten.”
dependency on their own kind. These beings of
stone and flesh revel in the company of each other Warriors
to the point where they live for little else. At any
point that these Gargoyles are left in isolation, “Your hearts are not made of stone like ours.
without at least one master, dependent, or friend, If not for us, your weakness would be your
they become confused and disorientated, halving downfall.”
all of their dice pools until such a relationship has
been formed or renewed. Scouts
Grotesqueries: Grotesqueries are more important “You need more that an unmoving frame to
to Sentinels than other Castings, because of their hold back the enemies of our Eyrie. A wall
weakness, Sentinels know they will not be free of flesh and stone such as yourselves cannot
to live in solitude. To this end they stay in their stop the forces of ignorance and falsehood.”
Eyries and around their Grotesque kin as much as
is possible. They tend to their kin like the Mother Calacas
herself, bathing them in love and dedication.
Most are willing to lay down their lives so the pack “Now you I get! Live in comfort, care for
survives (hence their station). your friends and live how you want!”

“A temple would be truly blessed if a we rose
from Duat with your resilience.”

“At least we share the love of our children
with our cousins on land.”

“Our duties are not as clear-cut as your own,
we belong to our Magaji and must do their
bidding. We belong to them, but we do not
love them.”

Clanbook: Gargoyles 71
Warriors Gargoyle scourges are merciless and tireless. No
boundary can prevent their approach, whether
Overview and History: The cadres of shock they must fly, flow through stone, or simply force
troops of Tremere chantries were almost always their way through obstacles. No law-breaking
designed with a pack of Warrior-Cast Gargoyles Kindred is safe if they are being hunted by a
at their core, alongside ghouls and fledgling Warrior - let alone a pack of them.
Warlocks. The Warriors gained gifts of might and
terror from their array of malicious mutations and Appearance: Warriors are possessed of feral and
weaponry. animalistic features, causing their approach to
resemble that of mythical berserkers charging
These Gargoyles vary in temperament from feral across the battlefield. They will most often be
beasts to boisterous competitors, and typically bipedal, adorned with a variety of antlers, tusk-like
behave much the same way off the battlefield as fangs, patches of petrified fur, and the talons of
they do on. The more bestial Warriors, however multiple predatory animals.
easy to anger they may be, are likely to become
calm or even childlike and playful when near their If you choose to use the Abhorrence rule
Sentinel siblings and womb-bearing mother. (see page 56), Warriors suffer from an additional
Abhorrence feature, meaning they have two
A surprising inversion of behaviour arose soon automatic dots in Abhorrence rather the one
after the Revolt where many Warriors chose to that Embraced Gargoyles have. Their additional
turn their ferocity in on themselves and use it to Abhorrence feature is Horns, Antlers or Tusks.
cage the Beast rather than fuel it. These martial
‘guides’ spend all night, every night honing Eyries: Warriors are frequent residents within the
themselves to master their bodies and minds Eyrie, spending most of their downtime there,
in equal mix, as well as teaching Disciplines to training the fledgling Gargoyles and ‘play’ fighting
younger Gargoyles and keeping them on the amongst themselves. Horrors prefer the tactical
straight and narrow. advantage of a structured Eyrie; castles and old
forts suit them best, with multiple vantage points
Nicknames: Horrors and safe resting spaces.
Sect: The Sabbat is usually home to the wilder Gestation: Not sedentary like the Sentinels or
Gargoyles of this Casting, fitting in well with the subversive like the Scouts, Warriors are fearless
lower ranks of Sabbat culture, who do not care and unashamed, and emerge from Gestation
for advanced thought or advancement on the believing that they are champions.
Paths of Enlightenment, but merely relish battle
and conquest. These Warriors may ascend to high Their Gestations are trials in and of themselves
ranks in their packs and dioceses through sheer for the womb bearer and the Warrior alike. They
violence. The rumour that their bodies are made are put together using large quantities of bone,
using Lupine blood is enough to frighten the the flesh of ghouled animals in place of human
weaker-willed and less skeptical shovelheads. remains, and even a drop of Lupine blood to burn
in their hearts. Once this recipie of exotic parts is
Chaundice’s Children accept Warriors from any sewn together, they are placed within the womb of
corner of the earth, whether as deadly combatants an already reluctant womb bearer. They grow and
or wise teachers. They are valued as rescuers of lost mutate rapidly, with claws and bones protruding
and enslaved Gargoyles, travelling in vast packs to through the womb bearers flesh; this lasts for
reclaim even a single Gargoyle under domination. the first three months of their six-month-long
Their introspective outlooks are also valued to Gestation.
enrich the free thought so heavily encouraged in
Chaundician Eyries. During the second half of their Gestations, their
Beasts take hold of them in an almost permanent
Camarilla domains have one very specific seat state of hallucinatory frenzy, during which they
for Warrior-Cast Gargoyles, that of the scourge.

72 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood

imagine they are locked in combat with the worst
enemies their subconscious can invisage. The
ferocious fits and spasms that result typically begin
just in time for when their claws grow through. The View from Without
After three months of unending battles within his
mind the Warrior will, rather than being expelled Sired
through the birth canal, rip through the womb- “The Warriors treated our sires like freaks,
bearer’s abdominal wall to create his own escape, but now we are the many. How irritating
dragging with him bits of separated bone and gore that must be.”
as bloody trophies.
Character creation: As is evident in their names, Sentinels
these constructs favour aggressive and forceful
approaches to all areas of their lives. Strength, “We are probably the only ones who can
Dexterity and, somewhat surprisingly, Charisma calm your feral hearts. You are always wel-
lend great ability on the battlefield. These come in our Eyrie.”
Attributes are always bolstered with strong degrees
of Melee, Brawl, Athletics and Intimidation. Scouts
Disciplines: Flight, Fortitude and Protean. “Such a lack of finesse.”
Weaknesses: In order to discourage Warriors from
indulging too freely in the savage joys of frenzy, the Calacas
Tremere made it so that when they lose control “Your rebirth leaves you so bitter! Sets you
to the Beast, they begin to petrify. If they fail a off on the wrong foot. We love our baths;
Self-Control or Instinct roll made to avoid losing your lot would do well to learn from us:
control to the Beast, they will lose the function of come out laughin’, not fightin’, and you’ll
one Attribute for the remainder of the night as a know joy the rest of your nights.”
relevant body part turns to stone (causing all rolls
relying on that Attribute to fail). If they botch their Gorgons
roll, this petrification must be healed as though it
were a lost limb, requiring its forceful (and likely “I’m sure Anubis’s gates are piled high with
painful) removal and regrowth. your victims, but there’s more to unlife than
murder and glory.”
Grotesqueries: Since they spend most of their
spare time in the Eyrie training themselves and
others, Warriors are more likely to be respected
than feared by their Grotesqueries. They make “You can fight off a vozhd or two, sure,
great connections within their family units, but you won’t be cheering if you meet our
being able to defer their rage and violence until enemies.”
they reach the battlefield makes them strong
commanding figures. They are able to discipline Minkisi
fledglings where the Sentinels’ compassion fails.
If, however, the Warriors do not manage to fight “Without the warrior there can be no tribe,
on a regular basis they will become agitated and but too often they lack humility and con-
confrontational with their entire Grotesquerie. trol.”

Clanbook: Gargoyles 73
Misbegotten Gargoyles a susceptibility to mental control, though they
each have additional debilitations in the same way
The Misbegotten is the collective term for the that the cast do. The main weakness they share
disparate groups of Gargoyles created by individual with the original cast Gargoyles is that of infertile
magicians using stolen, fragmentary notes blood, making them unable to Embrace more of
pertaining to the Mother’s research. The majority their kind; a mercy, in the view of most who know
of these records originate with the Tremere of them first-hand. As with the earlier batches
antitribu, which they disseminated throughout of Gargoyles in Ceoris, only a very select few
the Sabbat so as to ingratiate themselves with their demonstrate the capacity to Embrace, though they
Sectmates. However, the creation of Gargoyles did may all create ghouls. The handful of individuals
not take off very much within the Sabbat until who pay attention to such matters do however
the formation of House Goratrix - and even then, note a gradual but marked increase in Misbegotten
the bias against the Slaves held by many senior fertility.
Tzimisce, combined with the general mistrust
of the Spellbinders, has limited the practice. Calacas
The less cautious and secretive nature of the Imagine, if you will, a walk through a forgotten
Tremere antitribu compared to the parent Clan graveyard in Central America. One might expect
has nonetheless caused workable but imperfect to see a skeletal statue in a hooded cloak, watching
fragments of At Our Command It Breathes to leak over the grave of a killer - or an angelic sculpture
outside of the Sword of Caine. once of vast beauty now eroded to an almost
Those attempting to use such incomplete unidentifiable state. These are the forms of the
formulae must fill in the gaps themselves, devising poor Calacas, cast from the Baron’s own kin, the
rituals based (however loosely) on Virstania’s Samedi, and the bones of multiple dead kine.
original art. Examples of Misbegotten range The progenitor of the Calacas is unknown,
from sandstone mummies created using Setite but rumour variously has it that he or she was a
preservation rituals and specially-made Gestation Tremere who indulged in the study of Caribbean
sarcophagi, to the angels of death from Central Necromancy, a Giovanni of the Hidalgo or
America, fermented from the mingling of Samedi Pisanob families, a Serpent of the Light, a mortal
bodies and corpseflesh in sacred stagnant pools. houngan, or even a Samedi scholar of the esoteric
Each variety is more disturbing than the last, and who became obsessed with the artificial unlife
Misbegotten are rarely seen in any area of Kindred of the Gargoyles to the point that he wished to
society outside of freak shows held in the courts of recreate and develop it among his own kind.
decadent Princes and at Sabbat gatherings. These Whatever the truth, this assembler of horrors has
Constructs are more likely than not to be accepted not come forward to take credit for the Calacas; it
within a Chaundician Grotesquerie, though is speculated that the creations have risen against
Virstanians may claim that these Constructs their creator, but equally, no Calaca makes claim
are mere bastardizations of the Great Mother’s to have destroyed the one responsible for their
glorious vision, and sooner stake them than listen blighted existence.
to one word of their heresies. Needless to say, the
The true magic of Calaca Gestation comes
Flock and the Watchers take an even harder line,
from the stagnant sinkholes called cenotes, which
and destroy them on sight.
traditionally have sacrificial significance in Mayan
These alien beings are few and far between. religion but are found worldwide. The cenotes used
Most ‘ordinary’ Gargoyles, let alone most Kindred, for the making of Calacas are characterized by
have never seen one, and many refuse to believe those Kindred scholars well-read in such gruesome
in their existence. However, they are quite real matters as a blend between the abominable organ
and are all Gargoyles, sharing the weaknesses of pits of the Baali and the spawning pools of the
a grotesque aspect, post-Gestation amnesia, and Nosferatu. Human sacrifices are performed within

74 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood

the pool to create a ‘bedrock’ of rotting flesh, Abhorrence feature is Weathering.
which is then laced with copious amounts of vitae Eyries: Several Calacas have set up small
(and other fluids of decay) from a Samedi, which communal havens in Camarilla or Sabbat domains
prevents the flesh from ever quite rotting away. and kept themselves entirely independent, thriving
When the Calaca larvae reach animation within a in overgrown cemeteries and mausoleums. From
cenote they will swim up through the silt and gore, here they sometimes establish ‘businesses’, selling
which clings to their raw skin and heals into their refined, alcohol-infused blood to a market of
new shells. Brujah, Toreador, and Ventrue connoisseurs.
Nicknames: Angels of Death. Within their Eyries, they have surprisingly
Sect: The rare humourless Angels seek numerous ghouls in a permanent state of
membership in the Sabbat as a means to work intoxication from which to extract their produce.
through their fundamentally inhuman conditions. Gestation: Calacas are created through a grisly
No shovelhead dares touch them, the Tremere and often-improvised process involving the
antitribu, Tzimisce, and Harbingers of Skulls in binding together of unliving Samedi and mortal
particular study them with awe, and the Bishops cadavers through whatever available means, the
and Ducti use them for their terrifying presence on performance of a debased version of At Our
the battlefield and as centerpieces at ritae. Command It Breathes, and the dumping of the
Individuals with a relatively positive outlook on collected remains into a cenote. There, the vile
their condition have been known to find more assemblage ferments with the grime and muck of
obscure groups of Chaundicians (often those its environment, which serves to meld the various
containing Nosferatu or particularly afflicted carcasses together into one misshapen mass.
Tzimisce) in attempts to find new energy and Frequently-used cenotes acquire a sediment of limbs,
passion in spite of their condition. They act as viscera, and bone remains which have become
emissaries and enforcers, striking fear in the detached from their owners, which during further
enemies hearts on Chaundice’s behalf. incidents of Gestation get churned up with the
submerged human and vampiric matter, lending a
True children of the Baron revel in their deathly certain unpredictability to the process.
affiliations with grim smiles on their cracked,
sallow faces. The main gathering place of these Once the larval Calaca is dredged up, its creator is
is the Catacomb of Sorrow at Quinto, the largest able to mold its shape to match his wishes, before
Eyrie in South America. the mulch of the cenote solidifies to a preternatural
degree, producing a sturdy vessel for the fledgling
Appearance: All Calacas look different, but share Misbegotten. Most often they are rendered
similar markers. They all possess a pair of bone similarly to the statuettes which share their name,
wings protruding from between their shoulder since the presence of human bone within the
blades. They bear intermittent patches and shards Construct lends itself to such a macabre form.
of exposed bone, some in the correct places and
others question whether they’re even their own. Character creation: Unlike most Gargoyles,
Any skin they do have, made from melded mud, Charisma is quite popular among Calacas. They
silt, and rotting flesh as it is, will appear cracked are jovial and revelrous, reflected in Empathy,
and dried, as though it could peel or crumble at Expression, and Performance ratings. Their bodies
any moment. don’t tend to make the sturdiest of frames so
they focus on adopting (or continuing) Hougan
If you choose to use the Abhorrence rule (see lifestyles, with Larceny, Leadership, Medicine, and
page 56), Calacas suffer from an additional Occult.
Abhorrence feature, meaning they have 2
automatic dots in Abhorrence rather the one Disciplines: Flight, Presence, Thanatosis.
that Embraced Gargoyles have. Their additional Weaknesses: Calacas suffer from a truly

Clanbook: Gargoyles 75
debilitating weakness: vulnerability to any sort of
water, which causes them to rapidly rot and break
The View from Without down, in much the same way as other vampires are
Sired harmed by sunlight. Some believe that the water
they undergo Gestation within grant them unlife,
“How do other Gargoyles look upon such a but to feel its touch a second is to lose this gift;
thaumaturgical marvel and feel shame or re- that which gives life may take it away. The more
sentment? They have been given unlife that esoterically-minded reflect that in Yucatec Mayan
clearly shouldn’t be, and make the most of belief, one could reach the underworld through
every second. If we were all like our Ameri- the cenotes, which also served as places of human
can cousins none of us would be revolting, sacrifice. It is speculated by such individuals that
for there wouldn’t be a need.” the Calacas, created in such a place, are barred
from entry into the Underworld, and so the
Scouts water one must journey through in order to pass
“Their wings make even less sense than ours; over does them harm. No matter the cause, it is
they refuse to hide, and make a joke out of true that for every pint of water that falls upon
their situation. Not surprising that they’re a Calaca within a scene, she will suffer one level
just bastards of Chaundice’s legacy.” of aggravated damage as her body commences its
Grotesqueries: Surprisingly, Calacas don’t spend
“Conflict and discord arise when you bring much time together as each tends to have a big
up these cadaverous monsters. I natural- ego, a larger-than-unlife personality, and dedication
ly despise their corruption of Virstania’s to her appetites. They can typically only just
efforts, but on the other hand they love their about keep their own ghouls’ needs a priority, let
Grotesqueries and tend to their ghouls... if alone other Kindred. That’s not to say that they
a little too hard. Let the Warriors and the cannot coexist within a Grotesquerie, but they will
Scouts fight them, but I will take no part in eventually depart on their own adventures, leaving
their downfall.” their families behind. The biggest permanent
Warriors Grotesquerie of Calacas is located in Quito,
“They dance and sing, drink and smoke
with no fortification or strength of their
own. These beings hide behind necromancy
and blood magic to retain their hedonistic Mariners
unlives, ignoring the battles we Gargoyles are
still part of. I fail to see why they were made “If they burn from the water, surely they’re
in the first place.” not meant to be? Who are we to go against
the wishes of the sea!”
“To see them you would think that they Minkisi
have been to Duat themselves, with their
“My Magaji arranges the bodies of his
rotten skulls and skinless wings. They call
enemies like this, coated in the earth and
their underworld ‘Xibalba’ and claim that
smiling, to show others what would happen
their Gestation ponds lead them there. They
if they crossed him. Who are these ‘Calacas’
wouldn’t be smiling if they saw our hell.
warning us about?”

76 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood

Petrified Thanatosis
Calacas can only alter the flesh of Gargoyles or material stone. Calacas lose all connection with
decaying flesh as they Gestate in their cenote, a loss filled by a connection to stone instead. Their
Thanatosis powers (listed only to the fifth level, since no known Calaca is of a lower generation
than ninth) work somewhat differently, as indicated below. The original powers may be found on
pages 471-474 of V20.
• Create hidden stone cavities or malleable pouches in Gargoyle flesh or stone.
•• Make sections of the skin of a Gargoyle (or any instance of stone) brittle and drop off, deal-
ing damage as per Putrefaction; Gargoyles do not have Appearance to lose, and it is irrelevant to
inanimate stone.
••• Turn yourself to sand with the same properties as the dust form granted by Ashes to Ashes.
•••• Fully remould stone structures or statutes, and also remodel the flesh of Gargoyles in the
same way Calacas are remodeled after Gestation. By spending a Willpower point and succeeding
a their Manipulation + Medicine roll, a Calaca can modify the stone as they wish; to shrink or
otherwise debilitate the limb of a Gargoyle requires 3 successes (which restores on the next night).
••••• Disintegration of the stone skin of Gargoyles or a stone structure, turning either into
withered husks. Each success of a Dexterity + Medicine roll (difficulty of the target’s Stamina +
Fortitude) causes one health level of lethal damage and lowers their Dexterity and or Strength by
1; refer to the table on page 473 of V20.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 77
Gorgons hide and Kindred flesh. In order to avenge Sobek
personally, he made use of the blasphemer for the
Gorgons are arguably the most accursed of all flesh and generous amounts of crocodile scale for
Gargoyle kind, and the most roundly rejected by the hide. The rituals and libations succeeded and
Kindred society. These beings crafted from the Sobek was clearly appeased, for he had bestowed
vampiric children of the Egyptian god Set. They his visage onto the idol, alongside messages from
have come from a theological heritage guiding Set himself in hieroglyphic form. This was a
them towards the realization of some great destiny. turning point in Hess’s career. He began making
Gorgons have been idolized under that dogma and more and more of these Misbegotten, supplying
removed from their former Clan by thaumaturgical more and more temples with their own divine
practices stolen from the Great Mother. avatars, which he continues to do to this night.
Between the 17th and 19th centuries, British Nicknames: Idols (by laypeople) and Swt (by their
colonialism and imperialism brought many devotees).
Kindred from distant lands together, whether due
to kine military action or opportunistic Kindred Sects: Gorgons work solely towards the forwarding
taking advantage of the times. One such Kindred of the Setite cause, and see no need for interaction
was a Tremere acolyte named Samuel Hess, with other Sects and beliefs. They work mostly
an English archaeologist Embraced later in his inside their temples, only traveling off-site to
life by a member of the Lion’s Gate chantry in handle local officials or transport their high priests
Durham. As the empire rolled through more and from place to place.
more countries, Hess traveled along side it in the Appearance: The Gorgons emerge from Gestation
hopes of gaining esoteric knowledge to further his endowed with the head of whichever animal’s
growing research on the legendary Virstania and flesh was used during mummification, in place
her work in creating inanimate life. He reached of their own and reduced or enlarged to regular
Cairo in the early 1910s and quickly discovered a human proportion. Their bodies are made of
group of Followers of Set who had the power to finest sandstone, etched in crossed lines defining
animate clay models called ushabti. a former placement of bandages; these bandages
Hess committed himself to joining the ranks retain texture from the original animal’s hide
of these lector priests, learning the Setites’ magic (scales, feathers, warts ect.). Faintly covering every
(which they called Akhu) in order to master inch of stone are perfectly formed, richly detailed,
the creation of ushabti, which he managed in a minute hieroglyphs. These hieroglyphs detail the
surprisingly short time. Soon after WW2, Hess fevered and harrowing hallucinations undertaken
juggled the practice of Tremere blood sorcery by the Gorgon during their Gestation journey
with his newly adopted Clan’s own, to the point through Duat. Setite lector-priests often read from
where hybridizations were emerging. He created these chiseled reels of doctrine in the belief that
small human-animal hybrids from local strays and they detail a prophecy given by Set. Many claim
homeless adolescent Kine to resemble soldiers of new hieroglyphs appear across their Swt, seemingly
the gods, and successfully created a living man- from nowhere, in response to outstanding service
sized sphinx, but his final invention proved his to Set’s needs.
worth in the eyes of his foster clanmates. If you choose to use the Abhorrence rule (see
He earned the chance to punish a heretical page 56) Gorgons will suffer from an additional
Setite, charged with blasphemy against Sobek Abhorrence feature, meaning they have two
(deemed by Hess’s temple to be an avatar of automatic dots in Abhorrence rather the one
Set), in whichever way he saw fit. Hess used this that Embraced Gargoyles have. Their additional
chance to test his method of creating god-specific Abhorrence is Engravings, specifically hieroglyphs.
ushabti from a combination of Nile clay, animal Eyries: Gorgons generally live in deep sections
of their cults’ temples, since they are considered

78 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood

earthly incarnations of their deities and cannot resilience given to most Gargoyles, so high levels of
be flaunted in front of most ghouled mortals. Strength, Stamina and Brawl are a given.
The Idols often help lead sermons and guard the Disciplines: Flight, Presence, Visceratika.
embalmed hearts of their lords. Their chambers
are arranged to resemble the limitless maze of Weaknesses: Aside from their ornate appearance,
tribulations offered to them in Duat to ensure Gorgons are identical to ‘natural’ Gargoyles
their devotion. bar one unique weakness - that of petrification.
Perhaps due to the Setites’ susceptibility to
Gestation: A Setite devotee is ritually punished, sunlight, and as though reflecting the ancient
murdered, and preserved in a reflection of Osiris’ practice of mummification of their homeland,
dismemberment, ultimately crushing the vivisected the Gorgons become entirely paralyzed during the
organs together with clay from the Nile to form day, their bodies made purely of stone during the
a modeling paste (multiple preservative balms hours of light, until darkness comes once again
are continuously applied alongside chants of and restores them to animation. It is believed that
resurrection spells during the dismemberment to Set himself takes the souls of the ushabti each day
prevent the body turning to ash). The lector-priest to personally guard them against Ra’s hateful gaze.
reforms sculptures of each individual organ from This offers no protection against the harmful rays
the paste, drying them by a kiln and placing them of the sun, however, which burn them as quickly as
inside the body before binding the salted muscle any other Kindred.
and skin back together with reed splinters in
order to then mummify the reconstituted body in Grotesqueries: Gorgons have unnatural
bandages made of cured animal hide. relationships to their kin in that they don’t seem
to acknowledge each other’s existence in any way.
Once reformed and mummified, these flesh- If more than one exists in a temple they will never
formed ushabtis are placed in a ritually-prepared fight or talk with one another but simultaneously
Gestation sarcophagus, inside which they are do not collide with each other when walking in
submerged within desert sand for forty nights and line and never fail to engage enemies the other is
days. During this time the Kindred’s soul is passed battling; their death mask stares simply glaze over
through Duat and put through seemingly never- when their brothers pass by. As for other members
ending trials. They return broken, terrified, and of their temple, they keep a solemn disposition
committed to being pulled from the shadow by with high priests and even manage to express
Set’s guiding hand. strained sarcastic or belligerent humour towards
The animals used can imitate any of the Egyptian their acolyte wards. Gorgons are often encouraged
animal-headed gods, or in theory any other to give the ritual ‘Embrace’ to their ghouled
animal-headed deity. Set, however, can not have a asps, cobras, and cerastes who reach a unique
representation, for as the typhonic beast does not size or strength. Named aabt-jb (‘slave’s heart’),
exist, at least not any longer. This fact is used as these Gargoyle serpents possess slightly greater
evidence of Set guiding the ushabti through Duat intelligence and significantly increased strength
personally, as though they truly were his kin. and endurance. They are seen as the cousins of
Character Creation: Gorgons have no Social the Setites’ originally ritually-Embraced serpents
Attributes of significance; their focus is around - the ‘aabt Kindred’, sired by Nefertiti, ‘Queen of
knowledge, mainly Intelligence. When they Europe’.
return, if not before their Gestation, they commit
themselves to researching the lore of their cult
and become living encyclopedias on the word of
Set. To this end, their Occult, Academics, Science
and Medicine will all be naturally high. Other
than these factors they possess the preternatural

Clanbook: Gargoyles 79
The View from Without It is rumoured that a small number of Tremere
have, over the last few decades, founded vast
undersea chantries devoted to the study of the
“What is written on their skin is irrelevant, otherworldly entities and defiled magics found
for your temples keep these beings like deep beneath the waves. These tales are all too
books in a chest. You bring them out and true, and several citadel-sized chantries have been
read them when it is convenient, then lock erected in order to sustain the old ways in an
them away when it is not. Would you do the environment free from outside scrutiny and the
same to your own childer?” harsh decline of magic. Any chantry, land-based
or otherwise, has need for servants, and it was for
this reason that the so-called Mariner Gargoyles
“They have been to the other side? What were created, horrific amalgamations of aquatic
wonders they must have learned! If only the Gargoyle beasts and tortured Kindred.
Mother could capture one, their knowledge
Of all the Misbegotten Castings, the Mariners
would be invaluable.”
are the most like the more conventional types
Sentinels of Gargoyle, their deviations revolving around a
radical change in environment. One significant
“You possess such dedication to your supe-
difference is the use of Gargoyle sea animals
riors and hide the harrowing truth of ‘Duat’
(sea creatures ritually ‘Embraced’ by Gargoyles
from your subordinates, so as not to frighten
(see page 90) to make up half of the flesh used
them. This is at least one point we can see
in Gestation. They are made using the bodies
eye to eye on.”
of Gangrel aquarii, Nosferatu adapted to unlife
Warriors spent at sea, and aquatically-modified Tzimisce,
“You are no superior species, despite what blended with Gargoyle sea creatures farmed on the
your former clanmates may say. Your exis- outskirts of these chantries.
tence only proves the theft of our mother’s Unlike their flying cousins, the vast majority
livelihood; it shows nothing of your false of Mariner Gargoyles are kept in servitude.
god’s power.” However, their slavery is less cruel than for most
current slaves and certainly less than it ever was in
Calacas Ceoris, the reason for this being that no Tremere
“So joyless. I don’t care who your god is! You ain’t wants another Gargoyle Revolt - much less one
dead no more so stop acting like it!” fought under the sea. Mariners are never used in
terrestrial chantries, due both to the risk of their
Mariners discovery and to by proxy the property of their
“We are granted our shapes from the life all vitae which causes it to clot in the low pressures
around us, not the dirt beneath our feet.” found in shallow waters and above sea levels.
Minkisi Their main duties are performed outside of the
chantry; Scouts venture forth to gather ingredients
“You share our land but have turned out so or study supernatural marine life, Sentinels raise
different. I pity your slavery to the words on new fledglings and guard weak points surrounding
your back.” the chantry, and Warriors will battle the rebellious
groups of marine Kindred seeking to ‘rescue’ their
kin, as well as the occasional waves of malignant
monstrosities which rise up from the depths.

80 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood

To prevent them from absconding while carrying no abyssal beasts lurking in the blood-dimmed
out their assigned tasks (which can sometimes take tides. These creatures have extraordinary powers
them far from their home chantry), all Mariners of observation by virtue of their Auspex and the
are created with a powerful and deep-seated frequently-found mutations of electrolocation and
homing instinct which causes them deep distress echolocation. Rather than a pair of large fangs,
should they wander from their duties. This is they bear row upon row of pin-like teeth, which
brought about through a combination of sorcerous fall out each time they bite a victim, ultimately
treatments applied during Gestation, liberal use regrowing come the next night.
of blood bonds, and old-fashioned brainwashing. Those few Mariners that manage to escape
Even for Mariners who do achieve freedom, it Tremere domination simply live nomadic unlives
never quite leaves them. on the seafloor or settle small Grottos (submerged
The most caring and protective of all Mariner equivalents of Eyries) in isolated trenches. These
Gargoyles are the Sentinels, which resemble groups become almost entirely beastial, living in
crustaceans. These mollusks construct their own eternal battle against the denizens of the deep and
off-chantry Grottoes for fledglings to feel safe in, struggling to survive on non-human blood.
vast burrows with a murky central pit filled with Nicknames: Mollusks.
‘blood reefs’ - monstrous coral reefs ghouled by
the head Sentinel, which in turn ghoul the life Sect: Mollusks don’t know what Sects are; all they
forms which thrive within and feed from them. know is the deep sea tyranny of the Tremere and
This ghouled colony gives any Grotto an extra line the constant threat of the other monsters lurking
of defence, to the point of breeding small sharks within the abyss.
and manta rays as shock troops. Sentinels see the Appearance: Sentinel-cast Mariner Gargoyles are
protection and maintenance of these reefs as their encased in thick stone shells and their legs are
duty to their family, and take great pride in the size laden with large, eternally-undulating swimmerets.
and biodiversity of their spawning coral. These Gargoyles have eyes of pure jet mounted
Mariner Warriors reflect cephalopodic life, on stalks poking some distance from their heads.
formed from parts of squid, octopus, cuttlefish, Their vampiric ‘fangs’ more closely resemble
and other invertebrates. Their duty is a simple twitching mandibles, and their hands are often
one: to destroy threats to their chantries once replaced by colossal hydraulic claws able to tare
they have been identified by Scouts and seen off tons of stone from the floor, the better to craft
by Sentinels. They possess explosive personalities, their Grottoes.
rivalling frenzying great whites in their savagery Mariner Warriors possess much more disturbing
and ferocity, and are so fearsome that only and dangerous forms than their kin. They appear
experienced Warlocks have resolve enough to as vile and unfathomable beings, with armaments
meet one’s gaze and give commands. Unlike other too numerous to count sprawling from their
vampires, these Gargoyles can only feed using the bodies, including spines, hooks, and grasping
tiny suction cups which cover their limbs (with tendrils. Their bloated heads sport colossal soulless
which they can also seal the wounds created by eyes and small snapping beaks, which while as
feeding), drawing blood from whatever prey they sharp as any vampire’s fangs are not used for
grasp. feeding, since Warriors must feed by grasping prey
Underwater reconnaissance faces the difficulty and using their suckers.
of there being almost infinite angles of approach. The features of Mariner Scout are those of fish
Therefore, Mariner Scouts - formed from piscine and particularly sharks: legs fused to become tails,
elements, typically of the shark family - must holes in their throats which regularly discharge
continually travel the perimeter of their domains blooded mucus, and webbed fins in place of wings.
in all three dimensions, ensuring that there are The skin of these Gargoyles is covered in finely-

Clanbook: Gargoyles 81
detailed scales of smooth, hardened soapstone. Mariner Gargoyle find one and combine it with
Their ‘fangs’ are extremely thin, their mouths filled the body of a sea creature ritually Embraced by
with rows of hundreds of the delicate teeth along another Gargoyle. The creature they are combined
their gum line. with dictates what duty they are given due to their
If you choose to use the Abhorrence rule (see inherent physical capabilities: piscines for Scouts,
page 56) Mariner Gargoyles will suffer from an crustaceans for Sentinels, and cephalopods for
additional Abhorrence feature meaning they have Warriors.
two automatic dots in Abhorrence rather the one The reformed body is coated in seabed silt to
that Embraced Gargoyles have. Their additional form an ‘eggshell’ around the prospective Mariner,
Abhorrence will be Animal Features, specifically after which it is placed inside the womb of a
those of aquatic creatures. ghouled whale (often alongside several other such
Eyries: The Eyries of Mariner Gargoyles are ‘eggs’), which then carries it off into the vast ocean.
called Grottoes, and are usually found in trenches The Gestation of Mariner Gargoyles is a lengthy
running along the seafloor or hidden in cave process, taking several years; in that time the
systems. Irrespective of where they’re found, they embryonic Gargoyles must be kept immersed in
will be very well hidden and heavily guarded blood and protected from harm.
against the outside threats. Most often they include The foetal Gargoyles will awaken inside their
blood reefs running throughout, and shoals of fish host and begin draining her of all of her blood -
and other sealife coming and going continuously all 6000 liters of it - frenzying again and again as
(most if not all of which are also ghouled). they gorge themselves on their surrogate mother’s
Mariner Gargoyles live for their Grottoes; if one is innards and the weakest of their ‘siblings’.
destroyed, they will completely relocate to a new Eventually they will rip from cavity to chamber in a
suitable site and start building all over again. month-long fit of violence within the unsuspecting
Gestation: Rather than gather two or more cow. Finally the poor animal will die, and
members of the three appropriate Clans to form emerging from her corpse will be a confused and
a true Gargoyle, a Warlock who wishes to create a scared clutch of surviving Mariner Gargoyles. They
are born with the one instinct: to return to the
Warlock who originally ghouled the whale.
Mutant Warriors
Tremere get around the problem of needing a
Within many Grottoes, Mariner Warriors whale each time with a combination of Gargoyle
seem to go missing more often than their creature breeding programs and a ‘choir’ of caged
brethren, with only a few ever being reclaimed. Mariner Gangrel, these degraded Kindred are
Upon retrieval, these Constructs are notably forced to summon a new whale each time their
different, with an air of taint about them that jailers run out or every time a Gargoyle is urgently
magi will be unable to ignore. They vanish at needed. Every once in awhile a particularly lively
random times and seem yet more alien and creature arrives that is seemingly impossible to
distant every time they return; in time, they ghoul, but whose body positively radiates with vis.
may be observed undergoing new and unde- The warlocks have not yet managed to identify this
sired mutations, growing much larger, sprout- unusual breed, for they have so far always managed
ing new eyes and tentacles, and becoming to promptly flee on any attempt to catch, observe,
more calculated than common brethren. Most or ‘impregnate’ them.
Tremere regard it as some spiritual malady
Character creation: Social interaction keeps
needing to be eliminated, but are reticent to
Mariner Sentinels from full mental degradation,
investigate its true nature or origin.
making Charisma and Manipulation key attributes,
though Stamina is a natural feature of their forms.
They excel in Leadership, Crafts, Animal Ken, and

82 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood

Science as they tend to their Grottoes and their Flight, Fortitude, Potence (Sentinels); Flight,
occupants. Fortitude, Protean (Warriors).
Physicality is but one of the things that makes All Mariner Gargoyles transfer the aeronautical
Mariner Warriors so horrific; their Strength abilities of Flight over to the gift of swimming.
and Dexterity allows them to tear sharks in They can swim at a speed equal to that provided
half without much thought. Brawl, Athletics by Flight. With only the first level of Flight, they
(for ejecting barbs or throwing harpoons), must rely on following natural currents; young
Intimidation, and even Melee are a the Warriors Mariners will follow behind their elders, using
simple but hideously effective tools. their slipstreams to travel.
As spies in a realm of millions of eyes and ears, Sentinel Weakness: These Mollusks suffer from a
the Mariner Scouts must be at the top of their similar weakness to their terrestrial counterparts in
game. They use high Perception and Wits to that they suffer in isolation, though in a different
observe any potential threat in the murky oblivion sense. If a Sentinel is away from anything she
and calculate what risks they might present to
themselves, their Grotto, and their chantry.
Awareness, Alertness, Stealth and Survival grant Blood Clots
them great subtlety and agility.
Unlike most Kindred taking to a life at
Disciplines: Auspex, Flight, Obfuscate (Scouts); (or indeed beneath) the sea, Mollusks do
not suffer the debilitation of ‘blood sweats’
while at the pressurized environments of the
New Background: Blood Reef sea floor. In fact, the exact opposite is true.
Mariner Sentinel characters have access Mariner blood is so well-adapted to their
to a Background solely for them, called Blood deep-sea lives that when they are taken into
Reef. Each level adds another 50 feet cubed the harsh air their blood starts to internally
to the size of the character’s personal reef, coagulate. For every hour the Mollusk spends
in addition to several species of ghouled sea above the surface (even treading water), one
creatures to the ecosystem of the reef (of blood point becomes ‘clotted’ and unusable.
the player’s choice, according to Storyteller This ‘clot point’ does not leave their pool
approval). but cannot be used for waking, healing, using
These reefs grow to immense sizes, with Disciplines, or any other purpose, and neither
mottled red and black coral growing in all may it be deliberately bled out. If a Mariner
directions. The inhabitants of this reef can wishes to get rid of the clot, she must break
be any aquatic species favored by the player it down by healing. Every point of clotted
(within reason), though they will be mutated blood is healed as if it were a level of bashing
versions of natural specimens. Even krill and damage. Therefore, each ‘clot point’ costs one
plankton that feed in this reef will be ghouled healthy blood point to heal.
and mutated under the influence of Gargoyle If this painful coagulation of vitae reduces
blood. the Gargoyle to a blood pool of 0 they slip
For each level of this Background, the reef immediately into Torpor and collapse to
must be fed one blood point per week. The the ground (where they are likely to severely
Background can also be pooled by all members breach the Masquerade, be taken by the sun,
of the Grotesquerie wishing to keep a reef, or both), or sink back down to the seafloor to
resulting in an ever-growing reef with an ever- be forgotten.
growing appetite for blood.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 83
considers her children - any organism growing
within her blood reef - she will be at half dice pools
The View from Without until returned to her Grotto. To this end, these
Gargoyles often travel with ghouled shoals of many
Sired different species wherever they go, making them
at once a formidable sight and psychologically
“If we can find one of these creatures, they fortified against the harrowing loneliness that can
will be more than enough proof that the be brought on by the vastness of the depths.
Tremere flagrantly breach the Pact - and we Warrior Weakness: Whenever Mariner Warriors
can finally take their place.” encounter other sapient beings, they undergo a
wild transformation as the Beast tries to manifest
Scouts a dominance display. The specific nature of
this change is entirely down to the Storyteller’s
“If only the Great Mother were awake to discretion, but should provide features particularly
witness your splendor! She would prevent intimidating to their company (whether an
your blood from clotting in no time, I’m aggressor or otherwise). The change does not
sure of it.” hinder their physical function but rather makes
interaction much harder as their company faces a
constantly imposed threat from the Beast.
Scout Weakness: Like terrestrial Scout Gargoyles,
“Even I think they’ve taken their ghouling these poor creatures suffer from the weakness of
way too far.” gradual petrification, their bodies continuously
transmuting into solid stone. The only way to
mitigate this is to keep their organic muscles
exercised, thus shattering any crystallization. Every
“Your warriors are truly worth admiration - hour of inactivity causes one level of aggravated
well, most of them.” damage. This effect is nullified during daytime
Calacas Grotesqueries: Mariner Gargoyles keep vast
schools of family around them to stave off
“They’re... underwater?” the depression of their immortal abuse. If the
Sentinels keep a ‘healthy’ blood reef in their
Grottoes, the Grotesquerie will have a full
Gorgons complement of strange and mutated sea creatures
living amongst them on a permanent basis.
“They, like us, travel far to become what they Sentinels and Warriors generally maintain their
are. Do they meet Nu and Naunet, as we presence at the Grotto, unless ordered otherwise
meet our Dark Father?” by their masters. Scouts, however, will only ever
be seen during the earliest and latest hours of the
Minkisi night as Scouts must maintain constant patrols to
stave off the effects of their weakness.
“You have it wrong. These creatures are
not like us. They are clearly Nommo, spirits
placed in terrible slavery.”

84 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood

Minkisi Mitupo (Akunanse-formed Minkisi) become mute
confidants to those whom they Belong, as they
Across the Ebony Kingdom live the Minkisi retain their legacy’s innate desire to learn the
(singular Nkisi), Misbegotten Gargoyles formed stories of others while simultaneously lose the
from Akunanse (Gangrel), Nagloper (Tzimisce), ability to share that which they have learned along
and - more rarely - Guruhi (Nosferatu) stock. But with the power of speech itself.
quite unlike the traditional treatment of Gargoyles
elsewhere - are valued by the Magaji (a prince of Nkomi (Minkisi made using Naglopers) live a
the Laibon) they Belong to as totemic protectors half life in the court of their Magaji, becoming
of Laibon havens and even spiritual protectors of comical masked clowns. Between humiliations
an entire tribe of kine. A Magaji will occasionally they desperately try to twist their clay flesh in
have a subject of his doman who has breached the futile hope of becoming great again. Every
the Tenets - the laws under which all Laibon time they change themselves, the clay will assume
are supposed to exist - turned into an eternal some undesired and embarrassing shape as those
embodiment of those Tenets and a reminder of the surrounding the Kiteke point and laugh at their
Magaji’s power and authority. Once transformed, now-fallen state.
an Nkisi becomes the personal slave of her Magaji, While they are derived from multiple legacies,
taking on some his burdens and doing his dirty the Minkisi are not gestalt beings and thus do
work. Their name finds its origin in the statuette- not reflect the duties of their Cast Gargoyle
fetishes of the Kongo peoples, but they are found predecessors. In fact, they possess none of their
all across the Ebony Kingdom. Gargoyle cousin’s forms or behaviours, though
All Minkisi are created by transferring the soul they do still vary somewhat in appearance. While
of a Kindred who has performed a heinous act some Minkisi (usually Mitupo) revel in their new
against the Tenets (at least in the eyes of the Magaji forms, most find it to be a harrowing waking
sentencing them) into a specially-made sculpture nightmare of desires.
of fine construction. Many Akunanse will tell the Nicknames: Fetishes
wrong tales to the wrong vampires, making them a Sect: Besides being Laibon and thus a step
target of punishment; Naglopers generally offend removed from the predominantly Western
all those they interact with (often simply by their Camarilla and Sabbat, Minkisi are devoted to their
very existing), which eventually leads them to cross sworn Magaji and none other; anyone else is either
the wrong Magaji; and Guruhi will usually be family to them or simply irrelevant.
punished as a display of dominance and authority
Appearance: Kiteke are granted hearts of saprolite
once they have been deposed by a rival. The
(from the Greek meaning ‘putrid rock’), with
soul of a punished Laibon is bound into a hand-
large quantities of fresh ivory forming casings
carved shell by means of blood sorcery and mortal
of scrimshaw-embellished flesh. This inscribed
wizardry, her new vessel designed to provide
art includes detailed and imaginative depictions
eternal and bespoke suffering.
of the domain a Kiteke once ruled, underlining
Kiteke (Minkisi created from Guruhi) radiate the hubris that lead to their downfall and
an air of alien malignancy, and even the most transformation - an eternal reminder of failure for
courageous are loath to even remain in their all to see.
presence. Resulting from the deaths of the dozens
Created with hollow leopardite bodies tightly
of beasts required for their initial construction,
swathed in red silk ‘webbing’, Mitupo resemble
then endowed with the soul of a fallen Magaji, they
abstracted, anthropomorphic animals such as
have immense value to their owners. Kiteke do
spiders, lions, and hyenas. The thin silk is weaved
anything and everything to be liked by their former
between small perforations in their ‘flesh’, achieve
enemies, vainly attempting to keep their forms
the effect of seeming to be bound with threads
pleasing to the eye, if even functional.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 85
of blood. Their mouths are completely fused; by the Magaji), then forcefully bleeds every last
they must consume blood through these woven drop of vitae from his chosen victim, mystically
passages. extracting the life force from her very heart. Once
Crafted with bones of serpentinite and flesh this is done, the blood is pooled in a fresh-dug,
of hardened clay, Nkomi usually come human in shallow grave and her new vessel is submerged
shape - aside from their oversized, distended heads, within it. By the turn of the next night the blood
gross parodies of the ceremonial masks of various will have been absorbed by the Construct and
African cultures. Because of their disproportionate the Kindred’s soul will have been bound into its
build and unnatural design, these beings live in eternal stone prison.
a perpetual state of unrest. Like the Naglopers Character creation: Kiteke, cursed with a
and their Tzimisce cousins, they like to reshape consuming need for the approval and validation
their flesh constantly, but only because they of others, focus on their Social Attributes. They
are unhappy with their form, not due to a drive cultivate Empathy, Etiquette, Performance, Law,
towards enlightenment. and Politics, to keep their company pleased with
If you choose to use the Abhorrence rule (see them, even if only condescendingly.
page 56) Minkisi will suffer from additional Mitupo have maintained their legacy better than
Abhorrence features meaning they have 2 either of the other Minkisi. They typically possess
automatic dots in Abhorrence rather the one that high Mental Attributes as well as significant levels
Embraced Gargoyles have. Kiteke’s additional of Academics, Law, Occult, and Politics in thanks
Abhorrence is Engravings in the style of cave to the stories they continually overhear. Due to
paintings. Mitupo’s additional Abhorrence will be their inability to speak, their Social Attributes
Animal Features, specifically indigenous African and related Abilities suffer greatly, though some
beasts. Nkomi’s additional Abhorrence will be demonstrate inventive ways to communicate.
Accentuation, specifically facial features Nkomi are desperate to take back control of their
Eyries: Minkisi do not claim their own Eyries, own bodies, endeavouring to keep their Physical
and rarely keep one set place of rest. They Belong
to the Magaji and his community, they do not
usually call any one location their daily resting The Laibon Legacies
spot. Nkomi prefer subterranean nests, Kiteke lair
in man-made havens, and Mitupo will never sleep For those unfamiliar with Kindred of the
in the same location twice, though they usually rest Ebony Kingdom, the Kindred native to Africa
within stone. Ultimately, a Minkisi rests where her (called the Laibon) are split not into Clans but
Magaji demands. into legacies (each of which is derived from
a Clan). The three relevant to the creation
Gestation: The creator of the Minkisi is not a of Minkisi are the Akunanse, storytelling
vampire at all, but a mortal wizard known only as shapeshifters descended from the Gangrel,
‘the Nganga’ who lives with a host of his creations used to create Mitupo; the Naglopers, feared
in an enchanted palace, obscured from both and despised witches who sprung from Clan
Kindred and kine eyes, located in the Nubian Tzimisce, used to create Nkomi; and the
desert. Over the last century, he has made deals Guruhi, who unlike their Western Nosferatu
with many Magaji, trading Minkisi as slaves in cousins are actually the ruling legacy of the
exchange for boons, secrets, and magical artefacts. Laibon, making up the majority of Magaji
The Nganga performs a profane ritual that (the rough equivalent to Princes) and used to
some scholars have likened to the Baali’s ability to create Kiteke.
‘re-Embrace’ vampires of other Clans. He gathers
materials that can hold the essence of the Kindred
he is to reconstruct (in addition to any requested

86 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood

Attributes high. They never stop trying to reach a Gestation; even Vicissitude cannot alter their
form that they are happy with, and so Athletics, visage.
Crafts, Melee, Medicine, and Science are common. Grotesqueries: It is rare that a Magaji will keep
Disciplines: Potence, Presence, Visceratika more than one Minkisi. Grotesqueries are
(Kiteke); Auspex, Fortitude, Visceratika (Mitupo); therefore unknown to the Minkisi as none are
Fortitude, Potence, Vicissitude (Nkomi). known to be free.
Weaknesses: During Gestation, the weakness of
their legacy is inverted upon Kiteke. Being former
Magaji, their previous unlives were filled with a The View from Without
sense of being above the opinions of others; now,
however, they wear these opinions like a cowl. Sired
Kiteke have truly inconstant appearance, their
bodies supernaturally changing to reflect the “If we offer you freedom, will you even take it?”
views others have of them. They do not undergo
Mimesis as do other Gargoyles, but the emotions Scouts
and opinions of those around them naturally “You are worse than any other mongrel. Not only
change the shape and texture of their ivory forms. are you bastardizations of the Mother’s way, but
If one comes across as vile and unlikeable, she you’re not even made by Kindred!”
might resemble a detestable leper cast in rotted
ivory, but if she excels in her duties and reach a Sentinels
position of relative respect, she may gradually gain
a smooth complexion and elegant features. “Your devotion to those you Belong to is astound-
ing; it’s a shame you’re not true Gargoyles.”
Mitupo have a simple but crippling weakness,
especially for them: the inability to speak, cursing
them to never again be able to tell the stories they
so treasure. Mitupo characters begin play with the “Trinkets by another name, sold to your ‘Magaji’
Mute Flaw (V20 page 483), and receive no points like a dog. You are just decoration to them. Prove
in exchange. The physical representation of this them wrong by striking back!”
weakness is visible on their faces the second they
emerge from their blood filled graves. The mouths Calacas
of these Minkisi never appear normal, but rather
are fixed in an entirely inhuman position. This “If they let you off the leash for a second, will you
may mean a grimacing smile from ear to ear or a join us for a drink or just stand in the corner like
small puckered hole in the centre of the face. The you’re told?”
player is encouraged to be creative when devising
the precise nature and appearance of this mouth. Gorgons
Nkomi will never achieve a desirable form, “You are closer to us than the other constructs.
no matter how often or how hard they try. Your fellows revere you exactly as you deserve.”
Every night, they will awaken to see any use of
Vicissitude inverted to an embarrassing and Mariners
hideous version of what they had achieved the
night before. Firm, tough chitin becomes flabby “Protection of your community is at the
hide, elegant claws become gnarled fingernails heart of their creation; we meet eye to eye.”
and a flowing mane becomes greasy and mottled.
This weakness can never change their caricatured
mask of a face, nor can anything else following

Clanbook: Gargoyles 87
Chapter Five:
Disciplines to the same colour and texture as the stone he is
in contact with as his musculature bulges, causing
Advanced Visceratika Powers him to resemble nothing less than an avatar of
Originally, very few of the sired Gargoyles were stone itself. Repeated use of this power on the
of a lower generation than eighth, so no construct same structure or surface has been noted to greatly
developed the use of high level Visceratika powers. accelerate Mimesis.
In the modern nights, however, because of
diablerie during the Revolt and the centuries since, ••••• • Reconstruction
Gargoyles have managed to explore the Discipline A Gargoyle’s form is in many ways constructed,
to far greater extents. not grown, the body rebuilt and adapted to the
••••• • Might of the Mountain inorganic essence of stone. It is not so great a leap
for such a body to be healed with the use of simple
The Gargoyle is able to take on the indomitable masonry. Whenever a Gargoyle with this power
essence of stone, increasing his physical prowess receives damage that would otherwise take days of
greatly but making him much heavier and rest to fix, the vampire can use his blood to bond
significantly slowing his movement. After using additional stone with his damaged flesh, rapidly
this power, the Gargoyle grows in height by a foot repairing the wound in exchange for committing
or more and increases in mass by several orders of minor property damage.
magnitude; in the heat of combat, this alone can
be enough to send even a hardened pack of Sabbat System: The Gargoyle must spend three blood
fleeing for their unlives before even the first deadly points and one turn per level of aggravated
blow is dealt. damage to be healed, applying a quantity of stone
System: To use this power, the Gargoyle must be (which must be harvested through means aside
physically touching stone (whether natural stone or from this power, usually a Potence-enhanced
a synthetic materials such as concrete or asphalt) grasp) to his damaged body large enough to fill
and must spend one blood point. His Strength is the wound or wounds. This power does not
increased by 2 and his Stamina is increased by 2, require the expenditure of Willpower and can be
but his Dexterity is reduced by 2. His skin changes performed as many times as needed per night. If
the Gargoyle is melded with a stone surface or

88 Chapter Five: Lithomancy

object through Visceratika, they may simply siphon including other vampires. It may be used as part
off the required material from within. This has no of an especially cruel diablerie, as it was more
observable effect from the outside but does weaken than once during the darkest nights of the Revolt.
the stone, potentially leading to spontaneously As the victim is allowed to bleed out, her blood
collapsing statues - or supporting walls. will be gradually and agonisingly drawn into the
ground, flowing like oil in a single coagulated
••••• • Rockheart mass from her wounds. At the culmination of this
A development of Armour of Terra, Rockheart process, her soul is consumed remotely without
allows the Gargoyle to harden his entire body, any direct contact with the diablerist Gargoyle,
inside and out. Attackers who manage to pierce his though the struggle over that soul occurs as with
outer flesh find only further resistance from the any act of diablerie. A Gargoyle may not use this
Gargoyle’s now-rocklike innards. power to initiate diablerie on a vampire who does
System: Any weapons which pierce the body not have an open wound which is bleeding onto
(including bullets) do half damage (rounding the appropriate surface.
down), and staking is impossible unless the ••••• •• Renovation
attacker has an effective Strength (including
Potence) that is at least 7. An extension of the more fundamental ability
to sense through structures, the Gargoyle with this
••••• •• Blood From Stone power can exercise enough control over a building
For some enterprising Gargoyles, feeding has to rearrange its basic layout, altering the location
become a simple matter of leaching blood spilled of walls, floors, windows, and doors in order to
in violent alleyways or from the floors and walls confuse, disorientate, or simply scare the prey
of murder scenes, with only small mental effort within (or invaders of his Eyrie).
on their part. If the vampire is connected to a System: The player spends two blood points
stone surface when blood is spilt upon it, he may per desired alteration to a building and rolls
instantly absorb it through the material. The Manipulation + Science (difficulty 8). If she wishes
combat applications of this power are obvious, as to make the effects of the power permanent, she
the Gargoyle may sap his opponent’s blood even as must also spend a Willpower point. Changes such
it is shed, and use it to heal his own injuries or use as ending corridors abruptly with a new wall,
other Discipline powers instantly. adding doors to sheer drops, and raising floors too
System: The vampire spends one Willpower high in a room for it to be entered can be created
point to manipulate the stone and draw sustenance at will, and remain for a number of turns equal to
through the ground. The power remains active for the successes on the Manipulation + Science roll.
the remainder of the scene, allowing the Gargoyle As with other Visceratika powers, the Gargoyle
to absorb blood on the relevant surface within can only manipulate stone, all of which must come
a number of cubic feet equal to the Gargoyle’s from somewhere. Wood, wiring, metal piping, and
Willpower so long as it is mostly fresh. When this plaster are unaffected, lending modern buildings
happens, he gains the equivalent number of blood altered with this highly Masquerade-threatening
points as the vitae is sucked into him through the power a ruined and dilapidated look, even after
floor, wall, or ceiling (a Gargoyle may hang on the the changes reverse themselves (if the effects have
‘underside’ of a room and gain sustenance through not been made permanent). The process of reversal
any blood shed onto the floor above, so long as it can also be hazardous to those inside affected
is in range and both surfaces are connected and of buildings, as walls sink and rooms shift about.
the same material). Repeated use of this power on a structure often
This power is equally effective on the blood of leads to its damage and eventual collapse unless
humans, animals, and supernatural creatures, the Gargoyle takes great care. A clever Gargoyle
might well use this power to remove a wall, lure a

Clanbook: Gargoyles 89
target into the space where it was, and watch as the statues may be animated in this way if the Gargoyle
wall rapidly returns to its proper place, crushing invests enough of his mental reserves. Some claim
the unfortunate victim. that gargoyles of sufficient resolve have learned
The legendary effect of this Discipline allows this power only to pass their entire soul over into
the Gargoyle to heal any damage sustained by the a beautiful stone vessel, and finally escape their
building, as if healing the same damage incurred unliving nightmare. Whether any Gargoyle has
by their own body. This will take as much time, reached this transcendence is unknown, though
blood and Willpower as if the damage were their there are many who would wish to try.
own so healing a hole in a wall will be as costly as System: While in contact with a stone surface,
healing 5 levels of aggravated damage. the Gargoyle can concentrate for several moments
while rolling Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty
••••• •• Viscous Vitae 8) and spending at least one blood point. If the
A Gargoyle’s petrified flesh will only usually roll is successful, for each blood point spent the
penetrate the skin, occasionally going so far as to Gargoyle may animate one 10’ by 10’ cubic area of
harden their muscles, but only rarely will it reach stone material. Once animated, a surface is largely
as deep as the Kindred’s bones and organs. This out of the Gargoyle’s control beyond choosing
Discipline enhances the effects of the bloodline’s to the end the power, which is done by breaking
curse and spreads it to the Gargoyle’s own blood, off physical contact with the original substance.
which permanently becomes thick, viscous, and Grasping alien limbs, snapping bestial mouths,
gritty, like wet cement. This greatly increases the and contorted, agonised faces are all hallmarks
time it takes to be extracted, including during the of this power. They will respond generally to the
diablerie attempts of other vampires. The small Gargoyle’s wishes, but are capable of independent
downside is that the liquid stone flowing through action if left to their own devices.
the Gargoyle’s veins is repulsive to those who The Gargoyle may direct these creations to attack
would drink it, though its capacity to create blood or grapple his enemies without spending any
bonds and feed ghouls is in no way lessened. actions, and they act on his turn. For each blood
System: Once this power is taken, this change point spent when the power was first activated, the
in the the Gargoyle’s vitae is permanent. Any area may make one attack or grapple, has a range
would-be diablerists will need to make a Strength + of one foot, deals one dice of lethal damage when
Potence roll for each blood point they try to drain, used to attack, and has one point of Strength
rather than each health level of the Gargoyle as when used to grapple. It can direct multiple attacks
diablerie normally requires. and/or grapples against one target.
••••• ••• Crawling Chamber A secondary and more complex use of this
power is to extract matter from the animated area,
Some Gargoyles claim that Chaundice, their creating an amorphous, semi-living mass which
progenitor, is a being not drawn from humanity, can move and act independently, albeit according
but one of living rock Embraced. Though this to the Gargoyle’s direction. To do so, the Gargoyle
suggestion is ignored by most scholars (if not spends temporary Willpower points. For every
most Gargoyles), the fact remains that their flesh Willpower point he imparts he may extract a
is literally animated stone. Elder Gargoyles have 5’ by 5’ cubic area of stone and gains 5 dots to
even been known to harness this animating force distribute among its Strength, Dexterity, Stamina,
and instil it to matter entirely devoid of Gargoyle Perception, and Wits (it has no Charisma,
blood (or indeed any blood at all), as with this Manipulation, Appearance, or meaningful
power, which allows for a Gargoyle to create, Intelligence). Each of these Attributes starts at 1,
mould, and animate an area of stone, with the and may be increased to a maximum of 5. These
potential of spawning a creature which may ooze, points may also be distributed to grant the creature
reshape itself, and even attack foes. Even large

90 Chapter Five: Lithomancy

one level of either Fortitude or Potence per point, ••••• • Hover
to a maximum of the gargoyles own discipline Maintaining a solid altitude in flight is a difficult
rating in those powers; the creature may soak manoeuvre, perfected only by the most athletic
bashing and lethal damage with its Stamina, and Rockheads. Doing so can allow a Gargoyle to
also halves bashing damage.No disciplines other remain completely still while airborne, ‘hovering’
than Potence or Fortitude can be used by crawling on the spot for as long as he wishes. Most
chamber constructs, even if the creator Gargoyle Gargoyles beat their wings while using the power,
possesses the arts herself. whether with leisurely slowness or quickly in
The formation of such a creature requires imitation of hovering birds and insects.
the Gargoyle to physically pull matter from the In Ceoris, this power was utilized by Warriors as
malleable surface it has created before moulding they engaged in aerial attacks against creatures far
it into the desired shape, requiring a minimum in excess of their own physical capabilities such as
of 10 minutes per Willpower point invested. This vozhd, peppering them with arrows and javelins
process reminds some Kindred disconcertingly of while remaining out of reach in the safety of the
the fleshcrafting arts of the Tzimisce. The shape air. Later, many of the small acts of disobedience
and appearance of these homunculi depend on leading up to the Revolt took place not beneath
the skill, care, and attention of their creators; some the Warlock’s feet, but miles above their heads, as
remain amorphous, featureless blobs, whereas Gargoyles shared unauthorized rites and planned
others could have been carved by Michelangelo their attack against the chantry.
himself. If given mouths they are incapable of
language, but do ‘speak’ in a bizarre cacophony of System: There is no blood cost for this
wet gurgles, grinding squeaks, and low rumbles. Discipline and, like the Flight Discipline itself,
Hover is not seen as a Discipline at all but rather
The legendary use of this power - permanently the mastery of an inherent ability. The vampire
passing one’s own consciousness into a ‘living’ must make a Wits + Athletics roll (difficulty 7)
statue rather than merely animating it as a separate in order to hover. He may remain perfectly still
being - is left up to the Storyteller’s discretion as to in mid air for a number of minutes equal to the
whether it is even possible. It is recommended that successes rolled.
no less than all 10 possible Willpower points be
required for transfer. If a Gargoyle with Crawling ••••• • Slipstreaming
Chamber also possesses the power Blood from Disciplines generally are a very inwardly focused
a Stone, as long as he and the animate stone practice for Kindred to master, requiring hours of
creation are touching the same surface, any blood practice and very specific direction to be perfected.
the statue touches can be absorbed immediately Perhaps in part because of this isolated training,
by the Gargoyle as per the rules of Blood from a most Disciplines only benefit the user and actively
Stone. harm others, but this is not the case for Gargoyles.
Advanced Flight Powers Worthy Rock Lords see it as a solemn duty to
ensure the survival of their Grotesqueries, a vow
Some Gargoyles have lived for over half a which often involves relocating the Constructs
millennium - Chaundice’s own Childer are tonight under their watch to brand new Eyries when
turning Methuselah themselves - and during that Tremere slavers or other threats come knocking.
time they have learned that only the prepared and Out of this duty, masters of Flight have learned
the adaptable survive. Because of this, ancient to mimic the migratory patterns of birds whereby
Constructs have managed to create elder powers the leader uses wing rotation and greater exertion
from Flight, a Discipline many Gargoyles ironically to lessen the workload of its fellow flock mates,
overlook entirely as merely a natural ability. allowing them to reserve energy. A Gargoyle may
use this power to increase the speed of those flying

Clanbook: Gargoyles 91
in his wake, in turn reducing the strain placed on damage as it is not specifically directed towards
weaker individuals. his enemies, but rather exerts massive amounts
System: By spending blood points up to his of strength against them, throwing them aside or
generational maximum, the Gargoyle increases lifting them into the air entirely.
the Flight Discipline ratings of others within 100 System: By remaining airborne, beating his
feet/30 metres by one dot, affecting one individual wings in precisely specific ways, and spending one
per point spent; closer individuals are affected blood point per turn of use, the Gargoyle may
first. The effect remains in place for as long as the create a cyclone with the force of his Strength
vampire himself is in flight. If he stops flying or his + Flight ratings. The power takes three turns to
followers stray from near enough behind him, they begin taking effect as the Gargoyle must build up
no longer benefit from this Discipline. Individuals this force. All enemies and loose objects within
who overtake the places of others begin to benefit. 30 feet/10 metres horizontally or ten times that
Slipstreaming can also be used to increase by amount vertically are thrown up into the air unless
half the natural speed of other winged Kindred, they have equal or greater Stamina + Fortitude.
such as the flight form afforded by Protean, the The wind also deals the same amount of direct
Chiropteran Marauder form of Viscisitude, and bashing damage to all weak structures - those made
even some Baali bestowed with blackened wings of wood, plaster, glass, or tile - permanently fixed
by their demonic masters, if the Gargoyle should in place.
choose to aid them. Combination Disciplines
••••• •• Gust Gargoyles boast that it is easier for them to
Some elder Gargoyles have managed to focus create new combination Disciplines for the
their core strength through the ability to fly, and array of disciplines they possess because of how
when combined with the huge wingspan provided primally they learn each one. To most Gargoyles,
by this level of Flight, they may project massive Disciplines are seen as ‘natural’ uses of their
amounts of force beneath them. By focusing his bodies, and so creating a combined Discipline
rage, willpower, and blood into one powerful beat power is as intuitive as using their eyes and ears
of his wings, the Gargoyle may launch a wave of air simultaneously. Below are listed a few of the more
pressure toward enemies before him, taking them complex and innovative combination Disciplines
off their feet and falling prone. developed by Gargoyles of all stripes - and their
System: The vampire must spend two blood
point and roll Strength + Athletics (difficulty Ambience
7). Every enemy in front of him within range (Presence •••, Visceratika ••)
(30 feet/10 metres, or 40 feet/15 metres if the
Gargoyle has Flight ••••• •••) receives a With this power, the Gargoyle has honed his
number of levels of unsoakable bashing damage connection with structures to the point that he can
equal to the successes rolled. If any of the enemies subsume a single building with his emotional state
receive a number of points of damage equal to and impress it on any visitors, the air becoming
their Stamina rating, they are forced to the ground, filled with a sense of dread or security. He may also
becoming prone. use a more forceful variant of this power, allowing
him a full emotional switch to all its occupants,
••••• ••• Cyclone inflicting on them bursts of rage, fits of hysterical
By exaggerating the powers given by Gust, the joy or pangs of ravenous hunger.
Gargoyle may use atmospheric turbulence created System: The more subtle use of this power
by the beating of his wings to generate a stationary is in effect as long as the Gargoyle is in the
tornado. Unlike Gust, this power does not cause structure and wishes it receive his ambience; no

92 Chapter Five: Lithomancy

Gliding (Non-Gargoyle Flight)
Other vampires may indeed learn Flight, though the process is incredibly difficult even in the
rare cases where one thinks to learn it and a Gargoyle is willing to train him. Gargoyles have not
yet devised a way of teaching the power outside of their training method intended for Gargoyle
Beasts, which involves repeatedly dropping the animal from a great height until they naturally learn
to adopt gliding positions. Since rational Kindred naturally opt out of this dangerous training, they
either attempt the fall method at a much lower altitude or by using Potence’s ability of Leaping great
distances to practice gliding during their descent. If a non-Gargoyle vampire puts enough effort into
the practice of Flight, he may purchase it at the out of Clan cost (7× current level).
Note: Gargoyles can also use the system below by spending a blood point. However, they very rarely
have any need to do so, equipped with wings and thus far greater capabilities as they are. Young and
inexperienced Rockheads with only the first level of Flight might find occasional use for levitation,
though it does not come naturally to them.
System: The player rolls Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 6), then divides the successes between
distance, altitude, and velocity. For every success he may travel to a horizontal distance of three feet/
one metre, elevate the same distance, or move three feet/one metre per turn faster, respectively. At
least one success must be allotted to distance or altitude.
Examples: Gregor rolls 5 successes in his Dexterity + Athletics roll and chooses to travel nine feet/
three metres upwards, ascending at a rate of three feet/two metres per turn to quickly appear at his
prey’s bedroom window. Alternatively, Melody rolls 4 successes; she chooses to glide three feet/one
metre towards her prey at nine feet/three metres per turn in order to catch her before she can flee.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 93
roll or expenditure is needed to activate it. Any the presence of otherworldly beings living side by
individual observing or occupying the building in side with them in their mountain retreats. One
question will feel a palpable sense of the Gargoyles such event saw a Gargoyle Scout use her Aura
emotional state, irrespective of what emotion Perception while scrying a cavern to determine its
they’re feeling. This phenomenon is always in viability for settlement, upon doing so discovering
place, and the Gargoyle may not turn it off. strange presences within the very walls. The
Further, it is constantly present in any place the presences were in fact beings similarly made of
Gargoyle gains Mimesis from, as well as whatever stone, but entirely natural: Elemental spirits
structure (if any) they are currently inside. Multiple embodying the rock and the earth.
Gargoyles with this power can affect the same System: This power is always active once the
location, whether by proximity of Mimesis, and Gargoyle has developed her connection to the pure
a Grotesquerie of Gargoyles linked by Mimesis essence of stone, triggering whenever she uses Scry
always feel to a small extent the emotional state of the Hearthstone. She can see, feel, and interact
any of their number who have this power. with spiritual beings, from earth elementals to
The active use of the power requires the Gargoyle terrible demons to mortal ghosts, which house
to spend a Willpower point and rolling Charisma themselves within or are anchored to this world
+ Empathy (for most emotions) or Intimidate (for by a building, cave, or other structure. If the spirit
fear), difficulty 7 and requires a level of success for is using other means to hide, this power will only
each storey targeted. If successful, this causes all reveal them if the Gargoyle wins an opposed roll
non-mortal occupants of those floors to roll Self of her Perception + Awareness against the spirit’s
Control or Courage (again, for general emotion Wits + Stealth.
and for fear, respectively); mortals cannot resist
this effect. Those who fail or are unable to resist Nose Dive
immediately feel a change in emotion to that of (Fortitude ••, Flight ••, Potence ••)
the Gargoyle’s choosing. The floors being targeted Despite the mundane nature of this power
must be connected to the Gargoyle’s own storey as compared to some, it can provide an unexpected
the emotional shock wave bursts forth. impact during combat. The Gargoyle may cause
Judicious use of Ambiance may only require catastrophic damage when dive-bombing into
the top floor of a building to be affected with fear an enemy by combining his momentum with a
in order to clear the entire structure, however, as sudden increase in mass just before impact.
herd mentality takes over and kine flee from the System: This Discipline is permanently active
unknown threat that the power’s victims seem and requires no activation or blood expenditure.
to be running from. Gargoyles can also attain a When the vampire intentionally impacts anyone or
level of security from this power while outside anything while flying, he may add his Flight rating
of their Eyrie, as any allies in their Eyrie will to his Stamina + Fortitude dice pool in order to
receive warning of a change in his emotional state resist damaging himself; soaked points of damage
whenever the Gargoyle becomes endangered, and are not only ignored but added to the damage
can move to respond to the threat. dealt to an opponent or structure.
Cousins in Clay Weather the Storm
(Auspex ••, Visceratika ••) (Fortitude ••, Visceratika •••)
This technique was developed shortly after the Said to have been developed by a Gargoyle who
Revolt as the children of Virstania fled Ceoris observed a Ravnos passing wounds inflicted on
and the other chantries, hiding in any cave, rock her body onto an animal ghoul bound to her (see
formation, and stoney crevice Europe had to offer. Lore of the Clans page 183), this power allows
On rare occasions, Grotesques would experience a Gargoyle to similarly reflect damage into a

94 Chapter Five: Lithomancy

stone surface which he has recently bled upon, a scene or until the Gargoyle chooses to end it; the
temporarily ‘ghouling’ it in the process. Storyteller may wish to end the power if the local
System: The power costs one blood point to weather is turbulent and the player fails a Dexterity
activate, and must be used as a reflexive action. + Athletics roll (difficulty 8).
The Gargoyle must also have bled upon the stone Roc
surface to be used (‘ghouling’ it) before he passes
damage (an attack that causes them to bleed (Flight ••••, Protean ••••)
upon an appropriate surface will make this power The flight form provided by Protean does not
possible for the next attack weathered). They then quite serve to empower the Warrior Casting in
roll Stamina + Athletics, immediately passing one performing their duties; the Warriors’ lot in
level of damage for each success into the chosen unlife is ceaseless combat, and the small and
surface. As they do so the stone they channel inoffensive form of a bat or bird aids little but
it into will receive physical damage reflective of stealth and escape. To make better use of this
that which the Gargoyle would have received: form, the Tremere drew on the mythological roc to
for bashing it will crack and crumble, for lethal transform the most powerful Warriors into huge
great tears will slice deeply into the in surface, for and formidable winged beasts that could dominate
aggravated the stone will violently explode away the battlefield. Like other Gargoyle rituals, this
from the combat, for fire the stone will become transformation became possible for Gargoyles, and
scorched or even begin melting depending on the not just Warriors, to assume on their own initiative
quantity of damage taken, and so on. following the Revolt.
Aerial Surveillance System: The vampire must spend two blood
points and succeed a Willpower roll (difficulty
(Auspex ••••, Flight •••) 7) to begin the transformation, which completes
The duty of the Scout Casting was to perform the turn after all the blood has been spent. The
reconnaissance and intelligence gathering both Gargoyle assumes the form of a colossal eagle, his
within Ceoris and much further afield. To wingspan doubling while the rest of his body grows
facilitate this, Fidus himself developed this power to remain proportional to it. He gains a number
to use the potential of Auspex whilst far up in the of points equal to his Flight to distribute as dots
sky, spreading the users’ senses among one or more among his Physical Attributes and Perception,
earthbound individuals. Few Gargoyles enjoy using ignoring generational maximums, though no more
this power, finding the experience disorienting to than half these points may be placed in a single
say the least, but recognise its usefulness, and it Attribute. These additional dots remain until the
sees ready use among Scouts to this night. power ends, and for its duration he also gains the
System: The Gargoyle must spend one benefits of Feral Claws at no blood point cost.
Willpower point and focus his attention He remains in this for for the remainder of the
downwards while flying. As he does so, his turn, as which point he will transform back to his
perception leaves his body lifelessly drifting original state.
through the sky on a kind of automatic pilot Shockwave
following his previous route. While in this state, he
may simultaneously perceive through the senses of (Flight •••••, Visceratika ••••)
anyone directly below him, regardless of whether For Embraced Gargoyles, combat is often
they are housed within a structure or walking in an ill advised choice when faced with Warrior
the open air. For each person he senses with, he Gargoyles or Tremere with significant martial
must make a Perception + Awareness roll (difficulty training, despite their inherent physical prowess,
6 + 1 for every 300 feet/100 metres he is above the independent Grotesqueries are simply too small to
ground, to a maximum of 10). This power lasts for fend off such threats. In place of a violent solution,

Clanbook: Gargoyles 95
many free Gargoyles choose the intimidating (difficulty 6 +1 for every other Gargoyle using the
power of Shockwave to attempt to scare away power).
potential opponents.
Dark Statue
System: The Gargoyle does not need to be
airborne to use this ability; he need only spend (Fortitude •••, Visceratika ••••• •)
two blood points and flap his wings as if he were Gargoyles have marveled at the craftsmanship
trying to attain lift. The beating of his wings passes of their namesakes for as long as they have
down into the earth and amplifies tenfold, creating had the presence of mind to contemplate such
a booming shockwave at 100 decibels, which may things. Placed atop churches to stand guard
be felt by all those near to her for as long as she over the houses of God or watching silently over
beats her wings. If she is aided by another vampire the teeming masses of humanity, architectural
who possesses this Discipline the sound pressure gargoyles are a representation of the bloodline’s
increases by 40 decibels per additional Kindred. ideal. They have a place and a purpose; that
If this is done within a confined space, those purpose may be one so humble as providing
touching a surface connected to the ground within drainage, but they stand strong knowing it will
50 feet/20 metres receive a number of dice of never be stripped of them. An inexhaustible
bashing damage equal to the number of Gargoyles purpose is all that many Gargoyles desire.
using the Discipline every turn; Gargoyles using A few Constructs have spent enough time
this power do not receive this damage. fawning over their inanimate counterparts to
Alternatively, this Discipline may be used during combine the aspects of two different Disciplines
flight, with the beating of the vampires wings in order to imitate these unmoving paragons.
clapping as loud as thunder as she passes over During the day, a Gargoyle with this power can
head. Hearing such a noise - from within a cave, safely fall asleep before sunrise without shelter,
far off into the distance, or flying over head - will without fear of harm or pain from sunlight so
cause those who hear it to make a Courage roll long as he remains static. When night comes and

