Gnolos Restaurant Point of Sale Project Proposal Final Output. 2

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Gnolo’s Restaurant Point of Sale (POS)

Gnolo’s Restaurant still use Manual Ordering System on taking the orders of the costumers. The
proponents of this project proposed a Point-of-Sale System to Gnolo’s Restaurant. The system aimed to
minimize the finding time and lessens the use of manpower.

Specific Problem

 The order items are written manually in a piece of paper and is given to the kitchen staff by the
cashier having the cashier and costumer no copies of it resulting to mistaken orders.
 The ordered item is manually written and the responsibility of losing data is high.
 The sales record files are manually written and the probability of losing data is high.
 Manually taking orders consumes more time causing the other costumers wait for a little bit longer.
 Large ongoing staff training cost.

Project Identification
POS system is the point-of-sale system which was replaced instead of the cash register and it
mainly implemented in many retail stores, restaurants, lodges and so on. They not only see the work
of cash register but also keeps record keeping, reporting, sales, and keeps tracks of past order

Project Sponsor
 Bondoc Family (owner of Gnolo’s Restaurant)

 To develop a system that will provide user efficient working environment and also friendly user
interface resulting in knowledge with each and every usability feature of the system for faster time of
processing in order to accommodate more people.
 To design a module for Gnolo’s Restaurant of Sale System
 To develop a high secured system.
 To develop a system for taking the orders of the costumers.
 To develop a system for simplified sales record.

Business Requirements

 System Record
A POS system can be integrated into accounting produces extensive financial reports. It can calculate the
record sales transaction quickly and easily. It can also monitor the cost of goods sold, purchase price,
sale price and profit margins, allowing users to pull reports.

 System Security
An Employee user and Admin user is assigned to secure the system. Only the Admin user can grant the
access to the sales reports form and view the sales reports.

 System Receipt Printing

There will be a printed receipt for orders in the software so it will be saved on the database of the

 Fast Pay
Quickly ring up an order with only a couple of touches. Automatically computes the total purchased
whenever an item is added and calculate the change when you input an amount price.

 Manage Stocks
The admin user can add, update, delete from stocks.

Business Value

Tangible Value
The main output of this Project proposal will be beneficial to the following:

 Admin – can add an account, can manage the stocks, view the sales record for privacy and
security of the restaurant
 Company – The POS System will help them to decrease large ongoing staff training.
 Customers - have the benefits of the printed receipts right after purchasing an item.
 Researcher - student, teacher, programmer, and web-developer can benefit in this system through
a detailed document.
 Restaurant - Some restaurants nationwide would have an idea of elevating from manual system to
computerized transactions
 Hardware’s

Intangible Value
A POS system can also monitor the cost of goods sold, purchase price, sale price and profit margins,
allowing users to pull reports.

System Request
Gnolo’s Restaurant still use Manual Ordering System on taking the orders of the costumers. The
proponents of this project proposed a Point-of-Sale System to Gnolo’s Restaurant. The system aimed to
minimize the finding time and lessens the use of manpower.

The Objectives and benefits of this proposal is:

 To provide businesses with the ability to computerize, systematize and correlate retail information.
Where cash registers, including complex register systems, have limited information collection
 To simplify the accounting and record-keeping tasks involved in business. Sales are automatically
calculated to determine sales and use tax owed, gross receipts accumulated.
 Will provide easy-to-use and easy-accessed system thus transactions will be more reliable

System Request - Gnolo’s Restaurant Point of Sale (POS)

Project Sponsors: James Bondoc (Owner of Gnolo’s Restaurant)

Business Need: Gnolo’s Restaurant still use Manual Ordering System on taking the orders
of the costumers. This proposed system aimed to minimize the finding time
and lessens the use of manpower.

Business Requirements: System Records, System Security, System Receipt Printing, Fast Pay,
Manage Stocks

Business Value: Expected value cost: 1,330,000

Special issues or constraints:  You can take orders by using code so the personnel in charge had to
memorize the codes of each item.
 System don’t have a debit/ credit card payment detail.

