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Experimental Science I

Final Project

Francisco Rodriguez #737949

Emiliano García #735194

Joel Montoya #737146

Braulio Hernandez #737028

- Introduction

In this project we want to check how the pH of the water changes when different
substances are added to it, such as bicarbonate, vinegar, chlorine and soap, we’ll
use pH tests in order to see how the pH changes depending on what we add to the

- Research

pH, quantitative measure of the acidity or basicity of aqueous or other liquid

solutions. The term, widely used in chemistry, biology, and agronomy, translates the
values of the concentration of the hydrogen ion—which ordinarily ranges between
about 1 and 10−14 gram-equivalents per liter into numbers between 0 and 14. In
pure water, which is neutral, the concentration of the hydrogen ion is 10−7
gram-equivalents per liter, which corresponds to a pH of 7. A solution with a pH less
than 7 is considered acidic; a solution with a pH greater than 7 is considered basic,
or alkaline.
pH is important because substances such as our stomach acids tend to be at a
certain pH in order to work properly. pH is also important because it must be at
certain levels in order for living organisms to survive.

- Description of the experiment

In this experiment what we are going to do is that we are going to measure the pH of
different liquids and how it changes when water is added, the liquids that are going
to be used are the following: Water, soap, chlorine, baking soda and vinegar. What
we expect for our hypothesis is that all the substances will increase the water pH

- Experimentation
- Analysis of the results

Substance Water Water with Water with Water with Water with
combined soap chlorine sodium vinegar
with water bicarbonate

PH 8 12 11 10 3

- Experiment conclusion

From the previous experimentation it results that our hypothesis was wrong, not all
the substances increased the water pH, the only exception for this, was the vinegar,
which reduced the pH of the water making it an acid.

- Conclusions

Emiliano: What I get most from this experiment is that the pH varies much from one
liquid to another and that if you add water it most likely decreases the pH. Also I
found it interesting how water becomes more acidic if you mix it with other

Francisco: What I conclude from this project is first of all how can we develop a
hypothesis of anything that we can think, in this case in how the pH changes in water
depending on what substances you put in it, I also saw how the water becomes a
base or an acid depending on what substances you include.

Braulio: My conclusion is that doing this experiment was really interesting because
we were able to know what happens to pH when we add substances, that we usually
have in home, to water.

Joel: Well I think this was kind of interesting, our hypothesis was wrong but we all
learn how pH reacts with each substance.

- APA references

Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopedia (2020, June 3). pH. Encyclopedia Britannica.

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