96 Chapter Five: Lithomancy

the Gargoyle reanimates, he leaves behind an exact way without drawing the sun’s rays down on their
stone replica of his body, from which he emerges, heads.
reborn like a moth from its cocoon. Using this The statue left behind by this power will only
power, the Gargoyle may guard a fortress, be safe appear if the Gargoyle has slept in this state for
from most daytime threats, and never be noticed as an entire day, from sunup to sundown; if it is
anything especially untoward by kine. activated after dawn, there is nothing left behind
System: Through the passive use of Dark Statue, once the Gargoyle’s hours-long battle with his
by remaining completely still, the character can Beast ends - whether for better or worse. This shed
ignore damage from direct sunlight. This power is ‘skin’ remains until Dark Statue is used the same
used most effectively (and much more safely) at the way again; as the Gargoyle’s body petrifies once
point before sunrise when the Gargoyle falls into more, the old remnant crumbles and disintegrates
slumber for the day, causing his body to petrify into fine ash - leading some to speculate that
entirely. In this case he may not be woken, may not Dark Statue is far more than only a defence
fall into frenzy or Rötschreck, and to all outside against sunlight, but in fact a death, reconception,
examination he appears to be nothing more than Gestation, and rebirth of the Gargoyle.
a mundane statue of his exact size and shape. This
statue is formed of whatever stone material he is in Humours
physical contact with, if any; if he is not in contact Long before the Revolt - before the majority
with stone, the statue will have the same material of Gargoyles were true vampires capable of
composition, colour, and texture as his Eyrie. Any the Embrace, before the use of Disciplines
gargoyle performing this ability will not be able to and other fundamental Kindred abilities, the
perform any other power in their statue form, in Tremere masters would apply specialised rituals
fact they do not even feel the passage of time and called ‘humours’ to their Gargoyle slaves. These
simply emerge from their cocoon anew seemingly humours ranged from an enchantment allowing
instantly. the master to see through a Construct’s eyes,
Dark Statue may also be used reflexively as to a mutation granting a Gargoyle the ability to
an emergency measure for a Gargoyle to protect breathe fire. In the modern nights, these rituals
himself from the burning touch of sunlight. While work just as well as they once did, but due to the
effective in the short term, this use of the power terms of the Montmartre Pact, many have been
is perilous, for in this case the Gargoyle does lost. As the subjects of these rituals, Gargoyles in
not sleep and is afforded no protection against Grotesqueries the world over have retained the
Rötschreck. If the Gargoyle moves or even slightly knowledge of their performance and have made
twitches, the power’s protection ends and it may them into something akin to social traditions.
not be used again until the next sunset. Unless Many rituals related most directly to survival
by some good fortune the Gargoyle is obscured (Skin of the Chameleon and Stone Slumber, for
from direct sunlight during this time, he must instance) were codified by Virstania and converted
endure an entire day of not only remaining totally into the Discipline of Visceratika.
and agonisingly still, but also of battling with his Though blood sorcery is not a common talent
blindly panicking Beast. More than one Gargoyle for Gargoyles to be born with, it is rare for any
has met a horrific, fiery Final Death only after Grotesquerie to not have some degree of arcane
long, bitter hours of inner struggle against his knowledge (under the purview of the Scout Mould
own body and his dark half. A Gargoyle forced and his shamans), with which they refine their
to employ this power has only a slim chance of rituals into tools for both social protocol and
survival - but he has a chance. If they do struggle individual survival. These range from the ornate
through the halved extent of this power, gargoyles decoration of war-bound Warrior packs to brewing
can use disciplines during the daytime hours. psychoactive blood tonics to facilitate an audience
These disciplines cannot involve movement in any with spirits.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 97
Though most Gargoyles have abandoned the grotesquerie, a successful Perception + Occult roll
Mother’s personal goals, many still believe they (difficulty 7) allows the shaman who performed
are meant to be elevated to a status of greatness this rite on her to divine her location.
which can now only be achieved through a unique
connection to the spiritual world. Fire Dancer (Level One)
The Gargoyle acolytes finally managed to prove
Enchant the Newborn (Level One) that gargoyles are superior to other kindred by
This ritual allows the shaman to initiate a creating an ability where in they could ignore a
fledgling into his Grotesquerie, blessing her with fundamental failing of the vampiric condition:
a number of gifts for as long as the shaman and Rötshreck, the fear of fire. This process will give
the fledgling remain bound by the ritual itself them an unshakable foundation within their souls
(generally the first few years of the fledgling’s that even fire cannot crack. The Gargoyle will
unlife). A shaman may be so bound to only one cloak herself in her own wings while the shaman
fledgling at a time, so if he is the only shaman breaks off a shard of the subject’s carapace (which
in the Grotesquerie the effects will normally be hurts, but inflicts no damage) and lights it. After
transferred each time a new childe is Embraced this he inscribes runes across the Gargoyle’s wing
(or, rarely, created by ritual) and initiated. casing using with the fresh hot ash, which when
This humour requires six hours per night for complete, glow with arcane power.
one complete cycle of the moon, beginning on System: To perform this ritual, the Shaman must
the night of the Gargoyle’s Gestation (whether spend a Willpower point and roll Wits + Occult.
by Embrace or At Our Command It Breathes) The ash and sparks of the burning stone create a
and ending with precisely the same moon phase. spiritual barrier across the Gargoyle’s flesh that
The actual ritual requirements of Enchant the obscures the Beast’s ability to perceive fire, thus
Newborn are quite relaxed; the six hours need only helping her stave off Rötshreck. Once the ritual is
consist of the shaman and the fledgling being in complete, the Gargoyle gains an additional dice on
one another’s presence, usually bonding over play, Courage rolls made to resist Rötshreck per success
sparring, tutoring, or simply conversation. This is the shaman gained on the roll to perform the
also considered an ideal time for a new Gargoyle ritual. This bonus is applied in the next scene in
to bond with her Grotesquerie, including being which the Gargoyle is required to resist Rötshreck,
subject to Grotesque Consecration (see below) after which the runes burn out and the shield
System: This humour must begin on the night tapers off, leaving the Gargoyle in her natural
of the subject’s Gestation, and be ‘performed’ state.
nightly for the entire moon cycle which begins on Grotesque Consecration (Level One)
that night. The shaman spends one blood point
per night and once a week makes an extended roll A surprisingly simple humour taught to most
of Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 8); if a night’s shamans early into their journey, allows Mimesis to
work is missed or if the four extended rolls do not take hold much sooner than would come naturally.
accumulate at least 20 net successes, the childe is They must bring a live animal into their new Eyrie
unaffected and the humour cannot be resumed - sheep, deer, and cows are most commonly used -
or repeated. An initiated fledgling gains several before any of their new Grotesquerie mates sleep
advantages: there, and cut geomantic sigils into the skin of the
animal and any Gargoyles on whom the humour
• The difficulty of all harmful or malicious is applied. Each Gargoyle must then drink from
magical effects that target her increases by +1. that same creature. When they sleep that day, they
• The fledgling receives one extra dice when find that their Mimesis has begun at an advanced
rolling for group ritual castings. rate. Groups of Gargoyles who undergo this ritual
• If the fledgling is separated from her together often have far more uniform appearances

98 Chapter Five: Lithomancy

than Grotesquerie mates who have spent years or Gargoyle subjects. They must drink of the animal’s
decades in the same Eyrie. blood before they sleep in the structure that night.
This ritual is primarily used in two Each Gargoyle who drinks one blood point from
circumstances: when a Grotesquerie moves into a the animal will take on Mimetic features of that
new Eyrie (in which case all members, including Eyrie when they next awaken. Additionally, they
the shaman, take part), and when a new member gain a temporary Willpower point (which may
is introduced to the Grotesquerie and its Eyrie. If exceed their usual maximum). This ritual may only
in the latter case the newcomer is introduced to be performed once for each Gargoyle introduced
the Grotesquerie by way of Embrace or At Our to an Eyrie.
Command It Breathes (see page 107), Enchant Resisting Flesh (Level Two)
the Newborn will also be used if that humour is
known. For many recently-created Gargoyles, this Shamans invoke this humor to impart a
humour has been their first experience of feeding. resistance against the dread Tzimisce ability
It is not uncommon for two Grotesqueries to to mould a victim’s flesh like a clay. Many
exchange members through the use of this ritual, Grotesqueries live on the fringes of human
so as to create bonds between them. It is noted society, and as such are easy prey for Tzimisce
that the use of this ritual allows new members of a experimentation. Many small Grotesqueries have
Grotesquerie to quickly gain a sense of belonging been raided by Sabbat packs, only to be dragged
in their new home and form fast friendships with into a Fiend’s laboratory for ‘research purposes’. In
their comrades. response, a group of shamans developed a defence
strategy with this humour, which has spread widely
System: The shaman spends a Willpower point since.
and rolls Dexterity + Occult (difficulty 6). If the
shaman is successful, the creature’s blood will System: The shaman must prepare a balm before
be imbued with the essence of that Eyrie, and starting the ritual using local spring water and
a sympathetic bond created between it and all earth from their eyrie, they remove a chip of the

New Background: Humours

You have access to fragments of arcane knowledge long ago stolen from the archives of Ceoris.
Either your Eyrie is home to a well-versed shaman, you were gifted the texts by a Gargoyle
sympathiser within Kindred society, or you or an elder you know managed to personally steal them
during the Revolt. This valuable knowledge has given you the ability to perform humours in service
to your Grotesquerie.
• Initiate: You can learn only level one humours.
•• Novice: You may learn humours up to level two.
••• Acolyte: You may learn humours up to level three.
•••• Shaman: You may learn humours up to level four.
••••• Master: You may learn any humours.
This Background can only be taken up to the same level as the Gargoyle’s Occult rating. Humours
are gained as though they were blood sorcery rituals, as part of the story and at the Storyteller’s
discretion. Some storytellers may wish to limit access to some humours, especially At Our
Command It Breathes, to keep the chronicle grounded and more challenging, and give prospective
shamans something to strive towards.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 99
subject’s stone skin and anoint them with the Draught of Molten Fury (Level Three)
balm using the chip as a ‘wand’ while spending This humour was designed purely to increase
one Willpower point. The skin becomes resistant the Warriors’ already terrifying battle prowess,
to any shape-changing capability and as such halves giving them an even greater edge in combat. They
the dice pool of Vicissitude rolls made to alter the gain the ability to not only ignore the debilitating
Gargoyle. This ritual will only remain active for effects of wounds during the heat of combat, but
one night, so the shaman must tactical with its to use this pain to fuel mighty blows against his
application. enemies. The shaman must - without revealing
Window of Second Sight (Levels Two and his true purpose to the subject in question - goad
Four) a Gargoyle into frenzy and remove a number of
blood points from him equal to the number of
To allow Warriors and Sentinels alike to better prospective subjects before he regains control.
defend their Grotesqueries, shamans can give This substance is then boiled in an iron pan. As it
them an insight into one another’s perceptions. reaches the boil, the shaman recites an incantation
Through this ritual, two Gargoyles, irrespective akin to a battle cry. Once enchanted, the blood -
of their Casting or other origin can experience still boiling - is drunk by the Gargoyles subject to
each other’s observations in addition to their the humour.
own, giving them heightened levels of combat
awareness, surveillance capability, and defensive System: After the Gargoyle activates this
capacity. This ritual is also used to give a pair of humour’s power, they can make a Willpower
Sentinels greater ability to protect their fledglings roll (difficulty 7) whenever they take damage. If
or Gargoyle animals, supplying peace of mind as successful, the player will ignore any new dice pool
they stay in the Eyrie. penalties incurred and instead adds that same
number of dice to all of his Strength rolls. If the
System: The two subjects must expend a point Gargoyle reaches Incapacitated or below he still
each of their blood and bind it with a point of the falls unconscious or is destroyed, as appropriate.
caster’s blood and a pint of the clearest mountain If the Kindred possesses Armour of Terra, he will
spring water. Once the two subjects are ready for only gain dice equal to half the normal health
their endeavour they will be lain on their back penalties, exactly as he would suffer losing them.
and have a drip dropped into each eye three times This humour lasts for one scene once it is activated
while the correct incantation is intoned. Once by the Gargoyle subject, which she may do at any
each of them blink, the bonded Gargoyles become time by burning the enchanted blood point.
able to simultaneously see their own vision and the
ally’s sight. This ritual will only last for one night. The Grand Grotesquerie (Level Three)
A Level Four version of this ritual exists, which The Grand Grotesquerie is a meeting of many
must be learned separately and requires the Level Gargoyles, held in order to share in their strength
Two version to know. It requires the expenditure as a bloodline and forge and strengthen ties
of an additional blood point from all three between nearby Grotesqueries. Once the place
participants (totalling 6). With this version, the for a Grand Grotesquerie has been decided upon
bound Gargoyles see images of other supernatural by a council of Rock Lords and Ladies and the
creatures’ true forms whilst also sharing vision – chosen site has been made secure against any
werewolves appear in their hybrid man-wolf shapes, outside threats, the date will be set. The location
mages glow in a scintillating aura, wraiths become will almost always be a place with absolutely no
visible, subjects under the guise of Obfuscate can mortal presence, or land owned by Kindred who
be seen, illusions cast no reflection, and those have proven their worth in the eyes of the Gargoyle
possessing True Faith are coated in golden light. It race.
still only lasts one night. Each Rock Lord will escort his entire

100 Chapter Five: Lithomancy

Grotesquerie along with any ghouls, monstrosities, System: The Scout Moulds each spend a
or Gargoyle creatures that may live within his Eyrie point of Willpower and make a Intelligence +
to the location of the gathering. Once there, they Crafts roll to create the monolith (difficulty 6),
will lay claim to a specific region of the domain requiring one successful roll for each Rock Lord.
in a first-come-first-serve basis until all attending If they all succeed, all attendees of the Grand
Grotesques have made their ‘camp’. A symbolic Grotesquerie count as blood bonded to each
Rock Court will be set up by specially-appointed Rock Lord for the month following the humour’s
shamans from all attending Grotesqueries, where performance, though only to the first degree. It
the Rock Lords and Ladies will ultimately meet. In does not affect existing blood bonds or vinculi.
the centre of this court will be placed a monolithic If any Mould fails his roll, the entire ritual fails
standing stone carved by the Scout Moulds of each but may be reattempted at +1 difficulty. If more
attendant Grotesquerie, covered with inscriptions Moulds fail than succeed, the ritual may not
representing each Grotesquerie’s Eyrie and bearing be reattempted that night at all. Worst of all, if
a sculpted, open-mouthed face in the centre. there are more botched rolls than successes, the
The Rock Lords and Ladies debate the various Grand Grotesquerie will likely descend into petty
bonds between their Grotesqueries, any breaches bickering or even exchanged blows, imposing +1
in those bonds and any further agreements that difficulty to all Social rolls between all Gargoyles
they might wish to propose. Boons may be granted present for the rest of the night.
during this debate and more often than not Harder than a Stone (Level Three)
individuals will be sworn to other Grotesqueries,
whereby a Gargoyle will leave his Eyrie to join For this humour, the shaman must carve a heart
another, unifying the two. Once all Lords are from stone local to Eyrie and place it on the chest
happy with the arrangements (a state which can of the Gargoyle subject, who must lie on the floor
take several nights to reach) they will all, one by of the Eyrie in front of her entire Grotesquerie.
one and in descending order of age, enter the The heart is smeared in hot wax, reddened with
central monolith; once this is finished they will the blood of every member of the Grotesquerie, to
expel blood simultaneously from the mouth create a ‘cocoon’ for it, which becomes mounted
carved in the centre, providing a gentle fountain on the Gargoyle’s chest. The gathered Gargoyles
of combined vitae from which every attendant repeat a ritual enchantment while the mound
(ghouls, Gargoyle beasts and monstrosities of hot wax cools. As they do so, the Gargoyle
included) will drink. After drinking, the attendants gradually feels less and less of an emotional
will spend the rest of the night sparring, racing, or attachment to them.
teaching each other Disciplines. This display strikes At the climax of the ritual the shaman will stab
those few Kindred to have witnessed it (and several the waxen mound with a stake made from petrified
Camarilla-loyal Gargoyles) as disconcertingly close wood. As they do the mound will appear empty
to the ritae of the Sabbat, and in particular the and the entire wax structure will disintegrate,
Vaulderie. revealing the that the stone heart has vanished,
At the turn of the next night the members of having mystically entered the Gargoyle and merged
each Grotesquerie returns to their Eyries with a with her own heart over the course of the ritual.
renewed sense of belonging to their bloodline (or The application of this humour has fundamental
‘Clan’, as they become tempted to think of it). The and far-reaching consequences for the subject’s
Rock Lords will all Mimetically retain elements physiology and psychology.
of the stone from which the monolith was made Most simply, te Gargoyle’s heart becomes
in order to remind them of their various oaths. permanently encased in a layer of thick, hard
This feature will only fade come the next time they stone, making her much more difficult to stake.
perform the ritual. This stone is part of her body, and will regenerate
like any other if damaged. The psychological

Clanbook: Gargoyles 101

effects, however, go far deeper. For every night impossible; the Gargoyle doubles her soak
following the ritual until the Gargoyle meets Final pool.
Death, she will be a cold and unfeeling creature,
with little sentiment or compassion. Though she Milk of the Serpent (Level Three)
retains the capacity to hold values and beliefs, A ritual more commonly used on Scouts to
she does so only because she sees them as logical, facilitate assassinations of Tremere (or any other
and will perform virtually any act in their name Kindred), this humour turns the fangs of the
- though equally she will not become incensed Gargoyle into those of a venomous snake. As the
when they are criticised or opposed. She becomes Gargoyle feeds on his victim, he may transmute
very difficult to manipulate emotionally, whether the blood he takes from them into a toxic venom
through mundane means or through the use of the which he then replaces, taking a heavy toll on
Presence Discipline. Further, her Beast’s aggression his victim’s body. To enact this rite, the shaman
atrophies, though if she willingly performs actions must carve two thick fangs from rock and bathe
that erode her Humanity, she will fall all the them in snake blood for one month, starting on
quicker without much in the way of a conscience the new moon. During this month they must test
to resist degeneration. their Intelligence and Occult each night (difficulty
This is not a humour which is applied lightly, for 7), by the next new moon they must have reached
it is irreversible. The few Gargoyles who volunteer 30 successes or the fangs will be left inurt. Once
for it, most of whom are Warriors, are regarded done, these fangs must replace those of another
with equal parts awe and fear by their fellows. It is Gargoyle.
considered the greatest sacrifice for a Gargoyle to System: To perform this ritual the shaman
give up their sense of belonging in order to protect spends a blood point and a Willpower point
the place of belonging of others. and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 7). If it
System: The ritual requires one blood point succeeds, the Gargoyle subject may spend a blood
from the shaman and from each member of the point whenever he drinks a point of blood from
subject’s Grotesquerie, which are infused with the a victim (mortal, vampire, or other) in order to
wax. In addition, all participants (including the convert that blood into a potent supernatural
subject) must spend a temporary Willpower point. venom (preventing the risk of becoming subject
Once the ritual is performed, the subject has to a blood bond), which he then regurgitates back
numerous, permanent changes applied to her: into his victim’s body. The victim then rolls her
soak dice against a difficulty equal to the shaman’s
• Conscience and Conviction rolls are made Willpower (minimum 5) to shrug off the effects
at +3 difficulty of the venom. Victims who fail will suffer one
• All dice pools are halved for Social rolls unsoakable level of lethal damage each night
not involving Intimidation, including thereafter (accompanied by a brief but intense
Disciplines. agony upon awakening) until they die, until
• The character loses access to all Merits she they go into torpor, or until the venom loses its
possesses that pertain to positive social potency.
interaction The shaman can spend a point of Willpower
• Self-Control and Instinct rolls made to to prevent the victim from suffering the next
resist frenzy or ride the wave are made at -3 night’s wound, provided the shaman is in the
difficulty victim’s presence during the night before. This
makes the venom an ideal means by which to
• The difficulty to use any supernatural threaten a victim into obeying the user, or to
emotional influence (such as Presence) on appear as a friend. One victim may be envenomed
her is increased by +3. multiple times by the same (or separate) users, to
• Any attempt to stake the subject is next to a maximum of three, and suffer a corresponding

102 Chapter Five: Lithomancy

amount of damage each night. System: The shaman must prepare a small
A subject can generate venom for one week. cube, half an inch in diameter, carefully cut
After a victim suffers its effect, the venom lingers from a tombstone. Spending a blood point
in her system for one week per success gained by and a Willpower point, he dabs each side of
the shaman on the Intelligence + Occult roll made the cube with a tiny drop of blood, whispering
to perform the ritual. an incantation. The Gargoyle ingests the cube
and the ritual lies dormant until the Kindred’s
Perpetuating Vitae (Level Three) skin is touched by sunlight, at which point her
Another apparent example of Gargoyle wings unfurl to protect her. The wings harden
supremacy is displayed through this humour, to true stone, from which grows a dome of the
the ability to temporarily turn a Gargoyle into a same material around the Gargoyle. She is able
revenant-like being, whereby they can generate to protect one additional adult-sized individual
vitae ‘naturally’. The shaman must collect the within this dome for every two levels of Flight the
marrow from a horned or antlered beast and a Gargoyle possesses.
winged beast. The two are slowly mixed together If the subject does not already possess wings, the
with one blood point from each Gargoyle wishing ritual has no effect on them. Gargoyles with the
to imbibe, including the shaman. As it is mixed Withering Abhorrence Feature (see page 64) can
the shaman rolls Intelligence + Occult (with a only protect a number of additional individuals for
difficulty of 9) while spending any number of every third level of Flight they possess. Likewise,
temporary Willpower points required, dependent one Gargoyle with Withered - or a being of similar
on the intended duration of the humour. The size, such as a human child - counts as half an
number of successes indicates how many doses of individual for the purpose of this ritual.
the potion are useful. Once the ritual is complete,
the Gargoyle beneficiaries must eat the magical Fertility of Clay (Level Four)
‘blood jelly’. The very existence of the Gargoyles as they are
System: Whenever the Gargoyle wishes to spend known depends on this ritual, which predates At
one or more blood points, he can make a Stamina Our Command It Breathes. Through it a Gargoyle,
roll (difficulty 7). If successful, the humour whether cast or Embraced, may be transformed
causes the Gargoyle’s marrow to synthesise a into a womb-bearer (see page 96). The earliest
compensating quantity of blood, so that a number shamans to emerge free following the Revolt
of blood points up to his successes are not sought to emulate their Mother and her great goal
removed, though the benefits of spending them of elevating the Gargoyle race above the other
remain. This substance deteriorates after a single Kindred. The subject must be willing, ready and
night, removing its effects after that time and female for this procedure to work, she will become
meaning that it cannot be stocked. the brood mother of her Grotesquerie, equal in
status only to their chosen Rock Lord.
Ward of the Winged Sepulcher (Level Three) A womb-bearer is prepared by having her
The Gargoyle shaman can prepare his subject to abdomen scrubbed with various smoke-filtered oils
provide temporary shelter from the damning rays for an entire night amidst lengthy incantations.
of the sun. When sunlight strikes the subject’s The bearer is then given a specially-prepared
skin, her wings automatically billow out and mixture of vitae and natural soil to consume. As
wrap around herself and anyone in her grasp, she does so, she must make an extended Stamina
forming a solid dome of stone around them. Both roll (difficulty 8) not to spew the mixture back out
the shaman and his charge are protected from (unless she happens to have the Eat Food Merit),
taking sunlight damage until the sun sets the next over the period of a month.
evening. Over this period the womb-bearers body grows

Clanbook: Gargoyles 103

at an agonisingly slow pace, until she is three times
larger. Once this process is complete, the shaman
performs one final blessing upon the bearer’s
At Our Command it Breathes uterus, rolling Intelligence + Occult and spending
three blood points and a Willpower point. If the
The ritual devised by Goratrix almost a entire ritual is successful, the newly-converted
millennium ago is still practiced tonight Gargoyle will naturally birth a mass of compressed
by the Great Mother herself, independent earth, leaving her with a womb ready to bear
Grotesqueries and a few less upstanding Gargoyles.
Tremere chantries. It is almost impossible for Shamans outside of the Flock have adapted
an acolyte to simply pick up a manual and Fertility of Clay, enabling them to relieve a womb-
start churning out Gargoyles as the ritual bearer’s pain - only for the shaman to take it
will seem to have no logical consistency. This on himself. Doing so is considered a grim duty
is why Virstania spent four centuries writing by responsible shamans, so as not to repeat the
countless theses trying to define it. Outside sufferings of Alvusia. Some are looking into ways
of Thaumaturgy (see Rites of the Blood, to relieve or take on the pain at other periods, but
page 106), it may be learned by Gargoyles as have so far been unsuccessful.
a Level 5 humour. Though mechanically the
ritual is identical to that given in Rites of the System: As a result of this ritual, the womb-
Blood, we encourage a Storyteller to make a bearer’s Athletics and Dexterity are both reduced
focal point of the chronicle be this ritual, if a by two and her Stamina is increased by four
player wishes to attempt it. (exceeding generational maximums if necessary).
This increase in size often makes movement
When it is attempted, the Storyteller is difficult. She will have to be sectioned to fit the
advised to use one session for each section Gargoyle foetus within her womb, and again to
of the ritual; examination/vivisection, remove it once Gestation is completed. During
preservation/alchemical treatment, and the birthing process, the shaman who performed
assembly/Gestation. The first session this ritual may spend a Willpower point in order
should be physically demanding on the to take on the womb-bearer’s pain (which deals no
shaman, requiring the character to restrain damage but causes the shaman to count as being
her multiple victims and delicately remove Crippled for the remainder of the scene, losing 5
specific features. The second session should dice from all dice pools).
be more intellectually rigorous, with the
character undertaking precise preservation Vigil of the Stone Guardian (Level Four)
methods (curing, tanning, pickling etc) and Clan Tremere had long utilized several mystical
deciding on the correct obscure ingredients servants other than Gargoyles to protect their
(fire flower root, Lupine blood, ground vis chantries, havens, and laboratories. Vigil of the
crystals, etc). The third and final session Stone Guardian allowed the thaumaturge to create
should be more of a creative process where a mystical sentry to protect a door or gate, in the
the character ‘designs’ their creation; form of a stone Gargoyle door-knocker. Many
the Storyteller can make secret changes Sentinels escaping Ceoris ripped these knockers
depending on how well the players various from their mounts to save them from future slavery
rolls went. The resulting Gargoyle should be in the aftermath of the Revolt. To get back at the
more of an achievement within the shaman’s Warlocks, shamans began performing a similar
story than the result of a simple ritual. ritual as that used to make such figureheads using
dying Gargoyles - not only to save the lives of fallen
Gargoyles but to better defend their Eyries while
also sending an insult to Clan Tremere.

104 Chapter Five: Lithomancy

System: To create a Stone Guardian the of blackened malice. Glimmers of her screaming
shaman must, through a short but specific ritual, face can be seen as flashes of fire amongst the
decapitate the head of a fallen Gargoyle (that is, a billows of smog as she surges forward to attack.
Gargoyle which has dropped below Incapacitated System: The shaman must combine 1 point of
in the same scene) and soak it in her vitae over the blood with 1 pound each of three varieties of stone
course of three nights (2 blood points are required and ash, resulting in a thick, red-grey sludge. The
per night). This immersion keeps the brain ‘alive’, shaman must coat his subject in this sludge for
albeit in a comatose state, using the re-animating at least one hour in the darkest shadow available,
power of vitae. She then hangs it upon the door or using the paste to emphasise the subject’s ferocity
wall that will become the new home for the Stone and intimidation factor. The subject’s stone flesh
Guardian and recites the correct incantations. If will crumble away to release a billowing black
successful, the Guardian’s skull bonds with the cloud. This cloud is invisible in darkness and
mount it is fixed upon and will be incredibly hard almost silent (requiring a difficulty 9 Perception +
to remove without it being destroyed. Alertness roll to hear its approach). While in this
The Stone Guardian retains all memories and form, the subject may move at double her normal
cognitive powers it had before ‘death’, it may Flight speed and may reform into her physical
talk, think and learn using any Social or Mental body as it was before the ritual began, taking no
Attributes and any Knowledges it had previously, damage from the process and being able to act as
as well as the use of Visceratika and non-physical normal immediately.
Disciplines. If it is affixed to a door, gate, or other
portal, the Guardian has the inherent ability to Misbegotten Humours
open, close, lock or unlock it. The shamanic way is certainly not restricted to
Such protection comes at a cost to the sired and cast Gargoyles; even those Constructs
Grotesquerie. Like any other vampire, the made far outside of Virstania’s jurisdiction have
Stone Guardian loses a point of blood when it command over some humours. Most Misbegotten
awakens each night, and thus requires feeding have the ability to learn Gargoyle humours, though
if it is to continue its vigilance. Usually this is it will be much harder for them to attain such
done by providing a drop of blood gathered knowledge, on the fringes of an already small and
from elsewhere, but some Grotesqueries have disparate community as they are. The Storyteller
the tendency of occasionally bringing their Stone may decide to allow his Misbegotten players
Guardians live ‘prey’, so that they might experience unlimited access to Gargoyle humours, though we
true feeding again. If a Stone Guardian is not fed, would suggest limiting them to the two provided
it will fall into torpor until reactivated with a point for each specific Misbegotten group, reflecting
of vitae. their limited experiences (if only due to their
relatively short histories).
The Cave’s Shadow (Level Five) Noche de los Muertos (Level Two; Calaca)
Gargoyle shamans often participate in this An almost religious ritual practiced by most
ritual at a young age while preparing Warriors Calacas, Noche de los Muertos is designed to lower
for the fight, but it is only truly known by senior the Shroud and provide ghosts a smoother passage
shamans. Deep in his Eyrie’s cave system, cellar, or between worlds. During the daylight hours of the
catacomb the shaman will find the darkest shadow day of the dead, the Calaca’s ghoul must begin
and paint the Gargoyle subject with a thick paste consuming vitae-fed marigolds; any respectable
consisting of blood, ash, and various finely-ground Calaca will ‘ghoul’ entire bushels of marigolds,
stone powders. Once the Gargoyle is painted to which they value for their supposed ability to clear
accentuate her most horrific features - the duty away the mists between the worlds, endowing
usually performed by apprentice shamans - she will them with powerful hallucinogenic properties.
slowly crack apart, only to reform into a vast cloud

Clanbook: Gargoyles 105

When darkness falls, the Calaca awakens to join Calacas. Some Calaca havens are known to possess
his heavily intoxicated ghoul. He must drink one entire walls made of these fetishes, at which
blood point from her and immediately break into places the Shroud is perilously thin and the most
dance around the cenote while wearing a long, time-consuming element of creating a Calaca is
fetish-strewn cloak. acquiring the ingredients.
The pair must dance up until midnight (making Hoodoo Familiar (Level Three; Calaca)
an extended Stamina roll at a difficulty of 7 and
spending one Willpower point). By this time, Though ‘voodoo dolls’ are a Western fallacy
the ghoul will have begun to suffer organ failure based on actual Afro-Caribbean practices, some
from the strength of the marigolds, causing her Calacas have taken the idea and combined it with
to cough up blood. Just before the stroke of the creation of their own ritualistic fetishes. These
midnight the cenote will stir, whipping up into a familiars produce a similar though altogether
whirlpool - seemingly in time with the rhythm of more sinister effect against an unwitting target, a
the dance. At the stroke of midnight the already- shaman can use them to intimidate and control
weakened ghoul’s throat will be cut and her blood any victim they desire. The houngan must
allowed to flow into the writhing cenote’s waters. surround her cenote with a thick cloud of incense
The reddened tempest will utter screams from from a blend of tobacco and dried peppers. While
the underworld along side splashes of blood and trying to ‘entertain’ the spirits of the pool through
chunks of carrion-ladened silt and muck. jovial conversation and anecdotes - even getting
a response back on occasion - she will create a
While this is ongoing, the Calaca must remove humanoid doll from hessian cloth, filled with
the ghoul’s head, strip it of flesh, and decorate the sludge scooped up from the side of the cenote
skull with highly ornate patterns, including silver (which incurs one level of un-soakable damage
and gems arranged in floral patterns. Thereafter, from the water and requires a successful Courage
the skull (called a craneo) will be stained by the roll, difficulty 8, to perform).
underworld, becoming a permanent fetish of the
Calaca, lowering the Shroud and, rumour holds, She must place an ‘element’ of the victim she
easing the creation of further Calacas. Calacas wishes to subjugate inside the belly of the doll:
have found that members of Clan Giovanni will hair, flesh, teeth, or clotted blood all work equally
seem to pay a hefty price for just one craneo, even well. The doll is finally stitched inside a sack and
though they are only half as effective (if that) away tossed into the cenote, along with the full contents
from their home cenote. of a litre bottle of rum. As the doll sinks to the
bottom, the houngan must convince the Loa that
System: The Calaca must initially succeed an this doll is a ‘horse’ created to be ridden by spirits
extended Stamina + Performance roll (around one wishing to enter the real world through possession.
per hour) and sacrificing his ghoul (who must also
succeed her rolls). Stripping and decorating the System: If the Calaca is successful in her attempt
skull requires a successful Intelligence + Crafts to coerce the loa, which will require a Charisma
roll (difficulty 7). One skull at the Calaca’s cenote + Occult roll (difficulty 8 normally - difficulty 7
lowers the Shroud by one; each consecutive level if rare and high quality rum is used) the doll will
which the Shroud is to be lowered by requires physically crawl from the cenotes depths drenched
an additional number of skulls equal to the new in gore at the next sunset entirely animate. This
number of reduced Shroud levels (i.e., three skulls doll will be sympathetically tied to the human,
must be used to lower the Shroud by 2, six to lower Kindred, or other being whose flesh was used
it by 3, etc.). during its creation. As such, any damage she
inflicts upon the doll will instantly damage the
In addition, the more skulls a houngan his victim (this damage is unsoakable). The doll must
surrounding his cenote, the shorter the Gestation be soaked in one blood point’s worth of vitae
period will be when that cenote is used to creating nightly to remain animate, though once the doll is

106 Chapter Five: Lithomancy

destroyed the power will end. To prevent the doll and confidence can all be inspired in the doting
from escaping it must be constantly restrained or crowd - though it is (supposedly) Set who chooses,
caged - bird cages full of these frantic dolls have not the Gorgon herself.
been witnessed in the havens of some particularly
malicious houngans. If the doll is damaged beyond Entering Duat (Level Three; Gorgon)
use it continues to exude an inverted ‘blood bond’, This ritual is used by many Gorgons to
providing a +1 bonus dice to Intimidation rolls personally visit Set and return again with his
made against the victim to whomever possesses it. commandments and a renewed sense of faith.
The doll can only sustain six levels of lethal The Gorgon must spend several hours physically
damage before it becomes permanently inert; sanding off the hieroglyphs coating his sandstone
the body part or parts contained within the flesh; every area of his body must be eroded to
doll disintegrate, leaving the doll an inanimate, a smooth finish. Weakened by this excruciating
almost useless husk. However, a doll can be kept experience he will then be required to apply fresh
indefinitely, allowing the shaman to control her animal hide bandages to his bleeding masonry
victim (who, after all, need not know that it is no in order to re-mummify himself. Most are too
longer effective) through fear without ever actually weak following their ordeal to do this, so ghouls
having to harm him. are required to aid them in their journey. Once
bandaged, the Gorgon will be placed inside his
Ecstatic Sermon (Level Two; Gorgon) former Gestation sarcophagus while several ghouls
Not all Gorgons are granted the freedom to fill it with desert sand, sealing him in. With him
become lector priests; some are simply used as is buried a copy of the Book of Going Forth by
living scripture in permanent slavery. Gorgons Night, the holiest of all Setite scripture.
finally created this humour to cement their place System: The process of sanding away the
at the altar, seemingly by guiding Set’s will to the Gorgon’s hieroglyphics causes seven levels of un-
hearts of their subjects. The Gorgon must sit alone soakable bashing damage and requires a Willpower
by the light of a candle made from vitae-infused roll (difficulty 8) to even achieve. Once buried, the
wax for an entire night, methodically transcribing Gorgon will immediately enter torpor, while his ba
the hieroglyphs found on her body upon a sheet of and ka (Man and Beast) enter Duat as one. He will
gilded papyrus. She then delicately folds the sheet be forced to read aloud from his religious tomes at
into a small square and drenches it in her blood. the foot of seven large gates (each reading requires
Once the document has absorbed the vitae, she an Intelligence + Occult roll with a difficulty of 10,
burns a hole directly through the center of it. As reduced by each dot of Path rating he has above 5).
she unfolds the singed paper, only a small selection If he does not follow the Path of Typhon, Excess,
of the hieroglyphs she had written will be intact, or the Warrior (see V20 pages 338-340 and Lore
seemingly saved by Sets hand. of the Clans pages 70-73), or any other derivative
System: Within one month of performing this of the Path of Typhon, the ritual automatically
ritual, which requires the expenditure of a blood fails. If he is successful at each gate, he will pass
point and a successful Intelligence + Expression through to finally see the face of while he believes
roll (difficulty 6), the Gorgon can perform to be Set himself. His interaction with Set will be
an elaborate sermon. This sermon requires cryptic and distorted and only impart fragmented
her to succeed a Manipulation + Expression information, intended to strengthen his temple
roll (difficulty 8) using the remaining burnt and foretell of any upcoming danger.
hieroglyphs as her service notes. The words have When he awakens once more on earth, he
been carefully chosen by Set to stir passion, so retains any information he managed to garner
if she rolls successfully she will be able to elicit a from Set, which is also inscribed upon his body in
deep emotional reaction from all those able to hear the form of entirely new, permanent hieroglyphics.
her words. Joy, anger, sorrow, arousal, hunger, fear If he used animal hide bandages different to those

Clanbook: Gargoyles 107

used to create him during the creation ritual instinctive foreboding as they approach, receiving
(which is customary, simply to initiate chaotic a vague premonition of the pain that suffering
change), he awakens with his body transformed that awaits should they dare to intrude; entering
into a reflection of the deity tied to that animal. the territory in this state requires a Courage roll
This will also change his demeanour to reflect the (difficulty equal to the difficulty of the ritual) as
personality of that new deity. long as the humour still has ‘charges’.
Koma Nloka (Level Two; Minkisi) Becoming the Olgatuny (Level Three;
Not all vampiric rituals require other beings to Minkisi)
suffer. The Nkisi’s position within a court means The idea that Minkisi can create guardian lions
they are not granted underlings so they must (see page 116) is false but still has an essence of
make do alone. As such this ritual is difficult for truth behind it. Using this humour, the Minkisi
many Minkisi to even perform as it requires great can actually shift their forms to that of a Guardian
tests of self-control in the face of excruciating Lion. In this form they can defend their Magaji
punishment. It was designed by the Nganga as an and her land with a deep primal fury and deadly
added ‘feature’ of his Fetishes, temporarily turning power to match. To begin, the Fetish must
the construct into an unliving ward against evil simultaneously debase and aggrandise himself in
forces encroaching on the Magaji’s domain. The front of the entire court by dressing in a cloak of
Nkisi must engrave a long iron chain with small the fur from a ghouled lion, covering himself in
geomantic runes, carving them into each link, blood, and marching through the hall on all fours
and wrap the chain around her chest to restrict in as regal and prideful a manner as possible. The
all movement. The writing on this chain will start lionfur garment can be used again for the same
to glow bright red as if the iron were being heated purpose, though it must be preserved the same as
by a forge. As it glows, the Nkisi’s fellow court any fur.
members must each take turns stabbing her with a System: As he runs and leaps he must spend two
freshly-beaten dagger. Willpower points (or, if he is a Mitupo, only one;
System: Once constricted, the Nkisi must spend their animalistic natures ease the process) to enter
three blood points to trigger the arcane spell a trance, channeling the Beast of a lion to join his
coating the chain links, and the ritualist must roll own. He must be voluntarily fed two blood points
Intelligence + Occult (difficulty varies, see below) by his Magaji to allow his body to transform as well
after the Nkisi is successfully damaged with the as his mind.
ritual knives. For each point of damage dealt to For the remainder of the night, if the Nkisi is
the Nkisi, the ritual’s difficulty increases (starting called upon to defend his Magaji, he can transform
at difficulty 5 for only a single point of damage). into a Guardian Lion for one scene by spending
If she manages to not frenzy from the pain or die the blood points given to him by the Magaji. The
from the wounds, the dice pool modifiers from the metamorphosis takes two turns to fully convert his
damage are halved for the Nkisi. In either of these body into that of a lion, approximately 5 feet high
instances, the ritual ends in failure. at the shoulder and 7 feet long, decorated with
For each success the ritualist gains on the carvings depicting his Magaji’s victories in battle
Intelligence + Occult roll, a number of creatures (real or imagined). The Minkisi in lion form gains
(mortal, vampire, or other) which enter (or are +3 Strength, +3 Stamina, 2 additional Hurt (-1)
already within) the Magaji’s recognised territory health levels and 1 additional Wounded (-2) health
with hostile intentions towards the Magaji or his level, and they deal lethal damage in unarmed
subjects is dealt an amount of damage equal to attacks.
that suffered by the Nkisi as part of the ritual If his Magaji does not provide the blood at
(which they may roll to soak as normal). Those the end of his preparation, the Nkisi does not
hostiles which would enter the territory feel an

108 Chapter Five: Lithomancy

transform, instead suffering +2 difficulty to Self-
Control and Instinct rolls for the remainder of
the night, as two separate Beasts battle within his
head. Some particularly cruel Magaji do this as a
punishment, and as an amusing spectacle for the
court, if an Nkisi has failed them - and sometimes
even if he hasn’t.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 109

Chapter Six:
The Slaves’
Ghouls Metamus

Those few mortals who become ghouled by a During a ghoul’s early years (up to around
Gargoyle display their nature as prominently, and 80 years of natural life) they will be considered
with equally horrifying results, as those bound to ‘Metamus’ ghouls. They have slick and very
Samedi and Nosferatu. It is monumentally difficult smooth, even flawless, skin - like that of a marble
for Gargoyles to reach out to humans to bestow the statue - or bodies possessed of a strange quartz-like
vitae onto them without abduction or violence. translucence. They will be masters of Fortitude,
Those ghouls that are taken usually live in their as unlike most ghouls they most commonly gain
domitor’s haven, protecting the sleeping Gargoyles Fortitude rather than Potence.
of an Eyrie as a valuable member of the family. These ghouls often take quite contradictory
Gargoyle ghouls are often chosen very young roles to their masters, as they can become both
so that if they tell adults about the walking, immensely beautiful and physically durable. As
talking statute that fed them blood, it will be adolescents, those created as children mature
regarded as a strange and concerning product of quickly and gain wisdom from their immortal
childish imagination - but only imagination. Many patrons. Humans seem to admire their flawless
Gargoyles also appreciate child ghouls, especially perfection as they retain their youthful vibrancy
orphans, for their innocence and humanity. well into middle age, still looking eighteen in their
Caring for such young charges serves to fulfill their forties - but all of this soon fades.
drives towards family and belonging. Ignis
Life Stages During the ghoul’s second phase of life (between
As Gargoyle ghouls age, they approach death like 80 and 200 years) the ghoul’s beauty and humanity
normal humans. Beyond an increased lifespan of fades away as her skin becomes grey, blotchy and
four centuries or so, they will wither and die, the cracked. They may grow small stone shards and
Gargoyle condition being too traumatic for their bony protrusions from their flesh, eventually
bodies to handle. They pass through three major leaving every inch of their skin resembling
life stages. whatever material is tied to their masters’ Mimesis.
Irrespective of the precise makeup of their new

110 Chapter Six: The Slaves’ Retainers

forms, Ignis ghouls can no longer connect with
humanity. This disconnection also comes with a
dramatic increase in the strength of their beast
which becomes twice as active, meaning they are
too dangerous to expose to kine. The name ‘Ingis’
(the Latin for fire) - refers to this newfound fire in
their hearts.
It is during this time that Ignis ghouls will be
encouraged to become very active in Kindred
society by learning multiple Disciplines and
studying the history of not only their own
bloodline but that of the entire vampire race.
Once they have achieved an acceptable knowledge
of Kindred existence, control of Disciplines and
dominance over their powerful Beasts, they will be
This is the final stage of a Gargoyle ghoul’s
existence, and the one no ghoul ever wants to
reach (from 200 years until disintegration). Their
bodies gradually crumble away, removing one level
of an Attribute for every 20 years they live for
beyond the second century. This decaying turns
their existence into a living hell, as they will have
already failed their Grotesquerie in some way
(since they haven’t already been Embraced). These
unfortunates become obsessed with finding the
Embrace to an extreme degree.
The effect of disintegration is irreversible and
cannot be healed through the use of vitae or any
mortal medicine. Any ghoul embraced at this stage
will keep her debilitated attributes and flawed
physique (see the Flaw - Erosion on page 52) for
the remainder of her unlife.
Due to their toughened skin, all Gargoyle ghouls
will learn Fortitude as standard, irrespective of
what type of Gargoyle has ghouled them. They will
then be likely to learn Visceratika unless no one
around them knows it. A small few ghouls actually
manage to learn Flight; this knowledge will not
develop until the second stage of their lives. If they
do learn Flight while yet alive, the wings that grow
will be entirely biological (though they are still
coated in stone flesh due to their condition).
Generally, ghouls of Gargoyles in the modern

Clanbook: Gargoyles 111

day will receive a better life than many of that the message of freedom was able to spread by
their cousins. Due to the Path of Freedom, day as well as night. Many were Embraced for their
Chaundician ghouls will more than likely be part stalwart service, to reinforce the Gargoyles’ losses,
of a Grotesquerie who believe it to be their duty and to remove the effects of their mutations.
to keep their ghouls in optimal living conditions, In 1481, a scouting party of Standing Stones
with vitae and safety being given in exchange for tracked a Tremere and his entourage to an isolated
blood as part of a mutually-agreed arrangement. region of the Austrian Alps, and rather than attack
Outside of the sect, a ghoul will be raised in immediately decided to observe his actions. They
whichever fashion the individual Gargoyle sees fit. found that he was seeking a certain cave, but for
There is an unconscious element of Gargoyle what the Stones weren’t initially sure. Eventually
ghouling which comes from their strong parental he seemed to find what he was looking for and
instincts. Not only do they want to have company went inside. Following stealthily behind, the ghoul
at all times, but they want to encourage a family scouts saw a sleeping female Gargoyle of large
environment reflective of the Eyrie of Ceoris. proportions deep within the cave system. The
Having ghouls with a childish outlook provides Warlock wakened her with a drop of his blood,
a sense of liveliness and kinship with all those and she began to stir. Even as they were preparing
involved with the ghoul’s rearing. Like Gargoyle to attack, the Gargoyle burst into life, tearing
animals and lesser Gargoyles, ghouls are always apart the Tremere’s ghoul acolytes several at a
cared for and loved by sentinels and trained in time, before turning her attention on the vampire.
battle by Warriors. On rare occasions, they may Despite his best efforts to defend himself, she
become shamanic apprentices or spies under the ultimately overcame him and drank his heart’s
training of the Scouts. blood.
The Standing Stones The Standing Stones remained in hiding as her
Beast vented its wrath and hunger on the bodies
Between the creation of the Castings and the of the slain and the rock of the cavern walls. Once
Revolt, the Gargoyles of Ceoris were served by she had regained something of her composure,
a small cadre of ghouls directly bound to them, they gradually approached, laying down their
whose primary duty was to defend the Eyrie weapons and explaining who they were. After
during the day. It was from this practice that the some convincing and calming down, the Gargoyle
harmful effects of consuming Gargoyle vitae on accepted them and introduced herself as Ana,
humans was noted, and over time this group came daughter of Chaundice. Overwhelmed by finding
to be known as the Standing Stones due to their such a close descendant of the Rock Lord himself,
mutations. the Stones immediately swore allegiance to her.
The Stones stood watch over the Eyrie for almost Their first act was to direct her towards the nearby
four centuries, and in that time grew closer and chantry, where the Tremere she had slain had
closer to their charges, until eventually they were originated from.
largely forgotten about by most Tremere. The During the ensuing bloody raid, Ana and the
Revolt saw them return with a vengeance, and Standing Stones dispatched the unsuspecting
while they did not take as many Tremere lives, they occupants with relative ease. The chantry’s regent
ensured that as few Gargoyles were lost as possible. had attempted to hide herself in a secret chamber,
Had it not been for them, the subsequent Battle of which contained a thick sheet of red obsidian
Ceoris may have gone even worse for Vristania and standing in a carved frame coated in blessings
her children. and sacraments. Her notes alluded to the gradual
The Revolt proper saw the Standing Stones serve ‘perfection of solidifying the force of life’ (the
their masters as agents and spies as well as daytime ‘anima mundi’), presumably towards attempts to
protectors. It was thanks to the Standing Stones restore her body to mortal life. Ana was able to

112 Chapter Six: The Slaves’ Retainers

find her hiding spot without trouble, and slew the Warlocks. Information so gained often leads to
regent quickly and without ceremony. attacks or assassination attempts against senior
Curious about the obsidian sheet, she melded Tremere. So far they have been unable to uncover
with it in order to gain a greater sense of its evidence of the continued use of Gargoyle slaves
composition, but when she emerged she was in defiance of the Montmartre Pact, even after
changed - bright red in colour, and though neither rapidly following up rumours of one’s appearance
mortal nor human, full of of a certain savage in Chicago.
vitality. The present Standing Stones, while The latest and most audacious scheme is to
perturbed by her changes, were relieved at Ana’s infiltrate an Embraced revivalist into a chantry
return and regrouped to a safer position. Over and frame a ‘discovery’, thus potentially ousting
the course of several months spent in her near- the Tremere from the Camarilla and leaving them
continuous presence, they noticed a reconstitution vulnerable to their many rivals and enemies - the
of their flesh to the glistening beauty of their Assamites, Gangrel, Nosferatu, Tzimisce, and most
Metamus state. Eventually, every one of Ana’s of all the Gargoyles themselves. This plan has yet
ghouls had their youthful strength back and then to be put in place, though an increasing number of
some, becoming incarnations of their original Chaundician voices are raised in support of it, the
power and might. chief among them being Ana.
In the modern nights, these elite soldiers Naturally no revivalist holds Virstania in any
continue to battle the Tremere at every turn great esteem, as they are almost all Chaundician;
beside their demonic-seeming mistress, and have she is counted among the Tremere who must be
grown to include the majority of ghouls bound to torn down and punished for their many sins, her
Chaundician Gargoyles. They operate across the own conflicts with the Clan notwithstanding.
world, and equip themselves with relics and arcane They urge Chaundice to start a second revolt, this
knowledge salvaged from each raided chantry. The time ending in his diablerie of Tremere and the
Standing Stones have taken up a personal crusade elevation of the Gargoyle race to true Clanhood.
against the ghoul cult known as the Sacrament As on so many other matters, Chaundice has
of Caine, who - fueled by the murderous actions remained silent on this.
of Ferox - deem Gargoyles not worthy of unlife,
along with other ‘impure’ Clans and bloodlines Misbegotten Ghouls
(see Ghouls and Revenants page 81). The two cults Calacas love ghouling humans, particularly
wrage destructive but clandestine wars, with no for the Noche de los Muertos ritual (see page 108).
clear winner having yet emerged. Animals, however, are spared ghouling, as they
rarely adapt to the specific decay and destruction
1476 Revivalists of the bodies that comes with the curse carried in
A small subset of Gargoyle ghouls take what they Calaca blood.
learn about their domitors’ bloody past personally. Seen as both extensions of their gods and
Dubbing themselves the 1476 Revival, they meet in embodiments of their cults scripture, only truly
shadowy ruins and talk in hushed tones about the devout and worthy kine are given the sacred blood
downfall of Clan Tremere. The revivalists hate the of a Gorgon. They are actively encouraged to
Tremere and everything they stand for, they dream ghoul the snakes of their temples, however, and
of a night where the Tremere and even Tremere to eventually ritually Embrace them if they show
itself is whipped off the face of the earth and remarkable qualities.
supplanted by the supreme Gargoyle race.
Mariners don’t get the chance to ghoul human
Revivalist tactics even go so far as to plant beings; their creation however, requires the use of
members within a chantry as Tremere ghouls both ghouled and ritually-Embraced sea life. As
and use various Gargoyle rituals to spy on the such, they ghoul and ritually Embrace droves of

Clanbook: Gargoyles 113

marine organisms to live within their blood-fuelled Gestation but is left dormant in their vitae. The
ecosystems. realization that Gargoyles could, with the correct
ritual preparations in place, ‘Embrace’ animals was
Minkisi are born of powers other than blood gleefully discovered by Virstania early into their
magic, and as such cannot (by design) ghoul, blood design. Gargoyles inherit the unique ability to
bond, or Embrace. The presence of human sorcery Embrace their long-standing animal ghouls.
somehow degrades the curse of Caine, making
their blood inert. Many claim to have the ability To Embrace one of their familiar beasts,
but it has never been witnessed by other Kindred. Gargoyles must have the animal preemptively
ghouled for a specific period of time, depending
Gargoyle Animals on the natural lifespan of the animal in question.
Gargoyle blood is a truly transformative The creature must have lived around twice the
substance, more so than that of other Kindred. duration normally possible for non-ghouled
This primal quality derived from three different membership of its species. The Gargoyle-to-be
Clans gives Gargoyle blood a great liveliness. This is then fed a mixture of ground granite dust,
characteristic combines with a connection to the vitae, and its natural food. Once this mixture
Beast that surpasses the Discipline of Animalism has been ingested for seven nights, the beast is
itself, which Gargoyles should logically possess. able to be drained of all its blood and receive the
The Discipline doesn’t vanish entirely during Gargoyle’s. It does not truly reanimate it as with

New Ability: Gargoyle Ken

Gargoyles are creatures of two minds. On the one hand they have their human desires and
intelligence which motivate their night to night activities, and on the other they have their primal
animalistic mind pushing them to perform pack activities. These minds exist irrespective of the
Beast, and most Gargoyles try to balance all three evenly. Any one interacting with Gargoyles must
have a level of understanding of how to accurately portray the desires of a man alongside the desires
of an animal to truly communicate with a Gargoyle. Gargoyle Ken is a new Skill for non-Gargoyles
similar to Animal Ken, which determines how well a Gargoyle will naturally respect you and is used
to interact with any breed of Gargoyle outlined above and any Gargoyle animals below.
• Initiate - You have a general grasp of interacting with Gargoyles on an instinctive and intellectual
level simultaneously, but have to consider your words and actions carefully when communicating.
•• Rockhead - You have enough experience to interact with fledgeling Gargoyles without them
growing tired of your human ways. To this end the other Gargoyles respect you as if you were
yourself a fledgling.
••• Rebel - You can relax in a Grotesquerie without fear of making a faux pas serious enough to
lead to your death. Other Gargoyles may even willingly include you in their private customs and
•••• Expert - You have a connection to the bloodline that is as strong as that of your own Clan
or bloodline; if anything, being with Gargoyles makes you feel more at home. No Grotesquerie will
shun you outright, and given a few nights most Gargoyles will accept you as one of their own.
••••• Legend: Akin to Virstania or Chaundice, you have the leave to walk into a Grotesquerie
and be free of any concern. Any Gargoyle will notice your devotion to their culture in moments,
and treat you like their own sire.

114 Chapter Six: The Slaves’ Retainers

humans but merely resuscitate and transform it to claim unsuspecting animals or kine for their
into something not quite Kindred but not quite subterranean feasts.
living. The window of opportunity to successfully Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4,
give this pseudo-Embrace is much shorter than an Perception 2, Intelligence 1, Wits 1
‘ordinary’ Embrace performed on a human.
Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Stealth
These beasts have an eclectic mix of vampire and 4, Survival 4
ghoul features, making them superior to an average
ghouled animal (hence their desirability). They Disciplines: Celerity 2, Obfuscate 2, Visceratika 3
suffer milder versions of Kindred base weaknesses Willpower: 4
(aggravated damage from sources of fire, Blood pool: 1
sustenance only from blood, etc.) as well as the full
weaknesses of the Gargoyle that Embraced them. Health levels: OK,OK, -1 , -3, Incapacitated
They can learn Disciplines (particularly Flight), Razor Bats
though not most mental Disciplines (reference
the table on page 131 of V20, as though they were Contrary to the affliction which rats are stricken
vampires achieving 3 successes on Subsume the with upon their Embrace, bats become gangly and
Spirit). They generate their own blood to fuel their thin. This withering lends itself greatly to their
powers at 1 point per night, are truly immortal, flying prowess the speed of which quadruples
and unlike regular ghouled animals will not once they are granted unlife. Razor bats’ bodies
normally mutate once their initial transformation crystallize to resemble a thin disk of slate with
is complete. Once these animals are Embraced, the capacity to a slice a mortal’s throat by simply
they no longer need the blood of their master fluttering against it. Gargoyles ritually Embrace
to survive but rather blood in general, like any flocks of bats for company on their nighttime
vampire. All Gargoyle animals must be influenced flights, as they seem to take to Kindred life with
with Gargoyle Ken rather than Animal Ken. surprising ease, striking swiftly and silently.

Gargoyle animals also retain the ability to Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2,
reproduce, though this only works with other Perception 4, Intelligence 1, Wits 2
Gargoyle animals of the same species, and often Abilities: Alertness 4 Athletics 4, Brawl 2, Stealth
not even then; many pregnancies miscarry or 4, Survival 2
produce non-viable foetuses, but those few that do Disciplines: Auspex 1, Celerity 2, Flight 4,
survive to birth appear identical in nature to their Visceratika 3
parents. Gargoyle scholars are unsure of how to
Willpower: 3
classify these creatures, and most Gargoyle’s don’t
care. Blood pool: 1
Health levels: OK, -1, -2, -3, Incapacitated
Sludge Rats
Resembling bloated balls of mud dragging Rock Cats
their bodies along on stunted limbs, sludge rats The cats ritually Embraced by Gargoyles are
are the resultant monstrosity left behind in the rarely common house cats because their bodies
Embrace of rats. Lacking wings, they cannot will not hold up to the vicious strength of their
automatically fly, but manage to scurry along vitae. Rock cats are a rare example of a Gargoyle
at phenomenal speed by burrowing through animal whose size diminishes upon the Embrace;
the soil. The flesh of sludge rats is a gelatinous a mountain lion might reduce to the size of an
amalgamation of coagulated vitae and sewer waste, average dog. They are nimble and stealthy and
loosely wrapped around a small, barely beating possess almost unparallelled senses, the telltale
heart. Gargoyles nesting in sewers will Embrace signs of which are their burning red eyes.
great hoards of these creatures and send them off

Clanbook: Gargoyles 115

Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3, Cave bears are the ritually Embraced bears
Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 4 common only to North American Gargoyles.
Abilities: Alertness 4, Athletics 4, Brawl 3, These bears allow Gargoyles to sleep in their
Intimidation 2, Stealth 3, Survival 3 domain during day if they gather food for them
in the night. They sleep for most of their unlives,
Disciplines: Auspex 1, Celerity 3, Flight 1, Protean walking for around 3 to 4 hours at night, though
2, Visceratika 3 can easily stir at any time. They resemble gigantic
Willpower: 4 smooth boulders with subtle indentations where
Blood pool: 5 their arms wrap around their torsos. No Kindred
who is not an elder is a match in combat against a
Health levels: OK, OK, -1, -1, -2, -2, -5, cave bear.
Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 2, Stamina 6,
Stone Hounds Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 2
Guard dogs are often classically favoured by Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 5,
Sentinels dispute their mutated and overbearing Intimidation 3, Stealth 1, Survival 4
forms. They usually come from larger breeding Disciplines: Flight 1, Fortitude 4, Potence 4,
stock such as Dobermans, huskies, and Rottweilers Protean 3, Visceratika 3
to best capitalise on the strength granted by their
new blood. They will grow in size to that of a wild Willpower: 5
wolf, and have the intense aggression common Blood pool: 6
among the undead. Their fangs grow too long for Health levels: OK, OK, OK, OK, -1, -1, -1, -1 -3, -3,
their mouths, keeping them perpetually propped -5, Incapacitated
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Guardian Lions
Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3 The noble living totems of the eastern Gargoyle
Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Brawl 4, colonies are named guardian lions, created to
Intimidation 3, Stealth 2, Survival 3 reflect the guardian spirits found in Chinese
folklore (as the Gargoyles themselves seem to do).
Disciplines: Flight 1, Fortitude 3, Potence 2, These beasts are formed of only male lions in
Protean 2, Visceratika 3 control of an entire pride at the point of Embrace.
Willpower: 5 They gain an intelligence almost equaling most
Blood pool: 3 humans, with a good chance of managing speech
and higher reasoning. They grow to a size greater
Health levels: OK, OK, -1, -1, -2, -2, -5, than that of a shire horse and become spiritually
Incapacitated tied to the location where they are Embraced.
Cave Bears Any temple housing a guardian lion will never
Colossal boulders may sometimes be found in fall as these beasts can rival even the most deadly
the more isolated mountainous Eyries, ten feet vampire. They predominantly guard the Eternally
tall and four feet wide with two large indentations Petrified Sanctum, the Eyrie of Ch’iung Chi. At
around the front. A city-dwelling Kindred would least one Minkisi claim to have the capacity to
be excused for thinking that Gargoyles have placed create guardian lions for their Guruhi warlords but
these boulders there as part of a ceremonial ritual none have ever contested this claim.
or to intimidate intruders, but that would be an Attributes: Strength 7, Dexterity 6, Stamina 7,
error in judgment leading to a brutally violent Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
Final Death. Abilities: Alertness 4, Athletics 5, Brawl 6,

116 Chapter Six: The Slaves’ Retainers

Intimidation 5, Stealth 4, Survival 4
Disciplines: Flight 1, Fortitude 3, Presence 2, Vis
Potence 3, Visceratika 3 Gargoyle monstrosities and ritually
Willpower: 6 Embraced animals feed primarily on blood,
Blood pool: 7 but since their creation in Ceoris they
have been known to possess the ability to
Health levels: OK, OK, OK, -1, -1 -1, -2, -2, -2, -3, consume other, magical substances. In the
-3, -5, -5, Incapacitated grounds of Ceoris, and the surrounding
Chitterers Carpathians, lay a substance of magic made
physical, called vis. Gargoyle-Embraced
Chitterers are created from a merging of two creatures and monstrosities roamed the land,
wolf hind sections (bound facing one another) and living on this material almost exclusively,
as many juvenile birds’ heads as can fit onto their though Kindred and the vast majority of
combined bellies. This creature acts surprisingly ‘ordinary’ Gargoyles were incapable of
like a natural animal for the horrific mutant that it drawing sustenance from it. Even tonight,
is; when left to its own devices it will simply trawl vis can often be found deep in the hearts of
through fields and consume worms, shoots, and mountains and in isolated locations swelling
small specks of vis for nourishment. The sight of a with magic.Your fellows revere you exactly as
field of grazing chitterers is one of the most surreal you deserve.”
experiences a vampire (let alone a mortal) can
When the beast is employed as a combatant, drawn from a truly abominable art of Dark
however, it can break even the strongest-willed Thaumaturgy.
Kindred. The chitterer immediately pounces They reproduce by laying eggs, each hindquarter
and holds down the victim with its preternatural fertilizing the eggs of the other. In the time of
strength, so that he can see the avian heads on its Ceoris, these eggs were transported further into
exposed bellies. The heads then simply squawk at the Carpathian mountains to avoid destruction.
the victim while lightly pecking him. After several Malgorzata once conducted an experiment in
minutes of harsh, incomprehensible squawking, which a prisoner was forced to drink a chitterer’s
the beaks gradually produce words and then blood and nothing else for a week. The Gangrel
whole sentences, audible only to the victim. These victim was said to have turned into an imitation
screeches come to contain details of true crimes Malkavian, such was his insanity. While the vast
the victim has committed, irrespective of what the majority of chitterers, if not all of them, died
chitterer (or any other being) could have learned. following the fall of Ceoris and the decline of its
Chitterers scream accusations at their victims until stores of vis, the formula for creating one has not
they relent; many go mad in the process. been entirely lost. There are perhaps only a dozen
Dark rumours surround the chitterers, aside tonight, kept in the deepest, darkest hearts of a
from the cruelty and madness involved in handful of chantries.
their creation (which was, unusually, far more Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4,
Malgorzata’s doing than Virstania’s) and their Perception 3, Intelligence 1, Wits 1
terrifying forms. It is said that with their many Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Awareness 1,
beaks they can ‘taste’ the unspoken sins and Brawl 4, Empathy 5, Stealth 2
atrocities committed by their victims, which
they then regurgitate. This ability, which they do Disciplines: Auspex 2, Daimoinon 1,
not seem to use deliberately or consciously, is Dementation 3*, Potence 3
whispered to be imbued on them using techniques Health Levels: OK, -1, -3, -5, Incapacitated

Clanbook: Gargoyles 117

Blood Pool: 3 consumption.
Willpower: 2 Skin-eaters have an effective speed and damage
For the first two levels of Dementation, Chitterers rating of 3, so any Kindred wishing to escape such
use their Willpower and add it to their Empathy an attack must either run quick enough (dexterity
for their dice pools. and athletics roll) or resist the damage indefinitely
(stamina roll with 4 levels of lethal damage per
The chitterer must successfully grapple its round).
opponent and hold him down for several rounds
for its ability to become active. The chitterer Reapers
will automatically ‘taste’ vile secrets on the skin As a side-project, Virstania would farm vats
of the victim, instantly spewing the secret forth of beetles within a tank filled with the vitae of
amongst its incessant squawking. After a number Kindred, extracted while they were frenzying,
of rounds equal to the victim’s Courage, he must until the beetles greatly enlarged and fought one
make a Courage roll (difficulty 7) or enter a fear another viciously. They were then left alone until
frenzy (mortal victims simply curl up and become the screeching subsided and only one remained.
catatonic with terror and shock). This roll is This champion would often be as large as a
repeated every two rounds thereafter, either until human child, with a thick shell and two scythes
it is failed or the grapple ends. If it is botched, the protruding either side of its swollen body. Its face
victim also gains a Derangement - often paranoia, would then be delicately carved out and replaced
but sometimes a deep ornithophobia combined with a swarm’s worth of rat heads, which began
with hallucinations, whereby he hears every bird constantly mewling and tussling with each other.
screaming his greatest crimes back at him.
These creatures, called reapers, were usually
Skin-Eaters made to infest the lands around Ceoris and
In the dark woods surrounding Ceoris, vast provide an extra level of security if a human
swarms of flies would feast on rotting plant and mob or Tzimisce warhost ever came to its doors.
animal matter. Upon noticing these swarms, Nothing phased these beasts in a fight; despite not
Virstania decided to ghoul them in a vat of slurry being the biggest or most capable in combat, they
made from Gargoyle vitae and sandstone dust fought with savage ferocity. Nests of these beasts
(to fatten them up). They were kept in ritualistic could reach twenty residents or more, at which
clay jars and bathed in Gargoyle blood until their point Gargoyles would be sent in to cull their
specialist abilities were required. A Warlock would numbers.
approach an entire encampment of Tzimisce or The first recorded use of the current form of
kine warriors and crack the vase to release the reapers was by Jervais, childe of Malgorzata in
swarm. The swarm would sweep through the camp, Magdeburg in 1211, when he employed one to
stripping every being clean of skin. hunt down a Caitiff whose name is lost to history.
Skin-eaters still exist, mostly locked up deep He engineered a specific mutation in his reaper,
in Tremere chantries. Any humans who fall victim meaning that it suffered great pain until it had
to an attack by a skin-eater swarm will bleed to successfully hunted down its assigned target.
death in seconds, while Kindred will fall into Though it was unsuccessful in this instance, it
Torpor unless they can heal their skin quickly and performed well enough and survived its mission.
somehow see off the swarm. Any skin healed will That particular reaper was exterminated once the
cause the victim to lose one level of Appearance agony made it no longer viable, but the mutation’s
as it can never truly heal correctly. Only with usefulness was noted and given to other reapers
speed, cunning, or supernatural power can one and further improved, meaning that it could be
escape a cloud of skin-eaters, as any attempt at ‘switched off’ if the target was no longer feasible
resistance will not affect the rate of the skin-eaters’ or the reaper needed to be reassigned. All extant

118 Chapter Six: The Slaves’ Retainers

Cave Caps
In the Eyrie of Ceoris, the floor would permanently be coated in a thick mulch of ash, clay, blood,
flesh, and feculence. Within this slurry settled the spores of fungi already mutated by the corrupt
essence flowing throughout the cave systems joining the Eyrie to the Carpathian mountains. These
spours subtly bred thousands of ghouled generations in the quiet depths of Ceoris, becoming
infectious. These spores would occasionally settle in the vitae of womb-bearers when they were
sectioned open to implant a new foetus. They then passed into the bloodstream of the developing
young, taking an almost permanent presence in their vitae. Through ghouling, blood bonds, siring,
combat, and blood orgies the spores passed from Kindred to Kindred, leaving a high percentage of
Ceoris’s Gargoyles with this fungal infestation.
For normal Gargoyles or any Kindred possessing Visceratika, the spores will remain inert for
their entire unlives; they will more than likely never know of its presence at all. Kindred without a
connection to the inanimate, however, are at great risk indeed. If a Gargoyle with this malady is fed
from by another vampire (whether due to an attempt at diablerie or as part of a blood bond), the
caps will sprout in the new ‘clean skinned’ host (Ghouls do not generally develop this condition
as Visceratika protects them even if they struggle to actually learn the Discipline). A fist-sized cap
will emerge a night after they imbibe the infected blood, a new one emerging every night thereafter
until the Kindred is entirely coated in these inflexible stony growths. The cave caps reduce ordinary
function until the Kindred becomes an unmoving mass of stone, at which point they will begin to
dissolve as they are consumed by the caps, even as they inevitably starve into torpor.
The only way for any vampire to rid themselves of cave cap is to burn every blood point in their
body, removing the means for them to incubate. If the Kindred can do this knowing they will
be revived by blood to revive them from torpor, they will survive and the caps will eventually age
and die, dropping off after just a few nights of exsanguination. The average Kindred could take
around 60 caps to entirely debilitate them, which they cannot easily or safely remove, as they root
all throughout the Kindred’s circulatory system. Any which are removed are swiftly replaced. Sadly,
not many Gargoyles are aware of this fungal infection, so this simple if inconvenient cure is rarely

Reapers are of this type, though few have masters Discipline: Auspex 1, Celerity 2, Fortitude 2,
in a position of activating this ‘ability’. Potence 3
After the Revolt, the reapers were released, Health Levels: OK, OK, -1, -3, -5, Incapacitated
leading to a population living near where Ceoris Blood Pool: 4
once stood of around 200 specimens. They rarely
leave the grounds of Ceoris and the surrounding Willpower: 3
countryside, as their bodies rely on the magical Attacks: Scythe-like forelimbs dealing 8 dice of
materials lying around the Carpathian mountains lethal damage (including Strength and Potence).
called vis (as most Gargoyle beasts do), though
Kindred blood seems to suffice for a rare few. Gargoyle Monstrosities
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5, There are many ‘breeds’ which fall under the
Perception 5, Intelligence 1, Wits 2 general category of Gargoyle. The most well-known
of these are obviously the sired Gargoyle’s, whom
Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Brawl 5, Stealth most Kindred will at least have vaguely heard
3 of. But during the Omen War and the various

Clanbook: Gargoyles 119

centuries long battles against lupines and Tzimisce, Gargoyles possess their own instinctual response to
the witch of Ceoris developed numerous creatures simulacrum - one of utter hatred. A Gargoyle will
based upon the creation of Gargoyles. These have to test their willpower not to kill these beings
Gargoyle monstrosities have the intelligence of immediately since they were programed to kill
animals or small children, and were designed to them from the beginning.
perform specific tasks for their masters. During Simulacra are designed to fulfil one mission and
the Revolt, these beasts were taken by the rebelling to die soon after so any that survive their mission
Gargoyles and kept as guards and pets. were expected to be killed by Gargoyles as per
Womb-Bearers their instincts. This dissociation from all Kindred
life sends simulacra insane and suicidal, opting
These creatures are truly a horror to behold; to kill themselves, kill others, or willingly fall to
standing at 20 feet in height, they are the brood wightdom. They appear as classic frankenstein
mothers of their Grotesqueries. Most womb- monsters with reconstituted flesh and deadened
bearers are created by particularly powerful nerves making their facial expressions uncanny;
Tremere or Gargoyle shamans to facilitate the this makes long term social interactions hard to
continued creation of true Gargoyles, but the maintain.
process is not pretty. They are ritually stuffed with
earth over a period of a month until a cavity is Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina
created in their abdomens to house the gestating 2, Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1,
sac. During this time their entire body enlarges to Perception 2, Intelligence 1, Wits 2.
average out the size of their lower halves. At the Abilities: Alertness 1, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Melee
turn of the month the earthen mass is expelled 3, Performance 1, Stealth 2, Survival 2, Subterfuge
and the creature is left with a womb ready to 1,
breed. Disciplines: Fortitude 2, Obfuscate 3, Potence 1
The transition to womb bearing is a high honour Willpower: 3
and only the most respected of Gargoyles are
chosen. They will have limited mobility but should Blood pool: 8
retain most of their former function unless other Health Levels: OK, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -5,
rituals are performed in addition to this one to Incapacitated
deliberately limit them. They gain an additional Gargoyles have the natural urge to kill simulacra,
4 ‘OK’ health levels, though their Dexterity and purely from the scent of their blood. For one to
Willpower are lowered by 2 each (to a minimum survive in a Grotesquerie they must continually
of 1). Sadly, their Strength does not increase which make an extended Charisma + Empathy roll.
leads to limited movement of their new, vast forms.
Life as a simulacrum is an eternal hell. Vellumae are arguably the worst thing
Considered neither truly Gargoyles or vampires, identifiable within the Gargoyle bloodline, if
they belong to no one. A simulacrum is created in indeed they could ever be classed as Gargoyles or
a process involving the mutilation, reconstitution, even Kindred. They appear as nothing more than
and ritualistic soul reforging of a single Kindred. animate sheets of skin, without muscle, bone, or
It is made to think and behave exactly as Tremere organs to support them. They have senses beyond
require it to, before being sent to manipulate human comprehension as well as inexplicable
the Clan they were once part of. Their Beast powers of movement, freeing them up to travel
is that of a Gargoyle, so when they learn of as far as they wish and experience whatever they
nearby Grotesqueries they instinctively flock desire.
to that location. This always ends in horror as A Velluma can splay out and drift on the wind

120 Chapter Six: The Slaves’ Retainers

to fly, or condense to the size of a pencil to slither Disciplines: Fortitude 4, Potence 4
through unseen cracks. They have no faces, make Willpower: 4
no sound, and do not attack victims with an intent
to harm; all they do is drink human blood. They Blood pool: 12
will find a lone host and wrap around the subject, Health levels: OK, OK, OK, OK, -1, -1, -3, -3, -5,
dissolving his entire body and absorbing the juices Incapacitated
inside before flapping away into the darkness. The Iecur Must make a successful Grapple
Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 5, Stamina 2, before beginning to digest its victim. Having done
Perception 3, Intelligence 1, Wits 1 so, it strips its victim of one health level and one
Abilities: Academics 1 (occasionally), Alertness 4, blood point per subsequent tum, no further rolls
Athletics 4, Melee 1, Stealth 4, Survival 2 required. For a victim to release herself from
enveloping iecur, the player must roll Strength +
Disciplines: Flight 1, Potence 2, Obfuscate 2 Brawl. If trapped up against a wall, a victim has
Willpower: 3 no way out of its grip, and must hope she (or her
Blood pool: 3 allies) can kill it before it reduces her entirely to
Health Levels: OK, -2, -5, Incapacitated
Vellumae can fly by catching updrafts and floating Hexapeds
on air currents. They will take to flight in order Hexapeds are six-armed, dog-minded monsters
to hunt for prey, once they sense it they will wrap which were often left to roam the grounds outside
around the lines whole body. The Velluma drains of Ceoris with the Chitterers and Reapers until
the human of blood and quickly takes off once their specific capabilities were required. They are
again into the night. constructed with the flesh of three Gangrel, using
all their arms, some of each one’s intestine, and
Iecur the entirety of each brain. The body is severed
Nightmares of the dungeons of Ceoris come in at the waist with 3 arms attached either side.
the form of iecur, the sight of which scarcely any Their heads are stapled back so as to allow them
Kindred could see without frenzying from sheer movement on their elbows with their hands
terror. Formed of hundreds of organs knitted pointing skyward. Their faces are removed and
together by digestive channels which spawn during replaced by a strapped-shut wound, exposing their
Gestation, these six-foot mounds of flesh act as combined brain, and their chest cavity is cracked
guards in secret cave systems and dungeons storing open with a unique sensory tendril lying in wait
the most important of magical texts. within.
When iecur are threatened, they dissolve their Hexapeds have the exceedingly precise ability
prey by wrapping around it and digesting it in a to track any being by smelling its aura residue left
matter of minutes. Though they prefer Kindred behind on clothing or tools. Once it has tracked
flesh, anything unlucky enough to cross their its victim down it sprays a chemical upon them
path is fair game. If they are left more than ten from an orifice grown within its brain, forging a
days without flesh they will enter a state of frenzy permanent spiritual connection which enables
until they are once more fed. Only beings of truly the hexaped to find its victim anywhere on earth.
substantial strength can combat an iecur as they They have been observed to possess the early levels
possess monumental Fortitude and Potence. of Protean and Auspex, which give them an even
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 1, Stamina 10, greater edge in tracking their prey. Despite their
Perception 1, Intelligence 1, Wits 1 horrific appearance, they will often behave like
young puppies. with playful attitudes and excitable
Abilities: Alertness 3, Brawl 8, Intimidation 5, devotion to duty.
Stealth 1

Clanbook: Gargoyles 121

Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, destructive force in their own constructs. The
Perception 5, Intelligence 2, Wits 2 repeated Gestation of Gargoyles saw to this need
Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 2, with grim results: “the birth of an embodied
Intimidation 4, Stealth 7, Survival 3 angel”, in the words of Cordwood. In seeking
to create the ultimate Gargoyle killing machine,
Disciplines: Auspex 2 (3 for more advanced Virstania and Malgorzata created the colossi;
Hexapeds), Fortitude 1, Potence 2, Protean 1 perhaps uniquely, it was a project that saw much
(occasionally) greater contribution from Goratrix’s childe than
Willpower: 5 from the Great Mother.
Blood pool: 10 In the creation of a Gargoyle colossus, one
Health levels: OK, OK, OK, -1, -1 -1, -1, -3, -3, -5, outstanding specimen of each Casting (each
Incapacitated from the same womb-bearer) is dismembered
and sewn back together, with all impurities and
Hand-to-hand attacks do normal damage the mutations removed so as to retain only their
Head appendage however does 8 dice but stops strongest properties. They are then placed back
attacking after a successful hit, instead draining 3 inside the womb of the same womb-bearer that
blood per turn. created them originally for two full years. Over
Colossi this period, rituals must be performed day and
night to encourage the flesh of all four beings to
One of the greatest threats to the security of
merge together. If successful, the womb-bearer will
Ceoris during the Omen War was the vozhd of
gradually grow a cocoon of shining hematite across
the Tzimisce (see V20 pages 502-503). Naturally,
its entire body over the course of the first year.
the Tremere felt the need to replicate such sheer

Every damaged piece of matter left over after the Gestation of the Gargoyles of Ceoris was thrown
into a refuse pile within the catacomb beneath the chantry, amidst alchemical waste and the faeces of
ghouls and yet-mortal Tremere. Eventually the time came to clear out this vile mess, at which point
expendable ghouls were given the unenviable task of transporting the waste eastwards and dumping
it in the Black Sea.
Just after the foul-smelling caravan had left the Carpathians, their cargo mysteriously tore through
the wooden slats of the carts and pooled on the ground. Upon investigating, the ghouls found large
spherical boulders sat amidst the Gargoyle remains, human waste, and chemicals. As the ghouls
(who didn’t know what else to do) tried to lift these boulders back into the cart, their blood was
tugged though their skin and seemingly consumed by the boulders. The rest of the caravan fled;
upon returning with Kindred masters the boulders had disappeared.
Today, these ‘living’ boulders are even known to the kine and referred to as ‘trovants’. They are
immune to sunlight and have no reactions to outside stimuli. If at any time the boulders are ‘hungry’
(which only appears to be every few years or even decades), they will instantly drain the blood of
anything touching them through the victim’s skin. The rocks multiply when ever water or blood
touches them (more quickly with human blood, even more so with vampire blood), and they have
the capacity to travel seemingly vast distances of their own volition. Humans see these as a simply
natural phenomena with the subsequent deaths quickly covered up by those Tremere who have
purchased the land and declared their location the ‘trovant preserve’.