Feasibility Analysis

Technical Feasibility

The project will be created using a web-based application and these are:
 Net beans
 SQL or Oracle

The technologies indicated above are generally available, and the technical skills required are accessible.
This project needs five (5) individuals to make up the development system. The deployment of the
system will take 3-4 months. For the features of this project, it implements to use the system without
losing the data and also, it automatically the list of the foods will be displayed with price clearly.
Economic Feasibility
Identifying Cost and Benefits


 Hardware and software  Software upgrades

 Programmers’ salaries  Operational Team Salaries
 Communication charges
 Electricity
 Internet access
 Transportation


 Revenue increase  Increase customer satisfaction
 Process improvement  Enhanced user experience

Assigning Values to Costs and Benefits


Revenue increased — 500,000

Improved Customer Services — 50,000

Total Benefits — 550,000

Deployment Costs

Hardware — 500,000
Processing Unit — 90,000
Monitor 1920x1080 — 80,000
Touch pad — 50,000
Printer — 100,000
5 programmers / 50,000 — 250,000

Total Development Costs — 1,070,000

Operational Costs

Software upgrades — 150,000

Electricity — 50,000
Internet access — 30,000
Transportation — 30,000
Total Operational Costs — 260,000

TOTAL COSTS — 1,330,000

Cost–Benefit Analysis

2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 TOTAL

Revenue Increase 500,000 510,000 515,000 520,000 530,000

Improved Customer services 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000

TOTAL BENEFITS 550,000 560,000 565,000 570,000 580,000

PV of BENEFITS 533,980 527,853 517,055 506,437 500,313 2,585,638

PV Of all BENEFITS 533,980 1,061,833 1,578,888 2,058,325 2,585,638

Hardware 500,000 0 0 0 0
5 programmer/50,000 250,000 0 0 0 0

Processing Unit 90,000 0 0 0 0

Monitor 80,000 0 0 0 0

Touch pad 50,000 0 0 0 0

Printer 100,000 0 0 0 0

TOTAL DEVELOPMENT 1,070,000 0 0 0 0


Software upgrades 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000

Electricity 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000

Internet access 30,000 31,500 33,600 35,700 30,800

Transportation 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000

TOTAL OPERATIONAL 260,000 261,500 263,600 265,700 270,800

TOTAL COSTS 1,330,000 261,500 263,600 265,700 270,800

PV of COSTS 1,291,262 246,488 240,232 236,071 233,594 2,247,647

PV of all COSTS 1,291,262 1,537,750 1,777,982 2,014,053 2,247,647

TOTAL PROJECT (780,000) 298,500 301,400 304,300 309,200

YEARLY NPV (257,282) 281,365 276,823 270,366 266,719 337,991

CUMULATIVE NPV (757,282) 475,917 199,094 71,272 337,991

RETURN ON INVESTMENT: 15.04% (337,991/2,247,647)x100

BREAK-EVEN POINT: 4.74 years [break-even occurs in year 4;
(270,366 – 71,272)/270,366 0.74]
TANGIBLE BENEFITS This service is currently provided by competitors
Improved customer satisfaction


The implementation of this project aligned with the purpose of the subject Software Engineering 1 as it
proposed the revision of project Gnolo's Restaurant Point of Sale (POS) focusing on the Restaurant
Ordering System.

Position Title Name Position Description Position Key Role in the company
Champion Mr. James Bondoc  Owner’s Restaurant  Decide if the
 Supervise the implementation is
system development successfully done or not
 Examine the system’s final
Programmer Mr. George Patan  Coding execution  Prevent and solve any
 Additional features conflict or issue that may
 Designing arise.
 Fit to complete the
successful adoption of
newly added system
Programmer Ms. Honey Grace  Coding execution  Update the status of the
Lacambra  Additional features software project to the
 Designing client
 Fit to complete the
successful adoption of
newly added system
documenter Ms. Anna Mae  Creator of project  Make project
Apilada documentation documentation successful
 Have experience with
Documenter Ms. Aljean Cadaves  Creator of project  Make project
documentation documentation successful
 Have experience with
Documenter Mr. Gerald Balmocena  Creator of project  Make project
documentation documentation successful
 Have experience with
System Users Employees of Gnolo's  System Tester  Provide feedback for the
Restaurant system implementation
System Users Customers of the  System Tester  Provide feedback for the
Restaurant system implementation