122 Chapter Six: The Slaves’ Retainers

Towards the end of the second year, this cocoon
will splinter apart, revealing what is left at the end
of the two year ritual.
Emerging from the broken cocoon will be a
twenty-foot-tall newborn colossus. The faces of
the three cast gargoyles will have erupted from the
womb-bearers head (resulting in the ability to look
in every direction at once) and their wings will
have all sprouted out of her back and enlarged to
match their new frame. Any of the former womb-
bearer’s weakened muscles will be reinforced to
their original power and then some, leaving a
creature capable of razing a castle to the ground
The faces, wings, and entire body are covered
in the sigils which had previously been inscribed
upon the cocoon during re-Gestation, making each
colossus resemble the more alien depictions of
Attributes: Strength 8, Dexterity 4, Stamina 7,
Perception 5, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
Abilities: Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Brawl 6,
Intimidation 6, Survival 4
Disciplines: Flight 3, Fortitude 3, Potence 3
Willpower: 5
Blood pool: 20
Health levels: OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, -1, -1 -1, -1
-1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -5, -5, -5, Incapacitated
Colossi are indomitable, they combined minds
make domination a futile effort. They also have an
ability similar to presence where in they can strike
terror in heir enemies hearts with a single roar, this
costs 2 blood points and requires an intimidation

Clanbook: Gargoyles 123

Chapter Seven:
A Gallery of
Sample Characters have taken naturally to modern technology - as
though it were already familiar to you - which has
Agitator helped spread your message to no end.
Background: You were Embraced by an old Roleplaying Tips: You are vocal, forthright, and
Gargoyle, herself Embraced some three hundred passionate, but not easily angered. Even in the
years earlier by a veteran of Ceoris. You were raised midst of argument you keep your cool, knowing
largely according to the traditional free Gargoyle more often than not what to say to put your
fashion, though you and your sire moved between opponent off-guard. You are remarkably averse to
Grotesqueries rather than settling down in a single physical violence for a Gargoyle, however.
one since she wished you to see the world in your Equipment: A specially-made smartphone and
youth. Like all Gargoyles you recall nothing of laptop, a high-end surveillance drone, scrounged-
your mortal life, and have never bothered to ask. A together clothing, Chaundician literature.
year ago, though, it all came crashing down: while
making temporary haven in a new city on the way Goals: You wish for three things: the emancipation
to another Grotesquerie, your sire was taken from of your sire, the representation of Gargoyles on
you just a few hours after making your obligatory Primogen councils around the world, and most
appearance before the Prince. Though you have no ambitiously the establishment of a Gargoyle
firm proof, you’re certain it was the local Tremere. Justicar and Inner Circle member - maybe the
Ana and Chaundice you’ve heard so much about
Your bold decision not to flee, but instead to lately. However, you aren’t willing to go along with
remain and press the issue, has disarmed them. most anarch Chaundicians (or worse, Sabbat) in
This event, rather than crush you, has galvanised advocating violent resistance; it is through heated
you. While you haven with a rebellious, anarch- but legitimate debate that the cause of freedom
sympathetic coterie of Brujah, Gangrel, and shall be advanced.
Nosferatu, you refuse to let the matters of your
sire’s whereabouts and Gargoyle oppression more Supremacist
generally rest in Elysium. Background: You are a cast Warrior, but
Under the tutelage of an aged Sewer Rat, you one recently created by an all-too-ambitious
Spellbinder, who sought to combine Gestation

124 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

with the practice of shovelheading. He grew a 92). In the coterie, your preferred position is
dozen or more of you in Gestation chambers using hunting by ground as you have a greater capacity to
a large number of captured Camarilla thinbloods, travel on all fours than bipedaly.
before sealing you all beneath the earth. You were Role-playing Tips: Self-sufficient loner. You feel an
the only one that reached the surface, but your estranged detatchment from most other Kindred,
creator got more than he bargained for when you which aids you in killing them on request. The
rose out of the pit, still ravenous, and drank his only people you call alies are the coterie you travel
heart’s blood before escaping his laboratory. with and your pack of stone hounds, you know
You learned that day to respect only will and they won’t let you down.
might. You were soon found by a local Sabbat- and Equipment: You have the leashes of your hounds
Chaundician-aligned Grotesquerie who had gotten and very little else. Around your neck hangs
wind of your would-be master’s activities. They trophies of your former successes in combat,
inducted you into the Sword of Caine that very trinkets taken from the fallen dead.
night, and you soon rose to become the Warrior
Mould, despite your very young age; you were the Goals: Your goals are a simple list, complete each
only cast Gargoyle amongst them, let alone the job as it comes and protect your Grotesquerie
only Warrior. through thick and thin. Every night is different in
your unlife so keeping complex life goals is sadly
Roleplaying Tips: You struggle to maintain ties not an option.
with anyone around you, because of your violent
birth and detachment from others. Even your Scourge
Grotesquerie seem to be alien to you at times. You Background: You were recently found in the
have no tolerance for weakness or cowardice. You basement of an dilapidated multiplex, alone and
aim at all times to prove the rumour true that your confused. The local Camarilla harpies took you in
bloodline is hardy beyond reason and dangerous and showed you off to the Prince, a self-obsessed
beyond belief. Ventrue who said he could use someone like you.
Equipment: An array of makeshift weaponry, a Before your Embrace, you were a bottom rung
big-buttoned cellphone, secret dossiers outlining mobster just out to follow orders. Your streetwise
information on your rivals and targets. confidence has not completely left you, and
Goals: You have an anarchistic and revolutionary has given you an edge in your new line of work.
view on unlife. You, and by extension your Tonight you live at the top of the castle - or
Grotesquerie, want to see members of the Gargoyle skyscraper - taking out the trash whenever the
bloodline elevated to a status equal to or greater Prince needs some lowlife taken care of, and you’re
than that of the Lasombra and Tzimisce. not above making a profit along the way.
Mercenary Several times in your last few years of cracking
skulls, other Gargoyles have approached you to
Background: You were Embraced into a talk about the movement of ‘Sean Deese’ - or
wandering coterie made up of Gargoyles and something like that - but it holds no interest with
Gangrel skilled in the use of flight forms. Moving you. Instead you keep outside of public knowledge,
swiftly about as you did, you soon left behind the a thing of nightmare and vampiric urban legend,
remains of your mortal life. Your coterie identified ready to swoop down on the boss’s enemies with a
with no sect, preferring to live as autarkis. vengeance.
Though Embraced, you take the role of a scout Role-playing Tips: Yours is not to reason why; if
within the Grotesquerie you associate with. You you have a job you get it done, end of. In your
showed an early natural aptitude for Animalism, downtime, you revel in the joys of affluence. When
and took to creating and rearing stone hounds the Prince is happy he makes you happy, and that’s
which aid you in tracking and hunting (see page

Clanbook: Gargoyles 125

all you care about. creating your own unique shamanic humour
Equipment: A gold chain, a specially-tailored black to providing your coterie (including the non-
leather jacket, solid silver knuckle dusters (for Gargoyles) with effective shamanic medicine.
when a Lupine runt needs taking out). Keeper of the Shroud
Goals: What the boss wants, you want, and right Background: You were created by a Pisanob
now he wants his domain stretched out to the houngan, and quickly showed a dedication
sticks, and you’ve set your sights on making that to studying under him in the arts of vodoun
happen. Some night you may even make sheriff, Necromancy. After your harrowing Gestation in
and have others to boss around while you sit back, your ‘sire’s’ cenote, you took the division between
soaking up the glory. material and spirit world symbolised by your
Shaman intolerance of water to heart.
Background: You were cast as a Scout by an You now seek a way to keep them from intruding
independent Grotesquerie of shamans living in directly upon each other (though contact between
complete secrecy, former apprentices of the Great the living and the dead, even being the ‘horse’ for
Mother who had banded together after being a ghost by allowing for it to temporarily possess
injured during the Revolt. You learned everything you, is permissible eroding to your code). You have
you could regarding the metaphysical nature of quickly adopted a deep hatred of Clan Giovanni as
your race, with the intention of taking a solitary a whole and actively oppose users of the Ash Path,
approach to shamanism. Nagaraja ‘wraith-eaters’, and even some masters of
Auspex. You live a nomadic life traveling from state
While mastering your own ritualistic procedures to state almost on the offensive against spiritualists,
you were approached by representatives of both the any scent of otherworldly transitioning draws your
Chaundician movement and that of the anarchs; attention.
finding both appealing, you adopted them into
your journey and became committed to both Roleplaying Tips: You observe any ritual
causes. Now you act as a shaman for a coterie performance within Kindred society and aim to
of renegades in search of religious affirmation. restrict traffic between one world and the other.
Though you have only a few Gargoyles amongst In private you secure personal medicine with great
you, all of your coterie mates honour your spiritual emphasis on the well-being of your soul and those
understanding and assist in your rituals with that fight alongside you.
genuine enthusiasm. Equipment: You possess countless vodoun
Roleplaying Tips: You are mystically and ritualistic material, a collection of mortal and
transcendentally minded and radically committed supernatural fetishes, and an all encompassing
to the advancement of Gargoyles both as a group cowell and gnarled mahogany staff.
and individually, believing in the alchemical Goals: You have a very grandiose and extravagant
principle that what is above is like that which is goal, to keep ghosts out. You believe that the dead
below. You see Gargoyles as being on the cusp of stay dead and to dispute that will bring the wrath
a great evolution and have committed yourself to of Baron Kriminal himself.
supporting your Grotesquerie and your race in
reaching that change. Sentinel Caretaker
Equipment: Numerous occult and alchemical Background: With no memory of your former life
grimoires and manuscripts, a large staff festooned and unlife, your first memory was that of emerging
with feathers, furs, and teeth, and many herbal from your Womb-bearer’s uterus confused and
ingredients. disorientated. After a few years of acclimatization,
you realised your role on this earth and in this
Goals: You have many goals in your unlife, from Eyrie: to keep the peace. You are surrounded by

126 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

miscreants and renogades; one brawler from the Gorgon Artist
Sabbat group, one anarch freedom fighter, and one
Background: Selected by supposed divine
Camarilla scourge, to name just three. You have
providence to be a Gorgon, given your human
seen it as your job to keep them in line while your
devotion to the Setite creed. During your
mother cares for her rock cats and ghouls.
gestation the lector priests vision of a divine
From time to time you see it as your duty to leave goose leading scripture and prayer lead to you
the eyrie to meet with members of local factions to being reconstituted with goose flesh bandages.
make sure your brothers and sisters aren’t getting You emerged as an avatar of Gengen-Wer, the
into too much trouble, though you try to keep goose-headed god. You now serve your temple in
out of that silliness yourself. Though you have not a creative position, being the temple’s foremost
Embraced yourself, you treat those members of hymn-composer and devotional artist. Your
your Grotesquerie you need to protect as your own inscriptions tell of the potential for spiritual
children, even the Rock Cats and Stone Hounds. awakening under Set through the creation of ‘true’
It is rare you are not performing some errand for art.
them throughout your nightly duties.
Roleplaying Tips: You are placid until roused, at
Roleplaying Tips: Family minded and devoted, which point you pack a nasty bite. Your night-to-
you are committed to maintaining order in the night activities are mostly comprised of leading
Eyrie, irrespective of external politics. You already creative ghouls in artistic reverence of set and
have a ghouled child taken from the streets who expressing your own divine scripture in musical
has quickly become your whole world. If your form.
family are in danger, you are called to action.
Equipment: Papyrus and ink, many books of
Equipment: You don’t keep much in the way of sermons and hymns, and various tomes devoted to
personal possessions, your children bring you food Set’s teachings.
and amenities.
Goals: You care not for Kindred politics, your
Goals: Your goal is a simple one, keep a close eye devotion belongs to the melding of art and magic
on your family and make sure they don’t fall in too by creating ritualistic ballads to Set.
deep with the wrong crowd.
Chantry Guardian
Background: You have emerged from your
embrace with advanced amnesia, combined with
the ritualistic abuse you barely remember your
name, least of all who your sire is. For as long
as you can remember you have lived alone, in
isolation, in a grey bricked room. Your life of utter
servitude to a purist tremere warlock seemed to
stretch lifetimes before you were approached by
the Flock. Now all you wish, more than anything,
is to join the Great Mother. You have new found
ambition and drive to escape your self proclaimed
master and join the glorious Flock.
Roleplaying Tips: Embittered to the past, idealistic
and naive to the future. You Wish for the love and
companionship they have never known and believe
all of that and more can be found within the flock.
Equipment: A small carved statue of a smiling

Clanbook: Gargoyles 127

Gargoyle; your only true friend, given to you by the self-emancipation, he attempted to settle in the
flock associate. northern edges of Hungary, living among passing
Goals: Escape to Ceoris with as many others as Gangrel and feral beasts until ultimately being
possible, without the masters learning of your recaptured by the fugitive Goratrix, who found
hopes and destroying them. Find a great new him by following the instinctual draw of childe to
purpose in service of the Mother. sire, aided by the same divining magics he used to
find the resting place of Saulot.
Demonic Host Once recaptured he was subjected to servitude
Background: You had been embraced not long far worse than that which he’d escaped almost two
ago by a sire clearly afflicted by infernal influence, centuries earlier. All of Goratrix’s jealousy, malice,
within a former Baali hive. Being one of the and callous cruelty was directed almost solely
last remaining member of the ghoul contingent towards him. He knew only a state of mindless
belonging to the baali, your sire is now the leader control imposed by use of Thaumaturgy, blood
of your grotesque hive, possessing inhuman levels bonding, and Dominate, due to the fear Goratrix
of insight and supernatural ability. Before you were had concerning Chaundice’s potential. The vast
embraced the grotesquerie diablerized the entire period of time between then and the past decade
baali hive and overtook it almost immediately or so is a vague morass of boredom and ennui
taking on corrupt mimetic features. Since your punctuated by instances of sickening violence.
birth you have played host to an infernal spirit, After Goratrix joined with the Sabbat and formed
bent on destroying other kindred. his House, the latter became more and more
Atop the demonic infestation you and your common, though the main sense of Chaundice’s
family are infested with cave caps, and Gargoyle fragmented memories is still one of hollow futility
mosquitoes. They spread Gargoyle vitae and cave and quiet suffering.
cap spores throughout Kindred society hoping to This all changed with some sort of attack
spread the infernal blight. against or traumatic and fundamental change in
Roleplaying Tips: You are told daily that kindred Goratrix, though the precise nature of this event is
are vile by your demonic asociet. Your aim is to as unclear now as it was then. All Chaundice can
contaminate Kindred society with evil in any form, recall with any clarity is a mirror, made somehow
using the spores within your blood or the inherent terrible. The next hour or so was a mad dash for
curse carried by your vitae. freedom, one not unlike his flight from Ceoris
many lifetimes ago. As before he met a challenger,
Equipment: You possess various dark talismans though this one was a greater obstacle than the
salvaged from the baali nest, cloaks and cowls, and foolhardy Brunavog: Esoara, childe of Curaferrum,
a ritualistic athame dagger. a senior Spellbinder who saw his chance to gain
Goals: Your hive has the singular goal of defiling some measure of revenge for his sire’s diablerie at
kindred society, whether it’s a symptom of your the fangs of the Great Mother.
diablerie of a natural hatred of what you once Had Chaundice any knowledge of Esoara’s
were. You seem to stop at nothing to defile, debase deeds at the battle of Ceoris and the Revolt that
and destroy everything vampiric. followed, it would surely have been a duel to the
Notable Gargoyles death from which neither might have escaped.
To this night he regrets being so ignorant. As it
Chaundice was, disoriented and frightened, he was simply
Rock Lord of the Grand Court fighting to escape. After a minute or so of
lightning-fast blows of Chaundice’s claws against
Background: Born the first of his kind in
Esoara’s double-headed battleaxe, the antitribu
Ceoris in 1111, Chaundice was also the first of
was disarmed and dealt a severe blow to the chest,
to revolt against his Tremere masters. After his

128 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

though it was far from fatal. Immediately taking to
flight once more, the Rock Lord was spurred on
as magical fire spewed from Esoara’s mouth and
eyes, scorching his wings and driving his Beast into
From Mexico City (for, as he would later
determine, that was where he was) he flew north
by blind instinct, though he had recovered enough
presence of mind to shelter from the sun each day.
Eventually he reached the Grand Canyon only
to be spotted and rescued by Handsome Dan.
Through long, difficult conversation Chaundice’s
long-buried personality returned, and has he
merged with the Canyon one night, the Rock Lord
experienced a profound and mysterious awakening.
This event caused a spiritual shockwave through
the very rock of the Canyon, awakening an ancient
spirit called Maasaw in local Native mythology.
This spirit, as unsure what to make of Chaundice
as he is of it, has nonetheless taken the Gargoyle
as its patron, granting him untold gifts, and even
alleviating some aspects of vampirism altogether.
Tonight, Chaundice makes his haven at his ‘Grand
Rock Court’, located in the Grand Canyon (see
page 35).
Image: Where for many centuries he was as
vile and pitiful in appearance as any of his
kind, Chaundice now cuts an imposing and
awe-inspiring figure. His body, which stands
a approximately 7’6” and is of human build
and proportion, is covered in skin of off-white
marble which glistens in the desert moonlight. As
though carved by an artist’s hand, he resembles
an Apollonian statue of antiquity; short, curled
hair rests unmoving upon his brow, and his limbs
and torso bear lean muscle. Were it not for his
enormous wings, of which he has two pairs, he
could well be mistaken for a sculpture in the style
of Michelangelo. He has not fully cast off his
former shape, however, for while one set of wings
is feathered like those of a great eagle, the other
is bat-like and spindly, a constant reminder of
the degradation he suffered under the Betrayer
- though both seem to function equally well,
carrying him across the night sky at incredible

Clanbook: Gargoyles 129

Roleplaying Hints: You are a being of two minds. the midst of prosecuting their Revolt at the time.
Though you maintain a generally calm and She slew this Warlock and his companions, after
contemplative demeanour, this only sometimes which she was taken in by the Gargoyle ghouls
matches how you truly feel. At times you are in known as the Standing Stones, whom she led on
great conflict with yourself, torn between passion a warpath to a nearby Alpine chantry, where she
and despair, or between all-consuming love for discovered a strange artefact which brought about
your Children and hatred of your enemies - but at her transformation into a blood-red creature of
others you become placid and meditative, dwelling great power. This artefact has also endowed her
at length upon your place in the world and that of with the ability to gradually reverse the ‘ageing’
all Gargoyles. One thing is certain, though: if you process of Gargoyle ghouls who remain in her
hear of great mistreatment, injustice or violence presence (see Chapter 5).
carried out against your fellow Freemen, your very She has spent the centuries since fighting a
Beast becomes roused to a terrible fury. guerilla war against the Tremere, the Flock, and
Sire: Goratrix (though he was Embraced by any other group she sees to be a threat to the
Goratrix, Chaundice is not a Tremere since he freedom and security of Gargoyle kind. Her
was far from an ordinary human when he was marauding was halted recently by the most horrific
Embraced). being she had ever seen (including herself).
Nature: Architect Moments before she butchered him alive, this
Gargoyle, who called himself Handsome Dan,
Demeanour: Eye of the Storm managed to explain that he had been sent by her
Generation: 5th (though to what extent generation father Chaundice, to bring her ‘home’. After a
holds significance for Chaundice is unknown) week of harsh interrogation, her Standing Stone
Embrace: 1111 (the same year as his ritual knights advised her to trust Dan and let him escort
creation) her to the Grand Rock Court.
Abhorrences: Petrified Flesh 1, Animal features 2. Since the re-emergence of Chaundice and the
birth of the movement which has formed around
Ana him, she has become the Rock Lord’s bloody right
The Blood-Stained Erinye hand, executing his enemies and assaulting the
most dangerous strongpoints. In contrast to the
Background: Ana was created from mostly
moderation advocated by her brother Ch’iung
Gangrel material, which didn’t emerge as an
Chi, she argues for active and aggressive opposition
animalistic form but rather an innate primal fury,
to the Tremere, whether that involves their ousting
blamed on the strength of the Beast inside her.
from the Camarilla or (preferably, in her mind)
She was one of the youngest of the six original
their destruction. The substance that triggered
Gargoyles, next to Alvusia, and had a rebellious
Anas catalyst was retained by the Standing Stones
nature from Gestation. In the lead-up to their
and has since been relocated to the Grand Rock
fleeing from Ceoris, Ana was the driving voice for
Court for Chaundices personal examination.
escape, talking down more moderate points of view
like Saxim and Ch’iung Chi until the decision was Image: Ana has layers of ruby red and jet black
finally made by her ‘father’, Chaundice. skin coated in sharp grey slate shards. She stands
at barely 5 feet tall, but has an impressive 16-foot
After the escape, Ana’s went into hiding after
wingspan. The shards on top of her head form a
flying to the Austrian Alps, with no sign of her
disjointed crown.
father or her siblings, she soon slipped into
torpor. She awoke upon being fed the blood of Roleplaying hints: You are harsh-tempered,
an Austrian Tremere who had become desperate especially towards outsiders, and vicious in your
enough to divine her location and use her as a unwavering hatred of the Tremere. You are,
weapon against the other Gargoyles, who were in however, greatly protective of your Standing Stone

130 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

bodyguards, and become relatively calm and ‘blood balm’, a sacred substance they brewed
composed around Chaundice. which seemed to alleviate the grotesque features of
Sire: Unknown cursed Kindred like Nosferatu and Cappadocians.
Her fifteen strong flock of Nosferatu monks
Nature: Soldier and devout Ventrue and Toreador knights were
Demeanour: Soldier kidnapped and tortured by Tremere on the
Generation: 6th lookout for raw materials for new Gargoyles. The
flock were separate and dispatched to various
Gestation: 1115 places across the continent, most - including
Abhorrences: Layers 1, Petrified Flesh 2, Growths Gersella - ending up in Ceoris. Their they were
3, Withering 4 mutilated and transformed into the gestalt
creations currently unknown to the Kindred
Gersella world named Gargoyles. Gersella was cast as a
Rock Lady of the Stone Guardians Sentinel and for century and a half she resided
Background: Born before the second millennium within Ceoris, protecting the fledglings and those
to unknown parents, Gersella was adopted by Gargoyles whose minds didn’t survive Gestation.
nuns in a convent nestled in the French Alps. When wind of a revolt came along, she chose to
She embraced the lifestyle of her guardian sisters, stay safe in the Eyrie to defend her wards, who
and was cloistered from a very early age. As the were incapable of defending themselves.
years went on the convent took in lepers from Gersella died for the third time while she was
the nearby villages, to house them in their small fleeing Ceoris during its viscous reclamation by
hospital and attempt to cure them, the Lord Esoara, who personally struck her head from her
willing. Soon she became the convent’s canoness shoulders with a single well-struck blow of his
for her work in curing several resident lepers on axe. As her body crumbled away, her severed head
the brink of death, and delivering those beyond was claimed by a shaman using Obfuscate as he
redemption into the lap of God without fear of her traveled across the battlefield, collecting remains.
own mortality. The shaman, named Crandor, later batch-made
She was ultimately Embraced by one of a pair forty Guardians (see page 106), Gersella among
of Nosferatu who joined a late arrival of lepers them, in his Eyrie many miles from the fallen
traveling from Switzerland after hearing of the site of Ceoris, which he named the ‘1476 War
aid provided by Gersella’s convent. She left Monument’. This place became something of a
the nunnery within the week of her Embrace, Mecca for Gargoyles in the know; they would travel
seeing the indelible mark of the Devil in her new across the continent to speak with the veterans of
condition. She traveled with the Nosferatu for Ceoris so as to gain an insight into their condition.
many long years. Gradually her autarkis pack grew In the modern nights this war memorial was
in members both by Embrace and those joining relocated - at quite a cost to many influential
in search of companionship. With this influx Gargoyles, Toreador patrons and local sympathetic
Gersella donned her habit once again to provide Princes - to the Grand Rock Court. Handsome
her new flock with God’s light; the divinity she Dan visited the memorial soon after his master
had felt so many years ago even returned, to a had awakened and ordered its relocation in
degree. Her flock protected her and provided her Chaundice’s name. In the Court each Guardian
with blood - because she would not arm living has been taught an array of disciplines including
beings herself - as she became their mother figure. Visceratika, giving them limited movement once
Her second death came when her flock traveled again. Due to Gersellas motherly persona and
through the Italian Alps. They were intending to vast experience, Chaundice appointed her as the
provide the smaller Kindred domains with their representative of her ‘race’, the Guardians, and his
personal advisor.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 131

Image: Gersella has a simple but well-realised wasn’t to last, however, as Drogo’s sire eventually
design: the face of a woman of central European callously sold him to Tremere in exchange for
descent in yellowing sandstone. Her eyes have the protection from a Tzimisce voivode he’d angered.
hollowed out pupils familiar to many statutes of In short order, Drogo was taken to Ceoris
Greece and Rome. Draped around her head is a and used to create a new Sentinel. His old
detailed, lovingly-carved habit which seems to be a and powerful Gangrel heritage overcame that
part of her ‘flesh’. Her lips and cheeks bear minute of whichever Kindred he was combined with,
red deposits in their surfaces. manifesting as an entirely lupine form, save for his
Roleplaying hints: You are a very humble wings. He was found to be a highly successful and
individual. You consider every word you speak and vigorous creation, and one with a distinct loyal
always err on the side of caution. After being taken streak.
to the Grand Rock Court you have managed to As part of some deal he no longer remembers,
learn multiple Disciplines including Visceratika, Drogo was traded to the Madrid chantry. He
which you have used to travel all around the served dutifully enough, but found less fulfillment
Grand Canyon. You are very calm and virtuous, than he had in service to the Great Mother herself.
to the point of Chaundice half believing that you Slowly, almost imperceptibly, rebellious thoughts
are incapable of frenzying. You have ‘adopted’ germinated in his mind during the quiet hours of
Chaundice and Handsome Dan as your new the night.
wards, and as such care for them as if they were the
childer you could never have. Drogo may have been the first Gargoyle to reach
the New World, as he was shipped over with his
Sire: Georges Tremere master and a handful of acolytes in the
Nature: Caregiver interest of establishing an early chantry there. For
Demeanour: Pedagogue reasons never known to Drogo, the galleon set fire,
and this event brought the thoughts of escape and
Generation: 7th freedom to the forefront of Drogo’s mind. Barely
Embrace: 1032 thinking, though not frenzying either, he grabbed
Gestation: 1167 his master and flew to the safety of the Floridian
coast, half to save him and half to overpower him.
Abhorrences: Petrified Flesh 1 As he flew, his resentment - for every beating
Drogo and harsh word, every laborious task and mind-
numbing lookout duty - grew and catalyzed. Giving
The Winged Wolf
in to a bestial impulse, Drogo dashed his master
Background: Drogo was, in his first life, a young against a cliffside as they flew over it, quite without
blacksmith living in a long-forgotten village in warning. He crumbled to ash upon impact, though
14th-century Hungary. A local Gangrel elder Drogo did not look to see the result.
noticed his strong body and loyal nature, and
Drogo soon fell under the curse of his
decided he would make an ideal childe. He came
Casting: without a master to serve or any other
upon the blacksmith one dark night, attacked
tie or relationship to substitute such a bond,
the youth, and dragged him into the deep woods,
his cognitive abilities regressed to almost an
where he brought him into the nocturnal world of
animalistic level. He wandered the East Coast,
the Kindred.
hunting wild game and observing the humans,
At first Drogo naturally feared and resented other vampires, and lupines, and stranger creatures
his sire, but in time he adapted and the two who made their homes there. He only vaguely
became travelling companions as they travelled noted the increase in colonialism, the progress of
Transdanubia hunting and occasionally loaning technology, or the shifting face of vampire politics,
their services out to one Prince or another. It drawing few distinctions between different groups.

132 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

He has recently been adopted by a pack of Embrace: 1221
Gangrel, Caitiff, Nosferatu, Gargoyle and Ravnos Gestation: 1377
settled in a small upstate New York named
Greenhaven. In this short time his human thought Abhorrences: Talons 1, Hunch 2, Petrified Flesh 3,
processes have - mostly - returned making him Animal Features 4
able to interact with his new pack and aid in Stonebones
their combined long term survival. He has, in
fact, become their mutually elected leader, and Proprietor of the Catacombs of Sorrow
has named himself ‘Prince of Greenhaven’ and Background: One of the original Calacas,
sworn loyalty to the Camarilla. Quite what to Stonebones was originally a free New Orleans
make of this, the nearby Princes aren’t sure - his ‘mulatto’, who was Embraced into the Samedi
small claimed domain intrudes on none of theirs bloodline. He quickly accepted his new condition
- but his declaration has caused more of a stir in with his seemingly inexhaustible optimism,
the halls of power. A Gargoyle Prince is no small becoming addicted to a fast-paced unlife of crime,
matter to the Tremere; it is whispered that Etrius violence, and conspicuous consumption. He was
himself has taken note of the situation. It may an avid gambler, placing large bets against human
be that trouble is headed to Greenhaven, but its lives on a nightly basis. He used a large scale
Prince is prepared to defend what he feels he has trafficking ring as his own personal plaything.
earned. He eventually bit off more than he could chew
Image: Drogo is a perfect example of the bestial and seemingly lost control of his urge to win,
mutations which can manifest in Gargoyles, betting his own soul against a Giovanni while he
especially those like him who are drawn from Clan had a weak hand, and losing terribly when the
Gangrel. He has the body of a wild, unkempt wolf Necromancer called his bluff. Before he could
and his wings, spanning 12 feet, seem to burst comprehend the loss, a stake was forced through
from his carved fur. His pupiless eyes glow with a his back - he’d always neglected Fortitude - and
constant red radiance. his world went dark. He awoke in a hessian sack
Roleplaying Tips: You have bouts of memory loss with pain shooting across his body, seconds
making you drift in and out of conversation. At before he was assaulted by the sudden icy shock of
this point in your unlife you have forgone major stagnant water crashing across his mutilated body.
responsibilities by proxy of your achievements Following this came interminable days and nights
- your domain, founded on ideals of mutual of torment from the phantoms swimming around
assistance and egalitarianism and as such you are
mostly left to your own devices. Politically you
cleave to the Camarilla, but you feel also drawn
to both the Chaundicians and the Virstanians.
With the help of your closest allies, Bryce the
Gangrel and Dimitru the Ravnos, you constantly
seek new ways to liven up your unlife and battle
the numerous parties who wish to see you, your
followers, and your domain destroyed or cast
Sire: Mikail
Nature: Idealist
Demeanour: Architect
Generation: 7th

Clanbook: Gargoyles 133

him as his flesh became caked in mud and began Embrace: 1764
to liquefy. and The ghosts ripped portions of his Gestation: 1847
body apart, apparently reveling in the agony felt by
Stonebones, as he would soon come to be called. Abhorrences: Hunch 1, Growths 2, Petrified Flesh
3, Weathering 4
Finally his agony came to an end as he felt the
drawstring of his ‘womb sack’ tighten, and he Fidus
was heaved from the pool. When the sack fell The Shrunken Beast
and he witnessed his change, he simply burst into
hysterical laughter. Surrounded by several of his Background: Fidus was born with a congenital
own kind and former Samedi kin, he became defect causing his legs to waste away during
convinced that his was the better way to live and Gestation. This limitation meant that, though
assisted in numerous rituals and thaumaturgical he could still walk on his shrunken legs, he was
procedures before giving up on the soon-dull at a significant physical disadvantage. During
repetition of abduction and Gestation. He fled his childhood in a small village at the southern
south without much of an ultimate goal until he border of 10th-century Germany, he was treated
reached Quito, Ecuador, gravitating towards areas as the runt of the litter amongst his family and
which celebrated the Day of the Dead. In Quinto neighbours. Some treated him with pitying care,
he set up a debauched den selling vitae laced with while more expressed disgust and hostility. The
a wide range of exotic and illicit substances (some now long-forgotten village was home to a sorcerer
mundane, some supernatural). In the modern who studied fleshcrafting (having stolen secrets
nights, his catacomb is the talk of the Central and from the Tzimisce of the east). He soon adopted
South American Kindred. Fidus (without the knowledge or consent of his
family, though some were glad to see the back of
Image: Stonebones is around 7 feet tall, though him) and used him as the subject of many arcane
his sparse frame is constantly shrouded in a practices. During the three decades in which
thick black shawl made from a patchwork of his the sorcerer and Fidus worked together, they
Gestation sack and those of other Calacas he has managed to alter Fidus in numerous ways, but
helped create. His flesh is mostly gone - all but that never successfully altered his stature for long. The
of his upper face, esophagus, and eyes. The rest of sorcerer accepted Fidus as his ward and apprentice,
his body is a solid skeleton with strings of petrified teaching him many thaumaturgical methods of
flesh hanging rigidly from each cracked piece shape shifting, and alchemical formulae designed
of muscle and cartilage. When his wings unfold to manipulate the body.
from around his chest they reach a colossal 14-foot
wingspan of fleshless bone spines. The sorcerer and Fidus lived to more than twice
their natural lifespans through the use of various
Roleplaying Tips: You are surprisingly jovial and magical brews, making a living through traveling
carefree, forever looking for new substances to apothecary work barber surgery. This lasted up
infuse into your blood brews. You grow vast bushes until 1087 when the sorcerer, while trying to attain
of ghouled marigolds which you save for honoured greater insight into the magical manipulation of
guests. You spend most of your nights hosting at flesh, was murdered by the voivode he had been
the Quinto catacombs, your upbeat demeanor beseeching. The Tzimisce then Embraced Fidus
adding to the lively atmosphere of those deathly for his interesting array of physical modifications,
caverns. seeing something of a potential in the arts of
Sire: Bembe Vicissitude in him - or simply wishing to steal parts
Nature: Capitalist of his flesh to use on himself.
Demeanour: Bon vivant Fidus did not last long as a Tzimisce; he and his
sire were caught up in a surprise Tremere attack on
Generation: 9th his keep. Midway into the 1120’s, assaults against

134 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

the local Warlock chantries had reached new elongated and bowed, three-foot neck, attached to
heights of bloodiness with the appearance of their which is a distended head dominated by a sharp
newest secret weapon: the first Gargoyles. During curved beak. His eyes look like tiny, sparkling
this period, the oncoming Tremere launched an black holes, burnt into his feathery hide. Fidus’
assault against the voivode’s castle and slaughtered wings are small, twisted, and useless, as they have
every ghoul, viciously mutilating Fidus and his completely withered away. This, however, has not
sire, and scavenging any parts of their flesh seen as stunted his ability to fly, which surpasses even
particular points of interest. Saxum’s; in fact, he was the first cast Gargoyle to
Fidus would awaken once again almost fifteen learn and master flight. He drools uncontrollably,
years later surrounded by blood, screaming, and speaks with a lisp that others may find
and several figures glaring down at him. His comical, or more commonly annoying.
first sight was that of Virstania’s gleaming smile Roleplaying Tips: You see Virstania’s work - the
as she scooped him into her arms and hugged creation and control of new Gargoyles - as an
him for several hours. Behind her stood a large almost religious pursuit. You work more than ten
horned figure, proud and domineering, that he hours straight each night, creating and innovating
would soon know as Saxum, and a beautiful and new methods of performing the Gargoyle creation
statuesque woman with large bat-like wings and a rite. You have almost exceeded Virstania’s own
dangerous aura; soon he would know her as Luma. work in the time she has been in torpor, now being
Fidus’ time spent with Virstania was at first one able to make entirely bespoke Gargoyles at the
of fear and anxiety. Being the smallest and clearly behest of your fellow Moulds. You have reached a
the weakest of his siblings Fidus lived in a state strength and wisdom beyond your wildest mortal
of constant alertness while alone in their Eyrie. dreams, and as such see any form of disrespect
Virstania, however, seemed to favour with him as directed toward you from any vampire as cause to
his mother had done almost 200 years earlier; she destroy the offender. As such you rule your Scout
taught him Thaumaturgy, despite the protests of underlings with an iron claw.
Malgorzata, and quickly came to consider him to Sire: Tomyen
be her greatest apprentice. Nature: Visionary
During the Revolt, Fidus fled with his new Demeanour: Loner
Mother to her secret laboratory, hidden within the
Carpathian mountains, and helped her establish Generation: 8th
the new Eyrie there. Later on he became the head Embrace: 1087
of the Flock’s organisational structure. He oversees Gestation: 1138
the continuing creation of Gargoyles in that
ancient laboratory, with new Flock members being Abhorrences: Animal Features 1, Minimalism 2,
made almost monthly - given Luma’s warriors Elongation 3, Petrified Flesh 4, Withering 5.
bring him the correct materials. Luma
Fidus has even discovered the means to truly The Stone Beauty
replicate the creation of Chaundice’s progeny,
Background: A trapper’s child in a 9th-century
and even - he believes - a creature comparable to
Polish hamlet, Luma took to the hunt and soon
Chaundice himself. He has kept this information
carved a place for herself as the apex predator
closely guarded, as he does not think Gargoyles are
in her own small ecosystem. She adapted
loyal enough to have their curses stripped of them
just as well to dominating humans as she did
and their potential magnified.
animals, becoming able to choose her victim and
Image: At a mere four feet tall due to his manipulate them into doing anything she desired.
malformed legs (still cursing him nearly a The night came when she came across bird tracks
millennia after his birth), Fidus has a perpetually

Clanbook: Gargoyles 135

bigger than those of even a bear. Luma had hunted remaining sisters set out to recapture those she saw
creatures now known only in myth during her as traitors to her Mother’s cause. Over the next five
career, including several harpies and a kelpie, but centuries, Luma managed to reclaim almost a third
the beast belonging to those prints bested her. of those Gargoyles that had initially abandoned
Naming itself The Manticore (due to its lion like the Flock, though due to the emergence of the
body ending in a scorpion tail and crow’s legs), Embrace her job has become one without end.
the great beast Embraced her for her vain but Tonight, Luma controls the Warriors of the
noble efforts in the battle preceding her death. Flock who retrieve Gargoyles from all over the
Her unlife she found to be simply a heightened world and return them to their Mother. Her
form of her human life, spending most of it in the Luminaires act as her generals and report to her
woodlands she had dominated before and hunting continuously, Crystallus reporting from western
anything that stood in her way. Time became Europe while Ampulla bases her operations in
nothing to her, and centuries melted away in a North America, watching over her childe Erinye.
blood red haze. Long after she had killed her sire Image: Luma is a slender creature with the
- and diablerized him - she found herself suddenly serene beauty of an ancient Greek statue. Her
surrounded by an aggressive force bent on her long, sensuously curving talons and razor-tipped
capture. By the time the sun rose, she was caught. wings somehow add to her unearthly charm. Her
When she awoke her claws were dripping with alabaster skin seems to glow a faint yellow in the
blood and she lay in the eviscerated abdomen of dark. She has been blessed by an unmarred face,
a screaming giant. Her Mothers’ orders were to adding to her stunning visage, and this has been
kill, and she accepted them without hesitation, passed onto the Luminaires (created using the
foregoing interaction with her siblings or even same ingredients and processes) and their own
her Mother. Over the years she made a sisterhood Embraced daughters.
within the Warrior Casting without her Mother’s Roleplaying Tips: You do not have time for
knowledge - Fidus watched on, hoping for her to any Kindred other than your Mother and your
slip up and create her own demise - all of whom Luminaries. For them you hold a deep love
possessed beauty and fury beyond comparison, and respect, even the simulation of romantic
made in Luma’s image as they were. attachments for your ‘sisters’. You do not hate
The four ‘sisters’ fought, lived, and loved the Chaundicians for their beliefs, but you also
together, calling their group the Luminaires. This believe they are holding back your race - only with
band comprised of Luma, Crystallus, Rubesh, Chaundice’s ash can the Flock grow to its true
and Ampulla. They would seek out combat on a potential.
nightly basis, always striving for greater opponents Sire: The Manticore
and indulging in more carnal activities with one
another whilst taken by the rush of battle. Nature: Rebel
The Luminaires’ part in the Revolt was simply to Demeanour: Tyrant
slay Tremere and their servants when and where Generation: 8th
they found them. Their bloody toll ended when Embrace: 995
Esoara led his forces into their terrain; he almost
managed to slaughter them all, even after they had Gestation: 1136
destroyed four of his most loyal soldiers. Rubesh Abhorrences: Petrified Flesh 1, Horns 2, Talons 3.
gave her unlife to cover the escape of her sisters. (Due to her Unmarred Face Merit, Luma can be
After the Revolt tapered out, Luma reined in her considered to have 1 level in Appearance when
remaining Warriors and jumped straight back onto interacting with other abhorrent creatures.)
the offensive. While Saxum and Fidus settled the
Great Mother in her new domain, Luma and her

136 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

Saxum neurosis.
The Master of Slaves In the modern nights, he even sometimes calls
himself Saxim, and personally sends Warriors and
Background: Though his true age is unknown to
Scouts to try to find his ‘father’ Chaundice. This
him, he was halfway towards being a methuselah
behaviour disturbs his sibling Moulds, but because
before Gestation, and was one of the prime
of his sheer size and age, which both combine to
vampires captured during the early Gargoyle
make him an unstoppable opponent the likes of
which luma wouldn’t dare to attack - alone.
The earliest event Saxum can remember are
Image: Saxum’s facial features and musculature
words uttered by Virstania as he was dragged
are strongly chiseled, making him appear almost
from Alvusia’s uterus. “Well done dear,” she said,
heroic in how well defined he is, and marred only
“you’ve brought your brother home. Now let’s
by his long gnarled ram’s horns. His stony skin
see if we can’t find the others, shall we?” This
is smooth like a grey marble speckled with blue
sentence set the tone for the remainder of his
crystal. He stands at almost 8 feet with a wingspan
unlife as a Gargoyle. He emerged from Gestation
longer than many of his type, at a colossal 16 feet.
as the first of a new wave of Gargoyles; he was not
only the first Sentinel but the first cast Gargoyle Roleplaying Tips: You believe yourself to be one
ever created to replace Chaundice and his of the oldest Gargoyles ever created, and in truth
progeny. Virstania saw him as more than a simple you aren’t far wrong. You support the Flock, but
replacement - she believed he was in fact the only because you believe it is trying to reunite the
Gargoyle who had come before him named Saxim, Gargoyle race - specifically Chaundice with his
hence his being dubbed Saxum. children, including yourself. You are hard and
authoritative, but will put yourself on the line
Two years of total disorientation passed in
when your Sentinels are overwhelmed. You now
Ceoris. Saxum found himself placed in charge
adore Virstania above all else, so much so that you
of the weak and mindless Gargoyles left behind
prize a red cloak she gifted to you - formerly owned
by Chaundice, all the while suffering from
by Saxim - and wear it always.
fundamental identity dissociation. Virstania would
shower him with love and reminisce about events Sire: Unknown
and individuals he had never known, while Alvusia Nature: Autocrat
would scream hate and abuse at him in amongst
Demeanour: Defender
her tears, cursing him as ‘never her true brother.’
While interacting with other Tremere - rare as Generation: 8th
that would be - they would merely laugh at the Embrace: 400+ (specific date unknown)
ideas Virstania was trying to convince him of. This
Gestation: 1132
subsided with the birth of his sisters and finally
his brother; each birth distracted Virstania slightly Abhorrences: Petrified Flesh 1, Horns 2
more, and left Saxum to tend his Sentinels. Ublo-Satha
During the Revolt, he and around twenty elite Background: Ublo-Satha was born in the mid-10th
Sentinels led his Mother, Fidus and Alvusia out century in a Greek city - which one is unknown,
of Ceoris and into the mountains by forming a for she like all Gargoyles has forgotten all that
large wall around them. There he focused on his came before her Gestation. Before her twentieth
duty of securing a perimeter and keeping their new year she was Embraced by one the urban-dwelling
home safe. He enlisted more Sentinels to surround Gangrel of Greece, an eccentric Kindred who
him, to help maintain his sanity, which was under went by the name Harlequin owing to his assumed
great strain due to a mixture of his inherent identity as a mortal entertainer. Like many Gangrel
psychological weakness and his Mother’s toxic she took up an itinerant way of unlife, though

Clanbook: Gargoyles 137

owing to her heritage this took the form of moving innocent mistake, Ublo-Satha drove herself into
between cities rather than across the wilderness. a deep Torpor. Virstania wished to awaken and
It was on a fateful night in 11th-century Athens restore her, but the Inner Council unanimously
that she encountered a vampire of immense age decreed that this was not to be done. The
and power - the Brujah methuselah Menele. Seeing Gargoyle’s dormant body was kept in a sealed vault
her as a potentially valuable spy, Menele made her - far from Virstania and her Eyrie.
into an unwitting slave with but a commanding It was not for another eighty years that Ublo-
stare, planting a psychic seed in her mind through Satha would awaken. During this time the
which he could give her instructions from any vampiric infection which had found its way to the
distance. She never saw him again after that night, majority of senior Tremere and much of the house
but nonetheless found herself unconsciously besides was discovered by other wizards. The rival
compelled to investigate the machinations of chantry of Mistridge, located in southern France,
Menele’s equally ancient rival, whose name she presented a major threat to the Clan’s interests in
never knew. western Europe, overseen by Goratrix. A mortal
She was hardly a central asset of Menele’s, Tremere known as Grimgroth lived at Ceoris, and
however, and like many other enthralled spies fell until the revelations were spread had little inkling
without his particular notice. She was waylaid and as to the truth - but when he heard of the potential
captured by Tremere, who were on the lookout for immortality, his interest was piqued. He was
for raw materials to use in the creation of the first mistakenly seen as loyal by his chantrymates, owing
Gargoyles. Though she was from a bloodline and to his lack of vampiric corruption and distance
not the main Gangrel Clan, her vitae served just as from Ceoris.
well - if anything, it added something unique that In 1210, Grimgroth betrayed the chantry by
the blood of most Gangrel would not. She was the allowing its defences to fall in a crucial battle,
third Gargoyle to be created, following Chaundice leading to its total destruction. Fleeing east to
and Ch’iung Chi. Ceoris, he was richly rewarded for his treachery,
Remarkably, and quite without the knowledge not only with the Embrace he sought (from
of Goratrix, Virstania, or to a large extent herself, Tremere himself, no less) but with a powerful
the seed Menele had planted was strong enough ‘familiar’ - Ublo-Satha. Behind Virstania’s back,
to endure even the process of Gestation. Most of she was reawakened with Grimgroth’s own vitae
the time this manifested in her deeply-ingrained and given over to him as a servant. Grimgroth
loyal streak, which came to a head when she was sent back to France to assist Goratrix at the
reported to the masters that Chaundice and her Paris chantry, and less than a century later came
siblings were plotting to break free from Ceoris. to replace ‘the Betrayer’ as Councilor of Western
Through a combination of Menele’s domination Europe. Ublo-Satha remained as loyal as ever -
and the Gargoyle susceptibility to mental control, seemingly to her new master, but truly to Menele.
disobedience was something that she found herself It was an age before she would be called to serve
incapable of. him again, however.
Certainly, Ublo-Satha did not expect the results The Revolt saw Ublo-Satha defend Paris and
of her report to have as grave consequences as they other French chantries on the few occasions
did. She wept tears of blood for nights and days that the rebel Gargoyles reached that far west.
on end when she saw the fate of her ‘little sister’ Virstania’s spell of liberation had no effect on
Alvusia, though the Great Mother was touched, her, Menele’s enduring presence being simply too
perceiving these as tears of joy. The final straw strong to be suborned by the younger vampire’s
came when Saxim was recovered and shamed magic. Virstania never became aware of her third
before the gathered chantry by Etrius. That night, ‘child’s’ presence on the enemy side, nor the tally
in a desperate attempt to destroy herself for her of Gargoyles she slew. Once the Montmartre Pact

138 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

was signed and the Revolt ended, Ublo-Satha was members of the Chaundician movement - not least
kept to the inner sanctum of the Paris chantry, Ana and Chaundice himself, who are planning
so that she would not be observed. There she urgent missions to rescue her. What the results of
remained, barely ever speaking, for five hundred yet another party becoming caught in this tangled
years. web might be, only time will tell.
By 1993, Grimgroth had become as jaded and Image: Ublo-Satha’s flesh is extremely rocky, even
distanced from humanity as any elder of his age. for a Gargoyle. She has large bumps, crags and
Even he, though, was shocked when his servant crevices all over her overbearing 6-foot, 25-stone
- standing in the corner, quiet as ever - spoke up body. She is further riddled with patches of
during a discussion the councilor was having with moss and algae, where personal maintenance has
a spy regarding the suspect loyalties of Nicolai long since been abandoned. She generally wears
Antonescu, the regent of the Chicago chantry. no clothes, as none would accommodate her
Despite never having the subject discussed in her enormous and powerful wings.
presence before, and despite what Grimgroth Roleplaying tips: You rarely speak, and even then
believed to be her ignorance of such political only in hushed tones; often you prefer to simply
matters, Ublo-Satha suggested that she be sent to watch. Though you appear weak and timid when
Chicago to act as insurance that Nicolai would toe cornered, your true nature shines through in
the line. battle, where you become an unstoppable killing
The true cause of this, of course, was Menele, machine. You are a dangerous but controlled
who lay in a waking torpor beneath Chicago. weapon in the hands of the ancient Menele.
He had learned that Nicolai was a pawn of the Sire: Harlequin/Chaundice
same rival he had originally bound Ublo-Satha
to help oppose. He saw the perfect opportunity Nature: Survivor
to counter this, and sent the psychic call to the Demeanour: Traditionalist
Gargoyle. The quick-thinking and argumentation Generation: 6th
she demonstrated in getting there, however, were
her own. Embrace: 963
Greatly surprised, but seeing the worth of the Gestation: 1114
move - the old Gargoyle had, if anything, become Abhorrences: Horns 1, Biome 2, Petrified Flesh 3
obsolete at the chantry, even a liability - Grimgroth
agreed after a short deliberation. If she was going
to be found out by the Camarilla, he thought,
let her be found far away, and let the penalty
for defying Montmartre fall on another. On the
pretext of sending her there as reinforcement
following the recent Sabbat assault on the chantry,
Grimgroth coordinated with Meerlinda (the
councilor of North America) to have the Gargoyle
transported across the Atlantic.
Since then, Ublo-Satha has served to observe
and quietly threaten Nicolai. She is Menele’s
sleeper agent, but moonlights as a loyal enslaved
Gargoyle, albeit a resourceful and self-sufficient
one. She was recently briefly seen defending the
Chicago chantry, sparking renewed rumours of the
Montmartre Pact being disobeyed and galvanising

Clanbook: Gargoyles 139

Rocia task as their sire, and performed it long before the
Revolt began. They did not lair in Ceoris’s Eyrie,
The Watcher Mould
but in Virstania’s hidden mountain laboratory
Background: Uniquely among Gargoyles, Rocia which serves as the modern headquarters of the
was originally one of the Niktuku, descended from Flock. They strategically eliminated Tremere
a childe of the vengeful Nosferatu Antediluvian. found to betray the Clan or deviate wildly from its
She was found by the Tremere while attacking a ways. In the nights leading up to the Revolt, this
band of Nosferatu who had been picked out for extended to ‘innocent’ guardsmen and low-ranking
use in Gargoyle creation. The battle was fierce, Tremere, making the deaths seem like simple
even weakened and outnumbered as she was, and accidents while in fact thinning the numbers in
no few Tremere met their ends on her claws. In preparation for the battles to come. To this night
the end, however, she was driven into torpor and Rocia believes only Virstania and Goratrix knew of
brought to Ceoris. her existence.
Her Gestation is a process Alvusia is lucky to During the Revolt, Rocia simply watched her
never have to feel again. While Rocia developed, cousins kill with wild abandon. Though her
her foetal form drained Alvusia of her vitae, emotions had regressed and she felt no pity for
leaving her in a perpetual state of starvation for their victims, a certain spark of pride remained.
a whole year. Rocia was the only one of the four She noticed Ferox - then an ancient ghoul,
Moulds to take time to develop outside of the formerly bound to the Tremere - battling for
womb; her Gestation sac had petrified to form a the Gargoyle cause. Knowing that he was to be
stone egg. It is from this scarcely-known incident Embraced, she visited Virstania and asked to be
that the rumours of Gargoyles laying eggs, which his sire, owing to her loyal service. The Great
endure tonight, likely began. When it emerged, Mother agreed and arranged for the deed to be
Virstania claimed that the experiment had been performed privately.
a complete failure, and hid the egg away from
Following Ferox’s Embrace and religious
other Tremere to further examine it and await
awakening, Rocia was taken in by his
its hatching. This egg took a further few months
understanding of Gargoyles as fallen angels and
before it cracked and Rocia emerged, alone and
other Kindred as demons. Rocia and all her
childer, including Ferox, abandoned the Flock
Virstania gave the new Gargoyle - the first even before Esoara marched on their position in
member of a fourth, secret Casting, called Ceoris. They spent several centuries founding their
the Watchers - the duty to hunt the Tremere secret organisation devoted to the elimination of
themselves, whenever a Warlock was found to be the Kindred species, which retained the name of
deviating from the Clan’s interests. This unique their secret Casting: Grigori, ‘the Watchers’.
duty was accompanied by skill in a number of
The radical Grigori ideology spawned from
Disciplines different to those possessed by Fidus,
Rocia’s duty to observe and eliminate Tremere
Luma or Saxum: Auspex, Celerity, and Obfuscate.
rebellion and Ferox’s irrational hatred of
Likewise, she had a different weakness from the
Nosferatu; Rocia’s origins, though long forgotten
other Castings, whereby she began to lose any
by her, no doubt had some influence there as
sense of empathy, and to physically petrify. Both of
well. They enlisted five other Gargoyles to form
these conditions gradually worsened as the years
an ‘inner council’, directly mocking the Tremere’s
own council and representing the seven archangels.
Virstania secretly bestowed the Embrace upon The Watchers secretly directed witch hunters
Rocia as soon as possible, knowing she would all over Europe towards unsuspecting Kindred,
never be able to make further Watchers. The few worsening the ongoing Inquisition.
she did Embrace were all entrusted with the same
Tonight, Rocia allows her childe to direct their

140 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

Grigori followers. She keeps tabs on all of them alongside Virstania and even Goratrix himself,
and will not hesitate to kill any that step out of with Goratrix seeing the exercise as more like
line. Her desire to purify the Kindred race has teaching a dog to jump than teaching a human
grown out of control. Only the most devout sorcery. Ch’iung Chi focused his attention
Grigori of Ferox’s inner council is even allowed to on learning the paths of Elemental Mastery,
know she exists. Movement of the Mind, and Spirit Manipulation
Image: Rocia has suffered from the elongation that (see V20 pages 214 and 220, and Rites of the
can come with Gestation, giving each of her limbs Blood page 142).
an additional two feet in length. Her golden and When the time came that Chaundice suggested
insect-like wings are thin and chitinous, though their Grotesquerie abandon Ceoris in search of
still entirely functional. Her long pointy fangs their own destiny, Chi (who was, of course, known
prop open her jaw like an anglerfish, and her skin by a different name then, though that name is
is a reflective white like salt crystal. Her eyes are lost) petitioned caution and restraint in their
unnaturally large, with a deep dark-red tint. escape. After all, while Ceoris was no sanctuary,
Roleplaying Tips: You barely interact with it was nonetheless filled with arcane secrets, and
those around you; you even treat Ferox with a he wished to remain for a few years more before
judgemental distancing more akin to a Gangrel leaving. Though his father found reason in Chi’s
sire than a Gargoyle one. Only your Mother and words, he was shouted over by Ana’s rash urgings
three Mould siblings know your true nature, and to rebellion. After the escape, Chi fled east while
you will never let on. Everything is clear cut and being hunted by Tremere warbands. He flew as
black and white to you; either someone deserves far as possible, and due to his broad knowledge of
life or they don’t. Even your fellow Grigori council Tremere magic, he avoided their detection.
members view you with hidden fear. You still After several months of wandering, he reached
respect Virstania and hold her in a certain regard Mount Tianmu in southeastern China, and settled
for (in your mind) doing God’s work, but believe down within the mountain only to undergo bouts
your Casting’s duty has progressed far beyond just of troubled torpor, stretching two centuries. While
culling the Tremere. in the brief delirium between his torpid states
Sire: An unknown Niktuku he created an Eyrie of his very own by using a
combination of the Thaumaturgy paths he had
Nature: Sociopath learned to painstakingly remould a small opening
Demeanour: Fanatic in Tianmu which he found led to an incredibly
Generation: 7th deep chasm.
Embrace: Unknown Here he founded the Petrified Sanctum, which
incorporated both the mountainside and the
Gestation: 1134 chasm within. By using the highest levels of
Abhorrences: Animal Features 1, Accentuation 2, Elemental Mastery and Spirit Manipulation, Chi
Elongation 3, Petrified Flesh 4. managed to regularly contact the mountain’s spirit,
calling itself Tian-mu, ‘The Mother of Lightning’,
Ch’iung Chi who became his only companion in the passing
Rock Lord of Tianmu lifetimes.
Background: All of Ch’iung Chi’’s memories were After many years, it was discovered by chance by
lost during his Gestation. From the moment he monks belonging to an obscure Buddhist sect, who
awoke in the Gestation chamber, he possessed a were seeking refuge from persecution. They saw it
determination to learn any scrap of information as a gift from Heaven. After meditation on their
about the spirit, magic, and the nature of his presence, Chi finally contacted the monks living
existence. He practiced the basics of Thaumaturgy on his mountain, ghouling three of them and

Clanbook: Gargoyles 141

teaching the rest sorcery. He eventually allowed him new life.
them inside the chasm, and finally Embraced Image: Though Chi only reaches a height of 3 feet,
them once they had displayed a high level of his strength is greatly disproportionate, allowing
enlightenment and magical control. One of his him to overpower most able-bodied vampires.
childer, Tao Wu, called ‘the Block’, left for India Through Mimesis, he has adopted small patches
seeking self-discovery, and Chi allowed her to go. of ornamentation to reflect the Petrified Sanctum
Once his Grotesquerie had been founded throughout his jade flesh.
along with an attendant order of Ghouls, Chi Roleplaying Tips: You are highly contemplative,
branched out for the first time in 500 years by and have managed to bestow that ideal on your
opening dialogues with local Kindred, Lupines, childer and ghouls, and more recently to some
and Cathayans. The receptions he received from extent in Chaundice. You will not make a decision
these groups were surprisingly mixed. This contact, for your Grotesquerie without the advice of your
however, brought the attention of the Tremere’s childer, guardian lions, ghouls and often even
Councilor of the Far East, Thomas Wyncham, the spirit Tian-mu herself. Your knowledge is
who saw Ch’iung Chi as a prize to be claimed, and incredibly extensive, and you use it to focus on the
told none of his fellow councilors for fear they bigger picture rather than the matter at hand.
might try and take him for themselves.
Sire: Unknown
In preparation for Wyncham’s inevitable assault,
Chi made his already easily-defensible Eyrie into a Nature: Guru
fortress as well as a monastery. The bloody conflict Demeanour: Judge
eventually came in 1780, and raged at different Generation: 6th
times for twenty years. Just as the fortress was ready
to fall, many Gargoyles and their ghouls having Gestation: 1113
been lost, Tao Wu returned with childer of her Abhorrences: Petrified Flesh 1, Withering 2
own and a breeding pair of guardian lions (see
page 116) which she had created during her time
in India. These sudden reinforcements of such
mighty creatures turned the tide of the Petrified
Sanctum’s struggle, and Wyncham’s Tremere were
quickly repelled, though the Councilor himself
escaped. Chi, exhausted from fighting and badly
wounded, slipped back into torpor and his now-
united Grotesquerie rebuilt and consolidated what
they had.
He next awoke in the modern nights to his
youngest childe Hun Tun feeding him vitae whilst
proclaiming that a western Gargoyle named Dan
was at the gates of his sanctum. Dan brought
to Chi’s attention the Grand Rock Court,
Chaundice’s new and powerful Eyrie in America.
Chi set off almost immediately to meet with his
long-lost father. Since their reunion, Chi has
brought the Path of Freedom and the word of
Chaundice to his Grotesquerie, with which they
might further grow as a group. Renewed contact
with his father, as well as his sister Ana, has given

142 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

Ferox by his claw, a statement much approved of by his
Servant of God
The two of them went on to found an order
Background: Born to ancient British nobility,
named after his Mother’s Casting and also the
Ferox defended his mother Boudicca from Roman
name of angels stricken to Earth, the Grigori
oppression during the time of Christ. He was
(‘Watchers’). He, Rocia, and a council of five
kidnaped by local Brujah due to his strength
others formed a compact as a direct insult to the
and loyalty to his cause. They ghouled him for a
Tremere Inner Council, and to reflect the number
brief time before handing him over to occupying
of the archangels themselves. Soon, the policy
Ventrue when the British Isles finally fell to
of destroying Nosferatu expanded to include all
Roman conquest. While serving his new Ventrue
Kindred, though the Sewer Rats were singled out
masters, Ferox studied the new Christian religion
for the outer disfigurements and malformations
and its doctrines, slowly gaining a sense of the faith
that surely stemmed from sinful inner selves.
for himself. Finally his masters saw more worth
in trading him with the Tremere than keeping In the modern nights Ferox attempts to bring
him for themselves. While serving the Tremere he all Gargoyles into God’s light by initiating them
was sent to Ceoris, where he witnessed atrocities into the Grigori. He personally travels from Eyrie
performed against the statuesque winged beasts to Eyrie trying to recruit local Grotesqueries.
called Gargoyles. He has recently achieved his longstanding goal
of acquiring an insider in the Catholic Church,
He aided in the Revolt by training Gargoyles in
though not in the form he might have anticipated.
magic and Disciplines, right under the Tremere’s
The recently-Embraced former inquisitor Filippo
noses. By performing this duty in the shadows, he
Sammarca has provided the Watchers with an
caught the eye of the Mould of the secret Watcher
online presence they have previously lacked,
Casting, named Rocia. Rocia’s duty was to
allowing them to digitally infiltrate the Church,
covertly eliminate any Tremere seen to potentially
the Inquisition, and the Nosferatu.
hinder the Revolt’s progress, so upon seeing one
aiding it, she sought to Embrace him. She got Word of Chaundice’s awakening has not
her chance when Ferox began to rapidly age and gone unheeded by Ferox, who wishes to make
die after being cut off from Tremere blood. The an audience with this figure of legend, though
two of them soon left to continue Rocia’s task political and geographical restraints have so far
of assassinating pivotal members of the Tremere. made it impossible. He is saddened by news that
Ferox aided in this, not because of a Mother he Chaundice and many of his followers reject the
didn’t hail from, but because of what the Embrace Grigori as a fanatical, apocalypticist cult which
had done to him. abducts and radicalises young Gargoyles - not to
mention giving the entire bloodline a bad name
When he awoke from Gestation, his mind had
through the wholesale slaughter of vampires - but
been completely emptied of all but his name and
he prays that God will grant the Rock Lord the
his True Faith. The doctrine he had studied for
grace to see the true way.
centuries became his sole reason for being. He
reasoned that due to their wings, the Gargoyles Image: Ferox is an albino-white Gargoyle with
must be fallen angels, sent to earth to cleanse the Biblical scripture and gnostic sigils coating his
demonic host plaguing humanity - chief amongst skin, which is constantly covered in dust, like
them, the Kindred. Evading a group of inquisitors, the walls of an ancient cathedral. From his back
Ferox and Rocia were forced to make haven with sprout feathered wings, and his eyes burn with
a coterie of Nosferatu. Their vile bodies and the the light of his faith, such that he keeps them
corruption they induced in God’s creatures and permanently hidden behind a pair of sunglasses
the world around them caused Ferox to murder He has spiraling rams horns growing from the
the coterie and claim that all Nosferatu were to die top of his head, and a small, severe mouth with a

Clanbook: Gargoyles 143

heavy chin. When amongst the Watchers he wears and Ampulla have contacted Erinyi several times
a choir tunic trimmed in purple lace, whereas in recently, attempting to win her over to their cause,
the field he typically dons a leather jacket. In any though her youth and her rebellious personality
situation, he wears a golden crucifix necklace and makes it difficult for them to exert control. The
cross earrings. long term plan for Erinyi is to make her way
Roleplaying Tips: You are God’s chosen servant from pack to pack, recruiting abandoned and
on Earth, and as such you are constantly saddened lost Gargoyles to the Flock’s cause. The only thng
by the corruption of the world by the Kindred race anchoring her down is the true love she holds for
and other demons in fleshly form. You are patient, her noble leader.
and you won’t hurt fellow Gargoyles unless they Image: Erinyi does not believe in hiding her
seem bent on destroying you. All other Kindred Gargoyle nature. Standing on the pads of her
deserve nothing less than death, though you give feet like a canine, she is over seven feet tall, not
neonates the opportunity to confess and make including her eight-inch-long horns. Her gray
penance for their sinful natures, in which case you wings delicately drape around her shoulders,
destroy them with the swift mercy of the Lord. As stretching and swaying as she walks. As is her
to the unrepentant, and those who have lived on birthright, she possesses a subtle likeness to Luma,
stolen years for too long to be forgivable, you leave which manages to grab the attention of even non-
them for the purifying light of the sun/ You bear a abhorrent Kindred from time to time.
particularly zealous hatred of Nosferatu and believe Roleplaying Tips: You are quick to anger. It’s
that the Gargoyle bloodline are fallen angels all that you can do to suppress the urge to rip
charged to cleanse humanity of Cain’s failings. You Tremere antitribu and other vile pests apart.
also keep adjusting your sunglasses. You find release in battle and music, but those
Sire: Rocia pleasures pale in comparison to the love that lies
Nature: Fanatic in your dead heart. Now knowing your true sire’s
identity you have garnered a deeps respect for
Demeanour: Caregiver Ampulla and her mother Luma, making them role
Generation: 8th models in your unlife.
Embrace: 1478 Sire: Ampulla
Abhorrences: Engravings 1, Petrified Flesh 2, Nature: Martyr
Horns 3. Demeanour: Bravo
Erinyi Generation: 11th
The Luminaire Embrace: 1994
Background: Erinyi is a Gargoyle with little Abhorrences: Petrified Flesh 1, Horns 2
knowledge of her true purpose. She was embraced
by Ampulla, though the senior Luminaire departed Filippo Sammarca
soon after her Embrace, leaving Erinyi alone to The Inquisitor
drift between the local Sabbat packs until finally Background: Filippo Sammarco was born in Rome
being accepted in Montreal by the 25:17 pack. She during the late 1980s, and had an unassuming
has lived in Montreal for longer than her human upbringing to match his personality. He spent
life, quickly falling into a deep, unrequited love for his childhood and early adulthood being raised
her pack leader, Ezekiel. traditionally in the Catholic faith, and though he
Until recently, the young fledgling was ignorant embraced it in its fundamental teachings, he had
that she is the childe of a significant Gargoyle a hard time accepting less tolerant parts of Church
lineage; she is Luma’s own grandchilde. Luma doctrine; he was rather more drawn to the mystical

144 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

elements of Catholicism. Despite this, he chose a fallen prey to an unknown assailant, and acted
job as a parish groundskeeper, with an ambition instinctively to help this ‘woman’ in need.
to enter the clergy. After he had completed the He got to the given coordinates in time to
necessary education, Filippo was ordained into the witness a nest of grotesque monsters locked in
Church proper, taking on administrative roles of combat with a stone, angelic being with large wings
bookkeeping and secretarial work. Outside of this and a smooth porcelain face. One of the demons
career his passion lay in computer science and the was left bearing over the ‘angel’, whom he falsely
internet, which he studied in what free time he presumed to be the Kindred from the website.
could muster between his many duties. Acting quickly, he used spare gasoline to ignite the
When Filippo was unexpectedly approached demon, killing it almost instantly and scattering
by a senior priest offering him a higher position its fellows. The statue was incredibly grateful, and
in a different parish, he accepted the proposition offered Filippo a chance to become angelic like
gratefully. Having noticed Filippo’s particular him and live forever in their saviour’s light - an
interest in the more metaphysical areas of offer he took up without question or hesitation.
his religious lore, his new employer gradually He awoke a few days later in the company of
exposed him to the numerous horrors caused by Ferox. The Rock Lord’s doctrine convinced him
inhuman, cursed and infernal entities over the entirely that he and his new ‘family’ were in fact
course of human history. This awakening to the angelic, and intended for ascension come the Day
supernatural forces lying in wait convinced Filippo of Judgement. Tonight he feeds messages given to
to be inducted into the Society of Leopold (see him by Ferox into the various online spaces he has
V20 page 370 and Hunters Hunted II). access to: those of the Inquisition, the Nosferatu,
The ability that held him above most of his new and even mundane ones intended purely for
colleagues was not his faith or his strength of will internal communication within the Church.
when facing down evil, but rather his aptitude in Image: His flesh has partially sloughed off his
software programing and web design. He created bones and petrified, leaving a permanent ‘coat’
a secure cloud server, allowing his cenacle to around his almost skeletal frame. Small wings no
interact at the touch of the button, streamlining bigger than a foot in length emerge from this coat
their efforts and improving their efficiency almost of flesh. His horns are shards of polished hematite,
overnight. He did his duty to the inquisition by providing a metallic effect. He rarely wears clothes
disseminating occult information amongst the
Society and helping to arrange autos-da-fé between
previously disparate inquisitors. Despite being
culpable in the destruction of several vampires,
Filippo never once saw one directly; he felt he did
not wish to.
Quite by chance one evening, Filippo chanced
upon a strange website while trying to acquire
a particular digital copy of an obscure gnostic
tome. Its forums seemed to be focused on uniting
vampire groups in a similar way to which Filippo
had done for the inquisitors. As he read on, he
learned that these beings were as frightened by
what his organisation had done as children would
be frightened by monsters. After several hours
of mortified browsing he found a plea from one
of these Kindred from only a town over that had

Clanbook: Gargoyles 145

besides a simple white tunic, his bare stone feet role. Within the temple proceeds nightly displays
create cracking sounds with every footstep. of ritualistic fornication and blood sports, both
Roleplaying Tips: You rarely speak out amongst of which are expected from both Kindred and
the Grigori. You are given tasks by Ferox and kine alike. Each night sees another relic destroyed,
you complete them, because you are doing God’s another animal violated, and another ghoul or
work. In the rare circumstance you do travel with Kindred maimed or killed. This display has not
the Grigori you are kept completely innocent, gone unnoticed by Setite leaders the world over.
ignorant to the nature of the horrors around Image: Owing to his associated god, Babi is
you, something that Ferox not only allows but rendered in the form of a savage baboon with
encourages. an exaggerated phallus. His hieroglyphics depict
Sire: Ferox the glorious mass fornication and violence that
will take place following Set’s resurrection and
Nature: Idealist ascendancy, which he is attempting to bring about
Demeanour: Celebrant by enacting it on a smaller scale within his temple.
Generation: 9th Roleplaying Tips: Eat. Drink. Kill. Fuck. It’s what
Embrace: 2015 Set has decreed, as marked upon you for all to see.
Abhorrences: Horns 1, Weathering 2, Petrified Sire: Unknown
Flesh 3. Nature: Monster
Babi Demeanour: Bon Vivant
Background: Babi is a recently-assembled Gorgon Generation: 12th
made in the likeness of his namesake, the baboon- Embrace: Unknown
headed god of fertility and the underworld. Gestation: 2016
Information regarding the Setite used to create
Babi has been lost, for none live who can recall it. Abhorrences: Petrified Flesh 1, Engravings 2.
The only scrap of information retained by Babi
himself was the cause of his Gestation: the crime
of raping the personal ghoul of the lector-priestess
who oversaw his temple, the Garden of Rainbows.
When he returned from Duat he believed that
he had not only visited Set but that he was one
of Set’s chosen, and that he had been returned to
Earth to purify it of the Aeons’ taint.
What ensued was the vicious and unforgiving
domination of the entire temple within the space
of three nights. With his overpowering strength
and ferocity, coupled with the divine power
granted by Set, he molested the lector-priestess
who had condemned him and forced her to drink
his vitae. He then used her to bring all of the
temple’s ghouls into line. After that, the remaining
Setites were simply outnumbered and not powerful
enough to spurn Babi’s advances.
He has renamed his temple to The Sail of the
Baboon’s Mast, in reference to the god’s legendary

146 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

Clanbook: Gargoyles 147
For Freedom!
The free Gargoyles have found a
figurehead and a leader in Chaundice, the
progenitor of all their kind. Now they are
prepared to strike out, attempting to rescue
his long-lost children from servitude. The
fate of their bloodline, and of an entire
Clan, hangs in the balance.
Or For Naught…
Whether the Chaundician Gargoyles
triumph or meet with failure, the face of
the World of Darkness will be changed
forever. The Final Revolt allows players to
take pivotal roles in the conflict, whether
as Gargoyles or their allies, and serves
as a companion volume to Clanbook:
Gargoyles, expanding on the material
presented there.
The Final Revolt includes:
• An overview of the Grand Rock Court,
the heart of the new movement of free
To purchase please visit www.storytell- • A full three-story chronicle concerning
the recovery of three ancient Gargoyles
Physical Social Mental languishing in slavery, across three
••• •• •• distinct settings.
• Additional Visceratika powers and
Misbegotten Castings, and a new
Curses of the Clans includes:
• The expansion of each Clan weakness
into progressive Curses, most of which
develop in three stages.
• Two additional detailed Curses for each
Clan, to use alongside or in place of the
main Clan Curses.
• Variant Curses for antitribu, Giovanni
Families, Nosferatu factions, and other
offshoot bloodlines.
Though not all Kindred bear the brand
of corruption upon their flesh and within
their minds, those who do suffer greatly
under its presence on a nightly basis. The
horrific forms of Clan Nosferatu, the
beastial Marks and Urges borne by Clan
Gangrel, and even the Signs of infernal
damnation flaunted by Kindred of Clan
Baali all exact a great toll upon the unliving
form and consciousness.
Of Body, Mind, and Soul
The forms by which the brand of
affliction takes is truly boundless, much to
To purchase please visit www.storytell- the disgust of other Kindred. This book, the second of the first volume of a four-part
Volume 1 includes: series expands on many areas of Vampire:
The Masquerade, detailing the abhorrent
Curses of the Clans characteristics of Clans Nosferatu, Gangrel,
and Baali.
The diverse Curses of the thirteen Clans
and their bloodlines in many ways define Afflictions includes:
them, shaping their mindsets and cultures • Abhorrence, a new Attribute to replace
even as they suffer under them. From the Appearance for characters otherwise
fury of the Brujah to the ravenous hunger limited from using Appearance, with
of the Assamites, from the Toreador’s over twenty features to use in visualising
irresistible fascination with beauty to them (each split into multiple levels of
the Malkavians’ broken minds, these are severity).
infamous and well-documented.
Passed through the Ages • 200 atavistic Marks and Urges of Clan
But these are not the only Curses known
to the race of Caine, nor are they static and • 160 Signs of physical and spiritual
unchanging. This installment of the first corruption for Baali.
volume of a four-part series expands on
many areas of Vampire: The Masquerade,
unearths new Curses, and builds upon the
existing ones.
A Hero’s Calling
Throughout human history, hero worship
has allowed for the common man to feel
safer while walking the streets, especially at
night. None - not even the Kindred them-
selves - realise that in many cases it was
in fact a sworn brotherhood of vampires,
bound by blood, who protected human-
ity from the shadows. Created in Greece
during the age of myth, the Limonae have
no choice but to help those in need of a
saviour. Whether due to a curse from the
Abyss or the commandments of gods for-
gotten to time, their fate has been forever
bound to the wellbeing of kine.
Bloodlinebook: Limonae includes:
• Details of a new bloodline, heirs to a
legacy of corrupted heroism, and their
villainous antitribu.
• A new Discipline, Aristeia, which grants
the ancient power of pagan divinity.
• New Merits, Flaws, and a new Path, pro-
To purchase please visit www.storytell- viding the capabilities, weaknesses, and guiding principles of the Heroes.
Read Egg Embry’s review on ENWorld
Slaves No Longer
A millennium in the making, the Gargoyles are finally ready to spread
their wings and become truly their own masters. Grotesqueries the world
over are finally setting their sights on heights loftier than servitude or
mere survival. They yearn for equal standing amongst the Kindred, a
recognition of Clan status, and even a new stage in their design - and are
ready and willing to fight for them.

Clanbook: Gargoyles includes:

• In-depth looks at the history and society of a race so long dismissed as

• New and updated Flight and Visceratika powers and combination

Disciplines, as well as revamped Gargoyle rituals.

• Abhorrence, a new Attribute replacing Appearance, which reflects the

misshapen forms of the Rockheads.

• The next stage of Gargoyle ‘evolution’ - the freakish Misbegotten.


Credits First Edition

Written by: Ben Allsop & Sam Myatt Storytellers Handbook

Editor: Sam Myatt & Ben Allsop V20 Dark Ages

Cover Art: Mark Jackson Dark Ages: Vampire

Proofreaders: Ash Brock, Ellen Trezise, Lewis Players Guide to the Low Clans , Storyteller’s
Wylie, Max Robinson Companion

Sources: Vampire: The Dark Ages

V20 Ashen Cults; Book of Storyteller Secrets; House of

Tremere; Libellus Sanguis II - Keepers of the Word
Anarchs Unbound; Beckett’s Jyhad Diary; Dread
Names, Red List; Hunters Hunted II; Lore of the Vampire: The Victorian Age
Bloodlines; Lore of the Clans; Rites of the Blood Victorian Age Companion
Revised Edition Other
Archons and Templars; Clanbook: Tremere Revised Blood-Dimmed Tides
Edition; Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy; Blood
Sacrifice: The Thaumaturgy Companion; Guide to
the Camarilla; Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom
Second Edition
Chicago by Night; Clanbook: Tremere; Montreal
by Night; The Kindred Most Wanted; Under a Blood
Red Moon

A Note on Art and Language If you enjoy this Clanbook and would
We can only apologise for the almost complete like to know more about the bloodline
lack of art in this book as it currently exists. We and its history, including a chronicle
do not currently have the means to provide the continuning on from the end of A Past
forty or so pieces that would be expected in a book Carved in Stone, please consider buying its
of this length. This may change in subsequent companion title: The Final Revolt.
updates, especially if the book is well-received.
Also, it should be stated that Clanbook: com/product/241777/The-Final-
Gargoyles, unlike other V20 products, is written in Revolt?src=hottest_filtered&filters=45622
British English since that is the form the authors
are familiar with.

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C L A N B O O K :

A Gargoyle’s Diary 5 Path of Freedom 45
Introduction 8 Disciplines 47
How to use this book 8 Advanced Visceratika Powers 47
Lexicon 9 Combination Disciplines 50
Chapter One: A Past Carved in Stone 11 Weaknesses 52
An Audience with Handsome Dan 11 Abhorrence 52
The First Grotesques 11 Amnesia 52
Centuries of Slavery 13 Susceptibility to Mind Control 53
The Next generation 14 Merits and Flaws 53
The Gargoyle Revolt 15 Merits 53
Centuries of Freedom 17 Flaws 54
Discovering Mimesis 17 Abhorrence 56
Ferox 18 Synergy 57
The First Misbegotten 18 Abhorrence 6+ 57
Gargoyles in London 18 Gargoyle Specific Features 57
The Rock Lord 20 General Abhorrence Features 59
Virstanias Children 22 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood 65
Chapter Two: Freedom and Dependence 24 A Bloodline’s Bloodlines 65
Grotesque Culture 24 The Castings 65
Gargoyles by Birth 24 Scouts 67
Gargoyles by Status 26 Sentinels 69
Gargoyles by Sect 26 Warriors 71
Eyries and Grotesqueries 30 Misbegotten Gargoyles 73
Rock Lord or Lady 30 Calacas 73
The Scout Mould 30 Gorgons 76
The Sentinel Mould 31 Mariners 79
The Warrior Mould 32 Minkisi 83
Noted Grotesqueries 32 Chapter Five: The Slaves’ Retainers 87
Notable Eyries 33 Ghouls 87
Communal Eyries 36 Metamus 87
Free Eyries 37 Ignis 87
Mimesis 37 Sedimus 88
Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone 39 Standing Stones 88
Sired Gargoyles 39 Misbegotten Ghouls 90
Character Creation 39 Gargoyle Animals 90
Path of Service 42 Gargoyle Ken 91

Gargoyle Monstrosities 95
Chapter Six: Lithomancy 100
Gargoyle Rituals 100
Misbegotten Rituals 107
Humours Background 111
Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques 112
Sample Characters 112
Agitator 112
Supremacist 112
Mercenary 113
Scourge 113
Shaman 114
Keeper of the Shroud 114
Sentinel Caretaker 114
Gorgon Artist 115
Chantry Guardian 115
Demonic Host 115
Notable Gargoyles 116
Rock Lord of the Grand Court 116
The Blood-Stained Erinye 117
Rock Lady of the Stone Guardians 118
The Winged Wolf 119
Proprietor of the Catacombs of Sorrow 120
The Shrunken Beast 121
The Stone Beauty 122
The Master of Slaves 124
Ublo-Satha 124
The Watcher Mould 126
Chi’ung Chi,
Rock Lord of Tianmu 128
Servant of God 129
Erinyi 130
Filippo Sammarca,
The Inquisitor 131
Babi 132

Gargoyle’s Diar y

r 2017
12th of Decembe
co is
Dear diary, ov er an d ov er ag ain. I think Fal
I’ve asked
ve m e pa pe r, at last. It’s not like
They finally ga d he can’t!
jeal ou s be ca us e I can still write an
g is , I ca n ’t re member anything
range thin er is
fo r ar ou n d a m onth now. The st do es th at ev en m ean? Short answ
I’ve been here ade’. What bered’
ey ju st k ee p te lli ng me I was ‘unm ck . W hy do I k eep saying ‘remem
before then. Th nfidence ba atars
al l I ca n sa y is I’m getting my co S o th ey sa y w e are Gargoyles, av
I don’t know, after all. ania,
re m em be re d ho w to speak and write S om e sa y a w oman called Virst
and ‘back’? I’ve contention . one.
d ch ild re n of .. . well, that’s up for av e, so I’ ll ge t ba ck to you on that
of the earth an e and I le
ca lle d C ha un di ce, then they argu
some say a man
le ot he rs n ev er le ave. Rixatrix says
me and go whi but not all Gargoyl
es are
fa ir ly re la xe d though. Some co l sh e n ee ds n ow ,
It has been at we are al e she’s
as on to go ou ts id e anymore and th th an m e, bu t sh e’s different becaus
doesn’t see a re much older ys it’s
ua n is an ot he r n ew Gargoyle, not to ha ve co m e be tween us. She sa
like that. Sib th at means, but it do
esn’t seem
th rough the Eyrie -
n ot su re w ha t e w in d cr ee pi n g
‘sired’. I’m still n’t wait to join he
r. The gentl not allowed to go ou
t th er e, an d I ca so m e re as on I’ m
wonderful ou re, but for what
el s so di ffer en t to the stuffy air in he ha s ‘e n ch an te d’ me. I don’t know
our home - fe gs when he s made
at I w ill be fr ee to stretch my win e se em s ex ci te d about it. Falco ha
Falco said th d everyo n nsive
er , bu t it ’s ha pp ening tomorrow an th e en ch an tm en t. It’s not too inte
that means ei th aration fo r
fo r si x ho ur s every day in prep
me train wit h hi m blood’.
an d w ha t he ca lls ‘channeling the
though, just medit
sit from
w or th w ri ti n g do wn would be the vi
at’s really l pairs
in g th at ’s ha pp en ed to me so far th
he ha d qu it e la rg e wings and severa
The only th skin and all, and her
H e w as G ar go yle too with grey n n ih y to sp ea k to our Rock Lady
the big guy. to Derrycu ts every
te d ho rn s. H e sa id he had traveled , th ey ev en br oke into argumen
of long, twis e four of th em I went
w as he re al l n ight talking to th , th in gs go t te n se in the Eyrie, so
Moulds. H e ft. After that
en , bu t be fo re th e light came he le
now and th
ay from it all.
to sleep to get aw
13th of December 20
Dear diary, t am azing afterwards. I sta
th e tim e, bu t I fel
ange and unsettling at was up to, then I practic
The enchantment was str ixatrix ab ou t wh at ev ery on e
I awoke and spoke to R shaman most of the tim
out my night as usual. th Falco - he ca lls him sel f th e
ey want me to learn wi ushered me into the chur
the blood channeling th but be fo re we pa rte d F al co
day was drawing near, gathered. Obviously I wa
After my training the the en tir e Gr ote sq ue rie ha d
ndles had been lit and calmed me down alot. On
hall where numerous ca crowd sm ili ng at m e, wh ich
was at the front of the lly understand it. They
frightened, but Sibuan e, but I wa s too tired to rea
r event happened to m sheep. After that my
my first night a simila e dri nk th e blo od of a big
like tonight and had m w a pattern on my head
all gathered around just time ar ou nd he sim ply dre
me stiff like straw. This would, but I keep hear
dried and my hair beca do feel str on ge r, as he sa id I
allow a small stone. I
blood then made me sw
ng from nowhere.
a woman’s voice whisperi

20th of December 20
Dear diary, of all, I was allowed outsi
de! I
ha s ha pp en ed . B est
d since I wrote but a lot esn’t sound exciting for
A few nights have passe th e ste ep le. I kn ow it do
d did several laps around e lights all around me,
in the
flew for the first time an ag ai ns t m y fa ce an d th
sound of the air rushing e the world look so beau
a short distance but the behin d th e hil ls, th ey m ad
ows, off in the distance
sky, in the church wind
’re sim ila r to us an d act like us but they’re so
r the first time too. They take a bite to the neck
I fed from a human fo nt ai n sh ee p we rea r of ten
can’t even fly. The mou t have bitten so hard he
r neck
more delicate, and they fro m th e hu m an I m us
but somehow when I fed the entire room. I’ll ha
ve to be
manage to walk it off sp ew ed al l ov er m e an d
away, and... her blood e stress I had to go throu
gh just
snapped when I pulled e ta ste , it wa s wo rth th
but the taste, my God th lls it. The spirit of the B
more gentle next time, I ‘jo ur ne ye d’ - as F al co ca
nectar. After the taste e me feel angry and con
for a mouthful of that e fu n en tirely an d m ad
oments which ruined th
entered me for a few m
for the rest of the night.
r several times
I me nt ion ed he r in my last entry. I’ve heard he
The last thing is the woma
n’s voice, nts like: “The
lou der tha n the n too . She keeps making comme
ually much st her words were
a night since then and us d “I am the wa y to your salvation”. At fir
self of fea r”; an when she falls
Flock awaits”; “Free your nd see me d so ali en but now I come to miss it
voice in my mi e me! In fact
disturbing to me, another in g wa y of cou rse ) but Falco seems to believ
crazy (in a lov
silent. Sibaun tells me I’m other.
tel ls me to lis ten to he r, he says She is my M

26th of December 2017

Dear diary,
tel lin g me tha t S he is waiting for me south of the
of mine keeps lco agrees
Every night this Mother fee ls lik e S he rea lly wa nts me to see Her and Fa
are so soothing, it ually go
behind the hills. Her words to ign ore the voi ce, if I ignore Her, She will event
ibuan both tell me least once.
entirely. Rixatrix and S he sou nd s so ca rin g tha t I should go to see Her at
want Her to. S
away, but I don’t think I
en I take
ow , I’l l on ly be go ne for a few hours. I’ll set off wh
south tomorr to go far and
I think i’m going to travel alo ne wh en I fly so they won’t expect me
seem to let me be I don’t find
my midnight flight, they I see it, on e of tw o thi ngs will happen: Either
ow it. The way s Flock She
I’ll be back before they kn ve a lit tle fli gh t ar ou nd the village or I find thi
ary and simply ha nts of me.
anything out of the ordin las t we ek , an d fin d out what my Mother wa
that big guy fro m
mentioned, maybe even

27th of December 2017

Wish me luck.

The Gargoyles are emblematic of the bizarre This book is the result of a particular and
nature of the bloodlines as a group, and perhaps long-held fascination with this strange bloodline.
those to whom the label ‘vampire’ does the least Information about them, much like the Gargoyles
justice. Long have they been the underdogs, the themselves, is scattered and often contradictory.
oppressed, scarcely above Caitiff and thinbloods in Clanbook: Gargoyles seeks first to bring together
terms of social standing. But as a long-lost ancient the various scraps of lore to be found here and
awakens, this is changing. Even as they are preyed there and make them fit together more coherently,
upon by members of their own bloodline aiming and then to expand upon that information, giving
to bind them to an insane and tyrannical creator the Gargoyles the book-length coverage we feel
or enlist them in an apocalyptic crusade, the young they deserve and need. We are indebted to far
Freemen are beginning to seek a new destiny and too many people to realistically list here since we
to carve out a true place for themselves. Some have drawn on so many sources, from the brand
wish to overturn the current order, to supplant new to the very old. Of particular note are Lore of
an entire Clan or even to create their own sect the Bloodlines, which prompted this book to be
divorced from the dichotomy of Camarilla and written, and House of Tremere, without which it
Sabbat. Others simply wish to be treated as equals would not exist in anything like its current form
and to survive. (and possibly not at all).
As with any group of sufficient size - and the How To Use This Book
bloodline has grown significantly over the past few
decades - there are stark differences in opinion, but Clanbook: Gargoyles serves two purposes:
one line of thought is held largely in common. No to bring together information gathered from
longer are the Gargoyles satisfied to be counted every edition of Vampire: The Masquerade
as a mere bloodline; they wish instead to be and its historical spinoffs; and to expand upon
recognised as a Clan, and to be granted the status existing Gargoyle lore in appropriately bizarre and
that comes with it. After all, their progenitor has surprising ways. These purposes, in addition to the
returned and lives among them - how many of the sheer amount of content, has required us to split
vaunted Clans can say the same? the book into a fairly large number of chapters,
which are as follows:

8 Introduction
Chapter One sees Handsome Dan, a veteran Cenote: A pool of stagnant water believed to offer
Gargoyle Anarch of humble origins, relate the a passageway between this world and the next in
history of their bloodline to a Grotesquerie of Mayan religion. They are used to Gestate new
young Rockheads - and offer a new way forward for members of the Misbegotten known as Calacas,
them and the Gargoyle race as a whole. and also feature prominently in their rituals.
Chapter Two lays out the current social structures Chaundice: The first Gargoyle and the original
of the Gargoyles, from the local to the global, as Rock Lord, created by Virstania as her last
well as their relationships with the various Clans significant act while still a mortal mage.
and sects of the Kindred and other denizens of the Apparently missing for centuries, he has recently
World of Darkness besides. re-emerged, and is the head of a new movement
Chapter Three provides rules and guidance for within the bloodline.
creating Gargoyle characters, with a particular Chaundice’s Children: The young, radical
emphasis on the Embraced Gargoyles provided independence and emancipation movement within
in V20. It also presents new Visceratika powers the Gargoyle bloodline, which gains more and
and combination Disciplines (some of our own more traction each night, drawing its membership
creation and others adapted from previous from every sect and around the world. Also
editions). called the ‘Chaundician movement’ or simply
Chapter Four focuses on the rarer types of ‘Chaundicians’.
Gargoyles - the three ancient Castings (as depicted Duat: The Egyptian underworld, to which the
most recently in Lore of the Bloodlines) and the spirits of Gorgons (see Misbegotten) supposedly
strange and new Misbegotten. travel during Gestation; once there, they are
Chapter Five consists of a miscellany of Gargoyle- believed to commune with Set and bring his words
related creatures, from their ghouls to the mutated back to the physical world.
animals and other monstrosities which are as Eyrie: The communal haven of a Grotesquerie.
much a part of the bloodline’s grotesque heritage Ferox: Originally a ghoul Embraced for his
as the playable Gargoyles themselves. assistance in the Gargoyle Revolt, Ferox now leads
Chapter Six presents a number of character the cult called the Grigori, or Watchers. He views
templates which can be picked up or tweaked to himself as one of the angels of the end times, and
provide ready-to-use player characters, followed by wishes to prepare the Earth for God’s judgement
profiles on some of the most notable Gargoyles to by destroying as many ‘demons’ (non-Gargoyle
be found in tonight’s skies. vampires, and especially Nosferatu) as possible.
Chapter Seven describes a range of humours, the The Flock: The Gargoyles still loyal to Virstania.
Freemen’s inheritance of the ‘Gargoyle rituals’ They view her as the Great Mother, the
practiced by their (mostly) former masters, the unquestionable queen of their kind, and make
Tremere. efforts to kidnap or convert Gargoyles and bring
them to live with her in the ruins of Ceoris.
Gargoyle Revolt: The conflict in which the
Casting: The ‘type’ which a cast Gargoyle conforms majority of enslaved Gargoyles rose up against
to, whether Scout, Sentinel, or Warrior. their masters, beginning in 1476 with Virstania’s
Ceoris: The Tremere chantry where Gargoyles were uprising in Ceoris, and ending shortly after the
first created and where the Revolt began, located signing of the Montmartre Pact.
in the Carpathian mountains of eastern Europe. It Gestation: 1) The process by which a cast Gargoyle
was abandoned shortly after the Revolt, and serves is made, which takes months. 2) The Embrace of a
as the base for Virstania and her Flock. sired Gargoyle.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 9
Great Mother: See Virstania. Gargoyles, including Chaundice, and for the
Grigori: See the Watchers. development of the bloodline until the end of the
Gargoyle Revolt. Known as the Great Mother, she
Grotesquerie: A group of Gargoyles, equivalent to currently rules over the Flock.
a coterie or Sabbat pack, which gather in an Eyrie
for mutual company, protection, and development. The Watchers: A growing and fanatically religious
Gargoyle cult centred around the infamous Rock
Grotto: The underwater Eyrie of Mariner Lord Ferox, who believe that they are fallen angels
Gargoyles, a type of Misbegotten. manifested on Earth to destroy the ‘demons’
Humour: A specialised ritual, useable only on and which inhabit it - other Kindred, and Nosferatu in
by Gargoyles, which applies a particular temporary particular. Also called the Grigori.
effect to the subject.
Mimesis: A mysterious process by which a
Gargoyle comes to resemble the architecture
(whether natural or artificial) of their haven.
Grotesqueries which share the same Eyrie also
undergo this effect, coming to resemble each other
as they each reflect the physical features of their
Misbegotten: Recently-emerging types of
Gargoyles, made from Clans and bloodlines
previously unused. They are unknown to most
and looked down upon by those who do know
of them, though some are more wretched than
others. Calacas, Gorgons, Mariner Gargoyles, and
Minkisi are the four Misbegotten ‘Castings’ so far
known to exist.
Montmartre Pact: The treaty signed in 1489,
requiring the Tremere to end the slavery of
Gargoyles as a condition for their joining the
Camarilla, which effectively ended the Gargoyle
Mould: 1) The original three cast Gargoyles:
Fidus, Luma, and Saxum. 2) The three most senior
figures in a Grotesquerie beneath the Rock Lord or
Lady, titled the Scout Mould, the Sentinel Mould,
and the Warrior Mould. These positions need not
be filled by cast Gargoyles, but if they are they will
always correspond to the Gargoyle’s Casting.
Rock Lord/Lady: An honorific denoting
leadership of a Grotesquerie or otherwise
significant authority. Chaundice and Ferox (see the
Watchers, below) both bear the title, though the
latter is recognised by very few Gargoyles.
Virstania: The ancient Tremere primarily
responsible for the creation of the original

10 Introduction
Chapter One:
A Past Carved in
An Audience with some time since any Warlock has owned one of
us - openly, anyway - but it’s part of us, deep down.
Handsome Dan Some of us have tried to fight it, but it’s a story of
Evening lads and lasses. Easy now, I don’t false starts - a bit like my own story. As you may
mean you any harm. I’m not here to take you be able to tell I was born and raised in - no, not
into Tremere or the Mother or anyone else. Lord bloody Australia! I come from old London town.
knows there’s enough of them out there who’d like And don’t interrupt unless you’ve got something
nothing more than to put you in chains. I’m not useful to say.
here to tell you to do anything or go anywhere, just Anyway, back in my youth I went around with
hear me out before you do something we’ll both the finest bunch of anarch miscreants you could
regret. That’s better. Let’s talk like grown-ups. My hope for. The Sixpence Pinch we called ourselves.
name’s Dan, ‘Handsome Dan’ to the ladies. I’m Rooker, my sire, saw us through many a tough
sure I’ll find out yours in due time. I was just on time. We ruled that city for about a hundred years,
my way over to DC, heard there might be a flock don’t let any Blue Blood tell you otherwise. But
of us headed there. I noticed you lot and thought it all ended badly, sad to say - the Cammies got us
I’d stop by for a chat. Before I start rambling on, in the end, and I was the only one who got away. I
I’ve got a question for the lot of you. How much spent a few rough weeks on the continent feeling
do you know about what you are? Where you come sorry for myself, living much like you are now.
from and that? Eventually I got the idea of heading to California
Blimey… I’ve got my work cut out for me. I’m to make my fortune in the Free State they’ve got
not talking about your sires or where you got your going over there. What I found on the way there,
fangs, I mean metaphorically. I suppose what I though, was a miracle, a proper fresh start for me
mean to ask is, what do you know about where - and for all of us. But I’ll get to all that later. First
we come from? I see. You can’t be blamed really. thing’s first: you all could do with an education.
There’s too many sires these nights who just aren’t
up to the job. Doesn’t look like you’ve got much
The First Grotesques
going on, cooped up in here, so take a seat and We’ve not always been as most of us are now.
listen up, and I’ll impart some learning. Matter of fact, far from it. The first of us weren’t
even vampires as you’d think of them. What were
I should think you at least know that we’ve
they, you ask? Good question. I haven’t quite
always been slaves, one way or another. It’s been
figured that out myself. In any event they weren’t

Clanbook: Gargoyles 11
bitten and fed blood, but made in labs by the or we’ll never be finished.
Tremere, almost a thousand years ago now. The While the creature was running amok, it was
really scary bit is that we weren’t some sort of noticed by one of the bigwigs of Ceoris, some
experiment gone wrong - we went right. After a evil bastard called Goratrix, who was one of the
couple of attempts, at any rate. What it took to first Tremere to be a vampire. They all had funny
get it all started was the one we call the Mother. names, you’d better get used to it. The thing soon
Yeah, the Great Mother, that’s the one. You know died, but he must have seen some kind of potential
something at least. Though how ‘great’ she is is in it, and he took Virstania under his wing. He’d
pretty up in the air. had an idea for making living weapons, things
Virstania to fight off the Tzimisce. In her he saw what he
needed to make it a reality.
The one we owe our current state to is an
ancient vampire called Virstania. From what I’ve Chaundice
heard - and I’ve got a pretty direct source - she Virstania, Goratrix, and his childe Malgorzata
was born in a Tremere chantry itself, somewhere got to work. As I say I don’t really understand
in Eastern Europe, round what is today Romania such things, but from what I can gather Virstania
and that. This was back when most Tremere were could work magic better because she was still
mortal, but they still had magic somehow. I don’t human. Being a vampire limits magic, makes it so
pretend to understand all that malarkey. She was you have to work along certain lines, something
something of a prodigy, bit of a teacher’s pet, you like that. Whatever the reason, her first creation
know the type. What she was best at was making was nothing like what came after. He was named
things - living things, that is, usually cobbled Chaundice, and he was incredibly strong even
together from different animals. from, er, ‘birth’. So strong that Goratrix feared
In short order her chantry, the only home him, and the woman who had made him.
she’d ever known, got taken over by the Tzimisce Owing to this, he had Virstania Embraced, which
in 1105, who were enemies of the Tremere. You he presented as a reward for her work. She would
know, those dodgy bastard’s in the Sabbat who like seem to have taken it gladly, not suspecting what
messing around with people’s bodies. Yeah, them. he really meant to do. As for Chaundice, Goratrix
Oh, well, that’s how I say it. Point is, this was just Embraced him personally, crippling him and
the latest chantry to go. They’d been dropping one making it so that nothing like him could exist
by one for a while. As I understand it the Fiends again. Had it not been for this, our history - and
saw the land as theirs, and the Tremere were all vampires’ history - would have been completely
unwelcome guests. I wouldn’t start taking sides too changed. As you might be able to tell, I’m no fan
soon though, they were as bad as each other at the of Goratrix. I’m not sure anyone is. If they are, I’d
end of the day. much prefer not to meet them.
Anyway, Virstania got away and ran to It wasn’t another ten years until Chaundice
another chantry, called Ceoris. Don’t worry about was actually shown off to the rest of the chantry.
remembering that name, you’re gonna hear it Maybe Goratrix wanted to make sure he was
plenty. Bear with me on this next bit. When she weakened permanently. During that time the three
got there she had one of her little creations - a experimented with quickly making new Gargoyles
mink with a sturgeon’s head. Basically a ferret with from the body parts of captured Kindred, but most
the head of a fish, for those who don’t know. It got were weak, stupid and useless. They didn’t know
free and started causing all sorts of havoc round then that, for whatever reason, only using Gangrel,
the gaff. Tearing up books, knocking over pots, Nosferatu and Tzimisce works. When Chaundice
running up people’s robes, that sort of thing. Yes and his ‘children’ - five pretty powerful Gargoyles,
there’s a point, and no I’m not pulling your leg. As though none as strong as him, all from those Clans
I said, don’t interrupt with stupid bloody questions

12 Chapter One: A Past Carved in Stone

- were unveiled in 1121, Goratrix passed them off first Tremere to arrive at the Eyrie ordered them to
as his own work using the captured vampires, while stand down. Chaundice gave him Final Death with
the eight useless Gargoyles were quietly gotten rid a single blow before being forced to run.
of. Virstania and Chaundice were in no position And for a long time, that was that. Virstania
to kick up a fuss. would tell the Gargoyles that came later about
The First Gargoyle Revolt Chaundice, who she called the ‘Rock Lord’, living
in the nearby mountains with a colony of free
In short order, the five Gargoyles (led by Gargoyles. This was either a delusion of hers or
Chaundice, making six) were used to harass the just a story she told the young to put the idea of
Tzimisce, reclaiming whole chantries in complete freedom in their heads and keep them motivated.
surprise attacks. This exposed them to the wider It turned out to be true in the end, I suppose, but
world, and while they followed their masters’ hundreds of years later.
instructions, they were mostly left to go about
things as they decided while in the field. The Chaundice was recaptured some time later by
Warlocks never expected them to be capable of Goratrix, and if the rumours are true the same
really thinking for themselves, so they didn’t keep thing eventually happened to Saxim at the hands
to tight on a leash on them. That was their big of Etrius, another right Berkshire hunt at the top
mistake. of the Clan. Ana remained free and did what she
could to liberate the Gargoyles which came after
Chaundice and his lot got to thinking about her, and as you might have guessed Chi’ung Chi
independence. There was nothing really stopping fled all the way to China. Ublo-Satha stayed the
them from just flying off after being let loose from slave she wanted to be, and Alvusia, well… she was
Ceoris to do the Tremere’s dirty work. Chaundice punished, whatever her sister wanted. I’ll get to her
himself and another called Ana badly wanted to shortly.
simply flee their masters’ control and set off to
make their own place in the world. Others, like Saxim seems not to have been able to properly
Alvusia - poor girl - and Ublo-Satha, were scared of leave home. He stayed nearby, maybe hoping to
the consequences and of what the outside world free others. Unfortunately this meant he was easy
might hold. On one particular night in 1126, for the Tremere to find again, with some sort of
Chaundice got them together to finally hash it out. magic I expect. Etrius got to him first and enslaved
After hours and hours of whispered arguments, him again, just a couple years after the escape. He
they swore on one another’s blood to leave brought him back to Ceoris and started slagging
together the next time they were sent out. off the Mother for all to hear, before punishing
her by having Saxim sent to the chantry in Vienna,
Sadly, it didn’t last. Ublo-Satha must have even though he would have been more useful
broken, and grassed on the others. It was Alvusia at Ceoris. This was yet another thing that came
who first saw Goratrix and his cronies heading between him and Goratrix, who had wanted
to the Eyrie, the place where the Gargoyles made to capture Saxim for himself. He was the first
their haven. She was able to warn them, but was Gargoyle to be given to another chantry, and as far
caught by Ublo-Satha, who tried to spare her sister as anyone knows he’s still there as Etrius’ pet.
punishment by convincing her to stay. Poor, poor
girl… Centuries of Slavery
In what some of us call the First Gargoyle Revolt, Finding themselves without Gargoyles, for
the other four - Chaundice, Ana, Saxim and one the most part, the Tremere needed to act quickly,
now called Chi’ung Chi - got away, and went their or they’d be overtaken by the Tzimisce again.
separate ways in the rush to escape. Brunavog, Vistania, Malgorzata and Goratrix got to work
Virstania’s sire, made the error of assuming that he on improving the Gargoyles made from other
spoke with the Mother’s voice, and as one of the vampires. They noticed that the best results came

Clanbook: Gargoyles 13
from using Gangrel, Nosferatu and Tzimisce - time.
especially together. However, they needed a new The first Mould of all was the Sentinel, Saxum
way of combining the parts altogether. This is - yeah, like Saxim, hang about, I was getting to
where Alvusia came in. that. He was named that way since Virstania
The Next Generation missed Saxim after he’d been brought back to her,
only to be sent away again. It’s said that she and
Virstania, who by this point was nicely settled Ublo-Satha kept mixing them up and eventually
in Bedlam, decided to give her daughter not a forgot there was an original at all. ‘The Master
punishment but (in her mind) a gift, to show of Slaves’, as he was called - that should tell you
that there were no hard feelings. That ‘gift’ was plenty - kept a close eye on the Eyrie and those in
motherhood. Through some kind of horrendous, it, always looking out for rebellion. The Sentinels
drawn-out ritual she transformed Alvusia from who’ve followed him carry that on, but tend to be
a Gargoyle much like you or I into something softer touches.
new and awful - the first of the womb-bearers.
The name is disgustingly literal; they chopped up Second came Luma. She was the first Warrior,
whatever Kindred they wanted to use, sewed the and she set the standard for them in aggression
parts together, and opened up her belly and put and killing power, though as the tales go she was
them in before sealing her up again. She’d spend beautiful, unlike the rest of us; ‘the Stone Beauty’,
months in agony, all to produce a single Gargoyle. she was called. I can’t speak to that, I’ve not had
As far as anyone knows, she’s still suffering under the chance to make her acquaintance. Must have
this. I don’t get sick any more, o’course, but it some truth to it though, since the Mother kept
makes even my stomach turn. trying to repeat her creation. She was rebellious as
well; it was largely Ublo-Satha’s a job to keep her
The Gargoyles that came out were a new breed. in line.
To make sure they stayed loyal, Goratrix ordered
that they should be split into three ‘Castings’. Last of the three was Fidus, the Scout, called
There were Scouts, Sentinels and Warriors, each ‘the Shrunken Beast’. Where Saxum was large and
one made to suit a different role and with a strong, Fidus was small but fast, and a conniving
different way of ensuring total loyalty. A couple of little welk. He was the Mother’s favourite, and
elders from back then seem to remember a fourth rarely left her side; she even secretly taught
Casting, but I wouldn’t know anything about him magic, since he whispered everything that
that. Might be worth looking into, but if they’re happened in the Eyrie to her. Fidus was the first of
out there anywhere they aren’t making themselves the three to learn to fly, and taught that skill to the
known. Scouts who came after him.
There aren’t a whole lot of cast Gargoyles left Mass Production
these nights, but some of you have probably met Not long later, in 1133, Goratrix got exiled
one or two even if you didn’t know it. My own from Ceoris - for what reason I don’t know or
sire, Rooker, was a Scout, but he wasn’t as old as care. What matters is that this left Virstania
the ones I’m talking about. Or if he was, he never and Malgorzata unsupervised, and they got to
let on. behaving like two bickering sisters. This meant
The first three Gargoyles made this way are that Virstania was able to experiment more freely,
called the Moulds, since the rest were made to while Malgorzata egged her on. She created all
match up to their design. Watching over them manner of strange creatures, which while they were
all was Ublo-Satha, who remained in Ceoris for Gargoyles were not like us or even like the cast
almost another hundred years. Together with her, ones. There’s even fewer of those left, but some
the Moulds were known as Virstania’s Gargoyle Grotesqueries have some as pets. Most of them just
apprentices, since they kept by her side most of the give me the willies. I personally think Malgorzata

14 Chapter One: A Past Carved in Stone

did it to see how far she’d go. all have had it. Though they never knew it until it
In only a few decades, the Tremere had was far, far too late, it was the thing we needed to
themselves an army, not just a pack. None of them overthrow our masters. Couldn’t have happened to
were the equal of Chaundice or even his children, nicer people.
but their numbers more than made up for it. The Gargoyle Revolt
From 1167, the year the cast Gargoyles were set on
the Fiends, the Omen War - the conflict between We couldn’t do it alone though. There’s plenty
Tremere and Tzimisce - got kicked up a few gears. to be said about her, but without Virstania we’d
Chantries fell and got taken back, and most of the still be in chains. Maybe only someone as far
killing and the dying was done by us. If you look in gone as her could come up with something like
the right nooks and crannies of the right mountain the Revolt and actually see it through to the end.
ranges in Eastern Europe, you’ll find the makeshift She’d been preparing for decades, maybe even
Eyries of those unlucky Gargoyles whose chantries longer. Hard to say really, she didn’t even let on
got took out. Seems like they built effigies of their to her personal Gargoyles as far as anyone knows.
former masters, so they’d have someone to serve. Some say it started as early as when Goratrix got
Doesn’t look like any of them lasted long; all those kicked out.
old Eyries are long abandoned. The Mother might have been a few straws
It was in the middle of all this that some of us short, but she was canny, and chose her
started being able to Embrace, probably thanks opportunity well. In the few years before the
to Virstania’s meddling. Once there were enough Revolt, two important Tremere had left Ceoris,
that other Tremere started noticing - sometimes willingly or otherwise. The first was Etrius, who
patrols would come back with more than they set I mentioned earlier. The reasons why I’m not
out with - it was swiftly banned, and any Embraced sure. Something about their Antediluvian who
Gargoyles were destroyed. was switching bodies or asleep or fighting a giant
worm. Don’t ask me, sonny, I just repeat what
By this point, most Warlocks were vampires, I’m told. Important thing is, without Etrius there,
and in 1199 their dirty little secret came out the Mother had even less people looking over her
among the other wizards they knocked around shoulder.
with. Now they had two enemies to fight, and
while they had some help from the German Malgorzata was one, but she was more
Ventrue, they were pretty hard-pressed. The concerned with wheeling and dealing among her
production of cast Gargoyles became too slow own Clan than keeping an eye on us. There’s even
to replace the losses, and as a result the ban on rumours that say despite being his childe, she
Embracing was lifted. Since about a third of all wasn’t Goratrix’s favourite, that he shared more
Gargoyles could do it by now, our numbers shot with Virstania than with her. For example, one
up, giving the Clan the support it needed to very old Gargoyle told me that he’d developed
survive its various wars. By the mid-14th century, some kind of artificial blood, said he tried it on
sired Gargoyles were the majority, and had spread him in Paris, said it filled you up alright but didn’t
far beyond Ceoris. satisfy the Beast, so you’d be on edge all night. As
far as he knew, only Virstania was told about this,
Things just kept getting better for our lot. By a not Malgorzata. However things were with her,
hundred years later we had a Discipline to call they became pretty moot when she got captured by
our own, cobbled together by the Mother from the Tzimisce during their last big raid on Ceoris.
some of the more useful rituals the Tremere liked There aren’t many of us about who were there at
to use on us, letting us hide in plain sight, move the time, but there’s a story which goes that the
through walls, all that stuff. Sadly only the sired Mother let it happen.
ones showed much of a knack for it, but there
were so many of us by then that we may as well Ceoris had lost two of its big hitters, its

Clanbook: Gargoyles 15
defences had taken a nasty beating, and everyone This wasn’t the last fight at Ceoris though.
was distracted. Esoara, basically the head of Esoara was the late Curaferrum’s childe, and must
security, was off out hunting the anarchs who’d have smarted something awful when his sire got
taken Malgorzata. With Etrius and Malgorzata out it. Enraged, and with some of the hardest Tremere
of the picture, Virstania was left on her own, and around in tow, he turned up two nights later, while
without Esoara, the chantry was weak - ripe for an we were still getting ourselves together after the
inside job. In 1476 - three hundred years before previous night’s celebrations. We were ready, we
these United States kicked up their own stink - she knew he was coming, but still we had taken some
used some massive spell to free all the Gargoyles in losses. Once he worked out what had happened,
Ceoris from Warlock control - magic, Dominate, he immediately executed all the Gargoyles in his
blood bonds, the whole lot. It was a simple matter party. Poor bastards. The fighting was vicious, and
then for us to rise up. in the end we retreated. Virstania, not wanting to
lose any more of us, ordered us to abandon Ceoris.
The Revolt in Ceoris We fled in all directions, and Virstania relocated
I’m told Ceoris was a slaughter. In less than a to her secret lab in a cave not far away, taking her
night it went from the jewel in the Tremere crown equipment with her along with the three Moulds.
to a gutted ruin. The castellan - the boss, for the The battle for Ceoris was over in a hollow Tremere
benefit of you lot - an old Warlock by the name of victory, but the Revolt had just begun.
Curaferrum, got himself disblerised by the Mother.
He the first casualty in a war that continues The Revolt Spreads
tonight, no matter what kind of treaties and pacts Since we could travel faster than the Tremere,
get signed. But I’m getting ahead of myself… the first few chantries we hit were taken by
The Mother went to his chamber, supposedly surprise. Virstania did rituals on us which allowed
to speak to him about the counter-attack to the us to spread her spell of liberation to others, so
raid which had taken Malgorzata. Little did he we started by infiltrating the chantries, freeing
suspect that we were taking our places in the walls. the Gargoyles inside and gutting the places from
At her word we leapt out and held him down while within, just like Ceoris. It couldn’t last, of course,
the Mother listed every cruelty against us, to the and eventually some Warlock must have gotten a
last harsh word. For each one she had a single tiny magical message out to the others - probably that
cut made in him. She counted each broken bone, bugger Esoara. We were only able to hit a handful
each night of solitary confinement, each petty before this got out, but we’d vastly increased our
punishment. It took most of the night, and by the numbers. Even then some of the arrogant bastards
end he’d been begging for Final Death for hours. didn’t pay attention - they must have thought it
To cap it off she leant down, bared her fangs, and was a lie made up to weaken them by having them
took his blood. destroy their slaves, or they just thought that their
control was too strong for it to happen to them.
Her deep frenzy spread to us, and we ran amok Idiots.
through the chantry, killing dozens of Tremere
and their ghouls in just an hour. Luma and her Of course, many did listen, and Lord knows
Warriors led the way, and she took down dozens how many of us got executed right then, so they
single-handedly. The walls were stained red, and couldn’t rise up. It’s tragic, but at least it meant
barely any got out ‘alive’. We had ghouls of our they couldn’t be used against the free ones.
own, and they did more than their part both at Eventually it got so that it was just Gargoyles
Ceoris and in the battles afterwards. Most notable on the one side and Tremere on the other. For
was one called Ferox - yes, that Ferox - who was another thirteen years we fought over Europe,
Embraced for his services. We’ll get to him later, even while the Anarch Revolt was ongoing. They
I’m sure. couldn’t get assistance from the other Clans -
we actually had help from lots of our Gangrel,

16 Chapter One: A Past Carved in Stone

Nosferatu and Tzimisce ‘relatives’ - and so they she’s done in that time?
were left to fend for themselves. The free Gargoyles - the really free ones, not
The Montmartre Pact Virstania’s Flock - spread their wings and took
flight where they pleased. Many of them took up
The Anarch Revolt ended when the Camarilla with the Camarilla, some with the Sabbat, both of
got together, including the Tremere. One of the which were just starting to get themselves together.
conditions for them joining was for them to They both needed spies, scouts, assassins, enforcers
release any slaves they still had, give up any claim - jobs we were uniquely suited for. We never earned
to the free ones, and make no more Gargoyles, much in the way of proper rank or respect, but
which they agreed to in 1489 under the terms of we were valued. In London and Paris were set up
the Montmartre Pact. The Ventrue and Toreador the first ‘official’, Camarilla-backed Grotesqueries,
and that will say this was out of concern for the employed by the Princes of those cities, and the
cruelty of slavery and because we were originally practice was taken up by others who had enough
made from other Kindred - but really, they saw the Gargoyles on hand.
pasting the Warlocks were getting and didn’t want
any of it. Discovering Mimesis
For the Warlocks’ part, handing over the few It was around this time that we first started
slaves you’ve got left after you’ve already murdered really noticing Mimesis. Oh, Christ almighty… You
most of them isn’t that big a price to pay, nor is know how after you spend a while in a new haven
giving up ownership of rebellious ones. It’s not you start to look like it, and like each other? It’s
as though they really stick to it anyway. Every few that, and it’s not something all vampires do - if you
years they trot out a scapegoat who gets ‘caught’ choose to call us that. It’s just us. Don’t ask me
making a Gargoyle or keeping one a slave, but about the name, I didn’t come up with it. Seems
that’s just to keep up appearances and get rid of fitting anyway. Point is, as we started roosting
enemies. They’re all at it even tonight, mark my together in different Eyries we noticed this
words - but not for long. But back to the past for happening. Whether it was more pronounced after
now; we can talk about the present and the future we became free, it’s hard to say. Mimesis became
later. something to unite us, to set us apart from other
Kindred and give us an identity.
Centuries of Freedom
An unusual example were Pygmalion’s
By hiding in the Ivory Tower, the Tremere Daughters, an all-women Grotesquerie who
saved themselves. The Gargoyle Revolt didn’t so became popular with the Toreador in Italy and
much end as it did peter out, but it was no less Greece. They toured Elysiums and put on shows,
a victory for us. The problem, though, was what singing and dancing, posing for portraits, all that
to do next. Many of us returned to Virstania’s lark. You know how Toreador can be. While I’m
cave, having not seen her in years (or ever). Those not one to go in for all that, they did put us on
from chantries further afield tended to try and the map, showed the Kindred that we aren’t just
make their own way in the world, setting up monsters. The Daughters put it to good use and
Grotesqueries in Paris, in India, in the Urals, developed a way of making it happen faster by
and, of course, in London. Us and the Tremere combining a few disciplines, so they could look
both started picking up the pieces, like most of different during each show. I’ve not been able to
the Kindred world. They returned to Ceoris and do it, but then it probably wouldn’t be much help
Virstania kept a good eye on them, deciding to in my line of work. And besides, why’d I want to
leave them alone if they left her children alone. change this handsome mug?
She became more obsessed with perfecting us, and
right away began experimenting. She’s there to
night from what little I’ve heard. Who knows what

Clanbook: Gargoyles 17
Ferox hawks in case they broke the Montmartre Pact in
a big way, but we weren’t so vigilant when it came
Sadly not all Gargoyles of the time were credits
to others who might try the same stuff. We don’t
to our name. You may remember I mentioned
know how - maybe they tried to hide it and it got
Ferox before. He’s probably older than all of us put
found, maybe it was stolen, maybe they just sold it -
together, and he’s got a history to match. I shan’t
but here and there the ritual got out.
go into all that here, we’d be up well past dawn if
I did. Suffice to say he was first made a ghoul two Of course, not being properly trained in
thousand years ago before being bandied about performing it, those outside the Tremere who tried
between Clans, which eventually landed him in never quite got it right, or had to change things
Ceoris at the right time. to make it work. The results are what we call the
Misbegotten. They’re something I won’t blame you
Like the Mother he’d seen the abuse of our
for not hearing about. If there’s few of us, there’s
kind, and took our side even though he was a
even fewer of them.
Tremere ghoul rather than one of ours. He might
not have been Kindred then, but his age more than The earliest culprits we know about were the
made up for it. Of course, it also meant that when Tremere antitribu, who included Goratrix and
he was cut off from Warlock blood, time started Esoara - what a bloody pair - and who split off
catching up with him sharpish. Since he’d helped from the main Clan in the 1700s. A particular
us out so much and had become one of Virstania’s sect of these split off again, and decided that
main advisors, he was given the Embrace both to the best place to hide from their many enemies
save him and as a reward. He didn’t stick with the was underwater. They built a chantry under the
Mother for long, tough. Somehow, he remembered Atlantic, and since they needed servants down
one thing after the Embrace, which was his faith - there, adapted the creation ritual to produce
and nothing else. Flying off even before the battle Gargoyles suitable for life at sea. They used,
outside the chantry two nights later, taking his sire and still do use, Mariner Gangrel and those
with him, he disappeared for decades. Nosferatu and Tzimisce adapted to the water,
somehow combining them with sea creatures.
When he came out of hiding he began some
They have three Castings just like our ancestors,
sort of crusade, killing Kindred left and right. He
but they’re even stranger. I’ve only met one
had a particular dislike of Nosferatu, calling them
‘Mariner Gargoyle’, and I can’t honestly say it’s an
‘demons’ - while we were angels, and him the
experience I’d like to repeat. But they do deserve
lead angel, naturally. From there he’s only gotten
freedom as much as any of us. They might have
stronger, gathering a larger cult than you might
been the first Misbegotten but they definitely
think, who call themselves the Watchers. They’re
weren’t the last, and if you think it’s bizarre now,
no direct threat to us, of course, but they shit
just wait and listen. I’ll get to the others as they
on our name in society, across all sects. It’ll only
come up. First, I get to tell you where I fit in.
be a matter of time before the other Clans stop
bothering to distinguish us from them when they Gargoyles in London
retaliate. The fact he’s actively recruiting us, and
I was Embraced in 1885, or there abouts. The
that a lot of young Gargoyles are desperate enough
one who sired me, as I mentioned, was named
to belong somewhere - anywhere - hardly helps.
Rooker. He found me in the gutter suffering with
The First Misbegotten the cholera, sure to die, and must have taken pity.
Quite where he came from I never found out, but I
Any good work produces imitators, and
know he was a cast Scout. He introduced me to his
we were no different. While the Tremere were
gang, the Sixpence Pinch. You won’t find this out
supposed to have destroyed all records of the
from asking any of them, but we ran circles around
ritual for creating cast Gargoyles, of course they
the Tremere and Ventrue of London. We made
never quite got around to finishing that particular
our Eyrie in St Pauls - you know, the cathedral -
job. Must have been busy. We watched them like

18 Chapter One: A Past Carved in Stone

and from there we’d set out to cause all sorts of Bloods had to smile and applaud and pretend to
trouble for the Cammies. approve. They agreed to peace between us on the
There was six of us: me, Rooker, Moll, Six-of- condition that we had our own feeding grounds
One and Half-a-Dozen-of-the-Other (one of them and weren’t going to be harassed by the hounds or
gave me my nickname, not sure which), and Big the sheriff.
Sally. Couldn’t have asked for better chums, all What we didn’t know then was that the
told. Rooker was an odd bird, now I think of it. bombing had driven the Prince, an unimaginably
He never quite got his hands as dirty as ours, but old Blue Blood called Mithras, into torpor. The
he didn’t need to, and he appreciated what we did. other Ventrue were in disarray, which was why they
He was like our centre, the brains of the outfit. were so allowing with us. They tried to hide it as
Moll was a sweet girl, but she was canny; I’ve met long as possible, but we found out in short order,
plenty of Toreador and Blue Bloods who couldn’t and once we were sure there wasn’t a three- or
hold a candle to her when it came to skullduggery. four-thousand-year-old Methuselah to worry about,
Six-of-One and Half-a-Dozen, called that since we painted the town red like never before. For
they were twins in life and by Embrace and always decades, the Ventrue and Tremere could only look
looked alike, were the smallest and quickest of on and scowl.
us. If you needed something nicked and a clean As I said, it wasn’t to last. After St Pauls we got
getaway, it was them you went to. Big Sally was complacent and lazy. Rooker kept to himself and
like the mother of the group; if we had a problem looked like he was going to slip into torpor any
we went to her for advice even before Rooker, and night. The rise of surveillance in the city meant we
she’d involved if we got into a spat, as happened couldn’t move about anywhere near as freely. We
from time to time. didn’t realise it at the time, but I now think that
As for me, I suppose I was the face of our gang. was put in by the Ventrue and Tremere just to put
Not the pleasing face, as you might have guessed - us on the back foot. Without Mithras - who never
that was Moll - but the one shown when someone cared for Warlocks, to put it mildly - they were
needed a bit of fear put in them. I knocked around able to get together and work out a way to get their
with the Nossies in the Underground a fair bit, own back. Over the years they forced us to keep
kept my ear to the ground, that sort of thing. What moving our Eyrie until we lost everything we’d
we mostly got up to was poking at the Traditions gained in a single night. By the time they moved
while getting away with it, and making some against us we’d been mostly forgotten, a curiosity
money on the side. We gatecrashed Elysiums, from the war. They doctored some photos, claimed
robbed chantries of their magical guff, and dealt we’d broken the Masquerade, and used that to
with interested parties in Gargoyle animals like the justify rooting us out. No one else batted an eye.
ones I mentioned earlier. Most of those I kept away Bastards...
from, they were Sally’s area of expertise. No, son, I’m fine. I’ll get through it. I was the
We even did our part for Blighty. When the only one who survived that night, and I just flew
bombers came over London we took to the skies away as fast as I could. Rooker told me to, first
to defend our Eyrie. We wished we could have thing he’d said in weeks. I wanted to stay, but that
done more for the city, but even we knew the ingrained loyalty of ours saved me. I got across
Masquerade had to be kept. Nonetheless we took the Channel - first time I’d left London, let alone
out a decent few Jerry planes, and kept St Pauls England - and shacked up with the Gargoyles in
standing strong. The people of London thought it the Parisian catacombs for a month while I licked
was a miracle, never suspecting a thing. No Nazi my wounds, mourned my losses and looked at my
pilot who saw us got back across the Channel that options. Eventually I got it in my head to travel to
night. We were seen in a new light by the Kindred California, join the Anarch Free State, build up
of London, and even the Warlocks and Blue again, make the sacrifice of the Sixpence Pinch

Clanbook: Gargoyles 19
mean something. What I found was something far When I mentioned Virstania he perked right
greater than I could have imagined. up, started asking me questions, then began telling
me things I’d never heard - about her, about
The Rock Lord Goratrix, about Ceoris and the first Gargoyles.
I never did get to California. Let me set the Eventually he remembered his name: Chaundice.
scene. It’s the turn of the millennium, I’m flying Rooker had told me the legend of the Rock Lord
over Arizona, admiring the Grand Canyon, not once, about a Gargoyle called Chaundice who
really thinking. Suddenly I see something moving, escaped into the mountains to lead a Grotesquerie
something not a human and not an animal. I of free Gargoyles. Not a true story, obviously, but
swoop down to get a closer look, and what do I the name was right. I didn’t rightly know what to
see but another Gargoyle, but hunched over and do or what to say at this point. What do you say
twisted up, like some sort of goblin. Last thing I when you meet the ancestor of your entire people?
was expecting. He seemed lost and confused, so I Thankfully he did most of the talking from
came down to check on him. Thought I might get there. It all seemed to come flooding back. He told
myself some welcome company for the journey, get me about fleeing Ceoris, how he’d flown north
my Grotesquerie started early. and lived mostly alone for he couldn’t tell how
As I say he was out of it, didn’t seem to long, occasionally with animals, sometimes with
understand what I was saying. Since it was getting wandering Gangrel. Eventually he was rediscovered
fairly close to dawn and I wasn’t getting much out by Goratrix, his sire, and made a slave again. He
of him, I decided we should make our haven in was shocked when I told him how much time
the canyon, which I managed to shepherd him had passed; there seemed to be whole centuries
towards. I could tell he was no neonate; he had the he couldn’t recall. He’d lived as Goratrix’s slave
biggest set of wings you’ve ever scene, and I could all that time, first in Europe, then travelling the
feel all this power coming off of him. He didn’t world, then in America and Mexico, where he’d
seem to know how to sink into the rock, though, been before wandering to the Grand Canyon.
so I found us a shaded spot and we slept through Something, he didn’t understand what, had
the day. happened to Goratrix, something involving a
The next night he seemed to have collected mirror. Whatever it was had freed Chaundice from
himself, and he started talking. Mostly nonsense his control. During his escape he fought another
to begin with, lots of it in Spanish. He kept talking vampire, a Warlock wielding a battleaxe. From
about a mirror and an axe, that I did pick out. I what I’ve since heard from other elder Gargoyles,
thought he looked a bit peaky so I flew out and this was almost certainly Esoara. Like he’d done
snatched a bighorn for him. It took him a while with Brunavog almost a thousand years earlier,
to figure out what to do but eventually he sunk he batted him aside in order to get out, though
his fangs in and drained it. Now he was stronger, he didn’t think he’d killed him. His mind in a
we had something like a conversation. He spoke blur, he sometimes flew, sometimes walked north,
enough English for hand gestures to make up the repeating his escape from Ceoris. If I hadn’t
difference. He said he’d flown north, from a city. have found him when I did he’d have starved to
Something had gone very wrong, his ‘master’ had unconsciousness, and been left for the sun.
had something happen to him, he’d been in a
fight; the mirror and the axe came up again. He Chaundice’s Awakening
knew he was a Gargoyle, what that meant, but he I got around to asking him about him not
seemed to know nothing about us, almost none of being able to enter the stone, and he had no idea
the history I’ve just spent half the night on. He was what I was on about. I showed him Visceratika,
curious about me, so I started there and worked it and he immediately asked me - almost ordered me
backwards. - to teach him. So I did. He took to it completely
naturally, like he’d been made to use it. Thanks to

20 Chapter One: A Past Carved in Stone

yours truly, plus this natural ability, he was able to
spend the next day resting in the stone.
The next night was another story again. He spoke
calmly and confidently, where before he’d seemed
lost and unsure. He moved with this grace, this
controlled power, and looked every inch the Rock
Lord in the legend, no longer hunched over and
mutated. He said he’d had strange dreams of a
spirit of the canyon calling out to him, as he put
it. The spirit, which is called Massaw in local
Native legend, had somehow made him what he
was before Goratrix Embraced him. Put simply, he
wasn’t a vampire any more.
The next fifteen years were the strangest of my
life. From the moment he emerged, he had this
grand vision in mind: a Rock Court unlike any
other, including not just Gargoyles but all pure
creatures connected to the stone. As time passed,
I flew to nearby cities contacting Gargoyles and
telling them about this place. Not all of them
came at first, but over time it grew in power, and
we started receiving guests I’d never invited.
I even saw Lupines - which prefer to be called
garou, apparently - and some sort of rock spirits in
As you might have guessed by now, I’ve come
from there to speak to you about joining. I’m sure
you’re full of questions from what little I’ve told
you, and I can answer them all in time, but first let
me say this: You don’t need to live like slaves any

Clanbook: Gargoyles 21
Virstania’s Children
Having escaped from Goratrix’s domination in a bizarre instance he scarcely remembers, and
experiencing a rebirth after his encounter with Dan, Chaundice tonight sits at the nucleus of free
Gargoyle society - the Grand Rock Court, located within the Grand Canyon. He oversees and
coordinates the movement which bears his name, receives and communes with a mysterious spirit of the
canyon which calls itself Massaw.
Chi’ung Chi
After fleeing during the First Revolt, Chi simply flew east as far as his wings could carry him. He
founded the Petrified Sanctum within Tianmu Mountain, allowing kine monks to practice geomancy in
a nearby temple. His Grotesquerie grew and expanded into the mountain, and the catacombs beneath.
In recent times he has made contact with Chaundice, becoming his figure head in the east. He and his
childer are hunted by the Tremere Thomas Wyncham, Inner Councilor of the Far East.
The standing stones took Ana east, guarding her within the forest and wild lands of central Europe.
After a short few decades they began a crusade against tremere oppression. After her mutation at the
hands of Tremere experimentation, Ana took a stronger approach to liberating her race, becoming a
form of folk legend amongst European chantries. Tonight she relays information to chaundice about
potential Gargoyle subjugation and strives to battle slavery of all forms.
Saxim was quickly recaptured by Etrius following his escape, which the Warlock noted was
surprisingly easy to do - almost as though the Gargoyle wanted to be found and reclaimed. He was
publicly admonished at Ceoris before being sent to Vienna, where he became the personal servant
of Lotharius, Etrius’ childe. Etrius would join him several centuries - later along with the torpid body
of Tremere himself - to take over as Regent of Vienna and Pontifex of Austria, narrowly avoiding the
impending Revolt.
To this very night he exists in wretched servitude, watching over the founder’s twisted form, the very
embodiment of the Gargoyle drive towards service to others. Like his Mother, all but a small handful
of individuals - including Chaundice and his siblings - have quite forgotten his existence until recently,
when startlingly accurate but impossible to confirm rumours began to appear. Quite who or what is the
source of these whispers is unknown, and a cause of great interest to some (primarily Chaundice and
Ana) and grave concern to others (especially Etrius).

22 Chapter One: A Past Carved in Stone

Following the First Revolt, Ublo-satha was kept on as a well-treated slave for her loyalty and her
value; unlike many of the cast Gargoyles who followed her, she was highly intelligent and capable of
independent thought, though she never dreamed of betraying the Clan. Eventually she was given to the
Tremere called Grimgroth, as a reward for his betrayal of the Hermetic chantry of Mistridge, resulting in
its complete destruction.
After centuries under Grimgroth’s service, she suggested she be sent to Chicago when she overheard
her master discussing the suspect loyalties of Nicolai, the Regent there; the story put about among the
Tremere of Chicago was that she was there to provide extra security in the wake of a Lupine attack on
the chantry. In coordination with Meerlinda, the Councillor of North America, he had her transferred.
In truth, neither Grimgroth nor Meerlinda knew the true reason for her suggestion (see page 124).
Once the Mother had escaped the final battle of Ceoris, she had a contingent of her closest acolytes
place Alvusia into a state of torpor. She awoke in exactly the same conditions she had found herself in
following her siblings’ escape attempt - a perpetual cycle of pregnancy, birth, and impregnation. On a
yearly basis from the early 1500s she has had new foetal Gargoyles Gestating inside her womb, a process
which continues to this night.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 23
Chapter Two:
Freedom and
A Grotesque Culture in each myth, the commonly accepted means
of making a Gargoyle are by Embrace or birth.
When most Kindred think of Gargoyles In the beginning, Gargoyles were only created
(assuming they know of and believe in their by one ritual devised while Virstania was still a
existence at all), they think of dull monsters mortal witch, known as ‘At Our Command It
entirely disconnected from humanity. These Breathes’ (see Rites of the Blood, page 106). After
stereotypes are popularised by Tremere to cast her Embrace she continued to refine it, making
their former slaves in the roles of boogeymen. This variations with which to ‘cast’ specific Gargoyles
is aided by the fact that Gargoyles are typically built for specific duties. Gradually these cast
submissive and evasive around Kindred, even Gargoyles evolved to facilitate the Embrace, where
exclusively sticking to their Eyries rather than earlier on they had all been infertile. The number
making havens in common grounds as other of Embraced Gargoyles soon outweighed their
Kindred might. more submissive cast kin. A bloodline was born.
These ideas form a cold, stony facade, which Embraced
hides the warmth and vibrancy to be found within
Gargoyle culture. Gargoyles measure their worth The Embrace of a Gargoyle is simultaneously
and status based on numerous factors within a a starkly beautiful event and a deeply disturbing
Grotesquerie (a family of Gargoyles within a city horror. Gargoyle vitae is thicker and more abrasive
similar to a Coterie, though often larger). From than that of most Kindred. Where other vampires,
birth, status, political view, age, and generation especially Toreador, may have blood that feels
(not to mention wing size), Gargoyles have like silk as it creeps through the fledgling’s veins,
developed quite intricate systems of interaction a Gargoyle’s feels like mortar. To make matters
and social bonding. worse, the Kiss of a Gargoyle comes at a naturally
higher risk than others since many have large tusks
Gargoyles by Birth in place of fangs. As the vitae settles in his flesh,
Creating a Gargoyle is an involved and the fledgling will quickly feel the petrification that
multifaceted practice which is shrouded in mystery. comes from Construct blood, rigor mortis setting
Some vampires still tell tales of a Gargoyle ‘brood in before they even get to die.
mare’ nestled deep within a mountain, atop a Gargoyle childer relate that before they
clutch of obsidian eggs. While there is some truth reawaken their minds are flooded with screams

24 Chapter Two: Freedom and Dependence

and visions of sensations they will never feel again, the thaumaturge will write up alchemical charts
like a beautiful sunset or the warmth of a kiss. and diagrams outlining the most appropriate
The transformation from human to vampire is an course of dismemberment.
even harder ordeal than usual, as they won’t be Next, the victims (who will be on the brink
free to move until after their first night is through. of starvation following the draining process)
Instead, they are frozen in place to feel their flesh are placed atop operating tables by assistants
gradually contort and toughen into a thick layer of and have every part of their bodies weighed and
stone. measured with all sorts of arcane and highly
If the childe is lucky this will be all he faces, invasive instruments. They are then smeared with
but the day after is likely worse. As he sleeps, his a thick mixture of ash, clay, and the thaumaturge’s
body will twist into whichever shape it will. On blood to inscribe specific incision markings and
his second night his bones and tendons stretch preservation methods for each segment. During
to fit their eternal physique. His spine shatters the testing period the specimens are fed tiny doses
and reforms, and his limbs elongate as the vitae of the thaumaturge’s specially-treated blood,
swells within his very marrow. Finally, all organs linking the two as ‘sire’ and ‘childe’. After at least a
aside from the heart petrify into stone shards only month of this testing, measuring, and preparation
vaguely reminiscent of the organs they once were. (though often much longer), the assistants will
These shards are then expelled by the quickest begin severing each designated portion of the
possible means, whether falling from orifices or specimen’s bodies and carve them off, separating
painfully piercing the flesh. them into useful and unneeded.
As joints regain their malleability and limbs The specimens are not allowed the gift of
become flexible once more, the fledgling finally torpor at any point during these trials, as to disrupt
feels the first twitches of his inhuman wings, the emotional humours within them in this way
marking him as a childe of stone. may result in a stillborn or non-viable Gargoyle.
When the Kindred’s bodies are reduced to their
Cast constituent parts, they are each preserved in some
A purer form of Gargoyle comes from the particular way, be that encrusted by salt and quartz
birthing chambers as a product of At Our powders, immersed in a smog of alchemical smoke,
Command It Breathes. Despite the involved and or bathed in balms of honey and oil. After a long
time-consuming nature of this method, not to period of treatment, the duration and nature of
mention its grotesque and revolting reputation, which is determined by the thaumaturge’s own
many Gargoyle shamans (see page 31) still previous examination, the pieces are ready to be
remember the procedure and see it as the most reconstituted.
divine transition. Once the months of preservation have passed,
Firstly, Kindred specimens must be selected the pieces are realigned and bound with rough
from those collected by assistants; only the twine to loosely resemble a humanoid shape, then
strongest and most powerful will survive the placed inside a gestation cask or sac. If a cask is
transition. The specimens selected must be from at used, the lid will be sealed by copious amounts of
least two Clans who share some degree of physical wax with a small pipe to feed ingredients through
malleability - Nosferatu, Gangrel and Tzimisce. over the gestation period. If a sac is used a cow’s
Their bodies must be scribed with ritualistic hide is stretched to cover the specimen and sewn
symbols after each portion has been thoroughly up, forming a foetal ‘package’, which is promptly
analyzed. Various fluids, including blood, are placed inside the abdominal cavity of a ‘womb-
extracted from the victims’ bodies while crystals bearer’. The womb-bearer screams and begs
are used to measure the quantities of magical for death, but in truth she is proud to bare the
essence flowing through them. After this analysis, Gargoyle child to term. Once this agonising ordeal

Clanbook: Gargoyles 25
is over, the Gargoyle will claw through the wax of Rockheads and those who actively chose to stay by
the chamber or the wall of the birth canal. their masters’ side after the Revolt. The currently
enslaved Gargoyles know nothing of freedom and
Misbegotten more than likely know nothing of the Revolt or
Not all Gargoyles are made equal. Those our salvation. The discovery and liberation of
relatively young creatures created by thieves of these individuals is what many Gargoyles strive
Virstania’s work live in the shadows of not only for nightly. Those who are granted freedom by
Kindred society, but the society of Gargoyles Chaundice only to turn their back on his ways and
themselves. These ‘Misbegotten’ vary across the return to their masters are not considered true
world depending on the Clans or bloodlines Gargoyles, but merely obstacles to remove on the
used to create them. Followers of Set are buried path to freedom.
in gestation sarcophagi to form living idols called
Gorgons, Mariner Gargoyles are cast in the wombs The Free
of whales to mutate in the isolated void of the During the 20-year Revolt, Virstania traveled
deep ocean, Samedi are vivisected and heaved to chantries across Europe, freeing her children
into a flooded sinkhole to become Calacas, and and returning them to her Carpathian Eyrie to
in recent times even some Kindred of Africa be free with their siblings. During this time many
have been forced to undergo the punishment Gargoyles sought their own form of independence
of petrification. On the rare occasion that a by breaking off from the Flock and created their
Misbegotten reaches a free Grotesquerie, it is own Grotesqueries.
unusual for them to be rejected (though they are As a rule, free Gargoyles are confident and
unlikely to be truly loved). caring for one another, always looking out for
Gargoyles by Status their own and seeking more ways to liberate
the downtrodden. They have made numerous
Surprising to most Kindred is the fact that allegiances with anarchs in the New World and
status means as much to Gargoyles as it does erect community Havens wherever they settle for
to Ventrue, Toreador, or Brujah. After all, the themselves and any kindred seeking salvation.
bloodline as a whole went from being nothing in Increasing numbers of free Gargoyles walk the
the eyes of vampiric society to having a distinct Path of Freedom (see page 45). Some settle with
identity, leading many to wish to develop their Humanity or take up the Paths of the Feral Heart
independence further. Within a Grotesquerie, or Honourable Accord.
a loose but complex social order is maintained,
based around ideals of mutual freedom and Gargoyles by Sect
individual rights. Most are directed by four On the whole Gargoyles don’t care much
distinguished individuals: the Rock Lord (or about Kindred society in the way that Ventrue,
Lady), and the three ‘Moulds’ (named so since Brujah, Toreador or Tremere do. They will pay
they are supposed to serve as paragons of each their local Kindred authorities any due respect
Casting, though they may be cast or Embraced). as is customary, but more often than not keep to
A Grotesquerie elects these representatives as a a solitary Eyrie. Within the bloodline, however,
community, with every member having a vote and there are two minor ‘Sects’ - one very old, one
an equal say. virtually new - which lead to schisms in an
otherwise strong family. These schisms have
The Enslaved arisen due to the dispute over the bloodline’s
Little is left to be said about enslaved Gargoyles true progenitor and leader. Virstania, the Great
that isn’t common knowledge. Within this Mother, has traditionally been seen as the creator
category consist two mindsets that most Gargoyles and rightful mistress of those that fled during her
wish never to fall into; the currently subservient Revolt. Chaundice, on the other hand, is now

26 Chapter Two: Freedom and Dependence

seen by many independent Gargoyles as their true - qualities they value highly in their leaders as
sire, akin to an Antediluvian in some regards. His figures to be looked up to and emulated. They also
unexpected discovery in the Gulf of California don’t believe in dissolving power structures as long
sent a wave of renewal and self-realization through as those structures aren’t built around imposed
the Grotesque world, with many Grotesqueries (and thus illegitimate) authority. All this said, more
instinctively heading to the Grand Canyon to meet of Chaundice’s Children (an organisation that
the Rock Lord in his new Rock Court. crosses Sects and sees much ideological diversity)
are found among the Anarch Movement than in
The Great Mother’s Flock either of the major Sects, as the objectives of the
The Gargoyles who still live with Virstania, two groups often align.
collectively known as the Great Mother’s Flock, Gargoyles who fall into this ‘Sect’ keep free
are outnumbered now by those Constructs who Grotesqueries with a devotion to releasing any
see domination by their Mother as being the subjugated Kindred (primarily other Gargoyles)
same as any other kind. Nonetheless, a number and following the example of their progenitor and
of autarkis Eyries still follow the rule of the Great messiah Chaundice, the first and greatest Rock
Mother. Their main goals are to indoctrinate (or Lord. Very few of Chaundice’s Children follow
‘enlighten’) Gargoyles to Virstania’s love and breed paths other than that of the Path of Freedom;
their race to its fullest potential. They abduct they believe that they can become as powerful and
(‘rescue’) young Gargoyles and pass them along perfect as Chaundice himself if they follow his
secret networks of Eyries stretching back all the way Path.
to Virstania’s own in the caves near old Ceoris.
To the Flock, the Camarilla, Sabbat, anarchs, The Watchers
and various other vampiric communities are The place on the Red List of the ancient
meaningless roadblocks to their aims of elevating Gargoyle known as Ferox is possibly the biggest
their Mother and themselves to new heights of obstacle holding Gargoyles back from earning
power. Many branches of the Flock will create legitimate respect in the Camarilla. A mass
Gargoyles by themselves to bolster their numbers murderer of Kindred and especially Nosferatu, he
and share the Mother’s boundless love with ever is convinced that Gargoyles are embodied angels,
more children. and that all other vampires are demons incarnate.
The Great Mother’s Flock is the main enemy The Gargoyle cult which has formed around
of Gargoyles committed to their own freedom, him, which go by the name Grigori (meaning
a dangerous and shadowy force that seeks to ‘Watchers’), prosecute a bloody crusade against the
undermine their hard-earned independence. It is Kindred world, and are a particular threat to Clan
a struggle made yet more difficult by the fact that Nosferatu. Many of them have True Faith - Ferox’s
many Gargoyles, despite what they may know of own is reputed to exceed that of many of the most
Virstania and her slaves, feel an instinctive and pious inquisitors - and they often point the Society
childlike admiration for her; it is this that most of Leopold in the direction of other vampires.
often causes them to fall into the Flock’s clutches, When it comes to their fellow Gargoyles,
no unwilling capture being necessary. meanwhile, the Watchers actively attempt to
Chaundice’s Children convert and recruit, which they have only become
more successful at. The powerful message of
Kindred could be excused for seeing no the Watchers carries much that appeals to the
difference between Chaundice’s Children (or Gargoyle mindset: an elevation from the bottom
‘Chaundicians’) and unaffiliated Gargoyle anarchs. wrung to the highest level of creation, a place to
In truth, the majority of free Gargoyles are not belong and a cause to follow, and the possibility of
strongly opposed to rule by age, as they see that transcendence.
personal wisdom and strength come from age

Clanbook: Gargoyles 27
Free Forms Radio
‘Ride the Airways to Freedom!’
In 2013, Chaundice approved of a more modern method of contacting young Gargoyles stranded
across the world. Broadcast from high up within the Canyon, Free Forms Radio appears to the
unsuspecting ears of kine and most Kindred to be simply a poor-quality pirate radio station with no
clear purpose. To frightened and isolated Gargoyles, however, its presenters quite blatantly litter their
broadcast with hidden references to the Gargoyle condition, the potential for freedom, Chaundice, and
the Grand Rock Court itself.
Free Forms Radio is hosted by two charismatic Gargoyle presenters, Sean and Samantha, aided by
their various Nosferatu and ghoul technicians. Commonly-played tracks during music segments, hosted
by Samantha, include: ‘Come Fly With Me’, ‘I Believe I Can Fly’, ‘Free Bird’, ‘Made of Stone’, ‘Heart of
Stone’, ‘Steppin’ Stone’, ‘Poor Slave’, ‘You Don’t Own Me’, and ‘Happiness in Slavery’.
Sean also makes as many off the cuff comments as possible, usually about ‘letting go of ancient
constructs in society’, ‘the downtrodden having to spread their wings’, and ‘how free the Grand Canyon
makes you feel’. All the while referring to their viewers almost exclusively as ‘You Rock Heads out there’.

The Watchers are ruled by a council of seven at the tail-end of WWII, a number of Gargoyles
fanatical Gargoyles with Ferox as its head. These did more than their fair share of fighting, and
are mostly very old Gargoyles, many veterans of became major contenders in Jeremy MacNeil’s
the Revolt. Ferox’s own sire, Rocia, stands at his new Free State. Though the brief glory of that time
side, having converted to his religious worldview is now long past, no small number of Gargoyles
shortly after Embracing him. That Ferox has been (most of them now ancillae) look back fondly on
a vampire for less time than most of his council the short-lived revolution in California.
is no obstacle for the Watchers, since they follow Whether they care about anarch beliefs or
him out of worship and religious devotion. They simply want to fight and rock power structures
identify themselves as the seven angels who will across the world is down to each individual, but no
break the seals in the final nights and bring on group of anarchs would be blind enough to turn
Gehenna. down the help of a capable and deadly Grotesque.
Anarchs Since Chaundice’s discovery became widely
known, the focus of Gargoyle anarchs has shifted
In contradiction to the autarkis way, the dramatically towards furthering the cause of
Anarch Movement attracts a great many gargoyles Chaundice’s Children, due to which the number
to it, for obvious reasons. Many Gargoyles freed of Gargoyles in the Movement has increased
from chantries across Europe heard of the Anarch several times over in just fifteen years.
Revolt occurring at the same time as their own
rebellion, and not only approved but joined in. Autarkis
These Gargoyles blended their own campaign Independent Gargoyles not associated with
with that of the anarchs quite naturally, though the Sects or the three major Gargoyle factions are
few remained to join the nascent Sabbat once the very rare, and include the highest proportion of
Revolt concluded. wight-turned Grotesques. Many of these lonely
Come the Second Anarch Revolt came about Constructs simply let themselves fall into a bestial

28 Chapter Two: Freedom and Dependence

mindset, surrounding themselves with animals for to even formally consider such requests, and fewer
company and sustenance. still have acted on them.
Camarilla Sabbat
After the signing of the Montmartre Pact and Very few Gargoyles willingly align themselves
Convention of Thorns, Gargoyles have (officially, with the Sabbat as they will more often than
at least) been openly accepted by the Camarilla, not be dominated by a member of the Tremere
though they have received little else from the antitribu, who couldn’t give a shit for any pact
Ivory Tower. They do not gain the Primogen made centuries ago by self-important elders.
representation many feel they deserve, and are At best, they can expect to receive abuse and
rarely granted the wide-ranging domains these mistreatment by ignorant shovelheads and Cainite
creatures need in order to truly stretch their wings. purists alike - at least until they respond with
Aside from this second-class status and (at best) violence, as often happens.
cold relations with Clan Tremere, unlife inside the Some, however, actively seek out the Sabbat
Camarilla can be relatively kind to more desperate as a means to regain their dominators. A life
Gargoyles, with limited risk presented to their own of domination, no matter how inhumane, is
safety. Camarilla Gargoyles generally exist in a state preferable in the eyes of any Gargoyle over eternal
of comfort, though not much esteem. isolation - a sentiment which Sabbat elders are all
One of the most popular positions for too ready to take advantage of.
a Gargoyle active in the society a Camarilla Black Hand
domain aside from Scourge is that of a political
activist, with the aim to achieve more extensive Gargoyles, like most bloodlines, are not
Gargoyle rights. Some take this activism further by acknowledged by the Black Hand despite their
petitioning their Prince for a Primogen member to obvious combat and reconnaissance applications.
represent the rights of all bloodline members. So This has caused a lot of resentment among Sabbat
far only a small handful of Princes have deigned Constructs, many of whom would like nothing
more than to prove themselves to the Sword of
Caine by joining its elite assassins.
Gargoyle Archons & Alastors
With a potential combination of
Disciplines including Auspex, Visceratika, Flight, Those Gargoyles that do try to make it in
and Protean, Gargoyles are some of the undead the Sabbat can do so with great success. Being a
world’s greatest trackers and hunters, making them bloodline suited to dedication and the endurance
useful Archons (or at least assistants to Archons) of hardship, they adapt better than most to the
- not to mention expendable Alastors (see Dread focus of a military mindset, and can stand up to
Names, Red List). the worst inhuman foe. A former Ceoris Gargoyle
is likely to seek membership in the Inquisition
Though it is kept a close secret (mostly due to
(which unlike the Black Hand has no qualms
Tremere influence and the apathy towards on the
about admitting so-called ‘impure’ Cainites) due to
matter on the part of other Clans), several elder
its mandate to stamp out infernalism.
Gargoyles are kept on permanent retainer for
Blood Hunts and Anathema sightings. When Etrius opened a gate to Hell in the
dungeons of Ceoris to harness its infernal powers,
swathes of Gargoyles were sent to hold off the
demons that poured forth while Etrius magically
sealed the area. Those few that survived returned
traumatized, inspired with a devotion to keeping
Hell sealed which they have passed down to their

Clanbook: Gargoyles 29
childer. A tiny handful of Gargoyles aligned to the Code of Milan, or other appropriate body
the fanatically anti-infernal Ferox are found in the of vampiric law (depending on which Sect the
Inquisition, but they are very closely monitored Grotesquerie belongs to). Gargoyles are noted
by Nosferatu antitribu, and find their genocidal for frequently petitioning for custody of such
intentions curbed at every turn. criminals, especially diablerists (since their usually
lowered Generation can produce more powerful
Eyries and Grotesqueries Gargoyles). Common activities in a Grotesquerie
Home and hearth are central ideas to the include cave painting, carving, group combat
majority of Gargoyles. They need somewhere to (both practice and play fighting), and patrols, all of
belong, valuing highly the strength of a family which serve to promote group cohesion. Among
and the structure of a domain to call their own. Sabbat Grotesqueries, the ritae are naturally co-
A Gargoyle will naturally seek out a group unless opted for this purpose; Grotesquerie-packs often
he has been traumatised by past experiences to have especially idiosyncratic Ignobilis Ritae.
the point where a life in solitude seems the safest. The Rock Lord or Lady
Most Gargoyles will choose to set up roost in an
abandoned building or cave system, as they are The leader of a Grotesquerie is called the Rock
the safest locations made mostly of stone. This Lord (an honorific dating back to the first nights
new home becomes their Eyrie and the family of of the bloodline; tonight, Rock Lady is also used).
Gargoyles living within forms their Grotesquerie. The Rock Lord serves as the overall decision maker
for the Grotesquerie, presides over regularly-held
This leadership structure flows from Virstania ‘Rock Courts’ (where members of a Grotesquerie
and her three apprentices and still survives to this can bring forward grievances to be resolved and
night. Despite the general lack of cast Gargoyles important matters to discuss), gives audience to
in free Grotesqueries, individuals will still be outside visitors, and is the first in line to defend
identified as possessing qualities worthy of each his Eyrie. It is emphasised at all times that the
Mould. Free Grotesqueries have retained these Rock Lord serves the Grotesquerie, and not the
titles as a mockery of the old ways, by placing a other way around. For instance, he is usually
casteless Gargoyle within one of these positions obligated to feed last, after all others in his charge
they defy the archaic social constructs of cast are sated (unless he is hungry to the point of
Gargoyles being bound to their station. risking frenzy, of course).
In the modern nights, the phrase ‘breaking the A typical Rock Lord will possess great strength
Mould’ refers to a younger Gargoyle challenging and cunning, and will usually have the greatest
the Mould they serve under. More often than not control over Visceratika and Flight within the
the Mould will serve their Grotesqueries almost Grotesquerie as well. Naturally, a corrupt few use
permanently. Occasionally an up-and-coming this to dominate and abuse those under their
soldier will beat a faltering Warrior Mould in charge, but as a whole Gargoyles on the Path of
single combat, or a shaman will devise a ritual Freedom are quick to depose unworthy leadership.
so groundbreaking that the Grotesquerie will
acknowledge that they have exceeded the Scout The Scout Mould
Mould’s expertise and place him in the position Any Construct who demonstrates sufficient
instead. skill in stealth, deception, and espionage can
Grotesqueries maintain customs and rituals become the Scout Mould of their Grotesquerie.
designed to keep them as close as possible. At Our As the masters of magic and intrigue, these leaders
Command It Breathes is still culturally prominent, often take on the role of ‘shaman’ by learning
though only privately practised in many Eyries Thaumaturgy over common disciplines. To a
using the bodies of Gangrel, Nosferatu, and Scout, the secrets of Kindred politics and of blood
Tzimisce who have breached the Traditions, sorcery are equivalent, so their Mould must know

30 Chapter Two: Freedom and Dependence

everything there is to know about everything. A successful Sentinel Mould possesses strong
The typical Scout Mould will be highly Social Attributes as they keep the peace between
intelligent and familiar with a vast multitude the violent Warriors and egotistic Scouts, not to
of Thaumaturgy paths, as well as those rituals mention indomitable stamina for when that peace
conducted purely by the Gargoyle bloodline. Her falls down. Their ratings in Athletics, Alertness,
Subterfuge, Stealth, Occult, Politics and Academics and Brawl are matched only by their Performance,
ratings will be not only above those of they who Animal and Gargoyle Ken (see page 91), and
share her Eyrie, but will surpass those of most Empathy. Sentinel Moulds will often have strong
other Kindred in a given domain. levels of Visceratika as a matter of course, as well as
(unusually for Gargoyle-kind) notably high levels of
Shamans Presence. The combination Discipline Ambience is
During their confinement within Ceoris, a powerful tool in the Sentinel Mould’s arsenal for
Virstania kept her own select group of Gargoyle maintaining internal harmony and security.
apprentices. She trained these Gargoyles in the Gargoyle Animals
arts of Thaumaturgy (even rituals of her own
devising) as if they were acolytes of her own Once a Grotesquerie has ghouled a specific
Clan. In the modern nights, some free Gargoyles animal for long enough and wish to bring it more
continue to uphold this tradition, serving as fully into their family, they will undertake a ritual
shamans of a Grotesquerie. These shamans are Embrace. They are fed a mixture of components
strange in appearance and eerie to be around, for a week in place of Gargoyle vitae and then
having extensively warped their bodies and minds drained of their blood, after which the Embrace
with blood magic. They care for the Eyrie in their is performed as it would be on a human. The
own twisted way, often performing rituals and resulting half-living, half-dead animal is considered
experiments in seclusion. a Gargoyle creature and takes its place alongside its
Kindred family for eternity.
Gargoyle Monstrosities
Not all Gargoyles who /choose to swear
themselves to the service of the Scout Mould Mindless Gargoyles created from a mixture
wish to follow an unlife of isolated magical study of human and animal ‘parents’ can still be
and experimentation, rather seeing infiltration made tonight by those few Eyries equipped (and
and investigation as the tasks they are best suited willing) to do so. They will require a vast array
towards. They might keep tabs on the local of ingredients and equipment, not to mention
Camarilla or Sabbat (or both) groups for the a Gargoyle endowed with a womb for gestation.
sake of the Grotesquerie’s security, audaciously Non-Kindred beings are put through Gestation
steal arcane knowledge from nearby Tremere (or similar procedures) become childlike and
chantries or even assassinate the enemies of their horrendously mutated, but are kept by a loving
Grotesquerie or its allies. Sentinel all the same.