Project Schedule:


MONTHS January February March April May June

Planning W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W

Initiate Project


Gather Data


System Process

Analyzing Problem
Making Design

Making Program

System Testing

Work plan Information

Name of Task: Develop Gnolos’s Restaurant Point of Sale System

Start Date: January 10, 2022

Completion: June 20, 2022

Person Assigned to the task: Project Teams (Programmer, Web Developer and Researches)

Completion Status: Open

Priority: High

Resources that are needed tablets: Computer unit, Receipt printer, SQL or Oracle and Net beans

Estimated Time: 100 Hours

Actual time: 70 Hours

Requirement’s Definition

Functional Requirements
Our proposed system should:
 Provide user efficient working environment and also friendly user interface resulting in
knowledge with each and every usability feature of the system for faster time of processing
in order to accommodate.
 Provide high secured system
 Taking orders from costumers
 Provide businesses with the ability to computerize, systematize and correlate retail
information. Where cash registers, including complex register systems, have limited
information collection capacity.
 Simplify the accounting and record-keeping tasks involved in business. Sales are
automatically calculated to determine sales and use tax owed, gross receipts accumulated.
 Provide easy-to-use and easy-accessed system thus transactions will be more reliable

We added some features for online payments such as E-wallet: Gcash, Paymaya and WeChat
Pay through QR code payment, the consumer scans the QR code displayed by the merchant with
their smartphone to pay for their products. They enter the amount they have to pay and finally
submit. This is a more secure card-not-present method than others.

Non-Functional Requirements

The following statements are what only the system can do.

 You can take orders by using code so the personnel in charge had to memorize the codes of
each item.

 System don’t have a debit/ credit card payment detail.

Due to time and not sufficient knowledge of the proponents, the software that is developed
covers only the aspect of food ordering payments, adding stocks and sales record details.
Technical Requirements

Proposed System Flowchart:

Context Data Flow:
Functional Model:

Use case :

Use case: Check out -Textual Description

Use Case Name: Check out

Summary Choosing of Order and make payment
Actors Restaurant customers and Cashier
Precondition Customer will wait until their orders are accepted and process.
Description 1. Customer will create an account and then login.
2. Customer can view the Menu, Choose Order, Remove
Order, and Check out Order.
3. System will record the order,present description,price and
the running total.
4. System calculates total price and display to the customer.
5. Cashier asked the mode of payment.
6. Customer selects the mode and make payment, and system
handles the payment.
7. System records completed sale and send sale information.
8. The external inventory system for stock update.
9. System present the receipt.
10.Customer leaves with receipt and wait until the food will

Alternatives 1. Customer cancel the transaction.

2. Cashier suspend the sale.
3. Cashier login failed.
4. System hang ups or system crashes.
5. Customer chooses to pay by cash but don’t have enough
Point of Condition Payment is approved.Sale is recorded and saved in the
system.Receipt is printed and inventory is updated.
Behavioral Models


Fig. 6 Sequence Diagram of System with no
internal details
The sequence diagram shown above
in figure considers the POS system
as black box and two actors
customer and cashier perform their
operations. The happy path would be
all items scanned successfully,
payment is approved and receipt is
Figure: Sequence Diagram






The sequence diagram shown above in figure considers the POS system as black box and two
actors customer and cashier perform their operations. The payment is approved and receipt is

Figure: Communication Diagram

Figure: CRUDE Matrix

Entity Process Customer Custom Order Customer Cashier Admin Vendor Invoice
Receive R C CR
Process CRU RU RU R
Maintain CU U
Checkout U RU
Remove C U U
Create Customer C U
Receive R R R
Review RU R
Inventory Report RU R
Print Receipt R C

Manage Users C U

Update U
View Transaction R R
Delete Food U D
Add New Food U D
Generate Sales CR
Edit Prices R U C

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