The Sentinel Mould Ghouls

The overall defender of a Grotesquerie on Ghouls are a much-loved feature of any
both the individual and structural level, the Grotesquerie. Often ‘adopted’ at incredibly young
Sentinel Mould is responsible for the welfare of ages (as young as six in some instances) they bring
all Gargoyles under their protection. No Sentinel fresh life into a dusty Eyrie. Ghouls are usually
Mould will ever leave the Eyrie for any significant raised as a Sentinel’s own biological children and
period of time, avoiding large-scale conflict or taught all manner of Kindred lore, including
political engagement in lieu of tending their Eyrie the Gargoyles’ fragmented history and the use of
and their ‘children’. Disciplines. Since Gargoyle ghouls are denied the

Clanbook: Gargoyles 31
immortality of regular ghouls due to the mutations Soldiers
they Gargoyles find martial prowess to be almost
manifest as the decades and centuries pass, if a second nature to them. With their Fortitude,
Grotesquerie chooses to ‘adopt’ a child into their Flight, and Potence, they become a true force to
Eyrie it will almost certainly receive the Embrace at be reckoned with. Many Constructs will choose
some point later in its life. to channel their rage and raw power into useful
channels, hunting for food for their Grotesquerie
Guards and killing off any encroaching Kindred, kine, or
The final jurisdiction of a Sentinel Mould even Lupine threats.
are the guards, whether they be Sentinel-cast
Gargoyles or simply sired ones with a firm grasp Teachers
of and commitment to maintaining the security Gargoyles with a more introspective outlook
and welfare of the Grotesquerie. Only Gargoyles on their conditions will focus their military
with compassion and rigid willpower will become training and discipline on caging their Beast
guards, some focusing on the fortification of and keeping a clear idea of goals and ambitions
their Eyrie against invading foes and some on the for themselves and their Grotesquerie mates to
rearing of infants. follow. These teachers direct their efforts towards
educating their kin in Discipline use and guiding
The Warrior Mould them along their Paths on a nightly basis.
A Warrior Mould is the greatest combatant
within the Grotesquerie, a master of the battles Noted Grotesqueries
both outside the Eyrie and within his own heart. Mimesis has been likened to a tribal outlook
He keeps the Grotesquerie in a state of permanent by knowledgeable non-Gargoyles, and they are
war-preparedness, by drilling fledglings in useful actually not far from the truth. Most Gargoyle
Disciplines, ensuring that hunts take place Grotesqueries will think of themselves a family,
regularly, and providing moral guidance, typically and claim an almost tribal connection with their
on the Path of Freedom, so that Gargoyles do not fellow Grotesquerie members. Often if there are
fall prey to their Beasts and compromise security. more than one Grotesque living in easy flying
The Warrior Mould takes on a role of drill distance (rarely are Grotesqueries found any closer
sergeant to keep his soldiers prepared in mind, together), they will have frequent meetings and
body, and soul, and will be the first to kill or be ‘trade deals’, some even swapping members in a
killed in the Eyrie’s defence. mock marriage ceremony to gain the strength of a
Warrior Moulds will undoubtedly excel in union between Grotesqueries. The vast majority
Physical Attributes, with terrifying Strength and of other Kindred, caring little for the affairs of
Dexterity (more often than not complemented by Gargoyles, would be taken aback to discover the
Celerity and Potence). They bolster their naturally- secret networks of inter-Grotesquerie politics
high Brawl with Athletics and Intimidation. playing out quite literally above their heads.
A Warrior Mould’s pride is exposed when The Cologne Grotesquerie
teaching his soldiers aerial combat, a tactic This family prides itself on their ‘true Gargoyle’
mastered only by the Gargoyle bloodline. Many appearance, which they claim to be identical to
elder Tzimisce claim that the Chiropteran that of Chaundice himself. They consciously adapt
Marauder (see V20, pp. 242-243) is as effective themselves to what humans will think of when
in aerial combat as any Gargoyle can be, but this picturing a Gargoyle: horned and winged, with
claim is immediately disproven when a fleet of monstrous (but not utterly horrific) visages and red
Gargoyle Warriors devastate and scatter advancing brick skin. They all have long, slender digits and
forces in a single coordinated swoop. colossal bat wings. Whenever they meet with other

32 Chapter Two: Freedom and Dependence

local Gargoyle Grotesqueries they attempt to lord strongholds of the bloodline, are found the world
their ‘Chaundician physique’ for all to see. over, but most are quite limited in influence
simply due to the small number of Gargoyles living
The Bakers Hotel Grotesquerie within them. Some, however, manage to make a
Being the largest abandoned building in significant footing in the vampiric world to the
the U.S., Bakers Hotel in Mineral Wells, Texas point where they are acknowledged by most Sects,
has become a popular nest for Gargoyles. The even if only as worthwhile targets. Outlined below
‘Bakers’ possess art deco features such as smooth, are several Eyries of interest.
brightly-polished skin, exaggerated curves
accentuating their generally rounded physiques, Ceoris
and sharp angles at their joints. Members of this Deep within the foreboding woodlands on the
Grotesquerie love joking with mortals who visit Carpathian slopes rest the barest trace of forgotten
the hotel (whether youths looking for a place to stone ruins, hidden by the shade of a bloated oak
hang out or sightseers on ghost walks), playing tree and yet undiscovered by mortals. Beneath
tricks and hauntings on them. They have even these ruins weave an extensive system of catacombs
been known to adopt very young kine and rear - some a few decades old, some centuries more
them in long-forgotten attic rooms. ancient. This network is home to Virstania’s ‘free’
brood, the Flock, and their unending spawn,
The Birmingham Grotesquerie inset with innumerable scientific laboratories
Seemingly modern marvels of Mimetic and libraries housing untold tomes, and at its
construction, the Gargoyles living in the mostly heart a vast mausoleum housing Virstania herself,
abandoned iron works of Birmingham, England whiling away her torpor within a stone casket.
have a vast array of architectural periods rendered This monument to Gargoyle kind has become
upon their flesh. Their faces are ugly, bestial like a factory, churning out malformed, cretinous
caricatures (stemming from the multiple ornate versions of Virstania’s original creations, a process
chapels of the city), their limbs are long and overseen by her paragons - Luma, Fidus, and
angular with signs of erosion, and their wings are Saxum.
coated in smooth and angular scales of varying Saxum, by tradition titled Master of Slaves,
stone composites. enforces the rule that no one but the three of them
The Derrycunnihy Grotesquerie are allowed into Virstania’s personal bedchamber,
and that no non-Gargoyle is to walk within a mile
A large family of free Gargoyles make their of their fortress. He keeps a tight regime of patrol
Eyrie in the abandoned Derrycunnihy Church and guard duties over all the Flock’s Sentinels.
located in County Kerry, Ireland. They keep a
peaceful existence, preying solely on local herds Luma and her Warriors bring raw materials to
for sustenance and forgoing human blood on the chantry for Fidus to process in his alchemical
religious principle. The family have dried, cracked experiments. Whether they be a foxglove root or
textures to their splinter-riddled skin out of a methuselah Gangrel, they venture out into the
which occasionally pokes exposed bone. Most of world under her leadership to harvest anything
them have squat bodies and long, gnarled fangs deemed worthy of use. In complete disregard
resembling rusted wrought iron. of any Masquerade, she also orders them to
dominate local populations of rural kine, who
Notable Eyries serve as Embracing stock for their enslaved
Many Grotesqueries are formed throughout Gangrel, Nosferatu and Tzimisce ‘breeders’. Her
the world by free Gargoyles that are dedicated to influence also stretches across and beyond the
only allowing members the Gargoyle ‘Clan’ to Western world, as the Flock hunt free Gargoyles to
reside within their Eyrie. These Eyries, the true rehabilitate into the Ceoris Grotesquerie.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 33
Fidus has spent the centuries since the their number missing and what they saw to be the
Revolt working tirelessly at mastering each and figure of Virstania herself standing before them,
every element of blood magic he and his Mother beside the tree. Every remaining Gargoyle flocked
have access to, and puts them into practice by to her, their packmates quite forgotten, and each
furthering his Mother’s own programme of one was given a gift she seemed eager to bestow - a
creation and refinement. A new Gargoyle is cast taste of her own vitae. Upon drinking. their flesh
per week, with the ritual slightly adjusted each suddenly became soft, as it was in their first life,
time by his own clawed hand. He and his many but soon began to fall away like wet mud. Maggots
Scout-cast Gargoyles keep watch of the gestation and flies perforated their earthen flesh as they felt
chambers and continue to refine the creation their souls drain into the roots below. Before long,
process, bit by tiny bit. they were all part of the dark power of which the
No area of the Eyrie is well lit or cleaned, with glen was only one small tendril.
ash and vitae at all times staining the ground. In These monstrosities exist to this day, ritually
truth, the Gargoyles found here are as submissive Embracing animals and mutating them into
as they were before the chantry fell, the only horrific clay mounds, which they then graft
difference being that rather than follow Clan onto themselves, growing only larger and more
Tremere as a whole they are bound to one mistress. deadly with each addition. This protean army
Any newborn Gargoyle which survives its first few continuously throw themselves at Virstania’s
nights of starvation and brutally violent treatment stronghold, providing more than ample cause for
will either flee realising the true horror of the Fidus to rapidly churn out new, scarcely-conscious
Gargoyle ‘factory’ (after which they will likely be Gargoyles simply to die in the line of battle. No
caught out during the day), or fall into the mindset matter what measures the Flock takes, it can’t seem
of a submissive drone for the rest of eternity - or to find the root of this spawning site.
until something is done to liberate the Gargoyles
of Ceoris. This night is surely a long way off yet. The Eternally Petrified Sanctum
(Tianmushan, China)
The Hidden Heart
One of the few branches of Kindred living in
Before Virstania fell into torpor for the latest Asia are the noble Gargoyle children of Ch’iung
time, she had decided to branch out deeper into Chi, called the Ominous One. Ch’iung, who has
the Carpathian mountains, hunting for a bigger assumed his name and title from the gargoyle
and better catacomb system, where she wished to of Chinese myth, is the Rock Lord of an Eyrie
establish new laboratories away from Ceoris. She nestled deep within the side of Tianmushan
sent out a small gathering of Warriors and sired (‘Heavenly Eye Mountain’). He is a master of many
Gargoyles to survey the surrounding area from Disciplines and, it is rumoured, a novice of the
above, looking for natural caves to exploit.Several mysterious powers of eastern vampires. Ch’iung
nights into their explorations, they discovered a has managed to maintain a Grotesquerie in
strange grove, surrounded on all sides by tall rocky absolute isolation and under the very noses of the
crags, making the area inaccessible except from the local ‘hungry dead’. The children of Ch’iung have
air. Unusual plants grew here, most numerously a learned to manipulate the earth in a more subtle
blood-red flower. Chief amongst this flora was the way than their western brethren, causing the very
vastly overgrown tree at the grove’s centre. Curious earth itself to regard them as welcome guests of its
- and driven on by instincts not their own - the catacombs, and their enemies as intruders within
pack settled within this glen, some melding within them.
the stone walls of the crags and some burrowing
(via Protean) beneath the central tree. The Eternally Petrified Sanctum is linked
to nearby monastery of mystically-skilled monks
After a night of troubled rest which restored devoted to Ch’iung, but not ghouled to him or
none of their vitality, the pack awoke to see half of

34 Chapter Two: Freedom and Dependence

his children. They respect the earth and bring masterpiece designed by Chaundice with the
regular animal and blood offerings to the gates of help of a consortium of Toreador artists. A small
the Eyrie, occasionally catching glimpses of the contingent of other supernatural species also live
guardians within. Ch’iung is one of Chaundice’s within the Court, including spirits, human mages
childer and still remembers their noble Revolt so and even the occasional sympathetic Lupine. The
long past. He encourages his charges to connect location is a monument to free will and a bastion
with Chaundice’s Children and walk the Path of dedicated to its protection.
Freedom, and to take regular spiritual journeys
deep within the ‘Endless Chasm’ they call home; The Catacombs of Sorrow
not all return, something which doesn’t seem to (Quito, Ecuador)
bother the Ominous One. The Metropolitan of Quito was built in
Within the Endless Chasm live a pride of the mid-1500s and has since undergone many
guardian lions (see page 93), Ch’iung, and his additions, renovations and re imaginings. The site
peculiar Grotesquerie, who naturally take on itself was built atop a vast gorge which hindered
specific forms dependent on their gender as a side many pieces of work throughout the years, but
effect of their Mimesis, due to the magical nature when an earthquake hit in 1797 an artist known
of the mountain. When Ch’iung Chi embraces as Caspicara was roped in to renovate the art
females, they become shisa (‘dragons’) and when he installments throughout the roofing and choir
embraces males they become komainu (‘dogs’). pits. Caspicara performed his task well, but could
not bring himself to leave the cathedral because of
The Grand Rock Court it’s monumental beauty. In his later years he spent
(The Grand Canyon, Arizona) many nights in the catacombs of ‘la Catedral’,
Chaundice, the ‘True Rock Lord’, lives to this marveling at the carvings of angels, saints, and
day, and unlike most Clan founders he takes a heroes and adding to their number with his own
personal approach to his cause, making his voice hand.
heard by each and every Kindred who will listen His Embrace came just before the turn of
- and many who would rather not. He lives in a the 19th century, when his mind had completely
Rock Court dug deeply within the Grand Canyon, detached itself from ordinary life in favour of the
a magnificent subterranean cathedral made from beautiful stillness and solemnity of the growing
dozens of types of stone to create a truly impressive population of dead in the underground necropolis
structure. of mausoleums. A wandering Calaca (a Samedi-
Inside this temple can be found examples turned-Gargoyle; see Chapter 4) calling himself
of every type of Gargoyle in existence tonight, Stonebones had chosen the location to create
living free. As well as a few ambassadors of other more of his kind, due to the ample ‘raw materials’
Clans brought in by Chaundice to reach out left over from the genocide of the local Inca people
to the Kindred race, namely Nosferatu, Ravnos centuries earlier. As a final attempt to repel the
and Toreador. Whole tribes of ghouled humans Spanish forces they destroyed their entire city and
live within the mile deep canyon breeding flocks committed mass suicide in underground rivers
of ritualy Embraced mountain sheep, entirely running through the gorge, now integrated into
disconnected from mortal society. This ghouled the catacombs.
community live in close cohabitation with the He set up his new domain in these catacombs,
Kindred around them. entered by a door behind the altar of Nuestra
The Court has endless chambers used for Señora de los Dolores (‘Our Lady of Sorrows’),
meetings, libraries, training rooms, various living through which only Kindred or ghouls could
quarters, a radio booth, and great reception physically pass due to magical wardings laid upon
hall. The entire installation is an architectural it. One of Stonebones’ Samedi followers Embraced

Clanbook: Gargoyles 35
Caspicara to then be immediately gestated in the and admire the common Gargoyle dedication to
old Inca cenotes stagnating below, to become one of cast off a past of oppression and seek personal
the dead he so loved. freedom. This, combined with the simple fact
The two of them transformed the catacombs that many of their Clan have been transformed
into a magnificent display of death’s beauty, with into Gargoyles in centuries past, creates a solemn
sculpture and furnishings the like a prince would bond between these two groups. This connection
envy. At the end of the Ecuadorian-Peruvian War becomes clear when vampiric researchers and
in 1942, they opened their doors of the Catacomb wanderers happen upon wild mountainscapes
of Sorrows to any and all Kindred looking for owned by a pack of Gangrel living alongside
revelation in death. Many more Calacas had been Gargoyles, who have joined the Clan as honorary
created over this time to make their work easier members. The affinity with the earth Gargoyles
and to prepare for the moment they received their possess, and the distinct parallels between their
guests. The site to this day is still functioning as two signature Disciplines, leads to a much stronger
intended, a place for Kindred of more morbid pack when this occurs.
temperaments, particularly Central and South Nosferatu
American Giovanni, to associate and indulge their
unusual interests. Nosferatu share in one another’s vitriol as
much as they do blood, being social rejects of the
Many venues proliferate the catacombs that lowest order. Deep revulsion directed towards
lie beyond the lady’s altar, offering blood infused both Nosferatu and Gargoyles is a characteristic
with an array of different substances resulting shared by Princes and fledglings alike. In
in a cornucopia of pleasures and sensations, grim solidarity, these two groups (along with
music and dancing from a consortium of undead members of the Samedi) find safety together in
carcophanists, and thaumaturgical fetishes able to mausoleums, catacombs, and subway systems.
rekindle, for a time, the sensation of being mortal. Paris’s underground is supposedly secretly ruled by
The parties never cease, and the only cost is to feed a contingency of Nosferatu and Gargoyles of both
the hosts. The Day of the Dead is celebrated every old stock and new, all pulling strings in the city’s
night beneath la Catedral, and every Kindred is sewers and catacombs.
welcome to attend. Simply place a bottle of blood
on the altar of sorrow to enter into the night of Tzimisce
your death. Tzimisce do not share or seek companionship
Communal Eyries as Gargoyles naturally do, so any mingling between
these estranged relatives is more than likely a
Not all Gargoyles seek the sole company of shadow of the Gargoyles’ enslavement, for they
themselves in protest against their treatment by find ready masters among the Fiends, who are
other Kindred. Some seek to assimilate within bound by no paltry pact which determines who
vampiric society and become truly equal in the eyes they can and cannot take as servants There are
of Kindred in the modern nights. Others simply multiple reasons why a Tzimisce would want a
revert back to the shattered memories of their Gargoyle present in their haven:
former Clans, held since before the Revolt. In
either case, such Gargoyles seek communal havens Subjects: Because of the Gargoyles already
with members of their parent Clans, despite their magical existence, the uniqueness of their
in-built instincts to attack them, so as to retain blending of flesh and stone, and their typically
the individual personality they remember having great capacities for enduring punishment, many
before the blanket of servitude smothered them. Tzimisce find Gargoyles to be exciting ‘test
dummies’ for their more experimental procedures.
Security: A Tzimisce’s preferred home is deep
The Gangrel above all else value independence, within a lofty castle, from which to lord over the

36 Chapter Two: Freedom and Dependence

masses of kine and Kindred beneath them. In such rub their ancient enemies’ faces in the loss of their
a setting, the count will need security - and who servitors by appropriating them is just an added
better than a Gargoyle who can see every room bonus.
simultaneously, and travel swiftly between wings at The more scientifically minded
the drop of a hat? ‘technomancers’ also admire Constructs, their
Superiority: The final and maybe the strongest fascination revolving around Mimesis. A number
reasoning would come down to sheer pettiness. A of these mages have granted asylum to free
Tzimisce of great enough age will surely remember Gargoyles, permitting them to haven within
the nights of bloodshed and fury as the Omen their laboratories with the goal of studying their
Wars raged between the Tremere and their own transmutable bodies and other supernatural
kin. In the modern nights, it seems only natural qualities.
to these elder Fiends to keep the former slaves
of their ancestral enemies as servitors, while they Earth Spirits
themselves are restrained from doing so. Disciplines such as Auspex and Spiritus have
shown kindred the multitude of spiritual beings
Free Eyries living beyond the veil of human perception.
The free Eyrie isn’t acknowledged by many Those most frequently encountered by Gargoyles
vampires, for most truly don’t know with any are, naturally, earth elementals and (more
certainty that other supernatural species exist. rarely) the spirits of important buildings. These
The term is used to refer to a home for Gargoyles incarnations of living stone have been known to
where supernatural beings other than vampires make themselves apparent to mountain-dwelling
are permitted to reside. No member of the Flock Grotesqueries in order to make allies of them
would survive in a free heaven before falling and keep themselves protected. Yet stranger fae
to the ravages of their Beast, due to the lack entities hailing from the land of dreams sometimes
of master-slave relationships, but Chaundician pass through to our side of reality and make their
Gargoyles thrive in these environments of liberty homes inside stone and rock.
and voluntary mutual assistance (the Grand Rock Disciplines like Mytheceria, Chimeristry, and
Court itself is possibly the biggest example of Dementation can draw these beings to the fore; it
such an Eyrie). If anything, Gargoyles are better is only because of the lack of availability of these
off living with a wizard in his sanctum or a nature Disciplines to most Gargoyles that encounters
spirit in her grotto, as these beings are outside with these beings are so rare, for they rejoice in
of the petty disputes which arise among Kindred one another’s company. Some of these mysterious
and so are often unbiased in their opinions of creatures are simultaneously more timid and more
constructs. sentient while in the real world, able to create
Mage Chantries temporary, vaguely-humanoid bodies to better
interact with their Gargoyle companions.
The mortal wizards of mankind hold a
fascination with magical phenomena such as the Mimesis
Gargoyles are examples of. This is particularly true As with other Kindred, Gargoyles have a
of two magical schools. semi-mystical connection with their havens after
Hermetic mages, from whom the Tremere spending a substantial period of time therein (see
originated, find Gargoyles to be interesting the forthcoming The Endless Death). However,
familiars to test spells upon and keep as guards through the years of horrendous ritualistic
or immortal companions. They find particular treatment, Gargoyles have had this bizarre effect
fascination in Gargoyle rituals and the suitability inverted upon themselves. Rather than an area
for Gargoyle flesh to act as a conduit for spells subtly changing to reflect their inner selves (as with
and rituals performed by others. That they can normal vampires), Gargoyles come to physically

Clanbook: Gargoyles 37
resemble the aesthetics of their surroundings of 9).
through an effect they call Mimesis (if they call it
anything at all). After many years together in the
same location, each Gargoyle in a Grotesquerie
will look uncannily similar, though not identical.
This helps to distinguish which Grotesquerie
a Construct is from on the occasions when
Gargoyles gather in large groups, and more
importantly to further cement group identity and
Cave-dwelling Gargoyles develop smooth,
curved skin with a faint wet shimmer. Cracks
may develop across their backs and miniature
stalagmites may descend from their chins and
Those residing in manmade structures
(typically churches and other fine works of
architecture) will appear robust and hardened,
their skin becoming segmented to mimic
brickwork. Some have displayed wings with narrow
layers of slate snaking across their membranes.
Those who nest in churches are typically
well-proportioned and adorned with incongruous
ornamentation, including miniature spires
sprouting from their backs and even the faces
of grotesques leering out from their chests and
shoulders. By contrast, Gargoyles who make
Eyries in sewers are squat and especially ugly
in appearance, with mostly desiccated (though
functional) wings and a coating of translucent
soapstone for their flesh.
Moreover, Mimesis imparts a unity of mind
almost indescribable to those outside of its
influence. As with changes to appearance, this
happens gradually over time, beginning with a
vague sense of detachment when a member of the
Grotesquerie leaves the Eyrie but evolving after
about a century into sharing the strong emotions
of other Grotesquerie members. After around
200 years, they will even be able to talk for one
another and find it hard to perform harmful
actions against other members of their Grotesque,
irrespective of the action (requiring a Willpower
roll, beginning at difficulty 6 but increasing by
+1 for each century of Mimesis spent with the
Gargoyle in question beyond 200, to a maximum

38 Chapter Two: Freedom and Dependence

Chapter Three:
Hearts of Stone
Sired Gargoyles found that only Embraced Gargoyles could grasp
its use with natural ease. This was the final nail in
Within decades of their creation, a peculiarity the coffin of the Castings’ primacy, though cast
developed amongst the Gargoyles to replace those Gargoyles continue to exist in small numbers,
that died on the battlefields of the Omen War: primarily among the Virstanians.
the capacity for reproduction. This reproduction
was not as natural and organic as Virstania had Character Creation
dreamed, but simply the Embrace which Kindred Gargoyles are a multifaceted bloodline whose
know all too well. At first there was but a small characteristics vary more than those of any other
handful born with this mutation, though each Kindred lineage, not to mention those lesser
Embrace - combined with over three centuries constructs of low intelligence or limited use not
of refinement on Virstania’s part - tilted the listed here (since they are entirely inappropriate
population until there were two roughly equally- for player characters). Generally a Gargoyle will
sized classes of Gargoyle living in the Eyrie: cast be both strong and stealthy, opting to stay clear of
and sired. To begin with, cast Gargoyles would the limelight out of fear of persecution. Within a
bully the Embraced ones, with their greater Grotesquerie the variation of personalities, duties,
numbers and connection to Virstania, but with and forms are seemingly endless, as it is rare that
time the sired few became many and the Mother’s a Grotesquerie will turn down any construct,
favour switched to their more organic creation in whether sired, cast, or Misbegotten.
preference from the casting process. During the
Revolt, Embraced Gargoyles made up two thirds
of all constructs ripping and tearing their way According to their original design, Gargoyles
through the halls of Ceoris. were given stunted intellect, so as to reduce the risk
of rebellion. This has sadly continued through the
Sired Gargoyles simply revert to the original
ages, becoming a fact of unlife for many. Gargoyles’
design for Gargoyles whereby they suffer ‘only’
Attributes reflect this frailty, with their focus
an inhuman appearance, total amnesia, and a
being usually on Physical Attributes rather than
susceptibility to mind control, making them
Social or Mental. Strength, Dexterity, Stamina and
much more functional successors to their cast
Perception are often much more developed than
counterparts. Furthermore, as Virstania devised
Charisma, Manipulation, Intelligence or Wits.
and released the Discipline of Visceratika, it was
Owing to their weakness, Gargoyles always have an

Clanbook: Gargoyles 39
Appearance of 0 which can never be raised. unless their lot in unlife and the treatment they are
the Abhorrence rule is used (see page 56). subjected to nightly, whereas others have been
broken by it.
Gargoyles in slavery are rarely, if ever, trained Disciplines
to perform complex or intricate tasks. Creation Gargoyles can trace their lineages to at least
and thought are not jobs given to slaves, but one Clan out of Gangrel, Nosferatu and Tzimisce,
manual labour, patrolling, and general violence and a few carry remnants of their past heritage,
are expected. As such, Gargoyles naturally excel in dormant within their blood. Every now and then
Animal Ken, Intimidation, Alertness, Athletics, a Gargoyle will be Embraced with enough of
and Brawl. Stealth and Survival are common this blood to learn and master the Disciplines of
among free Gargoyles, stemming from desperate their former Clan or Clans. On average, however,
unlives spent in woodlands or subways. most Embraced Gargoyles are able to use Flight,
Fortitude, Potence, and Visceratika.
Whether free or enslaved, whether Animalism
Camarilla Hounds, Black Hand assassins or In the early nights of Gargoyle creation, those
infamous Autarkis, Gargoyles will have very few Tremere skilled in the creation ritual were forced
Backgrounds. It is exceedingly hard for these to produce constructs with the intellect of animals
poor creatures to make Allies, retain Resources in an attempt to keep them in their place. After
or keep Retainers, simply due to their abhorent the Gargoyle castings came about, their minds
appearance. Even Nosferatu have easier unlives became more focused and sentient once again.
than most Gargoyles, since they might in a pinch That deep connection to the animal mind never
pass through cities as disfigured humans, or make went away entirely, however, in no small thanks
use of Obsfuscate, but the Gargoyles are entirely to the fact that each of their former clans had an
alien. There are a few Backgrounds which free affinity for Animalism. This was a connection
Gargoyles hold dear, however, such as Humours that Goratrix, Malgorzata and Virstania made
(see Chapter 7), Domain, and Status; being both deliberate efforts to sever, not wanting to provide
free and frequently socially rejected, Gargoyles their slaves with the ability to make servants
latch onto their positions and their Havens of their own. Nonetheless, several embraced
even more strongly than most Kindred. Indeed, Gargoyles have developed the discipline through
Domains and havens become a spiritual part of a circumstance. This is relatively often seen in free
Gargoyle, to the point that they become distressed Sentinels, who use Animalism to befriend flocks of
if they are away for too long. bats, swarms of rats or packs of feral dogs to earn
Virtues themselves a place within their family.
Many Gargoyles are highly virtuous; unlives Auspex
spent as both horrific destroyers and some of
the most oppressed within Kindred society Scouts use Auspex for their work as a matter
has weathered many of them into humble and of course; improved senses and aura perception
penitent beings, if it has not worn away their all aid in watching an enemy’s movements. Those
humanity entirely; for these reasons and their own who take the role of shamans value it even more
animalistic natures, it is estimated that a larger highly, using astral protection and telepathy to
proportion of Gargoyles have become completely advance their spiritual pursuits. Quite how any
lost to the Beast than other vampires. Their Gargoyles managed to develop this discipline is
Conscience (or Conviction) tends to be high, debated, but it was more than likely given to them
as does their Self-Control (or Instinct). Courage during gestation by Virstania so that her children
varies widely; some Gargoyles are galvanised by could better serve their masters and thus suffer

40 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

less; the Tzimisce heritage present to at least a so quintessential of their race.
small degree in most Gargoyles no doubt makes its
spontaneous development more likely than most Obfuscate
Disciplines. Scout-cast Gargoyles possess this discipline
naturally, and it serves great and obvious utility
Flight in their duties, but the legacy of Clan Nosferatu
Even more important than Visceratika, Flight is found throughout the bloodline, Obfuscate
is the foremost Discipline of the Gargoyles, in being no exception. Enslaved Gargoyles with this
some ways the essence of their existence. Most discipline can find ready use in it, whether by
Gargoyles develop Flight, if not from the very blending into the background and never having
moment of the Embrace (or gestation), then at their presence impose upon the master’s day or
some point in their unlives. This is purely because escaping the sting of whip (at least for a short
their kind are born with wings, and for no other time). Free gargoyles can use this expertly to hide
reason. The wings give gargoyles the belief that Grotesqueries from Tremere slavers and other
they were meant to soar through the night sky threats, or to breach chantries without violence in
and from that belief may stem the Discipline. order to secretly free its ‘domestic help’.
Regardless of early failures and frustrations, they
keep trying, and eventually their vitae responds, Potence
supernaturally reducing their normally immense Potence is Discipline which comes naturally
weight. The weight reduction is only half of this to the children of the mountain. Since a popular
power through, to increase their ability they must focus for Gargoyles is on physical prowess in
force their wings to grow through constant practice combat, it is no surprise that Potence is the second
in order to facilitate greater flight. Wings for most common Discipline besides Flight, with only
Gargoyle also become a status symbol, those with Scouts not naturally possessing it. Preternatural
the largest wings tending to be the most esteemed strength was gifted to the Sentinels and Warriors
within a Grotesquerie. Gargoyles will often to ensure they were viable weapons against the
instinctively tear each other’s wings off during Tzimisce, and ever since Gargoyles developed
struggles for dominance, so as to humiliate their to the point that disciplines could be taught to
opponent as much as to cripple them. them in great numbers, Potence has always been
a reliable one. The combination of Potence and
Fortitude Flight can make an aerial attack feel like being hit
Gargoyles are beings of stone made flesh by a small tornado.
and have endured abuse and punishment on the
battlefield, in Tremere chantries and in the wider Protean
world. They know suffering and desensitization Though rare outside of the casting, Gargoyle
better than any Kindred, and as such many (in Warriors could shift their form in a similar fashion
particular Sentinels and sired Gargoyles, to to the signature mark of the Gangrel; thanks
whom it comes naturally) will develop Fortitude to their Gangrel and Tzimisce heritage, it was
organically, without giving it much thought. A quite easy for Virstania to instil Protean in them.
Gargoyle with Fortitude can be an unstoppable Though they may be able to alter their eyes into
flying juggernaut in a fight. those of the beast or shift into the form of a dire
Fortitude has been used by Gargoyles for wolf they can never escape their curse. Any form
centuries to withstand the master’s whip, resist the they do take will appear as if they were carved
blows of inhumanly strong enemies, and survive into that mold from their original stone, and may
their own supernatural condition. Though it is continue to use Visceratika. Furthermore, when
a separate Discipline, Fortitude certainly at once assuming their combat forms they retain their
stems from and is anathema to the petrified flesh characteristic wings and remain capable of Flight

Clanbook: Gargoyles 41
at their usual speed (unless, at the Storyteller’s too afraid to approach a Gargoyle to ask for
discretion, the animal form is especially large). training in the discipline. However, it is perfectly
Gargoyles rarely adopt literal flight forms, but possible in theory, but should a non-Gargoyle
rather the shapes of burrowing animals such as learn Visceratika he will develop symptoms of the
moles, rabbits, and rats (in which case they do bloodline’s weakness, his body petrifying more and
not have wings at all). These oddities don’t put more as his skill in the discipline develops. In the
Gargoyles off from enjoying the vast array of beginning, his flesh will simply become dry and
shapes and sizes permitted by Protean. cracked, but if the kindred learns more advanced
levels of Visceratika (generally 3 dots and above)
Visceratika they will develop stony protrusions akin to a true
Virstania’s progress with her children’s Gargoyle.
evolution was stunted soon after she developed
the creation ritual. She passed off their developing Paths
ability to Embrace as her own work even though Though most Gargoyles of the modern
this was a ‘natural’ emergence. Taking advantage nights still cling to Humanity (even if they
of the emergence of sired Gargoyles, she began struggle woefully under it), many Gargoyles
working towards a tool that would allow them to who reach some level of prestige adopt a Path
perform the duties of the castings: a discipline of Enlightenment, such as Honourable Accord.
derived from several Gargoyle rituals, which she Amongst those Gargoyles who decide to embrace
named Visceratika. The cast Gargoyles showed no their outwardly demonic and bestial natures,
particular capacity to learn this new gift, but the the Paths of Cathari and the Feral Heart are not
Gargoyles born of the Embrace grasped it with unknown. The Path of Service instilled in enslaved
open claws and developed it to its full potential. Gargoyles by their Tremere masters still exists, and
In time, as Virstania’s resentment of her own the Path of Freedom (formed during the Revolt)
clan festered and grew, she came to see another, is currently thriving, particularly in thanks to the
greater use for Visceratika: as a weapon against Chaundician movement.
Ceoris, with which the Gargoyles might overthrow
their abusive masters. When the Revolt came
to a head, her children’s use of it exceeded even
her expectations. She cackled with joy to watch
them flow through the walls of Ceoris, using the
scrying granted by the discipline to locate terrified
Tremere and emerging from the stone to tear them
apart in bursts of savage violence. Following the
Gargoyle exodus from the ruined Ceoris, further
chantries felt the wrath of their former slaves as the
Revolt progressed and expanded. The discipline
spread with it, until the vast majority of the
bloodline at least had the capacity to learn it. Since
then, it has become an ability as well-known and
as key to the nightly existence of most Gargoyles as
It is rare to find a Kindred outside of the
bloodline with any skill in Visceratika, for several
reasons: no other vampires share the Gargoyle’s
affinity for stone, Gargoyles often close ranks
against outsiders, and most Kindred are simply

42 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

Path of Service Tremere were doing was paramount to life itself.
Gradually, belief in the word of Virstania as
Nickname: Slaves though it were tantamount to God’s edict spread
Virtues: Conviction and Instinct. throughout the Gargoyle broods, bringing them all
in line with the will of their Mother.
Bearing: ‘Servitude’. The Slaves’ very existences
revolve around the wishes and commands of their Current Practices
masters. The bearing modifier applies to rolls Gargoyles following this Path perform any and
made to impress a master or carry out one of their every task set to them by their masters, ranging
commands to the letter (though not necessarily to from domiciliary duties to open warfare with the
its intent). Clan’s (or the master’s) enemies. Revering the
Basic Beliefs: The masters gave you life, your life masters and performing duties even before they
is the masters to do with as they see fit. Gargoyles arise is the best practice for a loyal Slave.
under the Path of Service believe unequivocally
that the tremere deserve their unending loyalty. Description of Followers
Any master placed above a Gargoyle can expect Those Virstania Gargoyles still in Ceoris are all
them to walk into fire upon their command. subservient to Luma, Saxum, Fidus and (of course)
The Ethics of the Path the Great Mother through the Path of Service.
Gargoyles who were never freed or who were
• Serve the masters absolutely, without question illegally created after 1489 remain on the bottom
or complaint. wrung of the Tremere Pyramid, elevating their
• Do not let the Beast’s selfish desire for masters to almost as high a position in their minds
independence endanger the masters. as Virstania herself. Slaves vary between those
• Punish anyone or anything that commits an who freely enter onto it and commit themselves
affront against the masters or their work. body and mind to the Virstanian cause, to those
indoctrinated in it from the moment of their illicit
History Gestation in the heart of a Chantry, leaving them
The masters of Ceoris and the other Chantries basically mindless and automatic.
forced Gargoyles to perform menial and dangerous Following the Path
tasks in place of themselves whenever the risks
were too high or the Tremere believed themselves ‘Service before self’ is the motto of a Gargoyle
too important for such trivialities. In order to keep high on the Path, and they wear it like proud
their slaves in line they developed a Path suited armour. They have managed to eschew their own
specifically to that purpose. base desires to become a valuable tool in their
master’s hands, whether that master is a Tremere
The Path of Service represses a Gargoyles’ Regent or the Great Mother herself. Those who
mind in such a way that they come to believe that slip down to the lower levels of the Path are
they are worth less than any Tremere, and enforces browbeaten into obedience, and destroyed if they
utter, abject loyalty to the clan - and especially to do not come to heel.
Virstania herself. After Chaundice and his misfit
kin fled Ceoris, Virstania set about righting her Common Abilities: Etiquette, Performance, Law
mistakes. She created the Castings and the Path of and Stealth all help keep a Slave from offending
Service along with them, each new Gargoyle being the Tremere while performing his duties.
placed upon the Path of Service to make sure they Preferred Disciplines: Slaves make use of
were still loyal to Virstania and Clan Tremere. whichever Disciplines their master permits them
She taught them (while equally convincing herself to learn and employ; this is typically limited to
and her few apprentices) that what they and the the Disciplines inherent to the bloodline (or their

Clanbook: Gargoyles 43
casting). Some masters see the value of a Gargoyle
capable of commanding animals or even ghoul
servants with Animalism or Presence, respectively.

Path of Service Hierarchy of Sins

Rating Moral Guideline Rationale
10 Disobeying the direct order of The Mother gave you every
the Great Mother. thing, so you must give it back.
9 Disobeying the direct order of The Creators aided the Mother,
another Creator. you must aid them in kind.
8 Disobeying the direct order of a You were made for duty, refusal
Tremere Master. to serve makes you redundant.
7 Thwarting the intent of an order You cannot concieve of the in-
given to you. tricacies involved in the Masters’
6 Disobeying any Master. You serve the Masters in the
Mothers name, do not fail her as
you fail them.
5 Failing to punish an insult An insult to the Masters is an
against the Masters. insult to the Mother.
4 Failing to avenge a crime against The Mother’s enemies are our
the Masters. enemies.
3 Remarking on the fallibility of The Masters are above reproach,
the Masters. why else would they be your
2 Shirking an opportunity to suffer You were made for duty, faliure
injury in place of the Masters. makes you redundant.
1 Shirking an opportunity to die The Mother gave you life, you
gloriously in place of the Mas- must return it when needed.

44 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

Path of Freedom unlives and to choose their own leaders.
He first walked the Path of Freedom as a show
Nicknames: Runaways. that Tremere authority did not need to be the
Virtues: Conscience and Self-Control defining influence over the unlives of Gargoyles.
Bearing: ‘Freedom’. Runaways seek at every His success convinced the rest of his Grotesquerie
instance to tear down imposed authority and within the eyrie of Ceoris to stand up and be
dismantle systems of oppression. The bearing counted by choosing a better master to follow;
modifier applies to direct efforts made to perhaps unsurprisingly, they chose him, and the
accomplish these goals. next time they were sent from Ceoris, they likewise
chose unanimously not to return. After fleeing
Basic Beliefs: Gargoyles are generally grouped the chantry they set themselves on this Path to
among the underclass of Kindred society, along liberation, dedicating themselves to shattering the
with the Caitiff and the Ravnos. Throughout their chains of imposed rule wherever they found it.
history they have been subjugated and oppressed,
by Sect leaders as well as vengeful Tremere. This Current Practices
has given many of their number a certain sympathy Most walkers on the Path will use any excuse
with the downtrodden, kine as well as Kindred. to seek out and destroy imposed rule. This is
The Path of Freedom offers a philosophy to exemplified in their opposition to blood bonds
unlife for these Gargoyles, according to which and the creation of unwilling ghouls, which brings
they strive to end the imposition of authority. them to blows with all Clans, particularly the
However, the Path is not solely externally-focused; Ventrue who rarely impede Gargoyle development.
its proponents teach that only by changing yourself Outside of insurgency against these institutions
can you change your community, only by changing of Kindred society, Runaways thrive on teaching
the community can you ensure the extinction of young Gargoyles, Anarchs, and even Caitiff of
tyranny. independence and helping them achieve it.
The Ethics of the Path Description of Followers
• Stick to your own ideals in all things. Runaways are a mix of firebrand rebels and
• Choose your own leader but never settle for libertarian philosophers who fight for their own
one. liberty above all else, create free havens, and teach
others to do the same. Most truly free Gargoyles
• Free any subjugated being as you would wish to who do not cling desperately to Humanity wind
be freed. up on the Path of Freedom. Other Kindred
• Never impose your beliefs on the lives of with strong sympathies for the Gargoyle cause
others. (particularly Grangel, Nosferatu, and young
Tzimisce) sometimes take up the torch.
In the years leading up to the First Gargoyle Following the Path
Revolt, Chaundice was dismayed at the horror Gargoyles on this Path are encouraged to
befalling his children. They were being created be their own people unto themselves, free to
grotesque and malformed with little concern for do as they see fit. Within that there are obvious
their wellbeing besides Virstania’s cloying motherly limitations in that they are expected to keep to
‘love’, which exacerbated the degeneration and the libertarian principle of protecting one’s own
suffering more than it helped. These children freedom while not impeding that of others’. The
were so mindless that they did not even have the academic followers seek to educate the young
capacity to fear their masters, so Chaundice used and have a significant voice in their local vampire
his position to convince them to lead their own society, while the more militant followers assault

Clanbook: Gargoyles 45
Elysia, Cathedrals, and Tremere Chantries where Preferred Disciplines: Visceratika, Auspex,
injustices are frequently committed to free any Obfuscate, Flight and Presence are all employed by
subjected Kindred, kine, or ghouls. Gargoyles to liberate the Kindred community from
Common Abilities: Survival, Leadership, tyranny. Visceratika, though given by the mother,
Academics and Law are useful for those Runaways has been adopted by Chaundice as both his
of a philosophical disposition, while militant weapon of choice and an ideological symbol, and
liberators favour Brawl, Intimidation, Stealth and as a result any Gargoyles (or indeed other kindred)
Athletics. on this Path will have at least a base level of this

Path of Freedom Hierarchy of Sins

Rating Moral Guideline Rationale
10 Tolerating the existence of any To accept undue authority is to
imposed authority partake in it.
9 Using any form of coercion Any authority should be earned
through virtue.
8 Neglecting to free anyone from Do unto others as you would
imposed authority have others do unto you.
7 Imposing authority on another All beings suffer equally under
6 Neglecting to seek out a worthy You must have a purpose, but let
master or cause to serve it be of your own choosing,
5 Neglecting to free any enslaved The Revolt will continue until all
Gargoyles Gargoyles are free.
4 Acknowledging any Tremere The Warlocks have proven them-
authority selves unworthy
3 Neglecting to free Gargoyles Even Virstania subjected us out
from Tremere slavery of love; no Tremere is above us.
2 Imposing authority on other We are all brothers and sisters,
Gargoyles. equal in the eyes of Chaundice.
1 Accepting imposed authority We have spent centuries trying
to escape our past of slavery. Do
not capitulate to tyranny now.

46 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

Disciplines System: The Gargoyle must spend three
blood points and one turn per level of aggravated
Advanced Visceratika Powers damage to be healed, applying a quantity of stone
Originally, very few of the sired Gargoyles were (which must be harvested through means aside
of a lower generation than eighth, so no construct from this power, usually a Potence-enhanced
developed the use of high level Visceratika powers. grasp) to his damaged body large enough to fill
In the modern nights, however, because of the wound or wounds. This power does not
diablerie during the Revolt and the centuries since, require the expenditure of Willpower and can be
Gargoyles have managed to explore the Discipline performed as many times as needed per night. If
to far greater extents. the Gargoyle is melded with a stone surface or
object through Visceratika, they may simply siphon
••••• • Might of the Mountain off the required material from within. This has no
The Gargoyle is able to take on the observable effect from the outside but does weaken
indomitable essence of stone, increasing his the stone, potentially leading to spontaneously
physical prowess greatly but making him much collapsing statues - or supporting walls.
heavier and significantly slowing his movement. ••••• • Rockheart
After using this power, the Gargoyle will grow
in height by a foot or more and increase in mass A development of Armour of Terra, Rockheart
by several orders of magnitude; in the heart of allows the Gargoyle to harden his entire body,
combat, this alone can be enough to send even a inside and out. Attackers who manage to pierce his
hardened pack of Sabbat fleeing for their unlives outer flesh find only further resistance from the
before even the first deadly blow is dealt. Gargoyle’s now-rocklike innards.
System: To use this power, the Gargoyle must System: Any weapons which pierce the body
be physically touching stone (whether natural stone (including bullets) do half damage (rounding
or a synthetic materials such as concrete or asphalt) down), and staking is impossible unless the
and must spend one blood point. His Strength attacker has an effective Strength (including
is increased by 2 and his Stamina is increased by Potence) that is at least 7.
2, but his Dexterity is reduced by 2. His skin will ••••• •• Blood From Stone
change to the same colour and texture as the stone
he is in contact with as his musculature bulges, For some enterprising Gargoyles, feeding has
causing him to resemble nothing less than an become a simple matter of leaching blood spilled
avatar of stone itself. Repeated use of this power in violent alleyways or from the floors and walls
on the same structure or surface has been noted to of murder scenes, with only small mental effort
greatly accelerate Mimesis. on their part. If the vampire is connected to a
stone surface when blood is spilt upon it, he may
••••• • Reconstruction instantly absorb it through the material. The
combat applications of this power are obvious, as
A Gargoyle’s form is in many ways constructed, the Gargoyle may sap his opponent’s blood even as
not grown, the body rebuilt and adapted to the it is shed, and use it to heal his own injuries or use
inorganic essence of stone. It is not so great a leap other Discipline powers instantly.
for such a body to be healed with the use of simple
masonry. Whenever a Gargoyle with this power System: The vampire spends one Willpower
receives damage that would otherwise take days of point to manipulate the stone and draw sustenance
rest to fix, the vampire can use his blood to bond through the ground. The power remains active for
additional stone with his damaged flesh, rapidly the remainder of the scene, allowing the Gargoyle
repairing the wound in exchange for committing to absorb blood on the relevant surface within
minor property damage. a number of cubic feet equal to the Gargoyle’s
Willpower so long as it is mostly fresh. When this

Clanbook: Gargoyles 47
happens, he gains the equivalent number of blood altered with this highly Masquerade-threatening
points as the vitae is sucked into him through the power a ruined and dilapidated look, even after
floor, wall, or ceiling (a Gargoyle may hang on the the changes reverse themselves (if the effects have
‘underside’ of a room and gain sustenance through not been made permanent). The process of reversal
any blood shed onto the floor above, so long as it can also be hazardous to those inside affected
is in range and both surfaces are connected and of buildings, as walls sink and rooms shift about.
the same material). Repeated use of this power on a structure often
This power is equally effective on the blood leads to its damage and eventual collapse unless
of humans, animals, and supernatural creatures, the Gargoyle takes great care. A clever Gargoyle
including other vampires. It may be used as part might well use this power to remove a wall, lure a
of an especially cruel diablerie, as it was more target into the space where it was, and watch as the
than once during the darkest nights of the Revolt. wall rapidly returns to its proper place, crushing
As the victim is allowed to bleed out, her blood the unfortunate victim.
will be gradually and agonisingly drawn into the The legendary effect of this Discipline allows
ground, flowing like oil in a single coagulated the Gargoyle to heal any damage sustained by the
mass from her wounds. At the culmination of this building, as if healing the same damage incurred
process, her soul is consumed remotely without by their own body. This will take as much time,
any direct contact with the diablerist Gargoyle, blood and Willpower as if the damage were their
though the struggle over that soul occurs as with own so healing a hole in a wall will be as costly as
any act of diablerie. A Gargoyle may not use this healing 5 levels of aggravated damage.
power to initiate diablerie on a vampire who does
not have an open wound which is bleeding onto ••••• •• Viscous Vitae
the appropriate surface. A Gargoyle’s petrified flesh will only usually
penetrate the skin, occasionally going so far as to
••••• •• Renovation harden their muscles, but only rarely will it reach
An extension of the more fundamental ability as deep as the Kindred’s bones and organs. This
to sense through structures, the Gargoyle with this Discipline enhances the effects of the bloodline’s
power can exercise enough control over a building curse and spreads it to the Gargoyle’s own blood,
to rearrange its basic layout, altering the location which permanently becomes thick, viscous, and
of walls, floors, windows, and doors in order to gritty, like wet cement. This greatly increases the
confuse, disorientate, or simply scare the prey time it takes to be extracted, including during the
within (or invaders of his Eyrie). diablerie attempts of other vampires. The small
downside is that the liquid stone flowing through
System: The player spends two blood points the Gargoyle’s veins is repulsive to those who
per desired alteration to a building and rolls would drink it, though its capacity to create blood
Manipulation + Science (difficulty 8). If she wishes bonds and feed ghouls is in no way lessened.
to make the effects of the power permanent, she
must also spend a Willpower point. Changes such System: Once this power is taken, this change
as ending corridors abruptly with a new wall, in the the Gargoyle’s vitae is permanent. Any
adding doors to sheer drops, and raising floors too would-be diablerists will need to make a Strength +
high in a room for it to be entered can be created Potence roll for each blood point they try to drain,
at will, and remain for a number of turns equal to rather than each health level of the Gargoyle as
the successes on the Manipulation + Science roll. diablerie normally requires.
As with other Visceratika powers, the Gargoyle ••••• •• Crawling Chamber
can only manipulate stone, all of which must come Some Gargoyles claim that Chaundice, their
from somewhere. Wood, wiring, metal piping, and progenitor, is a being not drawn from humanity,
plaster are unaffected, lending modern buildings but one of living rock Embraced. Though this

48 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

suggestion is ignored by most scholars (if not to the Gargoyle’s direction. To do so, the Gargoyle
most Gargoyles), the fact remains that their flesh spends temporary Willpower points. For every
is literally animated stone. Elder Gargoyles have Willpower point he imparts he may extract a
even been known to harness this animating force 5’ by 5’ cubic area of stone and gains 5 dots to
and instil it to matter entirely devoid of Gargoyle distribute among its Strength, Dexterity, Stamina,
blood (or indeed any blood at all), as with this Perception, and Wits (it has no Charisma,
power, which allows for a Gargoyle to create, Manipulation, Appearance, or meaningful
mould, and animate an area of stone, with the Intelligence). Each of these Attributes starts at 1,
potential of spawning a creature which may ooze, and may be increased to a maximum of 5. These
reshape itself, and even attack foes. Even large points may also be distributed to grant the creature
statues may be animated in this way if the Gargoyle one level of either Fortitude or Potence per point,
invests enough of his mental reserves. Some claim to a maximum of the gargoyles own discipline
that gargoyles of sufficient resolve have learned rating in those powers; the creature may soak
this power only to pass their entire soul over into bashing and lethal damage with its Stamina, and
a beautiful stone vessel, and finally escape their also halves bashing damage.No disciplines other
unliving nightmare. Whether any Gargoyle has than Potence or Fortitude can be used by crawling
reached this transcendence is unknown, though chamber constructs, even if the creator Gargoyle
there are many who would wish to try. possesses the arts herself.
System: While in contact with a stone surface, The formation of such a creature requires
the Gargoyle can concentrate for several moments the Gargoyle to physically pull matter from the
while rolling Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty malleable surface it has created before moulding
8) and spending at least one blood point. If the it into the desired shape, requiring a minimum
roll is successful, for each blood point spent the of 10 minutes per Willpower point invested. This
Gargoyle may animate one 10’ by 10’ cubic area of process reminds some Kindred disconcertingly of
stone material. Once animated, a surface is largely the fleshcrafting arts of the Tzimisce. The shape
out of the Gargoyle’s control beyond choosing and appearance of these homunculi depend on
to the end the power, which is done by breaking the skill, care, and attention of their creators; some
off physical contact with the original substance. remain amorphous, featureless blobs, whereas
Grasping alien limbs, snapping bestial mouths, others could have been carved by Michelangelo
and contorted, agonised faces are all hallmarks himself. If given mouths they are incapable of
of this power. They will respond generally to the language, but do ‘speak’ in a bizarre cacophony of
Gargoyle’s wishes, but are capable of independent wet gurgles, grinding squeaks, and low rumbles.
action if left to their own devices. The legendary use of this power - permanently
The Gargoyle may direct these creations to passing one’s own consciousness into a ‘living’
attack or grapple his enemies without spending any statue rather than merely animating it as a separate
actions, and they act on his turn. For each blood being - is left up to the Storyteller’s discretion as to
point spent when the power was first activated, the whether it is even possible. It is recommended that
area may make one attack or grapple, has a range no less than all 10 possible Willpower points be
of one foot, deals one dice of lethal damage when required for transfer. If a Gargoyle with Crawling
used to attack, and has one point of Strength Chamber also possesses the power Blood from
when used to grapple. It can direct multiple attacks a Stone, as long as he and the animate stone
and/or grapples against one target. creation are touching the same surface, any blood
A secondary and more complex use of this the statue touches can be absorbed immediately
power is to extract matter from the animated area, by the Gargoyle as per the rules of Blood from a
creating an amorphous, semi-living mass which Stone.
can move and act independently, albeit according

Clanbook: Gargoyles 49
Combination Disciplines The active use of the power requires the
Gargoyle to spend a Willpower point and rolling
Gargoyles boast that it is easier for them
Charisma + Empathy (for most emotions) or
to create new combination Disciplines, for
Intimidate (for fear), difficulty 7 and requires
the array of Disciplines they possess and how
a level of success for each storey targeted. If
primally they learn each art. To most Gargoyles,
successful, this causes all non-mortal occupants of
Disciplines are seen as ‘natural’ uses of their
those floors to roll Self Control or Courage (again,
bodies, and so creating a combined Discipline
for general emotion and for fear, respectively);
power is as intuitive as using their eyes and
mortals cannot resist this effect. Those who fail or
ears simultaneously. The obvious combination
are unable to resist immediately feel a change in
Disciplines known by many Constructs include
emotion to that of the Gargoyle’s choosing. The
using Potence and Flight to create powerful
floors being targeted must be connected to the
backdrafts to see off enemies or combining
Gargoyle’s own storey as the emotional shock wave
Chameleon Skin with Eyes of the Beast in order
bursts forth.
to mimic other beings’ mutations. Below are
listed a few of the more complex and innovative Judicious use of Ambiance may only require
combination Disciplines developed by Gargoyles the top floor of a building to be affected with fear
of all stripes - and their masters. in order to clear the entire structure, however, as
herd mentality takes over and kine flee from the
Ambience unknown threat that the power’s victims seem
(Presence •••, Visceratika ••) to be running from. Gargoyles can also attain a
level of security from this power while outside
With this power, the Gargoyle has honed his
of their Eyrie, as any allies in their Eyrie will
connection with structures to the point that he can
receive warning of a change in his emotional state
subsume a single building with his emotional state
whenever the Gargoyle becomes endangered, and
and impress it on any visitors, the air becoming
can move to respond to the threat.
filled with a sense of dread or security. He may also
use a more forceful variant of this power, allowing This power costs 12 experience points to learn.
him a full emotional switch to all its occupants,
inflicting on them bursts of rage, fits of hysterical Cousins in Clay
joy or pangs of ravenous hunger. (Auspex ••, Visceratika ••)
System: The more subtle use of this power This technique was developed shortly after
is in effect as long as the Gargoyle is in the the Revolt as the children of Virstania fled Ceoris
structure and wishes it receive his ambience; no and the other chantries, hiding in any cave, rock
roll or expenditure is needed to activate it. Any formation, and stoney crevice Europe had to offer.
individual observing or occupying the building in On rare occasions, Grotesques would experience
question will feel a palpable sense of the Gargoyles the presence of otherworldly beings living side by
emotional state, irrespective of what emotion side with them in their mountain retreats. One
they’re feeling. This phenomenon is always in such event saw a Gargoyle Scout use her Aura
place, and the Gargoyle may not turn it off. Perception while scrying a cavern to determine its
Further, it is constantly present in any place the viability for settlement, upon doing so discovering
Gargoyle gains Mimesis from, as well as whatever strange presences within the very walls. The
structure (if any) they are currently inside. Multiple presences were in fact beings similarly made of
Gargoyles with this power can affect the same stone, but entirely natural: Elemental spirits
location, whether by proximity of Mimesis, and embodying the rock and the earth.
a Grotesquerie of Gargoyles linked by Mimesis
System: This power is always active once the
always feel to a small extent the emotional state of
Gargoyle has developed her connection to the pure
any of their number who have this power.
essence of stone, triggering whenever she uses Scry

50 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

the Hearthstone. She can see, feel, and interact be woken, may not fall into frenzy or Rötschreck,
with spiritual beings, from earth elementals to and to all outside examination he appears to be
terrible demons to mortal ghosts, which house nothing more than a mundane statue of his exact
themselves within or are anchored to this world size and shape. This statue is formed of whatever
by a building, cave, or other structure. If the spirit stone material he is in physical contact with, if any;
is using other means to hide, this power will only if he is not in contact with stone, the statue will
reveal them if the Gargoyle wins an opposed roll have the same material composition, colour, and
of her Perception + Awareness against the spirit’s texture as his Eyrie. Any gargoyle performing this
Wits + Stealth. ability will not be able to perform any other power
in their statue form, in fact they do not even feel
This power costs 10 experience points to learn. the passage of time and simply emerge from their
Dark Statue cocoon anew seemingly instantly.
(Fortitude•••, Visceratika••••• •) Dark Statue may also be used reflexively as
an emergency measure for a Gargoyle to protect
Gargoyles have marveled at the craftsmanship himself from the burning touch of sunlight. While
of their namesakes for as long as they have effective in the short term, this use of the power
had the presence of mind to contemplate such is perilous, for in this case the Gargoyle does
things. Placed atop churches to stand guard not sleep and is afforded no protection against
over the houses of God or watching silently over Rötschreck. If the Gargoyle moves or even slightly
the teeming masses of humanity, architectural twitches, the power’s protection ends and it may
gargoyles are a representation of the bloodline’s not be used again until the next sunset. Unless
ideal. They have a place and a purpose; that by some good fortune the Gargoyle is obscured
purpose may be one so humble as providing from direct sunlight during this time, he must
drainage, but they stand strong knowing it will endure an entire day of not only remaining totally
never be stripped of them. An inexhaustible and agonisingly still, but also of battling with his
purpose is all that many Gargoyles desire. blindly panicking Beast. More than one Gargoyle
A few Constructs have spent enough time has met a horrific, fiery Final Death only after
fawning over their inanimate counterparts to long, bitter hours of inner struggle against his
combine the aspects of two different Disciplines own body and his dark half. A Gargoyle forced
in order to imitate these unmoving paragons. to employ this power has only a slim chance of
During the day, a Gargoyle with this power can survival - but he has a chance. If they do struggle
safely fall asleep before sunrise without shelter, through the halved extent of this power, gargoyles
without fear of harm or pain from sunlight so can use disciplines during the daytime hours.
long as he remains static. When night comes and These disciplines cannot involve movement in any
the Gargoyle reanimates, he leaves behind an exact way without drawing the sun’s rays down on their
stone replica of his body, from which he emerges, heads.
reborn like a moth from its cocoon. Using this The statue left behind by this power will only
power, the Gargoyle may guard a fortress, be safe appear if the Gargoyle has slept in this state for
from most daytime threats, and never be noticed as an entire day, from sunup to sundown; if it is
anything especially untoward by kine. activated after dawn, there is nothing left behind
System: Through the passive use of Dark once the Gargoyle’s hours-long battle with his
Statue, by remaining completely still, the character Beast ends - whether for better or worse. This shed
can ignore damage from direct sunlight. This ‘skin’ remains until Dark Statue is used the same
power is used most effectively (and much more way again; as the Gargoyle’s body petrifies once
safely) at the point before sunrise when the more, the old remnant crumbles and disintegrates
Gargoyle falls into slumber for the day, causing his into fine ash - leading some to speculate that
body to petrify entirely. In this case he may not Dark Statue is far more than only a defence

Clanbook: Gargoyles 51
against sunlight, but in fact a death, reconception, he was made perfectly formed, without a flaw
Gestation, and rebirth of the Gargoyle. or impediment to be seen, the impurity of the
vampiric blood used in his creation somehow
This power costs 30 experience points to learn. washed away. He is said to have looked more like
Weather the Storm an angel than any Gargoyle - until he was cruelly
Embraced by Goratrix, at which point his beatific
(Fortitude ••, Visceratika •••) features inverted, becoming twisted and demonic.
Said to have been developed by a Gargoyle With Virstania’s talent in high magic lost from
who observed a Ravnos passing wounds inflicted her ‘reward’ of the Embrace, Chaundice’s ideal
on her body onto an animal ghoul bound to (whatever its true nature) could not be reached
her (see Lore of the Clans page 183), this power again, and since he served as the mould for all
allows a Gargoyle to similarly reflect damage into Gargoyles to come after him, his ‘descendants’
a stone surface which he has recently bled upon, were cursed to resemble him. This tragic tale is not
temporarily ‘ghouling’ it in the process. held to be true by most Gargoyles, and only the
System: The power costs one blood point to most committed Chaundicians believe it wholly.
activate, and must be used as a reflexive action. Those few who have met with Chaundice and
The Gargoyle must also have bled upon the stone dared ask what really happened have received curt
surface to be used (‘ghouling’ it) before he passes deflections or even wounds in place of answers. It
damage (an attack that causes them to bleed is clear that whatever occurred is a source of great
upon an appropriate surface will make this power pain to the Great Father.
possible for the next attack weathered). They then After the second generation of Gargoyle
roll Stamina + Athletics, immediately passing one prototypes fled with their original progenitor, a
level of damage for each success into the chosen third generation - the Castings were created out
surface. As they do so the stone they channel of a need for specifically designed workers. Each
it into will receive physical damage reflective of casting was granted it’s own weakness to keep
that which the Gargoyle would have received: them performing their duty at peak efficiency.
for bashing it will crack and crumble, for lethal
great tears will slice deeply into the in surface, for Abhorrence
aggravated the stone will violently explode away All non-sired Gargoyles are created in a
from the combat, for fire the stone will become similar method of destruction and reconstitution
scorched or even begin melting depending on the facilitated by arcane forces. As the Gargoyles body
quantity of damage taken, and so on. is reconstituted, it warps and distorts in a hundred
ways. During Gestation, the compounds and and
This power costs 15 experience points to learn. unguents used to preserve the flesh cause the skin
Weaknesses of the Gargoyle to petrify. This was originally a
side effect which came about from disastrously
Though Gargoyles are possessed of great
unsuccessful attempts to recreate Chaundice’s
personal power, they also bear multiple severe
original state, but Goratrix demanded it be kept in
weaknesses. These weaknesses can be traced back
order to prevent the Slaves from rejoining human
to specific decisions made by Goratrix, Malgorzata
civilisation. Mechanically, this weakness simply
and Virstania during the creation process in
means that no Gargoyle can have an Appearance
order to keep their slaves in line. Chaundice, the
first of their kind, is believed to have been a cut
above all those who followed after him, a vastly Amnesia
superior prototype. Created by Virstania while All Gargoyles, whether sired or cast, have
she was still a human sorceress of House Tremere their minds utterly remade by the trauma of their
(her last significant act before her Embrace), creation, making them into blank slates. They

52 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

remember nothing of their mortal life (nor any unique blessings given to them by their Mother
of the experiences of their constituent Kindred according to the intricacies of her design. After
in the case of cast Gargoyles) except perhaps in living amongst other vampires they realised
brief flashes of recall, scattered images which cause the truth that this is not actually the case, and
them great anguish though they do not understand that every Kindred runs the risk of mutation.
them. Gargoyle characters of all types begin play Many Kindred seem to gain unusual personal
with the Amnesia Flaw (V20 page 486), receiving characteristics, be they vital to their way of life
no points in exchange. This amnesia comes about or horrific imperfections. Gargoyles, due to their
during their first night of unlife where in they are blood being such a volatile mix of physically-cursed
trapped in their immobilized shell. As they feel the Clans, simply have a greater chance to manifest
physical corruption take place, they also have the such strange phenomena than other Kindred, as
sense of their memories gradually bleeding out, well as a greater variety. These mutations may be
piece by tiny piece. For a Gargoyle Embraced at beneficial or harmful, and may be sources of pride
sunset, remembering his wife after the first hour or shame (or some ambivalent mix of the two)
will be easy; by midnight he won’t remember her depending on the outlook of the Gargoyle.
name or their first date, and by sunup even her Gargoyles can take unique merits and flaws
smile - along with all other details of his life - will at will from the clans of Gangrel, Tzimisce and
have left his mind forever, never to return. Nosferatu as well as their own unique mutations;
Susceptibility to Mind Control this applies equally to the Misbegotten, who may
take Merits and Flaws appropriate to their parent
After the First Revolt, Virstania was forced to legacies, at the Storyteller’s discretion.
create her Gargoyles with limited independence
and self-will, resulting in creatures with an Merits
increased susceptibility to mind control. The Most Gargoyle merits go towards strengthening
original second generation were little more a Grotesque against adversity, granting him a
than pack animals, constantly fighting amongst helpful tool to help him survive or keep his
themselves for dominance and ever eager to community strong, or a pitiful but benign
burst forth from the eyrie on their next mission. debilitation which helps inculcate sympathy in
Gradually, Virstania granted more and more of others.
a human mind to her creations until they were
once again of full capacity but her formulae never Statuesque Beauty (2pt Physical Merit)
went back entirely to their original basis, so the Every now and then a Gargoyle will emerge
weakness remains in the Gargoyles’ blood to this with a beauty mimicking the picturesque form of
night. Any power which focuses on controlling a ancient Greek and Roman statuary. These rare
Gargoyle’s mind (typically Dominate, though not individuals have the chance to slip through even
Presence, which influences the emotions) will be kine society with little need to avoid attention.
much more effective; the Gargoyle’s Willpower In Kindred circles, however, this blessing really
is counted as being two lower when used to resist comes to the fore, with only the most sheltered
mind control of any kind. and fledgling vampires being perturbed for long
Merits and Flaws by the metre fact of that a Gargoyle possesses
stone skin when it is shaped with an artistic touch;
Back when Gargoyle kind could only come to perhaps needless to say, Toreador are especially
be from a glass urn or womb-bearing host, they appreciative.
gained many unusual traits. These mutations
were believed to come from the various strains of You can have an Appearance rating irrespective
Kindred vitae mixed within their gestalt bodies. of your inherent weakness that comes into
Most Gargoyles believed that these were the effect for appropriate individuals and groups,
in particular other Gargoyles and Toreador of

Clanbook: Gargoyles 53
the correct tastes. All mortals other than those roughly equal proportion. You have claws
ghouled to You who witnesses Your movement protruding from your extremities, which provide
will react in an even more horrified manner than you with unarmed attacks which deal Strength
usual to see something simultaneously so close to +1 lethal damage. This Merit costs 1 point for
humanity and truly alien. Gargoyles, but may also be taken by non-Gargoyles
(usually Gangrel, Nosferatu, Nagaraja, and similar)
Leader of the Pack (2pt Social Merit) for 3 points.
In most Grotesqueries, the leader is
determined by her Charisma and Strength when Flaws
faced with situations endangering the whole All Gargoyles are born different, and this is
group. Many trials end with the weaker combatant most evident in the mutations they gain during
having his wings shredded as a mark of disgrace. Gestation or as a result of the Embrace. These
This Merit outlines your personal stance in the mutations can be considered Flaws due to their
face of Grotesque politics and grants you a natural debilitating effects, though they can come with the
air of superiority over those you keep as company. minor perk of providing a Gargoyle with a greater
Gargoyles of a higher generation or significantly sense of individuality among its kin. Some of these
lower age will submit to your command within Flaws relegate a Gargoyle to a position of weakness
a Grotesquerie almost instinctively. This Merit within an Eyrie, rare is the Grotesquerie which will
grants you +2 dice to any social rolls affecting these not nurture those with Flaws that hinder unlife.
Erosion (5pt Physical Flaw)
Holy Relic (3pt Mental Merit) You were born wrong. Your flesh does not
You generally come from a pious and highly have the bonded crystalline indestructibility like
theological background. As such, the you have your brothers. Every night is a harrowing process
retained such an overpowering resonance of of physical dissolution, as your skin, flesh, and
faith that while you reside within a holy place bone gradually dry and fall off. Every physically,
appropriate to you beliefs, you will gain much mentally, or emotionally stressful ordeal you
greater succor and reassurance than another undergo causes a portion of your flesh to crumble
Gargoyle cowering within a breeze block. This away to nothing. Any significant activity causes
merit will provide a temporary Willpower point your body to slowly erode away. Erosion inflicts
every night you spend resting in such a place (a one level of un-soakable bashing damage each
Christian within a church, a Muslim inside a time you either perform a reflexive action (such as
mosque, a neopagan resting inside a standing blocking or dodging) or perform multiple actions
stone, and so on). This additional Willpower will in one turn.
never exceed your permanent Willpower rating but Alongside this horrific malady comes the
simply bolster Your temporary rating. social disgrace. Most Gargoyles with this Flaw will
Claws (1pt/3 pt Physical Merit) have been a Sedimus ghoul before Embrace or
gestation, which means they were not worthy of
This mutation is commented upon by the Embrace in early life. Though a Grotesquerie
Virstania in the earlier records of her research will not look down upon one, though they will
in that most of the specimens emerged from choose others for important missions or to place
Gestation manifesting talons of one form or their trust in. Irrespective of whether this is
another (those of a wolf, eagle or rat, for example). how you got this Flaw, others will automatically
Creatures with this heritage are believed to presume it is and treat you in kind, imposing a +1
instinctively possess rudimentary knowledge penalty to Social rolls with other Gargoyles at the
of Protean, though all Castings as well as sired Storyteller’s discretion.
Gargoyles were observed to possess them in
The to and fro of discussion between

54 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

Cordwood and Virstania led to a remark over missing rather than damaged or withered,
Alvusia’s physique. Though Alvusia’s form did not leaving behind it not a stump or a scar but a flat,
need to be so grossly and excruciatingly expanded, ‘cauterised’ section of stone as if the portion had
her presentation was made to invoke imagery of been neatly carved away.
the goddess Venus and the traditional fertility For 2 points, the you have a small feature like
statues in her likeness. This was gleefully added to a nose, an ear, or a finger. The loss can actually
Alvusia’s design - Virstania saw it as a fitting gift to look fairly interesting, like a battle scar, though
one of her daughters, whereas Cordwood thought its impact will impose a +1 difficulty on your rolls
it more than sufficient punishment - and the pair relating to it, be they manual Dexterity or specific
continued without much further thought on the sensory Perception.
For 4 points, a larger body part like a foot, a
Medusa’s Stare (5pt Supernatural Flaw) jaw or a pectoral muscle. The hindrance of this
You seem to bestow the mark of Visceratika loss is much greater as it actively inhibits nightly
on every being you see. After being in your gaze function. Difficulty will be increased by +2 for any
for the majority of one night, the victim’s skin will rolls involving its use.
begin to dry and their hair to stiffen. After three For 7 points, a truly drastic loss like a pelvis,
nights their skin will become mottled and grey, the entire abdominal region (leaving a spine
after five nights their flesh will calcify, and after connecting pelvis to torso), or half of the your
a full week in your presence, an individual’s body head.
will become rigid with stoney flesh, like the your This Flaw, as well as increasing the difficulty of
own. rolls using your afflicted Attribute by +2, reduces
This effect is a shadow of the your Mimesis that Attribute permanently to 1 dot and prevents
being inflicted upon the world around her. If any it from being increased. Your Intelligence would
Kindred suffering from this effect manage to flee be limited if you lost half of your brain, your
before the week is out, remain away from your Dexterity reduced if your pelvis was lost, and your
presence for even a single night and day, they will Stamina would be crippled if you existed with an
revert to their former undead state, but once their exposed chest cavity and spine.
bodies fully take on the your curse, the effect is
irreversible. Any mortal affected your Flaw will Still Image (5pt/7pt Supernatural Flaw)
never recover regardless of how long they had been Though this mutation may be regarded as
in contact with you. Human doctors will presume both a gift and a curse it is certainly a spectacle
that this effect is the result of a debilitating skin to behold. While most Gargoyles exist for the
condition which, to its fullest, will leave them void company they keep there are some that take a
of function and mobility. horrific turn during Gestation and develop a
completely opposite nature. Usually possessed
Missing Piece (2pt/4pt/7 pt Physical Flaw) by Simulacra, this defect completely cuts the
After the Embrace, the you undergo a Gargoyle off from any social or community based
traumatic loss in addition to the harrowing interaction whatsoever.
experience of immobility, as a portion of your Every time you are seen by a sapient being, you
body becomes weaker over the course of the first freeze on the spot, turning into a solid statue made
night, until finally it crumbles away like a dead from an incongruous stone material. You will be
leaf before your eyes. If you are playing as a Cast unidentifiable as a life form and will be considered
Gargoyles with this Flaw, you simply emerge from a true statute by any who see you, in the correct
Gestation with part of your body missing due to setting. This means that the you will know only
the vagaries of the process or incompetence on an abnormal and strained existence, and find it
the part of their creator. The portion is entirely impossible to fit in within any Grotesquerie due

Clanbook: Gargoyles 55
to this crippling physical limitation. (Obviously, This also carries in Gargoyle vitae and grants their
this Flaw is especially crippling for Sentinel-cast Embraces a wildly mutagenic quality.
Gargoyles, for whom this Flaw is worth 7 points). Rather than the player simply not being
As per the Visceratika power Dark Statue (see allowed to place points in Appearance when
page 51), whenever a player has become a solid playing a Gargoyle, this optional rule grants
statue, they cannot use any Disciplines (even purely Gargoyles access to a new Attribute called
mental ones) until they regain animation. Despite Abhorrence, which has a base value of 1 dot
this. they are still aware in their petrified state and and may be increased like any other Attribute. A
experience everything around them. Gargoyle’s Abhorrence rating can only provide
dice to rolls made to inspire fear or anger towards
Withered Wings (3pt Physical Flaw) the character in others; in the case of Social rolls
Your wings should be points of pride, a social made to engender positive emotions, it increases
statement, and useful foci for Disciplines. After the difficulty by a number equal to the rating (to a
your Gestation, however, you have suffered an maximum of 10).
embarrassing mutation whereby your wings are Each point of Abhorrence will make the
stunted or simply undeveloped. With this flaw you Gargoyle more horrific in the eyes of others. The
will never be able to increase your Flight above player chooses features to ‘enhance’ the physical
level one, and you will be seen as generally weak by appearance of the character, selecting one feature
your superiors, both Gargoyle and Kindred alike for each level of the Gargoyle’s Abhorrence
(which may impose increased difficulties on Social attribute. Each feature is gained at the same level
rolls according to Storyteller’s discretion). as the level of Abhorrence it was chosen for.
Abhorrence Doing this can help the player engage with her
Gargoyle more in play and create engaging stories
No Gargoyle comes out of Gestation identical - the Toreador likes your translucent crystal skin
to another, with only a few notable examples and takes you as her ward; the inquisitor (mortal
where they are deliberately moulded to be. They or Sabbat) sees your horns as a sign of demonic
will always vary in ways often overlooked by all bar influence or allegiance and seeks to kill you; your
their sire. The ritual to create them itself is open animal features are similar to that of another
to so many variables that even a shaman trained Gargoyle which creates envy and competition, and
enough to design a Gargoyle down to their very so on.
smallest warts and stalactites cannot prevent at
least minor deviations from the intended result. When using these rules, the player of a
Gargoyle must choose one Abhorrent feature, for

Handsome Dan’s Abhorrence Features

Handsome Dan (the narrator of Chapter 1) serves as a good example of more advanced Abhorrence.
Dan’s twisted, 6-foot frame is truly horrific. Almost all of his bones jut out like large Tudor-style
crossbeams, with browning red-brick skin padding the flesh between each beam. Rounded ‘cables’ of
flesh hang from his back, apparently reeled around his joints like those of an abandoned ocean liner.
His eyes stretch grotesquely down his face like large translucent ‘windows’ flecked with red, devoid of
pupils. Dan simply views these as adding character, hence his nickname (which he insists is not ironic).
He is rarely seen without a brown flat cap atop his gnarled head. He even owns a tailor made frock coat
which he gleefully displayed at a ‘Bloodlines ball’ in recent nights.
Abhorrences: Accentuation 1, Growths 2, Petrified Flesh 3, Architecture 4

56 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

each level of Abhorrence her character has. The of the Gargoyle bloodline will be able to manifest
severity of each feature depends on the level of any of these features. As with Mimesis, Gargoyles
of Abhorrence it was chosen for. Each Gargoyle’s Embraced by the same sire or Gestated within
base dot of Abhorrence must be used to purchase the same Womb-Bearer will often possess similar
the Petrified Flesh feature, unless the player wishes features as a result of their creation.
to use that point for another feature and take
Petrified Flesh to a higher rank (after spending Petrified Flesh
Attribute points or Freebie points to increase The hallmark of their bloodline, each and
Abhorrence). The highest level of each Abhorrence every Gargoyle - cast, Embraced, or Misbegotten -
feature grants the character unique benefits in has Petrified Flesh. It is unknown quite what part
exchange for his extreme malformation. of the creation ritual unerringly endows mutilated
Example: Max is creating his Gargoyle, Kindred flesh this mineral composition, but no
who has three dots in Abhorrence. Wanting his Gargoyle on earth is without it. Petrified Flesh is
character to appear as a classic church grotesque, also the only feature tied to a Discipline; as non-
Max chooses to distribute the levels as follows: Gargoyle Kindred improve their understanding of
Horns, Talons and Tusks at level one (granting the Visceratika, they also develop this Abhorrence to a
character small, stubby horns), Petrified Flesh at limited degree.
level two (creating a thin but distinct layer of rough • Your skin has become more of a mineral
stone over the character’s body) and withering at coating, with rough chunks visible across every
level three (leaving the character only three feet tall part of your skin.
or so). •• The roughened chunks become inflexible
Synergy and rigid, even sharp in some places. This grainy
exterior will have a notably inhuman colouration,
It is suggested that you blend the features changing from the Gargoyles original skin to a
for each level of Abhorrence in order to give mottled grey or similar colour.
your Gargoyle a unique appearance. Hunch 4
and Architecture 3, for example, might result in ••• Your body is so thoroughly coated in thick,
a Roman pillar growing from the back; Spines rock-like skin that you grind faintly as you move,
2 and Animal Features 1 could provide longer creating a subtle crunching noise and depositing
but thinner quills like those of a porcupine; or small amounts of inorganic rock dust behind you.
Shrinkage 3 and Elongation 2 can produce a •••• You appear to be a mobile rock formation,
creature with shriveled legs and elongated arms with no easily recognizable human characteristics.
who must bound along for movement on the Your arms and legs may even blend in with
ground. your skin when folded. Small depressions and
protrusions might give your body ‘caves’ of
Abhorrence 6+ missing flesh and overhanging ‘crags’ of tissue.
Any low-generation Construct with a physical These marks can become points of pride to elder
form so repulsive as to have reached Abhorrence Gargoyles to flaunt amongst their Grotesquerie.
6 will present a spectacle seemingly in violation ••••• No features, facial or otherwise, may be
of universal law. Any mortal or ghoul (other discerned within the cracks and coves of your rigid
than his own) who witnesses such a Gargoyle will mantle. Moreover, another Gargoyle may try to use
automatically enter a blind frenzy, fleeing to at you to perform the third level of Visceratika, since
least a distance of 100 feet. the top three inches of your flesh have transmuted
Gargoyle Specific Features into entirely inorganic stone.
Those features listed below are those specific to Variations: The player can choose and
Gargoyle appearance. Almost no vampire outside variety of stone or stone like substance they find

Clanbook: Gargoyles 57
appealing. Suggestions include marble, granite, might perpetually emits smoke. You may even
obsidian, quartz, hematite, tarmac, and brick. possess miniature gargoyles fixed to your shoulders
resembling Grotesquerie mates. This is arguably
Architecture the most disturbing of the Gargoyle features and
Gargoyles have an innate connection to may cause an increase in the difficulty of courage
structure, home, and hearth, to the point that tests while at this level.
many constructs seem to be just that - constructed. Variations: The above are simply examples of
Elements of architecture will appear in their flesh, physical features, any form of architecture can be
from small rivet indentations to tiles inlaid along used; postmodern, art deco, gothic, baroque, as
their wing membranes. This feature emerges as an well as any region of the world at the storyteller’s
accentuation of the Gargoyle’s Mimesis and only discretion.
manifests in Gargoyles which have a history with
man-made structures, whether they underwent Engravings
Gestation in one and/or have made their Eyries in Due to the mysterious nature of the Gargoyles’
one long enough to develop substantial Mimesis. creation, no scholar truly knows each and every
All elements of this feature will match the procedure Virstania undertook while devising her
architectural style of the building which the famous ritual. Every now and then, a Gargoyle
Gargoyle is Mimetically linked to, as well as its emerges with evidence of her magnificent
level of maintenance and repair. As such, the work scrawled into his flesh like a forgotten
precise effects of this feature are for the Storyteller memorandum to herself.
and the player to mutually determine. • Your flesh is indented with rows of arcane
• Pronounced, square-edged edges might run script.
down your legs and arms. Your ears might be •• The quantity of text stretching across your skin
squared and inflexible. multiplies. Each symbol may be carved around half
•• Your eyes might be angular, resembling a centimeter deep into your flesh.
stained-glass windows. Your skin might bear ••• The hundreds of inch-deep inscriptions may
distinct brickwork patterning which changes for make wild courses across your body. Your eyes
each area of your body. could even be ladened with sigils running down
••• You might possess sloped frills at every every vein, as well as every millimeter of your skin.
joint like a pagoda roof; small deep slits might be •••• Many thousands of runes might appear
aligned all across your skin like embrasures, and across your flesh and could occasionally glow with
even your brow ridge might sport ornamentation. arcane power, or seem to be carved so deep that
•••• Your eyes might be completely clear, square only darkness can be seen within their grooves.
panes of crystal glass. Inch-thick brickwork might ••••• Rather than static markings across your
coat your entire skin. Your skull might become flesh, the pictographs may continuously rewrite
pointed and almost twice as tall as normal, with themselves as they continually scrawl across your
miniature steeple protrusions running the length body. The sound of stone being carefully chiseled
of your collar bone. You resemble a walking might often be heard from you as new symbols
church, castle, skyscraper, or other building in form every second of the night. Anyone with an
miniature. Occult rating of five may even use you to learn
••••• Your flesh may simulate apparently non- new metaphysical knowledge.
mineral features. Functional miniature wooden Variations: Any form of arcane calligraphy
shutters might serve for your eyelids (on drawstring can be used along with symbols of any school
tendons), plastic guttering transports blood of magical thought, though there exists an
around your body, and a cranial chimney stack unsurprising tendency towards the hermetic.

58 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

Those manifested by modern Gargoyles are cave Weathering
imagery, alchemical symbols, and hieroglyphs This feature mimics the natural decay, erosion,
depicting key moments in Tremere and Gargoyle and weathering of stone when exposed to the
history, though descending Sanskrit text and elements.
primal glyphs are all possible.
• Most of your skin may have crumbled away,
Layers leaving sections of musculature exposed. What
Like the very earth from which the Gargoyles flesh remains may be covered in small cracks or
derive their resilient mantle, the flesh of many even worn away to a smooth finish.
Rockheads separates like sediment to form •• Your fingers may be weathered to the extreme,
numerous layers. exposing the thin tips of bone. Some parts of your
•Your body is split into a handful of horizontal skin, like the forehead, might have crumbled away,
layers, the number of which increase exponentially displaying a brittle and worn skull. Even portions
according to age, generation, and Visceratika of your wing membrane may be missing, though
rating. The older you are, the lower your not to a degree that affects your ability to fly.
generation, and the higher your Visceratika, the ••• Most of your flesh is a matted, granite-laden
more layers you have. Skin texture will subtly sludge coating your bones; significant patches
change between the layers from smooth to rough of your body are reduced to eroded depressions.
to grainy, and so on. The layers are clearly visible Many appendages have been stripped of their
from a moderate distance, like looking at a cliff flesh, exposing significant portions of bone.
face. •••• You may be worn as thin as a lampost. Your
•• The differences in layer colour may become face may be nothing more than a fractured old
quite startling. They might take on the appearance skull and you might have fist-sized holes passing
of any mineral: black obsidian, white marble, straight through your entire body. Bones and
yellow sand, or red ruby for example. organs might protrude, resembling slate shards.
••• The layers now produce overhangs, inch-wide Your wings might be almost completely skeletal
ridges that appear as if the layers are somehow only thin sludge veins keeping the bones together.
detaching. The overhang will be in a different ••••• You might have been reduced to nothing
direction for each layer. This effect makes it appear but a dried mud skeleton, in which case even
as if the Gargoyle has been sliced into numerous projectiles can pass through you, having no flesh
pieces. to collide with. Blood seems to be stored inside
•••• The ridges are now so distinct and your marrow, as only small capillaries can be found
pronounced that they possess a three inch matted in the sludge around your bones.
overhang on every layer. This effect of separation Alternatively you may have an inverted form of
makes it look as if they are clearly falling apart. weathering, causing intact portions of your body -
••••• The layers become entirely separated, your head; your chest; your forearms; or your shins
meaning that the Kindred can physically detach - to be connected to one another by only one string
each layer while only suffering one level of Lethal of thin sinew, held up by unknown and unnatural
damage per layer removed, rather than suffering forces.
aggravated damage or even final death. This General Abhorrence Features
damage may be healed normally once the layers are
reattached. Though they reflect the Gargoyle condition
just as well as any other feature, some features can
Variations: The player can have their layers be found in other Kindred cursed with inhuman
vertically or diagonally if desired. ugliness. At the Storyteller’s discretion, Nosferatu
and bloodlines with Appearance 0 as a weakness,

Clanbook: Gargoyles 59
as well as characters with the Monstrous Flaw (see sometimes carried over to the new Gargoyle foetus,
V20 page 482), may make use of the Abhorrence and the descendants of these cast Gargoyles may
rules and use the features listed below. (For a more carry on this bestial legacy.
in-depth treatment of Abhorrence and specific • You have numerous small features: A vestigial
features for other types of Kindred, amongst many beak on your top lip; scales running across an area
other things, see the upcoming Storytellers Vault of your skin; or slightly pointed ears like a fennec
book The Endless Death). fox.
Accentuation •• You have one major feature such as: A
A strange emergence similar to a feature of large turtle shell spanning the length of your
grotesques found on some small churches in back; a long giraffe neck (similar to the effects
Western Europe, Accentuation represents the of elongation but with fur patterning); or thick
enlargement of a particular part of the Gargoyles feathery down coating your skin.
body, leading to unwieldy and impractical ••• You have two major features twisting your
forms. Only one particular body part should be already inhuman frame: The entire head of an
accentuated rather than a number of them to give eagle; two bear forelegs disproportionate to the
a more dramatic and grotesque effect, although rest of your body replacing your arms; or two long
any part can be effected. snake tails in place of your legs.
• Your most naturally prominent feature has •••• You are entirely inhuman with half of your
grown to double its original size: a nose, your body taken up by an array of animal features, all
buttocks, or your hands for example. from misfit animals. For example, you may bear
•• Multiple body parts may expand up to three the long chitinous legs of a cricket (increased
times as large as normal: Feet will begin to look in size to human proportions), the striped tail
more like large flippers; breasts balloon out; eyes of a lemur, and the abdomen of an electric eel.
bulge like those of a fish. Alternatively you can be entirely composed of one
animal’s features and appear as a perfect replica of
••• Many features may have grown to more than that animal, with no human features to be seen,
three times their natural size. Abdomens become but still with petrified flesh.
large and rotund, thighs expand like tree trunks,
and ears stand a foot from the skull. ••••• The highest level of this Abhorrence
brings about more supernatural aspects of the
•••• You now have certain features which make Beast into your body. Your vocal cords might adapt
you unidentifiable as human. Your lips might be to naturally communicate with animals; your aura
the only visible part of your face, your head might might resemble that of a Gargoyle animal and not
be is five times its natural size, or your palms might a true vampire; or your blood may taste only as
span two square feet when spread out. sweet to other vampires as that of a natural animal.
••••• Any mortal who sees you will be struck In addition, your entire body is composed of
with pure terror, as your body parts may have between six and eight major animal features, all of
expanded to more than five times their natural different animals, making you look like a horrific
size. Your cheeks might be as big as tires, your chimaera.
shoulders may jut out to three feet either side of
your body, or your tongue might loll from your jaw Biome
like a loose neck tie. Kindred vitae is stored beneath their skin,
sitting statically and radiating regenerative
Animal Features energy into the surrounding dead cells. In some
This feature is most often brought about when particularly freakish vampires, this energy can be
a Gargoyle is Gestated using Gangrel ‘ingredients; picked up by the spores of nearby flora who root
the results of the Outlanders’ Clan weakness is into this hidden ‘water table’ of blood and make a

60 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

permanent residence. Some poor Kindred gather arms, and abdomen. It is considered something
more than simple mold patches through this of a ‘high society’ feature amongst Gargoyle
process, becoming home to an ecosystem of floral Grotesqueries, and is proudly sported by the
life and giving them the appearance of the fabled subterranean Gargoyle residents of the Parisian
Green Man or Leshy. catacombs, resulting from their Mimesis with the
• The stone flesh endemic of your bloodline is Notre Dame Cathedral. As with Accentuation,
coated with lichen patches that cover your whole it is advisable to only make one element of the
body, interspersed with numerous mounds of moss Gargoyle’s body elongated. This will provide more
and algae. impact than their entire body being contorted
and dysfunctional, and prevent characters from
•• Thin leafy vines are permanently entangled becoming too difficult to play by virtue of their
around your flesh, roping in and out like veins. mutations. The height restrictions of some
The leaves of these vines are a deep and vibrant buildings will give Gargoyles with the highest levels
red, depending on how recently you - and in turn of this feature some hurdles to overcome.
they - have fed.
• Your limbs and neck can gain an extra six inches
••• Your floral parasites are unmissable due to in length. Your fingers each extend by an inch or
the thickened red and black foliage and barked you can gain a foot in length to your abdominal
saplings growing from your skin. Your features region.
become hidden by the thick overgrowth around
your body and the growths begin to significantly •• Your already gangly limbs, along with your
increase your overall size. neck and abdomen grow by around two feet,
becoming disturbing even to most Kindred. Your
•••• Multiple thick bushes, three foot tall trees, digits extend by four inches each.
and fungi as wide as dinner plates may sprout from
your flesh, creating a perversely natural-looking ••• You have features that have managed to
buildup of undergrowth and canopy. You have stretch to four times their natural size, making you
become entirely obscured by the blood red leaves seem nauseating to behold. Your limbs have grown
of the vines mummifying your body. by well over three feet; your neck is now two feet
long; your abdomen is six and a half feet long,
••••• Your flesh has gone beyond supporting a causing you resemble a snake, worm, or eel.
small floral ecosystem; now even termites and ants
have invaded, carving your back and shoulders •••• Your disproportionate body has limbs of
into a colossal nest. Readily fruiting trees feed around five feet in length, and each digit reaches
these nests with flowers and thicker foliage coating to nearly a foot. Your neck, now almost three feet
it. The fruit of this ecosystem can be used to ghoul long, can flex and stretch around corners.
anything that consumes it. ••••• Your limbs finally extend to illogical
Variations: The flora used can be of any proportions, each being six and a half feet long,
particular region or even an eclectic mix - making you resemble a colossal spider. Your torso
coniferous forests, rainforests, kelp forests, and now stretches to nine feet in length, and can
deciduous forests, to give a few examples. The contract to provide greater flexibility.
Storyteller may even allow a dedicated fungal Growths
biome, unnaturally tall mushrooms burrowing into
the Gargoyles flesh - which can even mutate into This provides the Gargoyle with a classic ‘troll
cave caps (see page 96). under the brigde’ appearance, with stalactites
dripping from their jaw line and numerous
Elongation unusual bulges across their body. These growths
This feature represents the elongation of simply manifest as alterations to the Petrified Flesh
specific areas of the body, usually the neck, covering the Gargoyle’s body.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 61
• Many hard warts span the length of the • Small natural armaments grow from your head,
Kindred’s body with an angular tip to them, hands, and/or mouth. These bone blades are
making them protrude around an inch from the obvious from even cursory inspection.
skin. •• The natural weapons grow to almost a foot
•• These spikes are as long as human fingers, and in length from your body, making you look like a
individual examples are longer than the others: prehistoric beast.
Those running down your back; those hanging ••• Your weapons have reached the length of
from your chin; or those stalagmites pointing up a man’s forearm, twisting and contorting as they
from your shoulders, head and feet. will. Even tusks and talons can grow this long,
••• The spines stretch as far as a foot from becoming much more of a power statement than
your body. Now looming more like an unusual actual weaponry.
rock formation than a natural ailment, they have •••• Your tusks stretch down like short swords
become a highly disconcerting feature of your body as far as your chest, your horns grow like spears
for any Kindred observer. for a four foot above your head resembling skeletal
•••• The spines are now two-foot-long columns tree branches, and your talons grow like daggers
bursting out of your flesh and stretching as long between every knuckle.
as your forearm. They point in every possible ••••• Extravagant scrimshaw-like patterns
direction, with no logical patterning. decorate your thick horns, talons, or tusks as they
••••• Your body is entirely coated in spikes and weave around your head, hands, and jaw. At this
growths, each almost three feet in length, making point in the features evolution the armaments
you look like a humanoid sea urchin. Anyone become sharp enough to deal harm, providing
touching you with any force will receive two dice of Strength +2 lethal damage on unarmed attacks.
lethal damage from these. Alternatively stalactites Variations: Any natural horns, antlers, talons,
descend from your body, reaching down as far as claws, tusks, or teeth can be used. Potential
the floor. examples include: longhorn sheep or narwhal for
Variations: These growths can appear as horns; sabre-toothed cat or beaver for tusks or
stalagmites and stalactites, slate shards, and even teeth; hawk or bear for impressive talons or claws.
‘beautiful’ crystal columns (all emerging from your
skin at different points and in different directions) Hunch
irrespective of whichever mineral you have chosen As well as Gargoyles, many Nosferatu suffer
your Petrified Flesh to consist of. with this feature, almost to the point of it being
a cliche. It gradually swells the flesh around the
Horns, Talons & Tusks Gargoyles spine creating a hunch which, given
There are very few Gargoyles throughout time, re-molds their body into a quadrupedal
history that did not emerge from their creation position under its sheer indomitable size.
- whichever form that may have taken - without • Your shoulders have swollen up to your jawline
horns and claws. As with a lack of wings, or having and around the base of your skull, forcing your
particularly small or atrophied wings, not having head to permanently point forwards.
horns or claws was usually seen as a statement
of weakness during the days of the Revolt. This •• The now colossal hump on your back has
social construct is largely absent in free Gargoyle swollen, pushing your shoulder up to around a
society, however, though it persists within the foot high. This hunch makes your head point
Flock. Until the fifth level, the ‘weapons’ provided downward almost permanently and significantly
by this feature are impressive but blunt, and as arches your back.
such provide no change in the bashing damage of ••• You are constantly bent forward under the
unarmed attacks. weight of your hunch, it has expanded to almost

62 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

two feet high, now towering above your head. This for anyone to get any emotional reading from you,
forces you to walk with a pronounced hobble to deliberate or otherwise.
your step. ••••• This level of Minimalism goes beyond
•••• The hunch is so overbearing you must walk the physical with other elements of your self being
by bounding along on all fours for most of the ‘sanitised’. Your aura may become bleached,
night. It is now a clear three feet high and wide. leaving a clear haze surrounding you; it may be that
••••• The hunch has grown to the point that no sound results from your footsteps or wing beats;
you have become quadrupedal. your head will even or your vitae may become as tasteless as water
have melded up into the hump removing any trace (though still beneficial).
of a neck. You look more like a crab than anything Tails
close to a human being. However, this does mean
that your organs have rearranged as well; your Commonly possessed by all three Clans
heart and brain now reside deep within this tower associated with the Gargoyle bloodlines and
of flesh. Any lethal damage you receive is also the Constructs themselves - Gangrel, Nosferatu,
halved as bashing damage is. and Tzimisce. Tails seem to crop up in the flesh
from all mutagenic vitae. This feature may seem
Minimalism synonymous with Animal Features (alongside
A particularly disturbing feature stemming which it often appears), it instead provides
solely from the alien vitae of the Tzimisce, it additional tails for every level taken rather than a
inverts everything that members of that Clan hold single increasingly unusual tail.
dear about mutation and evolution, stripping • You have grown a tail, around half the normal
them of their unique and empowering visages. size of one of your legs. The tail is coated in
Gargoyles cursed by this abhorrence are labeled bare skin with an arrow head point at its tip and
with the derogatory nickname ‘mannequins’, and cannot act as an independent appendage due to its
are usually shunned by every sane Kindred the thinness and pointed tip.
world over. •• Another tail joins the first one; both are now
• Every physical characteristic of your being such as long as your legs. The movement of each tail is
as warts, wrinkles, lesions, boils, colour variation, erratic and unpredictable creating a continuous
and other irregularities become entirely smoothed writhing effect behind you.
out and standardised. ••• Three substantially long tails grow from your
•• Your eyebrow ridge and jaw line recede to back. They are constantly in motion and seem to
make your head resemble a smooth egglike dome; possess rudimentary independent thought, lashing
your nose and ears shrink to a quarter of their out at passers by, knocking items off of shelves
usual size, looking more like spots than sensory and generally causing havoc when you are angry,
organs; and every last growth on your skin is made agitated, hungry, or otherwise disturbed.
completely level. •••• Your body is now endowed with four tails,
••• Your fingers become smooth rods with each double the length of your spine. They are
no nails or joint creases; your eye sockets come still capable of movement, but you can exercise a
forward to become level with your face, resembling greater degree of control over them.
simple patterning on a flat surface; and any hair ••••• Like a nest of vipers emerging from the
on the body is entirely lost. base of your spine, five tails writhe in your wake.
•••• Your body is finally that of a mannequin; They are capable of twist above your head and
you are a smooth and undefined mass with attempt to grapple passers by when your Beast
nothing but a slit for a mouth and pin holes for is roused. These tails are so developed and well-
your eyes, nostrils and ears. This makes it difficult connected to your nervous system that by spending

Clanbook: Gargoyles 63
a temporary Willpower point you can control
all five for one turn, each of which can deal one
attack as a single action for all five. Each tail may
strike a different or the same target, though they
only deal Strength-1 bashing damage.
Withering is famous in Gargoyle culture due
to its appearance on the Scout Mould, Fidus; it is
from it that he gained his moniker ‘the Shrunken
Beast’. It simply reduces a Gargoyle’s overall
stature and build.
•You are proportionally a foot shorter than you
normally would be. Though this only makes
you look smaller than average, it still creates the
uncanny feeling that you have been shrunken,
both in yourself and in others.
•• You are proportionally two feet shorter than
normal. This significantly outlines you as not an
average person, it will appear as if you suffer from
some form of dwarfism. You must take the Short
Flaw (V20 page 481).
••• You are proportionally three feet shorter
than normal. You are now very clearly inhuman,
more closely resembling a stunted imp or
homunculus than a human being due to your
wings and other abhorrent features.
•••• You are proportionally four feet shorter
than normal. Human witnesses will likely either
flee in terror or attempt to record you and post it
the footage online.
••••• You are proportionally only one foot
tall. Though you cannot possibly be mistaken
for a natural human being, you can be easily
overlooked. Stealth and Flight are easier to you (at
a -2 difficulty) due to your diminutive stature.
Variations: You can modify this Abhorrence by
either reducing your overall size by a foot each level
or significantly whither a single body part per level
(in a similar but reverse way to Accentuation).

64 Chapter Three: Hearts of Stone

Chapter Four:
Of Mingled Blood
A Bloodline’s Bloodlines The Castings
Of the ‘pure’ breed of Gargoyles, those grown
The majority of Gargoyles in existence tonight within a womb-bearer or Gestation chamber
are sired, meaning that they have been Embraced rather than having been Embraced, there are
by a Gargoyle capable of the act (which are also three recognized ‘Castings’, each suited to a
now in the majority), in much the same way as different duty or set of duties. The number of
other Kindred. One night they were human, Cast Gargoyles produced every year - which has
the next they began the traumatic process of been low for many centuries - has plummeted
Gestation, their bodies warp and their minds are even further since Virstania parted violently with
wiped blank as they are reanimated by the power the Clan, taking with her much of the original
of the sire’s blood. Nonetheless, there still exist materials and formulae, and the creation of new
a notable number of Gargoyles who were already Gargoyles was outlawed by the signing of the
vampires before their Gestation. In these cases Montmartre Pact.
their previous bodies (often along with those of After Chaundice and most of his immediate
other Kindred) have been used in various rituals ‘children’ abandoned Ceoris, taking with him the
designed to bring forth new Gargoyles. knowledge of true Gargoyle creation in his blood,
There are two broad groups of non-sired it was decreed by Goratrix that nothing like the
Gargoyles: the Cast (who are considered by some escape of Chaundice and his progeny could be
to be the most ‘pure’) and the Misbegotten (widely allowed to happen again. As such, he instructed
recognised by those who know of them at all as Virstania to amend At Our Command It Breathes
the least). Rare though members of these ‘sub- so that it could be used to create new, specialised
bloodlines’ of Gargoyles may be, they are not so Gargoyles, their loyalty ensured not only by
few in number as to be completely discounted. The inclination but by their very essences and bodies.
cast represent the grisly origins of Gargoyle-kind, As Virstania added and subtracted various
while its strange and unpredictable future can be arcane and alchemical elements of her formulae
seen in the Misbegotten. in order to give her children more specific forms
and natures, the three Castings came to be. The
powders of additional, stronger types of rock were
added and a longer Gestation period allowed
in order to provide the Sentinels with greater

Clanbook: Gargoyles 65
stamina. Virstania’s own vitae, filtered through This combination of generalist and specialized
the smoke of incense derived from the roots of Gargoyles served very well during the Revolt, and
the strange ‘fire-flowers’ found throughout the the cast still hold positions of respect in the minds
Carpathians, granted Scouts their keen senses of most Gargoyles, albeit often tinged with a
and natural stealth. Kindred ash ground up with certain pity.
a drop of Lupine blood imparted feral rage to the
In the modern nights, no one truly knows the
original provenance of the Castings. For example,
some argue that Gangrel must have lent form to
the Scouts because of their survival instincts and
their drive to explore; others the Nosferatu, for
their possession of Obfuscate and their furtive
natures; and yet others the Tzimisce for their
manifestation of Auspex and the way in which
their bodies do not heal correctly - an inheritance
of the vile legacy of Vicissitude. Ultimately it
would seem that the Clan or Clans of the victims
did not matter nearly so much as the methods
In the eyes of Goratrix and their Mother, the
Castings were cutting edge magical innovations,
wrought according to a refined art. Gradually,
however, these beings became redundant compared
to the next big thing - the sired Gargoyles. Thanks
to Virstania’s constant improvements to her
formula, it eventually became more economic to
have Gargoyles sire naturally than to source the
obscure ingredients required to merely create one
creature, never mind the months-long Gestation
periods (almost a year in the case of Sentinels).
The Casting of a Gargoyle, however, did not pass
down to a Gargoyle’s childer; while this left them
free of the Casting’s imposed weaknesses, it also
left them bereft of their powers.
As Virstania noticed the decline in her cast
children’s numbers, she created the Discipline of
Visceratika from the Gargoyle rituals she deemed
most useful for her children. Her hope was that
the sired Gargoyles would become versatile enough
that each individual could perform any or all of
the Casting’s duties as necessary, though not as
effectively as a cast Gargoyle would perform its
specific role. The Cast Gargoyles were maintained
as specialist units, while their sired counterparts
came to form the rank-and-file of the bloodline.

66 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood

Scouts Anarchs value both sides of the Scout Casting,
using the stealth provided by Visceratika for their
Quick, nimble and created to delve deep into various missions against the Camarilla and Sabbat.
the heart of enemy strongholds to extract sensitive Their shamanic sides are favoured by Ravnos and
information (or simply to turn its defenders to ash Gangrel anarchs to the point of wonder and awe.
while they rest), Scout-Cast Gargoyles have powers
and instincts designed to make them an unseen Appearance: Scouts more often than not take
force of ruin. The Scouts are seen as conniving on attributes of utter inhumanity with sunken
and mischievous as well as intelligent and quick. features, elongated limbs, and shrunken bodies.
As lone hunters it would be rare for a pack of Fidus was the first of his kind, and serves as an
Scouts to be sent out rather than one individual, example of the horror they can embody. Scouts
they greatly value their privacy and their ability will frequently opt to learn Vicissitude at some
to carry out tasks single handedly. Rituals of point in their unlives. Using this Discipline not
invisibility and stone melding made them nearly only has the potential of making them more
undetectable. outwardly hideous but allows them to adopt a new
form for each mission.
In the event they were found and attacked,
a failsafe was built into their makeup to resist If you choose to use the Abhorrence rule
divulging Tremere secrets, as physical harm would (see page 56) Scouts suffer from an additional
cause their flesh to solidify until it became wholly Abhorrence feature, meaning they have two
calcified. As a result, they are the only Gargoyle automatic dots in Abhorrence rather the one
or even Kindred on earth whose bodies remain that Embraced Gargoyles have. Their additional
after death, in the form of a frozen statuesque Abhorrence is Withering.
effigy. The Scout-cast have developed a deep love Eyries: An exclusively Scout Grotesquerie will
of sorcery. Their role was to learn secrets, and choose a more natural setting for their Eyrie. Cave
what better secrets could there be than those systems and mountain crags provide them nesting
of the mystic arts? Starting with Fidus, many grounds for most of their unlives. This oneness
young Scouts took on the position of Gargoyle with nature and their environment provides
apprentices under Virstania, feeding their own more adaptive camouflage and a greater force
egos by believing they were a step above the other behind their animistic rituals. In Eyries with other
Slaves, being taught the Mother’s own magic. Gargoyles they will tend to only pay fleeting visits
Tonight, those Scouts shunning a life of espionage rather than a permanent stay. Scouts often find it
and secrecy will adopt the shaman’s way, becoming hard to keep close ties with their family members,
the spiritual leader of their Eyrie and practicing preferring a more secluded and independent
many rituals uniquely developed by Gargoyles, for approach to their duties.
Gargoyles. Gestation: A Scout is often made small, with less
Nicknames: Shadows parts used in its design. Muscles, bones, and some
Sect: The Flock is home to a vast number of cast organs will be sacrificed to give the Scout a more
Scouts, most of which keep to their ‘natural’ role lithe shape (many of these rejected parts are fed
as spies. They trawl the earth for escaped, freed or to the womb-bearer so as to circulate the foetus’s
sired Gargoyles, which Warriors may then abduct natural humours within their amniotic fluid or
and to adopt back into the Flock. added to the gestation chamber).

Children of Chaundice value the more After their birth they will flee from their
shamanic Scouts, for their values are solely focused mewling brethren to seek isolation and time to
around the evolutin and elevation of Gargoyle come to terms with their existence. For their
kind. Chaundice himself encourages close bonds second night, they are suckled on the womb-
with the spirits of each Grotesquerie’s Eyrie. bearer’s necrotic bosom. Amongst the Flock, the
vitae they drink from Alvusia is carefully infused

Clanbook: Gargoyles 67
with the incense of the strange ‘fire flower’, which
burns hot as it passes through her lactiferous duct.
This infancy awakens the Scout’s inhuman senses
and leaves them detached from their Grotesquerie.
Character creation: Intelligence, Perception,
and Dexterity are fundamental to this band of The View from Without
Constructs. They will be focused on Stealth,
Survival, Athletics and Empathy to give them the Sired
means to collect any information required. “Their shifty ways are an antiquated strategy,
Disciplines: Auspex, Flight, Obfuscate. from back when we didn’t have cameras,
Weaknesses: Stealth and silence are all-important drones, and microphones. The sooner all of
to those Kindred cast in the guise of the Shrunken them turn to sorcery the better.”
Beast, their duties including the infiltration of Warriors
enemy strongholds and discovering the secrets
hidden therein. “I have no time for underhanded trickery.
Our kind have too much potential to while
Their weakness to them makes them more it away reading and scheming.”
likely to stick to an approach of secrecy and
subtlety, as their bodies react to physical harm Sentinels
with immediate and painful petrification of the “Our brothers are masters of misdirection,
wounded area. Scouts have their wound penalties but they suspect the same of others. We
doubled from the intense discomfort and disabling want to trust them but they don’t trust us.”
nature of this affliction. Due to this feature of
their form, it is impossible to torture a Scout-cast Calacas
Gargoyle without it becoming incapacitated long “All the time ya spent spreadin’ lies is a waste
before it would give over its secrets. The Storyteller of time better spent drinkin’ the rumblood.
may also elect to entirely disable the use of a Take a sip an’ say I’m wrong.”
damaged limb after aggravated damage has been
sustained. Gorgons
Grotesqueries: Scouts rarely meld into ‘family “Their vile looks speak to chaos and discord.
life’, but rather sardonically berate each other, and Sre they spawns of the dark one?”
punish those whom they see as failing. The less
stealthy and more intellectual of Scouts become
shamans of the Eyrie, in which position they will “They’re so different to our own Scouts.
judge the failures of their kin and practice rituals How do they sit still so long?”
on them.
“Our Magaji keep many spy masters in their
domains. They could never reach the Scout’s
potential, however.”

68 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood

Sentinels Appearance: Sentinels possess swollen and
overbearing features with little in the way of
Overview and History: Large and imposing, fearsome weaponry or inhuman parts. They may
the Sentinels were cast to defend chantries possess denominations such as boils, twisted limbs,
from the Tremere’s enemies, in particular from or unusual scarring, but their true horror comes
the forces of the Tzimisce, such as the Vozhd from their sheer mass.
that frequently attempted to break through the
Warlocks’ defences. To their foes, these beasts If you choose to use the Abhorrence rule
seem formidable, but they primarily serve defensive (see page 56) Sentinels suffer from an additional
roles in their Grotesqueries, drawing satisfaction Abhorrence feature, meaning they have two
from nurturing fledglings and protecting the weak. automatic dots in Abhorrence rather the one
To keep the Sentinels from wandering from their that Embraced Gargoyles have. Their additional
posts, Virstania was forced at Goratrix’s insistence Abhorrence feature is Accentuation, specifically in
to endow them with a weakness whereby if they the abdomen.
ever abandoned their proper place in Ceoris, they Eyries: Sentinels free of domination tend to make
would become disorientated and confused. their domains beneath cities - not because they
These Grotesques tend to stay with the value the dank and the cold, but because they feel
adolescent members or the infirm to keep the sewers and subways to be accessible to all and more
‘family unit’ together (possibly through deep-seated easily fortifiable.
fears of losing their family and falling to a bestial Sentinels take great care in how their Eyrie is
mindset). In addition to these duties, Sentinels kept and presented, choosing locations that suit
rear Gargoyle beasts and ghouls from childhood, their personalities. Curmudgeonly Constructs will
teaching them who to respect and how to behave. choose foreboding dens while excitable Gargoyles
Nicknames: Stonewalls choose the unused areas of busy subways,
perilously close to unsuspecting mortals.
Sect: Sabbat Sentinels are an odd but common
group of gargoyles in the kindred world. Gargoyles Gestation: In many ways, Sentinels endure the
will often join a coven rather than a nomadic pack, opposite creative process to Scouts. Their bodies
shunning the wandering lifestyle and choosing to are padded out to give them greater mass than
settle in a city. It is rare that a Sentinel will take a they can necessarily support. This padding is often
title within the Sabbat, other than possibly pack sourced from rotting clumps of leftover Kindred
priest if they are particularly committed Noddists. flesh (refuse which can also be used for iecur
production; see page 97).
The Camarilla Embrace Sentinels readily, due
to their devotion to their company and incredible This meat is encrusted in quartz dust before
resilience. With a Sentinel as seneschal (a greatly being sewn into the foetus’s body. A Sentinel’s
unusual occurrence) a Prince may ensure they their Gestation is quite drawn out, and makes for an
primogen will be duly cared for and no party will especially agonizing experience for the womb
be mistreated or harmed. bearer; the foetus is barely small enough to
fit within her womb, meaning ribs and spinal
Particular Sentinels (especially those converted columns will easily become splintered, unable to
to womb-bearers) choose to detach themselves heal for the extended ten-month Gestation period.
from humanity altogether and settle Grotesqueries In Gestation chambers, often the waxen seals will
in mountainsides with a few Gargoyle acolytes. crack and burst from the growing pressure within.
There they are likely to breed massive nests of
childer, ignoring the local Kindred and kine in When the infant lumbers its titanic body
equal measure. through the womb-bearer’s cervix they will (while
accompanied by other sentinels) consume the
surrounding placental matter rich with Vitae.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 69
Character creation: Sentinels often have a close
understanding (for Gargoyles, at any rate) of
Crafts, Empathy, Expression, and Performance,
being able to educate and entertain the young of
their Grotesquerie. Brawl comes naturally to them,
though aggression is always a last resort in lieu of The View from Without
steadfast resistance.
Disciplines: Flight, Fortitude, Potence.
“You were the only Kindred who cared for
Weaknesses: All Sentinels experience a complete
our sires and grandsires. You loved them as
dependency on their own kind. These beings of
if they were cast. This kindness is not forgot-
stone and flesh revel in the company of each other
to the point where they live for little else. At any
point that these Gargoyles are left in isolation, Warriors
without at least one master, dependent, or friend, “Your hearts are not made of stone like ours.
they become confused and disorientated, halving If not for us, your weakness would be your
all of their dice pools until such a relationship has downfall.”
been formed or renewed.
Grotesqueries: Grotesqueries are more important Scouts
to Sentinels than other Castings, because of their “You need more that an unmoving frame to
weakness, Sentinels know they will not be free hold back the enemies of our Eyrie. A wall
to live in solitude. To this end they stay in their of flesh and stone such as yourselves cannot
Eyries and around their Grotesque kin as much as stop the forces of ignorance and falsehood.”
is possible. They tend to their kin like the Mother
herself, bathing them in love and dedication. Calacas
Most are willing to lay down their lives so the pack “Now you I get! Live in comfort, care for
survives (hence their station). your friends and live how you want!”
“A temple would be truly blessed if a we rose
from Duat with your resilience.”
“At least we share the love of our children
with our cousins on land.”
“Our duties are not as clear-cut as your own,
we belong to our Magaji and must do their
bidding. We belong to them, but we do not
love them.”

70 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood

Warriors Gargoyle scourges are merciless and tireless. No
boundary can prevent their approach, whether
Overview and History: The cadres of shock they must fly, flow through stone, or simply force
troops of Tremere chantries were almost always their way through obstacles. No law-breaking
designed with a pack of Warrior-Cast Gargoyles Kindred is safe if they are being hunted by a
at their core, alongside ghouls and fledgling Warrior - let alone a pack of them.
Warlocks. The Warriors gained gifts of might and
terror from their array of malicious mutations and Appearance: Warriors are possessed of feral and
weaponry. animalistic features, causing their approach to
resemble that of mythical berserkers charging
These Gargoyles vary in temperament from across the battlefield. They will most often be
feral beasts to boisterous competitors, and typically bipedal, adorned with a variety of antlers, tusk-like
behave much the same way off the battlefield as fangs, patches of petrified fur, and the talons of
they do on. The more bestial Warriors, however multiple predatory animals.
easy to anger they may be, are likely to become
calm or even childlike and playful when near their If you choose to use the Abhorrence rule
Sentinel siblings and womb-bearing mother. (see page 56), Warriors suffer from an additional
Abhorrence feature, meaning they have two
A surprising inversion of behaviour arose soon automatic dots in Abhorrence rather the one
after the Revolt where many Warriors chose to that Embraced Gargoyles have. Their additional
turn their ferocity in on themselves and use it to Abhorrence feature is Horns, Antlers or Tusks.
cage the Beast rather than fuel it. These martial
‘guides’ spend all night, every night honing Eyries: Warriors are frequent residents within the
themselves to master their bodies and minds Eyrie, spending most of their downtime there,
in equal mix, as well as teaching Disciplines to training the fledgling Gargoyles and ‘play’ fighting
younger Gargoyles and keeping them on the amongst themselves. Horrors prefer the tactical
straight and narrow. advantage of a structured Eyrie; castles and old
forts suit them best, with multiple vantage points
Nicknames: Horrors and safe resting spaces.
Sect: The Sabbat is usually home to the wilder Gestation: Not sedentary like the Sentinels or
Gargoyles of this Casting, fitting in well with the subversive like the Scouts, Warriors are fearless
lower ranks of Sabbat culture, who do not care and unashamed, and emerge from Gestation
for advanced thought or advancement on the believing that they are champions.
Paths of Enlightenment, but merely relish battle
and conquest. These Warriors may ascend to high Their Gestations are trials in and of themselves
ranks in their packs and dioceses through sheer for the womb bearer and the Warrior alike. They
violence. The rumour that their bodies are made are put together using large quantities of bone,
using Lupine blood is enough to frighten the the flesh of ghouled animals in place of human
weaker-willed and less skeptical shovelheads. remains, and even a drop of Lupine blood to burn
in their hearts. Once this recipie of exotic parts is
Chaundice’s Children accept Warriors sewn together, they are placed within the womb of
from any corner of the earth, whether as deadly an already reluctant womb bearer. They grow and
combatants or wise teachers. They are valued as mutate rapidly, with claws and bones protruding
rescuers of lost and enslaved Gargoyles, travelling through the womb bearers flesh; this lasts for
in vast packs to reclaim even a single Gargoyle the first three months of their six-month-long
under domination. Their introspective outlooks Gestation.
are also valued to enrich the free thought so
heavily encouraged in Chaundician Eyries. During the second half of their Gestations,
their Beasts take hold of them in an almost
Camarilla domains have one very specific seat permanent state of hallucinatory frenzy, during
for Warrior-Cast Gargoyles, that of the scourge.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 71
which they imagine they are locked in combat with
the worst enemies their subconscious can invisage.
The ferocious fits and spasms that result typically
begin just in time for when their claws grow
through. After three months of unending battles
within his mind the Warrior will, rather than The View from Without
being expelled through the birth canal, rip through
the womb-bearer’s abdominal wall to create his Sired
own escape, dragging with him bits of separated “The Warriors treated our sires like freaks,
bone and gore as bloody trophies. but now we are the many. How irritating
Character creation: As is evident in their names, that must be.”
these constructs favour aggressive and forceful Sentinels
approaches to all areas of their lives. Strength,
“We are probably the only ones who can
Dexterity and, somewhat surprisingly, Charisma
calm your feral hearts. You are always wel-
lend great ability on the battlefield. These
come in our Eyrie.”
Attributes are always bolstered with strong degrees
of Melee, Brawl, Athletics and Intimidation. Scouts
Disciplines: Flight, Fortitude and Protean. “Such a lack of finesse.”
Weaknesses: In order to discourage Warriors from
indulging too freely in the savage joys of frenzy, the
Tremere made it so that when they lose control “Your rebirth leaves you so bitter! Sets you
to the Beast, they begin to petrify. If they fail a off on the wrong foot. We love our baths;
Self-Control or Instinct roll made to avoid losing your lot would do well to learn from us:
control to the Beast, they will lose the function of come out laughin’, not fightin’, and you’ll
one Attribute for the remainder of the night as a know joy the rest of your nights.”
relevant body part turns to stone (causing all rolls
relying on that Attribute to fail). If they botch their
roll, this petrification must be healed as though it “I’m sure Anubis’s gates are piled high with
were a lost limb, requiring its forceful (and likely your victims, but there’s more to unlife than
painful) removal and regrowth. murder and glory.”
Grotesqueries: Since they spend most of their Mariners
spare time in the Eyrie training themselves and
“You can fight off a vozhd or two, sure,
others, Warriors are more likely to be respected
but you won’t be cheering if you meet our
than feared by their Grotesqueries. They make
great connections within their family units,
being able to defer their rage and violence until Minkisi
they reach the battlefield makes them strong “Without the warrior there can be no tribe,
commanding figures. They are able to discipline but too often they lack humility and con-
fledglings where the Sentinels’ compassion fails. trol.”
If, however, the Warriors do not manage to fight
on a regular basis they will become agitated and
confrontational with their entire Grotesquerie.

72 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood

Misbegotten Gargoyles a susceptibility to mental control, though they
each have additional debilitations in the same way
The Misbegotten is the collective term for the that the cast do. The main weakness they share
disparate groups of Gargoyles created by individual with the original cast Gargoyles is that of infertile
magicians using stolen, fragmentary notes blood, making them unable to Embrace more of
pertaining to the Mother’s research. The majority their kind; a mercy, in the view of most who know
of these records originate with the Tremere of them first-hand. As with the earlier batches
antitribu, which they disseminated throughout of Gargoyles in Ceoris, only a very select few
the Sabbat so as to ingratiate themselves with their demonstrate the capacity to Embrace, though they
Sectmates. However, the creation of Gargoyles did may all create ghouls. The handful of individuals
not take off very much within the Sabbat until who pay attention to such matters do however
the formation of House Goratrix - and even then, note a gradual but marked increase in Misbegotten
the bias against the Slaves held by many senior fertility.
Tzimisce, combined with the general mistrust
of the Spellbinders, has limited the practice. Calacas
The less cautious and secretive nature of the Imagine, if you will, a walk through a forgotten
Tremere antitribu compared to the parent Clan graveyard in Central America. One might expect
has nonetheless caused workable but imperfect to see a skeletal statue in a hooded cloak, watching
fragments of At Our Command It Breathes to leak over the grave of a killer - or an angelic sculpture
outside of the Sword of Caine. once of vast beauty now eroded to an almost
Those attempting to use such incomplete unidentifiable state. These are the forms of the
formulae must fill in the gaps themselves, devising poor Calacas, cast from the Baron’s own kin, the
rituals based (however loosely) on Virstania’s Samedi, and the bones of multiple dead kine.
original art. Examples of Misbegotten range The progenitor of the Calacas is unknown,
from sandstone mummies created using Setite but rumour variously has it that he or she was a
preservation rituals and specially-made Gestation Tremere who indulged in the study of Caribbean
sarcophagi, to the angels of death from Central Necromancy, a Giovanni of the Hidalgo or
America, fermented from the mingling of Samedi Pisanob families, a Serpent of the Light, a mortal
bodies and corpseflesh in sacred stagnant pools. houngan, or even a Samedi scholar of the esoteric
Each variety is more disturbing than the last, and who became obsessed with the artificial unlife
Misbegotten are rarely seen in any area of Kindred of the Gargoyles to the point that he wished to
society outside of freak shows held in the courts of recreate and develop it among his own kind.
decadent Princes and at Sabbat gatherings. These Whatever the truth, this assembler of horrors has
Constructs are more likely than not to be accepted not come forward to take credit for the Calacas; it
within a Chaundician Grotesquerie, though is speculated that the creations have risen against
Virstanians may claim that these Constructs their creator, but equally, no Calaca makes claim
are mere bastardizations of the Great Mother’s to have destroyed the one responsible for their
glorious vision, and sooner stake them than listen blighted existence.
to one word of their heresies. Needless to say, the
The true magic of Calaca Gestation comes
Flock and the Watchers take an even harder line,
from the stagnant sinkholes called cenotes, which
and destroy them on sight.
traditionally have sacrificial significance in Mayan
These alien beings are few and far between. religion but are found worldwide. The cenotes used
Most ‘ordinary’ Gargoyles, let alone most Kindred, for the making of Calacas are characterized by
have never seen one, and many refuse to believe those Kindred scholars well-read in such gruesome
in their existence. However, they are quite real matters as a blend between the abominable organ
and are all Gargoyles, sharing the weaknesses of pits of the Baali and the spawning pools of the
a grotesque aspect, post-Gestation amnesia, and Nosferatu. Human sacrifices are performed within

Clanbook: Gargoyles 73
the pool to create a ‘bedrock’ of rotting flesh, Abhorrence feature is Weathering.
which is then laced with copious amounts of vitae Eyries: Several Calacas have set up small
(and other fluids of decay) from a Samedi, which communal havens in Camarilla or Sabbat domains
prevents the flesh from ever quite rotting away. and kept themselves entirely independent, thriving
When the Calaca larvae reach animation within a in overgrown cemeteries and mausoleums. From
cenote they will swim up through the silt and gore, here they sometimes establish ‘businesses’, selling
which clings to their raw skin and heals into their refined, alcohol-infused blood to a market of
new shells. Brujah, Toreador, and Ventrue connoisseurs.
Nicknames: Angels of Death. Within their Eyries, they have surprisingly
Sect: The rare humourless Angels seek numerous ghouls in a permanent state of
membership in the Sabbat as a means to work intoxication from which to extract their produce.
through their fundamentally inhuman conditions. Gestation: Calacas are created through a grisly
No shovelhead dares touch them, the Tremere and often-improvised process involving the
antitribu, Tzimisce, and Harbingers of Skulls in binding together of unliving Samedi and mortal
particular study them with awe, and the Bishops cadavers through whatever available means, the
and Ducti use them for their terrifying presence on performance of a debased version of At Our
the battlefield and as centerpieces at ritae. Command It Breathes, and the dumping of the
Individuals with a relatively positive outlook collected remains into a cenote. There, the vile
on their condition have been known to find more assemblage ferments with the grime and muck of
obscure groups of Chaundicians (often those its environment, which serves to meld the various
containing Nosferatu or particularly afflicted carcasses together into one misshapen mass.
Tzimisce) in attempts to find new energy and Frequently-used cenotes acquire a sediment of limbs,
passion in spite of their condition. They act as viscera, and bone remains which have become
emissaries and enforcers, striking fear in the detached from their owners, which during further
enemies hearts on Chaundice’s behalf. incidents of Gestation get churned up with the
submerged human and vampiric matter, lending a
True children of the Baron revel in their certain unpredictability to the process.
deathly affiliations with grim smiles on their
cracked, sallow faces. The main gathering place of Once the larval Calaca is dredged up, its
these is the Catacomb of Sorrow at Quinto, the creator is able to mold its shape to match his
largest Eyrie in South America. wishes, before the mulch of the cenote solidifies to
a preternatural degree, producing a sturdy vessel
Appearance: All Calacas look different, but share for the fledgling Misbegotten. Most often they are
similar markers. They all possess a pair of bone rendered similarly to the statuettes which share
wings protruding from between their shoulder their name, since the presence of human bone
blades. They bear intermittent patches and shards within the Construct lends itself to such a macabre
of exposed bone, some in the correct places and form.
others question whether they’re even their own.
Any skin they do have, made from melded mud, Character creation: Unlike most Gargoyles,
silt, and rotting flesh as it is, will appear cracked Charisma is quite popular among Calacas. They
and dried, as though it could peel or crumble at are jovial and revelrous, reflected in Empathy,
any moment. Expression, and Performance ratings. Their bodies
don’t tend to make the sturdiest of frames so
If you choose to use the Abhorrence rule they focus on adopting (or continuing) Hougan
(see page 56), Calacas suffer from an additional lifestyles, with Larceny, Leadership, Medicine, and
Abhorrence feature, meaning they have 2 Occult.
automatic dots in Abhorrence rather the one
that Embraced Gargoyles have. Their additional Disciplines: Flight, Presence, Thanatosis.

74 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood

Weaknesses: Calacas suffer from a truly decay.
debilitating weakness: vulnerability to any sort of Grotesqueries: Surprisingly, Calacas don’t spend
water, which causes them to rapidly rot and break much time together as each tends to have a big
down, in much the same way as other vampires are ego, a larger-than-unlife personality, and dedication
harmed by sunlight. Some believe that the water to her appetites. They can typically only just
they undergo Gestation within grant them unlife, about keep their own ghouls’ needs a priority, let
but to feel its touch a second is to lose this gift; alone other Kindred. That’s not to say that they
that which gives life may take it away. The more cannot coexist within a Grotesquerie, but they will
esoterically-minded reflect that in Yucatec Mayan eventually depart on their own adventures, leaving
belief, one could reach the underworld through their families behind. The biggest permanent
the cenotes, which also served as places of human Grotesquerie of Calacas is located in Quito,
sacrifice. It is speculated by such individuals that Ecuador.
the Calacas, created in such a place, are barred
from entry into the Underworld, and so the
water one must journey through in order to pass
over does them harm. No matter the cause, it is
true that for every pint of water that falls upon
a Calaca within a scene, she will suffer one level
of aggravated damage as her body commences its

Petrified Thanatosis
Calacas can only alter the flesh of Gargoyles or material stone. Calacas lose all connection with
decaying flesh as they Gestate in their cenote, a loss filled by a connection to stone instead. Their
Thanatosis powers (listed only to the fifth level, since no known Calaca is of a lower generation
than ninth) work somewhat differently, as indicated below. The original powers may be found on
pages 471-474 of V20.
• Create hidden stone cavities or malleable pouches in Gargoyle flesh or stone.
•• Make sections of the skin of a Gargoyle (or any instance of stone) brittle and drop off, dealing
damage as per Putrefaction; Gargoyles do not have Appearance to lose, and it is irrelevant to inani-
mate stone.
••• Turn yourself to sand with the same properties as the dust form granted by Ashes to Ashes.
•••• Fully remould stone structures or statutes, and also remodel the flesh of Gargoyles in the
same way Calacas are remodeled after Gestation. By spending a Willpower point and succeeding a
their Manipulation + Medicine roll, a Calaca can modify the stone as they wish; to shrink or other-
wise debilitate the limb of a Gargoyle requires 3 successes (which restores on the next night).
••••• Disintegration of the stone skin of Gargoyles or a stone structure, turning either into
withered husks. Each success of a Dexterity + Medicine roll (difficulty of the target’s Stamina +
Fortitude) causes one health level of lethal damage and lowers their Dexterity and or Strength by 1;
refer to the table on page 473 of V20.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 75
The View from Without
“If they burn from the water, surely they’re
“How do other Gargoyles look upon such a not meant to be? Who are we to go against
thaumaturgical marvel and feel shame or re- the wishes of the sea!”
sentment? They have been given unlife that
clearly shouldn’t be, and make the most of Minkisi
every second. If we were all like our Ameri- “My Magaji arranges the bodies of his
can cousins none of us would be revolting, enemies like this, coated in the earth and
for there wouldn’t be a need.” smiling, to show others what would happen
Scouts if they crossed him. Who are these ‘Calacas’
warning us about?”
“Their wings make even less sense than ours;
they refuse to hide, and make a joke out of
their situation. Not surprising that they’re Gorgons
just bastards of Chaundice’s legacy.”
Gorgons are arguably the most accursed of all
Sentinels Gargoyle kind, and the most roundly rejected by
“Conflict and discord arise when you bring Kindred society. These beings crafted from the
up these cadaverous monsters. I natural- vampiric children of the Egyptian god Set. They
ly despise their corruption of Virstania’s have come from a theological heritage guiding
efforts, but on the other hand they love their them towards the realization of some great destiny.
Grotesqueries and tend to their ghouls... if Gorgons have been idolized under that dogma and
a little too hard. Let the Warriors and the removed from their former Clan by thaumaturgical
Scouts fight them, but I will take no part in practices stolen from the Great Mother.
their downfall.” Between the 17th and 19th centuries, British
colonialism and imperialism brought many
Warriors Kindred from distant lands together, whether due
“They dance and sing, drink and smoke to kine military action or opportunistic Kindred
with no fortification or strength of their taking advantage of the times. One such Kindred
own. These beings hide behind necromancy was a Tremere acolyte named Samuel Hess,
and blood magic to retain their hedonistic an English archaeologist Embraced later in his
unlives, ignoring the battles we Gargoyles are life by a member of the Lion’s Gate chantry in
still part of. I fail to see why they were made Durham. As the empire rolled through more and
in the first place.” more countries, Hess traveled along side it in the
hopes of gaining esoteric knowledge to further his
Gorgons growing research on the legendary Virstania and
“To see them you would think that they her work in creating inanimate life. He reached
have been to Duat themselves, with their Cairo in the early 1910s and quickly discovered a
rotten skulls and skinless wings. They call group of Followers of Set who had the power to
their underworld ‘Xibalba’ and claim that animate clay models called ushabti.
their Gestation ponds lead them there. They Hess committed himself to joining the ranks
wouldn’t be smiling if they saw our hell. of these lector priests, learning the Setites’ magic
(which they called Akhu) in order to master
the creation of ushabti, which he managed in a

76 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood

surprisingly short time. Soon after WW2, Hess by the Gorgon during their Gestation journey
juggled the practice of Tremere blood sorcery through Duat. Setite lector-priests often read from
with his newly adopted Clan’s own, to the point these chiseled reels of doctrine in the belief that
where hybridizations were emerging. He created they detail a prophecy given by Set. Many claim
small human-animal hybrids from local strays and new hieroglyphs appear across their Swt, seemingly
homeless adolescent Kine to resemble soldiers of from nowhere, in response to outstanding service
the gods, and successfully created a living man- to Set’s needs.
sized sphinx, but his final invention proved his If you choose to use the Abhorrence rule (see
worth in the eyes of his foster clanmates. page 56) Gorgons will suffer from an additional
He earned the chance to punish a heretical Abhorrence feature, meaning they have two
Setite, charged with blasphemy against Sobek automatic dots in Abhorrence rather the one
(deemed by Hess’s temple to be an avatar of that Embraced Gargoyles have. Their additional
Set), in whichever way he saw fit. Hess used this Abhorrence is Engravings, specifically hieroglyphs.
chance to test his method of creating god-specific Eyries: Gorgons generally live in deep sections
ushabti from a combination of Nile clay, animal of their cults’ temples, since they are considered
hide and Kindred flesh. In order to avenge Sobek earthly incarnations of their deities and cannot
personally, he made use of the blasphemer for the be flaunted in front of most ghouled mortals.
flesh and generous amounts of crocodile scale for The Idols often help lead sermons and guard the
the hide. The rituals and libations succeeded and embalmed hearts of their lords. Their chambers
Sobek was clearly appeased, for he had bestowed are arranged to resemble the limitless maze of
his visage onto the idol, alongside messages from tribulations offered to them in Duat to ensure
Set himself in hieroglyphic form. This was a their devotion.
turning point in Hess’s career. He began making
more and more of these Misbegotten, supplying Gestation: A Setite devotee is ritually punished,
more and more temples with their own divine murdered, and preserved in a reflection of Osiris’
avatars, which he continues to do to this night. dismemberment, ultimately crushing the vivisected
organs together with clay from the Nile to form
Nicknames: Idols (by laypeople) and Swt (by their a modeling paste (multiple preservative balms
devotees). are continuously applied alongside chants of
Sects: Gorgons work solely towards the forwarding resurrection spells during the dismemberment to
of the Setite cause, and see no need for interaction prevent the body turning to ash). The lector-priest
with other Sects and beliefs. They work mostly reforms sculptures of each individual organ from
inside their temples, only traveling off-site to the paste, drying them by a kiln and placing them
handle local officials or transport their high priests inside the body before binding the salted muscle
from place to place. and skin back together with reed splinters in
Appearance: The Gorgons emerge from Gestation order to then mummify the reconstituted body in
endowed with the head of whichever animal’s bandages made of cured animal hide.
flesh was used during mummification, in place Once reformed and mummified, these flesh-
of their own and reduced or enlarged to regular formed ushabtis are placed in a ritually-prepared
human proportion. Their bodies are made of Gestation sarcophagus, inside which they are
finest sandstone, etched in crossed lines defining submerged within desert sand for forty nights and
a former placement of bandages; these bandages days. During this time the Kindred’s soul is passed
retain texture from the original animal’s hide through Duat and put through seemingly never-
(scales, feathers, warts ect.). Faintly covering every ending trials. They return broken, terrified, and
inch of stone are perfectly formed, richly detailed, committed to being pulled from the shadow by
minute hieroglyphs. These hieroglyphs detail the Set’s guiding hand.
fevered and harrowing hallucinations undertaken

Clanbook: Gargoyles 77
The animals used can imitate any of the
Egyptian animal-headed gods, or in theory any
other animal-headed deity. Set, however, can not The View from Without
have a representation, for as the typhonic beast Sired
does not exist, at least not any longer. This fact
is used as evidence of Set guiding the ushabti “What is written on their skin is irrelevant,
through Duat personally, as though they truly were for your temples keep these beings like
his kin. books in a chest. You bring them out and
read them when it is convenient, then lock
Character Creation: Gorgons have no Social them away when it is not. Would you do the
Attributes of significance; their focus is around same to your own childer?”
knowledge, mainly Intelligence. When they
return, if not before their Gestation, they commit Scouts
themselves to researching the lore of their cult “They have been to the other side? What
and become living encyclopedias on the word of wonders they must have learned! If only the
Set. To this end, their Occult, Academics, Science Mother could capture one, their knowledge
and Medicine will all be naturally high. Other would be invaluable.”
than these factors they possess the preternatural
resilience given to most Gargoyles, so high levels of Sentinels
Strength, Stamina and Brawl are a given. “You possess such dedication to your supe-
Disciplines: Flight, Presence, Visceratika. riors and hide the harrowing truth of ‘Duat’
from your subordinates, so as not to frighten
Weaknesses: Aside from their ornate appearance,
them. This is at least one point we can see
Gorgons are identical to ‘natural’ Gargoyles
eye to eye on.”
bar one unique weakness - that of petrification.
Perhaps due to the Setites’ susceptibility to Warriors
sunlight, and as though reflecting the ancient
“You are no superior species, despite what
practice of mummification of their homeland,
your former clanmates may say. Your exis-
the Gorgons become entirely paralyzed during the
tence only proves the theft of our mother’s
day, their bodies made purely of stone during the
livelihood; it shows nothing of your false
hours of light, until darkness comes once again
god’s power.”
and restores them to animation. It is believed that
Set himself takes the souls of the ushabti each day Calacas
to personally guard them against Ra’s hateful gaze.
“So joyless. I don’t care who your god is! You ain’t
This offers no protection against the harmful rays
dead no more so stop acting like it!”
of the sun, however, which burn them as quickly as
any other Kindred. Mariners
Grotesqueries: Gorgons have unnatural “We are granted our shapes from the life all
relationships to their kin in that they don’t seem around us, not the dirt beneath our feet.”
to acknowledge each other’s existence in any way.
If more than one exists in a temple they will never Minkisi
fight or talk with one another but simultaneously “You share our land but have turned out so
do not collide with each other when walking in different. I pity your slavery to the words on
line and never fail to engage enemies the other is your back.”
battling; their death mask stares simply glaze over
when their brothers pass by. As for other members
of their temple, they keep a solemn disposition
with high priests and even manage to express

78 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood

strained sarcastic or belligerent humour towards vitae which causes it to clot in the low pressures
their acolyte wards. Gorgons are often encouraged found in shallow waters and above sea levels.
to give the ritual ‘Embrace’ to their ghouled Their main duties are performed outside of the
asps, cobras, and cerastes who reach a unique chantry; Scouts venture forth to gather ingredients
size or strength. Named aabt-jb (‘slave’s heart’), or study supernatural marine life, Sentinels raise
these Gargoyle serpents possess slightly greater new fledglings and guard weak points surrounding
intelligence and significantly increased strength the chantry, and Warriors will battle the rebellious
and endurance. They are seen as the cousins of groups of marine Kindred seeking to ‘rescue’ their
the Setites’ originally ritually-Embraced serpents kin, as well as the occasional waves of malignant
- the ‘aabt Kindred’, sired by Nefertiti, ‘Queen of monstrosities which rise up from the depths.
To prevent them from absconding while
Mariners carrying out their assigned tasks (which can
It is rumoured that a small number of Tremere sometimes take them far from their home
have, over the last few decades, founded vast chantry), all Mariners are created with a powerful
undersea chantries devoted to the study of the and deep-seated homing instinct which causes
otherworldly entities and defiled magics found them deep distress should they wander from
deep beneath the waves. These tales are all too their duties. This is brought about through a
true, and several citadel-sized chantries have been combination of sorcerous treatments applied
erected in order to sustain the old ways in an during Gestation, liberal use of blood bonds, and
environment free from outside scrutiny and the old-fashioned brainwashing. Even for Mariners
harsh decline of magic. Any chantry, land-based who do achieve freedom, it never quite leaves
or otherwise, has need for servants, and it was for them.
this reason that the so-called Mariner Gargoyles The most caring and protective of all Mariner
were created, horrific amalgamations of aquatic Gargoyles are the Sentinels, which resemble
Gargoyle beasts and tortured Kindred. crustaceans. These mollusks construct their own
Of all the Misbegotten Castings, the Mariners off-chantry Grottoes for fledglings to feel safe in,
are the most like the more conventional types vast burrows with a murky central pit filled with
of Gargoyle, their deviations revolving around a ‘blood reefs’ - monstrous coral reefs ghouled by
radical change in environment. One significant the head Sentinel, which in turn ghoul the life
difference is the use of Gargoyle sea animals forms which thrive within and feed from them.
(sea creatures ritually ‘Embraced’ by Gargoyles This ghouled colony gives any Grotto an extra line
(see page 90) to make up half of the flesh used of defence, to the point of breeding small sharks
in Gestation. They are made using the bodies and manta rays as shock troops. Sentinels see the
of Gangrel aquarii, Nosferatu adapted to unlife protection and maintenance of these reefs as their
spent at sea, and aquatically-modified Tzimisce, duty to their family, and take great pride in the size
blended with Gargoyle sea creatures farmed on the and biodiversity of their spawning coral.
outskirts of these chantries. Mariner Warriors reflect cephalopodic life,
Unlike their flying cousins, the vast majority formed from parts of squid, octopus, cuttlefish,
of Mariner Gargoyles are kept in servitude. and other invertebrates. Their duty is a simple
However, their slavery is less cruel than for most one: to destroy threats to their chantries once
current slaves and certainly less than it ever was in they have been identified by Scouts and seen off
Ceoris, the reason for this being that no Tremere by Sentinels. They possess explosive personalities,
wants another Gargoyle Revolt - much less one rivalling frenzying great whites in their savagery
fought under the sea. Mariners are never used in and ferocity, and are so fearsome that only
terrestrial chantries, due both to the risk of their experienced Warlocks have resolve enough to
discovery and to by proxy the property of their meet one’s gaze and give commands. Unlike other

Clanbook: Gargoyles 79
vampires, these Gargoyles can only feed using the their bodies, including spines, hooks, and grasping
tiny suction cups which cover their limbs (with tendrils. Their bloated heads sport colossal soulless
which they can also seal the wounds created by eyes and small snapping beaks, which while as
feeding), drawing blood from whatever prey they sharp as any vampire’s fangs are not used for
grasp. feeding, since Warriors must feed by grasping prey
Underwater reconnaissance faces the difficulty and using their suckers.
of there being almost infinite angles of approach. The features of Mariner Scout are those of fish
Therefore, Mariner Scouts - formed from piscine and particularly sharks: legs fused to become tails,
elements, typically of the shark family - must holes in their throats which regularly discharge
continually travel the perimeter of their domains blooded mucus, and webbed fins in place of wings.
in all three dimensions, ensuring that there are The skin of these Gargoyles is covered in finely-
no abyssal beasts lurking in the blood-dimmed detailed scales of smooth, hardened soapstone.
tides. These creatures have extraordinary powers Their ‘fangs’ are extremely thin, their mouths filled
of observation by virtue of their Auspex and the with rows of hundreds of the delicate teeth along
frequently-found mutations of electrolocation and their gum line.
echolocation. Rather than a pair of large fangs, If you choose to use the Abhorrence rule (see
they bear row upon row of pin-like teeth, which page 56) Mariner Gargoyles will suffer from an
fall out each time they bite a victim, ultimately additional Abhorrence feature meaning they have
regrowing come the next night. two automatic dots in Abhorrence rather the one
Those few Mariners that manage to escape that Embraced Gargoyles have. Their additional
Tremere domination simply live nomadic unlives Abhorrence will be Animal Features, specifically
on the seafloor or settle small Grottos (submerged those of aquatic creatures.
equivalents of Eyries) in isolated trenches. These Eyries: The Eyries of Mariner Gargoyles are
groups become almost entirely beastial, living in called Grottoes, and are usually found in trenches
eternal battle against the denizens of the deep and running along the seafloor or hidden in cave
struggling to survive on non-human blood. systems. Irrespective of where they’re found, they
Nicknames: Mollusks. will be very well hidden and heavily guarded
Sect: Mollusks don’t know what Sects are; all they against the outside threats. Most often they include
know is the deep sea tyranny of the Tremere and blood reefs running throughout, and shoals of fish
the constant threat of the other monsters lurking and other sealife coming and going continuously
within the abyss. (most if not all of which are also ghouled).
Mariner Gargoyles live for their Grottoes; if one is
Appearance: Sentinel-cast Mariner Gargoyles are destroyed, they will completely relocate to a new
encased in thick stone shells and their legs are suitable site and start building all over again.
laden with large, eternally-undulating swimmerets.
These Gargoyles have eyes of pure jet mounted Gestation: Rather than gather two or more
on stalks poking some distance from their heads. members of the three appropriate Clans to form
Their vampiric ‘fangs’ more closely resemble a true Gargoyle, a Warlock who wishes to create a
twitching mandibles, and their hands are often Mariner Gargoyle find one and combine it with
replaced by colossal hydraulic claws able to tare the body of a sea creature ritually Embraced by
tons of stone from the floor, the better to craft another Gargoyle. The creature they are combined
their Grottoes. with dictates what duty they are given due to their
inherent physical capabilities: piscines for Scouts,
Mariner Warriors possess much more crustaceans for Sentinels, and cephalopods for
disturbing and dangerous forms than their kin. Warriors.
They appear as vile and unfathomable beings, with
armaments too numerous to count sprawling from The reformed body is coated in seabed silt
to form an ‘eggshell’ around the prospective

80 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood

Mariner, after which it is placed inside the womb creature arrives that is seemingly impossible to
of a ghouled whale (often alongside several other ghoul, but whose body positively radiates with vis.
such ‘eggs’), which then carries it off into the vast The warlocks have not yet managed to identify this
ocean. The Gestation of Mariner Gargoyles is a unusual breed, for they have so far always managed
lengthy process, taking several years; in that time to promptly flee on any attempt to catch, observe,
the embryonic Gargoyles must be kept immersed or ‘impregnate’ them.
in blood and protected from harm. Character creation: Social interaction keeps
The foetal Gargoyles will awaken inside their Mariner Sentinels from full mental degradation,
host and begin draining her of all of her blood - making Charisma and Manipulation key attributes,
all 6000 liters of it - frenzying again and again as though Stamina is a natural feature of their forms.
they gorge themselves on their surrogate mother’s They excel in Leadership, Crafts, Animal Ken, and
innards and the weakest of their ‘siblings’. Science as they tend to their Grottoes and their
Eventually they will rip from cavity to chamber in a occupants.
month-long fit of violence within the unsuspecting Physicality is but one of the things that makes
cow. Finally the poor animal will die, and Mariner Warriors so horrific; their Strength
emerging from her corpse will be a confused and and Dexterity allows them to tear sharks in
scared clutch of surviving Mariner Gargoyles. They half without much thought. Brawl, Athletics
are born with the one instinct: to return to the (for ejecting barbs or throwing harpoons),
Warlock who originally ghouled the whale. Intimidation, and even Melee are a the Warriors
Tremere get around the problem of needing a simple but hideously effective tools.
whale each time with a combination of Gargoyle As spies in a realm of millions of eyes and
creature breeding programs and a ‘choir’ of caged ears, the Mariner Scouts must be at the top of
Mariner Gangrel, these degraded Kindred are their game. They use high Perception and Wits to
forced to summon a new whale each time their observe any potential threat in the murky oblivion
jailers run out or every time a Gargoyle is urgently and calculate what risks they might present to
needed. Every once in awhile a particularly lively themselves, their Grotto, and their chantry.
Awareness, Alertness, Stealth and Survival grant
Mutant Warriors them great subtlety and agility.
Disciplines: Auspex, Flight, Obfuscate (Scouts);
Within many Grottoes, Mariner War-
Flight, Fortitude, Potence (Sentinels); Flight,
riors seem to go missing more often than
Fortitude, Protean (Warriors).
their brethren, with only a few ever being
reclaimed. Upon retrieval, these Constructs All Mariner Gargoyles transfer the aeronautical
are notably different, with an air of taint abilities of Flight over to the gift of swimming.
about them that magi will be unable to They can swim at a speed equal to that provided
ignore. They vanish at random times and by Flight. With only the first level of Flight, they
seem yet more alien and distant every time must rely on following natural currents; young
they return; in time, they may be observed Mariners will follow behind their elders, using
undergoing new and undesired mutations, their slipstreams to travel.
growing much larger, sprouting new eyes Weaknesses: Sentinels: These Mollusks suffer from
and tentacles, and becoming more calculat- a similar weakness to their terrestrial counterparts
ed than common brethren. Most Tremere in that they suffer in isolation, though in a
regard it as some spiritual malady needing to different sense. If a Sentinel is away from anything
be eliminated, but are reticent to investigate she considers her children - any organism growing
its true nature or origin. within her blood reef - she will be at half dice pools
until returned to her Grotto. To this end, these

Clanbook: Gargoyles 81
Gargoyles often travel with ghouled shoals of many transmuting into solid stone. The only way to
different species wherever they go, making them mitigate this is to keep their organic muscles
at once a formidable sight and psychologically exercised, thus shattering any crystallization. Every
fortified against the harrowing loneliness that can hour of inactivity causes one level of aggravated
be brought on by the vastness of the depths. damage. This effect is nullified during daytime
Warriors: Whenever Mariner Warriors hours.
encounter other sapient beings, they undergo a Grotesqueries: Mariner Gargoyles keep vast
wild transformation as the Beast tries to manifest schools of family around them to stave off
a dominance display. The specific nature of the depression of their immortal abuse. If the
this change is entirely down to the Storyteller’s Sentinels keep a ‘healthy’ blood reef in their
discretion, but should provide features particularly Grottoes, the Grotesquerie will have a full
intimidating to their company (whether an complement of strange and mutated sea creatures
aggressor or otherwise). The change does not living amongst them on a permanent basis.
hinder their physical function but rather makes Sentinels and Warriors generally maintain their
interaction much harder as their company faces a
constantly imposed threat from the Beast.
Blood Clots
Scouts: Like terrestrial Scout Gargoyles,
Unlike most Kindred taking to a life at
these poor creatures suffer from the weakness of
(or indeed beneath) the sea, Mollusks do
gradual petrification, their bodies continuously
not suffer the debilitation of ‘blood sweats’
while at the pressurized environments of the
New Background: Blood Reef sea floor. In fact, the exact opposite is true.
Mariner Sentinel characters have access Mariner blood is so well-adapted to their
to a Background solely for them, called deep-sea lives that when they are taken into
Blood Reef. Each level adds another 50 feet the harsh air their blood starts to internally
cubed to the size of the character’s personal coagulate. For every hour the Mollusk
reef, in addition to several species of ghouled spends above the surface (even treading
sea creatures to the ecosystem of the reef (of water), one blood point becomes ‘clotted’
the player’s choice, according to Storyteller and unusable.
approval). This ‘clot point’ does not leave their
These reefs grow to immense sizes, with pool but cannot be used for waking, healing,
mottled red and black coral growing in all using Disciplines, or any other purpose, and
directions. The inhabitants of this reef can neither may it be deliberately bled out. If
be any aquatic species favored by the player a Mariner wishes to get rid of the clot, she
(within reason), though they will be mutated must break it down by healing. Every point
versions of natural specimens. Even krill of clotted blood is healed as if it were a level
and plankton that feed in this reef will be of bashing damage. Therefore, each ‘clot
ghouled and mutated under the influence of point’ costs one healthy blood point to heal.
Gargoyle blood. If this painful coagulation of vitae
For each level of this Background, the reduces the Gargoyle to a blood pool of
reef must be fed one blood point per week. 0 they slip immediately into Torpor and
The Background can also be pooled by all collapse to the ground (where they are likely
members of the Grotesquerie wishing to to severely breach the Masquerade, be taken
keep a reef, resulting in an ever-growing reef by the sun, or both), or sink back down to
with an ever-growing appetite for blood. the seafloor to be forgotten.

82 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood

presence at the Grotto, unless ordered otherwise be seen during the earliest and latest hours of the
by their masters. Scouts, however, will only ever night as Scouts must maintain constant patrols to
stave off the effects of their weakness.
The View from Without Minkisi
Sired Across the Ebony Kingdom live the Minkisi
(singular Nkisi), Misbegotten Gargoyles formed
“If we can find one of these creatures, they from Akunanse (Gangrel), Nagloper (Tzimisce),
will be more than enough proof that the and - more rarely - Guruhi (Nosferatu) stock. But
Tremere flagrantly breach the Pact - and we quite unlike the traditional treatment of Gargoyles
can finally take their place.” elsewhere - are valued by the Magaji (a prince of
Scouts the Laibon) they Belong to as totemic protectors
of Laibon havens and even spiritual protectors of
“If only the Great Mother were awake to
an entire tribe of kine. A Magaji will occasionally
witness your splendor! She would prevent
have a subject of his doman who has breached
your blood from clotting in no time, I’m
the Tenets - the laws under which all Laibon
sure of it.”
are supposed to exist - turned into an eternal
Sentinels embodiment of those Tenets and a reminder of the
Magaji’s power and authority. Once transformed,
“Even I think they’ve taken their ghouling
an Nkisi becomes the personal slave of her Magaji,
way too far.”
taking on some his burdens and doing his dirty
Warriors work. Their name finds its origin in the statuette-
fetishes of the Kongo peoples, but they are found
“Your warriors are truly worth admiration -
all across the Ebony Kingdom.
well, most of them.”
All Minkisi are created by transferring the soul
Calacas of a Kindred who has performed a heinous act
“They’re... underwater?” against the Tenets (at least in the eyes of the Magaji
sentencing them) into a specially-made sculpture
Gorgons of fine construction. Many Akunanse will tell the
“They, like us, travel far to become what they wrong tales to the wrong vampires, making them a
are. Do they meet Nu and Naunet, as we target of punishment; Naglopers generally offend
meet our Dark Father?” all those they interact with (often simply by their
very existing), which eventually leads them to cross
Minkisi the wrong Magaji; and Guruhi will usually be
“You have it wrong. These creatures are not punished as a display of dominance and authority
like us. They are clearly Nommo, spirits once they have been deposed by a rival. The
placed in terrible slavery.” soul of a punished Laibon is bound into a hand-
carved shell by means of blood sorcery and mortal
wizardry, her new vessel designed to provide
eternal and bespoke suffering.
Kiteke (Minkisi created from Guruhi) radiate
an air of alien malignancy, and even the most
courageous are loath to even remain in their
presence. Resulting from the deaths of the dozens
of beasts required for their initial construction,
then endowed with the soul of a fallen Magaji, they
have immense value to their owners. Kiteke do

Clanbook: Gargoyles 83
anything and everything to be liked by their former spiders, lions, and hyenas. The thin silk is weaved
enemies, vainly attempting to keep their forms between small perforations in their ‘flesh’, achieve
pleasing to the eye, if even functional. the effect of seeming to be bound with threads
Mitupo (Akunanse-formed Minkisi) become mute of blood. Their mouths are completely fused;
confidants to those whom they Belong, as they they must consume blood through these woven
retain their legacy’s innate desire to learn the passages.
stories of others while simultaneously lose the Crafted with bones of serpentinite and flesh
ability to share that which they have learned along of hardened clay, Nkomi usually come human in
with the power of speech itself. shape - aside from their oversized, distended heads,
Nkomi (Minkisi made using Naglopers) live a gross parodies of the ceremonial masks of various
half life in the court of their Magaji, becoming African cultures. Because of their disproportionate
comical masked clowns. Between humiliations build and unnatural design, these beings live in
they desperately try to twist their clay flesh in a perpetual state of unrest. Like the Naglopers
the futile hope of becoming great again. Every and their Tzimisce cousins, they like to reshape
time they change themselves, the clay will assume their flesh constantly, but only because they
some undesired and embarrassing shape as those are unhappy with their form, not due to a drive
surrounding the Kiteke point and laugh at their towards enlightenment.
now-fallen state. If you choose to use the Abhorrence rule
While they are derived from multiple legacies, (see page 56) Minkisi will suffer from additional
the Minkisi are not gestalt beings and thus do Abhorrence features meaning they have 2
not reflect the duties of their Cast Gargoyle automatic dots in Abhorrence rather the one that
predecessors. In fact, they possess none of their Embraced Gargoyles have. Kiteke’s additional
Gargoyle cousin’s forms or behaviours, though Abhorrence is Engravings in the style of cave
they do still vary somewhat in appearance. While paintings. Mitupo’s additional Abhorrence will be
some Minkisi (usually Mitupo) revel in their new Animal Features, specifically indigenous African
forms, most find it to be a harrowing waking beasts. Nkomi’s additional Abhorrence will be
nightmare of desires. Accentuation, specifically facial features
Nicknames: Fetishes Eyries: Minkisi do not claim their own Eyries,
and rarely keep one set place of rest. They Belong
Sect: Besides being Laibon and thus a step to the Magaji and his community, they do not
removed from the predominantly Western usually call any one location their daily resting
Camarilla and Sabbat, Minkisi are devoted to their spot. Nkomi prefer subterranean nests, Kiteke lair
sworn Magaji and none other; anyone else is either in man-made havens, and Mitupo will never sleep
family to them or simply irrelevant. in the same location twice, though they usually rest
Appearance: Kiteke are granted hearts of saprolite within stone. Ultimately, a Minkisi rests where her
(from the Greek meaning ‘putrid rock’), with Magaji demands.
large quantities of fresh ivory forming casings Gestation: The creator of the Minkisi is not a
of scrimshaw-embellished flesh. This inscribed vampire at all, but a mortal wizard known only as
art includes detailed and imaginative depictions ‘the Nganga’ who lives with a host of his creations
of the domain a Kiteke once ruled, underlining in an enchanted palace, obscured from both
the hubris that lead to their downfall and Kindred and kine eyes, located in the Nubian
transformation - an eternal reminder of failure for desert. Over the last century, he has made deals
all to see. with many Magaji, trading Minkisi as slaves in
Created with hollow leopardite bodies tightly exchange for boons, secrets, and magical artefacts.
swathed in red silk ‘webbing’, Mitupo resemble The Nganga performs a profane ritual that
abstracted, anthropomorphic animals such as some scholars have likened to the Baali’s ability to

84 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood

‘re-Embrace’. He gathers materials that can hold If one comes across as vile and unlikeable, she
the essence of the Kindred he is to reconstruct might resemble a detestable leper cast in rotted
(in addition to any requested by the Magaji), then ivory, but if she excels in her duties and reach a
forcefully bleeds every last drop of vitae from his position of relative respect, she may gradually gain
chosen victim, mystically extracting the life force a smooth complexion and elegant features.
from her very heart. Once this is done, the blood Mitupo have a simple but crippling weakness,
is pooled in a fresh-dug, shallow grave and her especially for them: the inability to speak, cursing
new vessel is submerged within it. By the turn of them to never again be able to tell the stories they
the next night the blood will have been absorbed so treasure. Mitupo characters begin play with the
by the Construct and the Kindred’s soul will have Mute Flaw (V20 page 483), and receive no points
been bound into its eternal stone prison. in exchange. The physical representation of this
Character creation: Kiteke, cursed with a weakness is visible on their faces the second they
consuming need for the approval and validation emerge from their blood filled graves. The mouths
of others, focus on their Social Attributes. They of these Minkisi never appear normal, but rather
cultivate Empathy, Etiquette, Performance, Law, are fixed in an entirely inhuman position. This
and Politics, to keep their company pleased with may mean a grimacing smile from ear to ear or a
them, even if only condescendingly. small puckered hole in the centre of the face. The
Mitupo have maintained their legacy better player is encouraged to be creative when devising
than either of the other Minkisi. They typically the precise nature and appearance of this mouth.
possess high Mental Attributes as well as Nkomi will never achieve a desirable form,
significant levels of Academics, Law, Occult, and no matter how often or how hard they try.
Politics in thanks to the stories they continually Every night, they will awaken to see any use of
overhear. Due to their inability to speak, their Vicissitude inverted to an embarrassing and
Social Attributes and related Abilities suffer hideous version of what they had achieved the
greatly, though some demonstrate inventive ways night before. Firm, tough chitin becomes flabby
to communicate. hide, elegant claws become gnarled fingernails and
Nkomi are desperate to take back control a flowing mane becomes greasy and mottled. This
of their own bodies, endeavouring to keep their weakness can never change their caricatured mask
Physical Attributes high. They never stop trying
to reach a form that they are happy with, and so
Athletics, Crafts, Melee, Medicine, and Science are The Laibon Legacies
For those unfamiliar with Kindred of the
Disciplines: Potence, Presence, Visceratika Ebony Kingdom, the Kindred native to Africa
(Kiteke); Auspex, Fortitude, Visceratika (Mitupo); (called the Laibon) are split not into Clans but
Fortitude, Potence, Vicissitude (Nkomi). into legacies (each of which is derived from
Weaknesses: During Gestation, the weakness of a Clan). The three relevant to the creation
their legacy is inverted upon Kiteke. Being former of Minkisi are the Akunanse, storytelling
Magaji, their previous unlives were filled with a shapeshifters descended from the Gangrel; the
sense of being above the opinions of others; now, Naglopers, feared and despised witches who
however, they wear these opinions like a cowl. sprung from Clan Tzimisce; and the Guruhi,
Kiteke have truly inconstant appearance, their who unlike their Western Nosferatu cousins are
bodies supernaturally changing to reflect the actually the ruling legacy of the Laibon, making
views others have of them. They do not undergo up the majority of Magaji (the rough equivalent to
Mimesis as do other Gargoyles, but the emotions Princes).
and opinions of those around them naturally
change the shape and texture of their ivory forms.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 85
of a face, nor can anything else following Gestation; even Vicissitude cannot alter their visage.
Grotesqueries: It is rare that a Magaji will keep more than one Minkisi. Grotesqueries are therefore
unknown to the Minkisi as none are known to be free.

The View from Without

“If we offer you freedom, will you even take it?”
“You are worse than any other mongrel. Not only are you bastardizations of the Mother’s way, but you’re
not even made by Kindred!”
“Your devotion to those you Belong to is astounding; it’s a shame you’re not true Gargoyles.”
“Trinkets by another name, sold to your ‘Magaji’ like a dog. You are just decoration to them. Prove them
wrong by striking back!”
“If they let you off the leash for a second, will you join us for a drink or just stand in the corner like
you’re told?”
“You are closer to us than the other constructs. Your fellows revere you exactly as you deserve.”
“Protection of your community is at the heart of their creation; we meet eye to eye.”

86 Chapter Four: Of Mingled Blood

Chapter Five:
The Slaves’
Ghouls Metamus
Those few mortals who become ghouled by a During a ghouls early years (up to 80 years of
Gargoyle display their nature as prominently, and natural life) they will be considered ‘Metamus’
with equally horrifying results, as those bound to ghouls. They have slick and very smooth, even
Samedi and Nosferatu. It is monumentally difficult flawless, skin - like that of a marble statue -
for Gargoyles to reach out to humans to bestow the or bodies possessed of a strange quartz-like
vitae onto them without abduction or violence. translucence. They will be masters of Fortitude,
Those ghouls that are taken usually live in their as unlike most ghouls they most commonly gain
domitor’s haven, protecting the sleeping Gargoyles Fortitude rather than Potence.
of an Eyrie as a valuable member of the family. These ghouls often take quite contradictory
Gargoyle ghouls are often chosen very young roles to their masters, as they can become both
so that if they tell adults about the walking, immensely beautiful and physically durable. As
talking statute that fed them blood, it will be adolescents, those created as children mature
regarded as a strange and concerning product of quickly and gain wisdom from their immortal
childish imagination - but only imagination. Many patrons. Humans seem to admire their flawless
Gargoyles also appreciate child ghouls, especially perfection as they retain their youthful vibrancy
orphans, for their innocence and humanity. well into middle age, still looking eighteen in their
Caring for such young charges serves to fulfill their forties - but all of this soon fades.
drives towards family and belonging. Ignis
As Gargoyle ghouls age they approach death During the ghoul’s second phase of life
like normal humans. Beyond an increased lifespan (between 80 and 200 years) the ghoul’s beauty
of four centuries or so, they will wither and die, and humanity fades away as her skin becomes
the Gargoyle condition being too traumatic for grey, blotchy and cracked. They may grow small
their bodies to handle. They pass through three stone shards and bony protrusions from their
major life stages. flesh, eventually leaving every inch of their skin
resembling whatever material is tied to their
masters’ Mimesis.
Irrespective of the precise makeup of their new
forms, Ignis ghouls can no longer connect with

Clanbook: Gargoyles 87
humanity. This disconnection also comes with a of their cousins. Due to the Path of Freedom,
dramatic increase in the strength of their beast Chaundician ghouls will more than likely be part
which becomes twice as active, meaning they are of a Grotesquerie who believe it to be their duty
too dangerous to expose to kine. The name ‘Ingis’ to keep their ghouls in optimal living conditions,
(the Latin for fire) - refers to this newfound fire in with vitae and safety being given in exchange for
their hearts. blood as part of a mutually-agreed arrangement.
It is during this time that Ignis ghouls will Outside of the sect, a ghoul will be raised in
be encouraged to become very active in Kindred whichever fashion the individual Gargoyle sees fit.
society by learning multiple Disciplines and There is an unconscious element of Gargoyle
studying the history of not only their own ghouling which comes from their strong parental
bloodline but that of the entire vampire race. instincts. Not only do they want to have company
Once they have achieved an acceptable knowledge at all times, but they want to encourage a family
of Kindred existence, control of Disciplines and environment reflective of the Eyrie of Ceoris.
dominance over their powerful Beasts, they will be Having ghouls with a childish outlook provides
Embraced. a sense of liveliness and kinship with all those
involved with the ghoul’s rearing. Like Gargoyle
Sedimus animals and lesser Gargoyles, ghouls are always
This is the final stage of a Gargoyle ghoul’s cared for and loved by sentinels and trained in
existence, and the one no ghoul ever wants to battle by Warriors. On rare occasions, they may
reach (from 200 years until disintegration). Their become shamanic apprentices or spies under the
bodies gradually crumble away, removing one level training of the Scouts.
of an Attribute for every 20 years they live for
beyond the second century. This decaying turns The Standing Stones
their existence into a living hell, as they will have Between the creation of the Castings and the
already failed their Grotesquerie in some way Revolt, the Gargoyles of Ceoris were served by
(since they haven’t already been Embraced). These a small cadre of ghouls directly bound to them,
unfortunates become obsessed with finding the whose primary duty was to defend the Eyrie
Embrace to an extreme degree. during the day. It was from this practice that the
The effect of disintegration is irreversible and harmful effects of consuming Gargoyle vitae on
cannot be healed through the use of vitae or any humans was noted, and over time this group came
mortal medicine. Any ghoul embraced at this stage to be known as the Standing Stones due to their
will keep her debilitated attributes and flawed mutations.
physique (see the Flaw - Erosion on page 52) for The Stones stood watch over the Eyrie for
the remainder of her unlife. almost four centuries, and in that time grew closer
Due to their toughened skin, all Gargoyle and closer to their charges, until eventually they
ghouls will learn Fortitude as standard, irrespective were largely forgotten about by most Tremere. The
of what type of Gargoyle has ghouled them. They Revolt saw them return with a vengeance, and
will then be likely to learn Visceratika unless no while they did not take as many Tremere lives, they
one around them knows it. A small few ghouls ensured that as few Gargoyles were lost as possible.
actually manage to learn Flight; this knowledge will Had it not been for them, the subsequent Battle of
not develop until the second stage of their lives. If Ceoris may have gone even worse for Vristania and
they do learn Flight while yet alive, the wings that her children.
grow will be entirely biological (though they are The Revolt proper saw the Standing Stones
still coated in stone flesh due to their condition). serve their masters as agents and spies as well as
Generally, ghouls of Gargoyles in the daytime protectors. It was thanks to the Standing
modern day will receive a better life than many Stones that the message of freedom was able

88 Chapter Five: The Slaves Retainers

to spread by day as well as night. Many were find her hiding spot without trouble, and slew the
Embraced for their stalwart service, to reinforce regent quickly and without ceremony.
the Gargoyles’ losses, and to remove the effects of Curious about the obsidian sheet, she
their mutations. melded with it in order to gain a greater sense
In 1481, a scouting party of Standing Stones of its composition, but when she emerged she
tracked a Tremere and his entourage to an isolated was changed - bright red in colour, and though
region of the Austrian Alps, and rather than attack neither mortal nor human, full of of a certain
immediately decided to observe his actions. They savage vitality. The present Standing Stones, while
found that he was seeking a certain cave, but for perturbed by her changes, were relieved at Ana’s
what the Stones weren’t initially sure. Eventually return and regrouped to a safer position. Over
he seemed to find what he was looking for and the course of several months spent in her near-
went inside. Following stealthily behind, the ghoul continuous presence, they noticed a reconstitution
scouts saw a sleeping female Gargoyle of large of their flesh to the glistening beauty of their
proportions deep within the cave system. The Metamus state. Eventually, every one of Ana’s
Warlock wakened her with a drop of his blood, ghouls had their youthful strength back and then
and she began to stir. Even as they were preparing some, becoming incarnations of their original
to attack, the Gargoyle burst into life, tearing power and might.
apart the Tremere’s ghoul acolytes several at a In the modern nights, these elite soldiers
time, before turning her attention on the vampire. continue to battle the Tremere at every turn
Despite his best efforts to defend himself, she beside their demonic-seeming mistress, and have
ultimately overcame him and drank his heart’s grown to include the majority of ghouls bound to
blood. Chaundician Gargoyles. They operate across the
The Standing Stones remained in hiding as her world, and equip themselves with relics and arcane
Beast vented its wrath and hunger on the bodies knowledge salvaged from each raided chantry. The
of the slain and the rock of the cavern walls. Once Standing Stones have taken up a personal crusade
she had regained something of her composure, against the ghoul cult known as the Sacrament
they gradually approached, laying down their of Caine, who - fueled by the murderous actions
weapons and explaining who they were. After of Ferox - deem Gargoyles not worthy of unlife,
some convincing and calming down, the Gargoyle along with other ‘impure’ Clans and bloodlines
accepted them and introduced herself as Ana, (see Ghouls and Revenants page 81). The two cults
daughter of Chaundice. Overwhelmed by finding wrage destructive but clandestine wars, with no
such a close descendant of the Rock Lord himself, clear winner having yet emerged.
the Stones immediately swore allegiance to her.
Their first act was to direct her towards the nearby 1476 Revivalists
chantry, where the Tremere she had slain had A small subset of Gargoyle ghouls take what
originated from. they learn about their domitors’ bloody past
During the ensuing bloody raid, Ana and personally. Dubbing themselves the 1476 Revival,
the Standing Stones dispatched the unsuspecting they meet in shadowy ruins and talk in hushed
occupants with relative ease. The chantry’s regent tones about the downfall of Clan Tremere. The
had attempted to hide herself in a secret chamber, revivalists hate the Tremere and everything they
which contained a thick sheet of red obsidian stand for, they dream of a night where the Tremere
standing in a carved frame coated in blessings and even Tremere itself is whipped off the face of
and sacraments. Her notes alluded to the gradual the earth and supplanted by the supreme Gargoyle
‘perfection of solidifying the force of life’ (the race.
‘anima mundi’), presumably towards attempts to Revivalist tactics even go so far as to plant
restore her body to mortal life. Ana was able to members within a chantry as Tremere ghouls

Clanbook: Gargoyles 89
and use various Gargoyle rituals to spy on the both ghouled and ritually-Embraced sea life. As
Warlocks. Information so gained often leads to such, they ghoul and ritually Embrace droves of
attacks or assassination attempts against senior marine organisms to live within their blood-fuelled
Tremere. So far they have been unable to uncover ecosystems.
evidence of the continued use of Gargoyle slaves
in defiance of the Montmartre Pact, even after Minkisi are born of powers other than blood
rapidly following up rumours of one’s appearance magic, and as such cannot (by design) ghoul, blood
in Chicago. bond, or Embrace. The presence of human sorcery
somehow degrades the curse of Caine, making
The latest and most audacious scheme is to their blood inert. Many claim to have the ability
infiltrate an Embraced revivalist into a chantry but it has never been witnessed by other Kindred.
and frame a ‘discovery’, thus potentially ousting
the Tremere from the Camarilla and leaving them Gargoyle Animals
vulnerable to their many rivals and enemies - the Gargoyle blood is a truly transformative
Assamites, Gangrel, Nosferatu, Tzimisce, and most substance, more so than that of other Kindred.
of all the Gargoyles themselves. This plan has yet This primal quality derived from three different
to be put in place, though an increasing number of Clans gives Gargoyle blood a great liveliness. This
Chaundician voices are raised in support of it, the characteristic combines with a connection to the
chief among them being Ana. Beast that surpasses the Discipline of Animalism
Naturally no revivalist holds Virstania in any itself, which Gargoyles should logically possess.
great esteem, as they are almost all Chaundician; The Discipline doesn’t vanish entirely during
she is counted among the Tremere who must be Gestation but is left dormant in their vitae. The
torn down and punished for their many sins, her realization that Gargoyles could, with the correct
own conflicts with the Clan notwithstanding. ritual preparations in place, ‘Embrace’ animals was
They urge Chaundice to start a second revolt, this gleefully discovered by Virstania early into their
time ending in his diablerie of Tremere and the design. Gargoyles inherit the unique ability to
elevation of the Gargoyle race to true Clanhood. Embrace their long-standing animal ghouls.
As on so many other matters, Chaundice has To Embrace one of their familiar beasts,
remained silent on this. Gargoyles must have the animal preemptively
Misbegotten Ghouls ghouled for a specific period of time, depending
on the natural lifespan of the animal in question.
Calacas love ghouling humans, particularly The creature must have lived around twice the
for the Noche de los Muertos ritual (see page 108). duration normally possible for non-ghouled
Animals, however, are spared ghouling, as they membership of its species. The Gargoyle-to-be
rarely adapt to the specific decay and destruction is then fed a mixture of ground granite dust,
of the bodies that comes with the curse carried in vitae, and its natural food. Once this mixture
Calaca blood. has been ingested for seven nights, the beast is
able to be drained of all its blood and receive the
Seen as both extensions of their gods and Gargoyle’s. It does not truly reanimate it as with
embodiments of their cults scripture, only truly humans but merely resuscitate and transform it
devout and worthy kine are given the sacred blood into something not quite Kindred but not quite
of a Gorgon. They are actively encouraged to living. The window of opportunity to successfully
ghoul the snakes of their temples, however, and give this pseudo-Embrace is much shorter than an
to eventually ritually Embrace them if they show ‘ordinary’ Embrace performed on a human.
remarkable qualities.
These beasts have an eclectic mix of vampire
Mariners don’t get the chance to ghoul human and ghoul features, making them superior to an
beings; their creation however, requires the use of average ghouled animal (hence their desirability).

90 Chapter Five: The Slaves Retainers

They suffer milder versions of Kindred base influenced with Gargoyle Ken rather than Animal
weaknesses (aggravated damage from sources of Ken.
fire, sustenance only from blood, etc.) as well as Gargoyle animals also retain the ability to
the full weaknesses of the Gargoyle that Embraced reproduce, though this only works with other
them. They can learn Disciplines (particularly Gargoyle animals of the same species, and often
Flight), though not most mental Disciplines not even then; many pregnancies miscarry or
(reference the table on page 131 of V20, as produce non-viable foetuses, but those few that do
though they were vampires achieving 3 successes survive to birth appear identical in nature to their
on Subsume the Spirit). They generate their own parents. Gargoyle scholars are unsure of how to
blood to fuel their powers at 1 point per night, classify these creatures, and most Gargoyle’s don’t
are truly immortal, and unlike regular ghouled care.
animals will not normally mutate once their initial
transformation is complete. Once these animals
are Embraced, they no longer need the blood of
their master to survive but rather blood in general,
like any vampire. All Gargoyle animals must be

New Ability: Gargoyle Ken

Gargoyles are creatures of two minds. On the one hand they have their human desires and
intelligence which motivate their night to night activities, and on the other they have their primal
animalistic mind pushing them to perform pack activities. These minds exist irrespective of the
Beast, and most Gargoyles try to balance all three evenly. Any one interacting with Gargoyles
must have a level of understanding of how to accurately portray the desires of a man alongside the
desires of an animal to truly communicate with a Gargoyle. Gargoyle Ken is a new Skill for non-
Gargoyles similar to Animal Ken, which determines how well a Gargoyle will naturally respect you
and is used to interact with any breed of Gargoyle outlined above and any Gargoyle animals below.
• Initiate - You have a general grasp of interacting with Gargoyles on an instinctive and intellectual
level simultaneously, but have to consider your words and actions carefully when communicating.
•• Rockhead - You have enough experience to interact with fledgeling Gargoyles without them
growing tired of your human ways. To this end the other Gargoyles respect you as if you were
yourself a fledgling.
••• Rebel - You can relax in a Grotesquerie without fear of making a faux pas serious enough to
lead to your death. Other Gargoyles may even willingly include you in their private customs and
•••• Expert - You have a connection to the bloodline that is as strong as that of your own Clan
or bloodline; if anything, being with Gargoyles makes you feel more at home. No Grotesquerie will
shun you outright, and given a few nights most Gargoyles will accept you as one of their own.
••••• Legend: Akin to Virstania or Chaundice, you have the leave to walk into a Grotesquerie
and be free of any concern. Any Gargoyle will notice your devotion to their culture in moments,
and treat you like their own sire.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 91
Sludge Rats Blood pool: 1
Resembling bloated balls of mud dragging Health levels: OK, -1, -2, -3, Incapacitated
their bodies along on stunted limbs, sludge rats
are the resultant monstrosity left behind in the Rock Cats
Embrace of rats. Lacking wings, they cannot The cats ritually Embraced by Gargoyles are
automatically fly, but manage to scurry along rarely common house cats because their bodies
at phenomenal speed by burrowing through will not hold up to the vicious strength of their
the soil. The flesh of sludge rats is a gelatinous vitae. Rock cats are a rare example of a Gargoyle
amalgamation of coagulated vitae and sewer waste, animal whose size diminishes upon the Embrace;
loosely wrapped around a small, barely beating a mountain lion might reduce to the size of an
heart. Gargoyles nesting in sewers will Embrace average dog. They are nimble and stealthy and
great hoards of these creatures and send them off possess almost unparallelled senses, the telltale
to claim unsuspecting animals or kine for their signs of which are their burning red eyes.
subterranean feasts. Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3,
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4, Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
Perception 2, Intelligence 1, Wits 1 Abilities: Alertness 4, Athletics 4, Brawl 3,
Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Stealth Intimidation 2, Stealth 3, Survival 3
4, Survival 4 Disciplines: Auspex 1, Celerity 3, Flight 1, Protean
Disciplines: Celerity 2, Obfuscate 2, Visceratika 3 2, Visceratika 3
Willpower: 4 Willpower: 4
Blood pool: 1 Blood pool: 5
Health levels: OK,OK, -1 , -3, Incapacitated Health levels: OK, OK, -1, -1, -2, -2, -5,
Razor Bats
Contrary to the affliction which rats are Stone Hounds
stricken with upon their Embrace, bats become Guard dogs are often classically favoured by
gangly and thin. This withering lends itself Sentinels dispute their mutated and overbearing
greatly to their flying prowess the speed of which forms. They usually come from larger breeding
quadruples once they are granted unlife. Razor stock such as Dobermans, huskies, and Rottweilers
bats’ bodies crystallize to resemble a thin disk of to best capitalise on the strength granted by their
slate with the capacity to a slice a mortal’s throat new blood. They will grow in size to that of a wild
by simply fluttering against it. Gargoyles ritually wolf, and have the intense aggression common
Embrace flocks of bats for company on their among the undead. Their fangs grow too long for
nighttime flights, as they seem to take to Kindred their mouths, keeping them perpetually propped
life with surprising ease, striking swiftly and open.
silently. Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4,
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2, Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Perception 4, Intelligence 1, Wits 2 Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Brawl 4,
Abilities: Alertness 4 Athletics 4, Brawl 2, Stealth Intimidation 3, Stealth 2, Survival 3
4, Survival 2 Disciplines: Flight 1, Fortitude 3, Potence 2,
Disciplines: Auspex 1, Celerity 2, Flight 4, Protean 2, Visceratika 3
Visceratika 3 Willpower: 5
Willpower: 3 Blood pool: 3

92 Chapter Five: The Slaves Retainers

Health levels: OK, OK, -1, -1, -2, -2, -5, to a size greater than that of a shire horse and
Incapacitated become spiritually tied to the location where they
are Embraced.
Cave Bears
Any temple housing a guardian lion will never
Colossal boulders may sometimes be found fall as these beasts can rival even the most deadly
in the more isolated mountainous Eyries, ten feet vampire. They predominantly guard the Eternally
tall and four feet wide with two large indentations Petrified Sanctum, the Eyrie of Ch’iung Chi. At
around the front. A city-dwelling Kindred would least one Minkisi claim to have the capacity to
be excused for thinking that Gargoyles have placed create guardian lions for their Guruhi warlords but
these boulders there as part of a ceremonial ritual none have ever contested this claim.
or to intimidate intruders, but that would be an
error in judgment leading to a brutally violent Attributes: Strength 7, Dexterity 6, Stamina 7,
Final Death. Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
Cave bears are the ritually Embraced bears Abilities: Alertness 4, Athletics 5, Brawl 6,
common only to North American Gargoyles. Intimidation 5, Stealth 4, Survival 4
These bears allow Gargoyles to sleep in their Disciplines: Flight 1, Fortitude 3, Presence 2,
domain during day if they gather food for them Potence 3, Visceratika 3
in the night. They sleep for most of their unlives, Willpower: 6
walking for around 3 to 4 hours at night, though
can easily stir at any time. They resemble gigantic Blood pool: 7
smooth boulders with subtle indentations where Health levels: OK, OK, OK, -1, -1 -1, -2, -2, -2, -3,
their arms wrap around their torsos. No Kindred -3, -5, -5, Incapacitated
who is not an elder is a match in combat against a
cave bear. Chitterers
Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 2, Stamina 6, Chitterers are created from a merging of two
Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 2 wolf hind sections (bound facing one another) and
as many juvenile birds’ heads as can fit onto their
Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 5, combined bellies. This creature acts surprisingly
Intimidation 3, Stealth 1, Survival 4 like a natural animal for the horrific mutant that it
Disciplines: Flight 1, Fortitude 4, Potence 4, is; when left to its own devices it will simply trawl
Protean 3, Visceratika 3 through fields and consume worms, shoots, and
Willpower: 5 small specks of vis for nourishment. The sight of a
field of grazing chitterers is one of the most surreal
Blood pool: 6 experiences a vampire (let alone a mortal) can
Health levels: OK, OK, OK, OK, -1, -1, -1, -1 -3, -3, undergo.
-5, Incapacitated When the beast is employed as a combatant,
Guardian Lions however, it can break even the strongest-willed
Kindred. The chitterer immediately pounces
The noble living totems of the eastern and holds down the victim with its preternatural
Gargoyle colonies are named guardian lions, strength, so that he can see the avian heads on its
created to reflect the guardian spirits found in exposed bellies. The heads then simply squawk at
Chinese folklore (as the Gargoyles themselves the victim while lightly pecking him. After several
seem to do). These beasts are formed of only male minutes of harsh, incomprehensible squawking,
lions in control of an entire pride at the point the beaks gradually produce words and then
of Embrace. They gain an intelligence almost whole sentences, audible only to the victim. These
equaling most humans, with a good chance of screeches come to contain details of true crimes
managing speech and higher reasoning. They grow the victim has committed, irrespective of what the

Clanbook: Gargoyles 93
chitterer (or any other being) could have learned.
Chitterers scream accusations at their victims until Vis
they relent; many go mad in the process.
Gargoyle monstrosities and ritually
Dark rumours surround the chitterers, Embraced animals feed primarily on blood,
aside from the cruelty and madness involved in but since their creation in Ceoris they
their creation (which was, unusually, far more have been known to possess the ability to
Malgorzata’s doing than Virstania’s) and their consume other, magical substances. In the
terrifying forms. It is said that with their many grounds of Ceoris, and the surrounding
beaks they can ‘taste’ the unspoken sins and Carpathians, lay a substance of magic made
atrocities committed by their victims, which physical, called vis. Gargoyle-Embraced
they then regurgitate. This ability, which they do creatures and monstrosities roamed the land,
not seem to use deliberately or consciously, is living on this material almost exclusively,
whispered to be imbued on them using techniques though Kindred and the vast majority of
drawn from a truly abominable art of Dark ‘ordinary’ Gargoyles were incapable of
Thaumaturgy. drawing sustenance from it. Even tonight,
They reproduce by laying eggs, each vis can often be found deep in the hearts of
hindquarter fertilizing the eggs of the other. In mountains and in isolated locations swelling
the time of Ceoris, these eggs were transported with magic.Your fellows revere you exactly as
further into the Carpathian mountains to avoid you deserve.”
destruction. Malgorzata once conducted an
experiment in which a prisoner was forced to
drink a chitterer’s blood and nothing else for a for its ability to become active. The chitterer
week. The Gangrel victim was said to have turned will automatically ‘taste’ vile secrets on the skin
into an imitation Malkavian, such was his insanity. of the victim, instantly spewing the secret forth
While the vast majority of chitterers, if not all of amongst its incessant squawking. After a number
them, died following the fall of Ceoris and the of rounds equal to the victim’s Courage, he must
decline of its stores of vis, the formula for creating make a Courage roll (difficulty 7) or enter a fear
one has not been entirely lost. There are perhaps frenzy (mortal victims simply curl up and become
only a dozen tonight, kept in the deepest, darkest catatonic with terror and shock). This roll is
hearts of a handful of chantries. repeated every two rounds thereafter, either until
it is failed or the grapple ends. If it is botched, the
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, victim also gains a Derangement - often paranoia,
Perception 3, Intelligence 1, Wits 1 but sometimes a deep ornithophobia combined
Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Awareness 1, with hallucinations, whereby he hears every bird
Brawl 4, Empathy 5, Stealth 2 screaming his greatest crimes back at him.
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Daimoinon 1, Dementation Skin-Eaters
3*, Potence 3
In the dark woods surrounding Ceoris, vast
Health Levels: OK, -1, -3, -5, Incapacitated swarms of flies would feast on rotting plant and
Blood Pool: 3 animal matter. Upon noticing these swarms,
Willpower: 2 Virstania decided to ghoul them in a vat of slurry
made from Gargoyle vitae and sandstone dust
For the first two levels of Dementation, Chitterers (to fatten them up). They were kept in ritualistic
use their Willpower and add it to their Empathy clay jars and bathed in Gargoyle blood until their
for their dice pools. specialist abilities were required. A Warlock would
The chitterer must successfully grapple its approach an entire encampment of Tzimisce or
opponent and hold him down for several rounds kine warriors and crack the vase to release the

94 Chapter Five: The Slaves Retainers

swarm. The swarm would sweep through the camp, in Magdeburg in 1211, when he employed one
stripping every being clean of skin. to hunt down a Caitiff whose name is lost to
Skin-eaters still exist, mostly locked up deep history. He engineered a specific mutation in his
in Tremere chantries. Any humans who fall victim reaper, meaning that it suffered great pain until it
to an attack by a skin-eater swarm will bleed to had successfully hunted down its assigned target.
death in seconds, while Kindred will fall into Though it was unsuccessful in this instance, it
Torpor unless they can heal their skin quickly and performed well enough and survived its mission.
somehow see off the swarm. Any skin healed will That particular reaper was exterminated once the
cause the victim to lose one level of Appearance agony made it no longer viable, but the mutation’s
as it can never truly heal correctly. Only with usefulness was noted and given to other reapers
speed, cunning, or supernatural power can one and further improved, meaning that it could be
escape a cloud of skin-eaters, as any attempt at ‘switched off’ if the target was no longer feasible
resistance will not affect the rate of the skin-eaters’ or the reaper needed to be reassigned. All extant
consumption. Reapers are of this type, though few have masters
in a position of activating this ‘ability’.
Skin-eaters have an effective speed and damage
rating of 3, so any Kindred wishing to escape such After the Revolt, the reapers were released,
an attack must either run quick enough (dexterity leading to a population living near where Ceoris
and athletics roll) or resist the damage indefinitely once stood of around 200 specimens. They rarely
(stamina roll with 4 levels of lethal damage per leave the grounds of Ceoris and the surrounding
round). countryside, as their bodies rely on the magical
materials lying around the Carpathian mountains
Reapers called vis (as most Gargoyle beasts do), though
As a side-project, Virstania would farm vats Kindred blood seems to suffice for a rare few.
of beetles within a tank filled with the vitae of Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5,
Kindred, extracted while they were frenzying, Perception 5, Intelligence 1, Wits 2
until the beetles greatly enlarged and fought one Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Brawl 5, Stealth
another viciously. They were then left alone until 3
the screeching subsided and only one remained.
This champion would often be as large as a Discipline: Auspex 1, Celerity 2, Fortitude 2,
human child, with a thick shell and two scythes Potence 3
protruding either side of its swollen body. Its face Health Levels: OK, OK, -1, -3, -5, Incapacitated
would then be delicately carved out and replaced Blood Pool: 4
with a swarm’s worth of rat heads, which began
constantly mewling and tussling with each other. Willpower: 3
These creatures, called reapers, were usually Attacks: Scythe-like forelimbs dealing 8 dice of
made to infest the lands around Ceoris and lethal damage (including Strength and Potence).
provide an extra level of security if a human Gargoyle Monstrosities
mob or Tzimisce warhost ever came to its doors.
Nothing phased these beasts in a fight; despite not There are many ‘breeds’ which fall under
being the biggest or most capable in combat, they the general category of Gargoyle. The most well-
fought with savage ferocity. Nests of these beasts known of these are obviously the sired Gargoyle’s,
could reach twenty residents or more, at which whom most Kindred will at least have vaguely
point Gargoyles would be sent in to cull their heard of. But during the Omen War and the
numbers. various centuries long battles against lupines and
Tzimisce, the witch of Ceoris developed numerous
The first recorded use of the current form creatures based upon the creation of Gargoyles.
of reapers was by Jervais, childe of Malgorzata These Gargoyle monstrosities have the intelligence

Clanbook: Gargoyles 95
Cave Caps
In the Eyrie of Ceoris, the floor would permanently be coated in a thick mulch of ash, clay, blood,
flesh, and feculence. Within this slurry settled the spores of fungi already mutated by the corrupt
essence flowing throughout the cave systems joining the Eyrie to the Carpathian mountains. These
spours subtly bred thousands of ghouled generations in the quiet depths of Ceoris, becoming infectious.
These spores would occasionally settle in the vitae of womb-bearers when they were sectioned open to
implant a new foetus. They then passed into the bloodstream of the developing young, taking an almost
permanent presence in their vitae. Through ghouling, blood bonds, siring, combat, and blood orgies the
spores passed from Kindred to Kindred, leaving a high percentage of Ceoris’s Gargoyles with this fungal
For normal Gargoyles or any Kindred possessing Visceratika, the spores will remain inert for their
entire unlives; they will more than likely never know of its presence at all. Kindred without a connection
to the inanimate, however, are at great risk indeed. If a Gargoyle with this malady is fed from by another
vampire (whether due to an attempt at diablerie or as part of a blood bond), the caps will sprout in
the new ‘clean skinned’ host (Ghouls do not generally develop this condition as Visceratika protects
them even if they struggle to actually learn the Discipline). A fist-sized cap will emerge a night after
they imbibe the infected blood, a new one emerging every night thereafter until the Kindred is entirely
coated in these inflexible stony growths. The cave caps reduce ordinary function until the Kindred
becomes an unmoving mass of stone, at which point they will begin to dissolve as they are consumed by
the caps, even as they inevitably starve into torpor.
The only way for any vampire to rid themselves of cave cap is to burn every blood point in their
body, removing the means for them to incubate. If the Kindred can do this knowing they will be revived
by blood to revive them from torpor, they will survive and the caps will eventually age and die, dropping
off after just a few nights of exsanguination. The average Kindred could take around 60 caps to entirely
debilitate them, which they cannot easily or safely remove, as they root all throughout the Kindred’s
circulatory system. Any which are removed are swiftly replaced. Sadly, not many Gargoyles are aware of
this fungal infection, so this simple if inconvenient cure is rarely known.

of animals or small children, and were designed sac. During this time their entire body enlarges to
to perform specific tasks for their masters. During average out the size of their lower halves. At the
the Revolt, these beasts were taken by the rebelling turn of the month the earthen mass is expelled
Gargoyles and kept as guards and pets. and the creature is left with a womb ready to
The transition to womb bearing is a high
These creatures are truly a horror to behold; honour and only the most respected of Gargoyles
standing at 20 feet in height, they are the brood are chosen. They will have limited mobility but
mothers of their Grotesqueries. Most womb- should retain most of their former function unless
bearers are created by particularly powerful other rituals are performed in addition to this one
Tremere or Gargoyle shamans to facilitate the to deliberately limit them. They gain an additional
continued creation of true Gargoyles, but the 4 ‘OK’ health levels, though their Dexterity and
process is not pretty. They are ritually stuffed with Willpower are lowered by 2 each (to a minimum
earth over a period of a month until a cavity is of 1). Sadly, their Strength does not increase which
created in their abdomens to house the gestating leads to limited movement of their new, vast forms.

96 Chapter Five: The Slaves Retainers

Simulacra Vellumae
Life as a simulacrum is an eternal hell. Vellumae are arguably the worst thing
Considered neither truly Gargoyles or vampires, identifiable within the Gargoyle bloodline, if
they belong to no one. A simulacrum is created in indeed they could ever be classed as Gargoyles or
a process involving the mutilation, reconstitution, even Kindred. They appear as nothing more than
and ritualistic soul reforging of a single Kindred. animate sheets of skin, without muscle, bone, or
It is made to think and behave exactly as Tremere organs to support them. They have senses beyond
require it to, before being sent to manipulate human comprehension as well as inexplicable
the Clan they were once part of. Their Beast powers of movement, freeing them up to travel
is that of a Gargoyle, so when they learn of as far as they wish and experience whatever they
nearby Grotesqueries they instinctively flock desire.
to that location. This always ends in horror as
Gargoyles possess their own instinctual response to A Velluma can splay out and drift on the wind
simulacrum - one of utter hatred. A Gargoyle will to fly, or condense to the size of a pencil to slither
have to test their willpower not to kill these beings through unseen cracks. They have no faces, make
immediately since they were programed to kill no sound, and do not attack victims with an intent
them from the beginning. to harm; all they do is drink human blood. They
will find a lone host and wrap around the subject,
Simulacra are designed to fulfil one mission dissolving his entire body and absorbing the juices
and to die soon after so any that survive their inside before flapping away into the darkness.
mission were expected to be killed by Gargoyles
as per their instincts. This dissociation from Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 5, Stamina 2,
all Kindred life sends simulacra insane and Perception 3, Intelligence 1, Wits 1
suicidal, opting to kill themselves, kill others, or Abilities: Academics 1 (occasionally), Alertness 4,
willingly fall to wightdom. They appear as classic Athletics 4, Melee 1, Stealth 4, Survival 2
frankenstein monsters with reconstituted flesh and Disciplines: Flight 1, Potence 2, Obfuscate 2
deadened nerves making their facial expressions
uncanny; this makes long term social interactions Willpower: 3
hard to maintain. Blood pool: 3
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina Health Levels: OK, -2, -5, Incapacitated
2, Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1, Vellumae can fly by catching updrafts and floating
Perception 2, Intelligence 1, Wits 2. on air currents. They will take to flight in order
Abilities: Alertness 1, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Melee to hunt for prey, once they sense it they will wrap
3, Performance 1, Stealth 2, Survival 2, Subterfuge around the lines whole body. The Velluma drains
1, the human of blood and quickly takes off once
Disciplines: Fortitude 2, Obfuscate 3, Potence 1 again into the night.
Willpower: 3 Iecur
Blood pool: 8 Nightmares of the dungeons of Ceoris come
Health Levels: OK, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -5, in the form of iecur, the sight of which scarcely
Incapacitated any Kindred could see without frenzying from
sheer terror. Formed of hundreds of organs knitted
Gargoyles have the natural urge to kill simulacra, together by digestive channels which spawn during
purely from the scent of their blood. For one to Gestation, these six-foot mounds of flesh act as
survive in a Grotesquerie they must continually guards in secret cave systems and dungeons storing
make an extended Charisma + Empathy roll. the most important of magical texts. When iecur
are threatened, they will dissolve their prey by

Clanbook: Gargoyles 97
wrapping around them and digesting them in a to track any being by smelling its aura residue left
matter of minutes. Though they prefer Kindred behind on clothing or tools. Once it has tracked
flesh, anything unlucky enough to cross their its victim down it sprays a chemical upon them
path is fair game. If they are left more than ten from an orifice grown within its brain, forging a
days without flesh they will enter a state of frenzy permanent spiritual connection which enables
until they are once more fed. Only beings of truly the hexaped to find its victim anywhere on earth.
substantial strength can combat an iecur as they They have been observed to possess the early levels
possess monumental Fortitude and Potence. of Protean and Auspex, which give them an even
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 1, Stamina 10, greater edge in tracking their prey. Despite their
Perception 1, Intelligence 1, Wits 1 horrific appearance, they will often behave like
young puppies. with playful attitudes and excitable
Abilities: Alertness 3, Brawl 8, Intimidation 5, devotion to duty.
Stealth 1
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4,
Disciplines: Fortitude 4, Potence 4 Perception 5, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
Willpower: 4 Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 2,
Blood pool: 12 Intimidation 4, Stealth 7, Survival 3
Health levels: OK, OK, OK, OK, -1, -1, -3, -3, -5, Disciplines: Auspex 2 (3 for more advanced
Incapacitated Hexapeds), Fortitude 1, Potence 2, Protean 1
The Iecur Must make a successful Grapple (occasionally)
before beginning to digest its victim. Having done Willpower: 5
so, it strips its victim of one health level and one Blood pool: 10
blood point per subsequent tum, no further rolls
required. For a victim to release herself from Health levels: OK, OK, OK, -1, -1 -1, -1, -3, -3, -5,
enveloping iecur, the player must roll Strength + Incapacitated
Brawl. If trapped up against a wall, a victim has Hand-to-hand attacks do normal damage the
no way out of its grip, and must hope she (or her Head appendage however does 8 dice but stops
allies) can kill it before it reduces her entirely to attacking after a successful hit, instead draining 3
paste. blood per turn.
Hexapeds Colossi
Hexapeds are six-armed, dog-minded monsters One of the greatest threats to the security of
which were often left to roam the grounds outside Ceoris during the Omen War was the vozhd of
of Ceoris with the Chitterers and Reapers until the Tzimisce (see V20 pages 502-503). Naturally,
their specific capabilities were required. They are the Tremere felt the need to replicate such sheer
constructed with the flesh of three Gangrel, using destructive force in their own constructs. The
all their arms, some of each one’s intestine, and repeated Gestation of Gargoyles saw to this need
the entirety of each brain. The body is severed with grim results: “the birth of an embodied
at the waist with 3 arms attached either side. angel”, in the words of Cordwood. In seeking
Their heads are stapled back so as to allow them to create the ultimate Gargoyle killing machine,
movement on their elbows with their hands Virstania and Malgorzata created the colossi;
pointing skyward. Their faces are removed and perhaps uniquely, it was a project that saw much
replaced by a strapped-shut wound, exposing their greater contribution from Goratrix’s childe than
combined brain, and their chest cavity is cracked from the Great Mother.
open with a unique sensory tendril lying in wait In the creation of a Gargoyle colossus, one
within. outstanding specimen of each Casting (each
Hexapeds have the exceedingly precise ability from the same womb-bearer) is dismembered

98 Chapter Five: The Slaves Retainers

and sewn back together, with all impurities and
mutations removed so as to retain only their
strongest properties. They are then placed back
inside the womb of the same womb-bearer that
created them originally for two full years. Over Trovants
this period, rituals must be performed day and Every damaged piece of matter left over after
night to encourage the flesh of all four beings to the Gestation of the Gargoyles of Ceoris was
merge together. If successful, the womb-bearer will thrown into a refuse pile within the catacomb
gradually grow a cocoon of shining hematite across beneath the chantry, amidst alchemical waste
its entire body over the course of the first year. and the faeces of ghouls and yet-mortal Tremere.
Towards the end of the second year, this cocoon Eventually the time came to clear out this vile
will splinter apart, revealing what is left at the end mess, at which point expendable ghouls were
of the two year ritual. given the unenviable task of transporting the waste
Emerging from the broken cocoon will be a eastwards and dumping it in the Black Sea.
twenty-foot-tall newborn colossus. The faces of Just after the foul-smelling caravan had left
the three cast gargoyles will have erupted from the the Carpathians, their cargo mysteriously tore
womb-bearers head (resulting in the ability to look through the wooden slats of the carts and pooled
in every direction at once) and their wings will on the ground. Upon investigating, the ghouls
have all sprouted out of her back and enlarged to found large spherical boulders sat amidst the
match their new frame. Any of the former womb- Gargoyle remains, human waste, and chemicals.
bearer’s weakened muscles will be reinforced to As the ghouls (who didn’t know what else to do)
their original power and then some, leaving a tried to lift these boulders back into the cart, their
creature capable of razing a castle to the ground blood was tugged though their skin and seemingly
singlehandedly. consumed by the boulders. The rest of the caravan
The faces, wings, and entire body are covered fled; upon returning with Kindred masters the
in the sigils which had previously been inscribed boulders had disappeared.
upon the cocoon during re-Gestation, making each Today, these ‘living’ boulders are even known
colossus resemble the more alien depictions of to the kine and referred to as ‘trovants’. They
angels. are immune to sunlight and have no reactions
Attributes: Strength 8, Dexterity 4, Stamina 7, to outside stimuli. If at any time the boulders
Perception 5, Intelligence 2, Wits 4 are ‘hungry’ (which only appears to be every few
years or even decades), they will instantly drain
Abilities: Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Brawl 6,
the blood of anything touching them through
Intimidation 6, Survival 4
the victim’s skin. The rocks multiply when ever
Disciplines: Flight 3, Fortitude 3, Potence 3 water or blood touches them (more quickly with
Willpower: 5 human blood, even more so with vampire blood),
and they have the capacity to travel seemingly
Blood pool: 20
vast distances of their own volition. Humans
Health levels: OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, -1, -1 -1, -1 see these as a simply natural phenomena with
-1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -5, -5, -5, Incapacitated the subsequent deaths quickly covered up by
Colossi are indomitable, they combined minds those Tremere who have purchased the land and
make domination a futile effort. They also have an declared their location the ‘trovant preserve’.
ability similar to presence where in they can strike
terror in heir enemies hearts with a single roar, this
costs 2 blood points and requires an intimidation

Clanbook: Gargoyles 99
Chapter Six:
Gargoyle Rituals psychoactive blood tonics to facilitate an audience
with spirits.
Long before the Revolt - before the majority Though most Gargoyles have abandoned the
of Gargoyles were true vampires capable of Mother’s personal goals, many still believe they
the Embrace, before the use of Disciplines are meant to be elevated to a status of greatness
and other fundamental Kindred abilities, the which can now only be achieved through a unique
Tremere masters would apply specialised rituals connection to the spiritual world.
called ‘humours’ to their Gargoyle slaves. These
humours ranged from an enchantment allowing The Grand Grotesquerie (Level Three)
the master to see through a Construct’s eyes, The Grand Grotesquerie is a meeting of
to a mutation granting a Gargoyle the ability to many Gargoyles, held in order to share in their
breathe fire. In the modern nights, these rituals strength as a bloodline and forge and strengthen
work just as well as they once did, but due to the ties between nearby Grotesqueries. Once the
terms of the Montmartre Pact, many have been place for a Grand Grotesquerie has been decided
lost. As the subjects of these rituals, Gargoyles in upon by a council of Rock Lords and Ladies and
Grotesqueries the world over have retained the the chosen site has been made secure against any
knowledge of their performance and have made outside threats, the date will be set. The location
them into something akin to social traditions. will almost always be a place with absolutely no
Many rituals related most directly to survival mortal presence, or land owned by Kindred who
(Skin of the Chameleon and Stone Slumber, for have proven their worth in the eyes of the Gargoyle
instance) were codified by Virstania and converted race.
into the Discipline of Visceratika.
Each Rock Lord will escort his entire
Though blood sorcery is not a common talent Grotesquerie along with any ghouls, monstrosities,
for Gargoyles to be born with, it is rare for any or Gargoyle creatures that may live within his Eyrie
Grotesquerie to not have some degree of arcane to the location of the gathering. Once there, they
knowledge (under the purview of the Scout Mould will lay claim to a specific region of the domain
and his shamans), with which they refine their in a first-come-first-serve basis until all attending
rituals into tools for both social protocol and Grotesques have made their ‘camp’. A symbolic
individual survival. These range from the ornate Rock Court will be set up by specially-appointed
decoration of war-bound Warrior packs to brewing shamans from all attending Grotesqueries, where

100 Chapter Six: Geomancy

the Rock Lords and Ladies will ultimately meet. In does not affect existing blood bonds or vinculi.
the centre of this court will be placed a monolithic If any Mould fails his roll, the entire ritual fails
standing stone carved by the Scout Moulds of each but may be reattempted at +1 difficulty. If more
attendant Grotesquerie, covered with inscriptions Moulds fail than succeed, the ritual may not
representing each Grotesquerie’s Eyrie and bearing be reattempted that night at all. Worst of all, if
a sculpted, open-mouthed face in the centre. there are more botched rolls than successes, the
The Rock Lords and Ladies debate the various Grand Grotesquerie will likely descend into petty
bonds between their Grotesqueries, any breaches bickering or even exchanged blows, imposing +1
in those bonds and any further agreements that difficulty to all Social rolls between all Gargoyles
they might wish to propose. Boons may be granted present for the rest of the night.
during this debate and more often than not Draught of Molten Fury (Level Three)
individuals will be sworn to other Grotesqueries,
whereby a Gargoyle will leave his Eyrie to join This humour was designed purely to increase
another, unifying the two. Once all Lords are the Warriors’ already terrifying battle prowess,
happy with the arrangements (a state which can giving them an even greater edge in combat. They
take several nights to reach) they will all, one by gain the ability to not only ignore the debilitating
one and in descending order of age, enter the effects of wounds during the heat of combat, but
central monolith; once this is finished they will to use this pain to fuel mighty blows against his
expel blood simultaneously from the mouth enemies. The shaman must - without revealing
carved in the centre, providing a gentle fountain his true purpose to the subject in question - goad
of combined vitae from which every attendant a Gargoyle into frenzy and remove a number of
(ghouls, Gargoyle beasts and monstrosities blood points from him equal to the number of
included) will drink. After drinking, the attendants prospective subjects before he regains control.
will spend the rest of the night sparring, racing, or This substance is then boiled in an iron pan. As it
teaching each other Disciplines. This display strikes reaches the boil, the shaman recites an incantation
those few Kindred to have witnessed it (and several akin to a battle cry. Once enchanted, the blood -
Camarilla-loyal Gargoyles) as disconcertingly close still boiling - is drunk by the Gargoyles subject to
to the ritae of the Sabbat, and in particular the the humour.
Vaulderie. System: After the Gargoyle activates this
At the turn of the next night the members of humour’s power, they can make a Willpower
each Grotesquerie returns to their Eyries with a roll (difficulty 7) whenever they take damage. If
renewed sense of belonging to their bloodline (or successful, the player will ignore any new dice pool
‘Clan’, as they become tempted to think of it). The penalties incurred and instead adds that same
Rock Lords will all Mimetically retain elements number of dice to all of his Strength rolls. If the
of the stone from which the monolith was made Gargoyle reaches Incapacitated or below he still
in order to remind them of their various oaths. falls unconscious or is destroyed, as appropriate.
This feature will only fade come the next time they If the Kindred possesses Armour of Terra, he will
perform the ritual. only gain dice equal to half the normal health
penalties, exactly as he would suffer losing them.
System: The Scout Moulds each spend a This humour lasts for one scene once it is activated
point of Willpower and make a Intelligence + by the Gargoyle subject, which she may do at any
Crafts roll to create the monolith (difficulty 6), time by burning the enchanted blood point.
requiring one successful roll for each Rock Lord.
If they all succeed, all attendees of the Grand Enchant the Newborn (Level One)
Grotesquerie count as blood bonded to each This ritual allows the shaman to initiate a
Rock Lord for the month following the humour’s fledgling into his Grotesquerie, blessing her with
performance, though only to the first degree. It a number of gifts for as long as the shaman and

Clanbook: Gargoyles 101

the fledgling remain bound by the ritual itself shamans to emerge free following the Revolt
(generally the first few years of the fledgling’s sought to emulate their Mother and her great goal
unlife). A shaman may be so bound to only one of elevating the Gargoyle race above the other
fledgling at a time, so if he is the only shaman Kindred. The subject must be willing, ready and
in the Grotesquerie the effects will normally be female for this procedure to work, she will become
transferred each time a new childe is Embraced the brood mother of her Grotesquerie, equal in
(or, rarely, created by ritual) and initiated. status only to their chosen Rock Lord.
This humour requires six hours per night for A womb-bearer is prepared by having her
one complete cycle of the moon, beginning on abdomen scrubbed with various smoke-filtered oils
the night of the Gargoyle’s Gestation (whether for an entire night amidst lengthy incantations.
by Embrace or At Our Command It Breathes) The bearer is then given a specially-prepared
and ending with precisely the same moon phase. mixture of vitae and natural soil to consume. As
The actual ritual requirements of Enchant the she does so, she must make an extended Stamina
Newborn are quite relaxed; the six hours need only roll (difficulty 8) not to spew the mixture back out
consist of the shaman and the fledgling being in (unless she happens to have the Eat Food Merit),
one another’s presence, usually bonding over play, over the period of a month.
sparring, tutoring, or simply conversation. This is Over this period the womb-bearers body grows
also considered an ideal time for a new Gargoyle at an agonisingly slow pace, until she is three times
to bond with her Grotesquerie, including being larger. Once this process is complete, the shaman
subject to Grotesque Consecration (see below) performs one final blessing upon the bearer’s
System: This humour must begin on the night uterus, rolling Intelligence + Occult and spending
of the subject’s Gestation, and be ‘performed’ three blood points and a Willpower point. If the
nightly for the entire moon cycle which begins on entire ritual is successful, the newly-converted
that night. The shaman spends one blood point Gargoyle will naturally birth a mass of compressed
per night and once a week makes an extended roll earth, leaving her with a womb ready to bear
of Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 8); if a night’s Gargoyles.
work is missed or if the four extended rolls do not Shamans outside of the Flock have adapted
accumulate at least 20 net successes, the childe is Fertility of Clay, enabling them to relieve a womb-
unaffected and the humour cannot be resumed bearer’s pain - only for the shaman to take it
or repeated. An initiated fledgling gains several on himself. Doing so is considered a grim duty
advantages: by responsible shamans, so as not to repeat the
• The difficulty of all harmful or malicious sufferings of Alvusia. Some are looking into ways
magical effects that target her increases by +1. to relieve or take on the pain at other periods, but
• The fledgling receives one extra dice when have so far been unsuccessful.
rolling for group ritual castings. System: As a result of this ritual, the womb-
• If the fledgling is separated from her bearer’s Athletics and Dexterity are both reduced
grotesquerie, a successful Perception + Occult roll by two and her Stamina is increased by four
(difficulty 7) allows the shaman who performed (exceeding generational maximums if necessary).
this rite on her to divine her location. This increase in size often makes movement
difficult. She will have to be sectioned to fit the
Fertility of Clay (Level Four) Gargoyle foetus within her womb, and again to
The very existence of the Gargoyles as they are remove it once Gestation is completed. During
known depends on this ritual, which predates At the birthing process, the shaman who performed
Our Command It Breathes. Through it a Gargoyle, this ritual may spend a Willpower point in order
whether cast or Embraced, may be transformed to take on the womb-bearer’s pain (which deals no
into a womb-bearer (see page 96). The earliest damage but causes the shaman to count as being

102 Chapter Six: Geomancy

Crippled for the remainder of the scene, losing 5 decades in the same Eyrie.
dice from all dice pools). This ritual is primarily used in two
Fire Dancer (Level One) circumstances: when a Grotesquerie moves into a
new Eyrie (in which case all members, including
The Gargoyle acolytes finally managed to the shaman, take part), and when a new member
prove that gargoyles are superior to other kindred is introduced to the Grotesquerie and its Eyrie. If
by creating an ability where in they could ignore in the latter case the newcomer is introduced to
a fundamental failing of the vampiric condition: the Grotesquerie by way of Embrace or At Our
Rötshreck, the fear of fire. This process will give Command It Breathes (see page 107), Enchant
them an unshakable foundation within their souls the Newborn will also be used if that humour is
that even fire cannot crack. The Gargoyle will known. For many recently-created Gargoyles, this
cloak herself in her own wings while the shaman humour has been their first experience of feeding.
breaks off a shard of the subject’s carapace (which It is not uncommon for two Grotesqueries to
hurts, but inflicts no damage) and lights it. After exchange members through the use of this ritual,
this he inscribes runes across the Gargoyle’s wing so as to create bonds between them. It is noted
casing using with the fresh hot ash, which when that the use of this ritual allows new members of a
complete, glow with arcane power. Grotesquerie to quickly gain a sense of belonging
System: To perform this ritual, the Shaman in their new home and form fast friendships with
must spend a Willpower point and roll Wits + their comrades.
Occult. The ash and sparks of the burning stone System: The shaman spends a Willpower
create a spiritual barrier across the Gargoyle’s flesh point and rolls Dexterity + Occult (difficulty 6).
that obscures the Beast’s ability to perceive fire, If the shaman is successful, the creature’s blood
thus helping her stave off Rötshreck. Once the will be imbued with the essence of that Eyrie, and
ritual is complete, the Gargoyle gains an additional a sympathetic bond created between it and all
dice on Courage rolls made to resist Rötshreck per Gargoyle subjects. They must drink of the animal’s
success the shaman gained on the roll to perform blood before they sleep in the structure that night.
the ritual. This bonus is applied in the next Each Gargoyle who drinks one blood point from
scene in which the Gargoyle is required to resist the animal will take on Mimetic features of that
Rötshreck, after which the runes burn out and Eyrie when they next awaken. Additionally, they
the shield tapers off, leaving the Gargoyle in her gain a temporary Willpower point (which may
natural state. exceed their usual maximum). This ritual may only
Grotesque Consecration (Level One) be performed once for each Gargoyle introduced
to an Eyrie.
A surprisingly simple humour taught to most
shamans early into their journey, allows Mimesis to Harder than a Stone (Level Three)
take hold much sooner than would come naturally. For this humour, the shaman must carve a
They must bring a live animal into their new Eyrie heart from stone local to Eyrie and place it on
- sheep, deer, and cows are most commonly used - the chest of the Gargoyle subject, who must lie
before any of their new Grotesquerie mates sleep on the floor of the Eyrie in front of her entire
there, and cut geomantic sigils into the skin of the Grotesquerie. The heart is smeared in hot wax,
animal and any Gargoyles on whom the humour reddened with the blood of every member of the
is applied. Each Gargoyle must then drink from Grotesquerie, to create a ‘cocoon’ for it, which
that same creature. When they sleep that day, they becomes mounted on the Gargoyle’s chest. The
find that their Mimesis has begun at an advanced gathered Gargoyles repeat a ritual enchantment
rate. Groups of Gargoyles who undergo this ritual while the mound of hot wax cools. As they do
together often have far more uniform appearances so, the Gargoyle gradually feels less and less of an
than Grotesquerie mates who have spent years or emotional attachment to them.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 103

At the climax of the ritual the shaman will stab at +3 difficulty
the waxen mound with a stake made from petrified • All dice pools are halved for Social rolls
wood. As they do the mound will appear empty not involving Intimidation, including
and the entire wax structure will disintegrate, Disciplines.
revealing the that the stone heart has vanished,
having mystically entered the Gargoyle and merged • The character loses access to all Merits she
with her own heart over the course of the ritual. possesses that pertain to positive social
The application of this humour has fundamental interaction
and far-reaching consequences for the subject’s • Self-Control and Instinct rolls made to
physiology and psychology. resist frenzy or ride the wave are made at -3
Most simply, the Gargoyle’s heart becomes difficulty
permanently encased in a layer of thick, hard • The difficulty to use any supernatural
stone, making her much more difficult to stake. emotional influence (such as Presence) on
This stone is part of her body, and will regenerate her is increased by +3.
like any other if damaged. The psychological • Any attempt to stake the subject is next to
effects, however, go far deeper. For every night impossible; the Gargoyle doubles her soak
following the ritual until the Gargoyle meets Final pool.
Death, she will be a cold and unfeeling creature,
with little sentiment or compassion. Though she Milk of the Serpent (Level Three)
retains the capacity to hold values and beliefs, A ritual more commonly used on Scouts to
she does so only because she sees them as logical, facilitate assassinations of Tremere (or any other
and will perform virtually any act in their name Kindred), this humour turns the fangs of the
- though equally she will not become incensed Gargoyle into those of a venomous snake. As the
when they are criticised or opposed. She becomes Gargoyle feeds on his victim, he may transmute
very difficult to manipulate emotionally, whether the blood he takes from them into a toxic venom
through mundane means or through the use of the which he then replaces, taking a heavy toll on
Presence Discipline. Further, her Beast’s aggression his victim’s body. To enact this rite, the shaman
atrophies, though if she willingly performs actions must carve two thick fangs from rock and bathe
that erode her Humanity, she will fall all the them in snake blood for one month, starting on
quicker without much in the way of a conscience the new moon. During this month they must test
to resist degeneration. their Intelligence and Occult each night (difficulty
This is not a humour which is applied lightly, 7), by the next new moon they must have reached
for it is irreversible. The few Gargoyles who 30 successes or the fangs will be left inurt. Once
volunteer for it, most of whom are Warriors, are done, these fangs must replace those of another
regarded with equal parts awe and fear by their Gargoyle.
fellows. It is considered the greatest sacrifice for System: To perform this ritual the shaman
a Gargoyle to give up their sense of belonging in spends a blood point and a Willpower point
order to protect the place of belonging of others. and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 7). If it
System: The ritual requires one blood point succeeds, the Gargoyle subject may spend a blood
from the shaman and from each member of the point whenever he drinks a point of blood from
subject’s Grotesquerie, which are infused with the a victim (mortal, vampire, or other) in order to
wax. In addition, all participants (including the convert that blood into a potent supernatural
subject) must spend a temporary Willpower point. venom (preventing the risk of becoming subject
Once the ritual is performed, the subject has to a blood bond), which he then regurgitates
numerous, permanent changes applied to her: back into his victim’s body. The victim then
• Conscience and Conviction rolls are made rolls her soak dice against a difficulty equal to

104 Chapter Six: Geomancy

the shaman’s Willpower (minimum 5) to shrug them remain. This substance deteriorates after a
off the effects of the venom. Victims who fail single night, removing its effects after that time
will suffer one unsoakable level of lethal damage and meaning that it cannot be stocked.
each night thereafter (accompanied by a brief
but intense agony upon awakening) until they Resisting Flesh (Level Two)
die, until they go into torpor, or until the venom Shamans invoke this humor to impart a
loses its potency. The shaman can spend a point resistance against the dread Tzimisce ability
of Willpower to prevent the victim from suffering to mould a victim’s flesh like a clay. Many
the next night’s wound, provided the shaman is Grotesqueries live on the fringes of human
in the victim’s presence during the night before. society, and as such are easy prey for Tzimisce
This makes the venom an ideal means by which experimentation. Many small Grotesqueries have
to threaten a victim into obeying the user, or to been raided by Sabbat packs, only to be dragged
appear as a friend. One victim may be envenomed into a Fiend’s laboratory for ‘research purposes’. In
multiple times by the same (or separate) users, to response, a group of shamans developed a defence
a maximum of three, and suffer a corresponding strategy with this humour, which has spread widely
amount of damage each night. since.
A subject can generate venom for one week. After System: The shaman must prepare a balm
a victim suffers its effect, the venom lingers in before starting the ritual using local spring water
her system for one week per success gained by the and earth from their eyrie, they remove a chip of
shaman on the Intelligence + Occult roll made to the subject’s stone skin and anoint them with the
perform the ritual. balm using the chip as a ‘wand’ while spending
one Willpower point. The skin becomes resistant
Perpetuating Vitae (Level Three) to any shape-changing capability and as such halves
Another apparent example of Gargoyle the dice pool of Vicissitude rolls made to alter the
supremacy is displayed through this humour, Gargoyle. This ritual will only remain active for
the ability to temporarily turn a Gargoyle into a one night, so the shaman must tactical with its
revenant-like being, whereby they can generate application.
vitae ‘naturally’. The shaman must collect the
marrow from a horned or antlered beast and a The Cave’s Shadow (Level Five)
winged beast. The two are slowly mixed together Gargoyle shamans often participate in this
with one blood point from each Gargoyle wishing ritual at a young age while preparing Warriors
to imbibe, including the shaman. As it is mixed for the fight, but it is only truly known by senior
the shaman rolls Intelligence + Occult (with a shamans. Deep in his Eyrie’s cave system, cellar, or
difficulty of 9) while spending any number of catacomb the shaman will find the darkest shadow
temporary Willpower points required, dependent and paint the Gargoyle subject with a thick paste
on the intended duration of the humour. The consisting of blood, ash, and various finely-ground
number of successes indicates how many doses of stone powders. Once the Gargoyle is painted to
the potion are useful. Once the ritual is complete, accentuate her most horrific features - the duty
the Gargoyle beneficiaries must eat the magical usually performed by apprentice shamans - she will
‘blood jelly’. slowly crack apart, only to reform into a vast cloud
System: Whenever the Gargoyle wishes of blackened malice. Glimmers of her screaming
to spend one or more blood points, he can face can be seen as flashes of fire amongst the
make a Stamina roll (difficulty 7). If successful, billows of smog as she surges forward to attack.
the humour causes the Gargoyle’s marrow to System: The shaman must combine 1 point of
synthesise a compensating quantity of blood, so blood with 1 pound each of three varieties of stone
that a number of blood points up to his successes and ash, resulting in a thick, red-grey sludge. The
are not removed, though the benefits of spending shaman must coat his subject in this sludge for

Clanbook: Gargoyles 105

at least one hour in the darkest shadow available, Vigil of the Stone Guardian (Level Four)
using the paste to emphasise the subject’s ferocity Clan Tremere had long utilized several mystical
and intimidation factor. The subject’s stone flesh servants other than Gargoyles to protect their
will crumble away to release a billowing black chantries, havens, and laboratories. Vigil of the
cloud. This cloud is invisible in darkness and Stone Guardian allowed the thaumaturge to create
almost silent (requiring a difficulty 9 Perception + a mystical sentry to protect a door or gate, in the
Alertness roll to hear its approach). While in this form of a stone Gargoyle door-knocker. Many
form, the subject may move at double her normal Sentinels escaping Ceoris ripped these knockers
Flight speed and may reform into her physical from their mounts to save them from future slavery
body as it was before the ritual began, taking no in the aftermath of the Revolt. To get back at the
damage from the process and being able to act as Warlocks, shamans began performing a similar
normal immediately. ritual as that used to make such figureheads using
Ward of the Winged Sepulcher (Level Three) dying Gargoyles - not only to save the lives of fallen
Gargoyles but to better defend their Eyries while
The Gargoyle shaman can prepare his subject also sending an insult to Clan Tremere.
to provide temporary shelter from the damning
rays of the sun. When sunlight strikes the subject’s System: To create a Stone Guardian the
skin, her wings automatically billow out and shaman must, through a short but specific ritual,
wrap around herself and anyone in her grasp, decapitate the head of a fallen Gargoyle (that is, a
forming a solid dome of stone around them. Both Gargoyle which has dropped below Incapacitated
the shaman and his charge are protected from in the same scene) and soak it in her vitae over the
taking sunlight damage until the sun sets the next course of three nights (2 blood points are required
evening. per night). This immersion keeps the brain ‘alive’,
albeit in a comatose state, using the re-animating
System: The shaman must prepare a small power of vitae. She then hangs it upon the door or
cube, half an inch in diameter, carefully cut wall that will become the new home for the Stone
from a tombstone. Spending a blood point Guardian and recites the correct incantations. If
and a Willpower point, he dabs each side of successful, the Guardian’s skull bonds with the
the cube with a tiny drop of blood, whispering mount it is fixed upon and will be incredibly hard
an incantation. The Gargoyle ingests the cube to remove without it being destroyed.
and the ritual lies dormant until the Kindred’s
skin is touched by sunlight, at which point her The Stone Guardian retains all memories
wings unfurl to protect her. The wings harden and cognitive powers it had before ‘death’, it may
to true stone, from which grows a dome of the talk, think and learn using any Social or Mental
same material around the Gargoyle. She is able Attributes and any Knowledges it had previously,
to protect one additional adult-sized individual as well as the use of Visceratika and non-physical
within this dome for every two levels of Flight the Disciplines. If it is affixed to a door, gate, or other
Gargoyle possesses. portal, the Guardian has the inherent ability to
open, close, lock or unlock it.
If the subject does not already possess wings,
the ritual has no effect on them. Gargoyles with Such protection comes at a cost to the
the Withering Abhorrence Feature (see page Grotesquerie. Like any other vampire, the
64) can only protect a number of additional Stone Guardian loses a point of blood when it
individuals for every third level of Flight they awakens each night, and thus requires feeding
possess. Likewise, one Gargoyle with Withered - or if it is to continue its vigilance. Usually this is
a being of similar size, such as a human child - done by providing a drop of blood gathered
counts as half an individual for the purpose of this from elsewhere, but some Grotesqueries have
ritual. the tendency of occasionally bringing their Stone
Guardians live ‘prey’, so that they might experience

106 Chapter Six: Geomancy

true feeding again. If a Stone Guardian is not fed, have the ability to learn Gargoyle humours, though
it will fall into torpor until reactivated with a point it will be much harder for them to attain such
of vitae.
Window of Second Sight (Levels Two and
Four) At Our Command it Breathes
To allow Warriors and Sentinels alike to better The ritual devised by Goratrix almost
defend their Grotesqueries, shamans can give a millennium ago is still practiced tonight
them an insight into one another’s perceptions. by the Great Mother herself, independent
Through this ritual, two Gargoyles, irrespective Grotesqueries and a few less upstanding
of their Casting or other origin can experience Tremere chantries. It is almost impossible for
each other’s observations in addition to their an acolyte to simply pick up a manual and
own, giving them heightened levels of combat start churning out Gargoyles as the ritual
awareness, surveillance capability, and defensive will seem to have no logical consistency. This
capacity. This ritual is also used to give a pair of is why Virstania spent four centuries writing
Sentinels greater ability to protect their fledglings countless theses trying to define it. Outside
or Gargoyle animals, supplying peace of mind as of Thaumaturgy (see Rites of the Blood,
they stay in the Eyrie. page 106), it may be learned by Gargoyles as
System: The two subjects must expend a point a Level 5 humour. Though mechanically the
each of their blood and bind it with a point of the ritual is identical to that given in Rites of the
caster’s blood and a pint of the clearest mountain Blood, we encourage a Storyteller to make a
spring water. Once the two subjects are ready for focal point of the chronicle be this ritual, if a
their endeavour they will be lain on their back player wishes to attempt it.
and have a drip dropped into each eye three times When it is attempted, the Storyteller is
while the correct incantation is intoned. Once advised to use one session for each section of
each of them blink, the bonded Gargoyles become the ritual; examination/vivisection, preser-
able to simultaneously see their own vision and the vation/alchemical treatment, and assembly/
ally’s sight. This ritual will only last for one night. Gestation. The first session should be phys-
A Level Four version of this ritual exists, which ically demanding on the shaman, requiring
must be learned separately and requires the Level the character to restrain her multiple victims
Two version to know. It requires the expenditure and delicately remove specific features. The
of an additional blood point from all three second session should be more intellectu-
participants (totalling 6). With this version, the ally rigorous, with the character undertak-
bound Gargoyles see images of other supernatural ing precise preservation methods (curing,
creatures’ true forms whilst also sharing vision – tanning, pickling etc) and deciding on the
werewolves appear in their hybrid man-wolf shapes, correct obscure ingredients (fire flower
mages glow in a scintillating aura, wraiths become root, Lupine blood, ground vis crystals, etc).
visible, subjects under the guise of Obfuscate can The third and final session should be more
be seen, illusions cast no reflection, and those of a creative process where the character
possessing True Faith are coated in golden light. It ‘designs’ their creation; the Storyteller can
still only lasts one night. make secret changes depending on how well
the players various rolls went. The resulting
Misbegotten Humours Gargoyle should be more of an achievement
The shamanic way is certainly not restricted within the shaman’s story than the result of
to sired and cast Gargoyles; even those Constructs a simple ritual.
made far outside of Virstania’s jurisdiction have
command over some humours. Most Misbegotten

Clanbook: Gargoyles 107

knowledge, on the fringes of an already small and easing the creation of further Calacas. Calacas
disparate community as they are. The Storyteller have found that members of Clan Giovanni will
may decide to allow his Misbegotten players seem to pay a hefty price for just one craneo, even
unlimited access to Gargoyle humours, though we though they are only half as effective (if that) away
would suggest limiting them to the two provided from their home cenote.
for each specific Misbegotten group, reflecting System: The Calaca must initially succeed an
their limited experiences (if only due to their extended Stamina + Performance roll (around one
relatively short histories). per hour) and sacrificing his ghoul (who must also
Noche de los Muertos (Level Two Calaca succeed her rolls). Stripping and decorating the
Humour) skull requires a successful Intelligence + Crafts
An almost religious ritual practiced by most roll (difficulty 7). One skull at the Calaca’s cenote
Calacas, Noche de los Muertos is designed to lower lowers the Shroud by one; each consecutive level
the Shroud and provide ghosts a smoother passage which the Shroud is to be lowered by requires
between worlds. During the daylight hours of the an additional number of skulls equal to the new
day of the dead, the Calaca’s ghoul must begin number of reduced Shroud levels (i.e., three skulls
consuming vitae-fed marigolds; any respectable must be used to lower the Shroud by 2, six to lower
Calaca will ‘ghoul’ entire bushels of marigolds, it by 3, etc.).
which they value for their supposed ability to clear In addition, the more skulls a houngan his
away the mists between the worlds, endowing surrounding his cenote, the shorter the Gestation
them with powerful hallucinogenic properties. period will be when that cenote is used to creating
When darkness falls, the Calaca awakens to join Calacas. Some Calaca havens are known to possess
his heavily intoxicated ghoul. He must drink one entire walls made of these fetishes, at which
blood point from her and immediately break into places the Shroud is perilously thin and the most
dance around the cenote while wearing a long, time-consuming element of creating a Calaca is
fetish-strewn cloak. acquiring the ingredients.
The pair must dance up until midnight Hoodoo Familiar (Level Three Calaca
(making an extended Stamina roll at a difficulty Humour)
of 7 and spending one Willpower point). By this
time, the ghoul will have begun to suffer organ Though ‘voodoo dolls’ are a Western fallacy
failure from the strength of the marigolds, causing based on actual Afro-Caribbean practices, some
her to cough up blood. Just before the stroke of Calacas have taken the idea and combined it with
midnight the cenote will stir, whipping up into a the creation of their own ritualistic fetishes. These
whirlpool - seemingly in time with the rhythm of familiars produce a similar though altogether
the dance. At the stroke of midnight the already- more sinister effect against an unwitting target, a
weakened ghoul’s throat will be cut and her blood shaman can use them to intimidate and control
allowed to flow into the writhing cenote’s waters. any victim they desire. The houngan must
The reddened tempest will utter screams from surround her cenote with a thick cloud of incense
the underworld along side splashes of blood and from a blend of tobacco and dried peppers. While
chunks of carrion-ladened silt and muck. trying to ‘entertain’ the spirits of the pool through
jovial conversation and anecdotes - even getting
While this is ongoing, the Calaca must remove a response back on occasion - she will create a
the ghoul’s head, strip it of flesh, and decorate the humanoid doll from hessian cloth, filled with
skull with highly ornate patterns, including silver sludge scooped up from the side of the cenote
and gems arranged in floral patterns. Thereafter, (which incurs one level of un-soakable damage
the skull (called a craneo) will be stained by the from the water and requires a successful Courage
underworld, becoming a permanent fetish of the roll, difficulty 8, to perform).
Calaca, lowering the Shroud and, rumour holds,

108 Chapter Six: Geomancy

She must place an ‘element’ of the victim she hearts of their subjects. The Gorgon must sit alone
wishes to subjugate inside the belly of the doll: by the light of a candle made from vitae-infused
hair, flesh, teeth, or clotted blood all work equally wax for an entire night, methodically transcribing
well. The doll is finally stitched inside a sack and the hieroglyphs found on her body upon a sheet of
tossed into the cenote, along with the full contents gilded papyrus. She then delicately folds the sheet
of a litre bottle of rum. As the doll sinks to the into a small square and drenches it in her blood.
bottom, the houngan must convince the Loa that Once the document has absorbed the vitae, she
this doll is a ‘horse’ created to be ridden by spirits burns a hole directly through the center of it. As
wishing to enter the real world through possession. she unfolds the singed paper, only a small selection
System: If the Calaca is successful in her of the hieroglyphs she had written will be intact,
attempt to coerce the loa, which will require a seemingly saved by Sets hand.
Charisma + Occult roll (difficulty 8 normally - System: Within one month of performing this
difficulty 7 if rare and high quality rum is used) ritual, which requires the expenditure of a blood
the doll will physically crawl from the cenotes point and a successful Intelligence + Expression
depths drenched in gore at the next sunset entirely roll (difficulty 6), the Gorgon can perform
animate. This doll will be sympathetically tied to an elaborate sermon. This sermon requires
the human, Kindred, or other being whose flesh her to succeed a Manipulation + Expression
was used during its creation. As such, any damage roll (difficulty 8) using the remaining burnt
she inflicts upon the doll will instantly damage hieroglyphs as her service notes. The words have
the victim (this damage is unsoakable). The doll been carefully chosen by Set to stir passion, so
must be soaked in one blood point’s worth of vitae if she rolls successfully she will be able to elicit a
nightly to remain animate, though once the doll is deep emotional reaction from all those able to hear
destroyed the power will end. To prevent the doll her words. Joy, anger, sorrow, arousal, hunger, fear
from escaping it must be constantly restrained or and confidence can all be inspired in the doting
caged - bird cages full of these frantic dolls have crowd - though it is (supposedly) Set who chooses,
been witnessed in the havens of some particularly not the Gorgon herself.
malicious houngans. If the doll is damaged beyond
use it continues to exude an inverted ‘blood bond’, Entering Duat (Level Three Gorgon Humour)
providing a +1 bonus dice to Intimidation rolls This ritual is used by many Gorgons to
made against the victim to whomever possesses it. personally visit Set and return again with his
The doll can only sustain six levels of lethal commandments and a renewed sense of faith.
damage before it becomes permanently inert; The Gorgon must spend several hours physically
the body part or parts contained within the sanding off the hieroglyphs coating his sandstone
doll disintegrate, leaving the doll an inanimate, flesh; every area of his body must be eroded to
almost useless husk. However, a doll can be kept a smooth finish. Weakened by this excruciating
indefinitely, allowing the shaman to control her experience he will then be required to apply fresh
victim (who, after all, need not know that it is no animal hide bandages to his bleeding masonry
longer effective) through fear without ever actually in order to re-mummify himself. Most are too
having to harm him. weak following their ordeal to do this, so ghouls
are required to aid them in their journey. Once
Ecstatic Sermon (Level Two Gorgon bandaged, the Gorgon will be placed inside his
Humour) former Gestation sarcophagus while several ghouls
Not all Gorgons are granted the freedom to fill it with desert sand, sealing him in. With him
become lector priests; some are simply used as is buried a copy of the Book of Going Forth by
living scripture in permanent slavery. Gorgons Night, the holiest of all Setite scripture.
finally created this humour to cement their place System: The process of sanding away the
at the altar, seemingly by guiding Set’s will to the Gorgon’s hieroglyphics causes seven levels of un-

Clanbook: Gargoyles 109

soakable bashing damage and requires a Willpower members must each take turns stabbing her with a
roll (difficulty 8) to even achieve. Once buried, the freshly-beaten dagger.
Gorgon will immediately enter torpor, while his ba System: Once constricted, the Nkisi must
and ka (Man and Beast) enter Duat as one. He will spend three blood points to trigger the arcane spell
be forced to read aloud from his religious tomes at coating the chain links, and the ritualist must roll
the foot of seven large gates (each reading requires Intelligence + Occult (difficulty varies, see below)
an Intelligence + Occult roll with a difficulty of 10, after the Nkisi is successfully damaged with the
reduced by each dot of Path rating he has above 5). ritual knives. For each point of damage dealt to
If he does not follow the Path of Typhon, Excess, the Nkisi, the ritual’s difficulty increases (starting
or the Warrior (see V20 pages 338-340 and Lore at difficulty 5 for only a single point of damage).
of the Clans pages 70-73), or any other derivative If she manages to not frenzy from the pain or die
of the Path of Typhon, the ritual automatically from the wounds, the dice pool modifiers from the
fails. If he is successful at each gate, he will pass damage are halved for the Nkisi. In either of these
through to finally see the face of while he believes instances, the ritual ends in failure.
to be Set himself. His interaction with Set will be
cryptic and distorted and only impart fragmented For each success the ritualist gains on the
information, intended to strengthen his temple Intelligence + Occult roll, a number of creatures
and foretell of any upcoming danger. (mortal, vampire, or other) which enter (or are
already within) the Magaji’s recognised territory
When he awakens once more on earth, he will with hostile intentions towards the Magaji or his
retain any information he managed to garner from subjects is dealt an amount of damage equal to
Set, which will be inscribed upon his body in the that suffered by the Nkisi as part of the ritual
form of entirely new, permanent hieroglyphics. If (which they may roll to soak as normal). Those
he used animal hide bandages different to those hostiles which would enter the territory feel an
used to create him during the creation ritual instinctive foreboding as they approach, receiving
(which is customary, simply to initiate chaotic a vague premonition of the pain that suffering
change), he will awake with his body transformed that awaits should they dare to intrude; entering
into a reflection of the deity tied to that animal. the territory in this state requires a Courage roll
This will also change his demeanour to reflect the (difficulty equal to the difficulty of the ritual) as
personality of that new deity. long as the humour still has ‘charges’.
Koma Nloka (Level Two Minkisi Humour ) Becoming the Olgatuny (Level Three Minkisi
Not all vampiric rituals require other beings to Humour)
suffer. The Nkisi’s position within a court means Most rumours start with a glimmer of truth
they are not granted underlings so they must behind them, the idea that Minkisi can create
make do alone. As such this ritual is difficult for Guardian Lions is false but still has an essence of
many Minkisi to even perform as it requires great truth behind it. Using this humour, the Minkisi
tests of self-control in the face of excruciating can actually shift their forms to that of a Guardian
punishment. It was designed by the Nganga as an Lion. In this form they can defend their Magaji
added ‘feature’ of his Fetishes, temporarily turning and her land with a deep primal fury and deadly
the construct into an unliving ward against evil power to match. To begin, the Fetish must debase
forces encroaching on the Magaji’s domain. The himself in front of the entire court, by dressing like
Nkisi must engrave a long iron chain with small a lion, covering himself in blood, and marching
geomantic runes, carving them into each link, through the hall on all fours. The Nkisi’s cloak
and wrap the chain around her chest to restrict of lion fur (taken from a ghouled lion) must have
all movement. The writing on this chain will start a number of symbols venerating Olorun, the sky
to glow bright red as if the iron were being heated lion, branded upon it; this garment can be used
by a forge. As it glows, the Nkisi’s fellow court again for the same purpose, though it must be

110 Chapter Six: Geomancy

preserved the same as any fur. As he runs and If his Magaji does not provide the blood at
leaps he must spend two Willpower points (or, if the end of his preparation, the Nkisi will not
he is a Mitupo, only one; their animalistic natures transform. Instead he will suffer +2 difficulty to
ease the process) to enter a trance, channeling the Self-Control and Instinct rolls for the remainder of
Beast of a lion to join his own. He will need to be the night, as two separate Beasts battle within his
voluntarily fed two blood points by his Magaji to head. Some particularly cruel Magaji will do this
allow his body to transform as well as his mind. as a punishment, and an amusing spectacle for the
System: For the remainder of the night, if court, if an Nkisi has failed them - and sometimes
the Nkisi is called upon to defend his tribe, he even if they haven’t.
can transform into a Guardian Lion for one
scene by spending the blood points given to him
by his Magaji. The metamorphosis will take two
turns to fully convert his body into that of a lion,
approximately 5 feet high at the shoulder and 7
feet long, decorated with carvings depicting his
Magaji’s victories in battle (real or imagined).
The Minkisi in lion form gains +3 Strength, +3
Stamina, 2 additional Hurt (-1) health levels and
1 additional Wounded (-2) health level, and they
deal lethal damage in unarmed attacks.

New Background: Humours

You have access to fragments of arcane knowledge long ago stolen from the archives of
Ceoris. Either your Eyrie is home to a well-versed shaman, you were gifted the texts by a Gargoyle
sympathiser within Kindred society, or you or an elder you know managed to personally steal
them during the Revolt. This valuable knowledge has given you the ability to perform humours in
service to your Grotesquerie.
• Initiate: You can learn only level one humours.
•• Novice: You may learn humours up to level two.
••• Acolyte: You may learn humours up to level three.
•••• Shaman: You may learn humours up to level four.
••••• Master: You may learn any humours.
This Background can only be taken up to the same level as the Gargoyle’s Occult rating.
Humours are gained as though they were blood sorcery rituals, as part of the story and at the
Storyteller’s discretion. Some storytellers may wish to limit access to some humours, especially
At Our Command It Breathes, to keep the chronicle grounded and more challenging, and give
prospective shamans something to strive towards.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 111

Chapter Seven:
A Gallery of
Sample Characters Roleplaying Tips: You are vocal, forthright, and
passionate, but not easily angered. Even in the
Agitator midst of argument you keep your cool, knowing
Background: You were Embraced by an old more often than not what to say to put your
Gargoyle, herself Embraced some three hundred opponent off-guard. You are remarkably averse to
years earlier by a veteran of Ceoris. You were raised physical violence for a Gargoyle, however.
largely according to the traditional free Gargoyle Equipment: A specially-made smartphone and
fashion, though you and your sire moved between laptop, a high-end surveillance drone, scrounged-
Grotesqueries rather than settling down in a single together clothing, Chaundician literature.
one since she wished you to see the world in your Goals: You wish for three things: the emancipation
youth. Like all Gargoyles you recall nothing of of your sire, the representation of Gargoyles on
your mortal life, and have never bothered to ask. A Primogen councils around the world, and most
year ago, though, it all came crashing down: while ambitiously the establishment of a Gargoyle
making temporary haven in a new city on the way Justicar and Inner Circle member - maybe the
to another Grotesquerie, your sire was taken from Ana and Chaundice you’ve heard so much about
you just a few hours after making your obligatory lately. However, you aren’t willing to go along with
appearance before the Prince. Though you have no most anarch Chaundicians (or worse, Sabbat) in
firm proof, you’re certain it was the local Tremere. advocating violent resistance; it is through heated
Your bold decision not to flee, but instead to but legitimate debate that the cause of freedom
remain and press the issue, has disarmed them. shall be advanced.
This event, rather than crush you, has galvanised
you. While you haven with a rebellious, anarch-
sympathetic coterie of Brujah, Gangrel, and Background: You are a cast Warrior, but
Nosferatu, you refuse to let the matters of your one recently created by an all-too-ambitious
sire’s whereabouts and Gargoyle oppression more Spellbinder, who sought to combine Gestation
generally rest in Elysium. with the practice of shovelheading. He grew a
dozen or more of you in Gestation chambers using
Under the tutelage of an aged Sewer Rat, you
a large number of captured Camarilla thinbloods,
have taken naturally to modern technology - as
before sealing you all beneath the earth. You were
though it were already familiar to you - which has
the only one that reached the surface, but your
helped spread your message to no end.

112 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

creator got more than he bargained for when you estranged detatchment from most other Kindred,
rose out of the pit, still ravenous, and drank his which aids you in killing them on request. The
heart’s blood before escaping his laboratory. only people you call alies are the coterie you travel
You learned that day to respect only will and with and your pack of stone hounds, you know
might. You were soon found by a local Sabbat- and they won’t let you down.
Chaundician-aligned Grotesquerie who had gotten Equipment: You have the leashes of your hounds
wind of your would-be master’s activities. They and very little else. Around your neck hangs
inducted you into the Sword of Caine that very trophies of your former successes in combat,
night, and you soon rose to become the Warrior trinkets taken from the fallen dead.
Mould, despite your very young age; you were the Goals: Your goals are a simple list, complete each
only cast Gargoyle amongst them, let alone the job as it comes and protect your Grotesquerie
only Warrior. through thick and thin. Every night is different in
Roleplaying Tips: You struggle to maintain ties your unlife so keeping complex life goals is sadly
with anyone around you, because of your violent not an option.
birth and detachment from others. Even your
Grotesquerie seem to be alien to you at times. You Scourge
have no tolerance for weakness or cowardice. You Background: You were recently found in the
aim at all times to prove the rumour true that your basement of an dilapidated multiplex, alone and
bloodline is hardy beyond reason and dangerous confused. The local Camarilla harpies took you in
beyond belief. and showed you off to the Prince, a self-obsessed
Equipment: An array of makeshift weaponry, a Ventrue who said he could use someone like you.
big-buttoned cellphone, secret dossiers outlining Before your Embrace, you were a bottom rung
information on your rivals and targets. mobster just out to follow orders. Your streetwise
Goals: You have an anarchistic and revolutionary confidence has not completely left you, and
view on unlife. You, and by extension your has given you an edge in your new line of work.
Grotesquerie, want to see members of the Gargoyle Tonight you live at the top of the castle - or
bloodline elevated to a status equal to or greater skyscraper - taking out the trash whenever the
than that of the Lasombra and Tzimisce. Prince needs some lowlife taken care of, and you’re
not above making a profit along the way.
Mercenary Several times in your last few years of cracking
Background: You were Embraced into a skulls, other Gargoyles have approached you to
wandering coterie made up of Gargoyles and talk about the movement of ‘Sean Deese’ - or
Gangrel skilled in the use of flight forms. Moving something like that - but it holds no interest with
swiftly about as you did, you soon left behind the you. Instead you keep outside of public knowledge,
remains of your mortal life. Your coterie identified a thing of nightmare and vampiric urban legend,
with no sect, preferring to live as autarkis. ready to swoop down on the boss’s enemies with a
Though Embraced, you take the role of a scout vengeance.
within the Grotesquerie you associate with. You Role-playing Tips: Yours is not to reason why; if
showed an early natural aptitude for Animalism, you have a job you get it done, end of. In your
and took to creating and rearing stone hounds downtime, you revel in the joys of affluence. When
which aid you in tracking and hunting (see page the Prince is happy he makes you happy, and that’s
92). In the coterie, your preferred position is all you care about.
hunting by ground as you have a greater capacity to Equipment: A gold chain, a specially-tailored black
travel on all fours than bipedaly. leather jacket, solid silver knuckle dusters (for
Role-playing Tips: Self-sufficient loner. You feel an when a Lupine runt needs taking out).

Clanbook: Gargoyles 113

Goals: What the boss wants, you want, and right houngan, and quickly showed a dedication
now he wants his domain stretched out to the to studying under him in the arts of vodoun
sticks, and you’ve set your sights on making that Necromancy. After your harrowing Gestation in
happen. Some night you may even make sheriff, your ‘sire’s’ cenote, you took the division between
and have others to boss around while you sit back, material and spirit world symbolised by your
soaking up the glory. intolerance of water to heart. You now seek a way
to keep them from intruding directly upon each
Shaman other (though contact between the living and the
Background: You were cast as a Scout by an dead, even being the ‘horse’ for a ghost by allowing
independent Grotesquerie of shamans living in for it to temporarily possess you, is permissible
complete secrecy, former apprentices of the Great eroding to your code). You have quickly adopted
Mother who had banded together after being a deep hatred of Clan Giovanni as a whole and
injured during the Revolt. You learned everything actively oppose users of the Ash Path, Nagaraja
you could regarding the metaphysical nature of ‘wraith-eaters’, and even some masters of Auspex.
your race, with the intention of taking a solitary You live a nomadic life traveling from state to state
approach to shamanism. While mastering your almost on the offensive against spiritualists, any
own ritualistic procedures you were approached scent of otherworldly transitioning draws your
by representatives of both the Chaundician attention.
movement and that of the anarchs; finding both Roleplaying Tips: You observe any ritual
appealing, you adopted them into your journey performance within Kindred society and aim to
and became committed to both causes. Now you restrict traffic between one world and the other.
act as a shaman for a coterie of renegades in search In private you secure personal medicine with great
of religious affirmation. Though you have only emphasis on the well-being of your soul and those
a few Gargoyles amongst you, all of your coterie that fight alongside you.
mates honour your spiritual understanding and
assist in your rituals with genuine enthusiasm. Equipment: You possess countless vodoun
ritualistic material, a collection of mortal and
Roleplaying Tips: You are mystically and supernatural fetishes, and an all encompassing
transcendentally minded and radically committed cowell and gnarled mahogany staff.
to the advancement of Gargoyles both as a group
and individually, believing in the alchemical Goals: You have a very grandiose and extravagant
principle that what is above is like that which is goal, to keep ghosts out. You believe that the dead
below. You see Gargoyles as being on the cusp of stay dead and to dispute that will bring the wrath
a great evolution and have committed yourself to of Baron Kriminal himself.
supporting your Grotesquerie and your race in Sentinel Caretaker
reaching that change.
Background: With no memory of your former life
Equipment: Numerous occult and alchemical and unlife, your first memory was that of emerging
grimoires and manuscripts, a large staff festooned from your Womb-bearer’s uterus confused and
with feathers, furs, and teeth, and many herbal disorientated. After a few years of acclimatization,
ingredients. you realised your role on this earth and in this
Goals: You have many goals in your unlife, from Eyrie: to keep the peace. You are surrounded by
creating your own unique shamanic humour miscreants and renogades; one brawler from the
to providing your coterie (including the non- sabat group, one anarch freedom fighter and one
Gargoyles) with effective shamanic medicine. camarilla council member to name but a few. You
have seen it as your job to keep them in line while
Keeper of the Shroud your mother cares for her rock cats and ghouls.
Background: You were created by a Pisanob From time to time you see it as your duty to leave

114 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

the eyrie to meet with members of local political Goals: You care not for Kindred politics, your
parties to make sure your brothers and sisters devotion belongs to the melding of art and magic
aren’t getting into too much trouble. Though you by creating ritualistic ballads to Set.
try to keep out of that silliness. Though you have
not embraced yourself, you treat those members of Chantry Guardian
your Grotesquerie you need to protect as your own Background: You have emerged from your
children, even the Rock Cats and Stone Hounds. embrace with advanced amnesia, combined with
It is rare you are not performing some errand for the ritualistic abuse you barely remember your
them throughout your nightly duties. name, least of all who your sire is. For as long
Roleplaying Tips: Family minded and devoted, as you can remember you have lived alone, in
you are committed to maintaining order in the isolation, in a grey bricked room. Your life of utter
Eyrie, irrespective of external politics. You already servitude to a purist tremere warlock seemed to
have a ghouled child taken from the streets who stretch lifetimes before you were approached by
has quickly become your whole world. If your the Flock. Now all you wish, more than anything,
family are in danger, you are called to action. is to join the Great Mother. You have new found
ambition and drive to escape your self proclaimed
Equipment: You don’t keep much in the way of master and join the glorious Flock.
personal possessions, your children bring you food
and amenities. Roleplaying Tips: Embittered to the past, idealistic
and naive to the future. You Wish for the love and
Goals: Your goal is a simple one, keep a close eye companionship they have never known and believe
on your family and make sure they don’t fall in too all of that and more can be found within the flock.
deep with the wrong crowd.
Equipment: A small carved statue of a smiling
Gorgon Artist Gargoyle; your only true friend, given to you by the
Background: Selected by supposed divine flock associate.
providence to be a Gorgon, given your human Goals: Escape to Ceoris with as many others as
devotion to the Setite creed. During your possible, without the masters learning of your
gestation the lector priests vision of a divine hopes and destroying them. Find a great new
goose leading scripture and prayer lead to you purpose in service of the Mother.
being reconstituted with goose flesh bandages.
You emerged as an avatar of Gengen-Wer, the Demonic Host
goose-headed god. You now serve your temple in Background: You had been embraced not long
a creative position, being the temple’s foremost ago by a sire clearly afflicted by infernal influence,
hymn-composer and devotional artist. Your within a former Baali hive. Being one of the
inscriptions tell of the potential for spiritual last remaining member of the ghoul contingent
awakening under Set through the creation of ‘true’ belonging to the baali, your sire is now the leader
art. of your grotesque hive, possessing inhuman levels
Roleplaying Tips: You are placid until roused, at of insight and supernatural ability. Before you were
which point you pack a nasty bite. Your night-to- embraced the grotesquerie diablerized the entire
night activities are mostly comprised of leading baali hive and overtook it almost immediately
creative ghouls in artistic reverence of set and taking on corrupt mimetic features. Since your
expressing your own divine scripture in musical birth you have played host to an infernal spirit,
form. bent on destroying other kindred.
Equipment: Papyrus and ink, many books of Atop the demonic infestation you and your
sermons and hymns, and various tomes devoted to family are infested with cave caps, and Gargoyle
Set’s teachings. mosquitoes. They spread Gargoyle vitae and cave
cap spores throughout Kindred society hoping to

Clanbook: Gargoyles 115

spread the infernal blight. against or traumatic and fundamental change in
Roleplaying Tips: You are told daily that kindred Goratrix, though the precise nature of this event is
are vile by your demonic asociet. Your aim is to as unclear now as it was then. All Chaundice can
contaminate Kindred society with evil in any form, recall with any clarity is a mirror, made somehow
using the spores within your blood or the inherent terrible. The next hour or so was a mad dash for
curse carried by your vitae. freedom, one not unlike his flight from Ceoris
many lifetimes ago. As before he met a challenger,
Equipment: You possess various dark talismans though this one was a greater obstacle than the
salvaged from the baali nest, cloaks and cowls, and foolhardy Brunavog: Esoara, childe of Curaferrum,
a ritualistic athame dagger. a senior Spellbinder who saw his chance to gain
Goals: Your hive has the singular goal of defiling some measure of revenge for his sire’s diablerie at
kindred society, whether it’s a symptom of your the fangs of the Great Mother.
diablerie of a natural hatred of what you once Had Chaundice any knowledge of Esoara’s
were. You seem to stop at nothing to defile, debase deeds at the battle of Ceoris and the Revolt that
and destroy everything vampiric. followed, it would surely have been a duel to the
Notable Gargoyles death from which neither might have escaped.
To this night he regrets being so ignorant. As it
Chaundice, Rock Lord of the Grand was, disoriented and frightened, he was simply
Court fighting to escape. After a minute or so of
Background: Born the first of his kind in lightning-fast blows of Chaundice’s claws against
Ceoris in 1111, Chaundice was also the first of Esoara’s double-headed battleaxe, the antitribu
to revolt against his Tremere masters. After his was disarmed and dealt a severe blow to the chest,
self-emancipation, he attempted to settle in the though it was far from fatal. Immediately taking to
northern edges of Hungary, living among passing flight once more, the Rock Lord was spurred on
Gangrel and feral beasts until ultimately being as magical fire spewed from Esoara’s mouth and
recaptured by the fugitive Goratrix, who found eyes, scorching his wings and driving his Beast into
him by following the instinctual draw of childe to Rotshreck.
sire, aided by the same divining magics he used to From Mexico City (for, as he would later
find the resting place of Saulot. determine, that was where he was) he flew north
Once recaptured he was subjected to servitude by blind instinct, though he had recovered enough
far worse than that which he’d escaped almost two presence of mind to shelter from the sun each day.
centuries earlier. All of Goratrix’s jealousy, malice, Eventually he reached the Grand Canyon only
and callous cruelty was directed almost solely to be spotted and rescued by Handsome Dan.
towards him. He knew only a state of mindless Through long, difficult conversation Chaundice’s
control imposed by use of Thaumaturgy, blood long-buried personality returned, and has he
bonding, and Dominate, due to the fear Goratrix merged with the Canyon one night, the Rock Lord
had concerning Chaundice’s potential. The vast experienced a profound and mysterious awakening.
period of time between then and the past decade This event caused a spiritual shockwave through
or so is a vague morass of boredom and ennui the very rock of the Canyon, awakening an ancient
punctuated by instances of sickening violence. spirit called Maasaw in local Native mythology.
After Goratrix joined with the Sabbat and formed This spirit, as unsure what to make of Chaundice
his House, the latter became more and more as he is of it, has nonetheless taken the Gargoyle
common, though the main sense of Chaundice’s as its patron, granting him untold gifts, and even
fragmented memories is still one of hollow futility alleviating some aspects of vampirism altogether.
and quiet suffering. Tonight, Chaundice makes his haven at his ‘Grand
Rock Court’, located in the Grand Canyon (see
This all changed with some sort of attack
page 35).

116 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

Image: Where for many centuries he was as Ana, The Blood-Stained Erinye
vile and pitiful in appearance as any of his
Background: Ana was created from mostly
kind, Chaundice now cuts an imposing and
Gangrel material, which didn’t emerge as an
awe-inspiring figure. His body, which stands
animalistic form but rather an innate primal fury,
a approximately 7’6” and is of human build
blamed on the strength of the Beast inside her.
and proportion, is covered in skin of off-white
She was one of the youngest of the six original
marble which glistens in the desert moonlight. As
Gargoyles, next to Alvusia, and had a rebellious
though carved by an artist’s hand, he resembles
nature from Gestation. In the lead-up to their
an Apollonian statue of antiquity; short, curled
fleeing from Ceoris, Ana was the driving voice for
hair rests unmoving upon his brow, and his limbs
escape, talking down more moderate points of view
and torso bear lean muscle. Were it not for his
like Saxim and Chi’ung Chi until the decision was
enormous wings, of which he has two pairs, he
finally made by her ‘father’, Chaundice.
could well be mistaken for a sculpture in the style
of Michelangelo. He has not fully cast off his After the escape, Ana’s went into hiding
former shape, however, for while one set of wings after flying to the Austrian Alps, with no sign of
is feathered like those of a great eagle, the other her father or her siblings, she soon slipped into
is bat-like and spindly, a constant reminder of torpor. She awoke upon being fed the blood of
the degradation he suffered under the Betrayer an Austrian Tremere who had become desperate
- though both seem to function equally well, enough to divine her location and use her as a
carrying him across the night sky at incredible weapon against the other Gargoyles, who were in
speed. the midst of prosecuting their Revolt at the time.
She slew this Warlock and his companions, after
Roleplaying Hints: You are a being of two minds.
which she was taken in by the Gargoyle ghouls
Though you maintain a generally calm and
known as the Standing Stones, whom she led on
contemplative demeanour, this only sometimes
a warpath to a nearby Alpine chantry, where she
matches how you truly feel. At times you are in
discovered a strange artefact which brought about
great conflict with yourself, torn between passion
her transformation into a blood-red creature of
and despair, or between all-consuming love for
great power. This artefact has also endowed her
your Children and hatred of your enemies - but at
with the ability to gradually reverse the ‘ageing’
others you become placid and meditative, dwelling
process of Gargoyle ghouls who remain in her
at length upon your place in the world and that of
presence (see Chapter 5).
all Gargoyles. One thing is certain, though: if you
hear of great mistreatment, injustice or violence She has spent the centuries since fighting
carried out against your fellow Freemen, your very a guerilla war against the Tremere, the Flock,
Beast becomes roused to a terrible fury. and any other group she sees to be a threat to
the freedom and security of Gargoyle kind. Her
Sire: Goratrix (though he was Embraced by
marauding was halted recently by the most horrific
Goratrix, Chaundice is not a Tremere since he
being she had ever seen (including herself).
was far from an ordinary human when he was
Moments before she butchered him alive, this
Gargoyle, who called himself Handsome Dan,
Nature: Architect managed to explain that he had been sent by her
Demeanour: Eye of the Storm father Chaundice, to bring her ‘home’. After a
week of harsh interrogation, her Standing Stone
Generation: 5th (though to what extent generation
knights advised her to trust Dan and let him escort
holds significance for Chaundice is unknown)
her to the Grand Rock Court.
Embrace: 1111 (the same year as his ritual
Since the re-emergence of Chaundice and the
birth of the movement which has formed around
Abhorrences: Petrified Flesh 1, Animal features 2. him, she has become the Rock Lord’s bloody right

Clanbook: Gargoyles 117

hand, executing his enemies and assaulting the She was ultimately Embraced by one of a
most dangerous strongpoints. In contrast to the pair of Nosferatu who joined a late arrival of
moderation advocated by her brother Chi’ung lepers traveling from Switzerland after hearing of
Chi, she argues for active and aggressive opposition the aid provided by Gersella’s convent. She left
to the Tremere, whether that involves their ousting the nunnery within the week of her Embrace,
from the Camarilla or (preferably, in her mind) seeing the indelible mark of the Devil in her new
their destruction. The substance that triggered condition. She traveled with the Nosferatu for
Anas catalyst was retained by the Standing Stones many long years. Gradually her autarkis pack grew
and has since been relocated to the Grand Rock in members both by Embrace and those joining
Court for Chaundices personal examination. in search of companionship. With this influx
Image: Ana has layers of ruby red and jet black Gersella donned her habit once again to provide
skin coated in sharp grey slate shards. She stands her new flock with God’s light; the divinity she
at barely 5 feet tall, but has an impressive 16-foot had felt so many years ago even returned, to a
wingspan. The shards on top of her head form a degree. Her flock protected her and provided her
disjointed crown. with blood - because she would not arm living
beings herself - as she became their mother figure.
Roleplaying hints: You are harsh-tempered,
especially towards outsiders, and vicious in your Her second death came when her flock
unwavering hatred of the Tremere. You are, traveled through the Italian Alps. They were
however, greatly protective of your Standing Stone intending to provide the smaller Kindred domains
bodyguards, and become relatively calm and with their ‘blood balm’, a sacred substance they
composed around Chaundice. brewed which seemed to alleviate the grotesque
features of cursed Kindred like Nosferatu
Sire: Unknown and Cappadocians. Her fifteen strong flock
Nature: Soldier of Nosferatu monks and devout Ventrue and
Demeanour: Soldier Toreador knights were kidnapped and tortured
by Tremere on the lookout for raw materials
Generation: 6th for new Gargoyles. The flock were separate and
Gestation: 1115 dispatched to various places across the continent,
Abhorrences: Layers 1, Petrified Flesh 2, Growths most - including Gersella - ending up in Ceoris.
3, Withering 4 Their they were mutilated and transformed into
the gestalt creations currently unknown to the
Gersella, Rock Lady of the Stone Kindred world named Gargoyles. Gersella was cast
Guardians as a Sentinel and for century and a half she resided
Background: Born before the second millennium within Ceoris, protecting the fledglings and those
to unknown parents, Gersella was adopted by Gargoyles whose minds didn’t survive Gestation.
nuns in a convent nestled in the French Alps. When wind of a revolt came along, she chose to
She embraced the lifestyle of her guardian sisters, stay safe in the Eyrie to defend her wards, who
and was cloistered from a very early age. As the were incapable of defending themselves.
years went on the convent took in lepers from Gersella died for the third time while she was
the nearby villages, to house them in their small fleeing Ceoris during its viscous reclamation by
hospital and attempt to cure them, the Lord Esoara, who personally struck her head from her
willing. Soon she became the convent’s canoness shoulders with a single well-struck blow of his
for her work in curing several resident lepers on axe. As her body crumbled away, her severed head
the brink of death, and delivering those beyond was claimed by a shaman using Obfuscate as he
redemption into the lap of God without fear of her traveled across the battlefield, collecting remains.
own mortality. The shaman, named Crandor, later batch-made
forty Guardians (see page 106), Gersella among

118 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

them, in his Eyrie many miles from the fallen Gestation: 1167
site of Ceoris, which he named the ‘1476 War Abhorrences: Petrified Flesh 1
Monument’. This place became something of a
Mecca for Gargoyles in the know; they would travel Drogo, The Winged Wolf
across the continent to speak with the veterans of Background: Drogo was, in his first life, a young
Ceoris so as to gain an insight into their condition. blacksmith living in a long-forgotten village in
In the modern nights this war memorial was 14th-century Hungary. A local Gangrel elder
relocated - at quite a cost to many influential noticed his strong body and loyal nature, and
Gargoyles, Toreador patrons and local sympathetic decided he would make an ideal childe. He came
Princes - to the Grand Rock Court. Handsome upon the blacksmith one dark night, attacked
Dan visited the memorial soon after his master the youth, and dragged him into the deep woods,
had awakened and ordered its relocation in where he brought him into the nocturnal world of
Chaundice’s name. In the Court each Guardian the Kindred.
has been taught an array of disciplines including At first Drogo naturally feared and resented
Visceratika, giving them limited movement once his sire, but in time he adapted and the two
again. Due to Gersellas motherly persona and became travelling companions as they travelled
vast experience, Chaundice appointed her as the Transdanubia hunting and occasionally loaning
representative of her ‘race’, the Guardians, and his their services out to one Prince or another. It
personal advisor. wasn’t to last, however, as Drogo’s sire eventually
Image: Gersella has a simple but well-realised callously sold him to Tremere in exchange for
design: the face of a woman of central European protection from a Tzimisce voivode he’d angered.
descent in yellowing sandstone. Her eyes have the In short order, Drogo was taken to Ceoris
hollowed out pupils familiar to many statutes of and used to create a new Sentinel. His old
Greece and Rome. Draped around her head is a and powerful Gangrel heritage overcame that
detailed, lovingly-carved habit which seems to be a of whichever Kindred he was combined with,
part of her ‘flesh’. Her lips and cheeks bear minute manifesting as an entirely lupine form, save for his
red deposits in their surfaces. wings. He was found to be a highly successful and
Roleplaying hints: You are a very humble vigorous creation, and one with a distinct loyal
individual. You consider every word you speak and streak.
always err on the side of caution. After being taken As part of some deal he no longer remembers,
to the Grand Rock Court you have managed to Drogo was traded to the Madrid chantry. He
learn multiple Disciplines including Visceratika, served dutifully enough, but found less fulfillment
which you have used to travel all around the than he had in service to the Great Mother herself.
Grand Canyon. You are very calm and virtuous, Slowly, almost imperceptibly, rebellious thoughts
to the point of Chaundice half believing that you germinated in his mind during the quiet hours of
are incapable of frenzying. You have ‘adopted’ the night.
Chaundice and Handsome Dan as your new
wards, and as such care for them as if they were the Drogo may have been the first Gargoyle to
childer you could never have. reach the New World, as he was shipped over with
his Tremere master and a handful of acolytes in
Sire: Georges the interest of establishing an early chantry there.
Nature: Caregiver For reasons never known to Drogo, the galleon set
Demeanour: Pedagogue fire, and this event brought the thoughts of escape
and freedom to the forefront of Drogo’s mind.
Generation: 7th Barely thinking, though not frenzying either,
Embrace: 1032 he grabbed his master and flew to the safety of
the Floridian coast, half to save him and half to

Clanbook: Gargoyles 119

overpower him. As he flew, his resentment - for making you drift in and out of conversation. At
every beating and harsh word, every laborious this point in your unlife you have forgone major
task and mind-numbing lookout duty - grew and responsibilities by proxy of your achievements
catalyzed. Giving in to a bestial impulse, Drogo - your domain, founded on ideals of mutual
dashed his master against a cliffside as they flew assistance and egalitarianism and as such you are
over it, quite without warning. He crumbled to ash mostly left to your own devices. Politically you
upon impact, though Drogo did not look to see cleave to the Camarilla, but you feel also drawn
the result. to both the Chaundicians and the Virstanians.
Drogo soon fell under the curse of his With the help of your closest allies, Bryce the
Casting: without a master to serve or any other Gangrel and Dimitru the Ravnos, you constantly
tie or relationship to substitute such a bond, seek new ways to liven up your unlife and battle
his cognitive abilities regressed to almost an the numerous parties who wish to see you, your
animalistic level. He wandered the East Coast, followers, and your domain destroyed or cast
hunting wild game and observing the humans, down.
other vampires, and lupines, and stranger creatures Sire: Mikail
who made their homes there. He only vaguely Nature: Idealist
noted the increase in colonialism, the progress of
technology, or the shifting face of vampire politics, Demeanour: Architect
drawing few distinctions between different groups. Generation: 7th
He has recently been adopted by a pack of Embrace: 1221
Gangrel, Caitiff, Nosferatu, Gargoyle and Ravnos Gestation: 1377
settled in a small upstate New York named
Greenhaven. In this short time his human thought Abhorrences: Talons 1, Hunch 2, Petrified Flesh 3,
processes have - mostly - returned making him Animal Features 4
able to interact with his new pack and aid in Stonebones, Proprietor of the
their combined long term survival. He has, in Catacombs of Sorrow
fact, become their mutually elected leader, and
Background: One of the original Calacas,
has named himself ‘Prince of Greenhaven’ and
Stonebones was originally a free New Orleans
sworn loyalty to the Camarilla. Quite what to
‘mulatto’, who was Embraced into the Samedi
make of this, the nearby Princes aren’t sure - his
bloodline. He quickly accepted his new condition
small claimed domain intrudes on none of theirs
with his seemingly inexhaustible optimism,
- but his declaration has caused more of a stir in
becoming addicted to a fast-paced unlife of crime,
the halls of power. A Gargoyle Prince is no small
violence, and conspicuous consumption. He was
matter to the Tremere; it is whispered that Etrius
an avid gambler, placing large bets against human
himself has taken note of the situation. It may
lives on a nightly basis. He used a large scale
be that trouble is headed to Greenhaven, but its
trafficking ring as his own personal plaything.
Prince is prepared to defend what he feels he has
earned. He eventually bit off more than he could chew
and seemingly lost control of his urge to win,
Image: Drogo is a perfect example of the bestial
betting his own soul against a Giovanni while he
mutations which can manifest in Gargoyles,
had a weak hand, and losing terribly when the
especially those like him who are drawn from Clan
Necromancer called his bluff. Before he could
Gangrel. He has the body of a wild, unkempt wolf
comprehend the loss, a stake was forced through
and his wings, spanning 12 feet, seem to burst
his back - he’d always neglected Fortitude - and
from his carved fur. His pupiless eyes glow with a
his world went dark. He awoke in a hessian sack
constant red radiance.
with pain shooting across his body, seconds
Roleplaying Tips: You have bouts of memory loss before he was assaulted by the sudden icy shock of

120 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

stagnant water crashing across his mutilated body. Demeanour: Bon vivant
Following this came interminable days and nights Generation: 9th
of torment from the phantoms swimming around
him as his flesh became caked in mud and began Embrace: 1764
to liquefy. and The ghosts ripped portions of his Gestation: 1847
body apart, apparently reveling in the agony felt by Abhorrences: Hunch 1, Growths 2, Petrified Flesh
Stonebones, as he would soon come to be called. 3, Weathering 4
Finally his agony came to an end as he felt
the drawstring of his ‘womb sack’ tighten, and Fidus, The Shrunken Beast
he was heaved from the pool. When the sack fell Background: Fidus was born with a congenital
and he witnessed his change, he simply burst into defect causing his legs to waste away during
hysterical laughter. Surrounded by several of his Gestation. This limitation meant that, though
own kind and former Samedi kin, he became he could still walk on his shrunken legs, he was
convinced that his was the better way to live and at a significant physical disadvantage. During
assisted in numerous rituals and thaumaturgical his childhood in a small village at the southern
procedures before giving up on the soon-dull border of 10th-century Germany, he was treated
repetition of abduction and Gestation. He fled as the runt of the litter amongst his family and
south without much of an ultimate goal until he neighbours. Some treated him with pitying care,
reached Quito, Ecuador, gravitating towards areas while more expressed disgust and hostility. The
which celebrated the Day of the Dead. In Quinto now long-forgotten village was home to a sorcerer
he set up a debauched den selling vitae laced with who studied fleshcrafting (having stolen secrets
a wide range of exotic and illicit substances (some from the Tzimisce of the east). He soon adopted
mundane, some supernatural). In the modern Fidus (without the knowledge or consent of his
nights, his catacomb is the talk of the Central and family, though some were glad to see the back of
South American Kindred. him) and used him as the subject of many arcane
Image: Stonebones is around 7 feet tall, though practices. During the three decades in which
his sparse frame is constantly shrouded in a the sorcerer and Fidus worked together, they
thick black shawl made from a patchwork of his managed to alter Fidus in numerous ways, but
Gestation sack and those of other Calacas he has never successfully altered his stature for long. The
helped create. His flesh is mostly gone - all but that sorcerer accepted Fidus as his ward and apprentice,
of his upper face, esophagus, and eyes. The rest of teaching him many thaumaturgical methods of
his body is a solid skeleton with strings of petrified shape shifting, and alchemical formulae designed
flesh hanging rigidly from each cracked piece to manipulate the body.
of muscle and cartilage. When his wings unfold The sorcerer and Fidus lived to more than
from around his chest they reach a colossal 14-foot twice their natural lifespans through the use of
wingspan of fleshless bone spines. various magical brews, making a living through
Roleplaying Tips: You are surprisingly jovial and traveling apothecary work barber surgery. This
carefree, forever looking for new substances to lasted up until 1087 when the sorcerer, while
infuse into your blood brews. You grow vast bushes trying to attain greater insight into the magical
of ghouled marigolds which you save for honoured manipulation of flesh, was murdered by the
guests. You spend most of your nights hosting at voivode he had been beseeching. The Tzimisce
the Quinto catacombs, your upbeat demeanor then Embraced Fidus for his interesting array
adding to the lively atmosphere of those deathly of physical modifications, seeing something of
caverns. a potential in the arts of Vicissitude in him - or
simply wishing to steal parts of his flesh to use on
Sire: Bembe himself.
Nature: Capitalist

Clanbook: Gargoyles 121

Fidus did not last long as a Tzimisce; he and Image: At a mere four feet tall due to his
his sire were caught up in a surprise Tremere attack malformed legs (still cursing him nearly a
on his keep. Midway into the 1120’s, assaults millennia after his birth), Fidus has a perpetually
against the local Warlock chantries had reached elongated and bowed, three-foot neck, attached to
new heights of bloodiness with the appearance of which is a distended head dominated by a sharp
their newest secret weapon: the first Gargoyles. curved beak. His eyes look like tiny, sparkling
During this period, the oncoming Tremere black holes, burnt into his feathery hide. Fidus’
launched an assault against the voivode’s castle and wings are small, twisted, and useless, as they have
slaughtered every ghoul, viciously mutilating Fidus completely withered away. This, however, has not
and his sire, and scavenging any parts of their flesh stunted his ability to fly, which surpasses even
seen as particular points of interest. Saxum’s; in fact, he was the first cast Gargoyle to
Fidus would awaken once again almost fifteen learn and master flight. He drools uncontrollably,
years later surrounded by blood, screaming, and speaks with a lisp that others may find
and several figures glaring down at him. His comical, or more commonly annoying.
first sight was that of Virstania’s gleaming smile Roleplaying Tips: You see Virstania’s work - the
as she scooped him into her arms and hugged creation and control of new Gargoyles - as an
him for several hours. Behind her stood a large almost religious pursuit. You work more than ten
horned figure, proud and domineering, that he hours straight each night, creating and innovating
would soon know as Saxum, and a beautiful and new methods of performing the Gargoyle creation
statuesque woman with large bat-like wings and a rite. You have almost exceeded Virstania’s own
dangerous aura; soon he would know her as Luma. work in the time she has been in torpor, now being
Fidus’ time spent with Virstania was at first able to make entirely bespoke Gargoyles at the
one of fear and anxiety. Being the smallest and behest of your fellow Moulds. You have reached a
clearly the weakest of his siblings Fidus lived in strength and wisdom beyond your wildest mortal
a state of constant alertness while alone in their dreams, and as such see any form of disrespect
Eyrie. Virstania, however, seemed to favour with directed toward you from any vampire as cause to
him as his mother had done almost 200 years destroy the offender. As such you rule your Scout
earlier; she taught him Thaumaturgy, despite underlings with an iron claw.
the protests of Malgorzata, and quickly came to Sire: Tomyen
consider him to be her greatest apprentice. Nature: Visionary
During the Revolt, Fidus fled with his new Demeanour: Loner
Mother to her secret laboratory, hidden within the
Carpathian mountains, and helped her establish Generation: 8th
the new Eyrie there. Later on he became the head Embrace: 1087
of the Flock’s organisational structure. He oversees Gestation: 1138
the continuing creation of Gargoyles in that
ancient laboratory, with new Flock members being Abhorrences: Animal Features 1, Minimalism 2,
made almost monthly - given Luma’s warriors Elongation 3, Petrified Flesh 4, Withering 5.
bring him the correct materials. Luma, The Stone Beauty
Fidus has even discovered the means to truly Background: A trapper’s child in a 9th-century
replicate the creation of Chaundice’s progeny, Polish hamlet, Luma took to the hunt and soon
and even - he believes - a creature comparable to carved a place for herself as the apex predator
Chaundice himself. He has kept this information in her own small ecosystem. She adapted
closely guarded, as he does not think Gargoyles are just as well to dominating humans as she did
loyal enough to have their curses stripped of them animals, becoming able to choose her victim and
and their potential magnified. manipulate them into doing anything she desired.

122 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

The night came when she came across bird tracks the Great Mother in her new domain, Luma
bigger than those of even a bear. Luma had hunted and her remaining sisters set out to recapture
creatures now known only in myth during her those she saw as traitors to her Mother’s cause.
career, including several harpies and a kelpie, but Over the next five centuries, Luma managed to
the beast belonging to those prints bested her. reclaim almost a third of those Gargoyles that had
Naming itself The Manticore (due to its lion initially abandoned the Flock, though due to the
like body ending in a scorpion tail and crow’s emergence of the Embrace her job has become one
legs), the great beast Embraced her for her vain without end.
but noble efforts in the battle preceding her death. Tonight, Luma controls the Warriors of the
Her unlife she found to be simply a heightened Flock who retrieve Gargoyles from all over the
form of her human life, spending most of it in the world and return them to their Mother. Her
woodlands she had dominated before and hunting Luminaires act as her generals and report to her
anything that stood in her way. Time became continuously, Crystallus reporting from western
nothing to her, and centuries melted away in a Europe while Ampulla bases her operations in
blood red haze. Long after she had killed her sire North America, watching over her childe Erinye.
- and diablerized him - she found herself suddenly Image: Luma is a slender creature with the
surrounded by an aggressive force bent on her serene beauty of an ancient Greek statue. Her
capture. By the time the sun rose, she was caught. long, sensuously curving talons and razor-tipped
When she awoke her claws were dripping with wings somehow add to her unearthly charm. Her
blood and she lay in the eviscerated abdomen of alabaster skin seems to glow a faint yellow in the
a screaming giant. Her Mothers’ orders were to dark. She has been blessed by an unmarred face,
kill, and she accepted them without hesitation, adding to her stunning visage, and this has been
foregoing interaction with her siblings or even passed onto the Luminaires (created using the
her Mother. Over the years she made a sisterhood same ingredients and processes) and their own
within the Warrior Casting without her Mother’s Embraced daughters.
knowledge - Fidus watched on, hoping for her to Roleplaying Tips: You do not have time for
slip up and create her own demise - all of whom any Kindred other than your Mother and your
possessed beauty and fury beyond comparison, Luminaries. For them you hold a deep love
made in Luma’s image as they were. and respect, even the simulation of romantic
The four ‘sisters’ fought, lived, and loved attachments for your ‘sisters’. You do not hate
together, calling their group the Luminaires. This the Chaundicians for their beliefs, but you also
band comprised of Luma, Crystallus, Rubesh, believe they are holding back your race - only with
and Ampulla. They would seek out combat on a Chaundice’s ash can the Flock grow to its true
nightly basis, always striving for greater opponents potential.
and indulging in more carnal activities with one Sire: The Manticore
another whilst taken by the rush of battle.
Nature: Rebel
The Luminaires’ part in the Revolt was simply
to slay Tremere and their servants when and where Demeanour: Tyrant
they found them. Their bloody toll ended when Generation: 8th
Esoara led his forces into their terrain; he almost Embrace: 995
managed to slaughter them all, even after they had
destroyed four of his most loyal soldiers. Rubesh Gestation: 1136
gave her unlife to cover the escape of her sisters. Abhorrences: Petrified Flesh 1, Horns 2, Talons 3.
After the Revolt tapered out, Luma reined in (Due to her Unmarred Face Merit, Luma can be
her remaining Warriors and jumped straight back considered to have 1 level in Appearance when
onto the offensive. While Saxum and Fidus settled interacting with other abhorrent creatures.)

Clanbook: Gargoyles 123

Saxum, The Master of Slaves In the modern nights, he even sometimes calls
himself Saxim, and personally sends Warriors and
Background: Though his true age is unknown to
Scouts to try to find his ‘father’ Chaundice. This
him, he was halfway towards being a methuselah
behaviour disturbs his sibling Moulds, but because
before Gestation, and was one of the prime
of his sheer size and age, which both combine to
vampires captured during the early Gargoyle
make him an unstoppable opponent the likes of
which luma wouldn’t dare to attack - alone.
The earliest event Saxum can remember are
Image: Saxum’s facial features and musculature
words uttered by Virstania as he was dragged
are strongly chiseled, making him appear almost
from Alvusia’s uterus. “Well done dear,” she said,
heroic in how well defined he is, and marred only
“you’ve brought your brother home. Now let’s
by his long gnarled ram’s horns. His stony skin
see if we can’t find the others, shall we?” This
is smooth like a grey marble speckled with blue
sentence set the tone for the remainder of his
crystal. He stands at almost 8 feet with a wingspan
unlife as a Gargoyle. He emerged from Gestation
longer than many of his type, at a colossal 16 feet.
as the first of a new wave of Gargoyles; he was not
only the first Sentinel but the first cast Gargoyle Roleplaying Tips: You believe yourself to be one
ever created to replace Chaundice and his of the oldest Gargoyles ever created, and in truth
progeny. Virstania saw him as more than a simple you aren’t far wrong. You support the Flock, but
replacement - she believed he was in fact the only because you believe it is trying to reunite the
Gargoyle who had come before him named Saxim, Gargoyle race - specifically Chaundice with his
hence his being dubbed Saxum. children, including yourself. You are hard and
authoritative, but will put yourself on the line
Two years of total disorientation passed in
when your Sentinels are overwhelmed. You now
Ceoris. Saxum found himself placed in charge
adore Virstania above all else, so much so that you
of the weak and mindless Gargoyles left behind
prize a red cloak she gifted to you - formerly owned
by Chaundice, all the while suffering from
by Saxim - and wear it always.
fundamental identity dissociation. Virstania would
shower him with love and reminisce about events Sire: Unknown
and individuals he had never known, while Alvusia Nature: Autocrat
would scream hate and abuse at him in amongst
Demeanour: Defender
her tears, cursing him as ‘never her true brother.’
While interacting with other Tremere - rare as Generation: 8th
that would be - they would merely laugh at the Embrace: 400+ (specific date unknown)
ideas Virstania was trying to convince him of. This
Gestation: 1132
subsided with the birth of his sisters and finally
his brother; each birth distracted Virstania slightly Abhorrences: Petrified Flesh 1, Horns 2
more, and left Saxum to tend his Sentinels. Ublo-Satha
During the Revolt, he and around twenty elite Background: Ublo-Satha was born in the mid-10th
Sentinels led his Mother, Fidus and Alvusia out century in a Greek city - which one is unknown,
of Ceoris and into the mountains by forming a for she like all Gargoyles has forgotten all that
large wall around them. There he focused on his came before her Gestation. Before her twentieth
duty of securing a perimeter and keeping their new year she was Embraced by one the urban-dwelling
home safe. He enlisted more Sentinels to surround Gangrel of Greece, an eccentric Kindred who
him, to help maintain his sanity, which was under went by the name Harlequin owing to his assumed
great strain due to a mixture of his inherent identity as a mortal entertainer. Like many Gangrel
psychological weakness and his Mother’s toxic she took up an itinerant way of unlife, though
neurosis. owing to her heritage this took the form of moving

124 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

between cities rather than across the wilderness. herself into a deep Torpor. Virstania wished to
It was on a fateful night in 11th-century Athens awaken and restore her, but the Inner Council
that she encountered a vampire of immense age unanimously decreed that this was not to be done.
and power - the Brujah methuselah Menele. Seeing The Gargoyle’s dormant body was kept in a sealed
her as a potentially valuable spy, Menele made her vault - far from Virstania and her Eyrie.
into an unwitting slave with but a commanding It was not for another eighty years that
stare, planting a psychic seed in her mind through Ublo-Satha would awaken. During this time the
which he could give her instructions from any vampiric infection which had found its way to the
distance. She never saw him again after that night, majority of senior Tremere and much of the house
but nonetheless found herself unconsciously besides was discovered by other wizards. The rival
compelled to investigate the machinations of chantry of Mistridge, located in southern France,
Menele’s equally ancient rival, whose name she presented a major threat to the Clan’s interests in
never knew. western Europe, overseen by Goratrix. A mortal
She was hardly a central asset of Menele’s, Tremere known as Grimgroth lived at Ceoris, and
however, and like many other enthralled spies fell until the revelations were spread had little inkling
without his particular notice. She was waylaid and as to the truth - but when he heard of the potential
captured by Tremere, who were on the lookout for immortality, his interest was piqued. He was
for raw materials to use in the creation of the first mistakenly seen as loyal by his chantrymates, owing
Gargoyles. Though she was from a bloodline and to his lack of vampiric corruption and distance
not the main Gangrel Clan, her vitae served just as from Ceoris.
well - if anything, it added something unique that In 1210, Grimgroth betrayed the chantry by
the blood of most Gangrel would not. She was the allowing its defences to fall in a crucial battle,
third Gargoyle to be created, following Chaundice leading to its total destruction. Fleeing east to
and Ch’iung Chi. Ceoris, he was richly rewarded for his treachery,
Remarkably, and quite without the knowledge not only with the Embrace he sought (from
of Goratrix, Virstania, or to a large extent herself, Tremere himself, no less) but with a powerful
the seed Menele had planted was strong enough ‘familiar’ - Ublo-Satha. Behind Virstania’s back,
to endure even the process of Gestation. Most of she was reawakened with Grimgroth’s own vitae
the time this manifested in her deeply-ingrained and given over to him as a servant. Grimgroth
loyal streak, which came to a head when she was sent back to France to assist Goratrix at the
reported to the masters that Chaundice and her Paris chantry, and less than a century later came
siblings were plotting to break free from Ceoris. to replace ‘the Betrayer’ as Councilor of Western
Through a combination of Menele’s domination Europe. Ublo-Satha remained as loyal as ever -
and the Gargoyle susceptibility to mental control, seemingly to her new master, but truly to Menele.
disobedience was something that she found herself It was an age before she would be called to serve
incapable of. him again, however.
Certainly, Ublo-Satha did not expect the The Revolt saw Ublo-Satha defend Paris and
results of her report to have as grave consequences other French chantries on the few occasions
as they did. She wept tears of blood for nights that the rebel Gargoyles reached that far west.
and days on end when she saw the fate of her Virstania’s spell of liberation had no effect on
‘little sister’ Alvusia, though the Great Mother her, Menele’s enduring presence being simply too
was touched, perceiving these as tears of joy. The strong to be suborned by the younger vampire’s
final straw came when Saxim was recovered and magic. Virstania never became aware of her third
shamed before the gathered chantry by Etrius. ‘child’s’ presence on the enemy side, nor the tally
That night, in a desperate attempt to destroy of Gargoyles she slew. Once the Montmartre Pact
herself for her innocent mistake, Ublo-Satha drove was signed and the Revolt ended, Ublo-Satha was

Clanbook: Gargoyles 125

kept to the inner sanctum of the Paris chantry, Ana and Chaundice himself, who are planning
so that she would not be observed. There she urgent missions to rescue her. What the results of
remained, barely ever speaking, for five hundred yet another party becoming caught in this tangled
years. web might be, only time will tell.
By 1993, Grimgroth had become as jaded and Image: Ublo-Satha’s flesh is extremely rocky, even
distanced from humanity as any elder of his age. for a Gargoyle. She has large bumps, crags and
Even he, though, was shocked when his servant crevices all over her overbearing 6-foot, 25-stone
- standing in the corner, quiet as ever - spoke up body. She is further riddled with patches of
during a discussion the councilor was having with moss and algae, where personal maintenance has
a spy regarding the suspect loyalties of Nicolai long since been abandoned. She generally wears
Antonescu, the regent of the Chicago chantry. no clothes, as none would accommodate her
Despite never having the subject discussed in her enormous and powerful wings.
presence before, and despite what Grimgroth Roleplaying tips: You rarely speak, and even then
believed to be her ignorance of such political only in hushed tones; often you prefer to simply
matters, Ublo-Satha suggested that she be sent to watch. Though you appear weak and timid when
Chicago to act as insurance that Nicolai would toe cornered, your true nature shines through in
the line. battle, where you become an unstoppable killing
The true cause of this, of course, was Menele, machine. You are a dangerous but controlled
who lay in a waking torpor beneath Chicago. weapon in the hands of the ancient Menele.
He had learned that Nicolai was a pawn of the Sire: Harlequin/Chaundice
same rival he had originally bound Ublo-Satha
to help oppose. He saw the perfect opportunity Nature: Survivor
to counter this, and sent the psychic call to the Demeanour: Traditionalist
Gargoyle. The quick-thinking and argumentation Generation: 6th
she demonstrated in getting there, however, were
her own. Embrace: 963
Greatly surprised, but seeing the worth of the Gestation: 1114
move - the old Gargoyle had, if anything, become Abhorrences: Horns 1, Biome 2, Petrified Flesh 3
obsolete at the chantry, even a liability - Grimgroth
agreed after a short deliberation. If she was going
Rocia, The Watcher Mould
to be found out by the Camarilla, he thought, Background: Uniquely among Gargoyles, Rocia
let her be found far away, and let the penalty was originally one of the Niktuku, descended from
for defying Montmartre fall on another. On the a childe of the vengeful Nosferatu Antediluvian.
pretext of sending her there as reinforcement She was found by the Tremere while attacking a
following the recent Sabbat assault on the chantry, band of Nosferatu who had been picked out for
Grimgroth coordinated with Meerlinda (the use in Gargoyle creation. The battle was fierce,
councilor of North America) to have the Gargoyle even weakened and outnumbered as she was, and
transported across the Atlantic. no few Tremere met their ends on her claws. In
the end, however, she was driven into torpor and
Since then, Ublo-Satha has served to observe
brought to Ceoris.
and quietly threaten Nicolai. She is Menele’s
sleeper agent, but moonlights as a loyal enslaved Her Gestation is a process Alvusia is lucky to
Gargoyle, albeit a resourceful and self-sufficient never have to feel again. While Rocia developed,
one. She was recently briefly seen defending the her foetal form drained Alvusia of her vitae,
Chicago chantry, sparking renewed rumours of the leaving her in a perpetual state of starvation for
Montmartre Pact being disobeyed and galvanising a whole year. Rocia was the only one of the four
members of the Chaundician movement - not least Moulds to take time to develop outside of the

126 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

womb; her Gestation sac had petrified to form a the Gargoyle cause. Knowing that he was to be
stone egg. It is from this scarcely-known incident Embraced, she visited Virstania and asked to be
that the rumours of Gargoyles laying eggs, which his sire, owing to her loyal service. The Great
endure tonight, likely began. When it emerged, Mother agreed and arranged for the deed to be
Virstania claimed that the experiment had been performed privately.
a complete failure, and hid the egg away from Following Ferox’s Embrace and religious
other Tremere to further examine it and await awakening, Rocia was taken in by his
its hatching. This egg took a further few months understanding of Gargoyles as fallen angels and
before it cracked and Rocia emerged, alone and other Kindred as demons. Rocia and all her
cold. childer, including Ferox, abandoned the Flock
Virstania gave the new Gargoyle - the first even before Esoara marched on their position in
member of a fourth, secret Casting, called Ceoris. They spent several centuries founding their
the Watchers - the duty to hunt the Tremere secret organisation devoted to the elimination of
themselves, whenever a Warlock was found to be the Kindred species, which retained the name of
deviating from the Clan’s interests. This unique their secret Casting: Grigori, ‘the Watchers’.
duty was accompanied by skill in a number of The radical Grigori ideology spawned from
Disciplines different to those possessed by Fidus, Rocia’s duty to observe and eliminate Tremere
Luma or Saxum: Auspex, Celerity, and Obfuscate. rebellion and Ferox’s irrational hatred of
Likewise, she had a different weakness from the Nosferatu; Rocia’s origins, though long forgotten
other Castings, whereby she began to lose any by her, no doubt had some influence there as
sense of empathy, and to physically petrify. Both of well. They enlisted five other Gargoyles to form
these conditions gradually worsened as the years an ‘inner council’, directly mocking the Tremere’s
progressed. own council and representing the seven archangels.
Virstania secretly bestowed the Embrace upon The Watchers secretly directed witch hunters
Rocia as soon as possible, knowing she would all over Europe towards unsuspecting Kindred,
never be able to make further Watchers. The few worsening the ongoing Inquisition.
she did Embrace were all entrusted with the same Tonight, Rocia allows her childe to direct
task as their sire, and performed it long before the their Grigori followers. She keeps tabs on all of
Revolt began. They did not lair in Ceoris’s Eyrie, them and will not hesitate to kill any that step
but in Virstania’s hidden mountain laboratory out of line. Her desire to purify the Kindred race
which serves as the modern headquarters of the has grown out of control. Only the most devout
Flock. They strategically eliminated Tremere Grigori of Ferox’s inner council is even allowed to
found to betray the Clan or deviate wildly from its know she exists.
ways. In the nights leading up to the Revolt, this
extended to ‘innocent’ guardsmen and low-ranking Image: Rocia has suffered from the elongation that
Tremere, making the deaths seem like simple can come with Gestation, giving each of her limbs
accidents while in fact thinning the numbers in an additional two feet in length. Her golden and
preparation for the battles to come. To this night insect-like wings are thin and chitinous, though
Rocia believes only Virstania and Goratrix knew of still entirely functional. Her long pointy fangs
her existence. prop open her jaw like an anglerfish, and her skin
is a reflective white like salt crystal. Her eyes are
During the Revolt, Rocia simply watched unnaturally large, with a deep dark-red tint.
her cousins kill with wild abandon. Though her
emotions had regressed and she felt no pity for Roleplaying Tips: You barely interact with
their victims, a certain spark of pride remained. those around you; you even treat Ferox with a
She noticed Ferox - then an ancient ghoul, judgemental distancing more akin to a Gangrel
formerly bound to the Tremere - battling for sire than a Gargoyle one. Only your Mother and
three Mould siblings know your true nature, and

Clanbook: Gargoyles 127

you will never let on. Everything is clear cut and Tremere magic, he avoided their detection.
black and white to you; either someone deserves After several months of wandering, he reached
life or they don’t. Even your fellow Grigori council Mount Tianmu in southeastern China, and settled
members view you with hidden fear. You still down within the mountain only to undergo bouts
respect Virstania and hold her in a certain regard of troubled torpor, stretching two centuries. While
for (in your mind) doing God’s work, but believe in the brief delirium between his torpid states
your Casting’s duty has progressed far beyond just he created an Eyrie of his very own by using a
culling the Tremere. combination of the Thaumaturgy paths he had
Sire: An unknown Niktuku learned to painstakingly remould a small opening
Nature: Sociopath in Tianmu which he found led to an incredibly
deep chasm.
Demeanour: Fanatic
Here he founded the Petrified Sanctum,
Generation: 7th which incorporated both the mountainside and
Embrace: Unknown the chasm within. By using the highest levels of
Gestation: 1134 Elemental Mastery and Spirit Manipulation, Chi
managed to regularly contact the mountain’s spirit,
Abhorrences: Animal Features 1, Accentuation 2, calling itself Tian-mu, ‘The Mother of Lightning’,
Elongation 3, Petrified Flesh 4. who became his only companion in the passing
Chi’ung Chi, Rock Lord of Tianmu lifetimes.
Background: All of Chi’ung Chi’’s memories were After many years, it was discovered by chance
lost during his Gestation. From the moment he by monks belonging to an obscure Buddhist sect,
awoke in the Gestation chamber, he possessed a who were seeking refuge from persecution. They
determination to learn any scrap of information saw it as a gift from Heaven. After meditation on
about the spirit, magic, and the nature of his their presence, Chi finally contacted the monks
existence. He practiced the basics of Thaumaturgy living on his mountain, ghouling three of them
alongside Virstania and even Goratrix himself, and teaching the rest sorcery. He eventually
with Goratrix seeing the exercise as more like allowed them inside the chasm, and finally
teaching a dog to jump than teaching a human Embraced them once they had displayed a high
sorcery. Chi’ung Chi focused his attention level of enlightenment and magical control. One
on learning the paths of Elemental Mastery, of his childer, Tao Wu, called ‘the Block’, left for
Movement of the Mind, and Spirit Manipulation India seeking self-discovery, and Chi allowed her
(see V20 pages 214 and 220, and Rites of the to go.
Blood page 142). Once his Grotesquerie had been founded
When the time came that Chaundice suggested along with an attendant order of Ghouls, Chi
their Grotesquerie abandon Ceoris in search of branched out for the first time in 500 years by
their own destiny, Chi (who was, of course, known opening dialogues with local Kindred, Lupines,
by a different name then, though that name is and Cathayans. The receptions he received from
lost) petitioned caution and restraint in their these groups were surprisingly mixed. This contact,
escape. After all, while Ceoris was no sanctuary, however, brought the attention of the Tremere’s
it was nonetheless filled with arcane secrets, and Councilor of the Far East, Thomas Wyncham,
he wished to remain for a few years more before who saw Chi’ung Chi as a prize to be claimed, and
leaving. Though his father found reason in Chi’s told none of his fellow councilors for fear they
words, he was shouted over by Ana’s rash urgings might try and take him for themselves.
to rebellion. After the escape, Chi fled east while In preparation for Wyncham’s inevitable
being hunted by Tremere warbands. He flew as assault, Chi made his already easily-defensible
far as possible, and due to his broad knowledge of Eyrie into a fortress as well as a monastery. The

128 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

bloody conflict eventually came in 1780, and Generation: 6th
raged at different times for twenty years. Just as Gestation: 1113
the fortress was ready to fall, many Gargoyles and
their ghouls having been lost, Tao Wu returned Abhorrences: Petrified Flesh 1, Withering 2
with childer of her own and a breeding pair of Ferox, Servant of God
Guardian Lions (see page 93) which she had
created during her time in India. These sudden Background: Born to ancient British nobility,
reinforcements of such mighty creatures turned Ferox defended his mother Boudicca from Roman
the tide of the Petrified Sanctum’s struggle, and oppression during the time of Christ. He was
Wyncham’s Tremere were quickly repelled, though kidnaped by local Brujah due to his strength
the Councilor himself escaped. Chi, exhausted and loyalty to his cause. They ghouled him for a
from fighting and badly wounded, slipped back brief time before handing him over to occupying
into torpor and his now-united Grotesquerie Ventrue when the British Isles finally fell to
rebuilt and consolidated what they had. Roman conquest. While serving his new Ventrue
masters, Ferox studied the new Christian religion
He next awoke in the modern nights to his and its doctrines, slowly gaining a sense of the faith
youngest childe Hun Tun feeding him vitae whilst for himself. Finally his masters saw more worth
proclaiming that a western Gargoyle named Dan in trading him with the Tremere than keeping
was at the gates of his sanctum. Dan brought him for themselves. While serving the Tremere he
to Chi’s attention the Grand Rock Court, was sent to Ceoris, where he witnessed atrocities
Chaundice’s new and powerful Eyrie in America. performed against the statuesque winged beasts
Chi set off almost immediately to meet with his called Gargoyles.
long-lost father. Since their reunion, Chi has
brought the Path of Freedom and the word of He aided in the Revolt by training Gargoyles in
Chaundice to his Grotesquerie, with which they magic and Disciplines, right under the Tremere’s
might further grow as a group. Renewed contact noses. By performing this duty in the shadows, he
with his father, as well as his sister Ana, has given caught the eye of the Mould of the secret Watcher
him new life. Casting, named Rocia. Rocia’s duty was to
covertly eliminate any Tremere seen to potentially
Image: Though Chi only reaches a height of 3 feet, hinder the Revolt’s progress, so upon seeing one
his strength is greatly disproportionate, allowing aiding it, she sought to Embrace him. She got
him to overpower most able-bodied vampires. her chance when Ferox began to rapidly age and
Through Mimesis, he has adopted small patches die after being cut off from Tremere blood. The
of ornamentation to reflect the Petrified Sanctum two of them soon left to continue Rocia’s task
throughout his jade flesh. of assassinating pivotal members of the Tremere.
Roleplaying Tips: You are highly contemplative, Ferox aided in this, not because of a Mother he
and have managed to bestow that ideal on your didn’t hail from, but because of what the Embrace
childer and ghouls, and more recently to some had done to him.
extent in Chaundice. You will not make a decision When he awoke from Gestation, his mind
for your Grotesquerie without the advice of your had been completely emptied of all but his name
childer, Guardian Lions, ghouls and often even and his True Faith. The doctrine he had studied
the spirit Tian-mu herself. Your knowledge is for centuries became his sole reason for being. He
incredibly extensive, and you use it to focus on the reasoned that due to their wings, the Gargoyles
bigger picture rather than the matter at hand. must be fallen angels, sent to earth to cleanse the
Sire: Unknown demonic host plaguing humanity - chief amongst
Nature: Guru them, the Kindred. Evading a group of inquisitors,
Ferox and Rocia were forced to make haven with
Demeanour: Judge a coterie of Nosferatu. Their vile bodies and the

Clanbook: Gargoyles 129

corruption they induced in God’s creatures and permanently hidden behind a pair of sunglasses
the world around them caused Ferox to murder He has spiraling rams horns growing from the
the coterie and claim that all Nosferatu were to die top of his head, and a small, severe mouth with a
by his claw, a statement much approved of by his heavy chin. When amongst the Watchers he wears
sire. a choir tunic trimmed in purple lace, whereas in
The two of them went on to found an order the field he typically dons a leather jacket. In any
named after his Mother’s Casting and also the situation, he wears a golden crucifix necklace and
name of angels stricken to Earth, the Grigori cross earrings.
(‘Watchers’). He, Rocia, and a council of five Roleplaying Tips: You are God’s chosen servant
others formed a compact as a direct insult to the on Earth, and as such you are constantly saddened
Tremere Inner Council, and to reflect the number by the corruption of the world by the Kindred race
of the archangels themselves. Soon, the policy and other demons in fleshly form. You are patient,
of destroying Nosferatu expanded to include all and you won’t hurt fellow Gargoyles unless they
Kindred, though the Sewer Rats were singled out seem bent on destroying you. All other Kindred
for the outer disfigurements and malformations deserve nothing less than death, though you give
that surely stemmed from sinful inner selves. neonates the opportunity to confess and make
In the modern nights Ferox attempts to bring penance for their sinful natures, in which case you
all Gargoyles into God’s light by initiating them destroy them with the swift mercy of the Lord. As
into the Grigori. He personally travels from Eyrie to the unrepentant, and those who have lived on
to Eyrie trying to recruit local Grotesqueries. stolen years for too long to be forgivable, you leave
He has recently achieved his longstanding goal them for the purifying light of the sun/ You bear a
of acquiring an insider in the Catholic Church, particularly zealous hatred of Nosferatu and believe
though not in the form he might have anticipated. that the Gargoyle bloodline are fallen angels
The recently-Embraced former inquisitor Filippo charged to cleanse humanity of Cain’s failings. You
Sammarca has provided the Watchers with an also keep adjusting your sunglasses.
online presence they have previously lacked, Sire: Rocia
allowing them to digitally infiltrate the Church, Nature: Fanatic
the Inquisition, and the Nosferatu.
Demeanour: Caregiver
Word of Chaundice’s awakening has not
gone unheeded by Ferox, who wishes to make Generation: 8th
an audience with this figure of legend, though Embrace: 1478
political and geographical restraints have so far Abhorrences: Engravings 1, Petrified Flesh 2,
made it impossible. He is saddened by news that Horns 3.
Chaundice and many of his followers reject the
Grigori as a fanatical, apocalypticist cult which Erinyi, The Luminaire
abducts and radicalises young Gargoyles - not to Background: Erinyi is a Gargoyle with little
mention giving the entire bloodline a bad name knowledge of her true purpose. She was embraced
through the wholesale slaughter of vampires - but by Ampulla, though the Luminaire departed soon
he prays that God will grant the Rock Lord the after her Embrace, leaving Erinyi alone to drift
grace to see the true way. between the local Sabbat packs until finally being
Image: Ferox is an albino-white Gargoyle with accepted in Montreal by the 25:17 pack. She has
Biblical scripture and gnostic sigils coating his lived in Montreal for longer than her human life,
skin, which is constantly covered in dust, like quickly falling into a deep, unrequited love for her
the walls of an ancient cathedral. From his back pack leader, Ezekiel.
sprout feathered wings, and his eyes burn with Until recently, the young fledgling was
the light of his faith, such that he keeps them ignorant that she is the childe of a significant

130 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

Gargoyle lineage; she is Luma’s own grandchilde. job as a parish groundskeeper, with an ambition
Luma and Ampulla have contacted Erinyi several to enter the clergy. After he had completed the
times recently, attempting to win her over to necessary education, Filippo was ordained into the
their cause, though her youth and her rebellious Church proper, taking on administrative roles of
personality makes it difficult for them to exert bookkeeping and secretarial work. Outside of this
control. The long term plan for Erinyi is to make career his passion lay in computer science and the
her way from pack to pack, recruiting abandoned internet, which he studied in what free time he
and lost Gargoyles to the Flock’s cause. The only could muster between his many duties.
thng anchoring her down is the true love she holds When Filippo was unexpectedly approached
for her noble leader. by a senior priest offering him a higher position
Image: Erinyi does not believe in hiding her in a different parish, he accepted the proposition
Gargoyle nature. Standing on the pads of her gratefully. Having noticed Filippo’s particular
feet like a canine, she is over seven feet tall, not interest in the more metaphysical areas of
including her eight-inch-long horns. Her gray his religious lore, his new employer gradually
wings delicately drape around her shoulders, exposed him to the numerous horrors caused by
stretching and swaying as she walks. As is her inhuman, cursed and infernal entities over the
birthright, she possesses a subtle likeness to Luma, course of human history. This awakening to the
which manages to grab the attention of even non- supernatural forces lying in wait convinced Filippo
abhorrent Kindred from time to time. to be inducted into the Society of Leopold (see
Roleplaying Tips: You are quick to anger. It’s V20 page 370 and Hunters Hunted II).
all that you can do to suppress the urge to rip The ability that held him above most of his
Tremere antitribu and other vile pests apart. new colleagues was not his faith or his strength of
You find release in battle and music, but those will when facing down evil, but rather his aptitude
pleasures pale in comparison to the love that lies in software programing and web design. He
in your dead heart. Now knowing your true sire’s created a secure cloud server, allowing his cenacle
identity you have garnered a deeps respect for to interact at the touch of the button, streamlining
Ampulla and her mother Luma, making them role their efforts and improving their efficiency almost
models in your unlife. overnight. He did his duty to the inquisition by
Sire: Ampulla disseminating occult information amongst the
Society and helping to arrange autos-da-fé between
Nature: Martyr previously disparate inquisitors. Despite being
Demeanour: Bravo culpable in the destruction of several vampires,
Generation: 11th Filippo never once saw one directly; he felt he did
not wish to.
Embrace: 1994
Quite by chance one evening, Filippo chanced
Abhorrences: Petrified Flesh 1, Horns 2 upon a strange website while trying to acquire
Filippo Sammarca, The Inquisitor a particular digital copy of an obscure gnostic
tome. Its forums seemed to be focused on uniting
Background: Filippo Sammarco was born
vampire groups in a similar way to which Filippo
in Rome during the late 1980s, and had an
had done for the inquisitors. As he read on, he
unassuming upbringing to match his personality.
learned that these beings were as frightened by
He spent his childhood and early adulthood
what his organisation had done as children would
being taught in the Catholic faith, and though he
be frightened by monsters. After several hours
embraced it in its fundamental teachings, he had
of mortified browsing he found a plea from one
a hard time accepting less tolerant parts of Church
of these Kindred from only a town over that had
doctrine; he was rather more drawn to the mystical
fallen prey to an unknown assailant, and acted
elements of Catholicism. Despite this, he chose a

Clanbook: Gargoyles 131

instinctively to help this ‘woman’ in need. Flesh 3
He got to the given coordinates in time to Babi
witness a nest of grotesque monsters locked in
combat with a stone, angelic being with large wings Background: Babi is a recently-assembled Gorgon
and a smooth porcelain face. One of the demons made in the likeness of his namesake, the baboon-
was left bearing over the ‘angel’, whom he falsely headed god of fertility and the underworld.
presumed to be the Kindred from the website. Information regarding the Setite used to create
Acting quickly, he used spare gasoline to ignite the Babi has been lost, for none live who can recall it.
demon, killing it almost instantly and scattering The only scrap of information retained by Babi
its fellows. The statue was incredibly grateful, and himself was the cause of his Gestation: the crime
offered Filippo a chance to become angelic like of raping the personal ghoul of the lector-priestess
him and live forever in their saviour’s light - an who oversaw his temple, the Garden of Rainbows.
offer he took up without question or hesitation. When he returned from Duat he believed that
he had not only visited Set but that he was one
He awoke a few days later in the company of of Set’s chosen, and that he had been returned to
Ferox. The Rock Lord’s doctrine convinced him Earth to purify it of the Aeons’ taint.
entirely that he and his new ‘family’ were in fact
angelic, and intended for ascension come the Day What ensued was the vicious and unforgiving
of Judgement. Tonight he feeds messages given to domination of the entire temple within the space
him by Ferox into the various online spaces he has of thee nights. With his overpowering strength and
access to: those of the Inquisition, the Nosferatu, ferocity, coupled with the divine power granted
and even mundane ones intended purely for by Set, he molested the lector-priestess who had
internal communication within the Church. condemned him and forced her to drink his vitae.
He then used her to bring all of the temples ghouls
Image: His flesh has partially sloughed off his into line. After that, the remaining Setites were
bones and petrified, leaving a permanent ‘coat’ simply outnumbered and not powerful enough to
around his almost skeletal frame. Small wings no spurn Babi’s advances.
bigger than a foot in length emerge from this coat
of flesh. His teeth are shards of polished hematite, He has renamed his temple to The Sail of the
providing a metallic effect. He rarely wears clothes Baboon’s Mast, in reference to the god’s legendary
besides a simple white tunic, his bare stone feet role. Within the temple proceeds nightly displays
create cracking sounds with every footstep. of ritualistic fornication and blood sports, both
of which are expected from both Kindred and
Roleplaying Tips: You rarely speak out amongst kine alike. Each night sees another relic destroyed,
the Grigori. You are given tasks by Ferox and another animal violated, and another ghoul or
you complete them, because you are doing God’s Kindred maimed or killed. This display has not
work. In the rare circumstance you do travel with gone unnoticed by Setite leaders the world over.
the Grigori you are kept completely innocent,
ignorant to the nature of the horrors around Image: Owing to his associated god, Babi is
you, something that Ferox not only allows but rendered in the form of a savage baboon with
encourages. an exaggerated phallus. His hieroglyphics depict
the glorious mass fornication and violence that
Sire: Ferox will take place following Set’s resurrection and
Nature: Idealist ascendancy, which he is attempting to bring about
Demeanour: Celebrant by enacting on a smaller scale within his temple.
Generation: 9th Roleplaying Tips: Eat. Drink. Kill. Fuck. It’s what
Set has decreed, as marked upon you for all to see.
Embrace: 2015
Sire: Unknown
Abhorrences: Tusks 1, Weathering 2, Petrified

132 Chapter Seven: A Gallery of Grotesques

Nature: Monster
Demeanour: Bon Vivant
Generation: 12th
Embrace: Unknown
Gestation: 2016
Abhorrences: Petrified Flesh 1, Engravings 2.

Clanbook: Gargoyles 133

Slaves No Longer
A millennium in the making, the Gargoyles are finally ready to spread
their wings and become truly their own masters. Grotesqueries the world
over are finally setting their sights on heights loftier than servitude or
mere survival. They yearn for equal standing amongst the Kindred, a
recognition of Clan status, and even a new stage in their design - and are
ready and willing to fight for them.

Clanbook: Gargoyles includes:

• In-depth looks at the history and society of a race so long dismissed as

• New and updated Visceratika powers and combination Disciplines, as

well as revamped Gargoyle rituals.

• Abhorrence, a new Attribute replacing Appearance, which reflects the

misshapen forms of the Rockheads.

• The next stage of Gargoyle ‘evolution’ - the freakish Misbegotten.

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